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  • Report:  #302541

Complaint Review: Shane Sheibani The New Me Institute

Shane Sheibani, New Me Institute Wow!! RE: Dr. Sheibani, I too had surgery in 2004, my experience was very similar to Cat in Whittier but much worse. This has been a nightmare. I will be silent no more!! Someone needs to put a stop to this Doc's unethical ways! Los Angeles California

  • Reported By:
    Los Angeles California
  • Submitted:
    Wed, January 23, 2008
  • Updated:
    Fri, July 10, 2015
  • Shane Sheibani, The New Me Institute
    6200 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1710
    Los Angeles, California
  • Phone:
  • Category:

My surgery was performed in 2004 I had 5 procedures scheduled which I pd for upfront(16K) Dr. Sheibani only performed 4 of the procedures.(breast aug/lift,tummy tuck, lipo in 5 areas of my body. He stated that the last surgery (otoplasty) would be performed at a later time, little did I know that this was his ploy to get more $$ from me. Well within days after my surgery I had problems, I developed infections in my belly button & both of my breast, my sutures came undone, they literally split away from my arreola, I pd for a lift and my breasts were not lifted. the Dr. told me during my follow up he probably should have used a different type of suture and he should have done a different type of lift, not a circumlatory lift.

I let the Dr. know from the beginning how unhappy I was with the results as I was left w/infections, and severe scarring from both breasts, no lift & now I am unable to wear v-neck style clothing without the scarring peeking out. . Not only this, the Dr. gave me the wrong size implant. I wanted a size full C small D, well I measure as a Double D, if not larger. This is not what I requested. My liposuction left me severely lopsided from from my right side hip/thigh area, I was left with terrible sagging in my inner thigh area, I am left feeling very self conscious when wearing shorts & being that I am now lopsided by the liposuction to the point that it is noticeable through my clothing. I also have issues with my tummy tuck I was left with pockets of fat so that the scar does not lay straight & flat, it almost has a W shape to it. One thing that I am thankful for is that the Dr. never performed that last procedure (the otoplasty) I requested an immediate refund for this, since he never performed the surgery and I was afraid to allow him to do this surgery with his track record, how could I actually trust this guy to do any more work on me, he made many attempts to persuade me to allow him to do the corrective work for the other surgeries that he performed, but I felt enough damage had already been done. He left me emotionally damaged, scarred and disfigured. The Dr. stated to me during one of my follow up appts "well this was not my best work". This is not what one would expect to hear from a board certified cosmetic surgeon, not a very good feeling hearing this from your surgeon but hey at least he admitted his mistakes. I was not expecting perfection, but then again, I was not expecting this nightmare. I realize w/surgery there are risks. But this was ridiculous. This was not the end of it, Dr. Sheibani, tried to convince me to replace my implants for a "much more natural feel" to switch my saline to silicone, of course not for free, he would give me a really "great discount" I sd to him, are you kidding me? how my implants feel is the least of my worries. This really offended me. (how could he even think that I would give him another penny??) He also tried to get me to pay for the repair for the lipo on my right hip/thigh area, which I refused, he finally agreed and did not charge me for the liposuction repair, this actually left me worse off, he did not perform lipo, a different procedure called misotherapy was performed very painful & it left me swollen in my thigh area, it actually made the disfigurement worse.

Well After two years of going back and forth with this Dr.(verbally & in writing) The Dr. had his attorney send me a letter offering a full refund of my $16K so that I could get my much needed corrective work. I was reluctant at first, because I was told by two other plastic surgeons that I was going to need corrective surgery that would probably exceed the costs of $16k. I decided to accept the Dr.'s offer for a full refund and I let the Dr.'s attorney know of my decision verbally and in writing and he stated that payment would be forthcoming but that I needed to be patient as the Dr was experiencing some financial issues, I had many more discussions with Atty Schwartz and he would always make some type of excuse and asked be to please be patient and implied that the Dr. might be filing BK, this went on for another 6 months. Well I believed him, and I waited &waited&waited. Well guess what?? I was totally played by both the Dr & his attorney, They would no longer return my calls or respond to my letters in. I have left over twenty calls with Dr. Sheibani office staff, his voice mail, his office mgr and his attorney. He wants me to just go away, our last conversation was on Valentines day last year, he stated to me "what happened"? "Can't you find an attorney to take your case to sue me"? You see he new exactly what he was doing he wanted the statute of limitations to run out he led me to believe that he was going to be returning my $$ and was lying to me all along. I told him that I was never intending to sue him, I just wanted him to do what is right. Hard lesson learned by me. I am too trusting. I will be forwarding the letters from Dr. Sheibani's attorney to the better business bureau & medical board I should have done this from the beginning.

