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  • Report:  #1039585

Complaint Review: Sean Peden & Pisces Peden of 22 Entertainment

Sean Peden & Pisces Peden of 22 Entertainment are 100% con artist! Sean Peden & Dana Ceres of Manic Entertainment/Sean Cook of Reel Entertainment They wanted me to pay a $5 grand retainer fee to be represented by them! Denver, Colorado

  • Reported By:
    Anonymous — Denver Colorado
  • Submitted:
    Mon, April 01, 2013
  • Updated:
    Thu, August 08, 2013

Not too long ago, I was contacted by a woman named Marissa a casting director from 22 Entertainment.  She had told me that Sean & Pisces liked my look and that they wanted to represent me.  I had spoken with her and she told me that they wanted a $5 grand fee to retain them for representation.  Right then & there I knew that this was a scam.  She then stated that this is a one time fee and that they would never take any money from me.  My years as an actor, I had learned that an agent gets paid when you get paid.  So it doesn't make sense that if they only take $5 grand to represent me & if they had me as a client for 20 years, they wouldn't take any money from me even if I were to make $20 million.  How would they make money?

I decided to do some online research about them & I had found nothing but negative things about these 2.  I don't see how they can be a legit filmmaking company when there's so much negative things about them.  

I found them on IMDB & did some digging around with those that had posted positive things about them and their film "Bad Kitties".  It turns out that only people that work for them are the ones that have posted positive things about them.  That's like a restaurant in which the only good reviews come from the cook & waitresses.

These 2 are total fakes.  Then I see Pisces's pictures in which she's supposedly the new face for BMW.  1st off, when would a huge company like BMW decide to hire a woman with no sex appeal & no pretty face & no figure to model for them?  2nd, those pictures look so fake like and so amateurish.  The same for her Victoria Secret pictures.  

There's another RipOff Report on these 2 as well.  I found them on Hollywood Crew Blacklist and a Youtube video titled "Proof that Sean Peden & Dana Ceres are scam artist".  In the video it shows a workshop for actors that these 2 put on in which Sean claims to be a 2 time Emmy Award Winning director and that he was the DP for American Idol.  If that's all true, then why are these BMW & Victoria Secret pics so fake?!  

I had spoken to Marissa about all of this and her response was not at all light hearted.  This is what she had said to me:  "Wow your f****** stupid.That a****** is going to court, he was fired in December and is bashing them is all. We have attorneys and a Detective on it.You are really a dumbshit for believing all you read online. Typical dumb a*s. "

Wow!  That was a really professional response.  These 2 are total scam artist and if anyone decides to do biz with them, then get ready to get screwed.  There's more than enough evidence that proves that they're fakes and that they'll steal your money.  

14 Updates & Rebuttals


Santa Monica,

Peden's Game playing!!!

#15Author of original report

Thu, August 08, 2013

Here's an update for the Peden's game playing to save their scam operation & try to prevent themselves from getting arrested and loosing more potiental victims.  


When you expose them for the pieces of garbage that they are, they make all kinds of threats to you, which includes legal.  They recently brought up a restraining order against one of their alleged victims for false accusations that he has sent them HUNDREDS of emails, text messages, and phone messages that he intends to do them physcial harm for months.  This victim of theirs lives in Los Angeles and yet, they brought up the restraining order against him in Arapahoe, Colorado!  

The Peden's provided false testimony that they're residents of Colorado.  How is it possible that they can live in Colorado and yet work in Los Angeles?  How are they able to travel back and forth everyday?  Do they use a teleportation device like in "Star Trek"?  Colorado has no jurisdiction in this case whatsoever.  All communications was done in the city limits of Los Angeles County.  This was nothing more than a scare tactic to protect themselves from taking advantage of more people because they don't want to work for a living.  They did this knowing that he wasn't able to make the hearing in Araphoe, Colorado.  They stated that he's a stalker and they're scared for their lives.  They made it an issue when he allegedly called them and cussed them out, yet they had emailed him three days earler that week insulting him and saying very obscene things to him and making threats to him.  Yet HE'S the stalker!!!

