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  • Report:  #1159526

Complaint Review: Saint Joseph Medical Center

Saint Joseph Medical Center, Reading Hospital, Berks Community Health Center & Suny Down State Medical Center Conspiracy to deprive Medical Care and Possibly Murder under the Direction of the FBI Reading Pennsylvania

  • Reported By:
    gem4867 — reading Pennsylvania
  • Submitted:
    Fri, July 04, 2014
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 19, 2014

 This is a conspiracy complaint in the United States District court(1:cv-12-06262)on appeal (14-907cv) in the United states Court of Appeals 2d Department.

My Complaint: These defendants being instructed by the courts and (FBI)cordinating the conspiracy, to deprive me medications and possibly commit murder. First, for over an extended period of time these defendants would refuse me pain meds for Rheumetoid Arthritus-721 High factor. Heres what they would do, on numerous occasions they would write scripts signed by their nurse or write the pescription wrong knowing the insurance wouldnt cover it and the pharmacy wouldnt fill. On several occasions i was denied to be seen by a doctor. Even denied pain meds to me in the ER.

All the defendants insisting I take presidone and Moltrin.Now if a person has liver damage these meds combined would accelerate the process of liver failure. Do I have liver damage? Almost impossible for me to prove, because if I do no hospital or lab is going to give me blood work indicating liver damage, they would assuredly alter the results.

A real important factor here is that I went to a private doctor in NY to have my conditions diagnosed and this doctor having a lab on site was terrified to do my blood work. She insisted I went to the Hospital, her reasoning was that she charged 900 dollars for the test and the hospital was free. she even refused after offered to pay the nine hundred.

In part of this conspiracy, since the defendants in Pennsylvania were denying me meds I traveled to NY to Suny's Medical center in the ER where they prescribed me Vikadon for ten days. Again since the PA Defendants continued to deprive me meds I traveled back to Suny, except this time the doctor refused to give me anything. Heres what they did, they planted an informant in the cubical next to me to solicit me with a narcotic perscription. Very clever dont you think? The doctor became very nervous with the whole situation especially after I threatened Federal Suit and rushed me out the building giving me a perscription for moltrin and presidone.

Now when Saint Joseph first bagan prescribing me pain meds heres what the doctor said. Im going to prescribe you the meds with one condition that you go to the same pharmacy to get them and even had me sign a contract. On one evening while picking up my script I noticed the pharmicist was stalling, a fifteen minute wait turned into 45 minutes. Suddenly a caucasion male approached her and handed her a bottle of pills, same size bottle and same color as mine. No words were exchanged.She then walked over to my window to hand me the pills. When I accused her of the wrong doing she tried to tell me that those pills were right there on the counter but offered no explanation about the man that handed her those pills noe would comment on the matter.Thereafter I would have to go to a different rite aid pharmacy every time when getting my meds.

Another sernario of this conspiracy is that when the police in both states and fBI placed the GPS in my vehicle I was in the Kings County Family Court where the judges attorney and the mothers attorney were stalling me from leaving the building. On that evening on my way home very late at night I was alarmed by a truck speeding up behind me as if it were going to ram my vehicle from behind I immediately sped up and took off away from the truck.

Later I was subjected to a traffik stop and issued a speeding ticket doing 25mph in a 25 mph zone, while they were using the GPS. They routinely follwed me on a daily basis for two months until I found and removed the GPS from my car.

Other threats by the FBI prior thereto , while surfing the internet on how to file a federal lawsuit, they wrote " If you continue with these lawsuits and anti-Government shananigans we will be forced to take care of the problem."

Other things they did, was tampered with my debit card making unauthorized charges to a dating site to keep without funds to respond to the attorneys motions. When I asked Christian mingle what name was used to make the charges, the said Face man looking for you!

