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Sara Freder And Angela Curtis ripoff sam artists Paris internet
i first in march 2004 asked for a report from sara freder about my personal reading. Charged US $38 dollsr. Nothing given. Tried to email for a refund but the site will not allow it.
Angela Curtis promised a 40-+60 page reading for US$58. Waited 12 days. Nothing. No email addresses she has can be reached.All these Sub human species whom parade as certifed and legitimate astrologers are nothing but bloodthirsty freaks preying on the vulnerabilities of innocent and guillable people. They need to be exposed and taken off the internet.
Angela and sara you will get your punishment. While tou reap the riches from honest people The Greater Force of God Will see your sins and punish justly. So enjoy your joke of a life, for only people who parade as experts in fields are nothing but useless, brainless and pathetic rubbish