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  • Report:  #911944

Complaint Review: SHARON CORR


  • Reported By:
    I''m not a Nazi — TORPOINT - CORNWALL Other United Kingdom
  • Submitted:
    Sat, July 14, 2012
  • Updated:
    Mon, March 28, 2016

Once more Sharon Corr of APPLERUSH fame has done herself proud......................

She and her misguided helpers have produced a vile internet video (see YouTube) relating to my unforgettable and painful association with her in writing the memoir of her mother Sara. For over three years I worked hard to research and write about Sara's own tragic experiences of living through and surviving the Holocaust.

 I am not Jewish but believe that everyone should remember that terrible evil time in our recent history; I visit Auschwitz - Birkenau often, normally once a year in order to remember those who died there and it is important for me to do so. The writing project known as The Empty Shoes was an enormous challenge for me to undertake but I did manage to uncover the unknown truths about the murders of Sara's family, something that brought Sara reflective knowledge of what had actually happened to them. This information alone gave me the inspiration to continue in my efforts to produce a factual account of the events Sara herself had experienced. Unfortunately Sara's daughter Sharon had a different agenda to mine and often embellished the facts with fantasy. I endured working with Sharon for the sake of the story although she was unbelievably difficult and very hard to deal with as she is a woman whose only goal is to make and have money. For much of the time unbeknown to me my own work was being examined by a collective of Sharon's poetry writing friends and constantly I was made to change what I had already been written, Chapters were altered weeks after agreement had been reached, which made my task and keeping the narrative flow of the story almost impossible to achieve. This dire situation became so chaotic that I ended up writing two books, mine and theirs!

 When the time came to present the finished manuscript to a publishing agent and to Sara herself; a promise I made to her, I felt relief and satisfaction in completing the harrowing account but in the knowledge that my version was the correct work to be offered. I can stand by what I have written and through my interviews with Sara believe that I did produce a book that was the factual memoir of Sara's own life.

 I nearly forgot to say that although I had a signed contract and an agreement with Robert Corr, Sharon Corr and Sara Brickman for a very modest fee and a financial share in the book's publication (I was never paid for my previous three years of research and writing); it became clear soon after that I had been duped. After submitting the 'correct' final draft manuscript to the Agent my association with the family abruptly ended when Sharon Corr sent me the following email:

Wednesday, July 7, 2010 
RE: The Empty Shoes Draft by Mike Palmer. 
Mike Palmer,  
The draft you completed is not in professional shape to show to a publisher. The feedback from professionals is the draft is sloppy, contains numerous misspellings, grammatical errors, and changes in
tenses. The entire draft must be rewritten.  
We are pursing other sources.  
Sharon & Robert Corr  
Sara Druckier

That is the last I heard from them - BUT I NOT SHARON HAD WRITTEN A REMARKABLE BOOK!
It is an utter disgrace to have The Empty Shoes reworked and embellished with fiction and fantasy but the lies and 'recreation of the facts' will be clearly and easily identified by those who are genuinely interested in one of the last first hand accounts of the Holocaust.
I understand that the family intend to publish the story under the title of 'In their shoes' and through their friends have threatened to sue me if I publish my own book!
Nice people eh?

6 Updates & Rebuttals

$$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$

Michigan City ,

Thank The Lord For Aladean De Rose GAL. Bethany J. Beckman Legal Attorney and Mark Becker Legal Attorney.

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, March 28, 2016

Thank The Lord For Aladean De Rose GAL. Bethany J. Beckman Legal Attorney and Mark Becker Legal Attorney.

We Take A Stand In Shouting Out The Truth. November 4, 2015

Only the lowest form (scum) of humanity would try to steal a Holocaust Book from a Mother and a Daughter. The Criminals names are listed below:

Mike Palmer, Michelle Eli, Elizier Eli Siegel Eli Gers, Cory Gers, Levi and Leigh Eli, Samuel Bar Ziv, Amanda Schmicker, and Miriam A. Kasprzak. You all are the lowest form of Humanity. May God Himself show no mercy on your miserable souls. Your Scam Is Over!

