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  • Report:  #1501588

Complaint Review: Smell So Sweet Candles

Smell So Sweet Candles Crystal Marsh-Arnold Fred Parks Cindy Parks Threatened defamation & harassment legal actions. Insulted me & disparaged my integrity and character. Iola Texas

  • Reported By:
    Chris B. — Middletown New York United States
  • Submitted:
    Wed, November 04, 2020
  • Updated:
    Sun, November 08, 2020

I met Fred Parks online in a games room.  I was told, by another games player, that he sold candles and when I saw him there next, asked for a website address for the business.  Between the time I first spoke online with Mr. Parks, I looked at the site and since he had given me his personal email address, I emailed Mr. Parks with some misgivings I had.  Mr. Parks called me from his cell phone and we discussed viable and safe payment options, particulars on scents and sizes of candles and after discussing these, I decided to try the products he told me about and purchased six 24oz. candles to be delivered to me.  I gave him all my contact information and paid the company what they charged via "Zelle" wwhich is a payment method available to me through my bank.

Mr. Parks called me several times and we discussed many things involving the business and other matters.  Since I had been a business woman, I decided to send him some suggestions on how to make the site appeal to a wider audience and the business more profitable so neither he or his wife would have to work so hard at other fill-in work they were also doing.  Mr. & Mrs. Parks are nearing 70 years of age and retired so the candle business is tantamount to a Mom & Pop business they run from home as well as personally through local markets and fairs.

When I received the shipment I was shocked that they had sent me four wick candles in very heavy glass jars.  I decided to burn them two wicks at a time and alternated those wicks every couple of hours.  So, I began to keep track of the scents, how long they lasted as well as how long each candle burned until they were fully exhausted.  I had been a Yankee Candle customer for years and knew the burn time estimates for a one wick 24 ounce candle, since they constituted the bulk of my purchases from them.  I gave Mr. Parks "reports" on each candle thinking it would help them by knowing any flaws I found.  I also made scent suggestions.

I had never spoken with Crystal Marsh-Arnold, the step daughter of Fred Parks, and only spoke with Cindy Parks once or perhaps twice.  Apparently, and without my knowledge, Mr. Parks discussed the things we spoke of in a manner that infuriated his step-daughter.  On a matter of what was possibly a misunderstanding involving a small scented candle they had sent with my next order, I received the following emails from Crystal Marsh-Arnold on November 2, 2020:

Lady the company's email is in my name so any email you get will have my name on it regardless of who sent it. Fred apparently forgot to put his name on the email. it isn't that big of a deal people forget things all the time. it isn't the end of the world. I have refused to respond to your emails as you have done nothing but try and tear our product down and complain about how we do business. 

We have never once had anyone have the problems you do or as many problems. It seems you want nothing more than to find something to complain about and we have done nothing but be professional with you and give you exactly what you have ordered. Your email in the way you wrote it made it sound like you had already received a small candle that you didn't order and was again complaining about it. We were doing something nice to try to find the smell that you bought from another company and try to duplicate it to get rid of all the cigarette smell. which you seem very unappreciative of.

 We know what we are doing at, and with our business we don't need someone trying to tell us how to run it. We have done everything we can to keep communications open with you and make a situation you created right because you are burning to many candles at once and are marathon burning them which is not how you burn a candle. 

Should we continue to do business with you we expect better treatment and you to stop attacking our business and our character. We expect gratefulness when we go out of our way to do something extra to help you and to get a thank you. If you don't like the fragrance don't buy it again but don't be saying our candles have no aroma when we know they do. They obviously do or you wouldn't have placed a second order so I don't understand what your issue is. 

The only thing it seems like you have taken the time to do is complain and tear our company down which is the exact opposite of what you say you were trying to do. This is not how you build relations with a company, support their product, or help build it. Someone who has been in business should know this. The majority of what was on your timeline has already been done or we are doing, the rest is not in our best interest to do or has been tried and don't work. Not every company works and grows the same. 

I wrote this email cause I had had enough of seeing your comments about the company my mother has been building for the last 15 years. Which is growing and getting bigger and better every year and it is because we have a good product and customers love to tell their friends and repeat buy. I have worked my butt off getting our website right, getting our business logos on everything to match, everything to look good and presentable and get our business all over the internet and have done so without being told what to do.