The Peden's have also posted ads on Craigslist and other sites about one of their alleged victims trying to destroy his character, his image, his professionalism, and etc.  These ads consist of them stating that he's a virgin, that he's gay, that he's a rapist, and etc.  

Everyone that is associated with 22 Entertainment, LLC are all suspected of being involved in the scam operation.  Their so-called publicist, Megan Marie (who has no creditentials), keeps posting on their IMDB message boards about how great they are and the great work that they're always doing.  All this great work, yet nothing to show for it, even after being around for 22 years.  Betty Miloscia is another one.  This MORON keeps posting on their message boards pretending to be other people.


22 Entertainment, LLC is a FRAUD company.  The Peden's are 2 psychos that have major psychological issues and they're durg addicts.  Sean Peden is a sexual predator and Dana is a psycho that used to cut herself.  These people, everyone in 22 Entertainment, misrepresents themselves as they have no money, no funding, no potiential investors, no connections, no skills, no knowledge, and etc.  You'll find nothing online but negative things about them.  Even their website is full of crap.  All it has is Dana Peden talking about how great the company is and what they've accomplished and yet has nothing to show for it.  Dana's demo reel is a joke, it's nothing more than her showing off for the papparazi and talking about how great their company is.  This from someone who's a successful actress and model!  The same for Sean Peden who claims to be a 2 time Emmy Award Winning director.  

These people are garbage!!! 



in regards to my last comment

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, May 14, 2013

I have been receiving yet more messages on facebook from a made up personality named Rick Cline. This is probally Dana Ceres/Sean Peden. They take turns threatenign physical violence on me and than making like a 8 paragraph essay on how I should leave them alone and how it's all my fault or whatever. That i'm stalking them.

 I want to make it clear that I had zero contact with them until they repeatedly initiated contact. In September 2012 I received an email from that had a picture of them together and claiming she was having a baby the title was "dude, she's really having his baby" than I received another email in December from dana (same email address) claiming that she wanted to get away from Sean and get her baby to saftey, and that she needed help and wanted to come home"

 When I failed to offer any sympathy or monetary help, she became vicious. This is the point when I decided I had had enough, and that I was tired of the attempts at manipulation (she has no baby). I started diggin on the internet and found all these people they had ripped off and all these lousy photos of her claiming to be a bmw model, victoria's secret, and anything else so that they could dupe people into thinking they were legit and invest or hire them to rep them.

 I am not bitter over a lost love, i could care less. She took me for thousands of dollars so that she could than take other people for thousands of dollars.

It's about the aggrivation and harassment i've been subject to over the last 3 years and finally being sick of it, and trying to do something. They will commite googlecide. They will stop harassing me for doing what is my right to do. They threaten me with violence, lawyers, death, jail they say i'm commiting libel/slander.

 Listen, it's not libel or slander if it's true. I have records of all correspondence. I have all correspondence saved. I have proof, that all their smoke and mirrors is bullshit.

 They are the most psychotic people i've ever encountered. This is the most psychotic situation i've ever encountered. I'm just a normal person trying to make sure other people aren't taken advantage of by soulless people with no scrupples. Dana could't make it big, so now shes taking advantage of people that want to.


In Regards to the above faux defence

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, May 13, 2013

Dana Makes up fake facebook profiles to Harass me and tristan. I'm her Ex "Fiance'" and i've posted in other rip off reports.

Anytime you see a defence of this company. If you see the names Michelle Perkins, Nicole Laflex, Rick Cline, Charly Amir, (the females she used to use to flirt with me on facebook after she left me to become a big movie star)


The girl has problems. Multible personalities i'm guessing other than the bi polar and mania. She used to cut herself if she did't get her way. One night on her birthday she took 89 buspar and 10 suboxone and ended up in the hospital. She left me for Sean right after that. Though I suspect she had been sleeping with him for some time before that. I was the bad guy because he was feeding her drinks and I was trying to get her to slow down. We had been at the concert for 15 minutes and she had already put away 4 drinks. Which is a lot for her low tolerance. She ended up way to drunk, depressed and tried to kill herself.