Sarah R. Brickman told me her story, I wrote the entire book, you degenerate criminals. You will all go down in history as the Failed Book Thieves, for the entire world to read.  Amanda Schmicker and Michelle Eli robbed my mother’s basement of $ 200.000 dollars worth of my personal belongings, by convincing her possessions, which had been there for 10 years, were taking up to much space and said they had mold. Wayne Heating said he never gave a report such as this and the statements were a blantant lie. My mother said she had Stockholm Syndrome from Michelle Eli, and Amanda Schmicker. Amanda Schmicker is a masterful conn artist from Winamac Indiana, who was fired by Everest College in Skokie Illinois for unscrupulous behavior. Moreover, my mother was so confused; she did not know what to do. End of your Scams and Frauds! All of you have robbed raped and pillaged the Estate of Sarah R. Brickman, which will go down in History. However, the absolute worst was Mariam A. Kasprzak LaPorte Indiana, she wrote and inspired Michelle Eli on the rip off reports that I murdered my mother. She is insane, to say the least and this is what Sarah R. Brickman stated to her attorney Bethany Beckman. Sarah R. Brickman asked Bethany Beckman is Miriam A. Kasprzak Insane.????

Miriam A. Kasprzak looks like a pit bull, walks like a pit bull, and barks like a pit bull. She even had the Gaul to lie, blatant lies to the Gals, she has a mental problem, and in the end, she rapped the home of Holocaust Books. This is an end to your Scam Miriam A. Kasprzak, and an end to your phony career as a Caregiver. What an evil Joke!   Bethany Beckman did listen and wrote to the GALS.  Was anyone Listening?  Thank the Lord, they are listening sincerely now.  Aladen De Rose, Gal, South Bend Indiana praised me for the medical care I provided for Sarah R. Brickman. And in her words said:

Aladean De Rose

Attorney At Law

November 4, 2015


  1. Sharon’s physical care of her mother during mother’s last illness in late 2013 was appropriate and caring.
  2. Facility which Sara was placed at the end of her life and selected by Sharon Corr along with Medical Personnel provided reasonable end of life care for Sara.
  3. According to Staff, Sharon visited with her mother on regular and daily basis during last two months of her life when her mother was in the health care facility.
  4. Sara’s Health care personnel at the facility acknowledged that Sharon made medically appropriate decisions for Sara. Sharon communicated promptly and accurately with GAL regarding her mother’s health during the last phase of Sara’s decline in late 2013 until Aladean De Rose was court appointed as Sara’s Guardian of the Person in November 2013. Sharon Corr did not interfere with Aladean De Rose’s role as court appointed Personal guardian for Sara.
  5. From October 22, 2013, Sara’s condition in this health care facility deteriorated to the point where she could not be returned to her former state of health and nothing could be done for her medically except relief from pain and distress through appropriate medication.

The above statements are an accurate representation of the care provided by Sharon Corr to her late mother, Sara.


Aladen DeRose

South Bend Indiana.

Offices of Bradley/DeRose

November 4, 2015.


Mark Becker

Attorney at Law

Amanda Schmicker,

Julian Adams - husband from Romania drives a cab – came to Sarah R. Brickman’s home and robbed the estate along with Michelle, on a false assumption there was mold in the basement. Interesting all Michelle Eli’s boxes remained in the basement none were taken or thrown out. In addition, the boxes of my father’s clothing were not touched they were 25 years old. Just my brand new items were rapped and pillaged for their greed.  


Mariam A Kasprzak

INLa Porte

Mariam is a rude rude rude person. She was harsh to my mother and when I stand before crowds of people, I will share the story. My Mother asked that Mariam work one day a week, because of her bad rough attitude, and Miriam called the GALS and said she was fired. It is a long history of lies. She was rude to my mother. I was there, I saw the interaction. Mariam has zero patience. One day my mother went to touch Mariam's arm and once again Mariam freaked out and said, "Don't Touch Me Sarah, you know I don't like that", then Mariam enjoys defaming people. Mark I will show you this horrible email that Mariam sent me. You will get the idea. It is all lies. I expressed to Aladean De Rose today that Mariam should NEVER BE a caregiver.

Aladean DeRose is gracious and warm, and my mother did like her, however my mother told Bethany Beckman while I was in Bethany Beckman's Office, Is Mariam Insane? Sarah R. Brickman did not like Mariam A. Kasprzak, and once again, I have to take the fall. Bottom line, Mariam A Kasprzak was out for money and had a twisted sense of power. Just look at the way she is holding on to Sarah R. Brickman.

