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  • Report:  #1098076

Complaint Review: Rosemont Senior Retirement & Assisted Living Community

Rosemont Senior Retirement & Assisted Living Community Damaging Retaliatory Actions & Resulting Unnecessary Intentional Abuse & Attempted Slander/Character Assassination Campaign Perpetrated Upon Resident’s Family Members By Rosemont Director Yelm Washington

  • Reported By:
    Mickey — Belfair Washington
  • Submitted:
    Sat, November 09, 2013
  • Updated:
    Thu, November 14, 2013

After considerable thought on the subject concerning multiple types of abuse, I have elected to take this opportunity in order to file an appropriate complaint against Rosemont Senior Retirement & Assisted Living Facility, 215 Killion Road NW, Yelm, WA 98597, for the facility director’s decision to advance a nasty and vindictive half-baked sinister plan to arbitrarily & capriciously take it upon herself -- yes, of her own blind spiteful volition -- in order to create a vindictive scenario out of a misguided continuing effort to retailiate against me personally and impugn my reputation -- which all ended-up sadly causing myself, my mother, and close relatives much unnecessary grief, hassle, and consummate trouble in the process. The embattled director apparently just snapped, and then on an arbitrary whim decided to seize-the-day, go-for-broke, and pull-out-all-the-stops to a ridiculously desperate “Hail Mary” hope-and-prayer degree in executing her vile defamation campaign and attendant character assassination plot, which ended all too disastrously.


In terms of historic perspective, I must advance the factual finding that for a considerable time period things had been become increasingly tense between the director and myself, thus our relationship deteriorated a substantial degree.  During this time a few noteworthy troubling events had taken place; and chief among them were certain episodes of formal legitimate complaints I had lodged, along with well-meaning suggestions submitted to the suggestion box and multiple work request submissions as well -- all of which apparently served to cause the director such grief as to overwhelm her in such fashion as for her to turn against me and seek perpetual revenge.


I had always visited my dear mother -- who resided there until her tragic death earlier this year -- at regular intervals and would generally stay overnight -- and/or a few days in-a-row at times -- which would afford me much exposure to Rosemont goings-on and ample time in which to formulate solutions to deficiencies I would encounter and problems I would discover and then report and/or submit suggestions and work requests, etc., in order to attempt corrective resolutions as apropos.  I believe that the director was not used to this much visitation by a resident’s relative and thus was perhaps not all too thrilled with this arrangement.


Prior to the occurrence of the incident at issue, my mother was moved from her previous apartment (#110) into her new apartment (#120), after which I submitted appropriate & legitimate work requests through normal channels for the purpose of correcting problems I had discovered in MAYETTA’s new apartment.  One of the work requests concerned what had appeared to be copius reddish-tinged spatter stains on the bathroom wall that had not been removed or at least painted-over by the Rosemont maintenance staff following departure of the former resident living there before the place was cleaned and prepped for mother to move-in.  This work request was never undertaken by maintenance staff and the horrible disgusting stains remained in-place upon the wall.  I finally became a bit frustrated at the lack of maintenance concern or response, and so as a joke I drew some cartoon characters on the wall in such a manner as to superimpose these characters upon the spatter stains. Following this activity, I titled the tongue-in-cheek mock abstract piece and then facetiously signed “Salvadore Dali” at the bottom -- in honor of the great iconic artist.  I believe that when the director found-out about it, she likely visualized the situation as an opportunity to retaliate against me -- not only for the severely misinterpreted “artwork” on the bathroom wall, but more importantly for the environmental control system heating malfunction debacle which had recently occurred in mother’s room, which endangered mom and put her at extreme health risk, and which had also served to embarrass the Rosemont Director -- along with a host of other unflattering prior incident occurrences as well -- so it would appear that the director decided to concoct her cockamamie scheme and cleverly hatch-it during one of my upcoming extended visits with my dear mother.  A short time later, when the director discovered that I was on the premises to visit my mother, and planning to stay overnight, the director realized the opportunity to spring her plan into action, and so she executed it to perfection the following day when she contacted my close relatives and persuasively summoned them to appear at Rosemont in order to participate in a coordinated effort to surprise me with a family intervention, which turned-out to be just not right at all, and completely unfair, unnecessarily harmful, undeserved, unwarranted, abusive, intentionally cruel, and exceedingly unjust -- oh yes, just altogether absolute and incontrovertible utter madness, to be sure !!!!


