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  • Report:  #1203901

Complaint Review: Jonathan Fried

San Francisco Superior Court Elder Abuse FRAUD Jonathan Fried FORGERY William Garlock UNETHICAL PREDATORY LENDING San Francisco California

  • Reported By:
    San Francisco Elder Abuse — Grass Valley California
  • Submitted:
    Fri, January 23, 2015
  • Updated:
    Mon, December 19, 2016

Alert; Help needed desperately. Frank Myers is an 83 year old Korean War Combat Veteran and Survivor of the Hadong Valley Massacre who spent decades doing business in San Francisco after returning home from the war. Frank spent his life creating successful businesses and helping needy people. It was not uncommon to find Frank Myers driving around San Francisco on Christmas Eve, picking up homeless Vietnam Vets and bringing them to the hotel he owns for a Christmas feast, or buying a hungry old timer a meal, Frank is always on the look out for some one on their own needing a hand, he has been there, stuck behind enemy lines, saving lives.

Frank Myers has been targeted by a gang of organized criminals; these sophisticated thugs operate in the grey area that exists and is created by people with specific skill sets, willing to steal from anyone. First you have tyo have the Attorney, in this case it is one Jonathan Fried of San Francisco, then you have to have the (sudo) Financier this would be William Garlock (coincidentaly Garlock is the trustee for the UCSB fund), and of course you have to have the tough guy to do the dirty work, this would be one Ashok Patel, a particulary disgusting brand of human. I cam eto find out that these three indivuduals whom Frank was under the impression had come together in a piece meal fashion as he and Jonathan Fried began what was supposed to be a simple refinance, repair, and sale of Frank's building; in reality Jonathasn Fried had grown up around the senior Ahsok Patel and Fried had been running shady deals to the tune of at least fifty million dollars with William Garlock for almost a decade, in San Mateo County.

Jonathan Fried set Frank Myers up like a pro, because he is one, Jonathan Fried is a professional fraud, and Frank Myers the trusting senior citizen living hundreds of miles away from San Francisco, trying to sell his last asset in order to cover his retirement is now a victim, living a nightmare.

Jonathan Fried lied to Frank from the very beginning as he began gaining Franks confidence, the misrepresentation of material facts began with the first agreement, a purchase option.

More to come shortly, including the documentary evidence, and new characters to be introduced, including but not limited to Judges at San Francisco Superior Court. Check out Wallnut Creek Attoreny Peter Bonis' blog for a primer on the characters of Jonathan Fried, William Garlock and attorney George Eshoo.


7 Updates & Rebuttals



Adversaries Counsel Reprimanded by Court

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, December 19, 2016

It should be noted that attorneys who have sued Jonathan Fried have all been reprimanded by the court.


Peter Bonis, esq. by Judge Buchwald in San Mateo County stated that Bonis's conducted was nothing short of trying to extort Fried in Ceccatto v. Fried.

Collier and Teti were told by Judge Kahn in San Francisco that they committed equitable fraud on the court in thier actions against Fried.

The hotel tenant's lawyer had to substitute counsel in front of Judge Ulmer in San Francisco.

Frank Myers counsel settled the case.




Court Finds in Favor Jonathan Fried, please delete your post

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 19, 2016

These anonymous filings are not true.  The facts which were well litigated are as follows:


Regarding Frank Myers - Judgment in Favor of Jonathan Fried, no harrasment was found.

Further- Frank Myers settled with Jonathan Fried agreeing to pay Fried $384,000 in damages.  He has still not paid what is owed.

Regarding the hotel tennants- Judgement in favor of Fried, no monies shall be recovered against Fried.

And yes, Fried was disbarred but that has more to do with their is no room in the world for an honest lawyer.  Proven entirely by the fact that these matters were taken to trial and Fried was proven not guilty, not culpable, that implies that Fried is the injured party.

Please remove your malicious post, attend the arbitration afforded here, or meet me somewhere to discuss this matter in person.  Or are you chicken?

Hotel Tenant

San Francisco ,

Johnathan Fried Is Disbarred and Can't Work as an Attorney in California

#8General Comment

Wed, December 02, 2015

 Fried claims his professional problems are the result of harassment and stress that Myers and others involved in the business deal have caused him. This claim is clearly not true. As reported by the California Bar Association and available to be seen by anyone online, Fried's disbarment occurred roughly six months after he commenced the business arrangement with Frank Myers. The disbarment was a lengthy process that took well over a year and was the direct result of his actions that occurred prior to that year. On this site, it's claimed that Fried helped many homeowners fight the system. According to the California Bar Association, there were a number of clients that Fried took on them failed to take any meaningful action to save their homes wild those clients believed he was actively working on their behalf (after all, the paid him the advance fee). In a foreclosure process, indeed many legal processes, there are deadlines that can't be ignored and if they are not met the individual is seriously disadvantaged and might even outright lose the case at that point. As these events occur, his clients had no idea. To make matters worse, he did not correctly handle monies those clients paid him in advance. There are very strict rules as to how attorneys may hamster their clients money and thirst rules are made explicitly clear to attorneys. This was not some accidental bookkeeping error. It was theft. Each year, very few attorneys are disbarred from practicing law in California. The action is taken in order to protect the people of California from unscrupulous and completely incompetent attorneys. It's my understanding that Fried has now moved to Florida to practice law there. , the details I've included here can be confirmed on the web, in particular, information from the California Bar Association is very clear as to why Fried was Disbarred. Also, the dates indicated for the events will show that occurred well before Fried but involved with the hotel with Frank Myers?


