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  • Report:  #1475947

Complaint Review: A 3 Solutions

A 3 Solutions a.ka. ONIN STAFFING: 1 Perimeter Park S, Suite 450 N, Birmingham, AL 35243 Phone: 866/ 581-ONIN (6646): ; a.k.a., etc. A 3 Solutions a.ka. ONIN STAFFING: Unpaid wages for two day Computer Technician Assignment Texas Dallas

  • Reported By:
    Peter — Nevada United States
  • Submitted:
    Mon, March 25, 2019
  • Updated:
    Wed, March 27, 2019

A 3 Solutions a.ka. ONIN STAFFING: Unpaid wages for two day Computer Technician Assignment.

Unpaid wages; check arrived SHORT($) & my name not spelled in full & the address was wrong, so it was uncashable.

Numerous attempts at remedy since late January 2019 to present have resulted in harassment, retaliation, and overall clown games from Eployees / Agents of A 3 Solutions a.ka. ONIN STAFFING (other alias's shall be included as they become aware to me). REMEDY REQUIRED!

1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States


#2Author of original report

Mon, March 25, 2019

Notice & Demand With Rescission/Withdrawal Of Signature

Nunc Pro Tunc 08/24/1994





March 24, 2019 - 12:40 EST

To the Secretary of State, Governor; and other officials,

To whom this may concern.

I, Peter - Jason: Helfrich, one of the people domiciled on the land, now declares on and for the record, I am the authorized signature for (PETER JASON HELFRICH(c)082494) the usufruct trust created for my benefit at my birth, by the United States. This usufruct trust which was created without my knowledge and without my consent; (due to the 1933 bankruptcy) the United States use of the trust has been of great harm to me (PETER JASON HELFRICH(c)082494). So with no other option left I must demand pursuant to the following law, the secretary of state send notice of Peter - Jason: Helfrich standing/status to the courts.

8 U.S.C. § 1502 : Certificate of nationality issued by Secretary of State for person not a naturalized citizen of United States for use in proceedings of a foreign state.

FOR THE RECORD: "The Partner (Government) of my Partner (PETER JASON HELFRICH(c)082494) is NOT my (Peter - Jason: Helfrich) Partner, applies herein and is in FULL FORCE AND EFFECT."

The Secretary of State is authorized to issue, in his discretion and in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by him, a certificate of nationality for any person not a naturalized citizen of the United States who presents satisfactory evidence that he is an AMERICAN NATIONAL and that such certificate is needed for use in judicial or administrative proceedings in a foreign state. Such certificate shall be solely for use in the case for which it was issued and shall be transmitted by the Secretary of State through appropriate official channels to the judicial or administrative officers of the FOREIGN STATE in which it is to be used.

19 Corpus Juris Secundum § 883, [t]he United States government is a FOREIGN CORPORATION with respect to a state.

8 USC § 1101(a)(21), [t]he term "national" means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state."

8 USC § 1101(B)(22), [t]he term "national of the United States" means (A) a citizen of the United States, or (B) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States. This highlighted section of law is I, John/Jane Doe, who is not a 14th Amendment US citizen bound by statutes, codes, and regulation thus not subject to the jurisdiction.

American national ≠ national/citizen of the United States. These are TWO distinct status’ within the American system. The latter is a free American National; the former is a voluntary slave subject to the jurisdiction thereof created by section 1 of the 14th Amendment. It is a FEDERALLY CREATED capacity/title that owes allegiance to it and is a subject/citizen of the United States.

That I, Peter - Jason: Helfrich, am not a Government employee nor is Peter - Jason: Helfricha part of the body politic. I, Peter - Jason: Helfrich, have signed no such contract knowingly, and I, Peter - Jason: Helfrich, have the 11th Amendment immunity. Since such per ponderous fraud has been being done against me. I, Justin Edward Nolan, must and am rescinding/withdrawing my signature from all documents; and demanding the dissolution of the Usufruct Trust; as first and for most, the usufruct was created without my knowledge, more importantly without my parent’s knowledge at my birth; hence no full disclosure has taken place.

I, Peter - Jason: Helfrich, hereby demand the return of all equitable assets, monies, land patents, and so forth, as any claim of contract is null & void under law. I, Peter - Jason: Helfrich, have been forced in to this action by the officials of "Massachusetts" who have repeatedly refused to arrest corrupt officials (judges, lawyers, prosecutors) and obstructed my access to a grand jury to prosecute the criminals who repeatedly break law. I, Peter - Jason: Helfrich, will lay out the clear sedition and treason being committed by members of the Communist BAR/lawyers Guild, (deemed such by the 81st Congress in 1950 lawyers guild report) while the international bankers who created the BAR, Guarantees the rigged vote, never allows a competent official in office. While they, (the international bankers) and the UN, (another banker creation) are controllers of the courts. On December 9, 1945, the International Organization Immunities Act relinquished every public office of the United States to the United Nations. This law makes all public officials foreign citizens, barring them from judicial power. All public officials are administrative agents of the US Corporation. They have no judicial power whatsoever.

