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Shore Dreams Vacation Rentals The Worst of Crooked Property Managers Atlanta Georgia
These people, especially Renata is a crook. If you work for them, they will short your pay, and if you stay with them, they will add extra charges that were not in the original agreement. I have personally talked to several people who rented from these crooks and were consistently charged an extra $200-$300 once they arrived at their units. I was a contractor to them, and they shorted me invoiced pay on a habitual basis until I let them go. They also were very inconsistent in their payment. One might be in 5 days, one might be in 2 weeks. We finally had to fire them and sue for the remainder of our pay. It is still outstanding, but I'm pretty sure they will not pay their bill ever. This is one of the crookedest property managers I have ever dealt with and hope I can put them out of business.
If you are a paying guest, please note that if you have an issue, you will never speak to a person, as they never answer their phone after they get your money, and if you do happen to catch the owner Renata, she will put her bulldog Sharon Shaw on you to try and intimidate you by pure rude and childish behavior. She even put her hands on one of my cleaners, and I'm really surprised she didn't physically put her down, and I wouldn't have blamed her if she had.