San Francisco,

How can Frank Myers be helped?

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, August 29, 2015

Terrible story about Frank Myers. What can we do to help. He should be enjoying his retierment not worry about people taking his money. Sounds like he trusted wrong people who took advantage of him. Does he have honest attorney to sue for him? Elder abuse, fraud, breech of fiduciary duty, ...? Tell us more about the new characters you talk about, Robert Sprague and assistant, Monica Blake, and what they are doing. Want to help Frank.



Jonathan Fried is telling the truth!

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, July 19, 2015

The real victim is Jonathan Fried.  Your slanderous statements are: made without any basis, done anoynoumously, and are only ment to harrass Fried who has suffered enough.

Frank Myers, Peter Bonis and others prevented Fried from gaining any income from his investments with such barratry that Fried could not even maintain his employ.  This includes tortiously interferring with Fried's business.  Admitedly, your cronies had Fried followed, hacked his email, contacted confidential clients, stole confidential files, and steered people into falsely believing their was a dispute.  This was done in order to gain confidence in various partners and incite frivilous litigation to only profit lawyers.

While Fried was a well respected lawyer with his own clients he was widely recognized as the only attorney to stand up against banks during the mortgage crisis, he taught classes to various organizations including the San Francisco Bar Association.  Fried was ultimately unable to maintain his profession because all of his money was stolen by inscrupoulous lawyers of the other parties mentioned here.  The professional adversity had become personal with outrageous conduct by opposing counsel, their clients and it ultimately cummaleted in destroying Fried.

Congratulations on your destructive conduct that ruined a young lawyers future.  Fried successfully thwarted foreclosures in his native San Francisco Bay Area as part of the 99% political movement, with a litigation value of roughly $250 million and saving over 100 families from being immediately destitute.  While history and the record will show, your cowardly report that is made by an outsider to single transaction lacks any credibility.  



Not True, Jonathan Fried is honest and trustworthy

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 18, 2015

Your report about Jonathan Fried is not true.  


Jonathan Fried defeated the false and frivolous claims filed by Frank Myers.  Fried defeated the elder abuse claim after multiple days of testimony from Myers lasting three months.

The latest case, part of an attempt to harrass Fried by filing several seperate lawsuits, was dismissed after Myers admitted that he had no evidence and no witnesses for anything that he was suing about.  Fried paid valuable consideration for a hotel and nightclub purchased from Myers but has been completely blocked from the benefit of his bargain.

In open court Frank Myers admitted to signing documents.  Myers admitted that they were signed in front of a notary after obtaining independent legal advice by varoius lawyers to which he had a pre-existing relationship.  The documents were part of several months of negotiation and Myers took multiple days to review and seek advice of numerous lawyers on the final draft.

Based on information and belief we know Myers was discharged early form the Korean war after an investigation of his gross insubordination.  That he admitted to running 28 various hotels that he called "flop-houses" in San Francisco during a time that his brother was a police Captain.  That Myers admitted in court papers to being a money lender to drug dealers "down on the luck."  Those hotels housed many prostitutes.  Myers is a vexatious litigant with over 120 cases in San Francisco involving him, his entities, and aliases.  Myers was never investigated for the death of his previous partner who fell from the roof of the building where he was having a private meeting with Myers (google 'the eviction tapes' SF guardian).

Peter Bonis was defeated by Jonathan Fried multiple times, to date Bonis has not prevailed in a single business lawsuit against Fried.  In fact, San Mateo County judges instructed Bonis that his targeting of Fried was an act of extortion and Bonis was reported to the District Attorney.  

Peter Bonis files frivoulous lawsuits to disrupt Fried's business and gain hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees for his barratry.  In fact, this targeted attacked ruined Fried's businesses causing loss of income, destroyed Fried's family causing them to enter homeless shelteres, and loss licensure.  While Bonis may be a prolific litigator he has not gained a single benefit for his clients.  Rather through outrageous conduct (including physically attacking Fried) Bonis earned exhorbinant fees at the cost of his clients.  

I suspect the author of this article, who remains anyoumous, is merely trying to feed more clients to the lawyer.  I advise you to be cautious of anything that is said about Fried by third parties without first contacting the man himself.  

Predatroy Attorneys in San Francisco

#8Author of original report

Tue, March 24, 2015

Frank Myers is still fighting for his retirement, apparently another attorney has failed to focus on the case and who has an assistant with an eye more towards selling Frank's property for a slice of the pie to be carved up between shister lawyers than saving Frank's property. The latest attorney and his assistant have billed Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars, having never even completed the assignment they were hired for, an eviction., this is not to say that Attorney Sprague has been derilict in all of his duties, he has filed clear and consice compalints with the documentary evidence of Jonahtn fried's forged corporate documents and other exhibits which clearly show why Frank Myers is in the bind he is, but for SOME reason Franks case goes nowhere in the San Francsco courts. This is a travesty and a miscarriage of justice. Everyone please visit the new web site which is dedicated to Frank's fight but the purpose of which is to create a rallying point for people who need assistance protecting elderly loved ones from predatory attorneys and estsate/trust hunteres who use guile and witts to confuse and gain the confidence of the elderly with the intent of getting control of their trusts, estsaes, and other properties.

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