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  • Report:  #97291

Complaint Review: Innovative Vision Group - Cydcor - DS-Max

Shanara Anthony, Innovative Vision Group, Inc AKA Cydcor AKA DS-Max is deceptive, unethical and possibly fraudulent. They steal money from those who leave. Rip-off! Ridgeland, Jackson Mississippi

  • Reported By:
    Jackson Mississippi
  • Submitted:
    Thu, July 01, 2004
  • Updated:
    Thu, December 13, 2007
  • Innovative Vision Group - Cydcor - DS-Max
    855 S Pear Orchard RD STE 503
    Ridgeland, Mississippi
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I worked for Innovative Vision Group, Inc, managed by Shanara Anthony for about two months. My experiences during those two months match up with just about every other negative experience listed by those reporting on cydcor, ds-max, or any of the others. The treatment that I have receive since resigning, however, is particularly noteworthy. And, as I will later describe, I believe that Shanara Anthony is illegally, or at least unethically, appropriating money that belongs to former employees.

I would further urge people within the Jackson area to avoid Innovative Vision Group and Shanara Anthony in particular like the plague. Since my resignation she has exhibited behaviors that are definitively unprofessional and possibly somewhat unbalanced.

My story, like many, begins with a fraudulent ad that I discovered -- actually, several fraudulent ads, all posted on,, and the like. I had graduated the summer before, and had been working at a local hospital in an attempt to earn and save some money to put towards grad school.

Unfortunately, they were not working me full-time, so I needed to find another job fast. The job market is less than great in Jackson, so I was excited to see an ad offering a base pay of 25,000 to 45,000 per year at the entry/new grad level for what sounded like several different positions. (Incidentally, I would strongly encourage anyone who comes across these ads to report them to the site -- because they do not accurately describe the job and they do not specify that the job is 100% commission, the violate the terms of service of every site they are on.)

I was even more excited to get a prompt call back! I was offered a same day interview, and was to naive and inexperienced to know that this was actually not a good sign. I went in for the first interview, but I was not truly interviewed. I was questioned only briefly about fairly inconsequential things, the majority of the ten to fifteen minute interview was devoted to pitching an "exciting opportunity" for a management training program.

All questions about pay, benefits, etc, were brushed aside. I was told I would find out if I was asked on a second interview. I was not told that the job was basically door-to-door sales. The manager, Shanara Anthony, spoke so quickly and with such enthusiasm that I was thoroughly dazed, and when she asked me to come back on a second day interview I automatically accepted.

I was excited when I went back for my second interview, which the called a "day of observation". I still hadn't been told that the job was 100% commission. I didn't find that out until the end of the day. But the girl that I was sent out with was fabulous and fun, it seemed like I would be providing a useful service to local small businesses, and I needed money.

When Shanara warmly offered me the job at my third interview, I happily accepted it. The leader who had taken me out had told me the job was 100% commission, but Shanara did not check to make sure that I knew that. She did not tell me that there were no benefits. She did not tell me that I would not get a gas allowance. She did not mention the long hours that I would be working, or all of the unpaid time that I would be expected to be in the office.

I spent a week shadowing different "leaders", who were supposed to show me what to do. I was then turned loose, on my own. Every morning we spent at least an hour in "Atmosphere", yelling our heads off and jumping around, or in workshops. Mainly, we pumped up our attitudes and practiced our pitches. At first I thought all of this was great. I really liked most of the people around me, and I thought it was all fun. I thought it was nice that we all came back to the office to check in, and that the after work team meetings at local bar/restaurants was a great way to unwind and have a little fun.

Then I began to see that all of these things were simply keeping us from noticing that, given the number of hours we were working, we really weren't making that much money, not after gas, car maintenance, and food expenses -- and god forbid we need to go to the doctor or dentist, or pay for any prescriptions. I was sent on a road trip, and was shocked to find myself sleeping on the floor of another manager's apartment.

