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  • Report:  #820344

Complaint Review: Sanctuary House

Sanctuary House sober living gay halfway house wilton manors, Florida

  • Reported By:
    lou — United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Tue, January 10, 2012
  • Updated:
    Wed, April 09, 2014

I beg you to beware and explore other options.  Nothing on their website is anything like this place.  It is filthy and unmanaged.  I have witnessed the owners assault clients and police reports re being filed.  They deny you access to your medication on  regular basis.  I have seen people go weeks without hiv medication.  The owners are just plain scary and they refuse to become accredited.  They will take your rent and throw you out within days of taking it.  They take advantage of people who are at their lowest.  I can provide you with several references from people who have suffered there.

25 Updates & Rebuttals



wow halfway house trustee has some issues

#26Consumer Comment

Wed, April 09, 2014

For someone who is trying to help other people you really know how to make them feel like crap reading your rebuttal only confirms what the complaintants are saying about your establishment. i hope your halfway house gets shut sounds like it needs it



another ripped off consumer

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, July 07, 2013

I am writing comments today because I was a former resident for 2 days. I read other posts and thought wow, that’s what happened to me too. I am a 43 year old gay professional who was fresh out of rehab and looking for a sober living community out of state for a few months. This was my first experience with a sober community and it was a nightmare. I was offered a room in a house with 3 other guys, all b*tchy queens who seemed to derive their sole sustenance from cigarettes and fast food. I had lost weight and was eating healthfully so this was not in line with my goals.

The drama and filth that pervaded the house and the sanctuary compound was unreal.  I recall paying $900 for a month. When I complained the owner Jared said “I would be moving to the compound” and when I went over to see my new accommodations I was mortified, filth, bugs, mold, ashtrays, it was horrific. I told Jared the room was unacceptable and was told to leave the premises and without a refund of my money.  I left and was all too happy to get out of the nightmare.

My experience was that Jared acted extremely un-professional and seemed mentally unbalanced and basically a crook.  I wasn’t provided a lease or a receipt. I read that he has done this with other tensants as well. I don’t believe this is any place for recovering and would caution anyone from staying here and to consider other options.  I found a sober living apartment community for gay and straight people in Ft. Lauderdale and ended up staying there for several months.

I’m still sober today and an avid juicer for health. I have a really great job and live in Colorado.  I took pictures with my iPhone of all the unbelievable un-livable conditions and filth there and will get them posted to google pictures. Hope this helps someone. I’m not interested in receiving a response from the owner so please do not contact me. Thank You. 

The rebuttal of an addict out of co

Wilton Manors,
United States of America

Son, will this ever end? I love you, but you need help.

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, November 10, 2012

This is Jared Cashner, the trustee of Sanctuary House and the complaint, just like the last one was written by my "special" son, Marcus Cashner.  I did throw him out of my store for bad behavior and out of my house.  Marcus, you are 22 yrs old.  You will not use my house as a motel while you cruise, leaving suddenly out the door, and heading for anonymous sex and drugs.  You will not use my house as a restaurant and leave me with the continued mess.  Now, if you think using your bad spelling and calling yourself an "employee" to again attack your dad and dream up these outrageous claims, like a small child throwing a fit, you are wrong.  

As for the City seeing anything, they have had an open invite to the Sanctuary since opening 4 years ago.  Now, since you've been thrown out of EVERY home you've tried to ingratiate yourself into, including your own family, I expect you'll pack up your dresses and other drag paraphenalia and head for another state where you will, undoubtedly be thrown out there, as well.  You're continued crying about no one loving you is self determined and obvious.  Grow up and act like an adult.

Anyone that knows you, ..... well knows you and the problems that follow you; and anyone that knows me, knows better.  Have a good life.  btw,  I've blocked all further communications by phone and internet.  Continue your ranting, this is my last communication with you, good bye.  PS. You're spelling is atrocious, go back to school and better yourself.  You were never an employee, just my child and a feeble attempt, on your part, to earn your own way.  Oh, one more thing, happy holidays. Dad

marcus cashner

United States of America

Owners of Sanctuary House are indeed horrible individuals.

#26UPDATE Employee

Fri, November 09, 2012

To Whom it May Concern:

The Owners of Sanctuary House, Jared Cashner and James Sanzeri are not what they appear to be.