We would have known what you were talking about if you had wrote the email as if you hadn't already received the candle. I will let Fred know about your response when they get home.


Marketing Manager

The next is the follow-up to her first email also sent on November 2, 2020 after I had told her to not contact me again:

Your right you have a name and with the way you talk to people and belittle them and their intelligence your lucky lady is all i called you because there are other choice words I could use to describe you and your attitude and your behavior but being the professional i am i chose not to. 

 You keep on attacking people yet you say your not with big words thinking we are uneducated and don't know what they mean but I do and no exactly what you are saying and trying to do. You may be able to get away with that in New York but it won't work here in Texas.

 I know exactly what your orders have been and what you have talked to Fred about. Do you really think he doesn't tell his wife about his business conversations that has to do with a business they both own. I mean seriously. You are just a very bitter person looking for someone to attack to give you something to do. You continue to think you know how to make a candle and how it works but you are clueless. There are many different types of wicks and many different types of wax. If you don't like them don't buy them again but stop trying to tell us how to run a business you no nothing about how to run or how the product is made or works.

 Yes we were trying to figure out what error could have been made and figured it out and it was once again on your part that the error was made not on ours. You talked about receiving a candle you had not received yet it was in the shipment you were going to receive and then called it by the wrong fragrance which is what confused everyone and why we had no idea what you were talking about. if you had bothered to listen to your message properly you could have figured that out but instead you chose to write an email and complain, again. Me and my mother was both told your ideas and your complaints and basically looked at each other thinking you were off your rocker and need to let the professionals that know how to make candles continue to make them and keep your input to yourself cause you are absolutely clueless.

 After your last email that was read to Fred and to my mother Cindy we have concluded you are not worth the aggravation to do business with as you will never be happy and always find something to complain about and we have better things to do than deal with someone like you. After you receive our items we want nothing more to do with you and ask that you not contact us anymore. You need a lesson in manners and in respect as you have neither. We have been more than willing to work with you until you started berating us and attacking or company and our character and enough is enough. If you continue this our lawyer will be contacted and legal action could be taken for defamation of character and harassment. Enjoy your candles and have a blessed life.

This was my response to her first email to me:

To:  Crystal Marsh-Arnold & Smell So Sweet Candles:

 First off, I have a name.  You are so ill-mannered and antagonistic it doesn’t surprise me in the least that you don’t have the requisite manners to address a customer properly.  You are rude, unprofessional and, sadly, uneducated.  I doubt you will ever discover the methods a true businessperson uses to conduct their affairs, how to properly address a customer, what true and honest customer service is or, how to write an intelligent business letter.  While you’re wallowing in your self-righteous belligerence,  you might attempt to learn how to write in the English language!

 You surmise what you wish to surmise and comprehend absolutely nothing!  You take what is meant to be helpful as a personal affront.  It is the sign of a truly unbalanced and mentally challenged person who claims they are being attacked when no one has attacked them, is perfectly comfortable in their self-made bubble of mediocrity and claims to know exactly what they are doing under all circumstances.

 It is quite obvious I’ve not asked for, nor ordered, scented candles from you on my follow-up order and if you took the time to see what my order consists of as opposed to what I ordered the first time,  you would have known that before you sat down to vent your inappropriate indignation.  What I have discussed with Fred, you have not been privy to and never will be.  Among other things, you are clueless as to content and intent.

 I do not support what is unsupportable, do not purchase what I consider to be not worth my while or worth the price and for your information, your website is a jumbled mass of startlingly unprofessional disorder without the mandatory information people expect to have vis-à-vis conducting business with an unknown entity and online seller.  You describe nothing and don’t even list a business address nor do you bother to send a receipt for merchandise ordered or tracking information when a package is allegedly shipped.

 No, you haven’t given me what I ordered.  I would have NEVER ordered a four wick candle from anyone.  You say nothing on your site as to number of wicks available or necessary for any candle type, what types of jars you use that may require more than one or two wicks to burn properly.  The customer has NO choice as to types of containers or number of wicks.  Whatever someone feels like using or has on hand is what you sell!  No thought is given to suitability!  That is ludicrous on its face when you are dealing with a customer has had only casual contact with one member of the triumvirate, and who really doesn’t know you or your products!

