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  • Report:  #21345

Complaint Review: SmartCertify Direct

SmartCertify Direct Scammed Lied Decieved online Clearwater Florida

  • Reported By:
    Oshkosh WI
  • Submitted:
    Wed, May 22, 2002
  • Updated:
    Sat, January 15, 2005

On or about the 1st of March 2002 I went to SmartCertify Directs website and requested some information regarding their A+ and MCSE certification courses.

I was contacted by one of their sales representatives by phone a few days later. Through our phone conversation, I told their sales rep that I was specifically interested in the A+ and MCSE certifications, he proceeded to go into his used car salesman sales pitch telling me how wonderful their products were and about a recent customer who just landed a $100,000 per year job and then tried to sell me the A+ and MCSE package.

At that point he tried to get my credit card information, to which I told him that I would have to talk this over with my wife. He then made the offer of the A+ courseware, the MCSE courseware and 2yrs free access to their online library for $2300 and that after I had passed my exam I would be referred to a job recruiter in my area that would set me up on job interviews.

He then tried to get my credit card number again, and I again told him I would have to talk it over with my wife. He proceeded to tell me how great this deal was and that he didn't know if he could offer something like this for long. So I told him that as soon as my wife got home I would talk to her and call him back.

I called him back with my credit card number and told him to send me everything in writing, he said no problem, but only sent me their product guarantee.

I was emailed my logon ID the next day and proceeded to go to their website to logon. Before you can log in you have to agree to their end user agreement in order to access the site, you have know idea what inside until you agree to their terms. I logged in ok and tried to go and view the A+ course that was also available to me online as well as the CD I was to be sent.

Upon trying to view their content online my browser could not open any of the courses, so I went into the live chat room to ask why I couldn't access the online content to which the room moderator told me that it's not our problem you will have to contact your computer manufacturer.

I quickly contacted my sales rep and asked him to cancel my order and refund my money (this was my first mistake I should have taken the refund and run!), by state law I had 72 hours to cancel my order. My sale rep called immediately and handed me over to their support manager who apologized and wanted to do what ever it took to get me back online.

I received the first disk (so I had thought) and began to go through the A+ course. I found the content to be kind of boring and it seemed to me to go off in all different directions, no logical flow. At the end of each segment of the course you have to take a short exam to determine if you can go on to the next segment, I scored above 90 % on all the tests, so I figured I would have no problem passing these exams.

So I decide to take a few practice exams that were available on the web, every test I took I failed! I abandoned SmartCertify's courseware and emailed my sales rep and told him I was unimpressed with the A+ course and that I hoped that the MCSE course would be better. I then began to study from A+ books that I still had from a hardware support class that I had taken at a local technical college.

After studying from the books, I began easily passing all the practice exams so I scheduled and passed both my exams. I sent my exam results to my training consultant and according to SmartCertify's product guarantee, if you take and pass any exam proceed over $500 they would send you at no charge the MCP for security design ( I never received this)

Before I had taken my A+ exam I contacted my training consultant and told her to go ahead and send me the MCSE CD I was ready to start it, she replied that I was going to have to access this course online (I was supposed to get it on a CD) I dug through my paperwork and found my invoice and sure enough the MCSE courseware was not on it.

I contacted SmartCertify and told them that I wanted my MCSE on CD and they said I could have it, if I purchased it now. I was stuck , and deciding not to argue about it I started downloading the courses on to my computer which took hours for me to download just a few of them. I contacted SmartCertify again to try to get the MCSE CD to which they refused, I asked them if there was an ftp server where I could do this faster, and they said no I would have to download from the site.

I wanted to check out the MCSE course so I was able to access a few segments of the course online; I determined that these were not any better than the previous A+ course. By this time I had had enough and contacted SmartCertify for a refund. They refused to give me one and told me if I wanted a refund I was going to have to fail my first MCSE exam twice, which I refused to do,

so I contacted the BBB, the Federal Trade Commission, my State Attorney Generals office, my State Department of Agriculture and filed complaints with all of them. The BBB was the only one to respond, SmartCertify had agreed as a good faith gesture to finally send me the MCSE course that I should have gotten in the first place and refund me $250 of the $2300 I had spent.

