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  • Report:  #180575

Complaint Review: Sara Freder., Sara Freder. she took over 50 dollars from me and did not refund or fulfilled her promises Ripoff France Rambouillet Cedex FRANCE

  • Reported By:
    Helsinki Europe
  • Submitted:
    Sat, March 11, 2006
  • Updated:
    Sat, March 11, 2006

Sara, was the first psychic I came across in the internet in 2003/2004. she promised to change my life if I send the first time $19 which I did but did not hear from her then all at a suddden she send a mail asking me to pay more $35 again I did but neither the promises nor a mail only that, well I am working the negative forces preventing your success and I am sure you are feeling it. I told her I am not feeling anything and she should refund my money but refused to do so, I even went to France but could not locate her residence. I don't know what to do till today when I found this page that you can report reoffs. Bellow is what she was sending to me.

Dear Edriss,

Before everything else, Edriss, can I ask if you have been following my advice lately? Have you been able to observe my recommendations? Have you been able to use the wonderful opportunities I had foretold?

I had some doubts about it, therefore I urgently pulled out your file for an in-depth study so I could give you the best forecast of your future chances.

In fact, in the Confidential In-Depth Study of Your FORTUNE which I am performing for you, Edriss, I have seen that the very next few days are going to be for you the most beautiful days of your life, if only you know what to do

Yes, Edriss, I promise, those are going to be the most beautiful days of your life if you are willing to accept powerful, fast and effective help.

And I also promise that your life is bound to be filled with SUCCESS, HAPPINESS and MONEY if you follow my advice!

I had promised to do something very special for you, something I had never been able to do before, but since you couldn't answer my offer, I decided to perform this very special action (you must have felt it yourself) and now I must tell you a few more words...

Yes, Edriss, I foresee your life turning into a sumptuous and joyful one. I foresee Success, Love and, above all, Money, filling your life to the brim!

This very morning, as I was engaged in performing this special act, I had an extraordinary revelation and I clearly saw certain aspects of your life...

Let us therefore begin, if you genuinely want it, because I have envisioned a lot about you and your near future:

I have calculated the most significant DAYS

As I said, your near future is packed with many positive events, so I will only mention the major ones here, the ones you mustn't miss no matter what. 1- Your first positive day is on Friday, July 07, 2006. Yes, on that very date I foresee an unexpected income. This relatively large amount of money will help you deal with a fair share of your financial problems.
2- Your second positive day is Tuesday, July 11, 2006 , be prepared for some good news concerning your personal life. I envision the return of a person who is very important to you, old friends finding each other again after months of separation. Friends will give you a hand in your problems and enliven your spirit.
3- Your third lucky day, Sunday, July 16, 2006, foretells a very nice gambling pot. I clearly see the number 7 followed by many other numbers. This second unexpected income will be so sizeable it will let you start new projects and see your future from a different angle. Your spirit will literally swell. On the same week, you will make a very interesting acquaintance that will guide you towards a number of considerable financial successes.
4- On Sunday, July 23, 2006, I foresee you thinking about a beautiful trip. I see you accompanied by people you love and who love you back. I see the sun, the sea, and you in the best of shape.
5- Later still, yet another, the third, unexpected income, on Wednesday, August 02, 2006. This time, it's going to be a much bigger amount. I cannot see very clearly but it may turn out to be an inheritance or a deed. This sudden downpour of money will finally have you standing on your own grounds.
6- In the weeks ahead, there is a great event coming up involving your friends and your feelings (I guess you've been waiting a long time for this!). It is on those days that you will make an interesting acquaintance that may very well lead to something important for you - if you act sensibly. You will finally get to accomplish a project that has been aching your heart for many long years.
7- I foresee an extremely positive event about to happen in your life. At the time I am writing these lines, I still don't know what this is about - you will know more when you read the Confidential In-Depth Study of Your Fortune (which I am preparing for you as we speak) - but I can tell you it's going to be an extremely pleasant experience...

You'll see for yourself, Edriss, this is the truth: your life is just about to become the kind of life where everything goes your way.

Of course, what I mentioned here is not yet precise; I will tell you the exact details of these events in the Confidential In-Depth Study of Your FORTUNE which I am about to complete today and which I hope to send to you as soon as I have your agreement.