 In point of fact, I’m not being sent what I’d ordered this time.  It is my understanding that I am being sent six one wick candles in exactly the same containers used on my first order!  This is beyond ridiculous and makes no sense whatsoever.  I hadn’t asked for a one wick candle, albeit the only candles I’ve ever used have been one wick, outside of one very large candle I once had which hung via braided leather straps from a hook on the ceiling and was at least 8 - 10 inches in width.  Fred should have told me what was being prepared in order to get MY okay before shipping!  The shape of the container dictates number of wicks required.  Narrower and taller containers should have been purchased and used for a one wick candle. 

 Your candles do not have adequate burn times nor are they close to what those burn times should be as it relates to size.  That’s likely why you don’t list them or answer the questions asked!  You have no right, nor do you have the wisdom, to tell a customer that they are burning too many candles at once and for too long of a period of time.  You have NO idea what I burn or how many I burn on any given day.  Your scents don’t waft through the house!  The only candle that you could smell when 6 feet away from it was the Gardenia scent and that only lasted a couple of days!  You can barely smell the others when you are right next to them.  All this has nothing whatsoever to do with how long a candle burns.  If a person wished to continuously burn a 24 ounce candle it should still burn for between 110 and 150 hours depending on how much paraffin is actually used.  If they wished to burn a candle in every room that would be none of your business and each one should still burn for the proper length of time!  You haven’t the slightest idea what you’re talking about!

 It never occurred to you that an error might have been made in Fred’s or even my own description of what was being sent along with the Smoke Eliminators.  I had wished to believe that if there was an error or misstatement that may have occurred, it would be purely unintentional but not only do I now doubt that, I believe that is a concept you cannot fathom and would naturally refuse to admit to.   You have not been involved in any aspect of my dealings or conversations with Fred nor can you possibly know what has been discussed or in what ways I had been willing to help to make a better product, create a wider audience for the products offered in order to render a more profitable business.

 At this juncture, I could choose to say more, however, I haven’t the time to whistle in the wind nor am I so inclined.  Think what you wish to think.  The last thing I have to say to you is this;  I am choosing to NOT do business with you again and am advising you to NEVER contact me again now or in the future.  That choice includes you, Fred, Cindy and whomever else may be listed on your employee roster.  You will be blocked in every way should you attempt to do so and should you be foolish enough to persist, further and more appropriate measures will be taken to prevent contact.

 Christiane Bagnato

No one, let alone a business owner and/or “Marketing Manager,” has the right to threaten or speak to a customer in this manner and should it occur, it should not be tolerated or allowed to stand. Whatever Ms. Marsh-Arnold believes came from one side only.  She has no idea of content or context in this matter. Further, Mr. Parks has never registered dissatisfaction concerning anything we spoke of with regard to candles or the business.  In fact, it was only because I believed we had a good understanding of one another that I placed a second order with NO scented candles included!

Thank You....

4 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
United States

A Repeat Performance from a Disgruntled & Unrealistic Seller

#5Author of original report

Sun, November 08, 2020

There is nothing that needs to be repeated nor do I care to add to my first rebuttal of her fabrications.


New York,
United States

Revisionist History - Falsehoods - Complete Quackery

#5Author of original report

Sun, November 08, 2020

From the first words written here, Ms. Marsh-Arnold has done nothing but provide false statements. The emails in their original format could not be sent, intact, to the Ripoff Report. They were simply copied and pasted into my complaint. The original emails have been forwarded to the Better Business Bureau in Austin, Texas in their entirety.

I have never asked for or ordered 4 wick candles from anyone and was not aware they would be made as such. Had I known that, I would not have ordered them at all. Subsequent to that order another was made and they took it upon themselves to ship me six 1 wick candles, four of which were in the same type of container and the other two in plain containers of the same shape. My bank records are not a receipts for merchandise, they are proof of payment. Ms. Marsh-Arnold now claims she forgot to send the receipt. It’s obvious she did not have one to send since the second shipment of unscented candles did not include a receipt for merchandise nor the breakdown of items, taxes, shipping fees and totals.

