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  • Report:  #1054903

Complaint Review: Royalty Dance Academy

Royalty Dance Academy Autisim, Discrimination San Fernando California

  • Reported By:
    nodoubtchosen1 — San Fernando California
  • Submitted:
    Thu, May 30, 2013
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 30, 2013

 I have a duaghter who is three years old upon siggestion from her pediatrician I was told to enroll her in an activity or school because he feared she may have Autisim/Asperger's or can just have a speech delay. with that being said I enrolled my Daughter at Royalty Dance Academy in February 2013. Yes she had started the season late when the other girls were atleast 5 months in but I was assured by co owner Ness Hernandez that it would not be an issue. My Daughter LOVED this school after her first day free trial I immediately enrolled her. She picked up really fast.

The bizarre thing isher Teacher Ms. Erica had posted a picture of herself as a child on the Royalty Facebook page I had commented and said it was an adorable picture and I had complemented her that my child has really thrived and her vocabulary has really grown. The bizarre thing is the following week she started to be harder on my Daughter more than usual. There is a three strike policy and strike one is no prize at the end of class, second strike student recieves a write up card and the teacher will talk to you at the end of class regarding the matter and third is the child would be sent out of class to sit out in a five minute time out.

My child for sme reason was not reciving a prize at the end of class but I was never approached by the teacher so I figured it was not a big issue. but on 5/14 she skipped strike two and was put on a five minute time out. Her Teacher still did not speak to me at the end of class so I took my child home oblivious as to why she was put on time out. So I brought my Daughter home and talked to her and worked with her all week up until the hour before I took her to class I was confident not only would she be on her best behavior but would dance well. I watched her and she danced so well I was so proud of her but much to my surprise she didn't get a prize.

Again I was not approached by the teacher so her brother the co owner Ness Hernandez had welcomed us into the dance room and I asked why my child didn;t get a prize she said yes she had danced well but that she was moving her mouth and she found that unsettling. My daughter was devstated when I saw her in the lobby she was crying saying "I'm sorry Mommy no prize." I held her and I did cry with her and gave her stickers I had at home. I decided to email her teacher and I had emailed her the following:

I am a Mother. I am a Mother of two little girls one named Sophia and the other Sydney. They are both so very different in every way. But in my eyes my children are perfect I will question everything and everyone who says otherwise. As their Mother I will go to the ends of the Earth for them and do anything and everything for them. I am their voice and their strength and their light in the darkest of times. If they hurt I cry with them or dry their tears and kiss and heal their wounds. If I could I would take every pain, ache, heartache, & disappointment even if it meant I was in the worst pain of my life!

I will fight for them whether they are right or wrong because they are mine. I promise this and more until the day I die. God chose me as their mother because he knew I would do all this and more for them and that they need someone like me as their Mother. Some might think of this as obsessive but It is my job to protect them they are much too young to face these things on their own. That is why I am Sophia and Sydney's Mommy. Let me tell you a little bit about Sophia. I was a very hardworking Guidance Counselor at San Fernando High School. The morning that I had her I was working.

Luckily my timekeeper saw that I was massaging my back while I was standing in front of the fax machine. So I was sent home at 9am much to my surprise Sophia came into this world that day at 11:30am. She was born on November 25, 2009 she weighed 6 pounds 9 ounces. And was 19 ½ inches It was love at first sight I've never seen anything or anyone more beautiful in my life. Right from the start I knew she was different and that I was blessed to have someone like her in my life and even more blessed to be her Mother. She is such a happy girl always happy and smiling so forgiving and with the biggest heart.

As little as she is she is full of so much love. As time passed I know you are never to compare children but I noticed as her Cousin who is two months older was already walking at the age of one while Sophia still was not she was not walking till she was a year and three months at that time I realized she does things at her own pace and on her own time. Then as quickly as she learned how to walk was as quickly she learned how to run and with that we learned that she is very different from other children and can not run and play as much as other children because we noticed she would wheeze after a very scary moment where Sophia at the very young age of one year and three months was in the fight of her life where she fought so hard to breathe and hold on till we took her to the ER only for us to find out that she has Asthma and that she would never be the same or like other children.

