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  • Report:  #198380

Complaint Review: SDI Labs

SDI Labs ripoff/liars/creators of their own type of fraudulent chemistry SDI labs zero customer service Wellington Florida

  • Reported By:
    Jackson New Jersey
  • Submitted:
    Tue, June 27, 2006
  • Updated:
    Wed, July 05, 2006

Big Cat11-06-2001, 07:41 AM
As with my post concerning AST's dishonesty I've decided to repost my previous warnings against SDI labs. recently a few people have contacted me either with their concerns on the issue or wondering of there is any truth to it. The answer is no. These guys are very creative in advertising, but as far as supps and honesty go, they suck. I hope this repost will prove this.

This is a general statement posted as information. In the future if anybody has any questions about this company or these products, refer them to this post. This will save many of us a lot of time and trouble.

SDI-labs is a obviously a very fraudulous company. their prohormone products do not differ any from the prohormone products of other companies. yet they deliberately choose to market these supplements as steroids. This is not only a bad example for our youth, its also the kind of behavious that will make the FDA crack down on prohormones and possibly see them banned. First of all their prices are outrageous. The substances in the amounts presented can be obtained from more reputable sources at 1/3 or even 1/4 of the price SDI-labs sells them for. Further more they make false claims about the product stacks. I will go into deeper detail when I discuss the products. lastly I would like to draw attention to the fact that this company does not have a contact adress for follow-up questions, which must raise a few eye-brows with the conscious shoppers. Let all these things be obvious hints of the type of people we are dealing with here.

Winni-V is a sublingual compound made of the testosterone precursor 4-diol and the inferior nandrolone precursor 19Nor in a cyclodextrin based delivery. Note that cyclodextrin has a maximum delivery capacity of 25 mg (comparable to 300 mg oral) as was shown in tests conducted at Eastern Michigan university. A moderate dose of prohormones orally would be 600 mg, and the kind a bodybuilder is looking for is 900 mg or higher. Now 19Nor is a cheap source. the better choice would be Nor-diol, and for the price of Winni-V they could have sprung for it too. 19Nor converts at a three times lower rate and readily aromatizes to estrogen. meaning you can have an increase in side-effects without seeing and increase in results. Which is not the case for Nor-diol. So you have two compounds that make testosterone and nandrolone respectively in a low dose with an inferior delivery mechanism. Now they market it as though just taking these products will miraculously give you an ester of stanazolol (Winstrol). So by some miracle the body will change a testosterone and nandrolone molecule into stanazolol ? I must not have been paying attention in chemistry class , because they never taught us that. The really strange thing about this will come when I discuss the next product.

D-Bol is yet another, but this time oral mix of the same products, 4AD and 19Nor. The specs of these products were discussed in the previous paragraph. Notice that the previous product can be compared to the minimum effective dose of 300 mg, well this is an oral and contains ... 200 mg. How's that for quality.And yet, same price. Odd huh ? So 79.95 for a bottle of 60 caps, and you'd have to take 4-5 of them to get a decent result every day. That's a lot of money for less than 2 weeks worth, or is that just me ? Now here is the really interesting part. By another miraculous conversion these products convert to methandrostenolone (Dianabol). If I recall correctly the last product said it was stanazolol. Now d-bol ? What's up with that ? Can this convert to two different substances ? Well, no. And if you were paying attention, they don't even convert to either. These two products are feeble and failed attempts at a prohormone stack, passed of as a steroid and sold to unknowing rookies.

Lastly there is Masterbolan. This one supposedly converts to drostanolone (masteron). In effect the active compound is a measely 50 mg of 5-alpha-androstanediol. What this converts to is Masteron without the dimethyl group. masteron is dimethyldihydrotestosterone. So what's left ? DHT. It converts to DHT. This is the stuff that causes prostate hypertrophy, hair loss and acne. Not that DHT is all bad, it has its definite uses, but its a far fetch from masteron. What really bugs me is that this stuff sells for 80 bucks as well. 5-AA is made from the hydrogenation of 5AD. 5AD is a fairly cheap compound, very cheap as prohormones go, and hydrogenation is a simple process. meaning in bulk, the powder in a whole bottle costs about $0.50. That's a decent profit. Even with all the additional costs there is no way this stuff should sell for over 25 bucks for 60 caps of 50 mg. Effective doses once again are well over 300 mg, but i don't advise that because of androgenic side-effect risk. Instead stack it with Nor-diol or something, two daily doses of 150 mg of each for example. But there are sources that do have 5AA for under 20 bucks, such as Higher Power Masterbolan (previously halotest).

