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  • Report:  #1141869

Complaint Review: Sarah Stutsman

Sarah Stutsman, Sarah Di Salvo, Di Salvo Public Relations, Screenwriting Staffing Utopia PR Thief; Paid $1300 For One Year of Service; Received Two Weeks and No More! Dallas Texas

  • Reported By:
    Sydney — Huntsville Alabama
  • Submitted:
    Sat, April 26, 2014
  • Updated:
    Tue, August 05, 2014

On March 14, 2014, our company entered into an agreement with Sarah Stutsman, a.k.a. Sarah Di Salvo, Di Salvo Public Relations, for marketing an PR services. The agreement was for one year's worth of work, and included the following:

1) Monthly newsletters

2) One posting per day on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

3) Online press releases

4) HTML work on website

5) A market survey

6) Expanding and creating new marketing startegies going forward.


She came by way of a referral from her boyfriend, Jacob Stuart, and his business, Screenwriting Staffing Utopia. After three payments were made, totalling $1300, thus paying for a year's worth of services in advance, a request was made for a written contract. Ms. Stutsman, to this point, had completed approximately ten days worth of the agreement, including some website work, a handful of online social media postings and one group email through our MailChimp account.

When the request for a written contract was made, outlining the above services, she stalled, saying in an email that she was "insulted" by the request. After a falling out with her business associate, Jacob Stuart, over his own questionable business practices in his business (of which I was VP), Ms. Stutsman felt it was appropriate to write a scathing letter filled with vile insults, believing that this was a sound business practice for a vendor to a client. She did, however, include that she was willing to "continue the arrangement", even though that "h*** hath no furry as a woman scored" (sic)- her exact words.

Needless to say, I ended the business relationship, and requested our money back, minus $300 for services rendered to that point (actually, less than $100 worth of work, but it didn't matter). Even though the last payment was made and received vis Pay Pal less than 24 hours earlier, Ms. Stutsman claimed she was unable to refund the money at all- instead, going to Los Angeles for a week with her boyfriend.

After many email exhanges, during which she continually mentioned my wife's battle with breast cancer as some sort of retirbution, a payment agreement was made, to which:

1) she admitted to the debt

2) Accepted responsibility for the debt

3) Promised, in writing, a payment schedule of $200 a month for five months, beginning April 15, 2014.

Needless to say, the15th has come and gone, and Ms. Stustman has refused any further communication on the matter.

This person is a despicable, vile human being and additional legal steps are in process as we speak. You may wish to stay far away from Ms. Stustman, her "PR" services, and her fiance, Jacob Stuart and his business Screenwriting Staffing Uptopia. The connection between the two businesses is obvious when it was his Pay Pal account (asuscreenplay) through which all financial transactions took place.


5 Updates & Rebuttals



No One Believes You

#6Author of original report

Tue, August 05, 2014

Stop wasting your time. Apparently, you're so threatened you filed a police report two months after our one and only contact-when you called ME crying and begging to give you a chance to pay back what you owed because that loser gambling addict boyfriend of yours left you- and claimed I threatened you? Love to see the proof of that!

I guess that's why, three weeks later, no one has even bothered to call or knock on my door. Filing a false police report is a misdemeanor, so expect this to backfire as well, like all of your other charades.

What a desperate pair of losers you two really are. I guess your business is SO busy you have time to make up this garbage. It's just refreshing to know that what our groups are doing truly are affecting your bottom line. It's about time thieves like you and Jacob Stuart go away and crawl back under the bridge from which you came. The entertainment world is fully aware of the stealing and the scams you've perpetrated. You left rows and rows of victims, and I'm delighted they are all coming out of the closet, sharing their own vicitmizing stories.

Oh, and btw- "Allison"- in just a few days, the two of you will be permanently banned from the other site as well. Good luck in Loserville.


Las Vegas,

Police Report Filed Against Geno Scala

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 05, 2014

To any young woman/young business professional, please read. 

Attached is the police report I have had to file after months of threatening emails, phone calls, blog posts, social media and other attacks against not only my character but my life. 

The case number can be used to obtain a copy of the full police report where you, the viewer, can review it completely. Should anyone doubt the authenticity of this document please keep in mind that one, filing a false police report is a VERY SERIOUS crime punishable by jail time, and two, I can provide the full ID# to prove its authenticity as well as the email sent to me after filing by APD.

