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  • Report:  #795198

Complaint Review: Royal Savings & Loan Ekonomisk Forening RSLE Holdings Al Atas Group

Royal Savings & Loan Ekonomisk Forening, RSLE Holdings, Al Atas Group Sheik Muhammed Al Atas, Doctor Al Atas International investment scam / fraud utilizing fraudulent bank notes and lines of credit. Internet, Internet

  • Reported By:
    Justice for Al Atas Victims — USA
  • Submitted:
    Fri, November 04, 2011
  • Updated:
    Fri, January 08, 2016

Muhammad Adnan Al Atas appears to be involved in an international scam utilizing fraudulent Prime Bank Notes and fraudulent Letters of Credit and promising the duped investors huge returns of 100% or more in a short period of time, usually 30 to 90 days. Some of the investors understood that they were investing to become a member in an economic association. The memberships were offered for $500,000 or more. In some cases, groups of investors were pooled together to come up with the membership fee and were each promised 100 % return in a matter of weeks. The victims were often told the investment was so complex that they would have difficulty understanding and other terms such as Swift and KTT were used to indicate the sophistication of the investment opportunity. Several potential investors were invited to visit Al Atas in Labuan, Malaysia.

The Al Atas Group claims to be made up of banks, international trading in bullion, precious metals and stones, and stock brokerage houses with companies based in various countries including Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, UK, USA and Australia.

In the past two years The Al Atas Group and RSLE Holdings (Malaysia) made a failed attempt to purchase The Anod Bank of Mongolia and met with representatives of the Cook Islands to discuss the utilization of a note backed by the Cook Islands collective assets. Al Atas told the government representatives that the note would be traded on the stock exchange and promised a 10% return per week.

The following individuals are believed to be working with Al Atas and may be assisting him to perpetrate this fraud: Peter Gregory Kakos of Palos Hills, Illinois Yossi Joseph First of Los Angeles, California Madeleine First of Los Angeles, California Kakos and Associates Global Accountants LLC of Palos Hills, Illinois

The following company names have been identified as being related to the scam: Royal Savings & Loan Ekonomisk Forening (RSLE) of Sweden

RSLE Holdings Al Atas Group Regal Credit, Australia Royal Pacific Bancorporation Limited Al Atas Holding Group Touched by an Angel P & R, LLC Emperor Global Investment Group Emperor Management Associates First Trust Company of Switzerland

An investigation is underway to identify other victims of Al Atas and his group. The objective is to provide an investigative report with as much information as possible to local police, federal authorities and the appropriate international law enforcement agencies. If you have additional information related to Al Atas, the identified companies and individuals or if you are a victim of this group, please contact us at: (((REDACTED)))

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5 Updates & Rebuttals



Any news from Al Atas

#6General Comment

Fri, January 08, 2016

I have been defrauded by this man also, and I am wondering if they are any news about his actual location and situation ?



Dr Adnan Muhhamad Al Atas

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, May 19, 2013

Sent to a Lady reporter for a NZ television programme just yesterday.

Sorry for writing to you like this out of the blue.

I read some stories on the Internet relating to the infamous so-called Dr Muhammad Adnan Al Atas. I and several other colleagues were unfortunate enough to become his merciless pray. He lured us into his deceit being a master of trickery .He was supposedly selling oil products and conned us out of a lot of money. First payment was 360,000 Euros in 2006 and more. I would have to relate the entire story for you to fully understand his modus operandi. This was a lot of money ALL told and even stole my children’s School fees whilst we resided in Phuket Thailand living in his fairy story world us as part players. The scammer put my kids and I in a serious predicament since our money was transferred to his account for safe keeping whilst in transit. Having called him religiously, was beside myself with worry his lies getting worse every day then had to fly to Bangkok to see him. When I went back to speak to him in his rented bungalow, he’d already flown the coop with his family in tow. I heard so many things about him; personally think they should make a movie about him. I then realised this international fraudster was well gone with our money nevertheless would love to have my day in court with him - wherever that may be.

His treachery defies one’s faith in humanity. Part of this money was used to open up this Royal Savings & Loan BANK.