No money was provided for food on this week long trip. (Also, I was placed in several dangerous situations while "working territory" -- at one point a strange man tried to get me into his car. This last bit isn't the fault of the company, but if you are a young woman considering this type of job you should be aware of the dangers of such a position - and consider how they stack up against no salary and no benefits)

I began to notice favoritism within the office, and the subtle ways in which Shanara cut down people whose production was low. I had initially thought that the environment was very positive -- then I began to notice that, no matter how long it had been since your last "slump", Shanara always managed to bring it up, even when praising you for doing incredibly well. Since the people being slighted were some of the most hardworking, this didn't sit too well with me.

Additionally, Shanara was constantly berating the women about our appearance, telling us that we needed to be dressed professionally and that inappropriately dressed "day of o" kids were our fault, as they must be emulating us. It is difficult to stomach such lectures from someone wearing see-through, lace up blouses that practically reveal nipple paired with stiletto heels, no matter how many blazers she owns.

I found that it was necessary to keep a very close eye on what apps you did, as occasionally someone else would get paid for them, and vice versa. A girl I had worked closely with had her childcare fall through and had to leave for at least a little while. She called about picking up her check, and was informed by Shanara that, because she felt that another employee had helped her in getting the app Shanara would not pay her for it, but would instead give it to the girl who had helped with the paperwork. I realized then that I should definitely leave, and planned to resign at the end of the week.

The next day I was sent in a car packed five deep to a location over two and a half hours away. We did not get back until after seven o' clock that night. I had another obligation to take care of, for which I was an hour late, so I told everyone else in the car to inform Shanara that I had to leave immediately and would file my paper work the next morning. I was lectured severely about this the next day, was told that I needed to come in every night and stay for longer than I had been (for no pay -- that's what really blows my mind! I always assumed that doing things for which you were not paid was *voluntary*), was told that I obviously must have a horrible attitude, and that I needed to reexamine my priorities.

So I left, and I thought about my attitude, and realized that it was really horrible to be chipper and enthusiastic about being taken advantage of. I reexamined my priorities, I realized that staying on in an environment where I was simply an unappreciated cash cow was ludicrous. And so, that evening, I resigned. This is where things started to get really ugly.

When I came in Shanara asked me how my day was and how many apps I had brought in. I said my day was good, but I only had an app from the day before to turn in. As she made a face at me, I told her that I would need to speak to her privately.

We went to her office, and I told her that I was afraid it would be my last day, thanked her for the opportunity of working with her, and wished her luck. She asked me why I was leaving, and I, trying to be polite, stated that it was for many reasons but there was no reason to go into detail. She pressed me further, so I admitted that I had some concerns about the way that money and payment was handled, and that I additionally had found her "motivational lecture" that morning to have revealed a detached, out-of-touch approach.

She immediately focused in on the last bit, saying that she was sorry if I had felt she was personally attacking me, it was a tough business, etc.,etc, and that if I was so thin skinned it probably wasn't the right business for me. Seeing that she didn't understand what I had been saying, I clarified myself, stating that I did not see the lecture as a personal attack, that I had decided to resign before she had even delivered it -- it had just made me realize hat it was ridiculous to finish out the week as I had planned.

She immediately began to press me about my concerns regarding the payroll --she was relentless! She kept claiming that everyone was paid only for their own apps, I informed her that I knew this was not the case, and she the admitted that such errors did occur, but they were caught clerically. When I stated that such errors should be caught before the checks ere cut, she simply pressed her lips together angrily before going back to claiming that I was really leaving because I felt that she had personally attacked me.

Once again I said, even more plainly, that my reasons for leaving were due to her management and the "hiccups" involving payroll. I told her that I knew about the re-assigned app and that I did not want anyone playing God with my money. She blatantly lied and said the incident had not occurred. She then patronizingly told me that she was very concerned, she could not understand why anyone would be interested in what happens to another person's checks. She assured me that my final checks would be perfectly correct. She would not tell me how or when I would receive payment. I asked explicitly, and I asked twice. She told me she didn't know and that she would call me. She refused to discuss the matter further. I had no choice but to leave.

She was very angry. She had always had this hang up about how people were either weak or strong, at the time I simply assumed that her anger was because I wasn't allowing myself to be classified as leaving due to being weak.