If you are reading my reports, this should raise some serious public concern because this could happen to you or someone you love. After my child being legally Kidnapped and being terrorized by the government and the courts all involved in a cover up scheme , I searched and found that there are other victims as well in this tyranny sweeping across the United States. Take a look at the Florida couple who fled the United States because they were afraid for their lives and are now sitting in the Federal penetentary for kidnapping their own children.The media covered the story and didnt go into any detail on why this couple were so afraid they felt the need to flee.

3 Updates & Rebuttals



Seek Mental Health counseling

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2014

 The FBI is not following you unless you are a TERRORIST! Vicoden is not Vikoden.  YOU are in need of therapy not more medication which (by your own rambling) is not normal.  Schizophrenia is what your report sounds like. You exhibit every sign of this disorder unless you are self medicating beyond your normal dosage.

"Later I was subjected to a traffik stop and issued a speeding ticket doing 25mph in a 25 mph zone, while they were using the GPS. They routinely follwed me on a daily basis for two months until I found and removed the GPS from my car.

Other threats by the FBI prior thereto , while surfing the internet on how to file a federal lawsuit, they wrote " If you continue with these lawsuits and anti-Government shananigans we will be forced to take care of the problem."

Other things they did, was tampered with my debit card making unauthorized charges to a dating site to keep without funds to respond to the attorneys motions. When I asked Christian mingle what name was used to make the charges, the said Face man looking for you"

You are experiencing typical symptoms of paraniod delusions.  SEEK HELP!! STOP wasting time on this site because you are not mentally fit to make any complaint - your complaints are in your head.  SEEK HELP!




#4Author of original report

Tue, July 15, 2014

 You are Reading A Rebuttal below pasted from one of my reports written by the FBI,these are their indirect actual Death threats,Read paragraph 3 you appear to be getting crazier and crazier, sound familiar? Here they were referring to a conversation that they were listening in on that I was having with a relative on the phone. No probable cause for the wiretapping,no warrant needed. Paragraph 4 It would be much easier to have a gang banger take you out or a nice little "accident" Paragraph 5 here there telling me the courts can hold up my lawsuit indeffinetly.

On my last court date in the Kings County Family Court,they planted a latino male to act as if he was appearing for court, he was there trying to open up a conversation about weapons so the could get probable cause to search my home, the whole senario here is thats why the appellate court extended the order of protection, since its a Federal felony to have a weapon in your home, while being under an order of protection.Previosly when they were informed I was tape recording the hospital defendants they were plotting to enter my home without warrant by forcing me into the Cities False alarm reduction program, to retrieve the recorders and Gps placed in my vehicle . The city ordinance was changed to read if an alarm is sounding the police can break down the door and could not be held liable. Inorder for me to prevent this from happening I had to disconnect service with the alarm company, and then they again changed the ordinance back.

 Typical crazy person rant. Odds are that this person saw or read somewhere that THIS ACT of putting on a water meter is them trying to poison you. No, its called UPGRADING EQUIPTMENT!! Just because they change the water meter is NOT proof that they have been trying to poison you. If that were the case then wouldnt you be dead by now??

This person needs to seek professional help from the mental health field. We have WAAAAAAAYYYYY to many of these types of people in this great land of ours. People who have such a low opinion of themselves that they have to manufactur drama in order to feel alive. And lets face it, whats BETTER drama then a conspiracy? In a conspiracy ANYONE can be part of it. Unfortunatly REALITY tend to get in the way and the poster will have to provide PROOF. And Im betting that THEY CANNOT!! You aint Erin Brochovich, you are not telling the world some great injustice.

You have it in YOUR head that there is this giant conspiracy against YOU. I love to say this: YOURE NOT THAT IMPORTANT!!! You can go missing and no one would look for you until 72hrs had passed. You are ONE nutjob in a nation of THOUSANDS. You are no more then a inconvience. A gnat that may buzz you for a few mins but one that will fly of and buzz something else. Ask yourself a serious question here. How many times have you been the "victim"? Im betting your a "PITYSUCKER". A person who defines their life by the difficulties in it and you seek validation from others for those difficulties. AWWWW POOR BABY!!!! LIFE IS SO EVIL TO YOU!! THEY MUST BE POISONING YOU SINCE YOU APPEAR TO BE GETTING CRAZIER AND CRAZAIER. Sound familiar??