He left me penniless. Needless to say, My Property Empire collapsed because the Banks foreclosed on my loans that had been raised against properties to finance his scams for oil allocations, now knowing were just fabricated bullshit. He even gave me and colleagues tests to see whether we were capable of working for his Empire. The setting was like the movie – the sting. He was so convincing the guy seriously deserves an Oscar. I later heard he was paying the maids for – SEX. This was beast hidden under the charade of a holier than thou devout Muslim left us downstairs in the place we had paid for (unknown to us at the time) whilst under the pretence of praying to Allah was servicing the maids. I by no means want to sound vulgar, nonetheless just trying to keep the story straight.

I have volumes of stories to tell. However, need to know where to start unless my hard efforts become a fruitless exercise after reading about his other scams that seem to make my heartfelt pleas for justice pale into significance.

I have some pictures of him with us during this well thought out façade of his is quite laughable in some parts if it were not so serious. I still have our Company id: cards. I was director of international affairs. At the time I could hardly even spell that – ha,ha.

Anyway, sorry if I’m just wasting your valuable time Barbara realising you have heard so much about this man we’re just more victims to add to the pile. Had he not scammed us, he would never been able to go upmarket with his’ the sky’s the limit projects really wishing I had never set eyes on this animal.

Best wishes


Been Scammed

United States of America


#6Consumer Comment

Fri, February 15, 2013

We are a group of Investors in the US who have been scammed and conned out of our life savings by Muhammad Adnan Al Atas (Indonesian) who is hiding in Jakarta Indonesia now and his associate Mr Peter Kakos(American) who is hiding in Chicago USA and Mr Yossi First (American) who is hiding in Los Angeles USA.

There is currently a Television Expose of the fraudulent operations committed by these Conmen that is being prepared by a Ms Barbra Dreaver of New Zealand TV who has been gathering evidence from many of the victims of these Three Conmen so that the general public will be aware of their scams and report them to the police wherever they are trying to do their scams.

These three Scammers have all been involved in the creation and operation of an International Scam involving the issue of Fake Bank Instruments via RSLE a Swedish Credit Union that has now been made bankrupt and de-registered by the Swedish Financial Authorities and this Credit Union has never had any assets or cash on deposit with any bank in the world and it was created to function as nothing more than a shell vehicle for their global scams.

Al Atas and his associates have run their scams and conned everyone by saying that RSLE has hundreds of Billions of cash assets gold and gemstones which have all come mostly from the Al Atas family, various European Royal Families, wealthy individuals and governments but when asked for any names of banks to verify these statements  they say that they cannot revel this to anyone nor can they revel where these assets are held or deposited and these assets are supposedly used to support the RSLE operations and the issue of bank instruments by RSLE. 

From our investigation we have been able to find out the following information that Al Atas, his associates and RSLE Holdings the owner of RSLE Sweden were based in Labuan Malaysia from 2006 until the end of 2009 at which time Al Atas and his associates Peter Kakos and Yossi First all ran away to the US because the Labuan and Malaysian Government Authorities raided his office and began an investigation into RSLE Holdings, Al Atas and his various operations including the issue of Fake and Fraudulent Bank Instruments and Illegal Deposit Taking without a valid Banking License.

Al Atas has been doing this scamming for a long time he has over the past 10 years taken from various people their gemstones, jade, gold, cash, luxury watches etc and he has never paid a single cent or even returned their property to them even to this day there are people searching for him so that they can get their property back from him and a number of these people have provided evidence against Al Atas and his Associates for the ongoing investigation into their Global Scamming Operations by the FBI and Interpol..

Al Atas and his associates are just stealing the money for themselves to live a five star lifestyle on other peoples hard earned funds and this is the only thing that will happen to any money that they receive from any Investor  and any investor who gives them any money or anyone who deals with them will only lose their money to Al Atas and when they try to chase him to get their funds back he invents unbelievable stories of deals about to take place and payout to everyone or he runs away or he changes his phone numbers and he will no longer communicate with them so that they cannot find him or contact him to cause him any problems and he does this in the hope that they will give up and go away and then he looks for a new sucker or investor to start the scam all over again.