After learning how to make her comfortable and safe and using a nebulizer after one week in the hospital she was released. Our lives were forever changed and we could not go anywhere without carting her nebulizer. I will say this about my daughter as little as she is she is very aware of her body and her limitations. She will never say or admit that she can't she just stops, breathes and takes her time. Time continued to pass and we watched our baby grow ever so proudly. Then I quietly would think and notice that she was VERY different other two year old were talking while she was still babbling. I reminded myself that each child is different and continued to wait and work with her myself.

She learned her alphabet, her colors, shapes, and counting up to 14. but holding up a conversation was still not a strong point for her she tried to speak and express herself but still was not very clear. So with heavy hearts we went to see her Dr so we may find out why? Because she was a bit of a late bloomer with walking and now with her speech there was indeed a developmental delay/speech delay her Dr prepared us for the worst and expressed concern that she might be autistic but being that unlike other children her age she knows her alphabet, colors, shapes, counting and could spell her name.

There was much concern because she speaks to herself but he said not to worry It could be nothing or it could be a high functioning autism known as Asperger's. He suggested that we enroll her in school or an activity to possibly build up her vocabulary or her confidence to speak. All that she may need would be exposure to other children being that at the time she was an only child. Because of her young age she was not able to enroll into preschool just yet so we decided to begin our search for an activity she would love. Because she loves music so much she chose dance.

In my heart I felt she wasn't ready because this was a group of three and four year olds and my child is three years old with the body of a five year old and the mind of a two year old. We met Ness and he was so sweet and welcoming he saw that we had reservations and assured us she'd be okay. She tried it out and she loved it so that day we signed her up. Time passed and we received information regarding the recital as her Mother I feared for her I didn't want her to be scared and feared that she may not be ready and feared that I would be pushing her.

Again Ness was ever so sweet and simply reminded us that its not about perfection its all about exposure. So I signed the form that day and paid the following week for her costume. She was very much aware that there was a recital coming up so now her everyday consists of her practicing and Mommy practicing with her and her putting up little performances at home for anyone and everyone. I have come to realize that she has been getting more attention in class but mostly because she is acting up. I watch her and notice at moments she is and others she isn't.

From what I understand the first strike would be she wouldn't receive a prize at the end of class that had happened to her on occasion and the second strike would be a write up card she has never received one so I thought there was no problem or no reason for concern but she basically skipped the second strike and last week 5/14 was kicked out of class for five minutes. I have noticed there are other trouble makers and they have not been kicked out of class. I do time outs for my child at home and her time outs are age appropriate because she is three years old she gets three minute time outs, not five!

I have come to notice she is the only one being held accountable and maybe without realizing on occasion you might be harder on her than others. I am not the only one who has noticed other Mothers after class have made comments to me outside and have been dumb founded and don't see her as a trouble maker and are just are as confused as me as to why she is over looked at the end of class for some recognition. Because she was kicked out of class on 5/14 for what reason I do not know? I had worked with her all week myself and practiced with her through the pain of my sprained ankle but like I said before I would do anything and everything for her and sacrifice even my own health for her and not think twice.

I practiced with her and spoke to her and even threatened to take her Justin Bieber poster down. If she didn't dance well. Again me and my 10 year old Niece practiced with her at home so that the material may be fresh in her head. My Mother, My Husband, & my 10 year old Niece watched her ever so proudly I knew that the talk I had with her worked and that she had danced well. But boy was I surprised to see that she didn't receive a sticker at the end of class. She was devastated and began crying. We were all left standing there in shock and just dumb founded.

Ness had saw that we were in utter disbelief and welcomed us into the dance room to ask the reason why she didn't receive a sticker. I apologize if you feel we may have ambushed you but we were welcomed to enter and ask such a question by Ness. When we had entered my Mother had asked what we were all wondering which is why? I was a whole mix of emotions which is why my Mother had to ask for me. You had stated that she has improved a lot and danced well and that she had danced maybe the best today than she ever had but that she was talking.