I receive no call from Shanara the next week. I suspected she would try to get out of paying me. I went to the office midmorning. The receptionist informed me that there was no check for me. Shanara was in a meeting with some Cydcor people, so I waited twenty minutes for her to finish. Again, I asked when and how I would be paid. She said that I was down for a check that week, but that there wasn't one for e -- she guessed that I was getting a final check at some point. I asked when and I asked why she didn't know what was going on with my payment. She said it was all handled by Cydcor, and she would call me when my final check came in. When I asked why Cydcor was issuing checks that were headed with "Innovative Vision Group" she refused to answer me.

Not trusting her to call me, I went back in the next week. There was a very small check for me, but not a final check. Shanara again refused to tell me when and how I would receive the rest of my payment. She refused to tell me what had happened to the amount I was supposed to have been paid the week before.

This incident repeated itself a fourth time. The fifth time I went in, planning to get some answers. I knew that I had not been paid for every app that I had done, and I knew that I hadn't been informed of enough apps being rejected to account for this. I went into the office, and there was no check for me.

I went to speak to Shanara, stating that there was a problem with my checks. She blinked at me and unconvincingly said "What checks?" to which I replied "Exactly". I told her that I had not been paid correctly. I told her that what I needed from her was a printout of my sales records (at least a list of what apps I had done, preferably denoting whether they were accepted, declined, or pending. Furthermore, I needed to know how I would be paid and firm dates regarding when I would be paid.

Shanara then made a horrible face at me and said "Excuse me, but *I* am the *MANAGER*, and you can't just come in off of the street and start making demands in *my* office. You've been payed ALL that you will be paid, so you can just remove yourself". I told her that if that was true I would have no choice but to file reports with Cydcor and Bell South, and then left.

The next week I receive another call from the receptionist, telling me that there was a check for me. I told her that I would come in that day. When I arrived the receptionist had already left. Shanara was seated at the front desk, speaking on the telephone. She ignored my entry, and spent the next fifteen minutes or so giggling her way through a personal call. I waited, and waited. Several former coworkers asked me what I was doing, I informed them that I was trying to ensure that Shanara actually paid me. Finally, I flipped out my cell phone called my mother, and began to give a blow by blow account of what was going on. I hung up shortly before Shanara got off of the phone.

Shanara then spent the next ten minutes studiously ignoring me. She stared intently at the computer screen on the front desk, and every thirty seconds to one minute she would click a single key. Finally, I went and stood beside the desk. After two minutes of my standing there, she finally spoke to me. Without looking up, she informed me that I could just take a seat because she was busy.

I politely replied that I was only there because I had been called and told there was a check for me. Since she was busy, I asked, could she possibly get somebody else to pull my check? I was very nastily informed that *she* was the manager, and that I would have to wait until she felt like dealing with me.

I tried to ease a very awkward and exceedingly hostile situation with a lame joke. "Oh Shanara, are you the manager? How could that detail have fled my brain?" I asked, trying to go for good natured. She nastily snapped that she was sure it was because my brain was so shallow, which ended my attempts at being good humored. I merely stated that, despite my "shallow brain", I was quite grateful to have attained remedial math skills and could keep track of checks that I was owed.

She ignored me again, and I finally sat down. I called my mom and again gave her a detailed blow by blow of what was happening, which apparently interested the people doing paperwork in the next room. After a few minutes of this, Shanara leapt up, closed the door to the room where the paper work was being finished, and stalked back to her office. After several minutes she returned, opened the front door with a flourish, and dangled the check in front of the doorway.

I stepped forward to take the check, and as I grasped it Shanara slammed the door, knocking most of me outside of the office (my left foot remained caught in the door). The door literally hit my backside on the way out.

I called Cydcor multiple times to complain and see about getting my records, but they never returned my calls. I called Bell South and the third party verification company used in the Bell South campaign and described the unethical, potentially fraudulent practices encouraged within the office with Shanara's approval. Within a day I was called by a Cydcor employee who knew nothing about my earlier calls to Cydcor, but everything about my calls to Bell South and TPV. He took down all of my information, spoke to me twice, and told me he was getting my records and my eventual payment straightened out.

