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  • Report:  #754182

Complaint Review: Sherry Ford / peace of mind rescue / Rock n Acers / Double L Transport

Sherry Ford / peace of mind rescue / Rock n Acers / Double L Transport Scam artist that hides behind claming to be a rescue Murfreesburo, Tennessee

  • Reported By:
    Karma — Nashville Tennessee United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Sun, July 17, 2011
  • Updated:
    Wed, December 21, 2011
Beware of Sherry Ford and any business she is in. She takes 1000's in donations to save horses from auctions and or horse brokers and then doesn't pay Board on horses and leaves them for the farm owner to pay for and home.

She does not care for the ones she has and let's them lose weight get wormy and bad feet.
She sells "RESCUE" horses on Craigs list and or just gives them to anyone. Takes horses from other rescues and personal people saying she will care for them and or place them but can not say where they are now.. Ignores people when they ask questions or gets uppity. Many have asked to come to her farm but she has not allowed anyone nor does anyone know the address. I have personally contacted her several times offering to volunteer and bring supplies and hay and have been ignored or told she wasn't home. She seems to be out on the road with her horse transport business then at home. how are horses being cared for if no one is there and she won't let anyone come help? I looked up her boyfriend and found the address for the farm. I also remember the problems she and her boyfriend had back in 2005 with counts of animal cruelty and neglect. They pleaded out and made a deal before they could be arrested. Dogs had no water in the heat of summer. Dogs being locked in kennels in outer buildings with no venting or water. 2 large dogs left in a dog crate in the sun with no water. Her poor mother was horrified and will openly discuss it with anyone that asks. As she has stated to a couple people back then. "they were coming to take Sherry away in cuffs if she didn't turn herself in. I told her she would be better to turn herself in" They had a property all fenced in so no one could see it and hidden. Not long ago she had the stackable dog cages for sale on Craigs list.

Please i beg you do not give the woman money. I have asked and asked to help and she keeps coming up with excuses. Now i see she is posting something on her facebook page about debts so i started looking into it. Seem she took 1000's in donations to get 2 horses from a broker and took 3 didn't pay the broker everything owed nor the boarding place she sent them too.

Now i have been using paypal for many years and when you have a CC attached to the bank account it list it complete right away however it takes up to 3 days to clear the bank account. Sherry is showing on the April 10th that Hope was paid but she is not showing the 13th the day Hope says she was informed that the transaction actually was denied. If sherry would show like up though April 15th that would solve the whole she said problem. Hope in turn has a email from paypal stating the transaction didnt go through and instead of saying hey let's see what happen because the money is gone from my account and should have gotten it she just accuses them of lying and acting indifferent and saying a personal vendetta. Why would anyone have a personal vendetta? Means people would have to care about you and i am sorry you just aren't important enough to waste that much time with less you screwed them out of a lot money. Which it seems you have. i have not seen anything on hopes page any this until sherry brought it up. Sounds like a guilty little devil pushing the walls in on her to me.

i will list all the links to the info and or photo's along with D.O.T. showing her number is no longer good on her transport business meaning she is now doing this illegal

2FEquine-Cruelty-Neglect-in-Tennessee  (make sure to read page 2)   (contact Sherry ford for rock n acers)

 and again samething

her D.O.T.

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Sherry Ford

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, December 21, 2011

Sherry was just on News Channel 4 Saturday under investigation for neglect charges once again. Check out the report on WSMV's website. I know the current address where all the horses are!


United States of America

I am the Buffy of which Sherry speaks.

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, November 03, 2011

I am Buffy, Sherry has mentioned in her rebuttal that I am the cause of her debachel she calls is false and misleading. Let me start first by staeing THIS ORIGINAL report was not written by myself, nor by the other person she named, as I know first hand who wrote the report and will not disclose that information, but it was not me.

Let me start by stating that what Sherry calls a vindetta is nothing more than a person who cares about supporters of horse rescue, and for those horses who find themselves in a "bad" rescue. I run a page online which assists horses gettiing into rescues and helps to raise funds for such.

When you are in the public eye as a resource for horses and rescues, you hear alot of things. When I started getting messages and people who claimed that they had been burned by Sherry Ford of POM and RNA, I did some simple web searches to find out if the charges were true, and what else Sherry Ford did not disclose about herself , or her connection to RNA. Any one with a google search can also find all of those reports. Sherry has denied being the person behind RNA and denied that the rescue was shut down due to neglect and abuse, however the records are public, and they are out there! THE SAME SHERRY FORD IS THE FOUNDER OF BOTH RESCUES AND THEY WERE IN FACT CHARGED!