She has also claimed that Fred Parks, her step-father and the person I conducted all business with, wrote me a letter which was also never received, albeit asking for a copy of that letter to be sent to me once she made the claim! I have never received a letter from Mr. Parks and have asked that a copy be sent to me proving it was written and sent via whatever means he allegedly chose to send it. I should think it would be on Business Stationery or, at the very least, with their logo, which I have yet to ascertain. Had I received such a letter, I would have called him immediately to cancel that subsequent order.

Suggestions are not complaints, however, if one wishes to extrapolate such nonsensical opinions in order to try and back up their rebuttals, they are free to do so. I deal in facts, not fiction. Fred Parks and I discussed all candles I was lighting one by one and I gave him my opinion of them. Mr. Parks had asked for those opinions and I gave them freely. I gave them in order to help them and, ultimately, myself if I continued to order from them.

I had several conversations with Mr. Parks and none, that I am aware of, were placed in Speakerphone mode. I would have objected to that clandestine move since I consider telephone conversations to be private. As far as I am aware, Mr. Parks called me from his car on at least two occasions. Once, when he was at home, Mr. Parks called his wife Cindy to the phone to speak with me regarding a scent I had ordered but they did not have in order to make a suggestion for a similar scent but alternate candle. I never asked Cindy to make a Sage-Citrus candle for me. When I told Cindy of the scent, Cindy had said she found the scent an interesting combination and told me she would try to make one to see if what I had told her was accurate and would work! There was no waiting for a supplier to send scent to them since I had already accepted her advice on an alternate.

My second order involved NO scents at all. They were to be 6 – 24 oz. Smoke Eliminator jar candles only. While they may have had an issue with not having enough of the required paraffin or having 6 - 24 ounce jars on hand, they did not have an issue with scent. As already stated, four of the jars they sent on the subsequent order were the same and two were plain jars with no patterns. Why would any candle maker use one wick on any candle that required four because of the shape and size of the jar? Ms. Marsh-Arnold claims I am burning candles improperly but that is not true at all. I do not “marathon” burn any candles I have no idea where she got such a preposterous idea and if there is a correct way of burning candles, one would never know it since neither their site or anything they should have sent, was not and is not available on site! No tempered glass explodes! I have bought 24 ounce jar candles from Yankee Candle for many years and NONE have ever exploded. The thinner jar reference was made as a suggestion to them to replicate the Yankee Candle thereby creating the correct milieu for a one wick candle. Add to that that even Wal-Mart 24 oz. jar candles I have bought have ever exploded.

I have maintained a full list for each candle, the times they were lit, how many hours each wick burned as well as how many days they lasted. I also made notes on the scents. I noted their strength as well as how long each scent lasted.

I had not written to Ms. Crystal-Marsh directly with one or two exceptions when an email went to the business as well. The first was that I had asked a question of some sort and received a reply from Crystal Marsh-Arnold. I had no idea if Crystal-Marsh-Arnold was a person or if that was actually the name of the business. The other was when I questioned the scent of the smaller candle. I have never spoken with her. I had been advised, in the online game room, by a few of his customers, that I should not deal with Mr. Parks directly but only with Cindy, since she was the heart of the business and the actual candle-maker. They told me that Cindy, unlike Fred, would not be forgetful and get things done. At that point I had only spoken with Mr. Parks and did not feel comfortable speaking with anyone else since Mr. Parks told me he was one of the owners! For me, it would have been embarrassing to speak with anyone else and thereby possibly creating an embarrassing situation for him. There was, apparently a misunderstanding on what I believed to be a Eucalyptus-Spearmint candle. I do not know if I misheard or if Mr. Parks misspoke but I questioned why Cindy would send me a smaller version of that candle in that sent when I already had the large jar. That was what prompted Ms. Marsh-Arnold to write the first of two very nasty and threatening emails to me. Not knowing her and never dealing with her directly, I wondered how and why she could do such a thing!