Al Atas is currently hiding in Jakarta Indonesia because so many people are searching for him including the Authorities,  he is penniless and living on the charity of others and whatever funds he can scam out of people who will listen and believe his stories but we have turned our evidence over to the FBI and Interpol and the net is closing on Al Atas and it is only a matter of time before we put him in jail for all the crimes he has committed.

We have recently been receiving numerous complaints from many other people who have become aware of our legal actions and the official FBI and Interpol Investigations into these three Scammers and Con men and many of these people contacting us have also been scammed by these three people Muhammad Adnan Al Atas, Yossi First, Peter Kakos for Millions of Dollars.

One of the groups who have contacted us comes from Thailand and they have informed us that Alatas has stolen Two very large uncut  Rubies from the Owner who lives in Thailand that are valued at between USD 300 Million and USD 800 Million in their current uncut state and it has come to the attention of the owners and ourselves that Alatas and his two accomplices Peter Kakos and Yossi First are all now trying to use these two Rubies to raise funds supposedly for an Investment Trading Program with Banks in Europe and he currently has the stones with him in Indonesia.

The owners of the Two Ruby stones are prepared to pay a substantial reward upon the capture and arrest of Alatas and his two friends for trying to use the two Ruby Stones for their deals and for the exact location of where Alatas is hiding so he can be caught and arrested and where he has hidden the Two Ruby Stones so that they can be retrieved by the rightful owners.

Please be warned any party that assists or facilitates Alatas and his two friends to use these Two Ruby Stones which do not belong to them or that they are not authorized to have or use for any purpose will be reported to the authorities especially Interpol for assisting and committing an International Crime.

Been Scammed

Been Scammed

United States of America


#6Consumer Comment

Wed, December 19, 2012

We are a group of Investors in the US who have been scammed and conned out of our life savings by Muhammad Adnan Al Atas (Indonesian) who is hiding in Jakarta Indonesia now and his associate Mr. Peter Kakos(American) who is hiding in Chicago USA and Mr. Yossi First (American) who is hiding in Los Angeles USA.

These three people have all been involved in the creation and operation of an International Scam involving the issue of Fake Bank Instruments via RSLE a Swedish Credit Union that has no assets or cash on deposit with any bank in the world it is nothing more than a shell vehicle for their global scams.

These three people we have had investigated by a renowned Private Investigation Firm in the US who have complied a 1000 page dossier on the crimes committed by these three people in which it is proven that they are no more that thieves and liars who have scammed and conned people all over the world out of their funds with stories of Investment Trading or Bloomberg Trading or the buying and selling of bank instruments or gold or precious gems and in most cases the Sellers of these commodities have been convinced by Mr. Al Atas to place their gold or cash or gemstones into the care of Mr. Al Atas in exchange for worthless and fake bank instruments supposedly.

Al Atas claims to have hundreds and Hundreds of Billions of Dollars of assets and wealth deposited in the top banks of the world but none of the top banks or the directors have ever heard of Al Atas or his family or their supposed Hundreds of Billions of Assets again after checking we are able to establish that this is just all lies as there is nothing that can be verified as real or existing on deposit whatsoever so Al Atas is just telling lies as a part of his scam to get money from people as he cannot verify anything to anyone or any bank if required.

He has used a Swedish Credit Union called Royal Savings and Loan Ekonomisk Forening (RSLE) to issue fake Bank Instruments to a number of individuals, companies and banks in third world countries against his supposed assets again nothing can be verified and the Bank Papers are all fake and no legal bank will accept these papers for any purpose.

Simple Bank Checking Process for verification of Bank Instruments as issued by Al Atas and RSLE:

Step 1. Check if RSLE the issuer of the Bank Papers is licensed as a bank and if it is licensed to issue Bank Instruments and Provide Financial Services by the country in which it is registered namely Sweden:

ANSWER: No RSLE is not a Licensed Bank nor is it licensed to issue Bank Papers or provide Financial Services other than to the members of its credit union (this can be checked with the Swedish Financial Authorities

Step 2. Check if RSLE has any form of recognized Credit Rating anywhere by any Government or Rating Agency:

ANSWER: RSLE does not have a Credit Rating anywhere in the world as it does not have any assets or cash in its name that can be verified as being on deposit in any bank anywhere no does it even have any of its refundable membership deposits in any bank as Al Atas and his two associates have taken all the RSLE members membership deposits and used the funds for their own high living Lifestyle and expenses until there is nothing left whatsoever.