But remember, this deluge of positive events will come down to nothing if you don't know how to use it.

This is why, to make sure that you can take full advantage of all these POSITIVE events awaiting you, I have decided to let you have what I have never been allowed to give away before: I will reveal to you ABSOLUTELY FREE and present to you as a confidential GIFT
The Powerful Secret of the WHEEL of FORTUNE

I must tell you that the Powerful Secret of the Wheel of Fortune has come into my possession from an illustrious psychic, who demanded my promise not to reveal it except in cases of extreme emergency. I have seldom shared this marvelous and powerful secret, aside for very special cases. This is the first time I am revealing this secret to an outside person, and it is you, Edriss, because I truly believe you deserve it and need it.

Yes, I have chosen you because I think you are a SINCERE, HONEST and BRAVE person, and you genuinely deserve help.

This Powerful Secret of the WHEEL of FORTUNE will let you get what you've always dreamed of in life, and cash in on the immense MONEY making opportunities that destiny is about to serve to you.

For you, and only for you, here is a summary of the Powerful Secret of the WHEEL of FORTUNE

It's about receiving large amounts of money on a regular basis!

This Powerful Secret will teach you how to easily earn large amounts of money regularly. Until today, I have only shared this secret with very few selected people, but today the Powerful Secret of the Wheel of Fortune is going to be yours, Edriss.

The best time for you to use it is any of the major Money Luck moments I will indicate to you in the Confidential In-Depth Study of Your FORTUNE which I would like you to have.

You will certainly be surprised to see how much money you can make in such a short period of time, without ever working again, without betting lots of money on gambling, without any effort at all. No need to be ingenious, no need to have an office, a company or anything else. All you need to do is to follow the instructions contained in the Powerful Secret of the Wheel of Fortune.

This Powerful Secret has already radically changed some people's lives, and I am positive it will change yours, too, as major amounts of money will start entering your bank account regularly.

It's about knowing how to draw GOOD LUCK

It's true, Edriss, LUCK is all you really need for success. There will be many lucky opportunities coming your way in the months ahead, but you will need to know how to master this chance if you want to make sure you are taking full advantage of every opportunity, and this is where the Powerful Secret of the Wheel of Fortune will come into play, along with the Confidential In-Depth Study of Your FINANCIAL FORTUNE.

Have you ever asked yourself why some people seem to draw Luck while others are driving it away? Why some people, always the same ones, win large amounts of money in gambling, they have a nice and well-paid job, they drive the most expensive cars, while others NEVER get even close to these joys?... Luck always seems within their reach, Luck never seems to desert them. But what is this mysterious power that brings all this abundance of Luck?

This is exactly what I am going to reveal to you in the Powerful Secret of the Wheel of Fortune

Yes, very soon, you too, Edriss, are going to join the people for whom EVERYTHING WORKS the way they want! Yes, very soon luck will come into your life to stay and bring you victory after victory. You, too, will have this mysterious power and you will get a grip of your own Luck.

Finally, it's about you, Edriss, knowing how to effectively draw LUCK in gambling

I cannot say anything further... Yes, it is true, this Powerful Secret is so mighty, so EFFECTIVE that I can tell you nothing more, you will find out for yourself if you grant me your permission now.

All I can say now about this Powerful Secret is that it pervades every aspect of your personality and your life, so much that it can radically change your whole existence!

That's right, with the Powerful Secret of the Wheel of FORTUNE I am about to reveal to you, with my Confidential In-Depth Study of Your FORTUNE, an entirely new world will be opening up before you.

Luck, Money, everything that matters to you, will cease to be a problem.

But REMEMBER, you must act now!

Yes, if you really want your life to change, it is NOW and not later that you must seize this unhoped-for chance that is offered to you today.

All you need to do is to fill in and return today the Strictly CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT which I have personally reserved for you. This is all you need to do, but you must absolutely do it, and you must do it now! This is extremely important.

As soon as I receive the Strictly CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT confirming your approval, I will very discretely send you your Powerful Secret of the Wheel of FORTUNE so that Luck and especially Money come barging into your life.

