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  • Report:  #1206991

Complaint Review: SEOP Inc.

SEOP, Inc. Mr. Manuel Clark; Ms. Kimberly Pitcher SEOP Search Engine Optimization / Marketing SANTA ANA California

  • Reported By:
    Ray — Shorewood Illinois
  • Submitted:
    Thu, February 05, 2015
  • Updated:
    Thu, March 26, 2015

I signed up with SEOP, Inc. (1720 E Garry Ave, Ste 103, Santa Ana, CA 92705, 949-280-4210) on Sept 26, 2014 to provide my website ( with search engine optimization/marketing services.  And soon thereafter provided Kimberly Pitcher, the Project Manager, with the proper logins and passwords to access those areas to which they wanted access. 

On Oct 2 we got an email from Kimberly saying that her team can’t get into our analytics account.  We looked into it and found that Kim’s team was not using the access codes we gave them and broke a button on the site.  We made them the following offer, “they can email us with the changes to be made and we will make them.  We told them that it is very easy to break something (even inadvertently), example: the button they broke.  If SEOP breaks something, we are always wondering what went wrong and if someone else did it.  This is a good example of how even a little issue could become a major problem in a shopping cart.”  We sent Kim access codes to areas that we believe are safe for them to go (no ftp access at this point).

On Oct 8 my webmaster and I agreed to grant access to SEOP for them to:

a... make their own content changes on the shopping cart

b... instructions on how to access the existing blog and what they needed to do to have us give them access to another directory and database where they could install another blog should they want it, 

c... as well as making it extremely clear that we would be happy to make needed changes for them as well if they requested it.

On Oct 21 we find out that our User ID and password for the admin section of OpenCart are not working.  About the same time, SEOP sends a screen shot from Gary Hagins that showed a phpMyAdmin error he got.   

After about 4-5 man-hours of work we find out that SEOP had made changes to the .htaccess file that prevented users and returning customers from logging in or creating a new account.  This prevented customers from ordering, making any changes to their autoship orders, and even prevented them from cancelling their autoship order!

After doing a lot of investigating we found out that SEOP used an outdated OpenCart instruction manuel from a host besides ours (InMotion), tried to make database changes to correct ENCRYPTED password information in the database of OpenCart.  SEOP tired to solve the log-in problem by fixing something (the wrong way), and trying to solve a problem that was broken by them making a change to the .htaccess file.  He got an error message because he was doing something he had no authority to do! 

SEOP’s chief technology officer said that the passwords didn't work because someone changed them, but since he had cPanel access he could re-set them. (Which, by the way, is a violation of any proper protocol in the highest sense. Hacking the database to re-set admin passwords without a webmaster's permission in a platform you know nothing about using outdated 3-yr old instructions found online and from another hosting company is just plain wrong!)

Bottom line: they did not know what they we doing. 

On Nov 6 Kim tells us that they are still having trouble accessing the site (no one from SEOP attempted to work for 2 weeks?).  The email has a screenshot that said “Permission Denied.”  We tested the OpenCart access and found that it worked to give them access to add / edit pages and products, including URL structures and meta info (which is all they needed).  But we were tired of delays and wanted to get the ball rolling, so we threw up our hands and gave them access to everything except orders (no credit card data) and some settings that had nothing to do with seo.  We confirmed that the ftp access they had worked. 

On Dec 4 Kim says they have ftp access problems.  We respond:

1) they don’t need cPanel access

2) their ftp goes to the file to change the styling.

3) they were instructed to tell us what they needed changed and we would do it.

4) they had full access to the pages to alter content and change the URL structure and category structure and title tags and meta-descriptions.

5) they were told that we would be happy to either share access to the existing blog (which we did) and/or create a blog in a total separate directory and give them full access.

6) If those pages were so bad that they outlined in the excel spreadsheet, why weren’t they deleted/colsolidated almost right away, since the access they were given to the shopping cart pages on Nov 6?

On Dec 11 we give Kim’s team access to the root ftp directory so SEOP could change any file whatsoever anywhere on the server.  The only thing we asked is that SEOP not minify the main styles, which if they had done earlier would have caused a huge amount of havoc code-wise.  We also “nicely” re-gave her the exact same access to the admin that was fully working since Nov 16.  It appears to us that SEOP is playing with ftp to “fix” technical things that will have very little effect and have nothing to do with: page content, meta descriptions, title tags, url structure, category structure, deleting pages, image alts, h1s, h2s, blog post … things that will genuinely affect search engine rankings.  