The courts; have been under and is UN controlled. While the courts, are operated and controlled by the communist BAR; which helps to destroy America by leaning the trust and creating sureties which make the national debt appear larger than it is and there by also destroy the American People’s FREEDOM with fraudulent claims of crime. When there is no corpus delecti which is required for a crime to exist.

Another troubling issue Black's Law Dictionary provides the following definition: Capitis Diminutio Maxima; (meaning a maximum loss of status) – The very highest, or most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man's condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights.

This is the very action the BAR and it’s members claims upon the American people due to our names being written in all capitalized letters on the certificate of birth/receipt for the Usufruct trust. This action shows a clear mental insanity to believe one can be made another’s slave through capitalized letters upon a receipt/certificate. If any American made such a claim; to purport the ability of making one their slave; by capitalizing another’s name, that natural and/or private person would surely be deemed mad/insane and lock away, for the safety of society; as there is no telling what such a person might do. Please see the attach copy of certificate of birth. This action being done purports to make a living man’s status the same as a corporation as only corporations are put in all capital letters in law. In effect this creates a corporate soul for the living man if he uses this to contract or do any other things in the world, the law society claim his status to be that of a corporation. This means he is now CIVILITER MORTUUS meaning one who is civilly dead; one who is considered as if he were naturally dead, so far as his rights are concerned.

Verses one being, Capitis Diminutio Minima (meaning a minimum loss of status). The very lowest; or least comprehensive degree of loss of status. This occurred where a man's family relations alone were changed. It happened upon the arrogation [pride] of a person who had been his own master, (sui juris,) [of his own right, not under any legal disability] or upon the emancipation of one who had been under the patria potestas. [Parental authority] It left the rights of liberty and citizenship unaltered. See Inst. 1, 16, pr.; 1, 2, 3; Dig. 4, 5, 11; Mackeld. Rom.Law, 144.

Or one being Sui Juris: "Of his own right; possessing full social and civil rights; not under any legal disability to act for one’s self. (See Emancipation: Majority) [Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Ed., pg. 1434] & in their Propria Persona = Lat. 'In ones own proper person.' To present, one’s self in court without assistance of an attorney, at least 'on the record.' Often shortened to 'in pro per.’

Yet a further question who gave the members of the law society the right to bastardize the English written language then not tell the people in front of them the words being used may or may not mean what one believed them to mean. This deception clearly causes fraudulent entrees upon the court record. . This is a direct violation of 18 U.S. Code § 3501 - Admissibility of confessions; also a violation of 29 USC sec 401-531 as plaintiff has been denied his right to be Propria Persona as attorneys are forced on everyone. All these actions violate peoples Unalienable rights ~ Things which are not in commerce, as public roads, are in their nature unalienable...


-Statutes, codes and regulations are not law, merely a point in fact of law, and statutes, codes, and regulations are the law of Government, not man. Please see the following case cites.

-"A "Code’ or Statute’ is not a Law," (Flournoy v. First Nat. Bank of Shreveport, 197 La. 1067, 3 So.2d 244, 248),

A concurrent or ‘joint resolution ‘of legislature is not "Law," (Koenig v. Flynn, 258 N.Y. 292, 179 N. E. 705, 707;

Ward v State, 176 Okl. 368, 56 P.2d 136, 137; State ex rel. Todd v. Yelle, 7 Wash.2d 443, 110 P.2d 162, 165).

All codes, rules, and regulations are for government authorities only, not human/Creators in accord with God’s Laws. "All codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking due process of Law."

(Rodriques v. Ray Donavan, U.S. Department of Labor, 769 F.2d 1344, 1348 (1985)); …lacking due process[of law], in that they are ‘void for ambiguity’ in their failure to specify the statutes’ applicability to ‘natural persons,’ otherwise depriving the same of fair notice, as their construction by definition of terms aptly identifies the applicability of such statutes to "artificial or fictional corporate entities or ‘persons’, creatures of statute, or those by contract employed as agents or representatives, departmental subdivisions, offices, officers, and property of the government, but not the ‘Natural Person’ or American citizen Immune from such jurisdiction of legalism.

"The Common Law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land. The codes, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are "not the law."

(Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn 2d 261), They are the law of government for internal regulation, not the law of man, in his separate but equal station and natural state, a sovereign foreign with respect to government generally.)

With such overwhelming case law there is no question about the fact of the claim made here statutes are not law. Plaintiff/the court now challenges prosecution and Magistrate to prove the statutes apply to John/Jane Doe. I, Peter - Jason: Helfrich, deny being a government employee. If the prosecution or state or Magistrates wish to say different then prove I have been a paid employee of federal or state Government produce the pay roll records. Add in the fact Peter - Jason: Helfrich, is not a part of the body politic.

