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  • Report:  #704829

Complaint Review: Soldiers of

Soldiers of Tony Balding this place is a CULT. Lebanon, Tennessee

  • Reported By:
    Shawn420 — ventura California United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, March 10, 2011
  • Updated:
    Mon, June 30, 2014

Tony Balding runs this Cult. He has used undo influence on his dad to get him to give his house to the cult. Tony tells people at his cult to make donations checks to him not the (church) tells people that if the ask for tax papers for there donations it's like they never gave it. Tony has over $200,000.00 in cars and trucks + 3 houses and 100+ac. and if you try to go to the Dr he tells you if you go you have no faith in God

please see

19 Updates & Rebuttals



Get Behind the Satan...Hippocrates!

#20General Comment

Mon, June 30, 2014

I have known this Family for 20 Years. I am not a member of his Church but have sat in a sermon recently. I am a walkin, Talking Child of God, Annoited and a warrior for Christ.  All I see here relating to this Comment of the Soldier of Light and Tony Baldwin is a Bunch and Anti-Christian, Hippocrytical Retoric.  Do any of you call yourselves Christian?  If so, I hope you look deep within your souls and Pray that Jesus Deliever you from the Demons within. Many, Many things to comment on here but I am not the Judge. If you do not know that miricles happen Daily, from complete healing, to limbs being returned and the raising of the Dead and sick, you do not believe in the word Of Christ the Prince of Peace and the Almighty Johovah!  A man of God will be attacked relentlessly by Satan. I see allot of of Him here in your Comments.

  If any of this be true and is documented, one would proceed in their actions to attack this man of God, but I see it is not so.  Many men and women of faith seperate themselves from EVIL, as instructed by the Written Word.  A True Man of God ......a Chritian would Raise Up Tony, His Family and his Assembly and Pray for them Relentlessly in the annoiting and in the Private Place rather than condemn and slander him before the world.

Tony, his Sons, His Members that I know ARE WALKING,  TALKING, ANNOINTED and POWERFUL Men of Yeshua, Jovah and the Ruach Elohim! Do not Mock what you do not understand, and do not Greive the Holy Spirit!

  I will Pray for You ALL who have commented on this Man of God and his Assembly.

  "Yeshua, I lift All of the  who commented of this Page, this Subject, I stand Before You and Ask that their Hearts be Softed, that Satan be bound in Your name, that the Annoiting of the Holy Spirit be released in Them.  I raise Up Tony, His Family and His assembly before Your Throne,  I Plead the Blood of Yeshua over them, that they may Continue to walk in the Spirit and Fulfill your Miracles and Word. In Jesus' Precious Name I Pray, AMEN AMEN AMEN!



You Lie Like He Does.

#20UPDATE Employee

Sun, February 12, 2012

I have known the (so called) Pastor for 50 years. I see by your signature that you are part of the church that the pastor has his name on in the internet. For all we know you are the Pastor. Tony has been caught in many lies, we have proof, tony has been asking members to pray AGAINS people not for, he does not pray for his enemy like Jesus tells us to, he has his membership pray prayers against them so harm will come to them. He has made claims of healings that never happened, He has had many ill family members and friends that have died even after claiming he was going to have them come home from the hospital, that GOD told him so, NOPE they are all dead now. He is now making claims of raising the dead, what a tool. If he turned down any money it was because he wanted to make himself look good, he has never gone without, he has stolen his brothers and sisters inheritance, he has land, houses, cars, guns , jewelry, yet a young woman walked into his church that was sleeping in her car with her two small children and asked for help, he turned her away, gave her nothing , no money, no shelter, and he actually didnt even ask if the children were hungry or cold, because he didnt give a crap...Ive known him for 50 years, he has NEVER given a crap for anyone but himself. He says stupid stuff like he was chasing a demon around the table in his church.Hahahahahaha My Jesus just said BE GONE and that was it, he said he had a demon in a trash can one time, trapped it Hahahahahaha , its a spirit , you cant just put it in a bag and carry it out....what a tool. He (Tony ) has not had a job in over 10 years, he allows everyone else to work and suport him and his two lazy kids, they live off of others . Jesus had a job why not tony. we have documented proof of him and his so called men of God breaking the law, doing things like having a motorcycle stolen and then turning it into the insurance co. for a pay off. He wont give people their tax papers to write off their donations to him so he doesnt have to claim it. he has donation checks writen to him not the church....hmmm thats strange. hes a tool. he and his men drive by hungry people every day, people that eat out of trash cans, and go out to breakfast on the tithing money that GOD says is for those in need, not those who have all they need, he is a liar, a thief, a cheat, a tool and now you are to.


