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  • Report:  #1531423

Complaint Review: Sinkular Farms

Sinkular Farms Absolutely NOT trustworthy Dallas South Dakota

  • Reported By:
    GullibleGal — Dallas South Dakota United States
  • Submitted:
    Fri, March 01, 2024
  • Updated:
    Mon, March 04, 2024

Don't be fooled by the humble farmer personna, this guy is much smarter than he lets on. Since farming is not just a job, it's a lifestyle, let's talk about the lifestyle of Chris Sinkular. Charming. Charismatic. Talks about all the wonderful things he does for his community and how well he treats all service staff, in order to manipulate you into thinking that he's a nice and a trustworthy guy. Uses flowery, sometimes tender language to hook you emotionally and ultimately to convince you to doing things you would not ordinarily do.

A long time ago, he was barred from a local strip club in Dallas, SD due to certain allegations, the kind of allegations that are rarely taken seriously when women make them and even less so, when the women making them are part of a marginalized group subject to never-ending discrimination and stigma. He's since been allowed to re-enter that particular business, in part because it would cost the business huge profits in sales given how much this guy drinks. It appears that he has since learned the meaning of consent but his male entitlement manifests in other ways.

He frequently asks women out of these clubs "for dates." Never mind the fact that the women working in these establishments make their money off of selling their time to men, whether it be during private dances, getting paid for conversations outside of the dance areas, or even outside of the establishment as sugar daddies. He acts like he's friends with the strippers but he actually doesn't respect it for the job that many of the women working the job see it as. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so comfortable in wasting their time. Chris Sinkular is a white, privileged male who inherited his job (and assets) off his family, so maybe he doesn't understand the concept of crawling on one's hands and knees for every single dollar one has ever put in their bank account.

He's incredibly emotionally intelligent and knows the kinds of things to say to con you out of the club, as a way to basically make you work for free and babysit his sorry self. I have lost my job at the local club because there is no way I can save face, coming back, after falling for his lies. He'll use defensiveness, emotional blackmail, countering, pick fights before major events, projection, triangulation, etc. All the nice stuff he does for you, he does to hold it over your head later on. He'll work hard to push your buttons, so that you react and then look like the crazy/abusive one.

The kinds of men who frequent these places are either married and looking for a different flavor of you-know-what, or men who are incapable of having functional, healthy romantic relationships with anyone, that are not predicated on manipulation. He belongs in the latter camp. He prides himself in being a good customer and the lifer strip-club goers/lifer tricks often are, as long as there is security (as there is in a strip club) and safety protocols in place but they can be downright dangerous to get involved with, within the context of more intimate settings where no one is monitoring. There is a reason, after all, why these types of men are not seen in a positive light by society.

It's my opinion that the guy is running his very own version of a romance scam. The 40+ year-old often targets mid-twenties women to "date," maybe because of a comparable level of maturity or maybe bc they're much easier to manipulate. He targets strippers almost exclusively, too. There is an inherent unequal power dynamic in a dating relationship between a white, cis male like himself vs a stripper, who society deems as disposable and deserving of any abuse that may befall them. Maybe, very possibly, that's what he's after.

If you are easy to groom/have a history of grooming or seem vulnerable in any way, this guy can smell it from a mile away. His manipulative charms and charmisma may feel seductively familiar and you may consequently believe all the lies coming out of his mouth and suffer the consequences. I don't think this guy is capable of saying any kind of truth, under ANY kind of circustance. As far as the strip club places he part-time lives in in Dallas, SD, hard to say how many women who got involved with him lost a substantial amount of earnings taking time off from work-that pays substantially-to spend time with him for free, only to be used and discarded like one of his farm animals. He did throw some chump change towards traveling expenses after leaving me completely stranded in the middle of nowhere but it does not nearly cover what he had conned into getting and the horrible way he had acted after initially presenting himself in such a positive light.

Speaking from personal experience here, he seems to like to exploit women for his own personal gain and then discards them when they are no longer useful or prove to be too difficult to keep around, then acts like a victim afterwards. Not sure how he runs his business or professional matters but it would not be surprising if it's also based on lies, manipulation and a lack of respect and kindness for other people (women, especially), just like in his personal life.

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