I'm not bitter anymore. Not angry. I just want to see her and especialy Sean unable to continue this farce.

She has harassed me for years. When all I ever tried to do was help her. I gave her thousands of dollars thinking she was getting psyche help (because of the before mentioned suicide attempt) In reality she was taking the money i was giving her (which was significant) and used me. I had known this girl since she was 16 years old.


I can assure you that anytime you see a defence of this company it's more than likely written by her. She is currently harassing me and tristan on facebook as "Rick Cline" before that it was "Charly Amir" and before that it was stephenie something or whatever.


She's insane. She needs psyche help.


Sean is a troll that manipulates young woman because after all he's a monster. He makes promises of fame and really he's just a creep. Noone ever bought it quite like Dana. Because Dana was So desperate to make it big in some way.


I always wanted the best for her. But I know that was wishful thinking. When I see the reality of the situation. I feel bad for her parents. Her father was a good man that I respected a lot.


He'd be horrified to know of all this.



An ad to pay a retainer fee of $5 grand for representation

#15General Comment

Wed, April 10, 2013

Here's an online ad that Manic Entertainment aka Sean Peden & Dana Ceres had posted up claiming that if you pay them $5 grand, then they'll represent you and put you into their so-called films that they're making.  A person keeps posting SLANDER on my IMDB message board & so I had copied the email address for that IMDB profile and this is what I had found.  Here's the ad link that you can find it at:

This is copied & Pasted:

Posted by: Elizabeth Miloscia
Posted on: September 5, 2012

Description :
Top Production Company Manic Corporation now taking on
clients looking to get into or further their industry experience through
acting, modeling, singing or dancing. Manic Corporation is for a
limited time allowing incoming clients to be developed by our award
winning Directing team and be placed into Manic features automatically
and into co-production partnering company projects as well. We handle
your contracts, calls, development, strategy, resume, photos etc Manic
Corporation will work with you and develop or further your career
quickly from any location. Manic has assisted in the development of some
of the now top stars in Hollywood. It is the goal of Manic to not only
work on powerful features but to develop and promote the next lead stars
in the industry and then assist and guide in getting them work. Should
you become a client of Manic Entertainment you would be first in line
for feature film work. Manic provides assistance in your overall
development or re-development, works with you and attorneys on contract
negotiations, and also (since we are primarily a film company), brings
you in on all feature projects! So you are locked in to get paid and get
work! No other management or agent can offer this. We want to develop
the next best and then hire you in the features for acting, soundtrack
etc as well as work to get you involved with our co-partnering companies
for work. If selected: There is a retainer fee for Manic Corporation
but Manic will NOT take percentages on the back end of any of your paid
projects which ultimately will save you money. The retainer fee for
Manic Corporation services runs only $5000.(payment plans are available
if necessary) Space is limited, only enough room so that we can provide
best attention to Manic clients. Contact: for full



Even a Hollywood agent exposes Sean Peden & Dana Ceres

#15General Comment

Sat, April 06, 2013

Sean's the victim of cyberbullying, huh?

Since Sean & Dana wants to hide behind a copycat profile and post negative s**t on my IMDB to SLANDER me like they SLANDERED me to my investors and tried to frame me, if anybody has doubts about my testimony and my evidence regarding these 2 FRAUDS, then please contact this Hollywood agent that represents one of the best makeup effects men in the biz. John Carl Buechler has been praised by Roger corman the best makeup effects artist in the biz and this agent represent him and other well known names that include Janet Jackson, Robert Englund, Roddy Piper, Bill Goldberg, Pam Grier, and others.  This is his email to me:


by TimAB80 on Wed Apr 3 2013 01:08:15

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know Sean Peden Unfortunately. Because I had the dis pleasure of running into him and Dana or whatever her name is in LA. As they claimed to have a few legit projects with major distribution backing them. My client John Carl Buechler and I wasted our time,effort and energy even meeting Sean Peden and his associate because they misrepresented themselfs and their projects all the way around. I will say this they are complete frauds and con artists. I will remain vocal when I hear their names and when someone mentions them to me. They also tried to steal some of my client and investor contacts, to no avail.