They smoke pot on a daily basis, allow pot dealers into there home so they can exchange. They go to the Corner Pub located on North Andrews ave just past ne 21 ct. These individuals are rarely at the office to help clients who need there medicine or have any ther known concerns. They just opened a thrift store located at 2133 N Andrews ave Wilton Manors, Fl 33311. I was an employee of Sanctuary House and had to leave due to the lack of effort they put into thois establishment. The money they gain from sanctuary house goes not only to the half way house but also in there own personal pockets for there drug habits. I would be careful. I have witnessed abuse threats. They have taken money and thrown residents out without a care in the world. They hit people and Jared Cashner has admitted to me that he hit and choked a resident because, that individual who obviously was ill and suffering from withdrawals and relapse had called Mr Cashner a b***h. I have witnessed him throw his own son out on the streets because of the smallest stuff. Jared has made others work and everything while he does nothing. he is the 21st century Wilton Manors Hitler.  I have witnessed his son Markus Cashner and Jared Cashner argue because Jared would treat his son like he was a resident and drug user.. Im sorry but you shouldnt treat your family that way unless there is means to. Markus Cashner was not a resident like the rest./ he reached out to his father after many reports of rebuse where the state stepped in removed Markus from that environment. Jared has choked his son, thrown him out punched right there outside the house. and just recently I have been hearing around they got in contact again, Marckus was arouynd dealers and such and reached out for Jared' help once more. they fought, jared raised his voice cursing over small things. Markus does have mental illness' and you can't hate him for it. he suffers from mood disorders manic depression, bipolar and the chance of being addicted to drugs due to his birth. All Jared did was raise his fist and tell his son this, 'I will knock you out and then deny it". I am sorry but I will not ever work or advocate for this man or his partner they truely need to be shut down./ Also if you reside on any of the facilities proerties and are dealing with helpiong individuals stay off drugs and alchohol then you do not need to be on the property on drugs or alchohol. The city needs to step in and really grab ahold of this and deal with it..


 A worried ex Employee

The rebuttal of an addict out of co

Wilton Manors,
United States of America

From father to son

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, October 24, 2012

I love you, son.  That will never change.  You were mine the day the hospital staff laid you in my arms and I had the pleasure of looking at you and giving you your name.  Also, I'm very proud of your accomplishment, by returning to higher education.  However, we have to continue working on those English skills.  It was my saving grace, coming out of a small coal mining town in Kentucky.  KEEP doing it.  I love you,


marcus cashner

United States of America


#26General Comment

Mon, May 14, 2012

OK so this is marcus cashner I have to restore my reputation and my fathers and sanctuary house. I said alot of things out of anger. and alot were indeed false. Jared is a wonderful individual with a great heart. he may get mad but they typically are for real reasonings. Him and I have but heads before. but what father son doesn't.   I love jared cashner to death and he is my father one and only. and for the person who wrote that i blew people in the alleys for drugs. let me tell you something, you have some nerve coming on here talking to me in such a way. I did wrong in my life and i have faced the many consequences from them. I own up to my faults. I have never had sexual actions with anyone for drugs. You dont know me or anything about me. Sanctuary House has turned many lives from s**t to gold. and I love the progress my father and STEP FATHER  have done. they are restoring many of lives. and it has to be up to you to change it also.  i love you dad and james and im sincerely sorry for the things i have writeen. my life was never as bad as i thought and how everyone ,ade it to be. you did the best you can raising me as a single father and wroking hours. Im sorry i was such a hard headed child.  but we all make mistakes and learn from them. i love you

sincerely marcus alan cashner



One question for the dad...

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, February 27, 2012

Was his mother really a porn actress? If not, did you tell your son that she was? 



OK, I did use a *little* hyperbole

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, February 27, 2012

You mentioned you were a drug using prostitute, so the whole "blowing guys for drugs" thing can't be too far off the mark. 

And around the time you were born, I guess that the "doomed" bit did start to change. Do you want to know why? Because the system started making more of an effort to get kids out of the foster care system and into families, which makes a WORLD of difference. My guess is that the person who allowed your father to be adopted knew this (since she worked in the system), and thought it best to, as your father put it, "give an undesirable to an undesirable".  