As to their charges for shipping and packaging. As a business woman of long standing and one who is familiar with packing and shipping, I find it difficult to believe or comprehend why they do not pack and ship their own candles. I spoke with Mr. Parks regarding sturdy boxes, perhaps from U-Line as well as packing materials and shipping carriers. I had the impression they couldn’t be bothered and it was simply a matter of convenience since they charged the customer for every last penny of it and then did not wish to bear the brunt of breakage. I once asked Mr. Parks what would happen if one or more of the jars broke on their way from Texas to New York and his response was that I would need to take that up with UPS! I’m sorry, but I’ve never heard of such nonsense and do not normally do business in that way, but decided to take a chance! I thanked Mr. Parks profusely for anything he did to bring the costs down. I was not unappreciative, however, in the end, do feel gypped beyond belief since any other seller I have done business does not charge exorbitant rates for shipment if they charge at all!

As stated, their site tells you nothing, gives no pertinent information as to wicks, burn times or anything else that most customers wish to know. Even the UPS label does not have their name and address on it. It bears the name of the UPS store used to ship the package and that store is located on Longmire Drive in College Station, Texas. I had to spend some time trying to ascertain the actual address of Smell So Sweet Candles & Fred Parks in Iola, Texas and I found it online but NOT on their site.

At this point I can but wonder if they are licensed to do business in Texas and if that includes conducting Interstate business as well. They may be but I doubt the validity of that. Anyone reputable puts their information online and sends receipts for merchandise with the breakdown of what was ordered and sent. You may advise Ms. Marsh-Arnold that there is no need to feel sorry for me and continue to refer to me in pejorative terms. It shows only what she is and not who I am.



United States

Ungrateful customer

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, November 07, 2020

I also wanted to add that we lost money on both orders. Not only was she not charged for packaging she was also not charged tax. So on the first order we lost almost $30.00 and on the second order we lost 50.00 trying to to give this woman a break. So a total of at least $80 to someone who did not appreciate it. 


United States

Complacent Individual

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, November 07, 2020

First off the woman who made this complaint has done nothing but complain by phone and by email. The emails she posted are not all emails and are posted out of order trying to make us look bad. She did send an email on things she thought we should do with our business. Most of them were already being done the rest was tried and didn't work or we are unable to do because we are a small business. 

Her first order she placed she requested 4 wicks in her candles and that is what we made. She did not like the cost of shipping and package so we ate the cost of packaging which was $10.00. She claimed she never received a receipt but being the fact she payed through the bank it automatically gave her a receipt. An itemized receipt was made but forgot to put it into the box when shipped.

She had several phone conversations with Fred Parks which was on speaker phone the whole time and myself and Cindy Parks could hear the entire conversation everytime. During one of the conversations she mentioned how bad of a smoker she was and that she had an issue selling her last home because people complained of how bad the smell was. She said it was suggested to try a certain candle and after several weeks it worked. She then asked us if we could duplicate the smell which we said we would try to do for her and send a sample to her.

Up to this point there was not much of a complaint but then all of a sudden she started complaining about everything. She had placed a second order which she was informed would take a while because our supplier was out of the fragrance she ordered so we had to wait for it to come in. She was fine with this. She then mentioned she didn't like the 4 wicks so we took it down to one wick which is what we normally use for the size candle she ordered.

We started receiving emails and phone calls complaining about receiving a candle she didn't order. Then about where her second order was and where the tracking number was. Then about not receiving a receipt. She complained about the candles having no fragrance yet she placed another order. She also complained they didn't last long but even said herself that the fragrance lasted 6 days and 56 hours which is almost 9 days, and she was marathon burning them(which means straight) which you aren't suppose to do, and for a 24 ounce candle that is a long time., She also complained about the size of the jar and why they were so thich she wanted a thinner one used which you cannot do the heat from the wax will make the candle explode., She complained there is only phone numbers on our website to contact us but there is also a way to send emails as well as she had Fred's personal email and talked with him online., The list goes on and on. She started attacking our business and our intelligence through her emails. When I had finally had enough I started answering the emails. 

Her second order we again did not charge her for packing another $10.00 our company ate to make her happy as well as gave her $5.00 off of each of the candles. So she got a really good deal. We have never done this for another customer. 

She keeps comparing us to Yankee candle but it is impossible to compare us to a national chain as they use a different wax and different wicks than we do. There fragrance is poured on top right before it solidifies our fragrance is mixed with our wax. We use random jars as we shop different places and may never get the same one twice when it comes to our larger candles.