By the way, Bully Mariam A. Kaspark, my company books show we did Many Million in Sales Legally, since the inception of our company.  Try to stand up to that fact Bully Mariam A. Kasprzak. We did not tell Sarah R. Brickman because Michelle Eli’s plans were to always blackmail the estate and with her team of demon spawn, and of Coor’s blackmail us. Your SCAM IS OVER.

Pot-O-Gold At The End Of The Rainbow~



~Peter Coors~ You’re a wonderful Gentleman with a Heart of Gold~


All Michelle Eli’s life she planned schemed to rob Sarah R. Brickman’s Estate, did not give a d**n about her, and told everyone she is Insane and so is Sharon Corr.

I have document after document of Michelle Eli’s Scams on innocent Sarah R. Brickman phony stock deals made up with Potts and Potts.  Michelle Eli made Sarah R. Brickman sign. Moreover, I have hand written demands that Michelle Eli made giving orders like the Nazis for Sarah R. Brickman to leave her my Holocaust Book. This was Sarah R. Brickman’s answer to all the criminals above.



Intellectual Property

No one, in this country or any other, has any claim to my book and intellectual property, as I am the sole owner. I therefore devise and bequeath my intellectual property (my memoirs, my Holocaust book and any related writings and stories) including, but not limited to, all rights, interests, copyrights, patents, profits and royalties incident thereto to my Daughter, SHARON CORR, due to her involvement and assistance rendered in the creation of said intellectual property.

Real Property

Bethany J. Beckman Legal Attorney
Attorney ID # 25269-46
501 Pine Street
Michigan City, IN 46360
Phone: (219) 874-2529


Thank The Lord For Aladean De Rose GAL. Bethany J. Beckman Legal Attorney and Mark Becker Legal Attorney.

We take a Stand In Shouting Out The Truth.

$$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$

Michigan City ,

Rabbi Richard (Yerachmiel) Landy- Against Mike Palmer

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 18, 2016

From: Hypnomentor

Sent: 11/16/2011 3:04:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj:l letter




To:  Aladean M. DeRose Attorney at Law

105 East Jefferson Blvd. Suite 512

South Bend, Indiana  46601


Dear Aladean DeRose Esq.:


I have read your reference to my level of involvement in the literary work of holocaust survivor account memoir for Mrs. Sarah Drukier Brickman and her daughter and author Mrs. Sharon Corr.

I would like to clarify my specific involvement but first would like to preface with some remarks about the altruistic and historical merits of this work, as these points were the major motivator in my involvement.

Sarah Drukier Brickman, is a person of extremely important Jewish historical and therefore morally illustrative significance.  She hails from the European cradle of contemporary high level Talmudic scholarship: Brisk-Litvosk. She is perhaps the oldest survivor from that town.

Further, she heroically survived several concentration camps involving forced labor from the Nazis from the age of 14. Further, she encountered situations and events previously unreported or of sketchy knowledge prior.  She and her daughter have been able to effectively record her experiences in a book: The Empty Shoes. I’ve yet to show a person this work who does not feel to be permanently elevated through connection to the cleansing sufferings of this painful chapter in our history.

In light of the importance I saw in this work, I elected to help get it edited. I discussed a percentage on ebooks sales and we exchanged correspondence on the subject, but this was not a major issue in my involvement.  I do not regard such casual discussions as a contractual obligation. The edit at this time is completed (subject to potential minor comments and edits) and has been received by Mrs. Sharon Corr. Mrs. Corr has reviewed the edit with positive feedback (and some minor instructions for edits.) I believe she has sent copy to her mother and her caretaker and our foremost concern is that they also like the editing work. Everyone did like the professionalism and idealism with which the work was approached by the very competent editor Mrs. Toby Katz.

Therefore, as a matter of first order of this letter let me official state: I don’t feel the project (that is the book: The Empty Shoes) has any contractual obligations to me, and all parties are free to publish it as they like without including RBL LLC (the entity I operate such projects under), and I regard it a privilege to have helped the project along. 