Now your mental issues can be resolved with one thing. YOU ARE NOT THAT IMPORTANT!!! If ANYONE wanted you dead, poisoning is the LAST way to go as ALL poisons have a chemical "fingerprint" and can be traced to a manufacturer or distributer. It would be MUCH MUCH easier for them to grab some gang member and have them take you out. Or a nice little "accident". You are assigning motives that just are not there. You are ONE person in a nation of billions.

You have assumed and accused with no PROOF. Get proof and I will support your cause. Until you have proof that they are doing this to you, you posts fall into the crazy nutjob catagory and you wont see support. Get pictures, video, lab tests of your water. ANY of those would be proof enough to go to the police or your states Attorney General. If they are "gang stalking" you then YOU need to be the one to put a stop to it. A lawsuit is NOTHING!!! If you put as much energy into understanding the law as you put into your crazy, you would KNOW that a lawsuit is NOTHING. It can be dismissed, and IF they were doing as you have accused, then that lawsuit would have disappeared. There are continuances, missed dates, ect ect ect. YOUR lawsuit can be held up almost indefinatly.

Really, seek help. Both legal AND mental. You have a issue, that in and of itself is not a problem. But you are MAKING it a problem with posts like this. Basically you have spread YOUR brand of crazy all over a media outlet. The web is a lot smarter then you are giving it credit for and so are the people who use it. If they are doing this to you for real and your not just coocoo for coco puffs then get proof and make them pay.

Did you know there are MANY groups you can find online that will do a free water test for you. You can also BUY a water tester either online or at Home Depot or LOwes. And just because I am nice, nope dont work for them so you can drop that before you ever start. I am however WELL versed in Psychology due to a few years in college and a few years volenteering at a mental health hospital. I have SEEN


My story continued, like I said previously in my reports, this is a continuing conspiracy to deprive Civil liberties for having exercised my Civil Rights. These courts dont like the information Ive exposed to the public and they especially are not happy that I have filed suit against judges for acting in a conspiracy. So, therefore it will be an uphill battle because they tend to protect the wrong doer rather than being protectors for human rights.The end game is to force me to drop the suit against the judges at all cost. Appeal after appeal will be denied, cost of litigation will go up, conspiracy to jail to deviate from suit & death threats. Lastly I will close this report with the district courts last order which im not surprised by. This is an order for a writ of habeas Corpus filed against the judge for depriving me my child and unlawfully convicting me for domestic abuse without subject matter jurisdiction.According to her its not a constitutional right to see your child. 

ORDER DENYING CERTIFICATE OF APPEALABILITY.  In its Memorandum and Order and accompanying Judgment issued on March 17,  2014 [4][5], the Court dismissed plaintiff's action for lack of subject  matter jurisdiction. Insofar as plaintiff styled that action a petition for  a writ of habeas corpus, the Court finds that plaintiff has not made a substantial  showing of the denial of a constitutional right, and declines to issue a  certificate of appealability. See 28 U.S.C. 2253; Soto v. United States,  185 F.3d 48, 51 (2d Cir. 1999). Ordered by Judge Roslynn R. Mauskopf on 7/14/2014.  (Stone, Timothy)



Your constant use of pain meds has gotten you into a state of Paranoia..

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, July 04, 2014

The FBI is in on this, the hospital and the doctor is too afraid to do a blood test due to their conspiracy against you.

You need SERIOUS mental evaluation asap.  Oh, guess a mental health specialist would also be too afraid to help you...right? 

What a wide ranging conspiracy, the pharmacies, the media, the judge, the attorney, and likely even the neighbor's cat.

Keep ducking all those black helicoters buzzing over you and whoever's following your GPS.  I'd like to see a copy of that speeding ticket you got for going 25 in a 25mph zone.  Incredible.   I'll bet your parrot phones in to the FBI every day to report on you.

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