We have done everything we can to make this woman happy and nothing has worked. Fred parks before sending out her last shipment sent her a letter in the shipment expressing how he felt about her attitude and what she was doing and has denied receiving this letter. She claims I threatened her but didn't. She was informed that if she did not stop trying to tear our company down and harassing us that we could possibly contact our lawyer and could possibly take legal action. 

In our eyes this woman is just ticked off becaus we didn't and are not going to use any of her suggestions. She claims she was a business woman which may be true but she was not in the candle business and does not know how it works. Just because she has bought many candles over the years does not make someone an expert on how they are made. I honestly fell sorry for this old woman as it seems the only way for her to communicate to people is to belittle them and try to tear them down. This is the emails that were sent through the company email in order.

On MONDAY, October 26, 2020 at 11:50 AM I wrote the following: Fred... Your Orange Blossom candle only lasted 6 days and 56 hours! It had virtually NO aroma. The same is true of your Driftwood, which I lit yesterday. There is NO aroma at all! You have a real problem with this one. I had to POUR OFF the wax in order to relight it today. The wax is literally drowning the wicks and one continually goes out after it’s lit! I have to dig it out in order to get it to light at all! I don’t expect to get a decent burn time on this one either. I still have two scents to go...Vanilla Bean and Eucalyptus/Spearmint and am NOT looking forward to those since problems seem to be the norm! I feel gypped beyond belief! These candles should be replaced gratis with those that have a good strong and clean or woody scent – nothing flowery - and those that last an acceptable amount of time. Either send the Smoke Eliminators or refund my purchase price and have an end to it! Chris This is THURSDAY and I have yet to receive an answer of any kind! I don’t care if you’re doing yard work or cleaning toilets elsewhere. I have been in and around business all of my life and THIS is no way to run any business. Make good on the order of 6 Smoke Eliminators, which you were paid for, plus the replacements for the candles I told you about or send back the MONEY I forwarded to you in advance and YOU RECEIVED. I now see that your “BRAAT” club means nothing and, therefore, cannot trust you. I demand an answer today! Christiane Bagnato PS: By the way: Your wicks are so close to the corners of the heavy oblong jars you sent, they create an unbelievable amount of soot on the glass and look like hell! If you tell me the truth, I may get angry....but I’ll get over it! If you lie to me, I will never be able to trust you again. The choice is yours and yours alone.

Sun, Nov 1, 8:29 AM (3 days ago) Fred...I have no idea why you packed a small Eucalyptus Spearmint since I already bought the 24 oz. jar and it has the label right on the top! If you tell me the truth, I may get angry....but I’ll get over it! If you lie to me, I will never be able to trust you again. The choice is yours and yours alone.

Fred Parks I have no idea as to what you are talking about, cause I did not send you any small candles in your last order. I will call you tomorrow afternoon after I get back from the doctors appointments

Mon, Nov 2, 4:39 AM Dear Crystal Marsh-Arnold/Smell So Sweet Candles, I have no idea who generated this email and whomever it was, didn’t sign the message! That, in itself, is RUDE as well as unprofessional! One could see that the first person my message was sent to was Fred Parks, your step-father, or whomever he is to you. In the event you are the person known as Crystal, and take care of the office side of things there, you should know that 1 - 24 oz. Eucalyptus Spearmint was sent with my 1st order and should have a record of that order! You might have looked that up or asked Fred about it instead of sending me such a response! I have been discussing your candles, wicks, glass jars and waxes with Fred and he called me to tell me my Smoke Eliminators had been shipped, gave me tracking and told me that Cindy included a SMALL Eucalyptus Spearmint along with them to ascertain if I would like the scent or if it was similar to one I used to purchase from Yankee Candle.. THAT was the reason for my email. It would seem the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing at SSSC. I’m sorry to feel the need to tell you this because it’s something you should all know, however, businesses should be run like a business and yours is not. Should I decide to continue to do business with you, that is what I expect. I expect friendly, business-like and timely responses to any inquiry and messages without rudeness or attitude. I took the time and energy to try and help build your business by sending along a well thought out outline to do so but even that was not replied to or appreciated. Since you don’t seem to know what I’m talking about to begin with, there is no need for you to call me after your doctor’s appointments. Christiane Bagnato

