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  • Report:  #1304462

Complaint Review: Round Sky Inc.

Round Sky Inc. Ralleigh GrandberryJohn Gatins Round Sky Inc. Scam - John Gatins & Ralleigh Grandberry are the worst thieves ever discovered! Las Vegas Nevada

  • Reported By:
    mikedaw — Atlanta Georgia USA
  • Submitted:
    Mon, May 09, 2016
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 12, 2016

I've dealt with this company called Round Sky Inc, based in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America. We were looking for a personal loan lead program that could deliver better results than our main advertiser. When I first spoke to John Gatins and Ralleigh Grandberry, both claimed how everyone who promotes their offer is getting consistent $2+ EPCs. I knew that this was only said to suck me in. 


FYI, payouts in the personal loan industry vary from $2 to $100+. We've very good traffic and our primary advertiser paid us consistently high payouts for our traffic. But we were looking for an offer that could give us an even better payout. We're always looking to improve our current net profits, but that's not what happened when we promoted for Round Sky Inc.! Our EPC dropped from $1.1 to $0.30. John Gatins claimed how he was sure that I was going to get an even better EPC with his offer. I still recall his words "If you're doing that well with your advertiser, you're going to crush it with us".


I've generated thousands of leads for this company and they only paid me 1 x $100 lead. I addressed this issue to Round Sky Inc. and said I would no longer promote for them. It's a losing proposition and everything that was promised never happened. Round Sky Inc. only paid my company $0.8 - $3/lead, even though we probably had 50 - 100 leads paying $50-$100+. They kept the good leads (so most of the money) and gave us the trash. John and Ralleigh, if you were smarter you would have kept only 30% of all $100 leads, making it less obvious that you’re stealing from me. It’s very obvious what you did here and it put me out of business with you. What really pisses me off is that you insulted my intelligence. And now you’re begging for my traffic again. How dumb you two are!


Anyways, I've decided to discontinue. But that didn't stop John Gatins from contacting me. He kept on contacting me and telling me how they've improved their offer and how many of their affiliates are achieving better conversion rates. Sorry, but I already heard that a year ago and it was nothing more than hot air. My traffic must have converted well for me and that's why he kept on begging for more traffic. Not going to happen, Johnny boy. I pointed out how fraudulent he and his arrogant partner Ralleigh is and that I no longer wish to be contacted. 


The only reason why I'm publishing this is because John decided to continue with his annoyance. John and Ralleigh will do anything to make money. They're 2 greedy, deceptive and lying scambags. They’re pure scum. The boomerang is coming back now. I highly recommend not to do business with this company. I've the privilege to have spoken to Ralleigh scambag himself. He's a person of bad character, a person of greed and a person of arrogance. He was so rude when he spoke to me over the phone. Unacceptable. 


I'm also going to file a report with the FTC. If Round Sky Inc. was not an internet based lead generation broker/company, they would have gone out of business and gone to jail a long time ago. They could never get away with what they're doing. But I’m putting an end to this now because I don’t want to see other individuals suffer like I did.

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Just Apologize!

#5Author of original report

Thu, May 12, 2016

I'm going to reply to this:

"Again, over 50% of the traffic that we received was fraudulent or not usable. Over 20% did not pass our fraud filters, an additional 30% were duplicate leads"

If I had really such a high fraudulent traffic rate, why didn't you shut me down? You keep begging for traffic. That's the first time I hear that. Nobody pointed that out before, I wonder why? I think what's more likely is that you shaved 50% of my leads. 

Are you able to provide detail reporting on everything? Also showing how many leads I generated, how much they paid, anything.. without manipulating data? How many leads were scrubbed or disappeared? ;) You're the only one who has access to that data :). 

I'm operating lead management systems (ping trees) as well and I know how the game works. There are honest and also dishonest people in the industry. Many are scum. What I dislike even more is when someone like you has the arrogance to argue over it. You're not going to satisfy your customer by doing it.

The only thing you should do is apologize for being greedy. You should apologize privately and ask to resolve this. What you're doing here is just making you look like a fool.

I also don’t see your network listed on any cpa/affiliate review sites (like odigger, offervault). I wonder why that is (perhaps people left bad reviews in the past and you delisted it?). Just because you’ve been in business for 10 years, doesn’t mean you are solid. Most customers don’t like to complain to your face but some will if you annoy them enough.


Optimize my data? I showed John proof that i achieved 3 to 4 times higher EPCs with another network. He then said I'll do better with his offer lol. I sure did better for him. I know how to optimize. I'm tired of listening to your BS.

Nazar B.


Nothing of substance in your complaint

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, May 12, 2016

Dear Gerald,


It seems your main complaint now is that you were not profttable in the campaigns you ran and John kept on asking you for more traffic.