United States of America

Man of God....Man of Integrity

#20Consumer Comment

Sun, February 12, 2012


I do not want to address all of the lies and alligations, for there has been many. But I know Pastor Tony Balding and his wife as well as his other family members (his 2 sons and father). I have known them for over 8 years and I seen them in some up seasons and some down seasons....and Pastor Tony has remained steady and steadfast in Jesus!

The things he is accused of he could not do EVEN IF HE WANTED TO....His love for Jesus far out weighs his flesh or the things of this world. He has not stolen from man, and he has not stolen from God....if the ones who say these things, actually knew Jesus, knew the Father and had a relationship with Him, they would know Pastor Tony....I have seen him give his last to someone in need....go without, I have seen him turn down offerings....even to myself, telling me to keep what I have and be like the ant, store up for the winter....there are many other times I have seen him say no....because he has the heart of the Father, His love for Jesus is overwhelming. He prays and loves those who pursecutes Jesus did and does....our prayer is that one day before it is too late, that those who spew these lies and venom will wake up and come to know Jesus, THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!

People like most SPIRIT FILLED CHURCHES....they leave when it is no longer comfortable for their flesh, when the Word being preached and taught is not about compromise, not about sin...but about Holiness and Righteousness and fighting the Good Fight of Faith....this is what Pastor Tony preaches, teaches and most of all lives! I know the intamcy, the Oneness I have with my Heavenly Father and My King and the Holy Spirit....and if Pastor Tony was living opposite or contrary to what he teaches and preaches, the Lord would have told me to leave.... but people leave because of the Holy Fire of God in him and on him....not because of evil, but because of the Righteousness he lives and walks by....and because we are in the last days, people will say and do any and everything to come against the TRUE CHURCH, it is the church of Edom or Esau that are only interested in what they can ascertain from this world and intimidated and fear those who are the Righteousness of Christ....but through it all we are called to pray, to love and to interceed for them, for Jesus hates their sins, but He loves them....our prayer is that when it is all said and done, they too will seek His face in Heaven!


Firewalkers Ministry



Members are leaving.

#20General Comment

Sun, April 17, 2011

This Pastor...or so called Pastor has people leaving his church. They have asked questions and found out that he will not answere them or that he cant answere them. He tells stories about people then we find out that they are all lies. He still claims to this day that he can raise someone from the dead but wont show anyone, he claims he cures cancer and tumors and he makes legs and arms grow but proof and wont do it in front of us.

He tells people they cant see their own relatives because they have demons. He told one woman that her son, a small child had demons. He claims that demons can even be on objects like bed frames or chairs...what an Idiot. Someone was sitting in a chair at his church and the chair broke so he told everyone that it broke because it had a demon in

The question I have is...why does this church have so many demons in it? I know why. Because Satan lives there. You cant lie and do magic tricks and then take everyones money they donate to GOD not you, Its for doing his work not for making your cable bill payment, Its for those in need. And allowing your sons to sit on their a*s and not work does not make them one of the needy.

But its true , members are leaving because the true colors of this Pastor are showing. He has dug his own PIT and has now started falling into it. God will not allow you to use the name of his son Jesus Christ to steal and cheat people out of their money.



Like I said b4...

#20Author of original report

Wed, April 06, 2011

If your not gonna use all the resource to the fullest then your not doing what you need too to stop Tony.  If you don't keep all the people that are in this informed on what one another is doing that's then your not part of the TAKE TONY DOWN TEAM. So Please tell me what you did  today to Stop Tony IF YOU CAN???




#20General Comment

Tue, April 05, 2011




I'm Over it!!!!!!!!!!!!

#20Author of original report

Tue, April 05, 2011

Tony Balding is not a good person and I do not like what he is doing at all...He is just gonna keep doing what he is doing cuz nothing is gonna happen to him. The People that want you to go down are not working together AT ALL to stop you so I'M OVER IT!!!!!!! YOU ALL HAVE FUN WITH THE CIRCLES YOU ARE RUNNING IN AND DON'T CONTACT ME FOR HELP FOR NOTHING!!!!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOTHING!!!

P.S. DON"T GET MAD K. LOL at all of you.



They must be talking to a lawyer...

