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  • Report:  #761059

Complaint Review: Smashburger

Smashburger quiznos consumer capital partners Cervantes Smashburger did not want surveillance cameras in their kitchens to avoid liability. Spatulas as flyswatters. Internet

  • Reported By:
    StraightOnTilMorning — Lone Tree Colorado United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, August 04, 2011
  • Updated:
    Mon, August 08, 2011

Smashburger gave me food poisoning.

E. coli the worst kind of all, the super-strength hard-to-cure kind.

I used to like eating at Smashburger.  

Heck, I used to love Smashburger. 

E. coli loves Smashburger too.

I have been tied to my toilet for several days now.  Both ends of me have done their best to protest, in projectile fashion, the poisonous Smashburger I ingested.

 I got food poisoning from Smashburger  and the worst kind, the resistant-to-treatment kind, that means I now have a hefty hospital bill and am on a "watch list" for "new and scary diseases."

E. coli  is incredibly dangerous, but fairly easy to prevent.  All it takes is basic restaurant safety.

Basic restaurant safety is absent at Smashburger.

I know for a fact it was Smashburger that made me sick.

Other than frozen veggies and protein shakes from my own kitchen, it's all I've eaten  so I can rule out everything else.   E. coli is closely linked with ground beef but I can't resist a smashburger fried in butter (actually, a trans fat butter-based derivative)   Yes, I've been doing the fitness and health thing, and chose for my weekly treat a Smashburger.  

The fake-friendly folks at Smashburger clicked "Record this conversation so we can avert our liability" when I called; we discussed matters briefly and now the "Corporate Legal Team" will be "getting back to me."  presumably to attempt to get me to say some small utterance which will absolve them of any and all liability.  

May I please just have my bowels back?  

My gastrointestinal system...It's quite sore at the moment, but I managed to crawl to my laptop and research the corporate background.  Smashburger is really Quiznos  which is a whole research area in itself.   A franchise that has driven people to suicide is pretty amazing.  At this moment, I wish I were dead, I'm so sick.

Their corporate counsel  John M Moore is the attorney behind Will Hoover 99 year sentence in prison for white collar crime.   He gets them off the hook for all the class action lawsuits and sets up the Costa Rica Resorts which seem to be a tax write-off...maybe this e Coli is a Costa Rica variety, like certain penicillan-resistant strains of bacterium from Far Eastern vacation destinations?

Shady, scary, sick, please be careful.

There used to be diet pills for sale which contained tapeworms, I read once.  Corporate greed is scary stuff.  

I have to go but please be cautious, don't eat here, there are no cameras in their kitchens, my ex works in law enforcement and I know what no kitchen cameras means,  attorneys can't subpoena video of cooks using spatulas as flyswatters.  Never, ever eat at a chain which doesn't have video in all of their kitchens, it means they're hiding liability.  


5 Updates & Rebuttals


Lone Tree,
United States of America

Not sure if I should submit evidence, state a claim, cause of action, etc for Smashburger food poisoning here

#6Author of original report

Mon, August 08, 2011

I apologize if I'm not following the correct procedure here--

I had posted my original report, and was busy analyzing in detail  #3 'consumer comment' written by A.L.F.  in order to respond properly.  Now I can't find the subsequent reports.

It appears to me that A.L.F. is, in fact, an attorney using a sentiment analysis/language rewriting program in order to conceal his identity and intentions.   The contrast between your opening statement and the next eleven statements or paragraphs is completely incongruent.

Look, if you're a consumer, say so.  If you represent a company, or are an outsourced  "complaint response customer service professional,"  please be honest and just admit it.  

I have suffered horribly, I don't want anyone else to suffer what I've suffered.

It would be nice to get medical thumbs-up and know that I'm healthy, not permanently damaged.

What if I get Mad Cow and turn into Denny Crane?  

Lol, what if you have Mad Cow and YOU'RE Denny Crane?

A.L.F asked me (I think) to state a claim, a cause of action, and submit evidence.

Am I an attorney?  No!  I am a consumer!  Mr.  Shyster, o misrepresent yourself as a consumer when, in fact, you are not--by asking me to provide legal information you are, if not an attorney, most definitely acting as agent of the corporation, and as such I assume the statements you made are admissible.

And to call me "not a credible witness" is adding insult to injury.  

Wow.  Suddenly, I understand where that phrase must have come from.  

From attorneys.  To call into question someone's "credibility" is just the same old ad hominem fallacy...throe enough red herrings to a jury and they might act like trained seals.

You request  that I provide evidence?    

Right there, you have acted as legal agent of the corporation.  I have forensic sheets and towels, product remnants, packaging, receipts, and several witnesses.  If you attempt to fire any of them who revealed things in confidence to me, or retaliate against them in any way, you are so in trouble for being evil.

You asked me (I think) to "state a claim" or was it a "cause of action?"

Duh, I was sick as a dog because I ate Smashburger.

You want formal terms and fancy language?  

I have to be downtown near the courthouse all day tomorrow--if I see an attorney I'll be sure to ask.
My best uneducated guess would be...Umm, negligence, defective product, failure to protect from harm, breach of warranty, breach of contract, duty to protect, intentional infliction of harm, endangerment of an at-risk adult, retaliation misrepresentation, and fraud..  I can prove every element of everything

I am not feeling so great, but rather than have the 'corporate resolution arbitration dudes' find some technicality that leads to other people going through the same thing,  I'm doing exactly what the people said to do.  They have an awesome multiagency tracking program called Pulsenet that really WANTS to get to the bottom of food safety.  They can't be bought off, bribed, fooled, and they insist on every little detail which might turn out later to be incredibly important.