Now, regarding my suggestion that the work be published as  an ebook using . Let me state clearly and for the record: this was simply a suggestion. We do not feel this is the only or last place to publish an ebook, nor do we think that Mrs. Sarah Drukier Brickman or Mrs. Sharon Corr has any obligation to anyone to publish it as an ebook or any other book as it is solely their book and their prerogative to publish, how to publish, not to publish, or to defer publication for a later time.

Further, I am aware that there are other ebook services that facility ecommerce for books for less money than and some facility the ebook sales for no fees and only take a percentage of sales.  These may be a good avenue for the book as an ebook. However, I am using for one of my own ebooks now because I like that they get distribution to top online sellers, format for most major i-reader applications, and have a plan that offers the book authors 100% of their sales revenues. However, for cost may be a deterring factor. Their deluxe plan is around $1,000.

Anyway, I have very much gained from involvement in the project, and I like to think that as a Torah observant outreach rabbi I have also given perspectives to the project. I commend both Mrs. Drukier-Brickman and Mrs. Corr for the arduous task of revisiting these events to write this book

I’d like to continue to informally consult with my initial contacts on the project: Mr. Robert Corr and Mrs. Sharon Corr regarding promoting the book and know decisions on the books would be made by Sarah. I have enjoyed seeing Sarah and Sharon work together on the book with great diligence and genuine sense of purpose and hope this beautiful familial chemistry continues as the book hopefully proliferates its stirring messages.

Thank you and please contact me if I can be of any further assistance.

Hopefully walking with humility but with great optimism,


Rabbi Richard (Yerachmiel) Landy



$$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$

Michigan City ,

Mike Palmer is a Neo n**i

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, March 18, 2016


Mike Palmer is a Neo n**i 


Intellectual Property

No one, in this country or any other, has any claim to my book and intellectual property as I am the sole owner. I therefore devise and bequeath my intellectual property (my memoirs, my Holocaust book and any related writings and stories) including, but not limited to, all rights, interests, copyrights, patents, profits and royalties incident thereto to my Daughter, SHARON CORR, due to her involvement and assistance rendered in the creation of said intellectual property.

Real Property

Bethany J. Beckman Legal Attorney
Attorney ID # 25269-46
501 Pine Street
Michigan City, IN 46360
Phone: (219) 874-2529


Mike Palmer  tracked my mother and me, we refused to work with him and he is blacking us. He has a house in Poland and had something to do with the Fire of the Shoes. My friend reported him to the FBI. Everything he wrote was a lie, everything we wrote is the truth. Martin Gray and Noah Marcell told me to drop him and take his worthless history out of the book. He tried to steal the book from my mother and me with Michelle Eli. My Mother would not allow this to happen. 


When Mike Palmer sent this absurd degrading email to my Mother and I, My Mother Freaked Out, and said No WAY. This is the trail of lies and deception.


His Book Eddystone the Finger of Light is written by a Self Proclaimed n**i.


The Monkey Man is Mike Palmer - All Lies


His false information was removed from all


This Man Mike Palmer a Self Proclaimed n**i is behind all the lies and postings on The Empty Shoes and our life.

We were always going to pay Mike Palmer if the book was going to come out, but he is blackmailing us, and the family on the Internet.  At this point, we have no choice but to go public.  My Mother the Auschwitz Survivor has the right to choose who is worthy to write her story, and she has personally chosen not to include Mike Palmer, especially since he has said he is a self proclaimed n**i.


From: MIKE PALMER <> Date: Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 6:13 AM Subject: URGENT FROM MIKE PALMER -PLEASE READ..... To:



