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  • Report:  #202840

Complaint Review: Senator Arlen Specter

Senator Arlen Specter A general letter to Sen. Arlen Specter Both Democrats and Republicans have lied to and misled the voter with promises of alternative fuels like for example Hydrogen! Washington District of Columbia

  • Reported By:
    Cincinnati Ohio
  • Submitted:
    Tue, July 25, 2006
  • Updated:
    Tue, July 25, 2006
  • Senator Arlen Specter
    711 Hart Building
    Washington DC, Washington DC
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Attention: Honorable Senator Arlen Specter

Re: Senate Bill against Signing Statements and other General Issues

To Whom It May Concern:

Today, I read on that, and I quote:

We will submit legislation to the United States Senate which will...authorize the Congress to undertake judicial review of those signing statements with the view to having the president's acts declared unconstitutional.

My question to your office is, ?Are you not aware of protesters being arrested in our country by the current administration?'

By submitting this legislation, you are identifying yourself as a protester and agitator who is clearly against the Bush Administration. Because of this, you are subjecting your family to the threat of arrest.

Do you think that I am joking?

Why don't you talk to Beverly Young who is the wife of Republican US Representative C.W. "Bill" Young why she was arrested by the Capital Police? Ask her if we have the ?Right' to petition our Government in this county?

The fact remains that family members of Congress have already been arrested at Republican functions because of T-shirts and other forms of petition/protests that were being worn!

US Citizens are becoming afraid of our own Government because we are being arrested over bumper stickers? and you're worried about a comment on a bill?

American's are being detained, arrested, and jailed over signs, bumper stickers and T-shirts! You have allowed this! The Congress and Senate have allowed this to happen by doing nothing!

So my question is why do you care if our President writes a comment on a bill he signs? Is that not free speech? Is that not a US Citizens constitutional right? After all the simple facts are that you, your office, and the Republican Party will not lift a finger for a person who has a bumper sticker protesting the war? so why do you waste taxpayers time and money on useless legislation that will go nowhere?

What is the real reason for you complaining about the Presidents comments on a Bill? Does his comment on the ?720 plus bills? point out the lack of intelligence and foresight by our elected leaders?

Do you think that Democrats care more or are any better/worse than Republicans?

Unfortunately the answer is no!

Another concern of mine is the belief that both Democrats and Republicans have forced a ?State Religion? on the citizenry of the United States with the so called Federal Government ?Faith Based Initiative' Grants? and I have some questions about this unconstitutional abuse of taxpayer dollars!

First of all: Are these funds being equally distributed to Hindu, Muslim, Jewish and Christian groups? If the answer is no and if these grants are going to a vast majority of Christian organizations then our government is promoting a ?State Religion!?

So my question is do I need to join a ?Baptist Church?

Which church does our President belong to?

The reason why I ask is because if they will arrest me over a bumper sticker? then I better join the right church. After all, we know what devoutly religious people will do to the person who belongs to the wrong religion and I wouldn't want to upset our Presidents supporters!

My next question over this ?Faith Based Initiative Grants' is just how much has been spent nationwide and how much has/have crime, teen pregnancy, and drug abuse dropped nationwide? What do the national statistics say?

I do not want to hear the so called local numbers, nor do I want to hear what these fanatical religious groups say/report? I want to know if the national numbers reflect a major and significant drop in these problem/targeted areas? After all taxpayer dollars are being spent/wasted by these religious groups? and they claim that faith will produce miracles? so what do the national numbers show?

Other than the leaders of ?Faith Based Groups? getting rich? have there been any miracles?

Honorable Senator Arlen Specter, are the Republicans and Democrats concerned about the growing fear that voters have towards our government?

The facts about this very real and growing fear towards the Government are well documented. We only have to watch the news and see the US Attorney General prosecute and convict by ?News Media,? anyone Gonzales chooses to go after!

How does this make members of the Congress and Senate feel?

Think about this fact for a moment: ?If you oppose the President, your office will be raided and searched? we will then hold a news conference and you will be tried and convicted by the media!? It does not matter if Democratic Representative Jefferson is guilty or not? the fact remains he stood up to the Republican Administration!

Do you think this view is radical? Who would have thought that the police would arrest people over bumper stickers or T-shirts?

Think about this for a moment? our government is going back and reclassifying documents as ?Secret'? is this the action of an open and transparent county?

Why can't the Citizens of our great country send a fax to the White House?