Sherry claims I am the cause of all of this, however until she started taking horses out of Camelot and publically getting funds from our supporters I did not even know who she was, so how could I be the cause of the issues when they all lead back to abuse many years before I even heard of her???

Sherry has stolen items that were donated to another rescue, and recently sold these items on an online auction, and last I checked some of those people who sent her money for those items were looking for them AS SHE STILL HAS NOT EVEN SHIPPED SOME OF THEM!!! So in researching this, she sold stolen items, and then did not send them to the people who sent her money, so she has essentially stollen them sold them and then stole those peoples money!!!! good grief, and just when you think she stopped all of her lying ways she is at it again!!!

Rescues have an open door, they allow potential adopters in to see the animals, SHE DOES NOT. I have personally witnessed several people ask to come and she ALWAYS deflects them and they have never seen her place nor the horses. So by her own actions she is supporting the theory that she is a hoarder alone NOT A RESCUE! Again her issue, not mine! I did not cause this , her own actions have! Go ahead ask Sherry to come and see her horses, ASK HER FOR THE ADDRESS WHERE ALL OF THE HORSES ARE KEPT, TO PROVE ALL OF US WRONG!!!!!! YOU WILL NOT GET ONE, at least not a real one, she has given many false ones but never the real one, we have sent people out ot find the horses they are not there! ask for current pictures of her rescues, She wont send you any that have not been photoshopped, and the ones we managed to get form horses leaving her farm show starved neglected horses, just ask amy smith of willow run rescue on facebook for some current pictures of horses she managed to get away from Sherry, It is disgusting to see how neglected they were in a few short months in Sherrys care.

Sherry has NEVER ALLOWED ANYONE ON HER "FARM" to see the horses as far as any of us know, and she has been asked Many Many Many times for a visit, by many different people.

I have ads saved and they depict several horses which were brought to her with rescue funds, in which she is selling them online, and these are public websites, again just google her phone number listed above and you will see some of her rescue horses listed for sale on various web boards! But hurry, as she will erase all of them as soon as I post this note, thats her MO! But if you would like to see them, dont worry I have screen shots of all of the ones I have found and would be glad to share with anyone who would like to see them or use them for prosecution. RESCUES DO NOT SELL HORSES FOR PROFIT!!!!! Again another one of Sherrys actions which by her own action has placed credit to those who say she is simply a money hungry horse dealer, and again not having anything to do with me or a so called vendetta, I supposedly have against her.

I have begged her to get real and get honest when she left my friend holding the bag and vet bills to the tune of 8000, She did post a picture of a paypal payment, which was done with an e-check which bounced, claiming she has paid my friend, She lies! My friend d**n near lost her farm and her kids over her deceptions, but Sherry would rather lie and pretend rather than pay her bills and do the right thing, So I ask you does any of these things sound like something a "REAL" rescue with horses best interest at heart would do?????

I dont have to tell you the LONG LONG LONG history of this womans scamming ways, just do a simple online search for Sherry Ford, rockin acres rescue and POM or Peace of Mind equine rescue, you will find that any and all of the claims that people have made about her lying , cheating, animal abusing, and neglecting ways are in fact true, just ask anyone in this world of rescue and I bet they have thier own story of deception about this woman!

Sherry denies any contact with RNA but if you go to the TN dept of revenue website, you will see she is listed as the owner and founder of that rescue, yes they are separate rescues, but if they are ran and owned by the same person and charges have been filed, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out how rediculous her idea of hiding from her past is. She is the founder of both, charges were filed, she had a deferral, which in legal terms means basically probation and then the charges dropped. That doesnt mean it did not happen, nor does it mean those animals were not abused, they were, and she was in charge! She is one and the same , no matter how many times she wants to deny it those animals suffered at her hands and at HER RESCUE!

She has told some close to her it was not her but the employees of the rescue, but when your name is on the states papers as the founder, and the animals were abused, this is your fault lady not thiers!