I urge any young woman or female professional who is considering working with Geno Scala to please reconsider. He has harassed, bullied, stalked, and threatened me to the point where I am being forced to take legal action and I do not wish to see that happen to anyone else. Please tread carefully. Some lines in the report have been blacked out by myself in order to keep some of my personal information private from RipOffReport as well as to keep certain innapproriate comments Geno has said to me from coming up in Google Searches with my name.

See Below:

"Your online report has been approved and the permanent case
number is 140900813.

Please note in the attached report that sensitive information has
been replaced with *** in order to maintain privacy in emails.

Thank you for using our online reporting system and please e-mail
us with any suggestions you have for improving our system.

Online Officer
Arlington Police Department"


REPORT NUMBER: 140900813
THREAT Harassing Phone Call 03/31/2014 06:55 PM 07/19/2014 06:55 PM 07/19/2014 07:17 PM
House / Residence
VIC NAME  *** *** * *** *** *** ***
LAST NAME ***** FIRST NAME  **** DOB ******** RACE ***** SEX ******  DRIVER LIC NO ******** LIC ST ** SSN ********* ETHNICITY ***** RESIDENT EYE COLOR **** HAIR COLOR **** AGE ** HEIGHT ** WEIGHT *** CELL PHONE ********** MIDDLE NAME

A previous employer of mine wil not stop harassing me, he threatens to kill me. His name is Geno Scala and currently lives in Huntsville, AL with his wife Robin Ralph Lamb but he is really scaring me, tracked down members of my family and begun calling them 3-5 times day, stating that he is a police officer and that I have a warrant
out for my arrest and that he needs my new contact information. He's sent horrible and terrifying emails that threaten my life, as well as posted horrible things on the web about me that he will not remove such as old addresses, with messages about how he will get me and asked around if anyone knows my current address. It's really scaring me. Please help.




My Character, References, and Lawyer Speaks Louder Than Geno

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, July 07, 2014

Dear Readers,

Please note that this will be my FINAL rebuttal to the slanderous comments made here as my time is both too precious and valuable to waste. I can no longer physically or emotionally continue to try and prove my point to a single individual who lacks class, intelligence, or any train of rational thought.  

The individual "Sydney" aka Geno Scala who continues to post malicious lies on this web page, under a false name out of cowardice, has refused to adhere to my personal request to cease and decist. 

As such, my lawyer is currently preparing a cease and decist letter, of which, I am hoping he (Geno) will adhere to as we are more than prepared to go to court for the following: Extortion, Defamation of Character (Liable, Slander, Fraudulence etc.) and more. 

The overwhelming amount of evidence such as emails, phone conversations, screenshots and web comments/blogs he has posted on social media platforms can be prooven as lies thus making my case even more credible which is why I have decided to let my lawyer handle this matter henceforth. 

Geno Scala has bullied and threated me, as well as others to obtain money. I thought that by sending Geno Scala money, (The full amount he asked for) that it would get him to not only stop harassing me, but also get him to stop posting defamatory statements about me online as I am a young professional female fresh from college looking to grow my career and I was easily intimidated by such threats. However, it has not,  which is why my lawyer has now decided to pursue extortion charges as well. 

Everytime Mr. Scala adds a rebuttal to this page he is only helping my case against him. 

So far, his malicious lies have cost me not only some free-lance work, which I loved to do on the side as a way to help pay off my student loans, but a few full-time opportunities I interviewed for recently as well wherein the employer did a google of my name and his defamatory statements arose. 

We (My lawyer and I) expect to obtain a settlement which will include the profits I missed out on because of his defamatory remarks, on top of other losses should he refuse to adhere to the cease and decist letter. 

Thankfully, I recently settled into a new firm and have already received a promotion and raise within my first month. Should any employer or other individuals question my character or ethics after having seen this page, I will be more than happy to have references sent upon request from both past employers and my current employer as well.

This will be my FINAL attempt, as stated above, to urge Mr. Scala to cease and decist. I refuse to argue my point on this web page futher as I have more than enough character references that can be obtained from my volunteer organizatins, church, family, friends, as well as employer and professor reference letters, and more to proove that I am in fact an upstanding citizen and a hard working young professional. 

I will not contiue to allow a man in his mid 50's, who I provided services for without contract, and at an extreamly discounted rate based on a friends request, to continuously extort, harass, and bully me. 


