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  • Report:  #824816

Complaint Review: Shocking Titanic Mediterranean Disaster Maritime Schettino Tuscany Giglio Italy Italian Costa Concordia Carnival Cruise Ship Boat

Shocking Titanic Mediterranean Disaster Maritime Schettino Tuscany Giglio Italy Italian Costa Concordia Carnival Cruise Ship Boat italy, Internet

  • Reported By:
    beaware — los angeles California USA
  • Submitted:
    Thu, January 19, 2012
  • Updated:
    Fri, January 20, 2012
  • Shocking Titanic Mediterranean Disaster Maritime Schettino Tuscany Giglio Italy Italian Costa Concordia Carnival Cruise Ship Boat
    United States of America
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  • Category:

Schettino Shockers!! 
1A.Claims he was catapulted off of the ship. OMG OMG   how can  you be catapulted into a lifeboat with a blanket, some stolen booze and your first mate ? He Probably had a ?????KER on it too
1B. Claims He slipped and Fell Off the ship , I guess he can get workers comp and sue Carnival too
OMG OMG   how can  you be catapulted into a lifeboat with a blanket, some stolen booze and your first mate ?
2. He told people to go to their rooms saying everything was OK
3. He never called for help. SOS mayday whatever . 
4 .1200 member crew all looking at the charts upside down?  true "ship of fools"
5. the captain actually thought he could pull off a "hit and run" he ran away thinking no one would notice 
6. He's still lying about the incident (not accident)
7. All this to impress the head waiter's and his sister , why should a captain need to impress a waiter. 
8. It all happened on Friday 13, this is way most cruises wont leave on that day. 
9. The captain kills and injures a number of people on this ship , now he wants credit for not killing everybody. He Gives himself credit for steering the ship toward land,. Un-freakin-real
10.He stole liquor from the bar before abandoning ship. 
11. Captain Cluck??: The Only Man in History to  perpetrate a "hit and run" with a Cruise Ship
12. Are people becoming so stupid we have to go back to basics?
Lesson 1 . Don't sail on LAND!!!
13. Shocker: a large number of people think it's OK for the captain to Jump Ship. It's against maritime Law and it's part of his job to coordinate and evacuate . Just as It's a Fireman's job to run into a burning building and a Police Officer's job to run toward gun fire. An Military Officers Job to kill the enemy. If you can't do your job , quit. 
A captain's duties are not getting drunk , getting laid and getting a cool Hat.
14: As a former "Safety Officer" he knew all the information regarding evacuating the ship, Unfortunately he decided to coordinate the evacuation from the safety of his warm rescue boat, so far away from the ship no one could hear or see him. 
15. "Chicken of the Sea"??Had to to pursued and arrested. Actually refused a direct order to Board the ship he abandoned. He sailed his lifeboat to land and got a taxi.
16. Demanded that the taxi driver get him dry socks.
17. Instead of being jailed he's living in the comfort of his home with his wife and child while people are still dying on the ship he crashed. 
18. His Family, religious leaders and the Mayor are calling him a hero because he didn't kill everyone aboard . 
19. Just Like Casey Anthony he still keeps telling one implausible lie after another. 
20. Cowardice runs rampant with this group , the 1st mate also ran and felt no responsibility to the passengers. Nice

Honestly , how can we expect justice from such immoral people. 

It's so much easier to be brave and it feels good too. A coward dies a thousand times....Look how many times this coward will have to feel fear for the rest of his life.
It's amazing that this incredible coward jumps off the  ship to save his pathetic life not realizing that in doing so his life now means nothing.

Coast Guard "Get Back on the ship!" Captain Cluck " ahhhh your breaking up" 
What's next, the guy claims he doesn't speak Italian? 

So Sad about Captain Schettino
I'm sure he was hitting the vino 
Crashed into a Reef
Then Ran like a Thief
Now he is all but Finito.

Captain cluck was the first human to undergo a chicken t******e transplant

It's funny the"captain" is speaking Italian but all I hear is Chicken Clucks

Captain Coward Said" I don't understand it , usually when I lie it  works perfectly on drunk Italian women".......not so much with the Maritime Board.

Carnival Cruise Captain Requirements: A Jug of Wine, Active STDs and a Hat. 
Experience sailing across rocks a plus

Planes are safe if the Pilot is not sleep , drunk or told to fly the plane into the world trade center 
Trains are safe if the Conductor isn't texting etc.
Ships are safe if you don't try to skip them across ROCKS!

This guy is not qualified to pilot a rubber duck in a bathtub.
He should be required to have a license before stepping in a puddle 

Captain Courage-less gives Yellow Bellied Sap Suckers a Bad Name

Your in deep Schettino  aka s**t-no i'm not going on the ship

He inspired a new Italian Dish Chicken catchmeifyoucan 
Ingredients: Foul Gutted Chicken 
This is the kind of "man" you get when ??super mario brothers rapes a chicken??