So to conclude, Do I want to see this woman pay the debt she owes to society and for the blood of all of the poor animals she has abused, abandoned, and or otherwise stolen, YES I DO, do I have a vindetta, No not really, But i wont stand by and let my friends donate to rescues which have so many accusations against them, and I wont stand silent when someone is engageing in fraud, esspecially when she is doing so on the back of horses who really do deserve more than that! She has said she has charged me with harrassment and that there coming to get me on federal charges, funny thing is NO ONe has ever tried to contact me, and as far as I am concerned I will share information with anyone who cares to listen to me, and YES I WILL BE THE FIRST TO CELEBRATE WHEN THIS WOMANS KARMA BI*&H SLAPS HER UPSIDE THE HEAD!!!!

Call that a vindetta if you want to, I call it speaking the truth, and so far in this country thats still allowed and I will speak for animals until my dying breath, so go ahead Sherry, sue me, it has to be untrue to be defamation, loser!



New Jersey,
United States of America

Lies and Corruption

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, November 02, 2011

I am just an outsider looking in, but do have relevant information from the other side of the coin. Now while I do not profess to know just what went on with every instance, I can tell you, the agreement between ARM and POM was that POM would care for the horses and adopt them out, receiving adoption fess in return for the care. This was done for 3 reasons, 1) to allow POM the opportunity to have working capital coming in from the adoptions program; 2) POM stated they had time and people to work the horses while ARM did not; 3) to allow POM to build a foundation of supporters as a reputable rescue. At no time was financial help or restitution promised or agreed on, however, free networking, marketing and visibility were offered by a more established and larger rescue. A win-win situation for a rescue just starting out, no website or presence, at that time.

During the commencement of the agreement between ARM & POM, at no time did the founder of POM ever disclose her prior cruelty charges or the name of her former rescue and their reputation. Not only did she hide pertinent facts from her mentor, but Sherry stole donated items from an elderly, sick woman that were intended for her mentoring rescue, ARM. (She has since sold those items as a "fundraising auction" on Facebook) after numerous pleas to return the items to the original owner. She received tons of feed, blankets and stable supplies yet would not return even 2 blankets to the owner for her own horses. 

She (Sherry Ford) listed the other rescue's horses for sale or trade on Craigslist for $50 or tack/hay and refuses to release any information of the new owner's to the rescue even though that was part of the agreement. She refused to return the horses to the rescue!

She claims ownership of the horses in her care based on whether the "adoption" is a success or not. One of the horses mentioned in the original complaint as being photoshopped, was one of the horses that came from the other rescue, yet she feels that adoption was successful, therefore she "rescued" that horse, not ARM. However you interpret the actions or inactions of Sherry Ford and Peace of Mind Rescue, they ARE NOT a rescue. They are hoarders and neglect their animals, as evidenced by the condition of the horses coming out of her farm.

As a transporter, she has also made a habit of picking up horses that just don't arrive at their destination. The horse mentioned in this report, Blue, was supposedly purchased by her but not paid for per the contract. That is theft. Well she also picked up a horse in WI that never arrived at its destination. Its whereabouts are unknown, so where did that horse go? How do you take horses that belong to others. So yes, Double L Transport, owned by Sherry Ford, is as much a rip-off as her rescue, Peace of Mind. 

While Sherry is correct in saying POM is not affiliated with any other rescue, this is just symantics. Sherry Ford IS! Rockin' Acres (RNA) was also owned by Sherry Ford and is the rescue brought up on over 100 animal cruelty charges! 

IMHO this rescue needs to be shut down and Sherry Ford should be giving birth in jail.


United States of America

False and Misleading information

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 22, 2011

Just to set the record straight. What has been posted on the web site is a personal vendetta towards POM. Buffy Hughes, WA, Amanda Gray, Ohio are the main cause of such misleading information and the main cause of this false information being posted on this site.

Peace of Mind Equine Rescue is not affiliated with any other rescue. POM, Is a registered non profit organization. POM pays their bills with or without the help of donations. The lady HOPE was paid for the board and QT of the horses. POM only had 3 horses there. As stated in the PP screenshot $2000 was sent to Hope for the horses care.

Far as donations, We haven't gotten "$1000's".  We have gotten a few but most comes out of pocket. Yes we bail out of auctions to safe a horse from being sent to slaughter.

All the horses in our care are well taken care of. They get vet and farrier care on a reg bases. They get wormed on a reg bases. Fed 2-3 times a day depending on the horse.

POM doesn't sell rescued horses on craigslist.

Far as the horses we took in from another rescue , Arabian Rescue Mission, The agreement between ARM and POM was that ARM would help with financial care for the horses. We didn't see one dime out of ARM. So after several attempts to get them to take their horses back without no response, POM decided to find the horses a home after they were considered abandoned.

