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  • Report:  #1482233

Complaint Review: Sandy Graham MS - Deceptive Psychoanalyst

Sandy Graham, MS - Deceptive Psychoanalyst Brought my friend to her for help, then got slapped in the face. Phoenix Arizona

  • Reported By:
    Michael — Scottsdale Arizona United States
  • Submitted:
    Sun, July 21, 2019
  • Updated:
    Wed, July 24, 2019

I have a friend who has been in a deep severe depression for over 6 years. In my search for a competent therapist, I came across one located in the Biltmore/Arcadia District who I thought might help.

I contacted Sandy Graham, MS by telephone and made arrangements for her to see my friend. I guess the first session went ok, but then later the schedule got screwed up, because the person bringing my friend to her was called away on an emergency.

I made several telephone calls to Sandy, not to find out the medical condition of my friend, but to confirm that he was rescheduled to get the help he needed. I can’t inquire as to my friend’s condition due to HIPAA regulations.

Sandy never returned any of my telephone calls. I offered to come down in person to speak with her; it was only then that she finally texted me and told me that she couldn’t reveal any information regarding my friend’s condition. I texted her back and told her that I was only interested in making sure that my friend was back on schedule to get the help he needed.

Sandy texted me back with a curt, rude discourteous response.

Her uncivil manner is diametrically opposed to one of compassion and caring. That’s when I started to do some digging.

Sandy Graham is a person who clamors to be in the limelight and with the “In Crowd”. She is on Internet Radio and touts her location as being in the city’s most acclaimed, and much coveted Historical Biltmore District.

This is a lie. Her cheap Office is in a Class C Building on East Thomas Road in Phoenix, miles away from the Biltmore District, next to a Construction Company Office. She could never have an office in just Phoenix; no; that would be too common and wouldn’t be in-line with the high-dollar fee that she charges.

Definition: Class C
Buildings competing for tenants requiring functional space at rents below the average for the area.


Then I found some more photos and was appalled at the fact that a professional therapist would dye her hair purple. This is not a professional therapist, this is a person who needs a professional therapist. Jesus, what’s next (?) a Mohawk Haircut? Facial Tatoos?

Please take a look at the pictures that I have included.

In my opinion, this is a purple haired, beady eyed harpy of the highest order and one to be avoided if you are truly looking for professional help.

11 Updates & Rebuttals


Takoma Park,
United States

Nothing more to add, really....

#12General Comment

Tue, July 23, 2019

Thanks for "clarifying" what's "Rebuttal" option is all about.  So glad you are here to educate us.

The rest of your post...well, I really hope this was just awesome satire on your part, because you really are a riot.  You played the deranged "Concerned Friend" to perfection, one step removed from coloring your hair and making your eyes more beady so you could look like the therapist you loathe and get information from your obsession.....errr, "friend."  

If you're serious....well, I'm sorry, but you are just insane.  Please leave your friend alone, leave his therapist alone, and GET A LIFE.  

PS we know what the Rebuttal button is for.  It is, in part, for responding to ridiculous claims of being "ripped off."  You know, like the one you posted. 


United States

To all of the caustic, abrasive, acidic and clueless individuals who have unjustly joined this complaint...

#12Author of original report

Tue, July 23, 2019

To all of the caustic, abrasive, acidic and clueless individuals who have unjustly joined this complaint, I welcome you and thank you for the opportunity of adding further to this complaint.

You, the "Friends of Sandy", have demonstrated, through your uninformed outbursts, that you are just as unstable as Sandy herself. As they say... "Birds of a Feather". Not surprising.

I'm not a Psychiatrist, but then too I'm not a tire expert, but I know a flat tire when I see one.

Someone should start a sanctuary city for you people; but I certainly wouldn't want it in my state.

The button that you clicked is a Rebuttal Button to be used by the person that the complaint was made against.

Ripoff Report is not a forum, a blog or even a "Soapbox". Like the BBB, it is a place to voice complaints. Unlike the BBB, it is a lifelong history file; in essence the complaint never goes away and subsequently can never be hidden.

Someone should start a file on everyone born and keep track of their activities, their morals, their finances, their education, their demeanor, who they interact with, what they purchase and so forth. Then we could really get a handle on all of the scofflaws and low brows. We could call it a Social Credit Score. I just thought... China already has that in-place. Hmmm.

I don't know if you have ever noticed, but people that dress wierd and treat their bodies like a billboard don't really work in a professional arena. People that usurp the gifts of God and resonate with people like that, usually work at a truck dock, where it really doesn't matter, or a call center where no one is able to see the true person. Watch TV and look for a Doctor with purple hair... you'll never see one. Only freaks and Satanists dress like that.