Seeing as how Robin Lamb Ralph (Genos Wife) is the individual who provided Geno with the funds to obtain my services, I would suggest and recommend that SHE be the only individual to contact me to discuss a settlement should the cease and decist letter be ignored. Due to this matter my lawyer will be sending the cease and decist letter Courtesy of Robin Lamb Ralph.



The Facts Speak For Themselves

#6Author of original report

Thu, May 08, 2014

If anyone has the energy to read her "rebuttal"- all one has to note in the large number of spelling errors from this "scored woman", who laughingly refers to herself as a PR and Marketing professional.

So, here are the facts:

1) A total of $1300 was paid- IN ADVANCE- for a year's worth of basic PR and Marketing work.

2) A total of less than two working weeks was ever spent on PR and Marketing for The Script Mentor, her client.

3) As the vendor, she felt that it was within the bounds of "professionalism" to write a scathing letter insulting me, my business, and worst of all, my family-including my wife who is currently battling breast cancer.

4) After her termination, she accessed all of the client's accounts and attempted to do severe damage to our business and our reputation. Her explanation for doing this was NOT a denial, but rather we"forced" her to do it.

5) On 4/23/14, she left a voicemail at our office imploring us to not sue her or go after her, admitting she had done wrong, but could not reimburse us after she spent all of the money on a trip. During this v/m, she was crying uncontrollably- not out of guilt, but because her partner-in-crime; her sleazy partner; left her- but not until AFTER he spent all of her other money at the crap tables, losing it all.

6) On April 26th, we received one payment for reimbursement of $200, with a note to pay again May 14th. We'll see.

I realize that'll I'll never see the full reimbursement. My personal financial stability has never been in question and her comments and insults are merely projections about her own financial and personal instability. She is a scam artist and has been exposed, and if, in the end, it costs me $2300 in total loss in exchange to warn others about these two con artists, then it was well-worth the investment. 






Rebuttal to Slander

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, April 29, 2014

I am Sarah Stutsman, the "accused" individual of whom, did not provide services, and "refused" to contact this individual. 

The truth to this story is that the individual filing this report is known as Geno Scala CEO and Founder of "The Script Mentor" 

Who, has in fact, never had a script of his own optioned, ever. Nor has he had one produced. 

He fancys himself a screenwriter after having completed an online screenwriting course a year or so ago and has absolutely no professional experience, and in my personal opinion, no business operating a script mentoring service given his lack of experience, professionalism, temper, and so forth. 

In fact, Screenwriting U has refused to speak with him any further, the very place he received his certificate from.

Which, I believe speaks volumes of his character. 


Anywho, Geno had come to me asking for my services, of which he could not afford. Having known him in the past and being very empathetic towards his current financial situation I offered a lower price. 


I redesigned his web page, I boosted and managed his social media pages, I designed and provided him with web graphics, posters, a marketing strategy, and was in the process of developing an iPhone app, Marketing Research Surveys, and more when he decided to cut ties due to a conflict of interest. 

He did not like the fact that I was honest with him and that I expressed my professional opinion of how his temper and ranting emails would get him in trouble. I also expressed how, the threatening and violent email he sent towards a previous client and colleague of mine was vastly inappropriate. 

After I stated my professional opinion (As a Marekting and PR Coordinator) of how his emails and ehavior would affect his business and clientel he told me he would no longer be needing my services, ( As it is clear he can not take constructive critisism.) 

He then attempted to take every last dime he paid me (After I had redesigned his site, bought new graphics software, developed a marketing strategy, sent out and redesigned the newsletters, designed graphics and posteres, etc.) Which would mean I would be negative for all the hard work, effort, and expenses that I had put into assisting him. 

Paypal was the means he paid me through so he fought it via paypal. I provided Paypal with all images, documents, corresponding emails, and etc. and the other day Paypal sided in my favor. 

I contacted Mr. Scala and said If he TRULY felt I had not earned all of what was paid to me despite all that I had done for him and despite the fact it was HE who broke our busuiness relationship off and let me go that I would be fair, and sympathetic to his plight and send him some of what he gave to me. 

The other day I sent him a payment of $200 via paypal. 

It is sad that, given my generosity, my efforts, my professionalism and more that Mr. Scala has resported to this type of slander. 

If anyone here would like to review a copy of the paypal statement, the dispute, my graphics or other works I will be happy to provide you with all the details to show that myself and my services are in no way shape or form a "rip off" 

His continued lies and slander as well as his violent and threatening emails will no longer be tolerated and a member of my legal staff is currently working towards a cease and desist letter that will be sent to him post haste. 