Step 3. Check if RSLE is registered in the Bankers Almanac ( a banking industry list of banks who have had their assets and deposits verified by the authorities

Answer: RSLE is not registered with Bankers Almanac as it has no banking license it is not licensed to provide banking or financial services nor have they been able to verify any assets or cash on deposit anywhere in the world in the name of RSLE.

Step 4. Check if RSLE is a member for the SWIFT WIRE Community which is a secure communication system used by banks and certain financial groups who have been screened and authorized to use the swift wire system for the transmission of funds, bank instruments and follow up verification and authenticity checks (

S.W.I.F.T. (or SWIFT) stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication. It is a non-profit organization comprised of member financial institutions. It was established in 1973 by European bankers who needed a more efficient and secure system for interbank communications and transfer of funds and securities. Until then, all interbank communications were by telephone, telex, courier, or mail. All members of the Swift System must submit themselves and their assets for verification to sue the system a process
that can take 2 years or more.

ANSWER: RSLE is not a member of the SWIFT System and never has been as both the Group RSLE and the Directors Al Atas and associates cannot firstly pass the security checking nor can they provide any assets or cash for verification by the authorities to support their proposed operations within the Swift System. But Al Atas has paid to have a KTT License which stands for Key Tested Telex the out dated and no longer used form of telex transmission that the banks originally used and no modern bank will accept any KTT transmission for bank instruments or funds transfers which Al Atas has tried to use to circumvent the Swift System and required Banking Industry checks for the transfer of funds and Bank Papers.

Al Atas and his associates run their scam by saying that RSLE has hundreds of Billions of cash
assets gold and gemstones which have all come mostly from the AL Atas family, various royal families wealthy individuals and governments and when asked for any names they say that they cannot revel this to anyone nor can they revel where these assets are held or deposited and these assets are used to support the RSLE operations and the issue of bank instruments 

Al Atas and his associates story for the scam is simple they say that if you become a member of
RSLE by depositing the required refundable membership deposit then they will issue the member with a Bank Instrument issued by RSLE against their supposed  assets which they will then arrange for the member to place with an Investment Trader and Investment Trading Bank who is registered with the US federal Reserve and European Central Bank.

Al Atas and his associates charges the people that they have scammed a minimum of Euro 500K for them to become members of RSLE which is not legal under Swedish Law and then he steals the membership deposits for his own use.

RSLE was officially deregistered in January 2010 at which time Bankruptcy was applied for and the notice of forced Bankruptcy was granted and RSLE was officially Bankrupted in October 2011(check as per below official Swedish Financial Authorities Notice dated below.

2012-05-08 (8th of May 2012)

Warning against Royal Savings & Loan Ekonomisk frening

Royal Savings & Loan Ekonomisk frening, (registration number: 769615-7168) is not authorised by Finansinspektionen (the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority) to conduct banking business or provide financial services and is therefore not under the supervision of Finansinspektionen.

Royal Savings & Loan Ekonomisk frening is not registered to conduct any other financial business.

Royal Savings & Loan Ekonomisk frening was forced into Bankruptcy 27 October 2011
which was completed without excess.

Royal Savings & Loan Ekonomisk frening, therefore has no rights to conduct any type of business.

All regulated business in Sweden are listed at Finansinspektionen's website at and Authorization.

The deregistration and bankruptcy can be confirmed in the Swedish Financial Authorities website where it is also clearly stated that RSLE is not allowed to issue Bank Instruments or to offer financial services which Al Atas has done and it is known that Al Atas his associates and RSLE have continued their scam operations of taking peoples money and issuing fake bank instruments right throughout the year of 2010 and 2011 and may even still be operating as the website of is still functioning so they must still be trying to scam even more people while the whole time the Swedish Government and their Financial Authorities have not only deregistered RSLE but also forcibly bankrupted the group in part because of all the formal complaints and police investigations into their illegal operations of stealing peoples membership
deposits and funds as well as the issuing of numerous fake bank instruments that are nothing more than fake worthless papers.