This is the website of Tim's agency and his clients.  So if a Hollywood agent says this about Sean Peden, a 2 time Emmy Award Winning Director, and Dana Ceres an international model for Victoria Secret and the new face for BMW, then what more proof do you need?

You can even contact Tim at:

Make sure that you put Sean Peden in the subject. 

Do you want to keep playing games, Sean & Dana?  FYI, if Dana was really the new face for BMW, then why isn't she on their official website?

Tristan Stadtmuller

2 time Emmy Awards

#15General Comment

Thu, April 04, 2013

Here, they came to have won 2 Emmy's!  If that's true then they shouldn't have any issues backing it up.

Executive ProducerManic Entertainment is currently in search of Executive Producers to acquire funding for several full feature films. 

Manic Entertainment has received 2 Emmy Awards currently, and has just released a shocker film "Bad Kitties" that was Audience Choice at the Beverly Hills film festival. We also have over 20 years experience and are casting and crewing up for several full features. 

Some of the projects are not yet funded but have studio interest or buzz. It's simple, if you can sell an amazing film that has everything all set to go to an investor or studio, you receive top commissions on sales of all projects. In short, if you are good, this job will pay off or buy your next house. 

8 Full features all ready to go and have run through focus groups etc. Some projects already funded and you would come in and monitor those films. 
You may also be working with other Executives currently with Manic Entertainment. 
You must be an excellent communicator, loyal, hard working and urgent in your work. 

Sean Peden 

Check us out: (Director) (Co-Director) 
imdb: search Manic Entertainment


Sean Peden Dana Ceres 
Director/Producer Assistant Director/Producer 
Compensation: per contractedThis is a contract job.OK to highlight this job opening for persons with disabilitiesPrincipals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.Please, no phone calls about this job!Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

Tristan Stadtmuller

What others say about Sean Peden

#15General Comment

Thu, April 04, 2013

Copied & Pasted from zoom info:!search/profile/person?personId=1560971496&targetid=profile

(posted 8/26/2012) 

Lauren Angell says... 

I was present at the screening of "Bad Kitties" and it's nothing short of a amateur film about the sensitivity of corrupting youth. The Camera work was horrific. The editing was amateur. The movie was a hoax that (somehow) screened at the Beverly Hills Film Festival. 

I went a step further and inquired in to the production company (Which provides a bogus address) and contacted him with the contact number on the gold business card (which is a transfer line) and went through the motions for a potential acting gig. 

Sean Peden had quoted his upcoming eight films with Million Dollar budgets that were supposedly in the works with Universal Pictures and couldn't even name a single person or entity at the Studio. When called on the carpet about it; he simply said it was in the hands of his Executive Producer ( Michael DeGirgio aka another Scam Artist) 

All of this supposed films that were in various levels of production were ripped down from IMDB because of their lack of authenticity and several other complaints that they also had been scammed. 

The icing on the cake was that they wanted to pay you forward and would do so by YOU giving them YOUR bank account number on a bogus contract. DON'T BE FOOLED BY THESE SCAM ARTISTS!! They are a bunch of low life, wanna-be filmmakers and serious drug addicts. The feed you a tasty spoonful of bull and do not deliver on anything. 

I'm going to go snap some pictures inside the hallway of Universal and Paramount to make a point of how easy it is to scam people when you want to believe in something so bad. 

I have a network of several other people who went through the same motions with these low-lifes and we have a lawsuit in the works. If you have also been scammed by these scumbags; come forward. You may be next in line for a very handsome Class-Action Lawsuit.

Sean Peden is a scam 
(posted 6/2/2011) 

Sara Grams says... 