Just some things I thought everyone should be aware of when dealing with sdi-labs. These people are absolute frauds and wannabes in this industry and they make a mockery of legal ergogenic aids. I will give them one thing, they have very creative advertising ...


Big Cat11-06-2001, 07:41 AM
I just found and email for sdi-labs, after a long and hard search. I mailed them, but I doubt they will get back to me. Should in some miraculous event (after all this is a world in which 19Nor and 4AD can turn to either methandrostenolone or stanazolol) they ever get back to me, I will post their reply on here and poke some holes in it like I did with AST.


Big Cat11-06-2001, 07:42 AM
my email :

Dear Sdi-labs, I don't suppose I should expect to get an email back, I hear from some of your customers you have the rather rude habit of not replying to emails. But I wanted to express some concerns nonetheless. I was going over some of your products and started, well, laughing.I was looking at Winni-V first. Now besides the ridiculously low dose, this stuff is sublingual, and these technologies have been shown (I have the tests if you'd like to read them) to have a ceiling of 25 mg (comparable to 300 mg oral, considered the minimum effective dose) and yet you pass this off as super-anabolic. The products used are a test precursor and an inferior nandrolone precursor and yet you claim they, by some miraculous process, change molecular structures to stanazolol. Now I must not have beenn paying attention in biochem (I'm a molecular biologist by the way) when they taught us that miraculous conversion which occurs just by taking them. Odd. I guess users will notice when they take Winni-V and experience water retention and itchy nipples from all the estrogen that this can't hold a candle to Stanazolol, which has the property of "no water retention or aromatase conversion" since it is a 5-alpha-reduced molecule. Something neither 19Nor or 4AD is. And all this for the ridiculously low price of 80 bucks ? next is d-bol, by this time I was rolling on the floor. Now here is an oral product with 200 mg (again I remind you the minimim effective dose is 300 mg) of the EXACT SAME products, yet now, again by this miraculous automatic conversion of taking them together, they transfrom to methandrostenolone ? Talk about Jack and his magic prohormones. I want some of those and if you have it black on white that this stuff is true, I'll gladly pay 80 bucks for that. heck d-bol, and winni , legal precursors ? d**n straight. But you'll have to convince me first. Masterbolan converts to drostanolone ? Well I did this test myself ... 5-alpha-androstanediol is 5AR, so its possible. But drostanolone is also called 2-methyl-dihydrotestosterone or 2-methyl-DHT. Now this converts to that, minus the 2-methyl group which leaves ... DHT. The same stuff most health conscious peopl try to avoid because it stimulate male pattern hair loss, acne, prostate hypertrophy and agressive behaviour. Plus, with the 5th carbon double bon dit has a low oral efficacy. yet you sell it for 80 bucks, but the same quality, same amount and same amount of caps are being sold for a mere 23 bucks by Higher Power. I wonder why ? Well 5AA is made by the hydrogenation of 5AD, cheap product and cheap process. A whole bottle of Masterbolan, pur powder, runs you about what ? 3-4 dollars ? that's some kind of profit. Any way I can join in ? And your stacking cycles are ridiculous, sorry I had to get that out. You are the scum of the friggin earth, you market legal prohormones under false pretenses under steroid names. Yeah, the FDA should be cracking down on you and you are exactly the type of people that will see prohormones banned for the rest of us. And its also setting a very bad example for our youth marketing it in this way. Have you no morals ? No you don't cause you sell Synthol as well ... that's right. Until further notice I will keep proclaiming your stuff as utter crap on all 8 message boards and 5 newsgroups I am a member of to warn newbies against the dangers of these practices and to help them find better prohormones at 1/4th of the cost. Not that I expect you to reply to this, its not in your thieving nature. But if you made it this far, thanks for at least reading this mail. Peter "Big Cat" van mol

Their reply :

You must have alot of time on your hands. These are not steroids that we sell we sell alternatives to. Yes this is the closest thing to steroids that you can buy out there. We have many and many happy and satisfied customers. We are not forcing you to buy these products or to even look at the site, so don't bother. This is our place of business and you don't see us bashing down your door at your job and telling you that you are a joke and everything you do and say make me roll on the floor laughing.
I would appreciate if you would stop harassing us with this kind of email.