I replied to the BBB that I did not accept this gesture and that because I had viewed and completed the entire A+ course, I would pay the $600 it cost, but wanted a refund of the remaining $1700. The BBB replied back that that was SmartCertify's only offer and that I should think about contacting an attorney.

To sum this up I was told I would get the A+, MCSE, and 2yrs of online access for $2300. (I only received the A+ and online access) I was told that I would be set up with a job recruiter in my area ( this never happened ) After passing my exam I was to be sent the MCP for security design ( again never happened ) If I would not have abandoned the A+ course and studied from books I would have failed both exams. I repeatedly had problems accessing their online content (I'm assuming traffic problems)

I tried repeatedly to contact the BBB in Florida to obtain the complaint history of SmartCertify, but all of my emails go un-responded to, it's like they disappeared, and none of the other agency's have contacted me either. I was lucky enough however, to find quite few people like myself that have had similar or the same experience as I have and I will encourage them to file complaints also ( there is strength in numbers )

Oshkosh, Wisconsin

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Smart Certify

STOP! ..before you think about using the Better Business Bureau (BBB)... CLICK HERE to see how other consumers were victimized by the BBB's false or misleading information. Don't be fooled! It has been reported, when there are thousands of complaints and other investigations underway by authorities, the BBB has no choice but to finally give an UNsatisfactory rating to a BBB member business that is paying the BBB big membership fees every year. When a business is reported that is NOT a BBB member, BBB files WILL more likely show an UNsatisfactory rating, then reportedly shake down that company to become a member of the BBB. One positive thing about the BBB is, either way, if a business has an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB, you can be sure, the business is bad. But what about all those BBB member businesses that had complaints filed against them? Consumers never get to hear about them. What about the BBB advertising to the public? Is this a false and misleading perception they are giving about consumer confidence when dealing with a business? Click here to understand more of what consumers and business alike are saying about the BBB. You decide. ..Remember. The BBB membership is not earned, it's paid for!

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Morgan City,

What about a class action?

#5Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 15, 2005


Don't worry much about Jess' response. I haven noticed people like him posting all over the SmartCertify's complaints on

I do feel for you. I had the same problem. Their software would not work. It took numerous times for me to download them. They claim it was a "technical difficulty" and was probably the software on my PC. Well, I have been able to visit just about every other website under the sun and download stuff, except theirs. A friend of mine tried them about two years prior to I trying them. Unfortunately, I did not know about this until after I signed up with them. He had the same problem. Isn't it amazing that a company that "teaches" computers and programming cannot even fix a very common problem in two years time?

In regards to Jess's excuse for SmartCertify that people just do not follow through is complete BS and a cop-out. Jess, listen up my friend, write it down, and crank up your hearing aid volume to hear. I, as well as many others, attempted to get a refund less than 72 hours from signup. In my case, the day I signed up, I was requesting a refund that night when I got home from work when I had a chance to look at their crappy materials.

I am not going to pay (in my case) $1800 for junky materials when I could get much higher quality materials from purchasing certified materials from a bookstore with tests from the CD that come with the book.

In regards to the 72 hour law. I have looked that up. Different states of laws dealing with contracts. Some of these "72 hour" laws deal only with when signing a contract on real estate. In your case, I have looked up the law. Wisconsin has a "3-day right to cancel" law which protects consumers if the sale is that of an "itinerant" sale (i.e. door-to-door salesman, etc.

The law also states:

"Wisconsin Statutes chapter 423. Consumers may cancel if (1) the transaction is
initiated and consummated away from the seller's regular place of business, and
(2) the transaction is on credit or is for more than $25 cash."