Over time, the director ostensibly developed a pronounced propensity and insatiable appetite for exacting unrequited vengeance through retaliation at seemingly any cost, and all the pent-up anger, hatred, and overall frustration welling-up inside her and ready to ferociously explode in a terribly tempestuous fury at-the-drop-of-a-hat may have combined to the point where she must have just finally snapped and then did a dumb, impulsive, and thoughtlessly embarrassing thing in desperately going after me with the unleashing of her extreme measures -- and in such an extreme villainous manner …. ruthless, to be sure.


In light of the foregoing explanation, the primary substance of my present grievance advanced against the Rosemont Senior Assisted Living Community Director becomes a legitimate complaint given rise because of her intentional involvement in championing a defamation of character campaign against me personally by contacting my close relatives -- via both e-mail & telephone -- and expressing her staged belief, quasi-concerns, and trumped-up charges that because of the silly cartoon characters I had drawn on mother’s bathroom wall, this somehow constituted erratic & suspicious behavior which would ostensibly mean that I must be evil,satanic, out-of-control, and/or mentally/psychologically/emotionally ill; thus disturbed and unstable -- to such supposed degree & magnitude as to possibly make me unfit to continue being around my own mother, and that my future presence at the facility would therefore have to be perceived as a likely threat, and a danger to my mother's safety and well-being, and the overall safety and welfare of the entire Rosemont community as well, and therefore the director felt it necessary that I should undergo a surprise family intervention, confrontation, and resultant encouragement to seek admission to a mental health program.  Sadly, all this ridiculous Rosemont Director-generated B.S. -- contrived and disguised as a deep concern for individual and public welfare -- came about as the result of a simple humorous drawing that I created and the director had surreptitiously intercepted -- likely with help from staff members that she enlisted -- and then chose to immediately blow-out-of-proportion in such fashion as to strategically utilize it as a means to retaliate against me for past complaints, observations, revelations, and suggestions that I had submitted, and to which she was opposed, upset with, and possibly embarrassed about in-terms of exposure and disclosure -- and everything that such unintended transparency could potentially entail.


In order to go to the ridiculous extent as to try and deem me as mentally unfit to be allowed further privilege to enter the Rosemont facility, the director must have felt that I had crossed-her one too many times and that was it, so she lowered-the-boom, vowed to retaliate, and then committed to that vow by planning and launching a campaign to destroy me and keep me from ever returning to the facility, thus depriving my mother from being visited and nurtured, so therefore the director’s immature selfish notions were poised to trump dear mother’s needs, and thus was not at all for the good, and moreover completely against her welfare -- a steep price for mother, my relatives, and I to be made to pay in order for the director to create a despicable opportunity get back at me.  Adult kindergarten on-parade ….. dumb-dumb-dumb-de-dumb-dumb !!!!!!!





It is indeed an absolute fact that myself, my mother, and my relatives have unnecessarily suffered on numerous levels and to great degrees because of the Rosemont Director’s ill-conceived and inexcusably drastic actions.  Moreover, in the director’s hasty zeal, cavalier disregard, abject carelessness, and overall impulsive recklessness, she managed to create a terrible scenario which most certainly could have caused a horrible rift and much unnecessary compound embarrassment, disruption, strife, discord, resentment, stresses, and other related disturbing troubles within my family.  The aforementioned facts indeed constitute failed facility practices which need to be officially addressed and corrected sans further delay.