You see, one of the problems with food poisoning is that symptoms begin to manifest themselves 24-72 hours after ingestion.   That's a pretty big window, and the common tendency is for people to look at the last meal they've eaten as the culprit.

So, many cases of food poisoning are never reported, or, the "last meal" gets blamed.

Also, while plenty of folks might have saved the restaurant receipt, or even still have the wrappings, containers, and leftover food in the fridge,  how many people put their really gross sheets, towels, and favorite pair of workout pants into contractor bags, sealed them shut, and saved them?

I didn't want them to smell, and was too sick to carry them out to the dumpster.  Then, it occurred to me to save them, JIC somebody poisoned me like that Russian guy.

Stop covering things up, say you're sorry, don't hurt people, and for everybody out there who ever gets food poisoning, I highly recommend really strong lemonade.

mr rik


Smash"burger" WILL make you SICK!

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, August 06, 2011

Around here, we call em TRASHBURGER!



United States of America

Questioning Credibility

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, August 05, 2011

Although I am not questioning your BM productivity. I am questioning your credibility. 

In placing all bias aspects on the sideline, Yes, I am a fan of smashburger, as are many of the others I have led to the pond. 

I read your post and here are my concerns and questions. 

If you accused party was Smashburger, why are you  also adding other names to the fire?

From 15 years of experience in the customer service industry, the only time that "extra"  name dropping was ever included in a conversation was when someone either had a personal issue with a particular person/company (ie old employee, partner or close affiliate), or something not going ones way and feeling a sense of entitlement to deserve or have something. 

This is no a personal attack on you, however, my question beckons your particular intentions by including all partners or sister companies of your accused?

My next question follows up with your call to the corporate office. I start off by asking a question. When have you ever called a larger corporation with an issue that is considered very serious such as food illness in a food industry or a inappropriate pat down by the TSA as examples, have they gotten you an immediate answer?  The process is taken in step and there are chains of command that have to be followed. Also taking to point that the BEST and CORRECT solution is sought.

My next question to you, is what is it that you are wanting as a resolution from them? 

Responding your you rant about the video cameras. I challenge you next time that you are in a Mc D's, Chilli's, Chipotle, or any restaurant  to see how common video cameras are becoming. As having once very briefly worked in the food/service industry. I have seen, heard and experienced times that many employees have done things they weren't supposed to. Such as stealing, misbehaving and other actions of the sort.  

I am fine with you being uncomfortable with this, and feeling that you loose a sense of security. From what I read, I assume that this become a red flag for your eating experience. So it may be. Then in keeping with this concern you should also be wary of ANY establishment that also takes this precaution. 

Lastly, you make a claim that there is evidence to your claims. Then please provided them. So that if this is something that you foresee to be a continual experience, that something may be done.

I am sorry that you had a bad experience. This has never been an experience of mine. 


Lone Tree,
United States of America

Wanna come sniff my forensic-bagged sheets? Quiznos Puke and Quiznos Poo speak louder than words

#6Author of original report

Fri, August 05, 2011

Yeah, I'm feeling better today, and besides chicken soup, the best home remedy I've found is:  Homemade Lemonade.

Really tart, made with real lemons, just a little honey, throw in the peel and all--something about the bioflavanoids and pH seems to blow the bad germ stuff away quicker than most anything.

Look,it's not that I'm mad, sh*t happens, no pun intended, but the weird kitchen guy always runs to the mens' room the minute I walk in the door.  Like, duh, I know what he's doing in there, and I guess he doesn't wash his hands afterwards?  

Smashburger has has a big problem with hiring sex offenders, because they were totally NOT doing background checks.  I know this for a fact.  If the executive responsible for allowing this heinous negligence wishes to issue an apology to the individuals whom his egregious conduct has endangered,  and show satisfactorily that such endangerment will not happen again, I myself would feel much more confident.  

As it is, I feel really bad about having to spill the dirt hiding between the buns, but it really is important to keep us all safe here.   I'm not one of these people who sue everybody, I just like to see what's fair is fair, we're all safe, happy, and well-fed.

Well-fed.  Not puking, pooping, or going hungry.  You run restaurants, people should be well-fed.  Right?  Right!

Trust me, there is enough evidence, both direct and circumstantial, and enough dirt to fill several huge planters.  

Let's hope and pray they make everything safe for us all.  Ground beef really is an enormously dangerous product--read up, and you'll see that a steak is much less likely to give you e Coli  

In my opinion, any restaurant that is a "burger" restaurant is asking for trouble, eventually.  

And, they need to be nice to little old ladies in Kentucky, and take their wives to Costa Rica with them.  Lol, Hell has a new hockey team, I hear...



I always wondered why..

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, August 05, 2011

my wife wouldn't let me put video cameras in our kitchen.

 "Record this conversation so we can avert our liability," You didn't exaggerate this just a litttle did you?

If indeed you got e-coli at Smashburger, how many others got it too.

I also believe you're a bit of a conspiracy theorist and somewhat paranoid...did I forget to mention drama queen?

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