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  • Report:  #1042434

Complaint Review: Serpent Sity Exocits Fraudulent Liars about ballbids

Serpent Sity Exocits Fraudulent Liars about ballbids Youtube: Drew the Entertainer aka Andrew Gomez from Brentwood, NY - Say No to Ballbidson facebook with Shaun Sumner, Munster, In and ReptileHaven on facebook - and Fradulent Int Fraudulent Internet Liars and Rip Off Scams, Reptiles, Pets, Snakes and Unethical Practices Internet

  • Reported By:
    Mark — Sunrise Florida
  • Submitted:
    Thu, April 11, 2013
  • Updated:
    Tue, April 16, 2013

REPTILE COMMUNITY BEWARE! THIS IS FACTUAL INFORMATION ON Andrew Gomez (aka) Drew the Entertainer on Youtube (aka) Serpent Sity Exotics on facebook from Bayshore, NY and Shaun Sumner of Munster Indiana (aka) Reptile Haven on Facebook, (aka) SMS Reptiles on facebook, (aka), and Facebook Page Say No to Ballbids. Both have been working underhandedly and in unison by LYING on the internet simply to harm another company ( Gomez is an Administrator on the Say No to Ballbids facebook page. Gomez lies about others on the net because of his personal dependence on getting new Likes on his Facebook page and getting more attention to his Youtube channel which is filled with videos that prove his complete lack of character and intellect . Gomez says on the internet he is a graduate from Harvard University and neither a High School Diploma nor a GED has been proven. Shaun Sumner is a Lemming that is too unintelligent to know better and follows the loud mouthed liars off the cliff. Both have LIED and MISINFORMED anyone who would listen, or who would read their illicit comments on Facebook and on the Internet. They open fake accounts and comment negatively with their lies on the internet, and they use FREE internet sites like this to falsely post illegitimate complaints about, the owner, and the Family Members of the Owner. They have been involved with persons openly posting on the Say No facebook page the HOW TOOs on interfering with Business Internet Server, going so far as to post INSTRUCTIONS for their friends on ways to interfere with
the auction timers during normal business auctions. Their friend Rich Kedzeirski Jr (aka) (owner of a computer repair company in Maine) and who Sumner says Rich Kedzierski Jr stole high end Morphs from BHB (an well respected breeder) was their open and unethical guidance on those illicit computer prompts as they conspired to attach the server on the Say No facebook page. All supportive documentation is readily available on the Say Yes to Ballbids or Facebook page. All three mentioned are Internet Forum Junkies and will be posting additional documented
factual information as is required.

11 Updates & Rebuttals



Shaun Sumner Munster, Indiana IS NOT THE OWNER of

#12Author of original report

Tue, April 16, 2013

He says he is the Owner of Ballbids on his #9 Complaint Post.(LIAR) + BS!  He also says his illicit campaign is about the welfare of the animals..(LIAR) +  BS!  Here is a link to the below original post that completely DEBUNKS his lying statements. And below is the copy of the post from the original link:

POSTING ON 4/16/2013....They b***h and complain about Ballbids "....doing this at the animals expense..." That is the worst argument they can think of? HA. Lets explore that excuse for a bit.

Where do you think that Ballbids gets the snakes they auction from? Hmmm?

From breeders. Who are the breeders? They know EXACTLY who they are. And they know d**n well that the breeders that Ballbids is buying from are respected. And that those breeders produce well cared for animals.

Part of that lame argument is the fact that Ballbids doesn't actually posses the snake. Everyone KNOWS that, and everyone KNOWs WHERE the snakes come from. This shows that Ballbids actually DOES care for the animals in the fact that they let the breeders keep and ship the snake to BB's winners.

This BS excuse of Ballbids don't care about the welfare of the animal is just that, a BS excuse.

It has NEVER been about the animals and they know it. It is a hate filled campaign against the owner of Ballbids, plain and simple.
Its even been said by more than a few of their supporters that if a big breeder would start a penny auction, just like Ballbids did, that they would support it.

I have the ss's of those statements.

