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  • Report:  #1332202

Complaint Review: Sebastian Guthery

Sebastian Guthery Nine2Five, Edens Ethnos, Kratom-K, Edens Botanicals, Daniel Guthery Sebastian Guthery: Narcissistic Fraud who screws all his friends over!!! San Diego California

  • Reported By:
    Jenny — Kansas USA
  • Submitted:
    Sat, October 08, 2016
  • Updated:
    Sat, October 08, 2016

Sebastian D. Guthery: Classic NarcisstSebastian Guthery (AKA Seb, Zeb, Daniel) is currently in -at least- 6 lawsuits with his former business partners (all of which he has sued because he was the victim), has also declared bankruptcy to negate his responsibilities to court ordered judgments and child support for his daughter all the while claiming "he's the victim".  It's funny to point out that NO ONE in their right mind would be involved in so many frivolous lawsuits.   We can only surmise that he is getting some sort of sick pleasure out of using the courts to harass innocent people.   Oh, wait - I guess this is a very common trait of a narcissist: (

He is always trying to steal business ideas, logos, and products from other people and he will continue to do so because he is a narcissist.  Apparently his ideas all suck so his next best thing is to steal everyone else's ideas.  Case in point:

Another awesome trait about this loser is that he likes to try and "press charges" against people without any proof at all.   He is constantly using the court system to try and intimidate people.   If he threatens legal action against you, please stand your ground!!!   He is just being a bully.

He only uses his "friends" to obtain more power, money, and recognition only to turn on them all with civil lawsuits.   Don't believe us?  Go to and search civil suits under "Sebastian Guthery".   All 5 lawsuits are him suing his one-time friends and business partners.  See a pattern yet?

Need more proof of this idiot's narcissistic behavior?   Let's see the lawsuit he filed in Nevada (again, against his friend and former business partner, Josh Allen for supposedly "stealing" Sebastian's websites via GoDaddy)

And to give you an example of how frivolous this and all the other lawsuits are, we have pulled actual text from the judge in this case...

"The Court is not persuaded by Mr. Guthery's arguments. All of his arguments as to prejudice presuppose Mr. Allen had or has access and control over Mr. Guthery's domains and that Mr. Guthery will regain access to his domains as a result of any default judgment against Mr. Allen. Despite Mr. Guthery's confidence in his theory, the underlying facts and merits of this case were not determined." (GUTHERY V. GODADDY.COM LLC   No. CV-15-01803-PHX-JJT)

Don't worry - we will post all of the results from each court case as they progress to prove what kind of guy Sebastian Guthery really is and how he really treats people.

He constantly confuses friendships with relationships.   He has no friends.   Only relationships.   It makes it easier to f**k them over in the end.   This is why all of his "friendships" are all under a year or two old.   Anyone who spends more time than a year or two with this idiot knows to stay far far away.   The only exceptions are to the few who do stick around for the vacations, gifts, etc. that he is always promising.  Another trait of the narcissist it seems:

Rest assured, these so called "friends" will eventually get tired of all the empty promises and see what everyone else has already seen - to stay the f**k away from this loser.  Of course, it's a vicious cycle and by the time everyone figures out what Sebastian is up to, he will have already moved on to another group of friends who will have no idea that they will be next to be sued.

That's his M.O. - once people start seeing the real him, he'll move out of the city, state, or even country to start over and make new friends.  In fact, the only friends he can keep for longer than a year are the ones who don't live near him (in other words, the people who don't see the day to day Sebastian and how he treats people.)   Oh, you've been his friend for longer than a year?  It's because you live in Kansas and he lives in California!!!!   Ask Sebsatian Guthery how many of his actual friends have stuck around for longer than a year!!!!

To everyone out there who Sebastian Guthery has screwed over:   Karma is a b***h.   He is about to lose all of these civil cases and be out millions of dollars in fines and judgments.   He is now facing criminal embezzlement and fraud charges that will put him in prison for a while.  And although this is only a temporary solution, doesn't it feel good that no one else will be f**ked over by this jerk while he sits in prison?   Don't believe us?   Keep watching!    

To everyone who has known Sebastian for under a year: YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!   Ask yourself this - has Sebastian ever asked any favors from you that would keep him off the radar?   Does he promise you riches, fortune, and/or fame?   Or flaunt his money around trying to impress you?  

Well, you are not alone.   This is who he is.   You are not special.   He will only use and abuse you and then move on.   Don't believe us?   It's Ok.   But you will eventually see how pathetic and predictable this guy is.   And then we invite you to help us spread the word about Sebastian Guthery and the destructive path he always leaves in his life.



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