Captain Cluck ?? isChicken  S?IT ??

1 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,

Costa Concordia Titanic-like Incident

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, January 20, 2012

My brother-in-law and his wife were aboard the Costa Concordia when it ran aground. Here is what they have shared with me by email so far. 

He writes, "We were watching a magician in the theater when we felt some jolts and heard some deep "grating" sounds. Without any announcement or explanation the performers left the stage. We left when the audience started leaving. 

We went up on deck and were astounded to see how close to the coast we were. Most of the guests were Italian or German so we had difficulty interpreting their animated chatter. But we were able to understand the ship had hit something hard enough to knock some people and a lot of things to the floor. A few wondered if maybe it had struck a fishing boat, but others believed it was a sandbar. 

Announcements in several languages that "Everything is under control." "Remain calm." were made. Though some guests trusted this, more than a few decided it was time to get their life jackets.  We decided "better safe than sorry" and went to get our life jackets and passports. 

We had made it to our cabin when the lights flickered. Afterwards we heard an announcement that they were experiencing "some temporary electrical problems", "they were working on the problem" and and "expected things to return to normal soon".  There hadn't been a lifeboat drill yet, but our life jackets displayed our muster station and we found a map to our lifeboat station, port side. We were making our way to our lifeboat station when everything went black dark. There were no emergency lights on in the hallway. We clasped hands and blindly felt our way onto deck. By now the Concordia was leaning enough to starboard that it was clear to us the ship was in trouble.  But crew members were nowhere to be seen.

There were other guests already at the lifeboat station, some with life vests and some without. But still no crew member was there. Some guests came by and told us they had been told "there is no danger" and everyone needed to "return to their cabins". I don't think anyone at our lifeboat station left. People at our station were really pretty calm, more frustrated with the non-actions of the Costa crew, until we got the news that there was water coming into some lower deck cabins. Crew or no crew, it was time to get into the lifeboat. Some Italians made sense of the instructions and succeeded in positioning the lifeboat so that others could climb aboard. "Women and children first." 

Most people at our station were already inside the lifeboat when a crew member finally showed up. But instead of assisting he ordered us out of the lifeboat! I don't know much German but I'm pretty sure that crew member got a real cussing out and probably had his life threatened if he didn't lower the lifeboat. But he ran away threatening to get Security. Later some other crew members came and put as many passengers inside our lifeboat as it could hold. One took control of the helm. Then they began lowering the lifeboat. We were just about all the way down when we scrapped the hull of the ship. Our lifeboat leaned over so far we felt like we were in danger of tipping over and people were really scared. But we kept jerking and sliding down the hull of the Concordia until we were into the water and could release the cables. 

A vessel shined a bright light onto us and we followed them to where some other lifeboats had gathered.
Eventually the Italian Coast Guard came and took charge of the rescue. They ordered us to go ashore right away. All lifeboats were needed back at the Concordia to get passengers "who were jumping into the water". 

We were led to a school and told to stay there and sleep on the floor. Some generous townspeople brought in some coffee and bread. More passengers arrived and revealed the misinformation, chaos and lots of passengers still aboard the Concordia. Still later other passengers, some in their wet pajamas added their experiences when the ship lay on its side to what was being compared to the sinking of the Titanic, almost 100 years ago. We could only conjecture at the number of lives that would have been lost if Concordia started sinking out in the middle of the ocean! Then came the maddening realization that many of the crew had abandoned ship long before passengers. I must admit, I now think Concordia's Costa/Carnival Cruise Line have a lot in common with Titanic's White Star Line! The Italian authorities had taken crew members somewhere else where we wouldn't be able to confront them. We wouldn't get the news that the cowardly captain and senior officers were among the first to abandon ship until the next evening. 

No one from Costa or parent company Carnival ever came to speak to us, apologize to us, or explain what we were to do next. The authorities came and took statements from us. By then the proof was mounting that the Costa crew, with some honorable exceptions, having no leadership, ignored their emergency drill procedures, saved themselves, and left the safety and survival of passengers into our own hands. Most unforgivable and inexcusable of all, some passengers died. The Captain is, and should be, the scapegoat.

We only recently learned that Captain Shittyanus broke Maritime Law, refused the Italian Coast Guard order to return to Concordia, and his hooker, a former Costa crew member from Moravia, publicly heralds her lover's "heroic" actions. But I'll quickly add the actions of his senior officers and most of his crew are equally to blame for passenger deaths. I suspect most will get a slap on the wrist and resume their careers aboard other Costa/Carnival ships. As for us, we are not trusting the safety of our lives into the hands of a Costa or Carnival cruise line ever again! 

We were among the very few that had our passports. Even so, we were ordered to contact the U.S. Consolate and make travel arrangements through them to get back home. We hope to finally leave Rome tomorrow. 

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