So it all boils down to this:

They dont like the owner of Ballbids personally. They hate the fact that he will not "cooperate" with them. They hate the fact that they cannot stop him and they hated the fact that Ballbids is in business with trusted breeders and that those breeders regard that group as insignificant nobodys.

Just look thru thier FB page and see for yourself that the BS argument about Ballbids "....doing this at the animals expense..." is nothing more than another lie of that hate group.

Mike Reed



#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 15, 2013

Mark, the only one of those pics that even pertains to me is the profile pic you STOLE from my Facebook. So where I am concerned you have proven NOTHING.

This is a site dedicated to pointing out shady businesses. Since the first clutch I have ever produced is still in the incubator, how could I have a history of shady business dealings? All I have ever done is stated my honest opinion of your son's shady business. I am an American. I have that right. You know free speech is protected by the Constitution. 

If that is all you have then I will worry about the reputation you are trying to tarnish once I've earned my own thread on the BOI page of one of the forums that actually concerns itself with reptiles. You know the ones I'm talking about. The ones where you are SO lovingly welcomed. He He He. What a dweeb.



#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, April 15, 2013

All I can say, they keep pointing out that what we are doing is illegal but yet no criminal charges have been filed in a year and a half.   Ballbids has not been open all this time and is not open cause they are trying to get rid of the people against them.  They want to claim I am doing this cause of money but Mark, I have not yet sold a animal and I deal with more then ball pythons.   So another false lie you want to spread.   Let see I have ball pythons, corns, kings and boas.   Ballbids has been shut down and Mark, I can prove that in a court of law.  Like I said, you should tell your son to watch what he tells other people.   And  I got plenty of witnesses on that.   I also know how much your son claims on how much was refunded.   They will falsify screenshots.   They have a website that suppose to be the truth but I am blocked from seeing it.  Reason, I can call them out on the lies that is on it.   



Proof Positive of Shaun Sumner illicit Internet Fraud

#12Author of original report

Mon, April 15, 2013

Below is merely a small piece of the evidence against Shaun Sumner of Munster Indiana, Andrew Gomez, and Mike Reed that prove their illegal conspiracy to lie and cheat the Reptile Community and those new members who wish to buy. These people can not be trusted. Know who you are dealing with out there and BEWARE! Their pictures are posted above if you see them at any reptile shows. STAY CLEAR!



Mike Reed and Shaun Sumner, Munster Indiana Fraudulent Unethical Liars

#12Author of original report

Sun, April 14, 2013

Beware Reptile Community. Know who you are dealing with! They have said MANY TIMES that they represent the Reptile Community and they are Forum Junkie Liar and Scammers. Mike Reed I have NEVER been banned from ANY Forum so you again lie. Please Move Your Forum Junkie Postings to your close nit group in your like minded FORUMS. Not here on the Complaint Boards. Both of you have been Proven to be lying and to be unethical internet Forum Junkie FRAUDS! Proof Positive Right Here at: ,and also at: , COMMUNITY MEMBERS KNOW WHAT AND WHO YOU ARE DEALING WITH HERE!


Mark B****

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, April 14, 2013

Funny how SMS Reptiles is my initials.  It was something I used before Say No to Ballbids and Reptile Haven is my Google + page.  I am not using these names to hide like they say.  THey know who I am.  I don't need to hide behind nothing.   Mark Byers will say whatever he wants to try to discredit.  Yes Ballbids sell snakes.  But when only if they sell it at a profit.  If the auction falls below making a auction, they say their was a network issues or say we hacked the site.   They show no proof that we have done anything.   All auctions that had problems, they had no bids.   Please google Ballbids, read what other people say.  NOt someone who going to try to discredit.  By insulting.   That all he good for.  

Mike R


Thank You

#12General Comment

Sun, April 14, 2013

Mark, first of all nothing I have ever said or posted has been proven to be a lie. Yes I have misunderstood some things from time to time, but I readily admit when I'm wrong.

Second, as much time as you spend on sites like this and on Facebook spreading your ridiculous oral diarrhea, you personally have no room to comment on anyone spending time however they choose on the internet. The only reason you are not still on the forums spouting your foolish rhetoric is because your behavior and repetitious nonsense got you BANNED. Just like your son and his buddy Marty Kerstetter (the man of multiple Facebook accounts).