I'm sorry to be blunt but it is dance school and she succeeded at that and that should be recognized instead it taught her that all that hard work and determination and pushing her body well beyond its limits was for nothing. I was broken hearted to see my Daughter upon exiting the dance room and seeing her crying in the waiting area. The first thing out of her mouth was "Mommy No sticker…teacher mad at me." I held her and I cried with her. I consoled her and brought her home and gave her stickers I had at home and assured her that Mommy and Daddy were proud of her and that Teacher wasn't mad at her.

She calmed down and moved on but her heartache continued well into bedtime I gave her a bath as usual read her a book and put her to bed but what has NEVER happened in her three years of life she had nightmares. She was waking up crying saying "Teacher's mad at me" My heart breaks for her, We tried to have her try on her costume only for her to be sad and say no she didn't want to try it on because she said "I bad girl, teacher mad at me…Talking in class." but like I said she has a big heart and is the most forgiving person I know. She later began playing with her Ballerina Barbie's that she has said since day one that we brought them home was that the one in the purple was Teacher and the one in pink was her.

She said "Look Mommy Teacher Best Friend" and gave the Barbie a kiss and said " I love you teacher." As her Mother I try my best to protect her from everything and it breaks my heart that at such a young age she had to learn that not everybody understands that she is different or that not everybody will understand or be as accepting or her delay. You may seek perfection and expect the very best from them at all times and want this recital to be oh so perfect But Might I remind you it is Royalty Dance Academy not Julliard school of dance and that they are just three and four years old they are very much still babies.

I know you expect the very best from them but I refuse to teach my child at such a young age the truth and that we live in a superficial world that revolves on appearances. I know that at times she may not be the best dancer in class; I know that she may not fully understand, I know she may not be able to keep up with the other girls, and I know that she may just fail on the day of the recital but just as the first time I saw her I am so very much in love with her and she is the most beautiful thing to me and I don't care if I spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on her to possibly fail.

I don't care… I am so very proud of her I don't know any other kid who works as hard as she does and for that reason I am so very proud of her. In conclusion I just remind you she started the season late when all the other girls were at least five months in was when she started. I really do mean it I thank you because she has learned so much her vocabulary has really been built up but at what cost making her a nervous wreck or tearing down her self esteem? . I am not seeking pity on her all I ask is what every person in this world deserves patience, understanding, and acceptance.

She looks up to you so very much and loves you more than anyone even driving home if were anywhere near your studio she always screams out "Hi teacher I love you!" but since yesterday she has stopped again I ask that she feel that love reciprocated and maybe have just a little bit more understanding and acceptance that she is not like the other girls and that she is trying her best and even trying harder than most where it is making her a nervous wreck. I'm sorry if you are offended by this letter or that you may see it negatively but please just understand this is my Daughter, my baby and I am doing whatever I can to protect her and whatever I can to ease her pain.

I apologize in everyway but please understand where I am coming from. I also apologize for rambling on for so long. I understand if following reading this letter that you may not want anything to do with us but please do not take out any difference you may have with me upon my daughter. I have decided that she will finish the season and will not continue. I have signed her up for Tot Hip Hop with Taz next season I am prepared and accept that we not be refunded. It just hurts me to no end that I feel like I am punishing her. Sincerely, Mrs.

The following week after sending this letter because I did not get a response I wasnt ready to return and see my daughter hurt again so my husband took her to class much to my surprise my husband was approached and given a refund check of $33.75, $13.75 was for the reminder of the may tuition of the classes she woud not attend and $20 is not listed at all is this $20 hush money or is this all my daughter is worth to them? and my husband was told that it would be in theit best interest that they discontinue classes because I was mean, malicious, and had name called them in the letter I wrote and that if I had inofrmed them since day one that my daughter had autisim all this could have been avoided and they would have informed us that they could not "accomidate" her. My Husband begged and pleaded and all Ness Herndez co owner could do is stand there with a smile saying sorry we can not accomidate her and watched as my daughter cried devestated and crushed that they would do such a thing. I ask you after reading what I had emailed her teacher is that any reason to justify what they did to my daughter and claim they could not "accomidate" her

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