The high risk of causing this potentially ugly outcome was given rise simply because the Rosemont Director, of her own volition, chose to involve a few of my closest relatives in her evil scheme by cleverly and intentionally tricking them -- in clandestine fashion, behind-my-back, and as a pompously self-appointed arbiter of her own making, and acting upon her ill-founded decision to implement actions against me as she deemed fit.  The director willfully tricked my relatives into secretly assembling at the Rosemont facility to intercept me during one of my visits there, in order to conduct a very silly, unfounded, confounded, outrageous, affronting, lame, ridiculous, and personally violating & embarrassing "family intervention" for the purpose of confronting me as a group about the "Rosemont Director-perceived" wacky notion, assertion, and allegation that I was somehow (as determined by ONLY her) to be a very sick, insane, evil, wicked, satanic, and thus dangerous individual -- and therefore a threat to my own Mother's safety and well-being .... and even perhaps a danger to others in the Rosemont community as well -- and that it was deemed (solely by the director) proper for me to be approached, confronted, and urged to seek professional help in a mental health care setting before I could ever again be allowed on the premises to visit my Mother in the future.  I believe that one of the director’s primary objectives -- should her wicked plan actually realize success -- was to try and secure a “kangaroo-court” generated justification that she could exploit in such fashion as to get me banned from the Rosemont facility in order that I would no longer be afforded further opportunity to investigate institutional deficiencies & discrepancies, nor to be able to “look-over-her-shoulder” -- so to speak -- ever again.  The Rosemont Director’s shamefully-disgraceful and lame-brained childish scheme of hatching such an ill-advised, wickedly-impetuous, vindictive retribution plan of setting-me-up for wrongful and undeserved shame, embarrassment, disgrace, and attendant potential character assassination has got to become incontrovertibly realized by all as being an unfortunate and unacceptable episode of wanton unspeakable bedeviled madness for certain -- and absolutely treated as such. In all, the foregoing behavior on the part of the Rosemont facility director patently constitutes a colossal flagrant episode of severely failed facility practice on-parade.


By way of reiteration, emphasis, and review, I will capitalize upon this opportunity in order to duly remind all readers of this complaint that the malevolent Rosemont director should be made to realize the full extent of negative impact of the deplorable insult which she has thoughtlessly, carelessly, and disgracefully perpetrated upon myself, my dear late mother, and other family members involved in this horrible matter, and as the outcome of such realization, the Rosemont director should become duly sanctioned and implored to formally apologize to myself and my relatives in-writing for the reprehensible actions she has perpetrated against us, and for malicious exploitation of my relatives for her own ill-conceived and ill-willed vindictive purposes.  The aforementioned type of disciplinary action -- at a minimum -- does indeed represent the obviously proper ameliorative course of action to be taken against the offending director under these shameful untoward circumstances.  Thank the Good Lord above that my relatives were able to see through all this ugliness for what it was, and that we can all now finally chuckle, sigh, and awkwardly reminisce over just how very silly the entire ordeal turned-out to become in the end.

In light of the aforementioned misadventures and all the dastardly demonic ingredients involved in it’s vile construction, I can clearly conclude that the Rosemont Senior Retirement & Assisted Living Community is one infamous institution that families of prospective new residents -- searching for an ideal environment in which their loved one can safely reside -- should avoid like the plague.  I would wholeheartedly encourage anyone to invest their hard-earned money elswhere when it comes to selecting an appropriate assisted-living facility for themselves or their beloved parents to reside within.

3 Updates & Rebuttals



Evidence Arsenal

#4Author of original report

Thu, November 14, 2013

In terms of supporting evidence associated with this report, there are three principal sources available: (1) E-mail correspondence, (2) telephone records, and (3) photographic evidence.




Appreciation For Candor and Advice

#4Author of original report

Sat, November 09, 2013

Thank you for taking time and expending effort in order to read through the entire lengthy report. You are to be commended for your perseverence, as well as for your candor and the good advice you've imparted.

Although the entire event is indeed incredible, and even perhaps hard to believe -- to casual outside observers -- let me assure you that it did indeed occur.  My relatives were tricked into participation in a bait-and-switch manner and they quickly saw through it all once the "intervention" was underway, so please allow this explanation to alleviate your concern over whether or not they may be "nuts" for being hoodwinked and exploited the way they were.  As was stated near the end of my report, we have all finally recovered from the incident and can reminisce over just how bizarre, silly, and nonsensical the entire situation turned-out to be, after all was said-and-done.

Should you become interested in pursuing further study of Rosemont history, I do invite you to consult this forum for additional reports previously filed -- especially the report concerning my dear mother's sad unnecessary demise under suspicious circumstances while she was a resident at the Rosemont facility.

Thank you once again for your response and your interest in this most unusual and convoluted matter.





#4Consumer Comment

Sat, November 09, 2013

This complaint would have been a lot easier to read without the hyperbole and excessive use of adjectives and adverbs.   And unless your relatives are all nuts wihout regard for your mother's wellbeing, I find it hard to believe the director could turn them all against you. 

Your complaint would carry a lot more weight if you just stuck to the facts and wrote a bit (or a lot) more succinctly.

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