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Scott Gottlieb Scott Gottlieb, M.D. (@SGottliebFDA) | Twitter Taking away a light in a dark tunnel of opiate addiction. Nationwide
Dr. Scott Gottlieb, FDA Commissioner - Declares Wr on Kratom Ahead of GSK's ownership of Kratom Patent -
It just so happens that GlaxoSmithKline owns the cyrstallized verison of Mitragyna Speciosa - Kratom google . com / patents / US3256149
It also happens that Dr. Gottlieb has been a memnber of the GlaxoSmithKline advisory board prior to receiving his FDA appointment.
Now, we have the FDA threatening once again, a Kratom ban.
Let's put two and two together. Nevermind the fact that hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of people have put their lives back together from heroin addiction, prescriptions pain medication addiction using Kratom.
Scott Gotlieb and the big pharma executives just want to make money. And they don't care at all about the hundreds of thousands of people who will suffer as a result of this irresponsible, vicious, and heartless move.
It is a death sentence for many recovered opiate addicts.
The FDA claims that a whopping thirty five deaths happened as a result of Kratom.
Really? In five years, 35 deaths? And those deaths might not even have been caused by Kratom. They could have been caused by something else entirely and Kratom just happened to be found in their systems.
Meanwhile, should we just let everyone else die of heroin and prescription pain medication addiction because Kratom *might* be linked to 35 deaths? Heroin and prescription pain medications are *definitely* responsible for tens of thousands of deaths. Not *maybe* linked to 35 deaths. Over 13,000 people died in 2015 of opiates.
Let's assume 100,000 deaths from 2010 to 2015. And that doesn't include hundreds of thousands of people whose lives have been torn apart by perscription pain medication addiction and herion abuse. If they haven't lost their lives, they have lost their families, their careers, and their health.
Kratom has been proven to help people put thier lives back together. Thousands of post exist on reddit where people testify about "personal miracles." Just Google "Kratom and opiate addiction" if your unsure.
Unfortunately, this is not about outlawing Kratom because Scott Gottlieb and the FDA are worried about 35 deaths and the health of the public. This is about money.
If you or a loved one has ever suffered from opiate addiction, you know that the doctors and drug companies first got Americans all hooked on opiates. THen they ripped it out of out hands by severely limiting access to pain medication, so some of us turned to heroin. Many lives have fallen apart. Many loved ones have died. But many were saved by a 99% benign drug called Kratom.
Now, Scott Gottlieb and the FDA are pushing to take away this one thing that has helped people re-create and maintain normal lives. The is a burtal, merciless, and completely irresponsible move.
Comment if you agree. Comment if you want to stop the Kratom ban. hundreds of thousands of lives depend on it.