#20Author of original report

Thu, March 24, 2011

There has not been a post from them in a week now they must be talking to a lawyer... I'll keep a eye for my letter.......  Oh Lord help them all.



We have known him all his life.

#20General Comment

Wed, March 23, 2011

Tony is and has always been one of those people that do as little as possible to just get by....If he can live off of someone else and not have to lift a finger , thats what he will do. He has spent his whole life living off his father, and has now waited till this father of 82 years of age is too scared to say anything because he is threatened with demons if he does anything tony does not like....people that want to just come to his fathers house have to find out if it is ok with tony before they come over....those in the family that have shown proof that he is a con man and a liar are now no longer allowed to talk to or to see there own family members because he will not allow the truth to be known.

He has not had a job for years...his two sons have never had jobs, they all take the tithing money from the church and pay their bills and buy cars and trucks and houses, property all with the money that is given for the use of feeding and clothing the poor and needy. they are using Gods name to live off of others for those in need just keep being hungry and cold at night, sleeping under a bridge and eating out of trash cans while he buys diamond rings, big screen TVs, riding lawn mowers, recliners, Guns, Jewelry, takes 4 or five guys on plain trips to california ,and all from those who donate to the poor. He needs someone to throw his behind in jail....


United States of America

Jesus wants you all back

#20General Comment

Tue, March 22, 2011

I would like to let everyone know that is involved in this congregation that you do not have to sit and put up with being made to be mean and vicious to others and family members . You do not have to stay away from certain people like you are being forced to do. The only reason you are being forced to stay away from certain people is because these certain people didn't get scared of this so called pastor and questioned him. He doesn't like that. I know you know that he doesn't.
 He has told you not to do it or see what happens. Or that something awful will happen to you or your children for going against what he said to do because he tells you he hears straight from God. People you have to stop giving him this power over your lives and take control of your own lives again. Your parents miss you and other friends and family that can't see you. They are worried about the way your young children their grandchildren and great grandchildren are being taught to act towards others. Just please listen to your heart and your gut. You know the things that are going on in your congregation are not right.You know that the way the men in this congregation do not have happy wives. Their children are not happy. They can't tell you the truth for fear of what might happen. We are here to give you the out.
You do not have to fear anything of this congregation. They can not do anything but separate you from them. Wouldn't that be better than being miserable and being stuck where you are now?Your families and friends that you have been kept from will welcome you with open arms. I know for a fact that once your away from it you will be able to live and love again. The way Jesus intended us to. Also remember that this pastor should teach you that if you have Jesus in your heart why would you fear man? Please think about this.



What a guy...

#20Author of original report

Mon, March 21, 2011

 Someone need to fallow Tony Balding and his circle around with a video camera. I wish some news channel would pick this up and really look at him.



Please Do ask your dad.

#20Author of original report

Sat, March 19, 2011

I would like to know what your dad says about this business that is open and taking in money with a expired corporation #XXXXX1980 EXP 9-23-08...




#20Consumer Comment

Sat, March 19, 2011

That all his testimonials are from foreign countrys which are shown on his website - hummm I smell CON!What I will never undestand is the reason people believe in these con artists and losers - I am reminded of David Koresh and Jim Jones.  Since it is a Church they have a tax exemption status if they filed one.  Just call the IRS - don't ask someone else to do it.  It is worth a try but I have a feeling they have a CPA with all the ducks in a row.

I will make sure to ask my CPA Dad about this - he will get a good laugh especially since he is also a Reverend (he holds a Degree in Theology).



Soldiers of Light Suck

#20Consumer Comment

Fri, March 18, 2011

This so called Pastor has many members who have given him thousands of dollars in tithing money only to watch him use it not for God or the church, not for the homeless or hungry, but for his own familys bills and new cars and trucks , jewelry, guns, hunting trips, travel, He claims he can heal the dead....yes the dead. he makes claims of catching demons in trash cans, praying a demon out of one guy only to see it crawl out of his mouth like a snake and crawl away.

He showed people a picture of what he called a demon that was after him,a demon that was outside a prison where he goes to pray for people...then we find out that the picture was taken in another state completly and was copied off the internet. He tells people their kids have demons on them, he has told his own father that if he talks to his other children that bad things will happen to him. He keeps his father from calling or recieving calls from them...only because he wants them cut out of the will so he will get everything when his father dies.