If you want to be sure, you could send an e-mail to the Wisconsin Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection at the following e-mail:

I found the Act on their website:

I myself did file a complaint with the BBB, FTC, and the Florida Attorney General's Office. Nothing. I myself have lost confidence in these "regulatory" agencies. I consider them right up there with Project Bluebook.

The only thing that Jess said that made sense was that maybe we should get a lawyer. I think everyone ought to get together and start a class-action to let these scam artists know that there are people that will fight back.

I can understand a company have complaints, but a company having a continual flow of the same exact complaint? That should turn on a light in someone's head.



it sounds to me like not enough follow through, possibly.

#5UPDATE Employee

Sat, January 08, 2005

whew sounds like you have a couple more paragraghs in you to let out. It's okay i understand your situation. It's david and goliath. While you want someone to listen to you whine, they don't want to hear it. Or could it be that the validity of your complaint is in question? Again it sounds to me like not enough follow through, possibly. "They wanted me to file a report." I just started working at this company recently and being in sales i always check this site out about every company i've worked for. And believe me there have been a couple bad ones. Ever by a timeshare? Don't.

So far with the number of Large corporations who do continous training,ie us army, including but not limited to repurchasing library access, the greatful people that refer their friends and family, and the product guarentee, I feel like i have finaly found that sales job that is right for me.

I've never been one to stay at a job where scamming old ladies out of social security checks is accepted. All the complaints that i have read about this company have evolved through consumer misunderstanding. In no way were you decieved, this is an fcc regulated bussiness, remember all calls are recorded for quality assurance purposes.

If you feel that you were wronged in any way by all means hire a lawyer. Not only will it resolve this matter, it will also give you another excuse to complain. When i had a problem and couldn't access the internet and contacted dell you won't believe what they told me. Contact verizon. They are the internet providers and if i can't access the internet it is thier problem to fix, not dells. But when i had a problem downloading software and contacted verizon guess what? They told me to contact dell. At first it seems kinda redundent to have to contact different companies to fix a problem with the same item(my computer) at a second glance it makes perfect sense to me. In closing this is a great product that i feel i can stand behind and offer to my own mother and know that i am not ripping her off in anyway. Every complaint i have read has been due to consumer error. Multi Million dollar companies are there to make money just like the rest of us, they are just better at it. Deal with it you can't returna cd to the music store after you bought it and cracked the seal, you can't return a video game after you have cracked the seal, you surrender any rights to any refund once the seal is cracked on just about any product you buy. I think a "limited" money back guarentee is more than you people deserve, After all 99.9%of the companies in this world are not in the refund bussiness.

Ever hear the phrase "no substitutions, exchanges, or refunds." Smart Certify has gone above and beyond what is expected of a company to comply with all reg. and rules of fair bussiness practice. Think about this, 90% of the questions right on a "end of chapter test" is ten percent wrong. And you wonder why you felt like you couldn't pass a test. so by the end of five chapters you know exactly half of what you studied. Sounds like you need better study habits. And to say a computer course is not logical is laughable. There is nothing to do with computers that is not logical, sorry that is the way computers "think."

Update for SmartCertify Direct


Wed, July 10, 2002

After several weeks of trying to get the help of the rip-off revenge and the badbusinessbureau, I give up! I am tired of emailing them only to get no response or told to file a complaint, when I included the complaint in the email!. I am totally discouraged by all these government agency's and consumer advocates that basically did nothing for me. I hope at least people will read my complaint and decide not to do business with this company, that will give me some satisfaction.

Update to complaint about SmartCertify Direct


Sat, June 08, 2002

I have recently been contacted by the Federal Trade Commision regarding my complaint against SmartCertify. I urge anyone that has been a victim of this company to file complaints with the FTC at possibly a investigation will be launched. Recent contacts with SmartCertify have not resulted in any type of resolution, they feel they have done nothing wrong by lying to their customers.

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