One week later I still hadn't heard from him, and so I called him back. He was very surprised to hear from me, asking if I had heard from Shanara. He informed me that the records had been checked and that Shanara had discovered "some checks that I hadn't cashed" (I never failed to cash a check that I receive) and that they were being reissued, with the rest of my payment squared away. He stated that he would call her again, and that she would contact me about my payment. That was earlier this morning. I am waiting for Shanara to contact me, but as of yet I have heard nothing. as it was all apparently worked out last week, it seems that she should have contacted me immediately.

I also told the Cydcor representative that I was in contact with several ex-employees who had never been contacted about their final paychecks. They would like to be paid. He said to feel free to give them his number. I am doing so this evening, and encouraging everyone to give the number to any other former employees that they may still be in contact with. It seems fairly obvious to me that Shanara Anthony is probably pocketing all of those final paychecks. Given the high turnover of the office, this surely must add up to a considerable sum. I hope she is prepared to hand it back over to the people it rightfully belongs to.

Jackson, Mississippi

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on ds-max, dsmax, ds/max, granton marketing, cydcor

15 Updates & Rebuttals

You Fools



#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, December 13, 2007

"Shanara got a new office"... they story of her life, honey!
I worked for Innovative less than a year ago and she had three offices while I was there. One on Pear Orchard, One by Wal-Mart on Wheatley, and one way out on Highland Colony.
Did I mention I was only there for 2 and a half months?
So Shanara now has a new office in Northtown, which would make 4, in 10 months....
FOUR offices in TEN months.
That should speak to the validity of this business. Don't be another person fooled by their tricks. I actually made some good money there, and it was a great place to make some money while I waited to find a real job.
P.S. Just because you play dress up everyday does not mean that you have an 'opportunity.' You are still jumping around the room like monkeys in your suit and tie, "guys."




#16Consumer Comment

Sun, September 09, 2007




Positive and Negative Comments

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 19, 2007

I still remember the my first day of employment under Shanara Anthony at Innovative Vision Group. I started on September 22, 2004. I remember that day like it was yesterday because I was enthralled to get "a job". I was a recent college graduate in Information Technology and Marketing and was trying to find "a job" in my field. This office was selling BellSouth (Now AT&T) products such as POTS lines, DSL, voicemail, and Long Distance.

I had several classes in this field in college and it instantly interested me. I knew going in that it was a straight commission job with no benefits. I knew that I would have to work very hard to make the money I needed to survive. I also knew that there was opportunity for advancement though very little chance of making it to "the next level" which was ownership. I have known about this string of posts from the very first day they started.

I worked with Caroline and Jon (who have posted previously in this string) for the whole time they were employed as well as Lawrence (for a short time). I worked for Shanara's organization for about 15 months before I moved to Jacksonville Florida with Daren Abreu on Shanara's first "outside deal". In Cydcor terms I was a veteran in "the business". I also worked for Daren in Jacksonville for a little over a year.

The job itself when outside of the office is a typical door to door sales job. Many of the people who respond to these posts in a negative manner do not understand the basic nature of telecom sales. As a matter of fact, the telecom industry was built on and still runs off door to door "solicitation tactics". The only negative about this line of work is that some people are not cut out for it and get angry when they find out what it is. Many people believe that salespeople are a low form of life that somehow got drug out of a tar pit in South America. People who get hired into positions with Cydcor (if they have a brain) know what they are getting into either before they take the position or shortly after they take the position.

I will tell anyone that the experience I gained from working for Innovative Vision and Advertising Alliance (both falling under the umbrella of Cydcor) has been priceless to me in my current career of choice. The process tought by Cydcor shows an almost flawless approach in being successful at impulse marketing/selling. I make more than $80,000 a year with another telephone company in Jackson Mississippi (XFone Communications). I am the top sales rep in the company and I have no doubt that if I had not worked under the Cydcor umbrella, I would not be nearly as good at what I do as I am now. I took a mixture of selling tactics I learned from Cydcor as well as a mixture of what I was trained on with XFone to create the success I am enjoying today.

If you are looking to get into a crash course that will teach you the work ethic and skills to be successful in sales, I suggest you save a couple of thousand dollars for security and learn what they have to teach. Ignore all of the rah rah tactics you hear every morning from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Don't get too excited about "owning your own business" and making $300,000 a year free and clear. Enjoy yourself at the once a week evening parties they throw (but be ready to pay for drinks and dinner) to "bond with your team". If you make it 6 months, you have learned enough to make most reputable companies interviewing you for a job beg for you to come work for them. If you are going in looking for opportunity and money, please pass on the position without hesitation.