I am not going to address a lot of your other statements because frankly, it seems like you are making a lot of this crap up. 

If you have indeed been clean for a year, congratulations. But aren't y'all supposed to be about serenity, letting go of resentments, and all that? Heck, I'm an active alcoholic, and you make me look like Bill W. I mean, going after your dad in court? Really? BTW, I am pretty sure he signed state forms, so it would be a state offense, not a federal one.  And it is well past the Statute of Limitations. And there ain't a prosecutor in the state that would care. Nor would they invite the political heat that would come from prosecuting what is now seen as an unjust law. 

But I suspect your threats are empty anyhow. You are so bitter that you seem to throw anything and everything at your dad just to see what sticks. Are you in therapy? Because if what you say about your father is true (which I doubt), then you are emotionally scarred on a very deep level, and will probably need years of therapy. If you are not telling the truth, you obviously need therapy as well. So no matter what, you need to get a psychologist (and if he thinks it is appropriate, a psychiatrist).

So I did not realize you were with your mom now; how did you two find each other? Are you living with her, and if so, for how long?

Most importantly, who is that fine young thing in the center of the picture? There is no way she is related to the other three women. Come on, man, hook a brother up!


United States of America


#26General Comment

Mon, February 27, 2012

And I hope you are not saying that I blew guys in an alley to get drugs...?

Because I didn't do any such thing. I worked a job made money and bought my s**t.

I also have been a year clean from any drug. And a child who was born crack addicted at birth is not necessarily doomed at birth. it gives them a less likely percentage of survival. But how can you take a child from a addict mother and put it with another. Makes no sense


United States of America


#26General Comment

Mon, February 27, 2012

And I hope you are not saying that I blew guys in an alley to get drugs...?

Because I didn't do any such thing. I worked a job made money and bought my s**t.

I also have been a year clean from any drug. And a child who was born crack addicted at birth is not necessarily doomed at birth. it gives them a less likely percentage of survival. But how can you take a child from a addict mother and put it with another. Makes no sense


United States of America


#26General Comment

Mon, February 27, 2012


     Thank you. I write and know how to spell. It is just I type so fast and don't always proof read before I send it out. 


      I feel horribly sorry for you and Sanctuary House. You are the kind of person that should be running anything. You treat people like crap. You act like your s**t don't stink. Well it does.


      Jared lost custody of me due to drugs, and him punching me leaving bruises on me when I was 15 years old. He would leave me at neighbors home. Have me strip down to nothing  and beat me with a leather belt.

Jared was never a Father nor Dad. Just because you adopt someone, it doesn't make you a Parent.

It definitely doesn't make you a good parent when your husband lays in your child's room pulls his d**k out and starts stroking it. tell me when i was 10 years old to come over and play with it. that it was okay. and had me give him b*****b at least 1 time a week for a while. I told you after you guys broke up and you didn't believe me. you told me that I should stop making s**t up.  Well let me inform you on this Jared, I do not believe you have completely stopped using meth. I believe you may need to go see a psychiatric Dr. Because you are Bipolar. As for my life with my mother and my sisters. it is better than I ever imagined.  My mother stopped using the day she gave birth. She went to the rehab down stairs in the hospital everyday for 5 months. That's how long I was in the hospital. Not 34 days. And my mother wasn't on Jerry Springer. She didn't do adult film crap. Yes she used back then. whoopee PEOPLE make mistake. and MISTAKES make people who they are today.  You learn from them. But it is all okay Jared I will be seeing you in court and my attorney will be in contact with your attorney. Because I'm going after the state of Florida. The stats of Florida will be going after you for falsely putting information on the adoption forms. Yeah I'm looking at all the paperwork right now.. Go ahead come up with a rebuttal. Also I have all the documents from when I was taken from you, by my doing.. All the court records. I have everything. So you had better hope all they do is take your business away.  instead of throwing you in prison. Because it is a federal law and it states at the bottom of legal documents. "By signing this form you are acknowledging that the above information is correct."  Well you weren't telling the truth.

Sincerely Marc Alan Hutson




I'm afraid he was doomed from the start.