The Clear Fraud; Sedition, And Treasonous Acts Of The BAR

This fraudulent, /seditious, & treasonous act, of the Courts’/BAR members telling plaintiff and defendants alike, that the Court; was appointing an attorney, in plaintiff’s/defendants benefit. This fraud is an outrage and now known to be patently false/a lie on its face. Please see the following it explains far better the fraud/sedition, and treason. That an attorney’s presence is to put one in the state court’s jurisdiction, so they can prevent one from challenging the jurisdiction putting the people at the magistrates non-existing mercy as the BAR’s clear objective is the over throw of America’s form of Government by convicting the people of fictional crimes to remove their right of gun ownership, so the American people can be Concorde and enslaved without a shot fired. Even case law denotes the truth. Please see:

The U.S. Supreme Court observed in its unanimous decision in Kay v. Ehrler, 499 U.S. 432, that a lawmaking body may instead prefer to discourage attorneys from electing to appear in Propria Persona because such self re-presentation may often conflict with the general public and legislative policy favoring the effective and successful prosecution of meritorious claims. The high court observed that 'Even a skilled lawyer who represents himself is at a disadvantage in contested litigation. Ethical considerations may make it inappropriate for him to appear as a witness. He is deprived of the judgment of an independent third party in framing the theory of the case, evaluating alternative methods of presenting the evidence, cross-examining hostile witnesses, formulating legal arguments, and in making sure that reason, rather than emotion, dictates the proper tactical response to unforeseen developments in the courtroom. The adage that 'a attorney who represents himself has a fool for a client' is the product of years of experience by seasoned litigators.. Id. at 437-438

An appearance may be in "Propria Persona" and need not be by attorney.

Obs. 'In his own person.' It is a rule in pleading those pleas to the jurisdiction of the court must be pleaded in Propria Persona, because, if pleaded by an attorney, they admit the jurisdiction, as an attorney is an officer of the court, and he is presumed to plead after having obtained leave, which admits the jurisdiction).

This ruling is clear proof the attorneys only role is to fraudulently aide the BAR member/judge’s court in getting jurisdiction. The following rulings explain the criminal acts in much greater detail the rulings shown; leave no doubt of the subversive actions of the bar and its member’s intention of destroying America from within. Please see the following:

"The attorney’s first duty is to the courts...not to the client." U.S.v Franks D.C.N.J. 53F.2d 128). Here again people have been repeatedly told the attorney is for their benefit to insure a fair and impartial hearing; this is clear fraud.

"Clients are also called "wards of the court" in regard to their relationship with their attorneys."Spilker v. Hankin, 158 F.2d 35, 58U.S.App.D.C. 206. This ruling clearly shows the attorney’s presence does not guarantee a fair and impartial hearing but rather secures/guarantees defendants or plaintiffs are at the mercy of the Magistrate. The preponderance of fraud will only grow as you will see.

(Wards of court. are Infants and persons of unsound mind). Davis Committee v. Loney, 290 Ky. 644, 162 S.W.2d 189, 190.

Did you get that? An Attorneys first duty is not to the people they are supposedly representing, and when you have an Attorney you are either considered insane or an infant.

This is an incredible fraud/sedition & treason being perpetrated on the American people, by members of the BAR who perform such fraud/sedition treason daily there is no doubt, who the real criminals are now!?! This violates 18 U.S.CODE§2384-SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY and is clearly sedition against the American people and the United States of America. The BAR members repeatedly ignores the Constitution of the United States in open court violating Title 18 USC 2381 Capitol Felony Treason. They claim that saying our paper work is fugitive allows them the right to ignore the US Constitution.

I, Peter - Jason: Helfrich, hereby also demand that with the above stated law the Secretary of State notify the clerk in case numbers CR 7411 A, CV 37593 A, in "Nye County" , "Nevada" , of my, Peter - Jason: Helfrich's standing, as an American National with 11th Amendment immunity.

It is no wonder as to why the 81st congress deemed the BAR/lawyers guild a Communist Organization in 1950; in the congressional report on the lawyer’s guild. When one reads the report it becomes quickly understood the BAR was acting in support of Adolph Hitler, as the BAR was caught red handed, shipping ammunitions, & attacking the American public school system, in order to dumb down American children. Yet despite all the facts members of the BAR are still practicing their fraudulent/seditious & treasonous acts daily & even seem proud, of their historical ties with the world’s 2nd largest mass murderer in history Adolph Hitler 1st being the International Bankers of course, which the present financial crisis has shown the historical connections here as well, being the BAR was founded and started by the bankers who can be shown to have a death toll over 100 million people directly, as a result of actions taken by the international bankers from WW 2 ‘till today. So it’s clear, the BAR and its members seek not justice, but domination, and the death, of all who will not be put upon bended knee, to them, and their creators (The International Bankers).

