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  • Report:  #316064

Complaint Review: Snarls & Wags Kennel

Snarls And Wags Kennel KNOWINGLY SELLS SICK PUPPIES Macon Missouri

  • Reported By:
    Kansas City Kansas
  • Submitted:
    Sat, March 08, 2008
  • Updated:
    Fri, November 06, 2009
  • Snarls & Wags Kennel
    Macon, Missouri
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Do not be fooled by Snarls & Wags Kennel, owned by William and Cheryl Abright. After purchasing a puppy a little over a month ago, I'm convinced that Snarls & Wags supposably "small" kennel was nothing more than a puppy mill.

On February 2, 2008 I purchased a brindle colored yorkiepoo from Cheryl Albright (Snarls & Wags). I found him in an ad placed on kijiji and then proceeded to check out the owner's website. I immediately fell in love with the little guy, and had to have him. Upon my first conversation with Cheryl, I thought she sounded like a fairly responsible and caring breeder who was not just breeding to make a buck, little did I know. Cheryl and I had a couple of conversations before I met with her in Cameron, MO to buy the puppy. She had taken the puppy to her small town vet and sent me a health certificate to confirm that he had no respiratory infection or heart murmur. After talking to Cheryl and receiving a health certificate, I was confident that the pup I was purchasing was in fact healthy. I purchased the puppy on Sunday morning, February 2nd, where I met Cheryl in Cameron to make the pick up. I was immediately concerned when Cheryl walked to the back of her car, opened up the back, and there was a cage with two puppies who looked very tired, and stressed.

I let my dad hold my puppy and take him into our warm vehicle so that he would not catch a cold in the freezing weather. I continued to talk to Cheryl and she explained that my puppy smelt funny because she had dipped him in a lice treatment because the puppy who he was riding in a cage with had lice. Cheryl continued to explain to me that she had started treating my little guy for ear mites because he had been exhibiting some symptoms that led her to believe he had them. Last, but not least Cheryl mentioned that my puppy had been coughing the night before we made the pickup (Saturday night). She said she had used a nebulizer to help treat the cough and hadn't noticed him coughing since she had used it. Immediately I was conerned. My little guy, Tyson, had an appointment to see my vet two days after I had purchased him. My vet confirmed that he did in fact have a respiratory infection, presumably, kennel cough. She also checked his skin and ears, and yes, he had both lice and ear mites. My vet prescribed Tyson Clavamox, which he took for two weeks to help prevent any secondary infections, a special shampoo for the lice, and otomite ear drop for the ear mites. Tyson was due for another visit the following week and I brought in a stool sample to check for worms, guess what, he did in fact have parasites! Tyson had giardia, and it would have been very unlikely Tyson would have gotten them while in my care, seeing as how he was not around any other dogs at the time, and was being paper trained.

Again, Tyson was prescribed yet another antibiotic, Panacur to help deworm him. The next week, Tyson was due for his first set of boosters, and his follow up stool sample was brought in to make sure his giardia had cleared up. At this point, Tyson's cough still existed but my vet was sure he was just starting to get over the kennel cough because his chest sounded clear. A few days later, Tyson became very ill. He began throwing up, had uncontrollable diarrhea, a fever of 104.5, was very lethargic and would not eat or drink. I took him into my vet immediately and he was put on an IV and given antibiotics to control the vomiting and diarrhea. Tyson was brought in Friday morning and stayed until Monday afternoon when my vet thought he could finally go home and hopefully continue to get better.

Unfortunately, within the first day Tyson was back home he continued to not eat or drink and was extremely lethargic. Again, I called my vet and took him back in. Tyson has been hospitalized for over a week now. His immune system had been compromised so much by having all of those problems that he eventually ended up developing pneumonia. Tyson has now had IV's in both of his front legs and has been receiving Baytril for the pneumonia. I have been visiting Tyson every single day, and had continued to hope and pray that he would get better. Yesterday, I showed up to the vet clinic to spend some time with my baby. My vet came in and sat me down, and I could tell that the news was not good. She had taken a radiograph of Tyson's chest and said it was much worse than it had sounded. She said the greatest chance he would have at surviving would be to see a specialist. I asked her how much it would cost and she explained that it would be very, very, the thousands. I immediately broke down because I knew at that point there was very little I could do for him. My vet bill was already nearly $700 at this point and could not afford to spend thousands more on his treatment. I had to tell my vet that I could not afford to do that and had to step outside because I was crying so hard and was making such a scene.