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, February 27, 2012

When you are born 2 months premature to a woman on crack, the game is pretty much over before it has begun. Mix into that the fact that, frankly, his mother's genes probably weren't top notch (nor the biological father's) and the odds are stacked so high, there is not much you can do. This is why when a crack baby *does* succeed in life, it makes the news. 

To the father - you are totally wrong when you say it was a "failure" of yours that he "had the best of everything growing up" and "created a child who assumes the world owes him, entitlement." I mean, *I* grew up with everything, and do indeed have a sense of entitlement, but I'm not blowing guys in the alley for drugs. And I can write. 

It is very possible there is not much you could have done differently. He was born addicted, his mom was an addict, and if I read this right, you are a recovering addict. Plus, it is hard raising a kid alone (kids raised by single parents often don't turn out to well). 

To Marcus - dude, you gotta go get your GED. Your writing is terrible. I'd actually tackle that before worrying about your hair color. 

The rebuttal of an addict out of co

Wilton Manors,
United States of America

Yep, this is my son

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, February 26, 2012


I tried to block your never ending calls, constant texts, and endless emails to prevent having to deal with the crap that you come up with.  However, if you really want to air dirty laundry, in public, so be it.

First, no one has ever told you that you were born in a motel.  You were born in the neonatel intensive care unit of Broward General Hospital after the woman that gave birth to you two months premature, due to her crack cocaine and alcohol use.  This woman left the hospital and left the state, almost immediately.

Next, it took 34 days for you to be released to go home, due to the fact you weighed 2.9 pounds at birth.  The woman alleging to be related to you was given multiple chances by The Court to return and claim her child, three times in total.  She never showed.  She was too busy running drugs to Indiana.

As for adopting you 21 years ago, yep that's true.  Was I gay, yep.  When I asked our case manager why she was giving us our son, her reply was, "I would rather see an undesirable with an undesirable, than to see you remain in the system your whole life, due to the fact that in the eyes of the state, you would probably not be placeable."  I should have been insulted, but I wasn't because I had you laying in my arms and I loved you then as I do now.  I was warned that due to the drug use of your birth mother, that I could expect many problems, both physical and emotional, but it didn't matter, I adopted you anyway and loved you regardless.   As for me loosing my parental rights, you and I both know that's not true.  It was only after being repeatedly expelled from school for bad behavior, burglary of public buildings, running away from home, and refusing to listen to your father, I asked the state to intervene.  There's a big difference.

As for anyone looking for you for 22 years, you've lived within 3 miles of the hospital you were born in for most of your life.  I've offered to pay for your schooling, help you get your GED, as I did my other son, Phil, but you'd rather slam your father than improve yourself.

My worst fear is that this is furtherance of mental illness that I'm afraid, left unchecked, will progress.  As for throwing your belongings out into the street, ya d**n right I did.  And if you ever return to my home and call me the profane names, the way you did, I would do it again.

You will not disrespect me, nor do I have to put up with the juvenile behavior you exhibited the last two times you've visited my home.  Have I made mistakes as a parent, of course.  Parents do that sometimes.  BUT LISTEN TO THIS, a parent isn't someone that squats and gives birth and leaves, it's the one that walks you through the night while you suffered with horrible withdraws, nightly for seven months, from the drugs you were forced to endure, picks you up weekly from school after repeated threats of expulsion, or advocates for you when you brought to your father's front door in handcuffs.

Marcus, you had the best of everything growing up and that's my failure, I created a child who assumes the world owes him, entitlement.  You can not continue to tell lie after lie, like one week you have cancer, then the next week, you're in school and asking me for money.  Then you only have a short time to live.  For God's sake, child, knock it off.

As for telling anyone that my husband of 17 years died, that was my perogative.  It was better than telling them the truth, that he chose to run off and leave me to raise our son, alone, which I did.  You are an ungrateful child that has a hard road ahead of you, if you choose to continue this path.  Every relative you've stayed with, you've burned a bridge with.

As for repeating the words of one person making a negative comment about this organization, after being expelled for continued relapse, it's clearly overshadowed by the national and international acclaim we have received for our help in the gay homeless recovery community.

This is simply what it looks like, a desperate child lashing out at his father for not getting what he wanted.  I will not be bullied by an ungrateful child.  Now, grow up, go to school, and make something of yourself.

Oh, and ps,  look at your birth certificate, you have one and only one parent listed, your father, Jared Cashner and it says "Mother, unknown".