18 U.S.C. § 4. Such activity has been a federal crime since the First Congress, for "the common law recognized a duty to raise the `hue and cry’ and report felonies to the authorities. . . . It is apparent from this statute, as well as from our history and that of England, that concealment of crime and agreements to do so are not looked upon with favor. Such conduct deserves no encomium." Branzburg v. Hayes,408 U.S. 665, 696-97 (1972) (citation omitted).

Misprision of Felony involves both knowledge of a crime and some affirmative act of concealment or participation, and the Courts have concluded that ‘misprision of felony’ is a crime of moral turpitude because it necessarily involves an affirmative act of concealment or participation in a felony, behavior that runs contrary to accepted societal duties and involves dishonest or fraudulent activity. The Supreme Court observed that: Concealment of crime has been condemned throughout our history… Although the term "misprision of felony" now has an archaic ring, gross indifference to the duty to report known criminal behavior remains a badge of irresponsible citizenship.


1st claim and fact.

The FACTS OF LAW already say child support has been declared unconstitutional. So for the defendant’s cause of action against plaintiff/the court. There is no jurisdiction in the matter, as child support was declared unconstitutional in (STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS C7-97-926 C8-97-1132 C7-97-1512 C8-98-33, Filed June 12, 1998). The decision was up held in the Supreme Court. (STATE OF MINNESOTA IN SUPREME COURT C7-97-926 C8-97-1132 C9-98-33 C7-97-1512,) Filed: January 28, 1999. This alone constitutes that no jurisdiction could exist. Because child support was found to be lacking, any provision for the separation of powers act in the US Constitution in both the Federal and the state law.


The following rulings state this applies to the instant case. Mills v. Duryee, 1t1 U.S. (7 Cranch) 481 (1813), the United States Supreme Court ruled that the merits of a case, as settled by courts of one state, must be recognized by the courts of other states; state courts may not reopen cases which have been conclusively decided by the courts of another state. Later, Chief Justice John Marshall suggested that the judgment of one state court must be recognized by other states' courts as final. Also Ableman v. Booth 62 U.S. 506 where the higher court stated the lower courts were bound by all federal court rulings. As well Howlett V. Rose, 496 U.S. 356 (1990) Federal Law and Supreme Court cases apply to State court cases. (Cooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1) (1958)--States are bound by United States Supreme Court Case decisions. Also Article 4 of the U.S. Constitution states that each state shall give full faith and credit to the other states laws this would include case law.

Plaintiff/the court (challenges the jurisdiction under Article 1 sec. 8 clause 17, & demands to know the nature & cause of the action) also pursuant to Indiana trial rule 12 .(B) (1) Lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter, 12 (B) (2) Lack of jurisdiction over the natural/private person, 12 (B) (8) The same action pending in another state court of this state. Since, the plaintiff/court is challenging the jurisdiction, of the Magistrate. So plaintiff decided to see what case law on this matter denotes. (Basso v Utah power & light company 495, F 2d 906 910) Jurisdiction can be challenged at any time and must be proven not assumed.

(Latana v Hopper 102 2d 188) (Chicago v New York 37 F SUPP 150) The court must prove on the record all jurisdiction facts related to the jurisdiction asserted.

Further more the following laws have not been met or upheld to allow jurisdiction please see the following:

1. No information/charging document has been lawfully issued to obtain the appearance of any Defendant in this matter as required pursuant to IC 35-34-1-2. Without the existence of lawful information/charging document, plaintiffs/the court makes only a special appearance before this Magistrate to inform the Magistrate of error in this matter.

2. Plaintiffs/court has not been served an information/charging document supported by any first hand material fact witness, affidavit of probable cause, or ANY instrument from which any reasonable natural/private person could determine probable cause, thereby initiating the court's jurisdiction in compliance with IC 35-34-1-2 and in compliance with the 4th, 5th, and 6th amendment protections. See State v. Kaahaaina, 2001 Haw. App. LEXIS 204 (Haw. Ct. App. Oct. 17, 2001) Holding that the State failed to properly initiate the criminal proceeding against the defendant because the defendant was never formally charged orally or by written complaint supported by sworn statement or affidavit and thus failed to initiate jurisdiction in the District Court. Plaintiff hereby demands a verified criminal complaint if none exist Magistrate/commissioner has no choice but to dismiss the matter with prejudice.

3. Without sufficient and lawful process as directed per IC 35-34-1-2; at minimum, the court's jurisdiction cannot be invoked and, therefore, no matter is before this court and this matter is void AB INITIO. This failure to follow IC 35-34-1-2 violated the Defendant’s due process rights. See State v. Kaahaaina, 2001 Haw. App. LEXIS 204 (Haw. Ct. App. Oct. 17, 2001) Holding that defendant was improperly charged because the information charging document used by the officer failed to comply with HRS § 805-1 and HRPP Rule 7 (d).

