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  • Report:  #250946

Complaint Review: RPM Revenue Production Management Receivables Performancee

RPM ,Revenue Production Management Receivables Performancee fraudelent undocumented billing for closed MCI/WORLDCOM account,harassing phone calls,asked for 3 numbers on credit card to pay,BOTHEL Washington

  • Reported By:
    OXFORD Pennsylvania
  • Submitted:
    Tue, May 29, 2007
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 07, 2007
  • RPM, Revenue Production Management, Receivables Performancee
    PO BOX 768, Or 1930 220th St S.E. Suite 101,98021
    BOTHEL, Washington
  • Phone:
    866-212 7408
  • Category:

After many harassing phone calls and letters, loaded with all kinds of threats imaginable, culminating with screaming threats by so-called "manager" Robert Connor, RPM finally did it: stepped WAY over the line this morning: when I finally agreed to "settle" my account for $25, Connor demanded that I give the 3 digit on the back of my VISA card so that my account could be "processed." This along with a $5 processing fee!

I told him that any fool knows that one NEVER gives that number out over the phone, because it is an open invitation for identity and credit card theft. He began screaming at me that people gave it up all the time, and that unless I did, I would have to pay the original full amount of $74.43. I told him that I wouldn't give it under any circumstances, and after numerous threats on his part to terminate the call, he agreed to take a check-by-phone.

Telling him that in no way was I accepting my responsibilty for this debt, I paid it and told him that now I had all the information I needed to really nail RPM. I called MCI and within 2 minutes, was told that RPM should never have been calling me, that I had gotten a refund of over $80 when I closed the account, that the rep was escalating this account to a management team for settlement, and that both RPM would be put on notice, and I would get a confirming letter and e-mail.

As a courtesy, I called Mr. Connor back, telling me that I had more information about my account, and that he would soon be getting information from MCI. He interrupted me, screaming that the collection phone calls would continue! I couldn't finish a sentence for his screamiing. Finally he REALLY crossed the line with the following words, "Ya know, F** YOU, I'm terminating this call!"

I assure you that, as a high school librarian for many years, I have really good hearing and am unshockable, but there isn't a word I haven't heard: I know the F-word when I hear it. I told him he's in real trouble now, upon which he put some other person on the phone to tell me that I had heard incorrectly, and that at least 3 other people would testify to the same.

Now, any teacher knows that that's the first thing a high school kid would say when called on such behavior: "I didn't do nuthin'! Ask anybody in the class!" Let me tell you, this company is the lowest of the low, and its license to do business in ANY state should be revoked, because apparently not only is this behavior tolerated, it is apparently encouraged. I'm sure that many people have paid this company just to stop their bizarre phone calls. I will report back on how this account is settled, and if I get any more threatening phone calls, which I plan to record.

Mary Jane
OXFORD, Pennsylvania

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Mary jane


RPM complaint: a response to "I know Connor."

#5Author of original report

Tue, August 07, 2007

I was greatly amused by the ex-employee who "knows" that Connor would "never" use "foul language." My dear, Connor is lucky to have such a loyal friend. BUT.....I've got news for you: your dear friend DID use the F word to me. If he hadn't I wouldn't have bothered to file the report. Although I have received no more annoying calls from the dear boy, my next step will be to remind MCI/Verizon that RPM owes me the money I paid him. And you say I don't know him? I know enough, believe me. And by the way, what's this about "I won't ALLOW anyone" to say anything about him? You sure are lucky this is an anonymous site, because that's an implied threat. Besides, I've already said it, and it won't be retracted, ever.I suggest you put in RPM as a search term on this site, and see how many complaints come up! You are either stupid or naive.



I know Conner

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 06, 2007

I worked for RPM for several years and unlike some of the people that worked there, I handled myself professionally. I don't like the use of foul language and I refuse to disrespect anyone due to the fact that I am also a single mother with children and owe bills myself.