I know that there are many others out there that are pleased with Dr. Sheibani's results, & I am truly happy for you. But let me ask you, what would you do if you were in my place? You are probably asking why did it take me so long?well to answer this question, this is such a hard subject to even talk about let alone write about, so personal. When I read about the other patient (Cat from Whittier) I felt that I must respond, and let her know that I can totally relate to what she went through. I want this nightmare to be over with. I am just sorry that I waited so long.

Bottom line is that I was promised a full refund over two years ago & I have yet to receive a cent. Dr. Sheibani please return my $ so that I can get my corrective work & finally heal.

How much longer will I need to wait for my refund?

Los Angeles, California

10 Updates & Rebuttals

Love Shabani

San Fernando,

Complaint Review: Shane Sheibani, The New Me Institute

#11General Comment

Fri, July 10, 2015

I love the work that Dr. Sheibani did on me. I had breast Augmentaion and he did an Awesome job!!!!!!! Very professional and did not in any way scam me or my sister inlaw, She also had work done by Dr. Sheibani and also loves her New Self. This was in 2006, I wish he was still working have many friends that need him!!!!!!


Beverly Hills,

This Disgruntled Ex-Employee Who Was Giving Advice is a Criminal Who Was Fired and Almost Went to Jail

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 21, 2013

I saw a message to Karma from an Ex-Employee and since I also was an Ex-Employee of this place decided to read it. I recognize the guy that wrote this report because I was working with him. He is a gay man who claims to be a doctor and a nurse with blonde hair and real flamboyant behavior. He was on drugs or something!

He used to disappear from the office hours at a time and he was finally fired. His name was Troy but I don't remember his last name although we used to make fun of him because his last name was something similar to Liar and he was a work of art. I think it was Lier, Lear or something like that. One day he showed up to work and suddenly he announced he was a "doctor"! We all laughed at him but a few weeks after he was finally fired because he was not even a licensed RN when he had been running around and claiming he was, he announced again that he opened a new company for accrediting surgical centers or something and he called it "Accreditation Doctor" or some BS like that. I remember the administrator Cheri was very upset because this guy had really falsified so much information that he was fired on the spot.

Last we learned he was under investigation by FBI or something. Anyways, a year after this incident, I left this company and went out of town.

I was there for several years and Dr. Sheibani and his staff had done thousands of great surgeries. Face, breast and body. Dr. Sheibani is a great surgeon and a great artist and whatever these jealous idiots say out there is none-sense because they are unhappy with their own life. Cosmetic surgery is a very tough business. You get all kinds of crazy, psycho people who come in and expect miracles. even after you tell them all the risks and tell them what to do to avoid it, they go out there and act like morons and get upset when they cause themselves trouble. Of course that is not to say this is true for everyone, but no surgery is one hundred percent risk free and if someone does not accept the risks, then she/he has no business having surgery.


United States of America

''american board of plastic surgery''

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, August 13, 2011

FYI- To let everyone no the real truth, being board certified is a total joke! They will pretty much certified anyone! Which explains why all these people are going to ''board certified'' doctors thinking since there certified by the board means there safe! The consumers have been sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wrongly miss guided!

just to put this out there!


United States of America

responding to Karma

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, July 10, 2011

Hello Karma
First off I would like to tell you, as someone who has been in healthcare for over 13 years, you are absolutely correct! No healthcare professional can release your name or ANY personal information regarding your care, treatment etc. without your personal consent.  It is not just unethical IT'S THE LAW!! Your right to patient privacy is protected under HIPPA laws! He can be sued just for this incident.  My advice to you is to print out the prior rebuttal, you might find it will come in handy some day, since a patient name was mentioned as well as reference to care given.  Something such as telling someone why a patient was seen in your office is grounds to sue and WIN! Also (and I'm not sure about this but i'm pretty sure), even though the statute of limitations ran out on the case, once the doctor sent you the $1000, it inadvertently admits responsibility for the debt and the statute of limitations starts all over again.  Now that he has sent that $1000 check you will find that an attorney will be willing to help you out with this new bit of information.  Also as a former employee I can tell you there were questionable activities practiced on a regular basis.  Patient care, sanitation, OR staff, these elements were  compromised regularly! Don't give up Karma.! Get your money back.! Go to a doctor out of the are and get your CORRECTIVE cosmetic surgery done.  Also if you can manage to get a few quotes from doctors regarding the amount of your corrective surgery maybe you can hold him responsible for that amount as well.  Courts are designed to make right where you have been wronged and in this case you wouldn't have needed corrective cosmetic surgery if the doctor hadn't butchered you! As a former employee the doctor frequently recommended work for me as well as that "mesotherapy" there was NO way i would EVER let him do any work for me! i would say about 70% of his patients were not satisfied and wanted their money back.  I eventually had to stop working at this doctor office because it was horrible to watch him treat his patients so awfully!! good luck to you Karma! i really hope i have been some help to you! take care i wish you the best!