This will be the last time I waste my time dealing with your immature tactics or continue to respond further, so feel free to write whatever you want.  We both know the truth.

Good bye,

Oh and one more thing, I saw the picture, the newest hair color looks rediculous.  You can't get a job dressing and looking like that.


United States of America

i know the owners

#26General Comment

Sun, February 26, 2012

I am the son of the owners. and well. my opinion this place is a hoax a scam and a lie. owned by one of the biggest scam artists known to man. i was adopted by jared c cashner. someone may remember me...  he smokes pot, goes to the bar natleast 2 x's a day and gets drunk.  he does tell people you need to wait til med time or. that he is too busy to give them there meds.  jared does hit people. he pushed my partner outside and choked me and threw all of my s**t outside. yes i have issues. i used to use drug. i dont anymore though. yes i used to be a prostitute. i dont do that anymore. jared lost physical parental rights of me in 2005. do to constant drug use.  and beating me all the time. my whole face was black and blue. jared has been scamming people this whole time. here is a kicker. ok im gay. so i have nothing wrong with gays adopting children. but... in 1990 you were not aloud to be an open gay man or living an openly gay lifestyle and have an openly gay relationship and adopt.  but yet he adopted me. hmm i wonder why. he paid people to get me to be his child. this woman pat o'leary the case worker at the time. took me from my birth mother. who was getting her life in order so she could be a great mother.. my mother has been looking for me for 22 years. jared told me my mother gave birth to me in a hotel room, that she was a dirty adult film actress and that she is dead. he also told people that he latest partner of 18 years had died suddenly in 1998. he is not dead at all. if anyone has any questions feel free to rebutal me. and jared for your information you had better hope to god you get your s**t together. i know you mre than anone in this present time. and ill be coming for you in the court of law real soon.

The rebuttal of an addict out of co

Wilton Manors,
United States of America

Thank you

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, January 29, 2012

Dear Steve,

I'm actually responding to you.  I don't know who you are, but thank you.  If you get an opportunity, please feel free to call.  Since my phone number is no secret, I'd enjoy hearing from you.  954-882-8363.

You couldn't possibly believe some of the crap ya have to deal with, just to make a difference for the others that are working for it.  I have wonderful clients that, for the most part, make what I do rewarding.  My partner, James and I founded the Sanctuary almost 4 years ago, mostly from money out of my retirement after finishing up 17.5 years working as a Court Reporter.  In that time, we've come to care and respect so many people that live, still, locally and enjoy a life that is more manageable, after their stay with us.  I'm sure this is just another LOUIS alter ego.  I'm expecting next, the newest post's name will be Sibyl.  lol
As for our foundation, these exchanges have actually had the opposite effect.  We've received calls and donations as a result of the exposure.  Go figure, I guess Karma has a way of equaling things out.  Also, it caught the eye of a marketing director from Delray Beach, whom has now visited the property and is now referring our newest client on Monday, with others to follow.  I jokingly asked the Director of Marketing for Pa** *ar*......... Now. Louis, you didn't think I'd mention them, did you?... I asked her why she would be trolling on this website and after a good laugh, our place in their organization was secured  So, after this post, I'm going to get back to business as usual.  So, Louis aka Treatedbadly, aka, Craig, aka, Brian, aka Jack,,,,,,,,,,,,hehe, get a life.

Just to put this in perspective:


We would love the visit and enjoy showing off what we have managed to accomplish, considering the main house was such a huge challenge when we first bought it, 4 years ago.  Now, this historic home is shaping up to be a place resurrected from 1924 to 2012, and we couldn't be prouder of the final outcome.... well, almost the final outcome.  There is that hole in the ceiling to patch after repairing that leaky pipe from upstairs.  Steve, whoever you are, hope to hear from you soon.

Jared Cashner, CCR
Certified Court Reporter, Retired and happy.  heheh
PS....Louis, I told you from day one that I would not have a war of whits with an unarmed man.

The rebuttal of an addict out of co

Wilton Manors,
United States of America

Thank you

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, January 29, 2012

Dear Steve,
I'm actually responding to you.  I don't know who you are, but thank you.  If you get an opportunity, please feel free to call.  Since my phone number is no secret, I'd enjoy hearing from you.  954-882-8363.