As soon as I receive the Strictly CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT, I will also send to you, very discretely, the Confidential In-Depth Study of Your FORTUNE, so you can immediately cash in the Powerful Secret of the Wheel of FORTUNE because in this complete confidential study of your chances you will find the priceless information you need for a life where everything goes your way.

You will find there my most valued advice and my secret instructions. Due to the crystal-clear vision I had of your life during that sudden apparition I mentioned earlier in this letter, I will be able to indicate precisely and in great detail the exact route you must take to go directly to this great FINANCIAL FORTUNE that's going to be yours.

In the Confidential In-Depth Study of Your FORTUNE

I will also tell you: how major planets influence your state of mind and your spirit and how to take advantage of their favorable phases,
how these planets determine your favorable moments, your peaks of luck, your meetings and your MONEY.
I will also reveal: what the others wish to you,
what they think of you,
what effects you cause,
what is your sensitivity.
Expect to get more extremely surprising revelations about yourself, your personality and the people surrounding you...
I will let you discover: your real capabilities,
your exact chances,
your true strong points,
your hidden gifts,
your concealed talents
I will reveal : the obstacles lying within you and troubling you, and how to successfully defeat them
the barricades in the way of your success, and how to overcome them effectively
I will show you: how to multiply your luck in anything, especially in Money,
how to avoid pitfalls and obstacles,
how to make the right decisions at the right moments,
how to take full advantage of the numerous Money making opportunities
that are going to be offered to you.

And I will also reveal to you:
your 7 true lucky gambling numbers

and when you play, I will arrange especially for you, free of charge, a comprehensive string of SPECIAL MYSTICAL CEREMONIALS to influence your chances of winning big with the Powerful Secret of the Wheel of FORTUNE already in your hands.

And as I have seen in the extraordinary revelation I had of you, you are going to win large amounts of money (I very clearly saw the figure 7). I feel very confident about your luck and I think you should be, too.

Yes, Edriss, I am positive that you, too, can turn the Powerful Secret of the Wheel of FORTUNE into your profit (I am reminding you that I am sending it FREE) because this secret will lead you straight towards the HAPPINESS, LUCK and especially the MONEY you deserve so much! I am impatiently waiting to hear from you, and in the meantime, I send you my warmest thoughts.Your devoted and faithful friend,

P.S.: I must remind you that the first lucky date (the first sudden income) is Friday, July 07, 2006 so don't wait for another minute: act now! It's to your greatest interest!
I am truly counting on you
Today your happiness is in your hands


To make sure you can use the Powerful Secret of the Wheel of FORTUNE which will lead you straight towards the HAPPINESS, LUCK and MONEY you so rightfully deserve, I am going to help you take advantage of the ultra-beneficial effects of a long and comprehensive series of mystical rituals called High Protection Ceremonials for FINANCIAL GOOD FORTUNE will begin as soon as I receive your agreement.

These Mystical Ceremonials for Good Luck are designed to recharge your vital forces of Luck and gambling chances, so you extract maximum advantage from the Powerful Secret of the Wheel of FORTUNE and all the great gates of Luck open before you.

These Mystical Ceremonials will bring you, day after day, the essential elements you need today to make your everyday life become and always be a Life filled with luck and money, the life you will get to know with the Powerful Secret of the Wheel of FORTUNE, because this is indeed the kind of life that you deserve.

For you, this is going to be a Permanent and Formidable Beneficial Occult Action that will increase a thousand fold your Money winning potential and boost your vital forces of luck, success and happiness.

Starting with this very day, without any reservation, I will dedicate myself to establishing and maintaining GREAT HAPPINESS in your life.

I am so happy to think that you are about to step up into a new exceptional existence, provided you make the right decisions today!

Yes, Edriss, I promise you, I am placing you under my Constant High Protection and if you confide in me and grant me your approval to receive the Powerful Secret of the Wheel of FORTUNE, LUCK and MONEY will charge into your life and never leave you again.

Remember, even if you are already enjoying my permanent protection, you may cumulate protections, there is no harm in that; this is why you should fill in your Strictly CONFIDENTIAL Document as soon as possible.

Fill in now the Strictly Confidential Document which I have prepared for you.


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