I can honestly say that for about a year, I was in it for the opportunity of owning my own business and making boat loads of money. I was one of the top ten sales reps in the country for 8 months out of my time there (on 3 occasions number 2). I was mentioned in the infamous "Cydcor Times" on many occasions. I built a team here and in Mississippi and trained people on what I had learned. My second year as one of the top sales reps in the company, I made $35,000 in commissions total. I paid for my own gas, health insurance, car insurance, and other business expenses myself out of that. I showed more people than I can count an opportunity that was rarely ever seen. I don't know how many people I put in financial strife by lying to them and telling them how attainable the ultimate goal was.

My failure with the company and the whole reason I did not make it to "ownership" was ethics. I couldn't continue telling people (who clearly did not have the sales or motivational skills) that they were going to be the owner of their own business and making an easy 6 figures every year. On the other hand, there were few and far between that did have the skills to make it into "ownership". Once you get to "ownership" you run into the same ethics problems but on a much larger scale.

If you are looking to take a job with a Cydcor company, please take my advice and take it for what it is. Have a wonderful day and God Bless you all.




#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 20, 2007

I began work for Innovative Vision Group in October 2006 and obviously I am no longer employed there. I had a decent experience, I have no fraud to report, nor mistreatment.
I never worked with anyone named Lawrence, so I assume he was long gone by the time I got there, as are most people.
While you are investigating this company and whether or not you want to work for them, go ahead and Google the name Kevin Tabereaux, the assistant manager. I was very upset to discover he is a convicted felon... who served time in prison for vehicular manslaughter. This concerns me most because he trained me and I actually rode in his car with him driving during business hours with no knowledge of his past!
I have nothing against Shanara. I found her to be a nice person, but she is also about business, which should be expected.
If you want to make a couple grand in a month or so, this is a great way to do it. For long term employment, you would do best if you were unmarried with no children and willing to put a lot of money in your gas tank.



Happy to find this

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, March 16, 2007

Today I was offered a job with this very company and I was very jazzed up about going to work for them. I told them I would have to talk it over with my wife before I accepted. When I got home my wife suggested that I ask my father-in-law his thought on the matter and suggested that I look up their history on the internet.

This report horrified me because it mirrored my experience with them since I first got their call. Listening to the cheers and games going on in the back of the office before I was sent out today to observe two realy great guys do their jobs. The long ride to a far off territory the whole nine yards. My wife and I were on the fence about me leaving my present job that leaves a lot to be desired but after reading this I would be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Thank you so much for posting this. I hope that you can find some peace in your ordeal in knowing that you have saved a man that is tring to take of his family from the same mess you went through.


Colorado Springs,

Lawrence - at this point you're still blindly ignorant

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 14, 2006

I worked with Shanara Anthony and worked with Caroline also.

Every single word of what Caroline said is true, I can say that with confidence because I was there, and saw it with my own eyes.

You might have heard the name Daren Abreu before. He was my "team leader", still is a good friend, and was Shanara's only ever outside deal. Daren quit the business a few months ago because of Cydcor's unethical practices. Cydcor makes from Bellsouth $200 a new line... you make $35 or $40? You can understand the motivation of rah-rah speaches, questionable ethics, and desire to always hire "fresh" when you know what's at stake.

Daren and I, as I have stated, are still friends, and talk quite frequently. We're both in real estate now, and make six figure incomes (well, I do, and he will). I can't help but think that my success hinged on a lot of things. And I can even attribute some of my selling ability to what I learned working under Daren. The truth is, only 1% of people in Cydcor end up having offices - which is the "big sell" in your line of work. So you can get off the "you couldn't do it and now you're jaded routine". It's not true, and you'll learn it soon enough.

What I never understood about Cydcor... your reward for completely killing yourself in the field, lying to people constantly about their future job, and getting paid nothing in the meantime is what? your own office where you have to put up with totally bogus interviews?