4. This state court is without jurisdiction, precludes the judge from making an offer of a plea to the defendant in error without, in so doing, putting fraud upon the Magistrates court..

5. The Prosecutor in this matter knew or should have known that without the issuance of sufficient process, there is no charge or complaint against the falsely accused or defendant.

6. The person acting as magistrate in this matter, who has had this matter brought before him/her in this court, knew or should have known that the court is patently, unambiguously, and wholly without jurisdiction because the insufficiency of process used in this matter precludes initiating the court’s jurisdiction.

7. In light of the facts before the court, the person acting as judge must act minister ally and should, sua sponte, dismiss or remove this matter from the court with prejudice as it is void AB INITIO.

Therefore, the Nye County Court, STATE OF NEVADA is given mandatory judicial notice under rule 201 of the FRCP by plaintiffs/court, in light of the foregoing lawful and valid facts, that there is no matter before this court and that any and all parties who pursue any trial of this matter are acting in fraud and misrepresentation and in violation of clearly established law, procedures, rules of evidence, and of the rights of this court in error.


1. Claimant has identified themselves as STATE OF NEVADA; therefore this court is improperly set due to the fact that in All Cases … in which a State shall be a Party, The Supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction.

2. Should this court allow this action to be brought before it, the proceeding will be biased, bigoted, warped, lopsided, and in violation of the laws of due process in that the Respondent cannot receive a fair and impartial hearing before a court wherein:

a. The "law", complete with monetary penalties and pseudo "criminal" penalties, was manufactured by the claimant/state;

b. The court belongs to the claimant/state;

c. The judge receives remuneration from the claimant/state;

d. The judge is subject to the regulatory agencies of the claimant/state;

e. The witnesses are on the payroll of the claimant/state;

f. For Magistrate to hear the case would violate subject matter jurisdiction and be a conflict of interest as the magistrate represents the state and the state is the claimant "unlawfully" see Hoke v Henderson 15, N.C. 15,25 AM DEC 677." That statute which would deprive a person of person or property without a regular trial according to the use and custom of common law would not be the law of the land." There is a common law principle which states that for there to be a crime, there must first be a victim, corpus delecti. In the absence of a victim there can be no crime. The state cannot be the victim nor can the state sue on behalf of another.

3. If the STATE OF NEVADA insists on being a party to the action, then let it bring its action in the court of original jurisdiction which is set forth in Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution for the United States of America, to which the claimant/state is contractually bound.

One need only look to the American Jurisprudence to see what has been decided prior on any unconstitutional law and the duties of a court officer.

American Jurisprudence 2nd 1964 vol. 16 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW

§ 177 Generally statute leaves the question that it purports to settle just as it would be had the statute not been enacted. Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles follow that it imposes no duties, confers no rights, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it. A contract which rests on an unconstitutional statute creates no obligation to be impaired by subsequent legislation.

No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it. Indeed, insofar as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the land, it is superseded thereby. It is said that all persons are presumed to know the law, meaning that ignorance of the law excuses no one; if any person acts under an unconstitutional statute, he does so at his peril and must take the consequences. Pg. 403 – 405

16Am Jur 2d., Const. Law Sec. 70:

"No public policy of a state can be allowed to override the positive guarantees of the U.S. Constitution."

63C Am.Jur.2d, Public Officers and Employees, §247

"As expressed otherwise, the powers delegated to a public officer are held in trust for the people and are to be exercised in behalf of the government or of all citizens who may need the intervention of the officer. [1] Furthermore, the view has been expressed that all public officers, within whatever branch and whatever level of government, and whatever be their private vocations, are trustees of the people, and accordingly labor under every disability and prohibition imposed by law upon trustees relative to the making of personal financial gain from a discharge of their trusts. [2] That is, a public officer occupies a fiduciary relationship to the political entity on whose behalf he or she serves. [3] and owes a fiduciary duty to the public. [4] It has been said that the fiduciary responsibilities of a public officer cannot be less than those of a private individual. [5] Furthermore, it has been stated that any enterprise undertaken by the public official which tends to weaken public confidence and undermine the sense of security for individual rights is against public policy.[6]

2nd claim and fact.

Plaintiff’ Peter - Jason: Helfrich is the court as defined in the following. (COURT = The person and the suit of the sovereign the place where the sovereign sojourns with his regal retinue, where ever that may be.)

Black’s law dictionary 5th edition page 318.

Being plaintiff has a counter claim, plaintiff/the court has suit which means, plaintiff is the court. With this fact now proven and as clearly denoted in the maxims of law that following applies here. Rights never die. [Bouvier’s 1856 Law Dictionary. Also It is a general rule that the sovereign cannot be sued in his own court without consent and hence no direct judgment can be rendered against him therein for cost, except in the manner and on the condition he has proscribed.

40 La. Ann. 856," Bouvier’s Law Dictionary Vol. 1(1897). So clearly the magistrate needs consent of the private/natural person. The court does not and will not consent.

"Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1914),"Maxim,"p.2149, (No legislative body or man can convey any authority or jurisdiction he does not possess over common Rights vested by God in another. Because legislative powers are limited, all powers derived from legislative acts are limited). The Court has now established the fact it cannot be sued in its own court & consent is needed The Court has not consented to the Magistrate. Thus no authority exists for Magistrate to make any order.

"The rights of the individuals are restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily surrendered by the "citizenship" to the agencies of government."

City of Dallas v Mitchell, 245 S.W. 944

At the revolution the Sovereignty devolved on the people; and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects ......and have none to govern but themselves; the citizens of America are equal as fellow citizens, and as joint tenants in the sovereignty." Chisholm v Georgia, 2 Dall. 440, at pg 471; The Basic principle here is if one doesn’t agree with the body politic they cannot be held liable to the body politics suggestions as to what they should do. Unless a jury of their peers decides it is such an atrocious act they must do it, a jury of 12 peers. One’s peer is above all one who thinks in similar terms and understands who they are an American National not a US Citizen, and understands what law is. Yet the people are regularly told we have no right of trial by jury. This is a clear sign on the wall America has become; and is a Communist Country. Because of the treasonous bars actions; its failure to hold members accountable; and their subversion of true law.

The history shows clearly these same tactics was used in Germany; during WW2 by the BAR in Germany. There however the BAR members paid for their treason to the German people. Little known fact of WW2 was Hitler executed all but three BAR members, who escaped Germany. Two of which died shortly after, of their ordeals endured while escaping. One should always keep in mind how history repeats due to man’s inability to learn from the past.

Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

I, Peter - Jason: Helfrich, should think it clear, that I, Justin Edward Nolan, will not consent, nor have I, Peter - Jason: Helfrich, ever consented willfully. Consent has always been obtained by threat and intimidation. Which violates 42 U.S.CODE§3617 INTERFERENCE, COERCION, OR INTIMIDATION.

The laws broken thus are too numerous to mention here; as some 84 different laws are applicable. A question all should ask. If you must threaten and intimidate people, breaking law; to get what you desire. Then how are "you" any better than the real criminals of the world, or are those doing this just that; "the real criminals of the world"?


The mere suggestion of, including but not limited to, Notice, warrant, arrest and kidnapping, or any other action by any foreign Crown Temple B.A.R. Agent as Pro-Se-Cutis, Magistrate, "Judge" in a black robe moves against me without an injured party bearing an affidavit of the harms done them by me, or a lawful international contract with me, or proof with records of payroll for my employment with their Private Member Association, or any attempt to enforce commercial codes/statutes/color of law, or to coerce me into the Office of the Person, or use an off-shore I.R.S. Trust trafficked JOHN HENRY DOE person, or use impressment, or barratry, or criminal conversion, or legalese, or dog-latin, or any other similarly related derivation of the "business-as-usual" trafficking by the Crown Temple B.A.R. and/or their armed Contractors with badges, or be called a Sovereign citizen, simply because I know the crimes and harms done Me, SHALL BE PROSECUTED by Me.

The prosecution against them for their crimes shall include, but not be limited to, international tort claim, international law NOTICE OF CLAIM/LIEN, ultimately leading to the admission and intent and conspiracy to perpetrate crimes against me, shall also include full loss of their Estate, be reported by international public notice to all credit report agencies, insurance carriers, bond agents, every Secretary of State across the land, every BAR Association, and every Mainstream MEDIA and alternative MEDIA source, for their crimes, and shall be with their fully informed consent for daring to move forward with their piracy against me. My prosecution will be without the United States, against them in their private capacity as criminals act, and NOT in any de facto court where they might benefit from the help of fellow BAR Agents.

Hereof, fail not to respect this warning. I, Peter - Jason: Helfrich have learned of all your despicable crimes and counterfeiting of securities. I, Peter - Jason: Helfricham not, including but not limited to, an en legis fictional person, slave, citizen, denizen, subject, strawman, U.S. person, state employee, taxpayer, corporate entity, debtor, or property of any bank or attorner/broker. Any attempt to enforce color of law or wrongfully prosecute me ever again shall instantaneously become the recipient of one or more lawful claims against them by me for 22.5 million real dollars each, meaning each offender and each individual crime. Crown Temple B.A.R. Attorners were born on this land, grew up on this land, and have families and friends on this land, yet they work in the shadows like rats to rob, rape, pillage, and kidnap, and commit Human Rights Violations against formerly fellow Americans for the unjust enrichment of the Bloody Crown. I have no words that can adequately describe their devotion to darkness and mayhem against our country and people. For the life of me, I cannot fathom the deep human sickness required to traffic American people, persons, and babies for FEDERAL RESERVE Instruments of DEBT. If I get dragged into a court or jail by anyone, after I’ve harmed no one, I shall use all my resources to make them pay heavily for their dirty crimes. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! You are to CEASE AND DESIST from your crimes against me, immediately, or you agree to lose all that you have. The wisest suggestion I can offer is for you to burn that filthy BAR Union Card and throw it in the toilet for a more respectable position in your life. Lose the career of crime. If you cannot stop yourselves, I’ll do it for you. You need to find something to do beside ruin lives. We do not need the B.A.R. on this land.