I want to tell you Sharon, why I have a bigger stake than you do in producing a feted book, worthy of your mother. It is something that may surprise you and it must stay between us. As you know I had Regression some time ago, it was a devastating experience for me, because in my previous life I was a n**i working in Auschwitz. I was involved with the expansion of the camp and did not actively assist in the murders of the gas chambers. I was a Polish citizen and my family were very wealthy and they had a big estate, I grew up a bit of a loner but always had a dog and one animal in particular was my soul mate. This animal was the catalyst for the n**i to find his own resting place and his peace in the after life, until I came along he was in limbo. I would often sit down by the tree at the little white house, the first of the Birkenau gas chambers, the same tree that I feel grounded to today. I would often sit there watching the death unfold about me, but remain detached and think about my childhood and this dog called Jelie. My rank as an SS officer enabled me to visit Hitler and Himmler frequently and I was respected by the two men, I was even asked to collect Hitler's personal property in Berlin. At the end of the war I was injured while at the Bunker in Berlin, my injuries were severe and I returned to the Polish estate to recuperate, at this time, I also found out that my entire family had been gassed in Auschwitz. Years later I went to London for an operation on my head, which proved successful in treating my medical condition and I think that I was then involved with the Russian secret service. Some time later, I was sitting by a tree on the Polish estate and thinking about the times, when as a boy I played with my dog and it was then that I was shot in the chest by military personnel. I sat there dying remembering my dog, when these men drove towards me, to check that I had been hit. My wounds were such, that they left me and drove off. A few hours later someone else came over to see me, but again walked away. Suddenly my old dog appeared before me and she lead me to the after life where I met my Guardian Angel, a faceless monk called Rufus. His and my question was 'Why had I ignored the suffering of the Jews?' I could not answer, but he said that I would return to the physical world to learn a lesson and would do better. The dog and the n**i entered their world and I was reborn into mine, to remember and to make a difference. So I believe that Sara's book, is my destiny, the reason I was sent back.



$$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$

Michigan City ,

Michelle Eli (((REDACTED))) Fraud

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 17, 2016

All Allegations Are False Per Mark Becker Legal Attorney – Michelle Eli (((REDACTED))). Fraud- Against Sarah Brickman Ducker, and Sharon Corr and Family for her Fraudulent Financial Gain.


Mark Becker Becker & Becker

2300 Barrington Road # 400

Hoffman Estates, IL 60169



Michelle Eli




I am Sharon Corr, 49 years of age and have one sister; namely, Michelle Lee (Brickman) Eli. My mother was a n**i camp survivor.  I loved my mother with all my heart for her whole life.  Her and my father were my hero’s.  I have written an extensive story of my mother’s life experiences; specifically, the story focuses on her experience at the n**i concentration camp.   I am close to publishing this story but without removing the false and defamatory Ripoff Reports leveled against my family, and me my story loses credibility. 


In the last years of my mother’s life, My family and I cared for and provided for my mother.  Unfortunately, there was a conflict between my sister and I  This conflict was very bitter.  I believe that my sister has utilized the Ripoff Reports to spread false and defamatory statements.  Quite Frankly, there are so many, it would be impossible to comment on each.   However. there are some very serious false allegations, which I want to address in the hopes that the credibility of my sister and her cohorts are clearly demonstrated to be unreliable to permit any of her allegations to appear on Rip Off Reports.  I understand and appreciate that Ripoff Reports allows the opportunity for individuals to speak their mind and spread the word regarding the experiences with other people, and I commend Ripoff Reports for that.  However, I am certain that Ripoff Reports was not intended to be a forum where people can willfully defame others.  Thus, I appreciate this opportunity to set the record straight.


As to a couple of the most serious allegations, I state as follows: 


                        1.         As to the allegation that I killed my mother or contributed in any way to her death.  This is preposterous; in fact, the opposite is true.  During the last years of my mother’s life, I believe my mother’s health was failing; thus, my mother moved in with my family and me so we could help provide for her.  During this time, I took my mother to every conceivable doctor to keep her well, happy and healthy, including the following doctors: 


                        A.        Dr. Theresa Kuppy, MD, Internal medicine

            B.        Dr. Micah J. Eimer, MD, physician-cardiology

                        C.        Dr. Ted Elliott Feldman (who was Elizabeth Taylor’s doctor) affiliated with the prestigious Northwestern University. 