You couldn't possibly believe some of the crap ya have to deal with, just to make a difference for the others that are working for it.  I have wonderful clients that, for the most part, make what I do rewarding.  My partner, James and I founded the Sanctuary almost 4 years ago, mostly from money out of my retirement after finishing up 17.5 years working as a Court Reporter.  In that time, we've come to care and respect so many people that live, still, locally and enjoy a life that is more manageable, after their stay with us.  I'm sure this is just another LOUIS alter ego.  I'm expecting next, the newest post's name will be Sibyl.  lol
As for our foundation, these exchanges have actually had the opposite effect.  We've received calls and donations as a result of the exposure.  Go figure, I guess Karma has a way of equaling things out.  Also, it caught the eye of a marketing director from Delray Beach, whom has now visited the property and is now referring our newest client on Monday, with others to follow.  I jokingly asked the Director of Marketing for Pa** *ar*......... Now. Louis, you didn't think I'd mention them, did you?... I asked her why she would be trolling on this website and after a good laugh, our place in their organization was secured  So, after this post, I'm going to get back to business as usual.  So, Louis aka Treatedbadly, aka, Craig, aka, Brian, aka Jack,,,,,,,,,,,,hehe, get a life.

Just to put this in perspective:

We would love the visit and enjoy showing off what we have managed to accomplish, considering the main house was such a huge challenge when we first bought it, 4 years ago.  Now, this historic home is shaping up to be a place resurrected from 1924 to 2012, and we couldn't be prouder of the final outcome.... well, almost the final outcome.  There is that hole in the ceiling to patch after repairing that leaky pipe from upstairs.  Steve, whoever you are, hope to hear from you soon.

Jared Cashner, CCR
Certified Court Reporter, Retired and happy.  heheh
PS....Louis, I told you from day one that I would not have a war of whits with an unarmed man.



Gee, use fake accounts much?

#26Consumer Comment

Sat, January 28, 2012

Wow, just a day or two after the OP posts, another "client" of this place magically shows up to post negative things about it. What are the odds?

Seriously dude, just get on with your life. Go to AA, NA, or whatever. I'm not a huge fan of 12 step programs myself, but at least they teach people to let go of resentments and take responsibility for their own lives. Hell, if you get far enough you may even "make amends" on this site. But I doubt it.  


United States of America

Sanctuary House was pretty bad

#26Consumer Comment

Sat, January 28, 2012

I stayed at this place for a while and it was bad.  Dirty and rundown with roaches.  The owner has a horrible temper and I can believe the stories I read here.  There are much better and safer places for recovery.  

The rebuttal of an addict out of co

Wilton Manors,
United States of America

thank you

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, January 28, 2012

thank you



The OP is obviously full of it

#26General Comment

Fri, January 27, 2012

I've never heard of this place, but it is pretty evident that what they are saying about the OP is true, i.e. he is just retaliating for something or other. The vast majority of the people that read this will see this obvious fact as well, so if I was the halfway house I really wouldn't worry about it. In fact, I wouldn't even bother responding to this joker anymore. When you deal with junkies and alcoholics, you are bound to get a few of these types. And I say that being a total lush :)

Stop Them

United States of America

More lies and deceit from Jared Cashner Sanctuary House

#26Consumer Comment

Fri, January 27, 2012

More lies and deceit, here is a link to the Broward County document that was supposedly "hand written"....see it for yourself. Being called mentally ill by someone never met is sad. Jared Cashner grasping at straws again. See the documents for yourself. Mr Parkin, though I have never met you I know your whole story from living at Sanctuary Hell, that is how anonymous Sanctuary House is. Be careful name calling people you do not know. Posting your story about Sanctuary is one thing but spreading stories about someone you never met does not make you credible. Good luck to you. 

Just copy and paste the link in your address bar. 

The rebuttal of an addict out of co

Wilton Manors,
United States of America


#26Consumer Comment

Thu, January 26, 2012

John Parkin

Well, "Silly, F---king ME !" Sanctuary House SAVED one life, and is here to help others'. Speaking only for myself, I will be HAPPY to put in a very good word for the guys, my personal friends now, in WARM, Wilton Manors, Florida ! They are a very good, upstanding GAY transitional Housing Facility, for GAY, and Bi MEN, and ANYONE who might have questions regarding Sanctuary House may feel free to contact me thru Facebook, or GMAIL, at the following; I'll put in a d**n good word for my friends there any time ! JTP.