I wrote them back saying that in my work I don't misinform or lie to people , or jeopardize the legal status of products either. I also noted that they failed to reply how exactly 19Nor and 4AD convert to stanazolol AND methandrostenolone. Must be me I guess...


little 11-06-2001, 08:36 AM
Good job BC.


Par Deus11-06-2001, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by Big

Their reply :

You must have alot of time on your hands. These are not steroids that we sell we sell alternatives to. Yes this is the closest thing to steroids that you can buy out there. We have many and many happy and satisfied customers. We are not forcing you to buy these products or to even look at the site, so don't bother. This is our place of business and you don't see us bashing down your door at your job and telling you that you are a joke and everything you do and say make me roll on the floor laughing.
I would appreciate if you would stop harassing us with this kind of email.

What a joke.

You are doing good work exposing the frauds of the supplement world.

You should post this and your AST letters at Elite, too.


Big 11-06-2001, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Par Deus

What a joke.

You are doing good work exposing the frauds of the supplement world.

You should post this and your AST letters at Elite, too.

If I don't get around to it, you're welcome too. Its public interest, the more people know this the better. So copy and paste my friends, take these words with you ... :)

Besides, it cuts down on those stupid emails I get : "I just bought some ...., how should I use it ?"

It gets tiresome tinking of witty answers ...


Johnny01-04-2002, 12:12 PM
i'v been getting alot of thier email lately pissing me off. what excactly does Synthol do i see they seel it for a lot of money? i dont wanna make a mistake and buy it, and then it turns out i put peanut oil in my a*s. cause you do inject with a syringe right??


Judd01-04-2002, 12:17 PM
Give me a minute JohnnyDigital and let me find this old thread I posted's got a great pic of synthol's crazy looking.

Ok here you go:

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

This is a result of Synthol abuse. In other words, don't p***k with this stuff. Their freaks!!


RISKYBIZ00701-04-2002, 12:38 PM
B.C. gotta hand it to ya... Great friggin job bro!


Complete 01-04-2002, 12:52 PM
Eewww! Judd that's truly disgusting man! I'd rather be skinny than that!


Judd01-04-2002, 12:55 PM
Nasty huh, look at the guy on the far right. Even a novice can tell that it's fake because his neck is WAY to small! Silly...


JohnnyD01-04-2002, 12:56 PM
holy s**t shitis that real!!!!! is that a bad thing or a good thing???!?!?! there arms are so ****ing big why isnt it cut up though???


RISBIZ00701-04-2002, 12:57 PM
B.C. i posted this up on Elite for ya bro. Excellent post.


Jud01-04-2002, 01:02 PM
JohnnyDigital, go to and type in Synthol and read up on it. Then completely forget that it exists. This "topical solution" is abused by injecting it directly into the muscle. It has no value other then increasing the size of the muscle. No strength is gained from it, it is not a steroid.


Johnny01-04-2002, 01:08 PM
poeple piss me off when they abuse stupid s*it like that. people are dumb. i just wanna meet one of those guy and tell them something.


Big 01-04-2002, 01:25 PM
d**n that's a lot of replies for a post that's well over 2 months old. Thanks risky, for posting that on elite. Johnny, synthol is oil. Its the bodybuilders equivalent of silicone. It makes you look bigger but it isn't muscle. They sell it as posing oil, but its intended for bodybuilders who like to cheat their way into winning
They inject it, bloat up. That's why its not cut, its not muscle.


Johnny01-04-2002, 03:07 PM
thanks for posting that s**t about the scum's cause my dumbass would have tried there s**t. why does jeff summers face look all wierd, like he used his self for some type of steriod experiment.


Big 01-04-2002, 03:30 PM
He's from another planet of really dumb, evil people I think.


Johnny01-04-2002, 03:33 PM
have you ever talk to him before??? i had the chance to once. i wish i knew then what i know now.


Big Cat01-04-2002, 03:55 PM
No, but I talked to Bill , ex-brighter half of Impact and one of the nicest and most honest people I've ever met. Which can't be said for Jeff . Which isn't his real name by the way.


JayBro01-04-2002, 04:06 PM
One of the guys here at work is "waiting" for his winny V from SDI labs. Says he is going to be bigger than me in 2 months. I told him to stop making jokes while I am eating cuz my food intake is to precious to be spitting all over the floor as I LMFAO.

I was just about to search and or research this stuff he ordered even tho I have told him many times.......Dont be a jabroni.

Thanks Big, once agin you had the answer I was looking for!