From our investigation we have been able to find out the following information that Al Atas his associates and RSLE Holdings the owner of RSLE Sweden were based in Labuan Malaysia from 2006 until the end of 2009 at which time Al Atas and his associates Peter Kakos and Yossi First all ran away to the US because the Labuan and Malaysian Authorities raided his office and began an investigation into RSLE Holdings, Al Atas, his Authorities when he was investigated by the authorities for issuing Bank Instruments without a License.

He then went to Singapore and started a Company there called Emperor Management and Associates and another company at the same time in New Zealand called Regal Credit (Regal
Credit was established to operate in the same way as RSLE Sweden to take peoples membership deposits and issue fake Bank Instruments) again just to run his scams of getting people to pay membership deposits which he now increased to Euro One point three Million as he was fast running out of funds but he was not successful and ran out of money and because his name had already surfaced in the internet forums (International as a possible scammer nobody wanted to do any deals with him nor would any banks in Asia do any business with him due to their quick checking of his name and all the stories that surfaced in regards to his cheating people of their funds eventually he  was chased out of his house in Singapore where he still currently owes large amounts of money even to his Chinese partner in his company there who is still looking for him so he went into hiding in Jakarta Indonesia with his family..

He continued to try and get another of his scams going with various parties but to no avail until February 2011 when he went to Brussels in Belgium in Europe using somebodys elses funds at which time he set up another scam with his partners Mustapha Soussi and Elaine Van Vrekom to scam somebody there for USD 250,000 but something happened and then he contacted a group of people in New Zealand who he had met in Singapore who he scammed by telling them he had a big trading deal and needed funds for air travel, hotels lawyers banking charges setting up companies etc and he scammed these people to invest funds to support him to do a Big Trading deal for USD 100 Billion with HSBC Bank in Hong Kong which failed and he continued to drain funds from the NZ people by telling them that he had a number of Investment Trading deals in Europe where he had to go to set everything up but needed more and more funds and to this date the NZ people have invested nearly One Million NZ dollars and these people have no real hope of getting anything back from Al Atas.

Al Atas has been doing this scamming for a long time he has over the past 10 years taken from various people their gemstones, jade, gold, cash, luxury watches etc. and never paid a single cent or even returned their property to them even to this day there are people searching for him so that they can get their property back from him and a number of these people have provided evidence against Al Atas and his Associates.

Al Atas main trick in scamming people is to tell people that he has an Investment Trading Program that is ready to go immediately with a Trader and a Bank in Europe and that these people are chasing him to issue his bank papers so that they can place the bank papers into the trading programs for high returns of 100 percent per week but he tells everyone that he cannot go in himself because he is listed as a trader with the Federal Reserve and the ECB (but no records can be found to confirm this statement) and he needs someone to go into the trading as his nominee but they have to be a member of RSLE or Regal Credit or Emperor Trading etc. so that he can legally issue a bank instrument under the rules of the association  so he needs the person to deposit the membership funds as soon as possible so that he can everything
organized as the traders are only giving him a few days or one week or 10 days to get everything arranged and setup.

He says there are issuing costs for issuing the bank papers so he will first get the membership deposit from the people then he will try and get some more funds by asking the people to pay the issuing costs which he claims can be anywhere from 4 to 10 percent of the bank papers face value if he cannot get any more funds then he tells the member ok I will issue the bank paper for you in your name  and bear all the issuing costs but we will share the profits from the trading program 70/30 which will start to pay out the profits in 30, 60 or 90 days time.

