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  • Report:  #57782

Complaint Review: Saint Matthew's Churches

Saint Matthew's Churches takes prayer requests and YOUR MONEY if you want them to come true Tulsa Oklahoma

  • Reported By:
    Ft Wayne Indiana
  • Submitted:
    Wed, May 21, 2003
  • Updated:
    Thu, May 22, 2003
  • Saint Matthew's Churches
    PO Box 22114
    Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I am also glad I found your page! I got a "Power to Get Wealth" letter as well as the offer for the "Bible health, prosperity and happiness cross" as well as the book The Seed Principle in the mail yesterday. I was very curious and was going to send it back just to see if I could shut these guys down. From what everyone else says, I'm glad I checked here 1st and didn't mail it!

I JUST got off the telephone with Oklahoma Senator Don Nickles' Office. (I am a former Oklahoman- so I figured, call the Senator and see what happens!) I asked that they go after these people....they are assigning it to someone. I suggest if you are also getting these letters to call Senator Nickles' Tulsa Office at 918-581-7651.

I would also suggest calling The Postal Inspection Service at 800-372-8347 or report them online at :

Please DON'T let these people get away with this! Let's shut them down!!!

Ft Wayne, Indiana

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Ft Wayne,

Here's one SOLUTION

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 21, 2003

I WANT TO NAIL THESE GUYS! They are giving religion a bad name! If you would like to read an AMAZING article about these guys go to

OK folks- I just got off the line with the US Postal Inspection Service- Here's what WE NEED YOU to do:

Call 800-372-8347 to file a complaint on these guys- ESPECIALLY if you lost money!

2. KEEP the correspondence you get from these TURKEYS- envelopes and all and mail them to:

222 South Riverside Place, Suite 1250
Chicago, IL 60606-6100

They need evidence to prosecute these turkeys (including yanking their postal permits, (hence te need for the envalopes too), as well as trying to get your money back! As you have probably noticed- these are not necissarily MAILED from Tulsa OK- the zip they claim it is from is in Baltimore MD- I am on the phone now to find out who the non-profit postal permit is issued to & their contact information.

The only thing in Tulsa is a PO Box & this guy's Attorney J.C. Joyce- who is at 515 Main St in Tulsa- that is the address you get if you search for Saint Matthew's Churches. I will continue to file updates on my quest

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