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Silver Ranch Web Solution, In March I received a phone call form a individual who states that they work for Silver Ranch Web Solution out in phoenix Arizona. Apparantely the conversation was about building a website for my busi Charging my credit card account $400.00 without my authority. I did not sign any agreement whatsoever. Phoenix, Arizona
Silver Ranch Web solution in Phoenix Arizona, states that the company is a professional ecommerce marketing firm that help small business to market their product on the inetrnet. As a hard working individual. I thaught that I would try this opportynity to see h*o eit works. However, after having the coinversation with one of Silver ranch emlpoyee. who state that hey will build my website to attract thousand of traffic to my website, I fell that what ever he was explaining was true. I went a head and provide my credit card information. It turns ot that at the end of the discussion I was not comfortable. I mimmediatelt called to canceloled the order and until this day I cannot reach any one for Silver anch Solution.. They cherged my Credit card $400.00. nas I need for this to be reversed and this company be reported to consumer affairs.