Lady the company's email is in my name so any email you get will have my name on it regardless of who sent it. Fred apparently forgot to put his name on the email. it isn't that big of a deal people forget things all the time. it isn't the end of the world. I have refused to respond to your emails as you have done nothing but try and tear our product down and complain about how we do business. We have never once had anyone have the problems you do or as many problems. It seems you want nothing more than to find something to complain about and we have done nothing but be professional with you and give you exactly what you have ordered. Your email in the way you wrote it made it sound like you had already received a small candle that you didn't order and was again complaining about it. We were doing something nice to try to find the smell that you bought from another company and try to duplicate it to get rid of all the cigarette smell. which you seem very unappreciative of. We know what we are doing at, and with our business we don't need someone trying to tell us how to run it. We have done everything we can to keep communications open with you and make a situation you created right because you are burning to many candles at once and are marathon burning them which is not how you burn a candle. Should we continue to do business with you we expect better treatment and you to stop attacking our business and our character. We expect gratefulness when we go out of our way to do something extra to help you and to get a thank you. If you don't like the fragrance don't buy it again but don't be saying our candles have no aroma when we know they do. They obviously do or you wouldn't have placed a second order so I don't understand what your issue is. The only thing it seems like you have taken the time to do is complain and tear our company down which is the exact opposite of what you say you were trying to do. This is not how you build relations with a company, support their product, or help build it. Someone who has been in business should know this. The majority of what was on your timeline has already been done or we are doing, the rest is not in our best interest to do or has been tried and don't work. Not every company works and grows the same. I wrote this email cause I had had enough of seeing your comments about the company my mother has been building for the last 15 years. Which is growing and getting bigger and better every year and it is because we have a good product and customers love to tell their friends and repeat buy. I have worked my butt off getting our website right, getting our business logos on everything to match, everything to look good and presentable and get our business all over the internet and have done so without being told what to do. We would have known what you were talking about if you had wrote the email as if you hadn't already received the candle. I will let Fred know about your response when they get home. Crystal, Marketing Manager

To: Crystal Marsh-Arnold & Smell So Sweet Candles: First off, I have a name. You are so ill-mannered and antagonistic it doesn’t surprise me in the least that you don’t have the requisite manners to address a customer properly. You are rude, unprofessional and, sadly, uneducated. I doubt you will ever discover the methods a true businessperson uses to conduct their affairs, how to properly address a customer, what true and honest customer service is or, how to write an intelligent business letter. While you’re wallowing in your self-righteous belligerence, you might attempt to learn how to write in the English language! You surmise what you wish to surmise and comprehend absolutely nothing! You take what is meant to be helpful as a personal affront. It is the sign of a truly unbalanced and mentally challenged person who claims they are being attacked when no one has attacked them, is perfectly comfortable in their self-made bubble of mediocrity and claims to know exactly what they are doing under all circumstances. It is quite obvious I’ve not asked for, nor ordered, scented candles from you on my follow-up order and if you took the time to see what my order consists of as opposed to what I ordered the first time, you would have known that before you sat down to vent your inappropriate indignation. What I have discussed with Fred, you have not been privy to and never will be. Among other things, you are clueless as to content and intent. I do not support what is unsupportable, do not purchase what I consider to be not worth my while or worth the price and for your information, your website is a jumbled mass of startlingly unprofessional disorder without the mandatory information people expect to have vis-à-vis conducting business with an unknown entity and online seller. You describe nothing and don’t even list a business address nor do you bother to send a receipt for merchandise ordered or tracking information when a package is allegedly shipped. No, you haven’t given me what I ordered. I would have NEVER ordered a four wick candle from anyone. You say nothing on your site as to number of wicks available or necessary for any candle type, what types of jars you use that may require more than one or two wicks to burn properly. The customer has NO choice as to types of containers or number of wicks. Whatever someone feels like using or has on hand is what you sell! No thought is given to suitability! That is ludicrous on its face when you are dealing with a customer has had only casual contact with one member of the triumvirate, and who really doesn’t know you or your products! In point of fact, I’m not being sent what I’d ordered this time. It is my understanding that I am being sent six one wick candles in exactly the same containers used on my first order! This is beyond ridiculous and makes no sense whatsoever. I hadn’t asked for a one wick candle, albeit the only candles I’ve ever used have been one wick, outside of one very large candle I once had which hung via braided leather straps from a hook on the ceiling and was at least 8 - 10 inches in width. Fred should have told me what was being prepared in order to get MY okay before shipping! The shape of the container dictates number of wicks required. Narrower and taller containers should have been purchased and used for a one wick candle. Your candles do not have adequate burn times nor are they close to what those burn times should be as it relates to size. That’s likely why you don’t list them or answer the questions asked! You have no right, nor do you have the wisdom, to tell a customer that they are burning too many candles at once and for too long of a period of time. You have NO idea what I burn or how many I burn on any given day. Your scents don’t waft through the house! The only candle that you could smell when 6 feet away from it was the Gardenia scent and that only lasted a couple of days! You can barely smell the others when you are right next to them. All this has nothing whatsoever to do with how long a candle burns. If a person wished to continuously burn a 24 ounce candle it should still burn for between 110 and 150 hours depending on how much paraffin is actually used. If they wished to burn a candle in every room that would be none of your business and each one should still burn for the proper length of time! You haven’t the slightest idea what you’re talking about! It never occurred to you that an error might have been made in Fred’s or even my own description of what was being sent along with the Smoke Eliminators. I had wished to believe that if there was an error or misstatement that may have occurred, it would be purely unintentional but not only do I now doubt that, I believe that is a concept you cannot fathom and would naturally refuse to admit to. You have not been involved in any aspect of my dealings or conversations with Fred nor can you possibly know what has been discussed or in what ways I had been willing to help to make a better product, create a wider audience for the products offered in order to render a more profitable business. At this juncture, I could choose to say more, however, I haven’t the time to whistle in the wind nor am I so inclined. Think what you wish to think. The last thing I have to say to you is this; I am choosing to NOT do business with you again and am advising you to NEVER contact me again now or in the future. That choice includes you, Fred, Cindy and whomever else may be listed on your employee roster. You will be blocked in every way should you attempt to do so and should you be foolish enough to persist, further and more appropriate measures will be taken to prevent contact.