A person's outward appearance is a direct reflection of their inward self.

Don't know where your bar is set, but mine is pretty high.

I apologize that it took so long to write, but it's really hard to type when I'm laughing so hard.

Bye for now.


United States

To the original poster..

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, July 23, 2019

I'm curious as to why you think that this discussion is any of your business?
- This is a PUBLIC web site, and just like you can post. The PUBLIC can post as well, and contrary to what you may believe, the public may not agree with you and point out how you are not correct.

Robert says... "I have a pretty good idea"... "The poster sounds like a controlling lunatic"... "I also think".
- Actually I never said that...

It is clear that you don't think at all. You have filed a rebuttal that has nothing to do with you, without knowing any of the facts.
- Actually, I do think. The rebuttal focus was on your claim of the HIPAA violations, the FACT is that contrary to what you believe or how concerned you say you are. HIPAA restricts a medical provide from disclosing ANY information about a patient. So NOTHING you posted here showed she did anything wrong.

If your friend is that incoherent that you can't even ask him any questions. Then if you truly are concerned about him, you need to contact your local health officials may even warrant a call to 9-1-1 to get immediate assistance. They can then go through the courts and force him into treatment. Or are you just doing some exaggeration on your own as an excuse as to why your friend isn't letting you know.

If your friend is actually coherent, and just doesn't want to answer you then that is just more validation that the Therapist was right in following HIPAA and not answering your questions.

By the way we are still waiting on you posting the appropriate dress code for therapists.


Takoma Park,
United States

A few more points...

#12General Comment

Tue, July 23, 2019

1. What did I say that was "foul-mouthed?"  Do you realize how insane that sounds after your rant about the therapist's hair color and beady eyes?  Please tell me what words I used that constituted "foul language?"

2.  Why did your "friend" offer you $18,000?  Was it "please walk away and leave me alone" money?

Seriously, keep posting.  You sound more and more unhinged - and obsessed with your "friend"- every time.  Great entertainment, but I hope your "friend" takes that $18,000 attempted payoff and uses it to hire a lawyer to keep you away from him.  


Takoma Park,
United States

Thank you....

#12General Comment

Tue, July 23, 2019

For confirming that you are just a nutcase with a severe case of obsession with your friend and jealousy/obsession with this therapist.  You seriously sound more and more deranged with each post.

So now your friend is very wealthy, and he offered you $18,000, and you turned it down, so that proves that you are a saint who only cares about the welfare of your friend, right? Bizarre.

Here's the bottom line, which you seem incapable of understanding (probably because you are too blinded by your fixation with your friend:

1.  Doesn't matter in the slightest if your friend is incoherent and can't talk to you about his therapy or lack thereof.  Unless you are his legal guardian, his health situation is simply NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.  The fact that you don't respect privacy becomes even more relevant in the second point:

2.  This is a public forum.  People who comment here aren't being "nosy"- when you posted, you invited comments.  You are getting them.  If you want your private issues to remain private, you don't post them online.  I find it hysterical that you of all people could accuse anyone else of being "nosy"- you who are harrassing a therapist for private information about a third party.  

You seriously need help.  Go get a life that doesn't involve a "friend" who doesn't want HIS life controlled by you, and find something to do other than fixate on a beady-eyed, purple-haired therapist who doesn't have an office location you find appropriate.  Seriously, you sound a like a character from a Lifetime Movie (and not the heroine.)


United States

A nosy rebuttal fromRobert.

#12Author of original report

Tue, July 23, 2019

Dear Robert,

I'm curious as to why you think that this discussion is any of your business?

I am sincerely concerned about the welfare of my close friend. Why is that a problem with you?

My friend has been in deep depression for over 6 years, in and out of the Hospital many times, received medication after medication, electroshock therapy and even gone through a failed suicide. He is incoherent and can't even remember my name half the time.

Sandy Graham is a liar, aggrandized and an embelisher. That much is easily provable. I just wish I would have known that going in.

Robert says... "I have a pretty good idea"... "The poster sounds like a controlling lunatic"... "I also think".

It is clear that you don't think at all. You have filed a rebuttal that has nothing to do with you, without knowing any of the facts.

You have stuck your nose where it doesn't belong and now you have egg on your face.



United States

A rebuttal from a foul-mouthed, uninformed, low-brow.

#12Author of original report

Tue, July 23, 2019

Dear John,

Is this where I say ouch!

You must be the foul-mouthed, uninformed low-brow that has come to rescue Sandy's character. How that can come through the help of an insurgent reprobate, I'll never know.

It's a pattern... when people without an education run out of words, they always turn to filth. You should really hire a ghost writer John.

Sandy Graham is a liar an aggrandizer and an embelisher. No getting around that.