On Dec 12 we receive an email from Kim saying their Open Cart access works, but the ftp does not.  Since my webmaster is out of town we set up a conference call with the technician having the problems.

On Dec 16, on the conference call, we find out that they were accessing ftp all wrong and putting in characters -- an "http://" -- in the host field, which is why it didn't work.  This is definitely not something you would expect from any coder or anyone who has ever used an ftp program in their life.  This is a mistake only a rookie could make!  

On Dec 17, I send a follow-up email to Kimberly to make sure her tech is accessing everything okay and she says yes.

On Jan 5 we have a conference call with Kim.  We are 95 days into our campaign and nothing has been done.  Content changes I authorized on Nov 14 have yet to be done.  I let Kim know that we are unhappy with SEOP’s performance to date.  I ask Kim to send me an email of everything they want to get done within the next few weeks, so I can more closely monitor their/our progress. 

On Jan 10 my webmaster and I decide to examine every email and telephone exchange we have had with SEOP and write a chronology of our experiences with them.

Monday Morning, Jan 12: My webmaster and I have a 2 hour conversation and put together a chronology of our experience with SEOP in order to evaluate their progress so far. 

Later that day I call Mr. Clark of SEOP (Kimberly’s boss) and make arrangements to talk on Tuesday afternoon. 

On Jan 14 Mr. Clark and I have a long conversation.  I go over our chronology and express my dismay at SEOP apparent inability to do anything right.  We are 108 days into our contract and nothing has been done.  Mr. Clark says that he will investigate the situation, talk to all concerned and get back to me in a day or two.  We requested that Mr. Clark put our account in suspension in order to stop payments until he could figure out what went wrong and how to fix it.  

On Jan 16 I asked Mr. Clark to document for me everything Kimberly’s team had done.  As of this writing (February 5th, 2015), I have received nothing from Mr. Clark.  So, I am forced to conclude that SEOP has done NOTHING for the $6000.00 I have paid them.  Yet they are contesting my request for VISA to reverse the last two charges to my credit card!  Their arrogance knows no bounds!!!  SEOP had everything they needed to make whatever changes they wanted to make to our website beginning on Oct. 2.  Over 100 days later nothing had been done.  They are either incredibly incompetent or were cold-bloodedly engaged in a preplanned program of deception and manipulation in order to distract us from what was really going on – ABSOLUTELY NOTHING – while putting in no effort (except to make excuses)in order to suck as many monthly payments from us before we catch on to their ruse and cut off the money spigot.  Either way, they did a piss-poor job.  Stay away from SEOP, Inc. (unless, of course, you are fond of throwing your hard-earned money down a rathole)!   

2 Updates & Rebuttals

My dispute with SEOP has be fully and finally settled to my complete satisfaction

#3Author of original report

Thu, March 26, 2015

My dispute with SEOP has been fully and finally settled to my complete satisfaction.



SEOP Update

#3Author of original report

Tue, March 03, 2015

Feb 5:   I posted an unfavorable review of SEOP on

Feb 10:  Kimberly Pitcher calls me and threatens to sue me for liable if I don’t remove the post.  I refuse, and say that what I posted was true.  She disagrees with me and continues to rample on, so I hang up on her.  I wonder, Did her boss at SEOP put her up to this?

Later same day: I send an email to Manuel Clark, Kim’s boss, telling him that Kim called me. 

Later same day:  Manny emails back and says that Kim shouldn’t have called me and we arrange to speak with the new COO of SEOP to see if we can “work things out.”

Feb 11, 3 pm:  A 45 minute conference call with Manny and the new COO of SEOP, Yasir (spelling?) (didn’t get last name), tells me his view of what happened.  In short, it’s all my webmater’s fault…Kim’s team didn’t have access to do what they needed to do.

Then I recite what I wrote earlier:

Point one

I paid seop for 4 months and did not get 4 months of work out of them.  I signed an agreement and authorized payment of $1500 per month on Sept 26, 2014.  Three more payments were made, one each in oct, nov, and dec.  Four months of payments would have me paid up until jan 25.  At my request, Manny suspended my account on Jan 12.  So there should be no argument that seop owes me for 13 days.  The very fact that seop has not already refunded me for these days is prima facia evedence that seop is not a reputible firm and is – even continuing to this very day -- engaging in a scam.

Point two

I paid seop $6000 and have the only one thing to show for it: a half page of text content inappropriately put at the top of my website’s product page.  Which, by the way, wasn’t even written by seop but is my own words cut and pasted from other pages and which we had to move to the bottom of the page so as not to interfeer with people ordering product.  That’s it! I paid $6000 for half a page of content that I myself wrote and which was inappropriaty pasted onto our product page.