Here are our replies:

1. Unfortunately we do not know where you buy traffic and don't know how much you pay for that traffic. Our business is to connect consumers with lenders. If you were unable to make the campaigns profittable, you should have stopped running them. It seems like your main complaint was that YOU COULDN'T FIGURE OUT how to optimize your campaigns and you are blaming us for this. If you couldn't optimize your campaigns and they were not profttable for you in general, you should have just stopped running them.


2. John kept on contact you -- that is his job, he manages affiliates/publishers. If you didn't want to talk with him, you should have told him to stop and should have just blocked him on Skype and stopped replying to his emails. You also say that he kept messaging you even after you told him to stop, WE DO HAVE SCREENSHOTS OF YOU MESSAGING HIM FIRST, on more than one occasion.


Again, over 50% of the traffic that we received was fraudulent or not usable.


Over 20% did not pass our fraud filters, an additional 30% were duplicate leads

Along with that, on your own website you’ve accused every cpa network of “stealing” from you.  But you also point out that you don’t even know how the systems work and say many factors come into play when it comes to traffic.


Aboveall, you should have just stopped workign as soon as you weren't happy. You keep saying you are not a "newbie" or a "dummy" -- if you tried it and it didn't work, you stop and move on. This is business and not personal. You try things, some campaigns don't work out, the ones that do, you stay with them, the ones that don't you stop running them.


Bottom line is: you stayed with us for 5 months, we paid you on time. If you were unhappy you should have left sooner.


Good luck Gerald.



#5Author of original report

Wed, May 11, 2016

This is the one and only response I'm going to be making.

Unfortunately I can't post screenshots of the conversation I had with John. That's good for you. 

Your response lacks substance. I've told clearly that I'm done with the offer and no longer wish to promote for RoundSky, yet John insisted to pitch me with his old sales tactics. Even after I clearly said I'm done with it, I HAVE BEEN CONTACTED SEVERAL TIMES. It's annoying me. So by saying that I should have told your team to no longer be contacted is a hypothetical statement. 

The fact that your guys were still desperately begging for my traffic clearly shows how much money you've been making from my traffic. 

You say: "You've made a lot of money with us". How could you possibly know? Do you have any idea how much I spent on generating traffic? Revenue is not what counts - but net profit is. I lost money with you.  The only thing I know for a certainty is that you made some good money from my traffic. You don't think that anyone is going to believe your BS reply? At least not the ones with a brain. You coming out and saying that I made money with you is less than smart. You're a bunch of bad bluffers. The only thing that kept me going was pushing, lying John. If I made good money with you, I'd still be promoting your offer, why wouldn't I? Turn on your brains!!

You are/were dealing with a seasoned marketer! Not a newbie, not a dummy.. but someone who knows what's going on. The stats and your actions prove everything. The thing that bothers me the most is that you think I’m that stupid.

Good luck!

Nazar B.

Las Vegas,

"Mike Daw" is a fake review name / Round Sky has been in business for 10+ years

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 10, 2016

Dear "Mike Daw",

You are not in our system as a publisher.

After speaking with John and Ralleigh it appears you are likely to be a publisher we had by the name of "Gerald."

First off - it appears you fealt you were mistreated by Round Sky, and whether you are right or wrong, you took the time to vent on this report, and I'd like to say I'm sorry for this.. this is the first "report" like this report was written about our company in 10+ years that we've been in business.

Looking at your history with us as a publisher, Gerald, it appears you were promoting one of our offers from July 2015 to December 2015. Being a publisher in internet marketing you know that you have options, Round Sky has many competitors, if you fealt we were stealing, you simply should have stopped sending us your traffic. We do not have any minimum term commitments, you are free to come and go as you please.

It seems your main point of contention seems to be that you feel you were underpaid. It is true, payouts in the personal loan industry vary from $2 to $100+ per lead. But for whatever reason your traffic was converting on the lower end of that spectrum. Again -- if you fealt underpaid you should have just stopped working with us!

For whatever reason the traffic you were sending, more than 20% did not pass our fraud filters, an additional 30% were duplicate leads. It seems you are a "list building wiz" so if you were promoting our offer to the same list of people over and over and expecting the leads to keep on selling, this would probably be a incorrect assumption.

Your next point of contention seems that even after you stopped, John kept on contacting you. Most of this contact probably happened over Skype or email. John is a tenation account manager, but if you would have asked him to stop contacting you, I don't see why he would waste his time if you would have told him that you are not interested.

While you were so quick to list our full names, we will not list your full name on the internet, Gerald.

Again, Round Sky has no minimum commitments, and a lot of internet marketing companies don't have them either, you did stay with us for 5 months and you did earn a good amount of money, but next time you feel you are underpaid, just stop working with that company.

Life is too short to work with people who you don't like, we hope you do find someone who you think is right for you.

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