Another point you should consider: Do you really think that Republicans or Democrats want to hear from the voters?

Try this very simple experiment? go ahead and try sending a fax to the White House? I will tell you in advance? don't waste your time? the people at the White House do not want to hear from citizens because they never keep the fax machine stocked with paper.

Our President does not want to see a person's bumper sticker or protest sign or the T-shirt that says he is doing a lousy job? and he does not want e-mails, letters, and he absolutely does not want faxes from the voters!

You think that this letter is an exaggeration?

I couldn't fax a letter to the President or to the Vice-President concerning a trend that I felt would affect our county's national security? the White House never responded to an e-mail and letter? the Vice-Presidents office sent a letter claiming that my concern was forwarded to Homeland Security? and Homeland Security never responded!

Honorable Senator Arlen Specter? to this day the White House, the office of the Vice-President, and Homeland Security could not tell you what my concern was!

Think about that simple fact for a moment! My letter could have been about where to find a Terrorist. It could have been about a terrorist attack? and no one from our government cared or listened. They couldn't tell you what my letter was about!

Can Homeland Security identify people/citizens who have unique training, knowledge, and skills that would benefit our country in an emergency?

Speaking of Homeland Security? as far as I am concerned both Republicans and Democrats get an F for the lousy job that you're doing!

Since you are not going to grade yourself, I came up with a very easy system? which gives you an F grade!

We have five color coded threat levels? Green is Low, Blue is Guarded, Yellow is Elevated, Orange is High, and Red is Severe. Now the national grading system is very simple, if 25% out of the year we have a Green color? then our government gets a C grade. If 50% percent of the time it is green then you get a B, 75% is a B+ Grade and you get an A if we can stay in the Green for an entire year!

Since the Government came up with this stupid and utterly useless scale, we have never had a Green Week; in fact I can not recall the Terrorist Threat Level ever being in the Blue!

So my question is just what exactly is Homeland Security doing?

The answer is? so far? not much!

Well, there was the one official who was looking at child porn on Homeland Security computers. You also had Homeland Security officials buy ski-boats, Rolex watches, and I-pods with there Government issued Credit Card? that will keep us safe!

Are you or other Republicans/Democrats concerned about US Citizens being arrested over bumper stickers? ?are you happy that the current Republican administration has tied up the military is such a fashion that we can no longer meet national emergencies or threats? ?does it bother you that more and more citizens are afraid to write to your office? ?are you concerned that every time the Presidents polls drop ? they come up with a new crises/threat? ?does it bother you that our leaders and law enforcement officials convict citizens by media?

(Will this letter put me on a blacklist or will you keep it private and confidential?)

There is one last subject that I would like to ask about and it deals with energy!

Since gaining the majority in Congress, just exactly what has your Party done to help wean our country off of oil? You guys have had the majority since the Clinton administration!

Both Democrats and Republicans have lied to and misled the voter with promises of alternative fuels like for example Hydrogen!

Did the Republicans or Democrats explain to the American public that 98% of all hydrogen is made using the fossil fuel Natural Gas? Did the Republicans or Democrats explain that Hydrogen Vehicles need a lot of ?Rare Earth Metals?? Why do you think they are called Rare Earth Metals?

Both Democrats and Republicans have lied to and misled the voter with promises of alternative fuels like for example ?Ethanol!'

Did the Republicans or Democrats explain to the American public that to replace the imported oil, that 98% of all land in the US would have to be used and that each acre would need 10,000 gallons of water just to grow corn? We don't have enough land or water to make ethanol a viable alternative.

So what that Brazilians will be energy dependant this year. It is not because of ethanol! It has more to do with having there own oil fields and the fact that they can grow crops three times out of the year? plus they use one-tenth the energy that we use on a per person basis!

So I want to know what you and the other elected leaders, are doing for your constituents and yes I understand that you don't want to answer a voter who lives in Ohio questions? that you were elected by the voters of Pennsylvania. But that brings up an interesting point? Not only do you have a responsibility to your constituents? you have a responsibility to the Nation and to all voters? regardless of the state they might live in! (Yes, I know that you never thought about that before!)

So I ask you, just what are you and the Republicans doing? What are you thinking about? You are wasting time and tax dollars on an idiot Presidents comments?

How is your legislation going to help our country?

In closing, Honorable Senator Arlen Specter, do you even read letters from the voters?

Cincinnati, Ohio

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