What goes around comes around

#11UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 18, 2008

He was recently ripped off himself, one of his accounting individuals, supposedly an "Accountant" was running his monies into her own personal account.



Response to Dr. Sheibani, Dr. New Me aka New Me Institute my rebuttal to his response to karma........

#11Author of original report

Mon, September 29, 2008

I was a victim of Dr. Sheibani's Handy work. (or should I say not so handy work?) And now I understand that I am not alone, there are many others (due to Sheibani Support Group, see ex-employee rebuttal/response) Initially I wasn't going to respond, but I feel that it is necessary to respond to Dr. Sheibani's rebuttal to my last complaint. Honestly, this is so hard to comment about as this is extremely upsetting revisiting through this stuff being that it is so personal, but it must be done. First let me just state how wrong it is that the Dr. Sheibani's office Would try to publicly name his patient, to me this is a form of intimidation, not that I'm admitting to being Mrs. M (Montoya) or his patient CAT from Whittier for that matter. Trying to make her (CAT) appear to be a competitor (another Dr.'s office) WHAT A JOKE! This just shows how unprofessional he can be, Karma would like to be referred to as Karma.

As we all know there is a confidentiality clause that he must keep (patient privacy act) as I previously stated, SO UNETHICAL!! He has violated this on more than one occasion with me. He has contacted other Dr.s that I visited for possible corrective work, without my prior knowledge or approval, not sure why he felt the need to speak with them, but I found out after, that once you go to others for corrective work, you are like the plague, the Dr. that I sought corrective work did not want to handle my corrective work once Dr. Sheibani spoke to him. They think of you as a liability and don't really want to get involved and try to fix someone else's mistake. Dr. Sheibani admitted to me that he contacted one of my prospective doctor's and he discussed my corrective work, also he tried to contact other doctor's that I was requesting quotes, I advised him not to do this, as he didn't have my permission to do this. It was as if he was taunting me. He called me on the phone after contacting one of the Doctor's to relay that he spoke to my prospective Dr.

It has been brought to my attention by the medical board & the attorney generals office that those who violate this patient privacy can possibly be fined and or prosecuted, and that complaints should be filed against the individual/company. So I will leave it at that. Please note, update after my first complaint to rip off report in January 2008 re: Dr. Sheibani, New me Institute, and my complaint to the Better Business Bureau, I received a check from the New Me Institute (Dr. Sheibani's office) in the amount of $1,000.00 with not much of an explanation. But instead of refunding all money that I was promised he returned only a fraction of the amount, I was promised a refund in the amount of $16,000.00 and instead I received $1,000.00. Kind of strange if you ask me, as in his last rebuttal to Karma he stated that no money is due and no money will be refunded to her, and that he never admitted fault, etc., etc., So why was his attorney sending me letters agreeing to refund me all monies that I paid new me institute in full (16,000.00) ?? And in the previous rebuttal from Dr. Sheibani's New me Institute, he denies this. He lied!! and I have the proof. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful to get something back from this Dr. But clearly not what I was promised.

I will continue to pursue this until all my money is refunded.

I just want to state to this ex-employee rebuttal/response whoever you are, THANK YOU, for being a voice out there, a voice that we as victims need to hear. Makes me feel so much better, knowing that someone out there is taking notice and seems to care. I am seriously interested in joining this Sheibani Support group, as being a victim of this Dr. is like a 24 hour job, my mind nevers sleeps, I am physcially & mentally exhausted worrying and I wake to the ugliness of the scars and disfigurement that Dr. Sheibani has caused me, not just the physical scarring but the mental scarring tends to be worse. This has impacted my life in such a negative way, these scars and the botched surgery are a constant reminder of something that I wish I could just forget.