If you work as hard as you do making your 28,000 for Shanara... you could easily make over $150K doing what I do. I know that with confidence, as well.



You checked up on the company in advance???

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, March 05, 2006


To the most recent person who submitted a post, I just can't believe that you researched the company you are working in too well. There are loads of testimonials on ror about them. There is an msn user chat group with lots of bad things to say about this group by former employees. And there are other places on the net with stories too. And yet you understood all these risks and claim to be making loads of money? And this money will be enough to cover your taxes and all the money that you pay out just to work and attend the unpaid meetings, with out even trying to spend money on building a crew... What could have been your last job that was so terrible in relation to this? Were you a moonie or a drug dealer?

More likely it is one of two cases:
1) you did no research what so ever, you were really hard up for cash, you are doing ok on the current campaign you are on, thought you'd take the job and see where it goes and now after attending all these meetings, learning all the chants and songs and being lured by this false dream of financial independance, you are 100 percent convinced. My friend, now is the time for you to really learn why so many people complain about the job you now have. Scratch a lie catch a thief. You got lied to in the add you answered, because they needed to trick you into accepting the job to keep you. Educate your self and move on. If it sales you want, doubtless you have picked up some more skills, now go to a legitamate place and not a sales sweat shop.
2) you are an owner dending the business so that your new people don't quit. I've got news for you - most of you owners never make the money. Get out now while you might be a head. Why try for something with so little chance of success.

Good luck to you.



Try doing your research before taking a Job

#16UPDATE Employee

Sun, March 05, 2006

Actually Ya'll, have had many sales jobs where I was ripped off, so did my research before I went into it. How is it that all of you are blameless in this? I have my eyes wide open. The telling thing to me is that ya'll seem to go straight for the personal attacks. You lose all credability in my eyes. So others can see it from both Sides, I have never been promised more than I have recieved by Cydcor, or Innovative. My pay has been excellent and yes the hours are long, but I get weekends off, and freedom in my Job. If you really want to know about a company, ask the ones that are successful at it, not the bitter ex employees that cannot see that they made the mistakes, and ultimately screwed themselves.


New Jersey,

Lawrence, I can't wait... you'll be on here complaining like everybody else. unless you are just a company shill..

#16Consumer Suggestion

Sun, February 26, 2006

Lawrence, I can't wait until you realize how horrible this business is and you get out. Then you'll be on here complaining like everybody else.

But, until then, you are just another sheep that believes everything you are told about bulls and rhinos and other animals.

If you've been there 2.5 months, you must be only 3.5 months from your own office. I'm sure you are about to be an assistant manager and making $50K guaranteed.

Why is it only Cydcor and it's companies have 100s of reports done? Don't you think other big companies have employees coming and going? Why aren't there 100s of ex-employees of AT&T, IBM and other big companies complaining? Maybe because there aren't as many criminal activities?

It's so funny listening to someone defend the business knowing he will be adding his own report how awful the business is in just a few months. Unless he's really stupid then it might take a bit longer.

They keep dangling the carrot and fools like you Lawrence continue to follow it.

There is nothing wrong with a 100% commission job until you are expected to pay all of your own expenses and work for more than 4 hours without pay EACH day.


New Jersey,

Lawrence, I can't wait... you'll be on here complaining like everybody else. unless you are just a company shill..

#16Consumer Suggestion

Sun, February 26, 2006

Lawrence, I can't wait until you realize how horrible this business is and you get out. Then you'll be on here complaining like everybody else.

But, until then, you are just another sheep that believes everything you are told about bulls and rhinos and other animals.

If you've been there 2.5 months, you must be only 3.5 months from your own office. I'm sure you are about to be an assistant manager and making $50K guaranteed.

Why is it only Cydcor and it's companies have 100s of reports done? Don't you think other big companies have employees coming and going? Why aren't there 100s of ex-employees of AT&T, IBM and other big companies complaining? Maybe because there aren't as many criminal activities?

It's so funny listening to someone defend the business knowing he will be adding his own report how awful the business is in just a few months. Unless he's really stupid then it might take a bit longer.

They keep dangling the carrot and fools like you Lawrence continue to follow it.