It was so heartbreaking for many reasons. One of which was the fact that I thought I was giving him every shot at making it through, only to find out that if he wasn't transferred there was very little chance he was going to make it. I felt terrible..Tyson had been my life for the past month, and was like a person to me, he was my baby. My vet felt very sorry for me and actually felt very bad herself since she too had become attached to Tyson after all, she had been taking personal care of him for a week. My vet told me that she knew it was getting very expensive and that she wasn't charging me for the hospitalization anymore, just the medicine, since she knew that he absolutely had to be there. My vet explained that she didn't want to give up yet, but when it got to the point where she thought he was really suffering she would end treatment. The fight is still not over, and I hope more than anything that my baby can get through this, but I feel so helpless because he is so sick and weak and I can't do a thing about it. It's been yet another day, and Tyson is still hanging on, and at this point, we can only hope for the best.

I needed to write this, 1) to get out my emotions, and 2) to help make sure that no one else has to deal with the pain and suffering, as well as the huge medical expenses that I have. If there is anyone else who has bought a puppy from Snarls & Wags Kennel and has had a problem with their puppy, I do hope that you step forward and let others know. I know you're out there, let's make sure these guys don't get away with their care, or lack thereof of these puppies!

Dog lover
Kansas City, Kansas

5 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

2 Healthy Morkies

#6General Comment

Fri, November 06, 2009

I was actually trying to visit and thought it was strange that the page was no longer found so I googled it and came across this report. I hope to God the reason I can't find Cheryl's website is from this complaint.

I actually purchased 2 morkies from her in Jan/Feb 2009. They were both COMPLETELY healthy, they didn't even have kennel couch. Cheryl was awesome...answered my many many questions. I called her so many times :) She was extremely nice, knowledgeable, and professional.

I have so many things to say:

1) She does NOT Have a puppy mill. I went to her home TWICE. As mentioned she keeps the puppies in her family room as if they are part of the family. Cages were well kept and clean

2) Also, I believe Cheryl was very upfront to this woman about the issues.

I can't imagine what this woman went through, because my puppies are my life too, but I do not think it is fair to Cheryl to have this complaint posted.

Also, I would love to know if she contacted Cheryl after the fact and what Cheryl offered to do.



Montgomery City,

I too bought a puppy from Cheryl

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, September 09, 2008

I want to start off with that I hope the puppy lived. I bought 2 chihuahua sisters from Cheryl and I went to their house and picked them up. The place was clean and they had their puppies in their living room as though they were part of their family! I named them Sugar & Spice and they are very healthy pups. I do not believe for one minute that they are in it for the money because I paid less than what shots & worming they had in them! Giardia is not a parasite. It can be picked up instantly from drinking out of puddles. It sounds to me that Cheryl was very honest with this person that picked up the puppy. You would think that in the wintertime if a puppy is coughing that the vet would put it on a strong antibiotic to ward off a cold but instead, they just assume it has kennel cough since it came from a breeding place. I would be upset with the vet for not taking better care of my puppy. As far as having the puppy in a cage! OMG that is as bad as putting a child in a car seat!!! I feel bad for the woman and her puppy but, why blame the breeder? Your Vet (in my opinion) did not do his/her job. He/she should have informed you on how to raise this puppy, keep it warm & feed.


Santa Barbara,

I bought a puppy from Cheyl too

#6Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 13, 2008

But let me tell you my experience was none like yours.

When I got my Maltese girl Zoey about a year and a half ago, she was a beautiful, happy & healthy little pup. I took her to the vet the next day and she had no parasites, no health problem what so ever. Until this day she has never gotten sick once. My vet was very impressed at Zoey's temperament and my groomer even made a comment that Zoey was the prettiest Maltese he has ever seen. Yea, does that sound like a puppy mill puppy to you?

Several things I want to point out about your report.
1. Panacur is NOT an antibiotic. It is a routine worm treatment. All puppy owners should deworm their puppies every 2 weeks until they are 16 weeks old. Note all puppies have worm at one point of time that's why routine worm treatment is necessary-Um I'm sure your vet would have told you that...