After some time, my mother, on her own choice, decided to move back to Indiana because she was comfortable in her own home and did not want to be coddled, as she felt insignificant.  Thus, she moved back to Indiana but had a caregiver who was watching over her well-being.  Despite the fact that my mother moved back to Indiana, I continued to spend a significant amount of time visiting her and taking her for medical treatment and diagnosis.  While at Indiana, she saw at the least the following doctors:


  1. Sammi M. Dali, MD, FCCAI FACC  cardiology, Michigan City, IN
  2. Dr. Javed Hasan, MD, Michigan City, IN
  3. Dr. Abdus Lakhani, Mr. Assistant professor of medicine at Indiana University
  4. Dr. Heather Gillespie, Rheumatology specialist
  5. Sylvia Yoon, MD, nephrology
  6. St. Anthony’s Hospital
  7. Regency Hospital of Porter County – Case manager Michelle Batson


 I should say my mother was left quite a bit of money from my father who left her a substantial business.  My sister made it abundantly and explicitly clear to me that she was entitled to the money; in fact, not only did I not care about the money at that point but I was expending money to make sure my mother‘s well being was protected.  Because of these issues, there was a lot of legal maneuvering going on between my sister and myself.  She clearly wanted all the assets of my mother and had managed to put a significant part of my mother’s assets in her name.  In fact, my mother saw a lawyer on her own by the name of Bethany J. Beckman.   Bethany met with my mother in private and discussed the issues of my mother’s concerns.   As a result of that meeting, Bethany addressed a letter to the Guardian ad Litem, (an attorney) appointed by the Court to watch over my mother and protect her interest. (Exhibit “A”)  The letter, enclosed, has some very important comments.  One important part of the letter states,


“My client was recently advised that her daughter, Michelle Eli has been far less than truthful with my client and with friends and family.  It has now come to my client’s attention that years back, during my client’s open heart surgery, Michelle actually attempted to have my client committed to an institution by alleging that my client was unable to function mentally.  Furthermore, Michelle abused her power of attorney by throwing my client’s daughter, Sharon Corr, out of the hospital by making herself to be very important and pretending to care for my client . . .”


Further, she promised me that I would never publish my book about my mother’s life.  Ms. Beckman also stated that in the document which she prepared for my mother and of my mother’s own free will, contained the following article:


      Article X


      Intellectual Property


No one, in this country or any other, has any claim to my book and intellectual property as I am the sole owner.  I am therefore devise and bequeath my intellectual property (my memoirs, my Holocaust book and any related writings and stories) including, but not limited to, all rights, interests, copyrights, patents, profits and royalties incident thereto to my Daughter, SHARON CORR, due to her involvement and assistance rendered in the creation of said intellectual property.



 Because of these conflicts, a case was filed in the State of Indiana over many of these issues.  The case is public information and is entitled ________________________.   The Court appointed my mother a guardian ad litem (who is a lawyer entitled to protect only her interest).  The Guardian ad litem was Aladean M. DeRose.   I have enclosed a letter confirming that the Guardian believed that I did only what was in my mother’s best interest during the entire case.  (Exhibit “B")  Never in the court case, were there any substantiation by the judge, the guardian, or my mother’s caregiver that I did anything but what was in my mother’s best interest to keep her healthy, happy, and safe. 


                        2.         I am married to Robert Corr and have been so for __ years.  My husband and I have enjoyed a successful beverage business for most of the time we have been married.  In fact, we have been in many significant grocery and other retail stores including stores such as Whole Foods.  Today the company still exists and he is successfully producing new products all the time, other than trademark infringement cases, which are commonplace in the beverage business, we have not had any allegation of misconduct or litigation whatsoever.  In fact, my husband’s company was involved in trademark infringement cases with the likes of Corr Beverages, Coca Cola, and Pepsi.  We aim to have safe and natural products long before it became culturally popular.  There are allegations against my husband I in connection with the business that we are criminals but we have no criminal record in fact other than traffic violations and a false charge leveled against myself by my sister have never been charged with a crime.  Furthermore, the allegations are that we are the Mafia; quite frankly, I do not know how to refute this allegation other than to say it is utterly ridiculous and highly defamatory.  Further, there are allegations we have embezzled money.  This again is patently FALSE.  There have been no charges ever filed or any allegations ever made to this effect. How would anyone ever make this conclusion anyway?   My sister had no access to the company’s books and records and no access to personal information.  This allegation is ridiculous.  The series of allegations against Corr Beverages and sister companies have drastically hurt the company’s reputation since it appears to be the only negative and false comments available anywhere on the Internet. 