If anyone here would like to view a copy of that as well you are more than welcome to contact me for that information. 

I would like to state that should anyone here wish to use the services of Geno Scale, The Script Mentor, or Shark-Eating Man Productions to please be weary. He is clearly a disturbed individual, he can be violent, threatening, and ill tempered. He also lacks any professional experience or credintials in his field and works out of his hard-working wifes basement collecting less than 4k a month in yearly profits for his scam script mentoring business. He even tried to sell his business to me recently due to financial issues. 

I believe his true intentions on getting his money back was due to the fact it was not his but his wifes money and was in financial need. I did feel sympathetic to his situations, thus me, despite my better judegment sending him $200 dollars the other day and doing business wiht him int he first place, but no more. 


Also, please view my linkedin if you would like to see the wonderful review he gave me prior undergoing financial woes and receiving my professional opinion on how his attitude would effect his business. 

Until he decided to discontinue using my services he had posted excellent reviews of my work. 

Also, let it be known that, the way he paid me was $200 for retaining my services $300 at the end of March for my months worth of services and then an additional $800. So the $1300 was not all paid at once, but over the course of time. He was more than happy to pay me time and again and praised my work, it wasnt until, as I stated, he felt there was a conflict of interest because he would not accept my constructive critisism that he decided to let me go. 

In no way have I ever ignored this individual, at times I have delayed my response to him but only after he sent threatening, violent, inappropriate emails, of which, I do not tolerate as a young woman.

I find him to be mental disturbed, crude, and wish to never do business with him again, so please be warned and again if anyone here would like to review the emails, images, etc to back my report I will be happy to email them to you asap. 

Thank you. 



Geno Scala decided to invest in Screenwriting Staffing Utopia last August. A company of which I was affiliated with at the time as well, having assisted with web and graphic design as well as marketing. 

He became fiercly competitive, jealous and his temper and mental issues became more and more aparant. When SSU would provide job leads for other mentoring services who were looking to hire staff, Geno stated SSU was "advertising their services" which was not true, They were simply providing information on a job, nothing more, not to mention SSU contantly promoted his services on social media and newsletters. Geno Scala had even signed a contract that stated as an investor he would have no final say in the company's decisions, which, SSU's legal department agreed he had no backing for his threats, and really not even for his insecurities because as I stated SSU would only provide occasional job leads for other script mentoring sevices, and SU felt it was in the members best interest to give them all opportunities and availability to find work as a writer. SSU did not want to deny writers a chance at work, especially in this economy. Geno did not agree, he wanting everything his way, and no other script mentoring service to even be mentioned. He became furious that it was not taken down and then decided to terminate his affiliation with SSU. 

He felt his money could buy what his way, and felt he could ignore the contract he had as an investor tha he would have no final say in any decision made. 

Since then, he has remained bitter towards SSU, and anyone affiliated with the company. 

His lies, slander, and violent threats have not been tolerated by them either and they are taking legal action against him as well. 

He has made enemies with everyone who comes in contact with him, from production companies such as Gear Man productions, to individuals. He's tried to take writing credits for something he never wrote from a screenwriter, and because of that has cost the writer to lose his deal and more. Geno is a wave of destruction whose anger, bitterness, and mental instability has caused so much stress and hurt to everyone he has interacted with.

His child like behavior and threats will no longer be tolerated by those he has hurt and I suggest anyone here avoid him and his "script mentoring" at all costs.

If you need script mentoring services, I would recommend using someone who has actualy had thier work produced or optioned, has real credits, and is professional to work with. 


Geno is a hot headed, and ill tempered, morbidly obese, trashy, vulgar, uneducated individual from the boonies of Hunstville, Alabama (Not LA as he states) who sits at home, spits threats at young women from behind a computer screen and lives off of his wifes income, and made it clear that his earnings from the script mentor are no more than 4k a Year.

The way he speaks to women is inappropriate and frightening and I would not recommend any female to use his services especially after the violent threats he made. 

This is exactly why, as a Marketing individual I advised him to tone down his behavior because it would reflect poorly upon him and his business and of course, upon being honest with him, I was terminated. 

Anyone who can not take constructive critisism and turns it into violent threats, emails, and harassment is not someone you want to be doing business with and I assure you this was a learning experience for me.

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