But the sad story is that there is no trading program other than a dream of fiction or a big fat lie in the head of Al Atas and his associates because all the people get is that they have been scammed of all their funds without even knowing that they have been scammed as he already has their hard earned funds they used for their membership deposit in his bank account in his greedy little hands which he then starts to spend as fast as he can straight away using these funds to put up a wealthy front and to live expensively travel first class stay in five star hotels wear branded clothes and watches all of which has been paid for with stolen money from other people and he does all of this so he can scam the next target of their funds using the same exact story and he keeps doing this until things get to hot for him because by then, time has run out and the people start asking for their profits or their money back and Al Atas and his associates start to come up with all sorts of stories for the delay just so they can buy themselves some more time to scam some more people as they now need money to run away and if it gets too hot then they just run away to another country or location and start up all over again.

Al Atas and his associates are just stealing the money for themselves to live a five star lifestyle on other peoples hard earned funds and this is the only thing that will happen and any investor who gives them any money or anyone who deals with them will only lose their money to Al Atas and when they try to chase him for their funds he runs away, he changes his phone numbers and he no longer communicates with them so that they cannot finds him and he does this in the hope that they will give up and go away and then he looks for a new sucker or investor to start the scam all over again.

Al Atas is hiding in Jakarta Indonesia he is penniless and living on the charity of others and whatever funds he can scam out of people who will listen and believe his stories but we have turned our evidence over to the FBI and Interpol and the net is closing on Al Atas and his associates Yossi Joseph First From Los Angeles California, and Peter Gregory Kakos of Palos Hills, Illinoi,  it is only a matter of time before they will get justice from the law enforcements for the evil crime.


Been Scammed

United States of America

Victims of Mohammad Adnan Al Atas and Yossi First

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, December 13, 2012

We are a group of genuine Investors who are now financial victims who have lost millions of Dollars over the past 3 years through Large Cash Loans, Fraudulent Financial Transactions, Purchasing of Fake Bank Instruments and Investment Trading Scams made to and operated by Mohammad Adnan Al Atas, his associates Mr Peter Kakos, Mr Yossi First, Ms Madeline First and the companies operated by these same people under the names of Royal Savings and Loan  (a Savings and Loan Credit Union registered in Sweden), RSLE Holdings Pty Ltd registered under LOFSA (Labuan Offshore Financial Services Authority) in Labuan  Malaysia, RSLE Holding Pty Ltd Australia and RSLE Holdings Ltd USA, Regal Credit New Zealand, Emperor Management and Associates (Singapore), First Trust of Switzerland and we have appointed Lawyers to follow-up and investigate all of these matters on our behalf so that our lawyers can seek a legal settlement with or the formal  arrest of Mr Al Atas

All of these companies named above have now been de-registered (copies of the de-registration can be found in or under the search heading of Scams by Mohammad Adnan Al Atas)  by the various Governments and Regulatory Bodies under which they were registered either for lack of payment of yearly registration fees or that they have come under investigation and Mr Al Atas has quickly deregistered these companies before any wrong doing can be proven against him or the company by any Government Authorities upon investigation into the de-registration of these company we have been informed that any and all monies totaling millions of dollars paid into these companies either as membership deposits or cash loans or investments have been removed by Mr Al Atas for his own purposes without the knowledge of any of the fund owners namely ourselves and other investors.

But as part of our lawyers ongoing investigation and evidence gathering into Mr Al Atas activities we have also become aware that based upon reports made by various parties aginst Mr Al Atas and RSLE Holdings Labuan that the LOFSA (Labuan Offshore Financial Services Authority) in Labuan, Malaysia are or have been investigating Mr Al Atas and RSLE Holdings Labuan for illegal money deposit taking and issuing of Bank Instruments within Malaysia without a banking license or any Malaysian Central Bank Authorization which under the financial laws in Malaysia is considered a very serious crime if convicted and further information gathered is that his other registered company AAIC (Al Atas International Company) Bullion Refinery Gold Co has been Blacklisted by the Malaysian Securities Exchange Commission.

There are a number of Internet websites that we and our Lawyers have become aware of through our investigations into Mr Al Atas as shown here:,,  or you can just enter into goggle search the following: Scams by Mohammad Adnan Al Atas and a list of websites will appear with reports and stories of scams associated with Mr Al Atas that aslo contain the stories from other victims of Mr Al Atas and his illegal membership deposit takings, the  different fraudulent Investment Trading Scams and the issuing of fake Bank Instrument transactions that he has operated under the many companies that he has set up for this specific purpose to scam the funds from genuine investors and friends like ourselves with no intention whatsoever of repaying or honoring of any legal contracts or agreements that he has entered into with any Investors or funders that have deposited or loaned money to him and his companies.