We know exactly the condition of my website and shopping cart before seop was hired, we carefully monitored seop’s activities during their empoyment, and made an audit of seop’s “work” after seop.  We have come to the conclution that the only thing of (dubious) value that seop gave us is the aformented half page of content.  There were no changes made to meta descriptions, title tags, url structure, category structure, deleting pages, image alts, h1s, h2s, blog posts, etc.  things -- that if done properly -- might have an effect on my search engine rating.

Why is this the case?  That is the subject of point 3      

Manny is aware of the detailed chronology of events I first recited to Manny over the phone and later emailed to him.  90% of this chronology details us giving access to Kimberly’s team, Kimberly’s team members saying the access didn’t work (which it did), and when Kimberly’s team did finally get to where they wanted to go, they broke things that we had to fix.  I’m not going into detail about this because I have given manny most of these details in a previous telephone call.  And to add insult to injury we are still finding things that seop has screwed up and we are in the process of fixing. 

The easiest explanation for this is that the members of Kimberly’s team were incompetant.  The other explantion is more disengeneous.  And that brings me to point 4     

In the chronology, my webmaster offered 3 times to make all of the changes Kimberly’s team wanted to make. Three times my webmaster made this offer and 3 times he was ignored by Kimberly and her team.  My webmaster wrote the code for my website and his associate wrote the code for my shopping cart.  They know this website and shopping cart inside and out.  Certainly they could have made all these changes quicker and more accurately than any of Kimberly’s team members could. 

I can think of only one reason why they didn’t want the changes to be made quicker and more accurately.  Because, if that were done, it would soon become obvious that these changes would have no effect on my search engine rating and they would be found out as a disreputable firm trying to string along poor unsuspecting website owners by trying to make them believe that they are not getting results because they are not getting cooperation from the website owner's webmaster.             

Let me summerize the salient facts:

1) seop has done precious little for the $6000 they were paid

2) I have no doubt that I can clearly document that seop did next to nothing for the $6000 I paid them and win my case in small claims court.

What ensued after reading my statement was an argument.  Not once did Yasir address any of my points directly.  He stuck to his talking points: lack of access, lack of access, lack of access.  Finally I had had enough: I told him that I can prove that my webmaster, on at least 3 separate occasions offered to do all of the changes that Kimberly’s team wanted to make.  So access was never an issue!!!.  I said, “If you use that argument in a court of law, I will chew you up and spit you out on the courtroom floor!!!”

That, at least, slowed him down.

Yasir did make an offer: SEOP will work for 3 months for free and Yasir will supervise their work. 

I told him that, according to my experience with them, SEOP empolyees don’t have a clue what they are doing and that he would have to make me a better offer than that.  Yasir agreed to put together an offer and email it to me.  He has yet to make me an offer.

February 26: I get a voicemail from Ms. Eileen Spadoni who says she is a lawyer for SEOP and wants to see if we can work things out.  I call her back and leave a message on her cell phone.  In the next 4 days I leave several messages on her cell phone. 

March 2: I send an email to Mr. Manuel Clark telling him that their lawyer doesn’t return her phone calls.

Later, same day: Spadoni finally gets around to calling me and I am ready with my talking points.  Told her that before I filed suit against SEOP I asked my webmaster to conduct an audit of everything that SEOP did, during the 4 months that SEOP was employed, that could possibly have any effect upon my SEO ranking.  For example: changes to content such as adding content, removing content, editing content, url changes, url deletions, category changes, changes to meta-tags, meta-descriptions and title tags, removing bad backlinks, adding good backlinks, writing blog posts, engaging social media, etc.

The only changes SEOP made in those 4 months were 2 FTP changes which relate to access NOT SEO.  So, my webmaster’s answer to the questions, “What did SEOP do?” was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Oh, and by the way, on January 16th I asked Mr. Manuel Clark of SEOP to send me a report of what SEOP had done.  He promised to send it, but he has yet to do so.  So, it seems that SEOP is admitting, by the lack of said report, that they have provided me ABSOLUTLY NOTHING of value for the six thousand dollars I paid them.

My webmaster is willing to stand next to me in small claims court with a laptop computer and prove to the judge that SEOP has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING of value for the six thousand dollars I paid them.