I, Peter - Jason: Helfrich, declare, swear and affirm under penalty of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information herein is true, correct, and complete.


---------------------------MORE TO COME; THIS IS A WORK IN PROGESS----------------------------------------





Maxim’s of Interest that apply to Fathers Rights

  1. MAXIM


An established principle or proposition. A principle of law universally admitted, as being just and consonant With reason.

Maxims in law are somewhat like axioms in geometry. 1 Bl. Com. 68. They are principles and authorities, and part of the general customs or common law of the land; and are of the same strength as acts of parliament, when the judges have determined what is a maxim; which belongs to the judges and not the jury. Terms do Ley; Doct. & Stud. Dial. 1, c. 8. Maxims of the law are holden for law, and all other cases that may be applied to them shall be taken for granted. 1 Inst. 11. 67; 4 Rep. See 1 Com. c. 68; Plowd. 27,



The application of the maxim to the case before the court, is generally the only difficulty. The true method of making the application is to ascertain bow the maxim arose, and to consider whether the case to which it is applied is of the same character, or whether it is an exception to an apparently general rule.

The alterations of any of the maxims of the common law are dangerous. 2 Inst. 210. The following are some of the more important maxims.

Regula pro lege, si deficit lex. In default of the law, the maxim rules. [FROM: Bouvier’s 1856 Law Dictionary]

A communi observantia non est recedendum. From common observance there should be no departure; there must be no departure from common usage. A maxim formerly applied to the practice of the courts, to the ancient and established forms of pleading and conveyancing, and to professional usage generally. Lord Coke applies it to common professional

opinion. [Blacks Law, 6th Ed.]






 Partus sequitur ventrem. "The offspring follow the condition of the mother, This is the case of slaves and animals.; 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 167,

502; but with regard to freemen, children follow the condition of the father."

 Trying to split children: Memorize!

"Here be two maximes of the common law. First, that no man can hold one and the same land immediately of two severall lords. Secondly, that one man cannot of the same land be both lord and tenant. And it is to be observed, that it is holden for an inconvenience, that any of the maximes of the law should be broken, though a private man suffer losse; for that by infringing of a maxime, not onely a generall prejudice to many, but in the end a publike incertainty and confusion to all would follow." Section 152b. Maxim’s of Lord Coke

[Nemo potest esse tenes et dominus. No man can be at the same time tenant and landlord of the same tenement.

Idem agens et patiens esse non potest. One cannot be agent and patient, in the same matter. Jenk. Cent. 40.

Meaning: You are either your child’s Father, or the judge is.

No man can hold the same land immediately of two several landlords. Co. Litt. 152.]

Meaning: There can only be one Father (one main guardian of the child—NOT TWO!)

 Haeres est alter ispe, et filius est pars patris. An heir is another self, and a son is a part of the father.


 Duo non possunt in solido unam rem possidere. "Two cannot possess one thing in its entirety." Blacks Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, pg. 502

Meaning: Only one person can own the child. There is only four (4) choices: 1.) Father

2.) State 3.) Mother (but she needs subsidy, thereby can’t really own the child) or 4.)

the child (as an unemancipated minor).

 Haeredem Deus facit, non homo. God and not man, make the heir.

 Haeris est nomen juris, filius est nomen naturae. Heir is a term of law, son a term of nature.


 Haeres est eadem persona c*m antecessore. The heir is the same person with the ancestor. Co. Litt. 22.

 Haeres haeredis mei est meus haeres. The heir of my heir is my heir.

 Haeres legitimus est quem nuptiae demonstrant. He is the lawful heir whom the marriage demonstrates.




 Rights never die. [Bouvier’s 1856 Law Dictionary]


 Nulli enim res sua servit jure servitutis. "No one can have a servitude over his own property." Dig 8, 2, 26; 17 Mass. 443; 2 Bov. Inst. n.


 Defendit vim et injuriam. He defends the force and injury.


 Remisus imperanti melius paretur. "A [father] commanding not too strictly is best obeyed." 3 Co. Inst. 233.

 Qui providet sibi, providet haredibus. He who provides for himself, provides for his heirs.


 Vir et uxor consentur in lege una persona. Husband and wife are considered one person in law. Co. Litt. 112.

 Privilegium est beneficium personale et extinguitur c*m person . A

privilege is a personal benefit and dies with the person. 3 Buls. 8.


 Patria potestas in pietate debet, non in atrocitate consistere. Paternal power should consist in affection, not in atrocity.

