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  • Report:  #1417234

Complaint Review: PlaySafer Rubber cycle Poor product quality Lakewood Township New Jersey

  • Reported By:
    B — Central Pennsylvania Pennsylvania United States
  • Submitted:
    Fri, December 15, 2017
  • Updated:
    Sat, December 16, 2017
    1985 rutgers university
    Lakewood Township, New Jersey
    United States
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Stay away! Don't waste your money! False advertising! Their website shows pretty pictures of nugget like rubber mulch advertised as great for landscaping, won't decompose, won't hold water, etc. What they send is very poorly chopped up tires that are mostly fibers and not rubber. I placed an order the end of May and they never as they claimed contacted me to schedule a delivery they simply plopped it at the end of my driveway blocking my driveway and obstructing the view for my neighbors exiting their driveway so I had nowhere to park for months. Then when I contact them and say their is a problem with the product they send and their delivery they stop responding. So I file a dispute with my bank. They wait until the very last minute to disagree with my dispute and then it requires I get a formalized second opinion on the quality of the product meaning I have to go hunt down someone in the area who specializes in rubber mulch to come to my home and certify that what they sent me is not what they advertise. If I had done that then they would come pick it up but I would have to pay the several hundred dollars of shipping AND return shipping costs for two pallets that stood over five feet tall weighing several thousand pounds. Pay return shipping when they send an inferior product to what they advertise online. Most carpet, tire, and other fabric fibers as shown in the pictures as compared to the very clear nuggets they advertise is false advertisement on an inferior product that will do the exact opposite of what they advertised. It will decompose, it will hold moisture, and according to other online reviews I have since found also be a toxic and fire hazard! I've been fighting this ongoing battle of crap product for five months now and finally five months later can finally park in my driveway again because since they wouldn't come get their inferior product without charging me an arm and a leg I had someone take pity on me and haul it away.

Scam company, false advertisement, nonexistent service. 1- the photos show what their website advertises as compared to what they sent 2- they will take the crap product back if you pay the shipping to and back for four tons of a product which would cost almost as much as the product itself. Why should I be liable for spending shipping on something that they can't even provide a quality product to begin with. I would be out the same amount of money 3- of course they have great reviews online they only post the good stuff. If you search the reviews outside what they post as also uploaded it's crap 4- they claim it's not going to degrade yet fabric and such fibers do the opposite 5- they claim it won't hold water yet the mold it grew sitting in my driveway for months and the fibers show quite the opposite 6- they claim they'll contact you to schedule a delivery but they'll dump it in your driveway blocking your only parking and call you afterwards. 7- I lost the dispute not because the bank disagreed with my dispute saying that it was a crap product and false advertising but because of my own running out of time for a requirement of the dispute. I was required within a ten day period to find a third party to come certify that what I got was as the photos showed more fiber than rubber. I couldn't run just down to Home Depot and say hey can I borrow an employee to come to my home and see what is in these big bags and write a letter for me? I simply ran out of time trying to find someone who would come do that for me not because they disagreed with the dispute. 8- some reviews out there even said the product is toxic and flammable so that adds to the false advertising of their nontoxic product they claim to sell you which is all a load of bull. I am well aware I'll probably never see a cent of my money back but by d**n I plan on taking this false advertising review and leaving it monthly on a recurring basis to every consumer review, map location review, etc to deter business to this sham company to cost them as many sales as possible. Sham businesses last for twenty years like this because people don't tell others not to buy from them. I intend to make sure every site Google maps, Bing, Angie list, yelp, Craig's list, you name it has reviews of exactly what they send and exactly what it looks like and exactly why they shouldn't buy from them. I'll make sure I cost them a hundred times what they cost me by showing and telling the truth.

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