Our Lawyers have as part of their investigations found that Mr Al Atas, his Associates and companies owned and operated by him have left a long and wide trail throughout Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, United States of America and New Zealand of huge outstanding un-paid debts, unpaid contractual payment obligations totaling hundreds of millions of dollars which has bought financial ruin to any and all friends and investors including ourselves who have all trusted and believed in Al Atas and deposited large sums of funds with him or loaned funds to him for use in supposed legitimate financial business transaction only to find out that he is a fraud and a thief that has stolen all of the funds and cannot or will not repay any funds whatsoever.

We and our Lawyers are also aware from many sources that after a group of Al Atas representatives went to the COOK Islands in the latter part of 2010 and made a Financial Business Funding Proposal to the COOK Island Government that was rejected that a Ms Barbra Dreaver of the New Zealand Television (NZTV1) undertook an investigative report into Mr Al Atas and his companies and found that there were a number of companies and financial operations listed in many different countries but when the various authorities were contacted by the Television Station to verify the status of these companies and operations it was found that nearly all had been closed or de-registered and no longer existed (see under Cook Island Scam)

We have instructed our lawyers to conduct our own private investigations into the various financial transactions and companies operated by Mr Al Atas and his Associates so as to provide proven and bona fide acceptable legal evidence to the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Interpol and the Police Forces where Alatas has or is currently operating his companies and scams and that there is or has been a serious and ongoing case of large scale criminal fraud committed by Mr Al Atas and his associates and companies and that there is enough legal evidence to have all these parties arrested immediately and tried in any Court of Law for their crimes.

As part of our lawyers investigations and evidence gathering  we will be able to provide evidence that will show a proven case against both Mr Al Atas, his Associates and his companies of ongoing fraudulent financial transactions, issuing fraudulent Banking Instruments, fake Investment Trading Scams and fund borrowings scams as part of his global network of scams and fraudulent financial transactions to scam and con millions of dollars of money from innocent hardworking Investors to support his and his families high flying life style of staying in Five Star Hotels, Flying in First Class, Purchasing expensive vehicles, high priced branded watches, jewelry and clothes.

Our lawyers have as part of our investigations into the business affairs of Mr Al Atas, his associates and their companies found that they have for the past five years been operating a number of companies including their main company for the scams which is a company named Royal Savings and Loan that has no employees or Swedish Bank Accounts operates from a serviced office and Mailbox complex in Stockholm and is set up as a members only Swedish Savings and Loan Association registered under the Swedish Finance Ministry that is required to be operated under the Swedish Finance Ministry Regulations as sourced below from the Ministry Website.

From the Swedish Finance Ministry:Swedish Savings and Loan Associations (Royal Savings and Loan)

A Swedish savings and loan association ("sparkassa") is an economic association which is obligated to register with FI in accordance with the Deposit Taking Operations Act (2004:299).

A Savings and Loan Association in Sweden is not a bank, and is not under FI's supervision.

Funds that are invested in a savings and loan association are not covered by the state guarantee of deposits.

A savings and loan association can allow deposits of a maximum of SEK 50,000 per consumer.

A savings and loan association is allowed to have a maximum of 1,000 physical persons as members.

The only accepted members are persons included in a limited circle identified in advance and specified in the articles of association.

A savings and loan association is only allowed to receive REPAYABLE FUNDS from its members or from financial companies.


More Information Contact:SARA EKSTRAND Legal Counsellor, Tel +46 8 787 81 72,

From our lawyers investigations into the Operations of Royal Savings and Loan (Sweden) and the information from the Swedish Finance Ministry as shown above the Savings and Loan Association membership deposit is fixed by the Swedish Government at 50,000.00 Swedish Kroner which is estimated at Euro 5,000.00 and not the Euro 500,000.00 supposed refundable membership deposit as demanded by Mr Al Atas for any investor to become a member of the Royal Savings and Loan Association.