Dr. Sheibani, I am still waiting for my full refund, minus the 1.000.00.
If needed, I can copy & send you copies of all letters from your Attorney George Schwartz , that state that DR. Shane Sheibani, New Me Institute if offering to refund all monies that I pd in the amount of SIXTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS to (me) as settlement in full, also I can provide you copies of all my response letters stating how I accept your offer, "to refund all monies that I paid to the New Me Institute and to please forward to me $16,000.00 and I would sign a release" as soon as possible. Please explain to me why you think you never extended an offer? I have proof if you need it.
Let me just remind you, no others letters were sent to me by your attorney once I accepted your offer, nor any phone calls. I waited, and waited, and called your office, and left multiple messages, with you, your staff, your office mgr and lastly your attorney Mr. Schwartz, I was never told that I wouldn't be receiving my refund in full, nor that I wouldn't be receiving a payment arrangement this was NEVER relayed to me.

My last conversation with your attorney George Schwartz I was told to wait and payment of $16 Thousand would be forthcoming, whether in full or a payment arrangement possibly in a form of three payments, he asked that I be patient.
Is This the way you handle your business? This is so unfair, I know that you had hoped that I would just go away. Then out of the blue this year (2008), I get a check for 1,000.00 from you with not much of an explanation, as I stated before WOW!! Not a way to do business. I was always taught that in business & life your word is everything, it says alot about a persons character. As I asked you once before Dr. Shane Sheibani aren't you required as a Doctor to take some oath?? Honesty doesn't mean much to you does it??

In order to put this thing to a close I would appreciate my full refund minus the 1,000.00., hence, $15,000.00 is due me. You led me to believe that the Statute of limitations was up, but I was informed, it isn't up yet.
If you truly care about me as your patient, which you previously stated, then be a man of honor, and follow through with your word (Dr. Sheibani, see letter that your attorney George Schwartz sent me dated November offering me a full refund of all monies paid, and see my letter immediately accepting your offer for a full refund of all my monies I paid to the New Me Institute in the amount of $16,000.00 once again let me reiterate in my letter I asked that your attorney please draw up the paperwork, and that I would be willing to sign a release and I would prefer payment in full but a payment arrangement would also be acceptable, in the letter I asked that he handle all the paperwork and get back to me as soon as possible, as I was anxious to get my corrective work done.

I then followed up with a phone call, and spoke to attorney George Schwartz personally, on the same date that I sent a response agreeing to your offer in writing. Attorney Schwartz mentioned that payment would most likely be in the form of three payments to me, I stated that I preferred payment in full, but that I was agreeable to a payment arrangement. I asked that he draw up the paperwork as soon as possible. I have a witness who can attest to this as they were present in the room when I made the phone call to attorney Schwartz. At no time after this conversation with attorney Schwartz did he contact me via telephone or written form to let me know that the offer to refund all monies that I paid to New me Institute was no longer valid. In fact, I made numerous attempts in the last two years to contact you (Dr. Sheibani) & your attorney in the form of written correspondence, Fax, messages with office staff, office mananger, patient advocate, etc., to try and rectify this situation and to find out what happended to the offer, but neither one of you would take my calls. Or respond to my letters.

Former patient and victim of Dr. Shane Sheibani


Los Angles,

There is no such thing as a Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon ONLY Plastic Surgeons can be boarded as Certified

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 10, 2008

Dear Victim:

You are one of many, many dis-satisfied patients of Dr. Sheibani's. There are a lot more of them out there than just you. The thing you must know is there is no such thing as a board certified cosmetic surgeon. This just does not exists. Only plastic surgeons who have fellowshipped their schooling to become board certified and boarded by the american board of plastic surgery. Dr. Sheibani took a class that supposedly certified him as cosmetic surgery. The two are not the same and thus, your outcome was negative. Just be sure to file a complaint with the medical boards to prevent shane from continuing to do this to future patients in whom like you got suckered into the advertising he does and with ignorance thought you would be getting the same level of outcomes as other patients. He is not a nice person, so please do your diligence and go after him and everything you are due to recieve for the deceit and coruptness. Have a good day and think about joining the shane sheibani support group that is soon to form in an area near you to los angeles. Thank you.