With out a doubt, Sean Peden is a scam. He is not someone to work with, nor to associate with. He worked for Fox News, as an editor, and from there thought he had what it took to be a director. He as no projects under his belt, he has little to no working knowledge in the business and shows a liking to young attractive girls.  Although he makes me quite uncomfortable and liked planning stuff alone, nothing ever scary happened, but I would highly suggest not being alone with him.  There is something very creepy and underlying that made me very uneasy. I followed my gut, I got away as quick as possible. 

re: Sean Peden Bad Kitties, Manic Entertainment 
(posted 4/26/2012) 

LA Actor says... 

Wow, so glad I found the posts on this message board! I'm an actress in Los Angeles and I was contacted by someone that said they were a casting director asking if I could meet Sean Peden before his film "Bad Kitties" screened at the Beverly Hills film festival. I thought this was a pretty unconventional approach to casting but I was still open minded, until I saw all the DRAMA going on with this post board. I'm sorry but I just can't believe anyone that is legitimate would have this much negative discussion about them. I also wonder if they're trying to get actors to buy tickets to their film by promising them an audition beforehand. It all seems pretty suspicious so I'm staying away and I'd recommend that any other Los Angeles actors do the same!

Tristan Stadtmuller

Sean's involvement with Vivid & his other 8 BS projects!

#15General Comment

Thu, April 04, 2013

It's April 2013, so where is their so-called feature film in theaters?  Their other 8 features, IMDB had deleted them off because they wasn't legit.  FYI, you have to read from the bottom up.

From: Sean & Dana <>
To: Tristan Stadtmuller <> 
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: (Hollywood)

Actually, we are working on 8 full feature projects now, and have a full feature hitting theaters worldwide April 2013.  You and Sean should speak.  He is brilliant with cooking the books.  Meaning, you help us get financing for a feature film, and Sean and I work to secure your financing within the financing for our other feature.  Sean did this before with Vivid on a project and it works perfectly.  
If you can get some funds, or get to people with money for a full feature, lets have you and Sean talk.  We have many many ladies and full cast/crew available to help on the "X" features to so I think this could be a very beneficial relationship for all of us.  I also know some stellar "X" performers that I can get you for good price.  
Sean currently lined me up with Victoria's Secret on a project so I have to wait til that is done before I can do the "X" projects again, per contract and all.  Can you get financing for regular mainstream?  Do you wanna talk to Sean?  
Dana CeresVice PresidentManic Corporation

Sean & DanaManic CorporationLos Angeles, CA. (Manic Entertainment) (photos/video) (photos/video)
On Oct 1, 2012, at 1:51 PM, Tristan Stadtmuller <> wrote:

That'll be great!  Would he be able to help get financing for it?  I know how to get financing for a mainstream film, but for a XXX it seems more difficult.  I need help with that 1st.
From: Sean & Dana <>
To: Tristan Stadtmuller <> 
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: Film producer seeks friends with benefits (Hollywood)

I can get you gals, Let me know if you want Sean involved, he's fantastic and can work on even a smaller budget, but he's no joke.  We just worked on another project together, the girls love him cause he makes everyone feel at ease and that it's not sleezy.

Sean & DanaManic CorporationLos Angeles, CA. (Manic Entertainment) (photos/video) (photos/video)
On Oct 1, 2012, at 1:47 PM, Tristan Stadtmuller <> wrote:

LOL!  Sounds good to me!  I'm trying to do a XXX shoot right now, I'm just seeking financial backing for it.  Right now I'm not I'm not interested in doing anything like a Batman XXX parody, just something simple & low budget.  I want to be able to hire women like Briana Banks, Jessica Jaymes, & Raylene too.

From: Sean & Dana <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 1:05 PM
Subject:  (Hollywood) 

Hello, I am attached however I have many beauties that we work with that we can set you up with.  I am a Victoria's Secret model, am doing mainstream full feature but we have people looking to do XXX.  Director Sean Peden also does XXX and can assist you in those features as well.  He is amazing and can help on all levels.  Perhaps we can all coordinate, you work with Sean on your features for paid Directing work, I hook you with great gals and stars.
Let me know.

Tristan Stadtmuller

Check this out!