This means that Mr Al Atas has clearly broken the Swedish Government Laws by charging a membership fee of Euro 500,000.00 and he has also clearly broken the Swedish Government law because he has been issuing Bank Instruments for Billions of Euros under the Name of Royal Savings and Loan which does not have the authority to issue any bank instruments that exceed the amount of funds held on deposit by the Association and Royal Savings and Loan was de-registered by the Trustees at the start of 2010 and this deregistration is fully documented even though Mr Al Atas continued to issue Royal Savings and Loan Bank Instruments after the Association was dissolved legally.

Mr Al Atas has made many statements to many Investors and people who will listen to him that the Royal Savings and Loan Association that is owned and operated by him and his family trust holds his own Al Atas family assets namely Cash, Gold Bullion, Precious Gemstones, Oil Reserves, etc  that are according to Mr Al Atas supposed to be valued in the Trillions of Dollars as well as holding under Trust the assets of various other Royal Family, Governments and very wealthy Individuals that are also supposed to be valued in the trillions but there has never been any evidence of these assets or valuations and against these unproven asset valuations Mr Al Atas has issued a number of multi-Billion Euro Bank Instruments such as Certificate of Deposits, Bank Guarantees, Standby Letters of Credit and Promissory Notes.

The many Bank Instruments that Mr Al Atas has issued under the name of Royal Savings and Loan to either his Associations Members or to other parties that he has tried to use them with have found that they are not acceptable in any format to any reputable bank operating in the International Financial and Banking Markets because Mr Al Atas refuses to provide any bank verifiabledocumented proof of the assets or cash or gold bullion that is supposed to be supporting his Royal Savings and Loan issued Bank Instruments nor can he provide any reputable and registered International Third Party Bank that will Guarantee or Verfiy his issued Bank Instruments on his behalf nor can he provide any Swift Wire Transmission of his Bank Instruments or Swift Wire Verification of the funds or assets supporting his bank instruments which means thaqt the Bank Instruments are just a piece of paper with no substance or value whatsoever.

Mr Al Atas has also made claims to many investors and friends that he has direct connections to the leaders of many Governments, the European Union, the European Central Bank, the US Federal Reserve, all of the top Fifty World Banks Chairmans and Board of Directors who are also supposed to be holding on his behalf i various accounts trillions of Dollars of assets and cash none of which can Mr Al Atas provide any proof to exist nor can he undertake any transactions with these same banks as he cannot provide any proof of his stated ability to perform or any proof of funds for any proposed transactions to their satisfaction or to be able to follow the International Banking procedures.

Both ourselves and our lawyers have tried to contact Mr Al Atas many times to seek repayment of our Investment Funds and membership deposits but he has either refused to speak or communicate with us or has given excuses as to why he faces delays or cannot repay any funds immediately.

We and our lawyers have become aware of a party who post various replies and seeks to defend Mr Al Atas and his companies operations within the various websites that accuse Mr Al Atas and his companies of scamming people of their funds and our lawyers are now trying to track this person down so that we can interview them formally with the police present so that they can provide whatever evidence that they have to support their statements that they have made in the websites as defence of Mr Al Atas ad his companies operations.

From the statements made in the website under the heading of Mohammad Adnan Al Atas this person who has defended Mr Al Atas has clearly indicated the Mr Al Atas is still illegally perating his website for Royal Savings and Loan ( as well as other companies under new names and new countries of registration from somewhere in the Asia-Pacific region and Alatas is being funded by unknown parties that enable him to still keep flying to Europe and all over Asia to continue his fruadulent business and fake financial activities that he uses to keep scamming investors of their funds so as to support his high flying lifestyle.

Our Lawyers have found out that Mr Al Atas and his family are now back residing somewhere in Indonesia and once we have provided our evidence to the FBI and Interpol we believe that it will only be a matter of time before they contact the Indonesian Policeto request their assistance and they will catch up to him and arrest him for trial.

There is a website shown below where victims of Mr Al Atas, his Associates and his Companies who have been scammed conned and lost their funds can provide any information or evidence that they may have to assist in building a solid legal case against these people and to have them arrested as soon as

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