Los Angles,

There is no such thing as a Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon ONLY Plastic Surgeons can be boarded as Certified

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 10, 2008

Dear Victim:

You are one of many, many dis-satisfied patients of Dr. Sheibani's. There are a lot more of them out there than just you. The thing you must know is there is no such thing as a board certified cosmetic surgeon. This just does not exists. Only plastic surgeons who have fellowshipped their schooling to become board certified and boarded by the american board of plastic surgery. Dr. Sheibani took a class that supposedly certified him as cosmetic surgery. The two are not the same and thus, your outcome was negative. Just be sure to file a complaint with the medical boards to prevent shane from continuing to do this to future patients in whom like you got suckered into the advertising he does and with ignorance thought you would be getting the same level of outcomes as other patients. He is not a nice person, so please do your diligence and go after him and everything you are due to recieve for the deceit and coruptness. Have a good day and think about joining the shane sheibani support group that is soon to form in an area near you to los angeles. Thank you.


Los Angles,

There is no such thing as a Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon ONLY Plastic Surgeons can be boarded as Certified

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 10, 2008

Dear Victim:

You are one of many, many dis-satisfied patients of Dr. Sheibani's. There are a lot more of them out there than just you. The thing you must know is there is no such thing as a board certified cosmetic surgeon. This just does not exists. Only plastic surgeons who have fellowshipped their schooling to become board certified and boarded by the american board of plastic surgery. Dr. Sheibani took a class that supposedly certified him as cosmetic surgery. The two are not the same and thus, your outcome was negative. Just be sure to file a complaint with the medical boards to prevent shane from continuing to do this to future patients in whom like you got suckered into the advertising he does and with ignorance thought you would be getting the same level of outcomes as other patients. He is not a nice person, so please do your diligence and go after him and everything you are due to recieve for the deceit and coruptness. Have a good day and think about joining the shane sheibani support group that is soon to form in an area near you to los angeles. Thank you.

New Me

Los Angeles,

New Me Is GREAT. See testemonials for yourself Unfortuantely no cosmetic surgeon can guarantee "happiness" only great cosmetic results

#11UPDATE Employee

Tue, February 05, 2008

We are responding on behalf of New Me Institute to Ms. M.'s complaint above. Not because we agree with anything she has stated at all; but only because we do care about our patients and our reputation which is very good in the community and we feel that some response is therefore necessary. We have performed thousands of surgeries and we have been receiving awards and testemonials as well as numerous letters of recommenations from our patients. You can clearly read many dozens of these testemonials on our website at Most our patients are referred to us by other extrremely happy and satisfied patients. However, on occasion, no matter how great a surgery is performed or how good the results or the outcomes are, occasionally a patient may demand more than what is possible with one cosmetic surgery. We performed surgery on Ms. M. and her surgery was 100% competently done with due care and according to the standards of care in California and the entire nation. In fact, all patients are handled with the best of care in our practice. We strive to achieve the best results for our patients under all of the circumstances, which we did in Ms. Montoya's case as well. Cosmetic surgery is a subjective surgical practice; each person heals differently depending on their individual nature and healing capacity._ We absolutely dispute each and every one of her allegations concerning the quality and results of the surgery that she has mentioned in her statement above. She received exactly what she has asked for with the best possible results under all the circumstances. In fact we have done everything possible in our hands as a surgical practice in order to give her excellent results and we have never admitted to any wrong doing or short coming because there simply was not any. Every patient heals differently. The fact that most of our patients are referred by other satisfied patients is the best testimony of the excellent quality of care we provide our patients and the satisfaction that they have with their results. Cosmetic surgery is not a perfect science and even the most skilled cosmetic surgeons in the world are limited by each individual's capacity to respond to the surgery and to the manner in which they heal. Her pictures clearly show excellent imporvement. Although, certain patients' expectations may be above what is realisitcally possible, we do our best to under promise and over deliver. We do care about our patients and we try to make them happy whenever possible. It is not uncommon in this type of surgical specialty for patients to need to return sometimes for follow-up or touchup. This has always been available to Ms. M. and still is. She states that she has had minimal complications as a result of possible reaction to sutures. no surgeon can foresee which patient may have complications and who may not. All a surgeon is able to do is to manage possible complications that may occur.

Although again any wrong doing is and always has been categorically denied, as a pure gesture of goodwill and good customer relations, Ms. M.'s allegations and claims were evaluated by our company's management and attorney. There was absolutely no basis for refunding any of Ms. M.'s money. ________________

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