Remember one thing John, it's not libel if it's true; and I've only pulled back the curtain just a little. Just think what would happen if I did some deep research.

My friend has been through medication after medication, electro shock therapy and a failed suicide. I really can't ask him any questions, since he is incoherent and doesn't remember my name half the time. He is a very wealthy man and I am sincerely concerned about his welfare. I was offered an $18,000 check... I turned it down.

There is a reason for body language; you should really take note of that.

It is amazing to me how you have come to so many conclusions with no facts. Are you Psychic?

My fervent wish for you is that you become very wealthy severly depressed and wind up in a Nursing Home wondering if you'll ever get out.

And may your Doctor have a bone through his nose.

Thank you for your rebuttal John. Very entertaining.


Takoma Park,
United States

To Robert...

#12General Comment

Mon, July 22, 2019

You asked why the original poster didn't just inquire of her friend the questions she tried to get out of the therapist.  I have a pretty good idea of the answer:  Because the friend wouldn't provide the information

Having failed to get the information from her friend, the poster repeatedly tried to go behind the "friend's" back to get the information from the therapist.  The poster can't lash out at her "friend," so she lashes out at the therapist instead.

The poster sounds like a controlling lunatic who sees herself as a knight in shining armor riding in to save her "friend," only to have that friend react negatively to having their life controlled by the knight.  I think he should tell the authorities that this woman is trying to dig information out of his therapist- to the point of attacking her at and get a restraining order. 

(I also think that the original poster is jealous of the therapist and her possible relationship with her "friend." That's really the only thing that could explain her ridiculously hostile attack on the therapist's looks, hair style, etc.)


Takoma Park,
United States

For some reason...

#12General Comment

Mon, July 22, 2019

The original poster thinks that it's HER responsibility to 

1.  Find an "appropriate" therapist for her friend- one that has the proper hair color and office location, for example..

2.  Keep tabs on how the therapy is going, including scheduled appointments- and if the therapist doesn't agree that this information should be available to someone other than, you know, the PATIENT, that therapist is a beady-eyed harpy.

3.  Lash out at said therapist if said therapist is not forthcoming with information which is protected by privacy laws.

To the original poster: your obsession with your friend is beyond creepy.  You need help.  I suggest you get your own therapist, before your friend files stalking charges. 


United States

The Therapist is right

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, July 22, 2019

Under HIPAA the therapist can't disclose any information about a patient, it doesn't matter who innocent or inconsequential you think it is. Yes, that means that she can't even tell you if your friend made an appointment.

If she became "curt", as you put it, it was because you didn't seem to get that message every other time you asked. Had you gone there in person the answer would have been the same, so by her being "curt" she probably saved you the time and effort you would have wasted.

If you want to find out if your friend made an appointment, why don't you do something as original and actually ASK YOUR FRIEND.  You felt close enough to your friend to recommend a therapist, and arrange for her transportation, so why can't you ask if she made another appointment? If you want the therapist to release any information, then have your friend sign a release form and submit it to the Therapist.

As for the rest of your report. You didn't seem to have any issues with the location of her office when you recommended her to your friend, so now it just looks like sour grapes.

Why is the hair color inappropriate? If you are going to be that prudish. What's your feeling in piercings? Are piercings limited to 1 per ear and only for females? What if they had two in one ear? What if they had a small stud in the nose? What's your feeling on glasses? Would Neon pink rims be allowed? Can a therapist wear sandals? How about shorts? Please tell us all of your requirement since you seem to be
aware of the "appropriate" look for a therapist.


Takoma Park,
United States

Couple of points

#12General Comment

Sun, July 21, 2019

1.  Nobody in their right mind would give one flying d**n what color their therapist's hair is.  That's your issue and nobody else's.  But please, tell us the proper color hair for a therapist, as you seem to know what colors are NOT proper.

2.  Having an issue with someone does not magically give them "beady eyes."  Seriously, I think you need a therapist more than your "friend" does.

3.  Do you have legal guardianship of your friend?  If not, it's not any of your f---ng business what her therapy schedule is or if she even has one, and in fact the therapist could have been brought up on charges for revealing it to you.  Do you get that?  If your friend is an ADULT and you have NO LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY for her, the therapy she gets or does not get IS NOT YOUR CONCERN and NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.  This therapist should have just told you straight out that it's ILLEGAL for her to pass on ANY information about another person's treatment, schedule, WHATEVER to a third party.

4.  Get a life that does not include behaving like a mother hen to your "friend" (who I strongly suspect is you, afraid that you'll be recognized and- for some reason- ashamed to admit she's suffering from Depression, which makes about as much sense as being ashamed for suffering from TB.) 

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