2. Giardia is so easy to get especially here in California where we have raccoons and skunks. My vet told me that I should give Zoey Panacur every 2 weeks to avoid her catching Giardia as well as deworming her since raccoons dig our backyard trashcans every night. Apparently Panacur has a good side affect of treating Giardia as well as other worms. He said if those wild critters pee in my backyard and Zoey happens to step in it and lick her paws later she can catch it.

3. Like the other person pointed out why did you wait 2 weeks to get a parasite check? That is more than enough time for your puppy to get Giardia while he was in your care. You said the puppy has not been around other dogs to catch it but did you let him out in your patio or garden? You could have traced it in on your shoes and brought it into your house? Giardia can live in the environment for years. Are you sure the person who lived before you did didn't' have dogs?

4. When puppies are transported in cars they SHOULD be in a crate. That is the right thing to do. You called it a 'cage' but as a first time puppy buyer and apparently not doing a whole lot of researching before you purchased your pup, you probably don't know the difference between a crate and a cage. When I got my Zoey I studied a lot about raising a puppy. I had all the de-worming & shot recommendations, crate training information printed out so that I can give the best care for my puppy. Every sickness out there a puppy can get I knew about it. And yes of course the puppies would have looked tired after that car trip when you picked them up. My Zoey used to get car sick all the time until she finally grew out of it.

5. Every sickness you mentioned in the report is things that puppies can easily get. Worms, Kennel caught (he was transferred in February for god's sake), Giardia (non-worm parasite). If you went to a good vet all the problems would have cleared up in a couple weeks as they are non- life threatening illnesses. For example, when you took your dog back in for his fist booster shot, why did your vet give the shot to a puppy who is still coughing? My vet would have told me to wait until the cough clears as the booster shot will put more stress on the puppy's immune system. It's the same with human. Would you take a flu shot when you are just getting over a cold? No wonder your pup got fever, diarrhea after the booster shot! I would blame your vet for your dog's pneumonia. What kind of vet puts more viruses into a sick puppy's body to fight?

I think you just need someone to blame so that you can play the victim. It was YOU that did not study up on raising a puppy. I bet you didn't even ask around to find out which vet is the best your area BEFORE you got your pup. And yet here you are you are going after the wrong person just so that you can make yourself feel better. People like you don't deserve to own a pet.

I was shocked when I came across this report. Cheryl owns a small kennel. She does not operate a puppy mill. I still keep in contact with her and we talk about Zoey all the time. Do you think a puppy mill owner will give a time of the day to talk to a customer from a year and a half ago? Do you think they would care how their puppies are doing once they leave their kennel? She also sold 2 Maltese boys to my friends after they went crazy over Zoey and they are all wonderful dogs. No health problems excellent temperament and such little love bugs!

I strongly feel that you owe Cheryl an apology for this non sense report. That is the least you can do to show that you are a decent human being



Happy with my Pet

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, July 11, 2008

I read this and was totally blown away.
I have dealt with Bill and Cheryl and they are wonderful.
All of my needs were met at the time of purchase and any questions that I had after were answered immediately and with the utmost concern and compassion.
My pup is terrific!
If you saw a sick or stressed pup then why did you purchase it?
I know the vets that they use and they provide better service than most big city vets. They have a beautiful facility.
You name these people, give out their phone number. Why not have some integrity and put your name and phone out there for all to see.
I have to wonder what king of home this pup really went to.




#6Consumer Comment

Fri, July 11, 2008

I read this report and found some items of concern.
First, I feel the seller was upfront with this buyer.
The buyer states all these problems that the seller stated at the time of sale and yet the buyer took the pup. The buyer had every right to walk away and not purchase the pup yet did anyway. The buyer makes remarks about the sellers vet being "small town." What does this mean? Has the buyer been to this veterinary clinic? Isn't it feasible that there are high tech features in our rural areas? Don't veterinarians in rural areas receive the same degrees as do graduates in the metro areas? Did this pup go to a good home? Was it exposed to other dogs when it left the seller? Did the new owner feed it a bunch of scraps? Or maybe the new owner left it alone for hours upon hours in a crate while off to work. When I took my new pup for its first wellness exam the day after purchase, my vet took a stool sample immediately and didn't wait a week. I would question the big city vet on this issue.
Perhaps anyone reading the complaint should consider what happens to these pups when they go into a new situation. Not everyone is suited to be a pet owner.

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