No one has contacted us personally as stated in this report.

I have a job to do beside taking care of horses. My job is on the road at times Yes. But I do have volunteers to help care for the horses while Im not there. I do not have time to be on a computer 24/7 and others do to make up stories, lies and misleading information.

POM has never been charged with animal cruelty or neglect. POM wasn't even around in 2005.

Again, POM isn't affiliated with any other rescues.

The other organization that is talked about has nothing to do with POM.

RNA has been around since 2002. And still in operation.
There were charges But those charges were false and misleading as well. Those charges were dismissed and removed from records.

Alot of the links posted don't lead anywhere.

Regarding Amanda Grays comments #1 Consumer Comment:
She donated towards a horse about to ship off the slaughter. That mare is now safe and in a good home. The lady claims her donation didn't go towards that mare. Well The donation along with my own pocket money went towards that mare to bail or out to safe.
The 2 year old QH filly pictured was recused from camelot out of NJ. She has found a new home and updated pics were posted by the new adopted home for that filly. That pic was taken after the filly had a bath. That picture WAS NOT Photoshopped. Non of our pics are Photoshopped.
We take good pics of our horses and post them as we can. Again POM isn't online 24.7 like this amanda lady and several others who dont have much to do but make up stuff.

Far as Double L transportation, That business isn't even affiliated with RNA nor POM. Double L does have a DOT # and a MC #. IT is a registered business.
Regarding the horse Blue, That horse wasn't stolen. There was a contract but there was also a verbal contract made between double L and Karla to haul in exchange for the funds owed on that horse.

There is a pending case on this misleading information that has been posted on this site.

If anyone has a question, PLease contact POM @


All three business are not related so therefor you will need to contact them personally with your questions or concerns.

Thank you,



Sherry and missing horse

#7Author of original report

Mon, August 01, 2011

Sherry has been found out yet again to be dishonest. She bought a horse on a payment contract only made one payment of $300.00 through a e-check which took several times for funds to actually be there in the account. Owner was nice enough even though contract does not state to knock another $600.00 for a transport of a horse off the price. Sherry bought the horse saying she wanted to show him. Come to find out she tried selling the horse for 8500.00 to someone before she even picked the horse up saying the owner asked her for help to sell. Papers where never transferred to Sherry Ford and Owner still has from the barn she bought him from. She has tried working with Sherry and has heard nothing but excuses as why she couldnt pay. Has gone so far as to state her dog cages and buckets and things were stolen from her farm. Could these be the pens that were listed for sale on Craig list in Feb. 2011? She claimed she had to sell him to feed her own horses also. If she didnt have money to feed horses in Jan/ Feb. why was she bailing horses from sales? OO wait I forgot she never paid the board she fund raised for then either.  If you have this horse or know where it is please contact the real owner she wants him back as Sherry Ford breached the contact.



I agree!

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, July 18, 2011

I donated $150 to POM for a mare called Zip. I'm not sure where this mare is now. I was told by ARM (Arabian Rescue Mission) that they had taken possession of her and then told that Hope had placed her. I was told two different things about her pulling this mare from AC4H, one that she did not pay the full amount and that they never got the HC or Coggins, which made it illegal to transport her in the first place, as far as I am aware. I asked a refund when I found out that this rescue is ran by Sherry Ford, who ran Rockin Acres (but if you ask her they have nothing in common @@), and about her past and that she was no longer associated with ARM because of it. As well as the fact that she was not operating as a non-profit when I donated. She was rushing to get the paperwork through because she was called out about it though. Not that it matters because my donation was BEFORE she was a non-profit so I couldn't use it as a tax deductible donation anyway. There is proof that she never paid Hope the $2500 she owed her for quarantine fees. So please please be weary when you donate your money. Google the person who runs the rescue and the rescue name before committing to it. I know the horses need to be saved but let's not send them to people like Sherry Ford who doesn't even post good pictures of the horses she has in her possession. So who really knows how well she does or doesn't take care of them. Besides the two year old filly in the picture on this post. That is a 2 year old QH filly who is VERY thin in my eyes. Am I the only one who thinks that way? Nope. Also if you look closely, enlarge the picture, she clearly photoshopped the rib area. I sent it to a friend who does photoshop for a major corporation, she pixelated the picture and said there were clear smudge marks like someone had used a crappy program to smear the image. People need to stop drinking Sherry Ford's Kool Aid!

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