Big 01-04-2002, 04:09 PM
When he gets itchy nipples and starts stockpiling fat and water, be sure to remind him of what real Winny does. Hehe. That still cracks me up. And for an effective dose of that stuff, I could probably run real Winny for 8 weeks at 50 mg ed. HAHAHAH.


killer01-04-2002, 04:21 PM
Big ,,,, that is some excellent work bro...


New Lifter01-04-2002, 04:21 PM
so that oil is supposed to be used for external use only and guys are injecting themselves with?! that is insane do they just inject it under the skin? that can't be safe and the biggest thing is they look like freaks! lol


Baby Huey01-04-2002, 07:25 PM
FYI, there is a pretty good article slamming SDI labs in this week's issue of Testosterone by Ron Harris.


Complete Muscle01-04-2002, 07:45 PM
New Lifter - yeah they're freaky alright. It's fairly common knowlledge among BBers that synthol is injected, BUT they obviously could not sell it as such so they have to put "for external use only" on the container. I guarantee you nobody's using it externally!! (That would be some expensive topical!)


Judd01-05-2002, 01:32 AM
Bump on Complete Muscle, it is advertised as topical but never used in that way. It is injected directly into the muscle...ouch!! And can stay there for up to 2 years as some reports have said. The people in that picture have obviously abused it...and they paid for it as you can see. No one in their right mind would think that was real muscle, there is no symmetry. Plus the neck is a dead give away. Because believe it or not you work your neck muscles with everything you lift. These freaks didn't lift one thing. I hear the King Kamala uses it also. But I don't have the proof on that.


Big 01-05-2002, 02:51 AM
Originally posted by Baby Huey
FYI, there is a pretty good article slamming SDI labs in this week's issue of Testosterone by Ron Harris.

That was pretty funny since most of what they said applies to them as well. haha. Wonder what SDI will do. Biotest already got sued for slander against AST and Muscletech.

You know, if I were a dishonest bottomfeeder, I'd be making a lot more money. d**n these morals! d**n this sense of right and wrong!

Oh man, that's rich coming from Ron harris ! That's good for a few laughs, perhaps even and e-card.


Big Paul04-16-2004, 04:58 PM
Hey Guys, I was just wonderin about somethin. I was referred to legal steroids .com by a friend who swears by them (also an MD) So I did buy some D-BOL and have been taking it about a week so far and I have gained 7 lbs. I have been taking protein same as before and my diet is almost the same too. I get a great pump and I have been getting comments of "what the hell are you taking" so just wondering why you are being so hard on them. I honestly have know loyalties to SDI nor do I have any to you but you make a good case and I was honestly just wondering if there so bad why am I getting more muscle? Any thoughts would be great. Thanks


Purge04-16-2004, 05:27 PM
We're not saying that their products won't help you add muscle--they might. People are just tired of companies like these advertising pro-hormones and then giving them big 50 cent names to make them look like steroids. Again, NO legal supplement can match up to real gear, and with advertising like this, it's no wonder the mororns in the FDA want to ban pro-hormones.


Big 04-17-2004, 04:51 PM
Likewise, naming them like steroids is no excuse to charge 50 times what they are worth.


Big 04-19-2004, 08:36 AM
Hey man, thanks allot for the info. All I know is that if these are the results I get from non steroids, I cant even imagine what i would get from the real deal. I just weighed myself again on sunday and the scale said I way 212. I just wanted to make sure that yuou guys knew that they do work for some people. But I do agree that there is unwanted and un needed attention from the FDA. What would you recomend for cutting up, you know something a little bit more affordable. Also an alternateive to SDI D-BOL.


grb200004-19-2004, 10:39 AM
Sorry to tell you, but I fell in the trap too about two years ago. They were expensive...yeah, they gave me some results...but you know what, they all dissapeared about a month later. The only thing I can say they did, they made my balls bigger... :-( that went away too.

I think you are better of with other alternatives like transdermals, or Legal Gears stuff...I've gotten awesome gains and I've kept them.

All I can say is that I should have done more research. I should have seen the red flags. Like Big Cat says, a company that gives Pro Hormones steroid like names, is definitely not trustworthy. That's like calling a Chevy a Farravy to make it sound like a Farrari.

Anyhow, I would be curious to see what happens to you a month after you stop taking them. Keep us posted.

Good luck.


Jedi Master04-19-2004, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by grb2000
The only thing I can say they did, they made my balls bigger... :-( that went away too.