To the other fools writing this crap, get a life.  If you're writing this, then you failed this recovery program badly.  Notice, no one is willing to stand up and give their name!!  I think this is the infamous stalker,again.  Louis, get a life.

They must have a lot of patience to deal with some individuals with mental impairment, such as this stalker, to the point of thinking a vandetta is the only way to live.

J. Parkin, just another one of Sanctuary House's success stories

Stop Them

United States of America

This place is horrible

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, January 15, 2012

There are pictures supporting how horrible this place is as well as pictures of someone physically abused.  Also county documents showing Jared Cashner's involvement with illegal drugs and he runs Sanctuary House.  Do your research, that is all I ask for your sake.

The rebuttal of an addict out of co

Wilton Manors,
United States of America

Answering nonsense

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, January 15, 2012

At the Sanctuary House, we are committed to providing a safe, caring and sober environment for gay men in recovery. We are committed to improving the lives of individuals who are ready to return to independence and to providing them with structure, stability; and the tools and confidence needed to live a life absent of alcohol and drug dependency. It is our goal to create awareness in the community through education and prevention programs and to maintaining the highest level of fiscal responsibility in all areas of service.
History:The Sanctuary House was founded in 2008 by Jared Cashner, a retired 17-year criminal court reporter and James Sanzeri, who saw the need for a transitional sober living facility after the death of his only sibling, after drugs took him. This program was created specifically for men, with emphasis on gay men and their unique needs.The Sanctuary House sits on a sprawling acre of land in the heart of Wilton Manors, one of South Floridas most heavily populated gay areas. It is made up of three buildings and can currently house 30 clients. The facility offers apartment-style living in a serene, tropical landscaped environment. Residents receive weekly random drug testing, at no charge to our clients, nearby case management services, client advocacy, and HIV testing and counseling. Partnered with local hospitals and other non-profit groups, the Sanctuary House provides assistance to men with HIV and other health and mental health issues.Constantly growing to meet the ever-changing needs of the community, the Sanctuary House now operates an emergency Food Bank, and provides a variety of education and prevention programs as well as support groups.
Occasionally, we find ourselves dealing with an individual that would say anything after being expelled for unacceptable behavio, such as inappropriate and unwanted touching, foul language, and abusing alcohol, even after repeated attempts to intervene by staff.  Since each client is responsible for their own apartment to keep clean, perhaps the complainer should not talk about "filth", but rather clean up their mess and their lives. So, check out our website and read what others think.

The rebuttal of an addict out of co

Wilton Manors,
United States of America

Dealing with clients in addiction recovery

#26REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, January 10, 2012

Sanctuary House is a non-profit organization established in 2008.  Since that time, this facility has helped more than 280 men in various stages of recovery from drugs and alcohol.  The complaint presented here was written by an ex-client, turned away after theft, relapse, and continuous complaints by other residents who are making the decision to become independent of their addiction.  These complaints range from inappropriate touching, illegal drug use, and disrupting the lives of other residents.   Since opening, Sanctuary House has worked with many HIV clients providing resources, education, and aid in becoming independent. The entire staff of the Sanctuary are volunteers and should neve be subjected to the lies, disruptive behavior of one or two clients that believe there are no rules in life to abide by.  This behavior has reached far past the expulsion of two clients, to include "social media assault", calling police in our community making false reports, and working towards vengeful behavior, as retiallation for this facility's decision, made in the best interest of our 30 remaining clients.  To date, Sanctuary House has never received a negative report, but rather, been featured in national and one international magazine for our work with the gay community and the particular health issues associated with some clients.  Please feel free to read Ambiente International Magazine, June 2010 edition, where Sanctuary House is featured on the cover, read in 3 languages, in 14 countries around the world.  To those, like this client that still suffers from emotional, mental, and drug abuse issues, we wish only for their recovery.

Jared C. Cashner, CCR, N.P.

Executive Director

Sanctuary House of S. Florida, Inc.

a non-profit organization for gay men in recovery

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