Let me tell you why my webmaster is downright eager to spend his valuable time doing this.  Kimberly Pitcher, Manuel Clark and Yasir, SEOP’s brand new Chief Operations Officer are blaming HIM for their own incompetence.  They are claiming that my webmaster denied them sufficient access to make the needed changes.  This is the sum total of their entire defense, and it really pisses off my webmaster.  As an attorney, I’m sure you understand that, sometimes, the only way a sufficiently pissed-off person can be pacified is by having his day in court.

We can, very easily, demonstrate that the access claim is a fairy tale.  We have detailed records of every Log-in and Password my webmaster gave Kimberly’s technicians so they could access whatever portions of my website and shopping cart they requested.  We also have a record of every keystroke SEOP’s technicians used to gain access to my website and shopping cart, where they went once inside, and what they did when they got there.

What SEOP’s technicians did was: 1) repeatedly used the wrong Log-in and Passwords for the areas that they were trying to access, and 2) once they finally got in, repeatedly broke things; things that my webmaster had to fix. 

(Another reason my webmaster is looking forward to testifying is because he and his team spent many man-hours fixing Team Kimberly’s mistakes, which he refers to in one email as “mistakes only a beginner could make”).

In short, we can prove that Team Kimberly’s technicians were incompetent b***s who, if they were having access problems, they were problems of their own making and had nothing to do with my webmaster.   

And yet another reason why my webmaster is chomping at the bit to get to court is that, very early on, he offered to do all of SEOP’s work for them.  It’s right there is one of his first emails to Kimberly: he states, “tell me what changes you want to make and I will make them for you.”  A very generous offer, I think. 

So, even if Team Kimberly was having access problems (of its own making) it had an out.  All the technicians needed to do was to tell my webmaster what changes they wanted to make and he would have made those changes for them.  NOT ONCE did they take advantage of this very generous offer, even though this offer was made repeatedly in emails and verbally when my webmaster was taking directly to the technicians over the phone.   

What this means to you and to SEOP is: If the person representing SEOP in court tries to use “access” as the reason for taking my six thousand dollars and giving me back ABSOLUTLELY NOTHING of value in return, my webmaster and I will CHEW THEM UP AND SPIT THEM OUT ON THE COURTROOM FLOOR.

Let me give you some friendly advice:

What SEOP really wants is to avoid a judgment against them.  They want to avoid a judgment against them, even it’s only one red cent, because a judgment against them means that I will be able to post the fact that I took SEOP to court and won my case against them on websites such as Ripoff Report (there are many other similar sites).  This would give me great credibility!

If I took a big company like SEOP to court and won, it would mean -- in the minds of those reading the report -- that the judge is validating everything  I have written in the report as true.  This transforms everything in the report from something written by a guy who has an axe to grind to the Absolute Truth!

Not only do such reports scare off prospects from doing business with SEOP, they may even encourage others who have been ripped off by SEOP to file suits against them.  Or, at least, to be more assertive in demanding money back from SEOP because they think they could actually win if they took SEOP to court!

If you truly represent the interests of SEOP, you will do everything in your power to prevent this scenario from becoming reality.  This, of course, means recommending to the Decision Makers at SEOP to do whatever it takes to prevent even the possibility of this happening.  

SEOP has stolen $6000 from me (taking my money and giving me nothing of value in return is the very definition of theft!).  In order to make me whole, SEOP must return my $6000.  Tell SEOP that I will not accept any offer of a number of free months of SEOP’s “services.”  I wouldn’t let an SEOP tech-boob within a thousand miles of my website!  I will also not accept any offer less than $6000 (I should let SEOP steal $1000, $2000 or $3000 from me?  Why Would I Do That!!!???

Tell them if they don’t want to refund me my $6000, then I will win a judgment of $5000 against them in court and will continue to do my civic duty and share my experiences (all of them truthful) with SEOP as far and as wide as possible.  After all, everyone should have a hobby!

Later, same day: I get a call from Gary E Mastin, another SEOP lawyer who says that “because I have issues with Spadoni,” he has been assigned to my case.  I tell him that I spent a good deal of time with Spadoni and am not inclined to repeat that with him.  So I emailed him my talking points.

I really don’t see the point in SEOP hiring lawyers and having them call me.  Especially since neither of these two lawyers had been empowered by SEOP to make me an offer.  What’s the point in spending money on lawyers unless you want them to negotiate a deal?  Do they expect me to go away  just because a real live lawer calls me?  For the money they are spending on lawyers they could have refunded me in full!  How stupid is that?  Every time I have an interaction with SEOP my opinion of them gets progressively worse.  Who’s making the decisions over there: The Three Stooges?       

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