#15General Comment

Wed, April 03, 2013

This is from an experienced agent in the entertainment biz.  Notice the name of his client that he mentions in the email.  If any of you don't know who John Carl Buechler is, then shame on you and do your homework.  Click on the pic to see the email.  Hey Sean & Dana, this will be part of my next Youtube video on you both when I also expose your so-called modeling career for BMW!

You want to play, I'll play!  I told you to pay back my $7 grand that you 2 stole from me and I would back off.  Now I'm doing extensive research on U2 to expose you for the crooks that you are.

Tristan Stadtmuller

A battle won, but the war is far from over!!!

#15General Comment

Wed, April 03, 2013

It's not slander when it's true!

I still got my Youtube video that provides legit proof of your criminal activity.  You 2 keep going at me, but what about the postings of people who are calling you 2 con artist before I even met you?  What about that?!

Look at your BMW modeling shoots & your Victoria Secret photoshoot!  Look at horrible they are.

Here's a question, Dana has no sex appeal & yet she's a Victoria Secret model & models for a sports car?  

You want to post letters for slander an stuff.  For everyone reading this.  I had contacted an executive producer at Freemantle Media that produces "American Idol".  I wanted verification to Sean Peden's and Dana Cere's involvement and this what I got!  

Tristan Stadtmuller <>Jan 29to oliverbognerDear Sir,

I just need help to verify two credits for American Idol.  Was the production company Manic Entertainment?  Also, was it produced by Sean M. Peden & Pisces Peden?

I thank you for your time.  


Oliver Bogner <>Jan 29to me
No idea who either of those people are. 

Tristan Stadtmuller <>Jan 29to OliverOK, thank you. 

So there you have it ladies & gentlemen!  An Executive Producer who worked at the production studio that makes American Idol stated that he never heard of either of them!  FYI, I left out his email so that Sean & Dana doesn't go and harass the guy like they do me.

Hey Sean & Dana, why don't you 2 post your emails to actors/models telling them that you want to represent them for a fee of $5 grand?  Also, maybe I should post my emails from representatives from BMW & Victoria Secret that they never heard of either of you 2 also!!!

Verify Sean Peden's IMDB credits:  

Fremantle Media North America:  American Idol 818 748 1100

Pink Sneakers Productions:  Hogan Knows Best 407 464 2080

Scholastic Productions:  Goosebumps  212 343 6100 

He claims to have been on Jimmy Kimmel, Entertainment Tonight, & David Letterman.  Ok, call them to verify & see the footage of him.

Jimmy Kimmel:  Jackhole Inustries 323 860 5900

Entertainment tonight:  CBS Paramount Domestic Television 818-655-5000

David Letterman:  Worldwide Pants 212 975 5300

You want to keep playing games, Sean & Dana?  For anybody that wants proof about Sean Peden's IMDB credits, contact these people.  Also, here's more link to what people are saying about Sean Peden before I had even met him and troll looking self:!search/profile/person?personId=1560971496&targetid=profile



Letter Sent to Tristan Stadtmuller from a Web site he created.

#15UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 03, 2013

-----Original Message-----
From: legal <>
To: tstadtmuller <>
Sent: Mon, Apr 1, 2013 6:24 pm
Subject: [P10907148000000000] Copyright Complaint

Hello Tristan,

We have been advised by a visitor to your web site that such web site contains content that is alleged to be untrue, offensive, slanderous, harassing or controversial in nature.

Accordingly, please remove such content within 48 hours of this notice. Failure to delete such content within such period will result in termination of your website. The notice we received is below.

As you may know, we are a web hosting company. We are not responsible for the content or links posted by our customers who create and place content on websites that we host. We further do not "monitor" the websites that we host or prescreen the content placed by customers on their sites. However, when we become aware of allegations of improper activity by one of our customers using a hosted site, which would be a violation of our Terms of Service (TOS) governing the web sites, we take such situations seriously, investigate promptly, and take appropriate action.

Should you have further questions, please contact us.