Your right you have a name and with the way you talk to people and belittle them and their intelligence your lucky lady is all i called you because there are other choice words I could use to describe you and your attitude and your behavior but being the professional i am i chose not to. You keep on attacking people yet you say your not with big words thinking we are uneducated and don't know what they mean but I do and no exactly what you are saying and trying to do. You may be able to get away with that in New York but it won't work here in Texas. I know exactly what your orders have been and what you have talked to Fred about. Do you really think he doesn't tell his wife about his business conversations that has to do with a business they both own. I mean seriously. You are just a very bitter person looking for someone to attack to give you something to do. You continue to think you know how to make a candle and how it works but you are clueless. There are many different types of wicks and many different types of wax. If you don't like them don't buy them again but stop trying to tell us how to run a business you no nothing about how to run or how the product is made or works. Yes we were trying to figure out what error could have been made and figured it out and it was once again on your part that the error was made not on ours. You talked about receiving a candle you had not received yet it was in the shipment you were going to receive and then called it by the wrong fragrance which is what confused everyone and why we had no idea what you were talking about. if you had bothered to listen to your message properly you could have figured that out but instead you chose to write an email and complain, again. Me and my mother was both told your ideas and your complaints and basically looked at each other thinking you were off your rocker and need to let the professionals that know how to make candles continue to make them and keep your input to yourself cause you are absolutely clueless. After your last email that was read to Fred and to my mother Cindy we have concluded you are not worth the aggravation to do business with as you will never be happy and always find something to complain about and we have better things to do than deal with someone like you. After you receive our items we want nothing more to do with you and ask that you not contact us anymore. You need a lesson in manners and in respect as you have neither. We have been more than willing to work with you until you started berating us and attacking or company and our character and enough is enough. If you continue this our lawyer will be contacted and legal action could be taken for defamation of character and harassment. Enjoy your candles and have a blessed life.

Her emails and comments prove she is bitter from her suggestions not being taken. If her candles were so bad in the first order she would have never placed a second one. Her own words describe her behavior and for someone who says she was a business woman and knows how to act she didn't show it. Other than me not calling her by her name I have been nothing but proffesional. We still wish this woman all the best but will never do business with her again.


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