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  • Report:  #75242



  • Reported By:
    Henderson Nevada
  • Submitted:
    Thu, December 18, 2003
  • Updated:
    Fri, July 30, 2004
    555 E. Washington, Suite 3900, Las Vegas, NV
    Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Phone:
  • Category:

On 3/4/97, I filed a complaint with CPS against Lorraine J. Wood alleging Neglect, Mental Incapacity of Parent, Abuse, and Beating. The caseworker is not listed. The Investigation was closed on 3/11/97. The Disposition of the Investigation was that the Allegations were Not Substantiated. Nothing was done to Lorraine J. Wood regarding Custody.

On 8/22/97, Judge Gary Redmon admonished Lorraine J. Wood in Court for her physical abuse of our daughter and ORDERED her, her family, and her friends to refrain from any corporal punishment of Danielle Iorio; Case # D215217, in Nevada District Court, Family Court Division.

On 8/28/01, I filed a complaint with CPS against Lorraine J. Wood alleging Neglect and Domestic Violence. The caseworker was Sharon Savage. The Investigation was closed on 11/13/01. The Disposition of the Investigation was that the Allegations were Not Substantiated. Nothing was done to Lorraine J. Wood regarding Custody.

On 11/13/01, I filed a complaint with CPS against Lorraine J. Wood alleging Emotional Abuse and Neglect. The caseworker was Sharon Savage. The Investigation was closed on 11/13/01. The Disposition of the Investigation was that the Allegations were Not Substantiated. Nothing was done to Lorraine J. Wood regarding Custody.

The Unsubstantiated Allegations against Lorraine J. Wood included the following evidence: Judge Gary Redmon's Order from 1997, Police Reports from 2001 for Domestic Violence, Security Guard's report regarding the property damages and domestic violence, apartment manager's report of the domestic violence, reports from Donna Gosnell (Danielle's therapist) regarding physical and mental abuse by the mother.

Lorraine June Wood and I shared joint custody of our daughter, Danielle Iorio (age 13).

On 6/8/03, Danielle Iorio (age 13) was taken to Child Haven by the Police. Danielle was visiting a girlfriend's house for the night and I was supposed to pick her up the next day. They had a fight, so my daughter went to the home of a male friend whose entire family was home.

While at the home, the father got mad at all of the kids there and called the Police. Since it was after 10:00 at night and I was out for the evening, the Police took Danielle to Child Haven.

Since Danielle did not remember our new address and CPS could not locate me by telephone that night, they contacted her mother.

On 6/9/03, CPS filed a complaint against me, Bruce A. Iorio, alleging Neglect and Lack of Necessities. The caseworker was Dare Peterson.

On 6/9/03, Dare Peterson issued an Order giving the mother, Lorraine J. Wood, Sole Physical and Legal Custody of Danielle N. Iorio with a provision that I could only visit my daughter for a few hours under Supervision.

Also On 6/9/03, the Investigation against me was closed. The Disposition of the Investigation was that the Allegations were Not Substantiated.

Unsubstantiated like the Allegations against Lorraine Wood, a woman, with lots of evidence against her and no evidence against me, yet CPS saw fit to deprive me of all custody rights and limit my visitation to supervised only, without any dates or times specified.

As of December 18, 2003, I still have had no visitation and I have not been allowed any telephone calls with her and any telephone calls that she has made to me have been reported to the mother by the telephone company. This has resulted in punishment for my daughter.

The custody part of this case will be decided in an evidenciary hearing on January 13, 2004, in Nevada District Court, Family Court Division, Case # D215217.

The Civil Rights part of this has been filed in Federal Court in Las Vegas, Case Number CV-S-03-1163-RLH-RJJ and has yet to answered or set for trial.

Henderson, Nevada

2 Updates & Rebuttals



RE: Helpful Suggestions to DAD

#3Author of original report

Thu, July 29, 2004

All of your suggestions were done including providing evidence to a judge, who substituted into this case, who overlooked all perjury on the part of the mother and her attorney along with their multiple violations of court orders, including 4 motions and orders to pay the father medical restitution and direct orders to file oppositions and answers within a specific period of time.

I filed a complaint against this judge and the law stated that until my complaint was heard, she could not make any rulings in the case on any pending motions, but she did anyway.

This judge intentionally violated laws that prevented her from making any decisions in this case and got away with it so far.

Custody was taked away from me because I was unemployed and the court refused to admit evidence pertinent to this case that was adverse to the mother.

The only choice is to pay the court $300.00 to get rid of this biased judge and have another one appointed.

My daughter is now 14 and can according to law choose who she wants to live with, but she refuses to go to court in Nevada, because of the judge's actions against her.



Helpful Suggestions to DAD

#3Consumer Suggestion

Wed, July 28, 2004

Suggestion to father. When the visitation hearing is held, be sure the judge specifies the frequency of your visits and orders the mother to cooperate.

If arrangements are not or will not be made for visits, look into filing Contempt of Court charges against the mother for not following the judge's orders. That child NEEDS to be allowed to communicate with her father! She needs to KNOW what he is like instead of what the mother is telling her the father is like. She NEEDS a true and independent picture of her father without the prejudices of the mother.

A Contempt of Court Charge will open the eyes of the problem person when they're hauled off to jail for failure to follow the judge's orders. A Contempt of Court Charge will likely bring about better communication and maybe even longer and better visits with you.

The problem in so many cases is that the mother makes false accusations against the father to prevent visits. If your visits are required to be supervised, take someone with you to be certain false accusation cannot be made. You might even try taping the visit to have verification that your visit is of value to your daughter.

There's a site on the internet that gives some helps to fathers. You might try searching for it. I cannot remember the name of the site. There are also lawyers who specialize in father's rights.

One thing for certain, CPS has absolutely no idea on how to cooperate with the father of a child. CPS uses most of their efforts to help mothers and tends to believe every word she states. Your best bet is probably having your lawyer file Contempt of Court if the judge's orders are not honored in EVERY detail.

Go for it! Ask your lawyer to help you get telephone visits. The telephone company should not be taking sides in this effort of communication. The telephone company should not be blocking her calls to you or your calls to her. You may have to get a court order to prevent that from occurring. Maybe you can talk to the telephone company about the possibility of charges against them for reporting calls between a father and his child IF the judge has not ordered them to take sides.

Best of luck! Hang in there! When your daughter is grown, she'll find that you did all you could to BE HER LOVING FATHER but had no cooperation. Keep on keeping on! A daughter usually bases her search for a spouse on a fellow with similarities to their own father. Maybe she'll find a fellow who will do all he can for his children just as you have done.

If you're paying child support, you should get to visit with that child! You should be able to be certain that your daughter is receiving the best in life using your child support payments.

Hang in there. Take care of your own health so you can be there when her mother can't interfere.

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