Third and final, I will probably not respond to anymore of your insults here because your posts alone should be all the proof a reasonable person needs to see which of us is actually being honest about this. Keep up the "good" work.  

Oh thought of one more point to make. Why are you posting your personal attacks against individuals like Shaun and Drew on a site called Rip Off Report? They are not trying to rip anyone off, unlike the company you happen to be representing in such a professional manner! Hear that? That was me falling in the floor laughing at you!  



Important Information

#12Author of original report

Sat, April 13, 2013

Beware! Update! In addition to all of Shaun Sumner's (Munster Indiana) fake names and fake accounts used to post his hateful and false information on the internet he also uses the facebook page!/sumnerexpediting?fref=ts. Unfortunately he has uses legitimate businesses names for some of his fake internet trolling accounts so please be cautious of this when seeing those names on the internet and we apologize to those legitimate businesses for again having to post those names in response to his lies. More factual documentation can be seen on links from the Say Yes To Ballbids Facebook page.

Mike Reed, aka Mike Man, aka Gonzone please take your Forum Junkie Fixation back to your hate groups where you people enjoy that kind of behavior. Your lies have been proven on the net for over a year now. Everyone knows what you and your friends are all about.

Mike Reed


my point exactly

#12General Comment

Sat, April 13, 2013

Thank you for proving my point Mark. Not one word to disprove my comments. Merely a long rant disparaging MY character.

I have never posted lies on any site. I merely make observations about the way I see things. If my statements are so ridiculous, why do you keep making every effort to have them removed from Facebook? You are afraid people will realize I make sense and the excuses for failed auctions seem awful fishy.

Go ahead and continue to throw your childish tantrums on sites like this. People will only see the patterns that I pointed out. If they take my suggestion and Google it they will see that your actions, not mine or Drew's or Shaun's are the reason you and your associates can't post on any reptile forum, where the people who are actually interested in this debate tend to go.

Yes my screen name on the forums is gonzoone. Most people there use screen names, as with any forum. Right there beside the post it shows my profile, including my name. So how is that hiding? How many accountsis your friend Marty running ? I know there are eight in his name alone. Then there is Morph Man, Sonji, Harry (the former "Marine" in the army uniform), and probably countless others I personally missed. So don't even accuse me of using false IDs because I am not ashamed to hide my opinions.



Mike Reed showing his true colors

#12Author of original report

Sat, April 13, 2013

Mike Reed from Tennessee, you have finally used your real name. I am impressed. This is not a Forum Spot. You and your friends ( Proven Liars Gomez and Sumner) should go get your forum junkie fix's in the forums and not on these free complaint boards. And you know nothing about whom you are speaking up for here you merely have the same illicit motives in common with them. has been in business for over a year and has Many Happy Customers and has auctioned over 50 Top Quality Morphs. Everyone has Fun and it is an exciting auction platform for the customers. Ballbids has been dealing with you with your fake names "Mike Man, Gonzone", ect.. and your friends fake names  for over a year while all of you spew your unabated hatred and lies against a legal company openly and honestly conducting internet business, merely because you do not approve of the business model. Move on now Mikey, you have again showed your true character and intentions. Go back to your hateful internet forums and continue you conspiratorial conversations with your bud's on how you will shut down This venue won't work. And remember, we have copies of your illicit internet conversations.

Mike Reed



#12General Comment

Sat, April 13, 2013

Mark has followed these guys around spouting this same string of insults anywhere he is permitted to post.

Does this sound like a sixty something retired policeman and upstanding businessman, or a spoiled and mad fifth grader? Just some of the slanderous insults he's spouting should be your first clue. Google Ballbids and read anything not directly under their control and you will see what I mean.

Andrew Gomez and Shaun Sumner are both decent people who are merely fighting to protect a hobby we all three love from a shady business that could hurt us all. The reptile community has suffered from uninformed public opinion and slanted media coverage. We don't need a group like Mark and his family making things worse.

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