                        3.         There are allegations that I am a “witch” and affiliated with that religious belief. Nevertheless, in fact, I am a devout Jew and a member of  Anshe Emet Synagogue, 3781 N. Broadway, Chicago, Illinois and I have frequented the Sinai Temple in Michigan City, Indiana.  My husband is an Italian catholic and never had any connection whatsoever with the Order of Witches.


                        4.         Allegations that I plagiarized and falsely wrote the book about my mother.  My sister has done an excellent job in either trying to control the potential profits from this book or making sure it is not published.   Michelle solicited the help of a person named Mike Palmer.  Mr. Palmer is a rather strange individual who contends in his past life, he was working with Hitler (Exhibit “C”).  Mr. Palmer falsely made me believe that he was going to work and help me publish the book but I determined he had a speckled background and more importantly was working with Michelle Eli and his goal was to take 50% of the profits of the book.  After learning this information, I hired the reliable Martin Gray whom is a prominent publisher and he is now engaged to publish this book.  This book was written by experiences told directly from my mother to me and any other verification tools I could use to make sure the information was as accurate as possible.   I wrote the book entirely myself and the only help I received was editing help, which was not done by Michelle Eli.   My goal is to turn this into a movie with the express of sharing my mother’s experiences with a wide audience.  Mike Palmer and my sister have willfully attempted to interfere with this process with the allegations of plagiarism.  I have notebooks that demonstrate my writing and upon request, I could show you some of those samples if requested.  It was very clearly made to the Court that I was writing this book.  Further, my mother’s lawyers were aware of this and my mother acknowledged this to her lawyers.


In conclusion, all of the allegations that have been made against my family and me are false and highly defamatory.   If these allegations were made in any other kind of media, such as the newspaper or radio, I have been told that I would have a significant lawsuit against any party who made the allegations.  My family and I have suffered damaged and continue to suffer as a result of these reports.  During the last few years of my mother’s life, she was under the best care we could get her and I wish she were still around today to tell you herself.  These allegations are painful and in order for me to publish my book, they need to be removed.  I gave you just a snippet of the information that I could send you to prove my veracity and the horrible and evil misrepresentations of my sister.  The court file, alone, is quite voluminous.  Thus, I did not think it was appropriate to burden you with all of this information.  I hope the information, which I have sent you, is more than enough to justify eliminating these false accusations against my family and me.   However, if there is any clarification or further documentation which I can provide which would be helpful, please advise and I will do whatever it takes to get that information to you.   I have confidence that Ripoff Reports will make the right decision and remove these horrible comments from your website. 


  1. There is an allegation I abused my only son, Brandon.   This allegation is patently false.   In fact, I have enjoyed a phenomenal relationship with my son, Brandon; he now works with my husband and I (see Affidavit, Exhibit “D”)


The allegations made by my sister were made with the aid and assistance of the following people:


  1. Siegel Eli Gers (my niece) and Cory Gers (her husband), 411 Washington Blvd., Oak Park, IL 


  1. Levi Eli (nephew) of San Diego, CA and Chandler, AZ


  1. Mike Palmer of England


  1. Mulik Bar Ziv

$$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$

Michigan City ,

Mike Palmer is a Liar we talked with him for nine months.

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, March 17, 2016

Mike Palmer has a history of Blackmailing people. We have every one of his emails, and he only communicated with us for nine months.  Then we said we had enough, and said this is not working out.  My Mother who survived the Brest Ghetto, the Pruzhany Ghetto, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and then Bergen-Belsen has the God Given Right to choose who is going to write her true story for humanity.



Intellectual Property

No one, in this country or any other, has any claim to my book and intellectual property as I am the sole owner. I therefore devise and bequeath my intellectual property (my memoirs, my Holocaust book and any related writings and stories) including, but not limited to, all rights, interests, copyrights, patents, profits and royalties incident thereto to my Daughter, SHARON CORR, due to her involvement and assistance rendered in the creation of said intellectual property.

Real Property

Bethany J. Beckman Legal Attorney
Attorney ID # 25269-46
501 Pine Street
Michigan City, IN 46360
Phone: (219) 874-2529





Mike Palmer coached a football team in England.  He is a Cyber Crime Criminal that preys on successful people. One day he showed us his arms on Skype that were bandaged and he said they were bandaged from needles. My mother said to me, this Freak is a Drug Addict. Mark Becker Legal Attorney terminated Mike Palmer. Then Mike Palmer retaliated with all these lies and hatred on the Internet.