Zach Palmer
Compliance Manager



Warning Letter Sent To Tristan Stadtmuller regarding slander, abuse on another website

#15UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 03, 2013

-----Original Message-----
From: legal <>
To: tstadtm**** <(((email redacted)))>
Sent: Mon, Apr 1, 2013 6:24 pm
Subject: [P10907148000000000] Copyright Complaint

Hello Tristan,

We have been advised by a visitor to your web site that such web site contains content that is alleged to be untrue, offensive, slanderous, harassing or controversial in nature.

Accordingly, please remove such content within 48 hours of this notice. Failure to delete such content within such period will result in termination of your website. The notice we received is below.

As you may know, we are a web hosting company. We are not responsible for the content or links posted by our customers who create and place content on websites that we host. We further do not "monitor" the websites that we host or prescreen the content placed by customers on their sites. However, when we become aware of allegations of improper activity by one of our customers using a hosted site, which would be a violation of our Terms of Service (TOS) governing the web sites, we take such situations seriously, investigate promptly, and take appropriate action.

Should you have further questions, please contact us.

Zach Palmer
Compliance Manager

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

Tristan Stadtmuller

I didn't file this, but this report speaks truth.

#15General Comment

Tue, April 02, 2013

1st) I didn't file this.  So there you making false accusations against me.

2nd) You falsely accuse me of hacking into their credits & deleting them, if I'm doing it then prove it.

3rd)  You accuse my Youtube video as being defamation of character, well then let's go to court over it.  All it does it provide legit proof that Sean & his ugly wife that has no body, no butt, & no breast as being the con artist that they are.  Sean claims to be a 2 Time Emmy Award Winning Director & yet his film "Bad Kitties" has horrible editing, horrible cinematography, & etc. That film is a testament that he is not a 2 Time Emmy Award Winning Director.  IT also proves that his other IMDB credits aren't legit.  

4th) Look at Dana's BMW, Victoria Secret, & other modeling pics are fake with horrible photoshop. Why would BMW & Victoria Secret invest big money into a girl with no sex appeal?  

The jig is up.  People are catching on to you two and pretty soon, you two won't have anywhere's else to go.  You're going to end up in prison in soon.  

Look at Sean's & Dana's demo reels.  None of them show that they're legit in the entertainment biz or anything.  Just showing off for the media and anyone can do that.

How can you be an employee and an investor at the same time?  

Sean & Dana, the evidence is out there. You think creating a Facebook page and a Twitter page is going to prove anything?  Here's a question, you two claimed that Manic has been around for 22 years, so why change it all of a sudden?  Dana, why did you change your name to Pisces?  Coule it be to avoid all of the negative things that have been posted online about you two?

Also, I met you two on October 1st, my Youtube video shows negative things about you two before I had even met you two.  

You two rip people off and steal their money.  You're evil and ugly, both physically and inward.  Sean looks like Sloth from the Goonies.  



False Accusations against Sean Peden

#15UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 02, 2013

I am an investor, employee and very close friend to Sean Peden and his lovely wife.  I have known them for years. They are the two most kindest and honest people I know. They are hard workers and very talented.

My story goes like this......Tristan Stadtmuller has been posting false accusations and has been spinning the truth about Sean Peden, Manic Entertainment, and now 22 Entertainment. He made a video for the sole purpose of entrapment. He has no money and saw that Sean and Dana were nice people and decided to extort money from them by way of defamation of character. Every comment that has been posted on his Facebook, Twitter, and personal website has been posted by him. He uses different names to make it sound like more people. He accuses anyone who comes to the defense of Sean and Dana to be themselves using other people's names.

I assure you these people are real. He claims that only the people who work for him are saying nice things. Well if an employee says something good about him, it certainly is not under duress because all these people work "pro bono" and therefore have nothing to gain. Tristan Stadtmuller does nothing but call them names and accuses them of setting up all these jobs to look good. Well I can assure you the jobs are real and so are all his IMDB credits (which Tristan is always hacking into and removing these credits and THAT'S illegal!)

So in closing for now, I just want to say, "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone".

 Sean Peden is a victim of cyber bullying and false accusations for the sole purpose of defamation of character. 

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