Prohormones/prosteroids do not in anyway make your balls bigger, if anything they may shrink a bit.


DArkli04-19-2004, 12:29 PM
I'm willing to bet that the founders of SDI are probably a couple of scrawny geeks that have never even touched a barbell in their lives. I never fell for their hype, and going by the way they are running multi-page ads in alot of bb magazines, they are making a killing off unsuspecting people. It's time to put these pricks to bed.


grb200004-19-2004, 06:50 PM
I swear to God dude...they made my ball bigger.

I know, I know, all the PH's make your balls smaller and I was actually expecting that, including the Transdermals I'm taking now, and not once, I mean not once, have they shrunk. Actually, they got bigger with the SDI s**t. Anyhow, it was just an observation and I wish my wife would have taken photos, because she was the one who made the comment.

Anyhow, I don't want to start a war, but perhaps I'm the exception to the rule, but I'm not BSing.

Have a great day and stay away from that SDI s**t.



themainman09-15-2004, 12:37 PM
I have to bump this up for all the newbies that don't know what a search button means. I am also very angry that they are always in the front of alot of bb magazines I see. See, this is why they are still in business. Their adds remind me of muscle-tech crap. Only if Legal Gear would spend the money for a front page add then mabye we could put sdi-labs out of businees.:)


Mass_6909-15-2004, 01:19 PM
What, you mean that these are as potent as the REAL steroids? But they have such NICE advertising!



flash06-13-2005, 10:10 PM
As with my post concerning AST's dishonesty I've decided to repost my previous warnings against SDI labs. recently a few people have contacted me either with their concerns on the issue or wondering of there is any truth to it. The answer is no. These guys are very creative in advertising, but as far as supps and honesty go, they suck. I hope this repost will prove this.

This is a general statement posted as information. In the future if anybody has any questions about this company or these products, refer them to this post. This will save many of us a lot of time and trouble.

SDI-labs is a obviously a very fraudulous company. their prohormone products do not differ any from the prohormone products of other companies. yet they deliberately choose to market these supplements as steroids. This is not only a bad example for our youth, its also the kind of behavious that will make the FDA crack down on prohormones and possibly see them banned. First of all their prices are outrageous. The substances in the amounts presented can be obtained from more reputable sources at 1/3 or even 1/4 of the price SDI-labs sells them for. Further more they make false claims about the product stacks. I will go into deeper detail when I discuss the products. lastly I would like to draw attention to the fact that this company does not have a contact adress for follow-up questions, which must raise a few eye-brows with the conscious shoppers. Let all these things be obvious hints of the type of people we are dealing with here.

Winni-V is a sublingual compound made of the testosterone precursor 4-diol and the inferior nandrolone precursor 19Nor in a cyclodextrin based delivery. Note that cyclodextrin has a maximum delivery capacity of 25 mg (comparable to 300 mg oral) as was shown in tests conducted at Eastern Michigan university. A moderate dose of prohormones orally would be 600 mg, and the kind a bodybuilder is looking for is 900 mg or higher. Now 19Nor is a cheap source. the better choice would be Nor-diol, and for the price of Winni-V they could have sprung for it too. 19Nor converts at a three times lower rate and readily aromatizes to estrogen. meaning you can have an increase in side-effects without seeing and increase in results. Which is not the case for Nor-diol. So you have two compounds that make testosterone and nandrolone respectively in a low dose with an inferior delivery mechanism. Now they market it as though just taking these products will miraculously give you an ester of stanazolol (Winstrol). So by some miracle the body will change a testosterone and nandrolone molecule into stanazolol ? I must not have been paying attention in chemistry class , because they never taught us that. The really strange thing about this will come when I discuss the next product.

D-Bol is yet another, but this time oral mix of the same products, 4AD and 19Nor. The specs of these products were discussed in the previous paragraph. Notice that the previous product can be compared to the minimum effective dose of 300 mg, well this is an oral and contains ... 200 mg. How's that for quality.And yet, same price. Odd huh ? So 79.95 for a bottle of 60 caps, and you'd have to take 4-5 of them to get a decent result every day. That's a lot of money for less than 2 weeks worth, or is that just me ? Now here is the really interesting part. By another miraculous conversion these products convert to methandrostenolone (Dianabol). If I recall correctly the last product said it was stanazolol. Now d-bol ? What's up with that ? Can this convert to two different substances ? Well, no. And if you were paying attention, they don't even convert to either. These two products are feeble and failed attempts at a prohormone stack, passed of as a steroid and sold to unknowing rookies.