Mark Becker

Becker & Becker

2300 Barrington Road # 400

Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

(630) 715-1756




Mike Palmer tried to write some history for the book, not my mother’s story. Martin Gray’s resources had his History checked out; all of his History was labeled as false and filled with mistake after mistake. We politely said to him, we are not using your history; we are going to pursue other sources. Then he said I am giving you six months, then I am going to your sister Michelle Eli and we will publish your book. Because your sister can control your mother. Blackmail Cyber Crime Criminal. 


Michelle Eli


South Bend Indiana 46628


574 (((redacted)))

574 -(((redacted)))


Levi & Leah Eli & Ari Eli

812- (((redacted)))


San Diego, CA 92131


Siegal & Cory Gers


Oak Park Illinois 60302



708- (((redacted)))





My Poetry has been on the Internet Long Before Mike Palmer.


Example: The Second Train Ride was written by Sharon Corr and Posted in the Year 2005, on


The comments from all over the world is in the Authors Notes: from the year 2005. 


I made a mistake and archived all my poetry while I was writing my Mother’s True Story.  Now the entire world can read for themselves the trail of lies deceit and blackmail by Mike Palmer and Michelle Eli.


August 16, 2005 
Edit | Reply 
A heart-wrenching read, you know I've been out of it for awhile, so I'll comment when I'm more able to give this what it deserves, right now just speechless...thank you and your Mother so much for sharing this with us all...My love to you and yours! -hugs-


August 16, 2005 
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What a story of such inhumanity .Sad so sad that poor souls were treated that way. Thank you for expressing it in such a human way. You have captured the story so well. The words need reading more than once as there is so much to digest. It is important that these memories are kept alive and the poor sick and broken are never treated like this again...Thank you for writing and sharing. 

August 16, 2005 
Edit | Reply 
I never understood he holocaust even tho ive studed it in some way for 3 years now.if you think about it... there are holocaust still happening! anyways this was very good! 

August 16, 2005 
Edit | Reply 
moving, poignant, beautiful, haunting... any one who survived through that hell on earth deserves credit for the mere act of survival.. but someone actually recorded the happenings so that the outside world knows what went on there... Incredible


I can show you some of the people in my life. Sharon CorrÉ--Yesterday--Paul-McCartney-Sharon-Corr--by-Sharons-Poetry



$$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$

Michigan City ,

$$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 25, 2015

Mark Becker Legal Attorney
Becker & Becker
2300 Barrington Road Suite 400
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

$$$$You're Going To Be In A Legal Battle$$$$

$$$Lies Lies Lies Lies $$$$

This is unverified information posted by individuals that have a self-serving agenda
based on a dispute in a family trust matter. The comments are slanderous, false, and lack credence.

Amazing what a Demon will do, because of Jealousy. Now its time we take you down to the ground.

Actually, Michelle Eli, And Elizier Eli, embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from their mother, 
And this is verified in A Lawsuit With Mark Becker Legal Attorney.  I have worked with Sharon Corr for over

Twenty years. She is a wonderful person. I know personally Michelle Eli and she is a Demon From Hell.

She takes advantage of everyone. She is the one that is mentally ill. I personally handled the case for Sharon Corr's Mother. This Liar Michelle Eli, her husband, Elizier Eli, their demon children, Siegal Eli Gers,


Mark Becker

Eliezer, Eli & Michelle. 
25837 Longwood Ct. 
South Bend . IN.
Michelle Eli 
25875 Longwood Court 
South Bend Indiana 46628 


Intellectual Property

No one, in this country or any other, has any claim to my book and intellectual property as I am the sole owner. I therefore devise and bequeath my intellectual property (my memoirs, my Holocaust book and any related writings and stories) including, but not limited to, all rights, interests, copyrights, patents, profits and royalties incident thereto to my Daughter, SHARON CORR, due to her involvement and assistance rendered in the creation of said intellectual property.


Bethany J. Beckman Legal Attorney

Attorney ID # 25269-46


501 Pine Street

Michigan City, IN 46360 –



These slanderous false, statements are:  LIES, GREED, JEALOUSLY!





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