There is nothing wrong with a 100% commission job until you are expected to pay all of your own expenses and work for more than 4 hours without pay EACH day.


New Jersey,

Lawrence, I can't wait... you'll be on here complaining like everybody else. unless you are just a company shill..

#16Consumer Suggestion

Sun, February 26, 2006

Lawrence, I can't wait until you realize how horrible this business is and you get out. Then you'll be on here complaining like everybody else.

But, until then, you are just another sheep that believes everything you are told about bulls and rhinos and other animals.

If you've been there 2.5 months, you must be only 3.5 months from your own office. I'm sure you are about to be an assistant manager and making $50K guaranteed.

Why is it only Cydcor and it's companies have 100s of reports done? Don't you think other big companies have employees coming and going? Why aren't there 100s of ex-employees of AT&T, IBM and other big companies complaining? Maybe because there aren't as many criminal activities?

It's so funny listening to someone defend the business knowing he will be adding his own report how awful the business is in just a few months. Unless he's really stupid then it might take a bit longer.

They keep dangling the carrot and fools like you Lawrence continue to follow it.

There is nothing wrong with a 100% commission job until you are expected to pay all of your own expenses and work for more than 4 hours without pay EACH day.



Not the Whole Story

#16UPDATE Employee

Sun, February 26, 2006

I am reading this character Assasination of Shanara Anthony, and getting angrier by the paragraph. Caroline, you and I bith know that there is more to the story than you wrote. I get sick of seeing bitter people who failed in the business or just didn't like it whine about the company. I can attest that Shanar is a great boss, who takes very good care of her employees,and our office has a very low reject rate on our Apps. If you don't make money in this business, it is because you do not have the skills, that is not a bad thing, some don't. By the Way, I have worked for many traditional jobs that were commission only, worked more hours than I was paid for and had pay issues, it happens people, get over it. FOr the Record, I have now worked for Innovative Vision for two and a half months, and made plenty of money, after expenses, and love my Job, and do it honestly.



very suprised to hear that you had lost money

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, October 30, 2004

I believe it ...

I have worked for another office under cydcor. The only things that I have ever heard about the Jackson office have been negative. I have met Shanara and to be honest I was not impressed at all. The clothing that was worn was not business casual or anything else maybe something to go to the club in. I was very suprised to hear that you had lost money in the dealing with her. I have also heard from other owners about her un ethical conduct and she does have the highest reject percent of all Bellsouth offices, due to the fact that her people do lie and do what is right by them not the company they are there to help.




#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, July 04, 2004


Have you gone to the police? Reported this to the department of labor? How about the IRS? I suggest getting the government involved.

And I would be curious to know what bell south says about this too.

Check out the msn chat group [DELETED]. Unfortunately, you will see other similar storys. At least you will know you are not alone and maybe see what others have done in your situation.

Good luck to you.



Minor Correction

#16Author of original report

Fri, July 02, 2004

I would urge all former employees of Cydcor offices that are owed money to strenuously pursue being given your proper final pay, even if it is for a low sum. Registering legitimate complaints with the campaign company (and, if applicable, TPV) seems to guarantee that you will be brought to Cydcor's attention. I would also strenuously recommend tracking down other former employees and seeing if they are in a similar situation. give them the contact information that you have garnered, and/or have them register legitimate complaints with the campaign company as well. This appears to be an effective method of revealing fraud/theft, or at least ensuring that you will not be ripped off/ scammed/ fleeced one last time.

Since posting my original report yesterday, I have learned that the gentleman who contacted me and took down my many complaints is actually some sort of liaison between Bell South and Cydcor. I believe that he is an employee of Cydcor, and not Bell South. Upon being questioned this morning about when I could expect Shanara to contact me, he informed me that he had been trying to contact her since my previous call, but that she has taken a vacation "for the holiday" and he had thus far been unable to locate her. He asked me if I had given his phone number out to other former employees, I confirmed that I had. I then put forward that we were very concerned because we had filled out our W-2 forms and had earned money, but as we had never received full and proper payment we had incorrect tax information. He stated that he understood such concerns and that he would get back to me. I still need to address Shanara's reported claim that she is reissuing checks that I did not cash, as she is actually issuing checks that I never received in the first place.

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