However, one thing I know for sure and it's because I know Rob Conner personally. He would never, ever in a million years talk to a person the way that this individual says he did. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body and would do anything necessary and possible to assist someone with a billing dispute. I have never, in the entire 3 years I have been employed by this company, heard Rob Conner use one foul word. Not one.

I realize that people get upset at collection calls and I understand and have been in the same boat, but stating that Rob would tell someone F(*& You is silly. Unless you have met this man, you would have no idea what I'm talking about, but trust me, no way this guy swore at anyone. It would be like telling me Pope John Paul II cussed out a priest.

I have no problem believing that this individual was harrassed beyond reality, thats one of the reasons I left, but I will not allow someone to trash a man like Rob Conner

Mary jane


RPM complaint: a response to the rebuttal

#5Author of original report

Wed, May 30, 2007

I was greatly amused by "Mandi's" rebuttal. First of all, he or she proves my point that the "proof" that Mr. Connor didn't say the F-word is a testimonial by a fellow employee of the company who was supposedly in earshot of the call. That's strictly bush league, and nonsensical. I know what he said, and so does he. That's why he immediately put someone else on the phone to tell me that I didn't hear what I know I heard.

Secondly, in his or her accusation that I am posing as a victim because I didn't pay this long-standing bill, the writer of the rebuttal reveals the fact that he or she didn't even read, or perhaps comprehend, the section of my report that states that I called the original company and was told that the whole attempt to collect by RPM should never have occurred and that they were taking action.

My call to Mr. Connor, as I stated, was a courtesy call to inform them of my action, and that they would soon receive information on the account by Verizon, the current owner of MCI. There was no assumption made that RPM's behavior was their fault; they received erroneous information from Verizon, and that Verizon would be contacting them to confirm this, and settle the matter once and for all.

Instead of thanking me for the information, Mr. Connor threw himself into a tantrum worthy of any five year old, and informed me that the collection calls would continue, and in frustration cursed at me, clearly using the forbidden word, and threatened to "terminate the call." This was in clear violation of FCC law: it is no wonder that he immediately produced witnesses to the contrary.

Oh in the future, please READ the report before writing a rebuttal, and please try to use correct spelling.




#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, May 29, 2007

I just got done reading what was posted above by the oh so heart felt teacher and let me be the first to tell you that most of what she said is infact rubbish to be honest. She may have had a very unpleasent meeting with "Mr.Connor" but face facts with facts and truth with truth he isn't a friend or a companion he is a debt collector. Someone hired by a company that filed to get the responce from YOU that they desired so they saught out the assitance of another company to reclaim what they feel is duely owed to them.

I personaly know Mr. Connors and I am very aware of how he conducts himself although at times he can come off snide and direct which is mistaken for blunt rudeness the fact of the matter is simply this he is not your friend, he is not your buddy he is your debt collector.

I have worked in a few collection companies and although there are a few rotten apples in the bunch RPM has alot of well trained employee's who are very well groomed in their skill of "etiquette" and civil "speech." There are some with logic and reason who do not live by the rule you have to attack and insult or belittle and degrade a person for not being able to pay the bill.

Above all ELSE we do NOT and I repeate DO NOT sink to such a level as to use a curse word towards or in the direction of a person owing or in question of owing a valid debt. None of us take a personal stand point in this we are not personaly out to get anyone we hold no personal vendetta towards anyone who holds an account in our company. It is a job that we do, If you do not like the way you are treated by a debt collector then put us out of a job and pay your bills in a timely manner and you'd have no reason to be subjected to such "Treatment" as you claim here and now.

I know with out a shadow of a doubt that Mr. Connors would NEVER have made such a comment to you by any means. I was with in ear range of Mr. Connors when this whole thing took place, YOU are not telling the entire story you are not telling the public how it was you who threw the first insult and became unreasonable when he was working with you to fix a debt that has been on going for MANY years.

In truth sometimes when people feel attacked it is simply because they wish to feel attacked they wish to be the victim so that they are no longer in the wrong, by that action alone the fault is no longer yours to hold.

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