Print the value of index0 \ Sunny Sports Inc. \ \ scooterdepot Will Not Send MSO \ POSSIBLE FRAUD \ SCAM \ Irwindale \ City Of Industry, California
These people sent the scooter but I had to spend $75 for a motorcycle mechanic to fix it. They told me the MSO has been sent out 6 different times and dates. They did send a MSO and a bill of sale aprx 1 month after they PROMPTLY took my money but both of them had a wrong VIN # so guess what?
Right... no matching MSO, no registration, no title, no tag, can't legally ride on the road. I do not expect them to even send the correct MSO nor the Bill Of sale. These people must be crooks or just the most incompetent imbeciles to ever grace the world wide web of business.
I frankly don't see why they haven't been shut down or sued out of business. I suspect fraud and or title fraud or embezzlement from somebody at the company. I would highly advise anybody not to do business in any shape, form or fashion with
do yourself a BIG favor and listen to us that have posted. We are unselfish and knowledgeable people trying to help our fellow man and woman not to make the same mistakes we have come to learn the hard way.
Heed our warnings or be well prepare to suffer the consequences like a dumb a**! I feel your pain already!
Savannah, Georgia