Lastly there is Masterbolan. This one supposedly converts to drostanolone (masteron). In effect the active compound is a measely 50 mg of 5-alpha-androstanediol. What this converts to is Masteron without the dimethyl group. masteron is dimethyldihydrotestosterone. So what's left ? DHT. It converts to DHT. This is the stuff that causes prostate hypertrophy, hair loss and acne. Not that DHT is all bad, it has its definite uses, but its a far fetch from masteron. What really bugs me is that this stuff sells for 80 bucks as well. 5-AA is made from the hydrogenation of 5AD. 5AD is a fairly cheap compound, very cheap as prohormones go, and hydrogenation is a simple process. meaning in bulk, the powder in a whole bottle costs about $0.50. That's a decent profit. Even with all the additional costs there is no way this stuff should sell for over 25 bucks for 60 caps of 50 mg. Effective doses once again are well over 300 mg, but i don't advise that because of androgenic side-effect risk. Instead stack it with Nor-diol or something, two daily doses of 150 mg of each for example. But there are sources that do have 5AA for under 20 bucks, such as Higher Power Masterbolan (previously halotest).

Just some things I thought everyone should be aware of when dealing with sdi-labs. These people are absolute frauds and wannabes in this industry and they make a mockery of legal ergogenic aids. I will give them one thing, they have very creative advertising ... THANKS BC!!! I just about bought this crap!! Whats a great alternative for winni-v and d-bol?


BringnIt06-13-2005, 10:19 PM
Bigis retired.


Jbutcher11-27-2005, 01:36 AM
Im glad I can use the search function of this foru because i found an add on sdi labs and for a moment i wanted to purchase one of their stacks. thanks for saving me guys, thanks a whole bunch!



Quelly11-27-2005, 01:43 AM
Im glad I can use the search function of this foru because i found an add on sdi labs and for a moment i wanted to purchase one of their stacks. thanks for saving me guys, thanks a whole bunch!


buying their stuff now would be an even bigger waste of money now than it would have back in 01 when this thread started, becuase the prohormones that were in these products back then are now illegal.....I bet Winni-V now is just low quality tribulus and caffeine, and D-Bol is probably just trib and avena sativa.


smoke dy11-27-2005, 08:25 AM
buying their stuff now would be an even bigger waste of money now than it would have back in 01 when this thread started, becuase the prohormones that were in these products back then are now illegal.....I bet Winni-V now is just low quality tribulus and caffeine, and D-Bol is probably just trib and avena sativa.

I am curious what these guys put in their products too, now that prohormones are no longer around. When you go to their website and try to look at the labels for the products, the labels are so blurry and small that you
can't read them. Well at least I can't read them.

The point is it looks like they do not want you to know the ingredients of their
products, which, of course, is pretty pathetic. I feel sorry for those guys that are new to buying supplements and do not know that it is best to avoid this company at all costs.


xGhostin11-27-2005, 09:14 AM
Their reply :

You must have alot of time on your hands. These are not steroids that we sell we sell alternatives to. Yes this is the closest thing to steroids that you can buy out there. We have many and many happy and satisfied customers. We are not forcing you to buy these products or to even look at the site, so don't bother. This is our place of business and you don't see us bashing down your door at your job and telling you that you are a joke and everything you do and say make me roll on the floor laughing.
I would appreciate if you would stop harassing us with this kind of email.

Sad reply. Instead of answering anything, all they can do is get personal.


MCWTRAINE11-27-2005, 09:17 AM
Sad reply. Instead of answering anything, all they can do is get personal.
That is how many companies do their business these days it seems... :(


vBulletin v3.5.2, Copyright 2000-2006, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.
This has also been my experience with SDI customer service. And yes it's true. These compounds don't even come close to doing what they say that they do. Especially the newer formulas that contain no prohormones.

Jackson, New Jersey

1 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,

sdi labs exerpts from body building forums

#2Author of original report

Wed, July 05, 2006

I think that the exerpts from numerous body building forums available on the internet will show exactly how little you can expect from SDI labs I have posted several good ones on Just do a search on the internet and scroll down to see even more. In them you will find copies of responses from customer service where they avoid the issue of proof of the products effectiveness and reply to e mails with inflamatory remarks.

The fact of the matter is that they use the street names of steroids as a marketing gimmick and even claim some of these products even convert to these steroids in vivo. None of this is true!

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