He tells members of the church to make checks out in his name instead of the church's name so he does not have to report it, the members that want to file a tax return on there tithing money are told not to do it because if they do a tax return and get that money back ,its just like they never gave it.  He tells members who are sick to not go to the hospital, not to go to a doctor, not to go to a dentist , that they must show their faith in God to heal them and if they go to the doctor that they will regret it because bad things will happen to them if they do....yet the pasto, his son, his wife, have all been not only to see doctors but had surgeries done and payed for it all with the tithing money from the members that are told they cant go themselves.

He has built up quite the treasure for himself and his two lazy sons and their families and is now thinking about running and moving away. Someone needs to have the IRS climb up his behind with a fine tooth comb.



Stolen Motorcycle

#20Author of original report

Wed, March 16, 2011

Tony has had a hand in ins fraud helped to make a Motorcycle diaper and on a house that was in a fire... $40,000.00 in damages and they got $250,000.00 from the ins company... told them that they had 6 new chain saws when they were all given to them for parts to make one work. So much going on at this SOL that is crooked and we need your help to get Tony Balding put out of business. License for his business has been exp. from 9/23/08 and he is open and doing people wrong.

000401980: Corporation Non-Profit - Domestic



Old Name:

Business Type:

Inactive - Dissolved (Administrative)

Initial Filing:

Formed in:
Wilson County

Delayed Effective Date:

Fiscal Year Close:

AR Due Date:

Term of Duration:

Inactive Date:

Principal Office:
LEBANON, TN 37087 USA    

Annual Report
Mailing Address:
LEBANON, TN 37087 USA    

AR Exempt:

Public Benefit Corporation:
Religious Corporation:


United States of America

Cult..Soldiers Of Light

#20General Comment

Wed, March 16, 2011

 If anyone has any information that will help up with bringing this Cult to a end and getting back properties and money and belongings to people who have been taken by this Pastor, please comment on this page . Or go to in Lebanon Tennessee zip code 37087 and comment. This pastor has been controlling people by using the fear of demons, and sickness to gain wealth. He or his grown childern or there wives and children have not worked in many years, as well as other close members in this church, yet they ive very well with expencive cars , truckd, houses, trips, land, Harleys ,etc...He has  helped scam insurance companies , and has taken advantage of even his elderly  Father to change the Will to leave all to his church, leaving the other 3 children out because he has him scared and afraid of demons and sickness attacking him. you can go to his web sight, and hear him for your self, telling of demon snakes crawling out of peoples mouth and out on the table and across the floor that he prays for, yea really. So if you can help it would be greatly appreciated .



Sad but true

#20Author of original report

Tue, March 15, 2011

It is not the peoples fault that Tony Balding is A con-artiest and takes advantage of people young and old on a daily biases. I feel for all the people that Tony Balding has hurt and for my whole family that has been divided because of Tony Balding.. See Tony Balding is my uncle and he has hurt way to many people to let him continue to get away with it. I stand up for what's right and will till I go home(die). I just want and need the help from other people. I need people to stand up with me and let The world know that Tony Balding is not right and is not doing right.


I will fix what is wrong!!!  




#20Consumer Comment

Tue, March 15, 2011

Yes, but what the hell is wrong with the ignorant people who buy into this kind of crap and actually support disgusting people like this?

Aren't people smart enough to see through this absurd crap?

Maybe if they aren't any smarter than that, they deserve to get scammed.


United States of America

This is true.

#20General Comment

Tue, March 15, 2011

This is true. I have known this pastor for 50 years. He tells members of his churchthat if they leave his church, that demons will get on them. He has claimed to have raised the dead, cured cancer, etc. he tells his members that get sick to just pray about it. They are not allowed to go to the hospital, doctor, dentist. He tells them that if they do that demons will get on them.

He takes in Tithing money that is suppose to be for the poor or homeless and buys cars and trucks and motorcycles, pays his bills and the bills of his two sons and their familys. None of them work, they just live off the members tithing. He tells people they have demons on them and tells them that he can get them off and keep them off if they join his church.

If they try to leave he tells them they will get sick and demons will get them and their kids. He tells any member that gets sick or needs a doctor that they must have done something wrong or they wouldnt be sick. he tells them that they should not go see a doctor,  that would show they have no faith in Gods healing power if they go to the doctor.

Funny thing, his family has been taken to doctors, He himself had to go have some big lump taken off his neck, his kid and his wife both have had things done. They go to the doctor all the time but tell others they have no faith if they do. 

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