 Nemo potest sibi devere. No one can owe to himself. See Confusion of


 Matrimonia debent esse libera. Marriages ought to be free.


 Nemo de domo sua extrahi debet. "A citizen cannot be taken by force from his house to be conducted before a judge or to prison. Dig. 50, 17.

 Where two rights concur, the more ancient shall be preferred.


 Omnia quae sunt uxoris sunt ipsius viri. All things which are of the wife, belong to the husband. Co. Litt. 112.


 "Invito beneficium non datur- No one is obliged to accept a benefit against his consent." Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1914), "Maxim," p,

2140).[No officer can compel any Good and Lawful Man to get a license, benefit, or privilege in commerce.]

 Nemo praesumitur alienam posteritatem suae praetulisse. NO one is presumed to have preferred another's posterity to his own.

 Quicpuid acquiritur servo, acquiritur domino. Whatever is acquired by the servant, is acquired for the master. 15 Bin. Ab. 327.


 Quod ad jus naturale attinet, omnes homenes aequales sunt. All men are equal before the natural law. Dig. 50, 17, 32.

 Nuptias non concubitas, sed consensus facit. Cohabitation does not make the marriage, it is the consent of the parties. Dig 50, 17, 30; 1

Bouv. Inst. n. 239; Co. Litt. 33.

 Matrimonium subsequens tollit peccatum praecedens. A subsequent marriage cures preceding criminality.


 Pater is est quem nuptiae demonstrant. The father is he whom the marriage points out. 1 Bl. Com. 446; 7 mart. N. S. 548, 553; Dig. 2, 4, 5;

1 Bouv. Inst. n. 273, 304, 322.

 Qui jure suo utitur, nemini facit injuriam. He who uses his legal rights, harms no one.

 Pecata contra naturam sunt gravissima. "Offenses against nature are the gravest. 3 Co. Inst. 20.

 Patria Potestas "In Roman law, paternal authority; the paternal power. This term denotes the aggregate of those peculiar powers and rights which by the civil law of Rome, belonged to the head of a family

in respect to his wife, children (natural or adopted), and any more remote descendants who sprang from him through males only. Anciently, it was of very extensive reach, embracing even the power of life and death, but was gradually curtailed, until finally it amounted to little more than a right in the paterfamilias to hold as his own any property or acquisitions of one under his power. [Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th Ed., pg. 1127]


 Sui Juris: "Of his own right; possessing full social and civil rights; not under any legal disability to act for one’s self. (See Emancipation: Majority) [Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Ed., pg. 1434]



 Si quis custos fraudem pupillo fecerit, a tutela removendus est. "If a guardian behave fraudulently to his ward, he shall be removed from guardianship Jenk. Cent. 39.

 Solus Deus haeredem facit. God alone makes the heir.

 The Child knows his Fathers bed the best.


 Qui doit inheritoer al p re, doit inheriter al fitz. He who ought to inherit from the father, ought to inherit from the son.


 Qui in utero est, pro jam nato habetur quoties de ejus commodo quaeritur. He who is in the womb, is considered as born, whenever it is for his benefit. (There can be no abortions due to this maxim.)


 Pueri sunt de sanguine parentum, sed pater et mater non sunt de sanguine puerorum. Children are of the blood of their parents, but the father and mother are not the blood of their children. 3 Co. 40.



 Once a fraud, always a fraud. 13 Vin. Ab. 539.

 Jus et fradem numquam cohabitant. "Right and fraud never go together.

 Malum hominun est obviandum. The malice of men is to be avoided. 4

Co. 15.

 Fraus est celare fraudem. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. 1 Vern. 270.


 Fraus est odiosa et non praesumenda. Fraud is odious and not to be presumed. Cro. Car. 550.

 Fraus et dolus nemini patrocianari debent. Fraud and deceit should excuse no man. 3 Co. 78.


 Fraus et jus numquam cohabitant. Fraud and justice never agree together. Wing. 680.

 Fraus latet in generalibus. Fraud lies hid in general expressions


 Fraus meretur fraudem. Fraud deserves fraud. Plow. 100. This is very doubtful morality.

 Frustr legis auxilium quaerit qui in legem committit. Vainly does he who offends against the law, seek the help of the law.


 Quod initio vitiosum est, non potest tractu temporis convalescere. "Time cannot render valid, an act void in its origin." Dig. 50, 17, 29.

 Qui semel malus, semper prasumitur esse malus in eodem genere. He who is once bad, is presumed to be always so, in the same degree. Cro. Car. 317.


 Qui per fraudem agit, frustra agit. He who acts fraudrlently acts in vain. 2 Roll. R. 17.



 Accouchement-- "The act of a woman in giving birth to a child. The fact of the accouchement, which may be proved by the direct testimony of one who was present, as a physician or midwife, is often important evidence in proving parentage. [Blacks Law, 6th Ed. p. 18]

 Secundum naturam est, commoda cujusque rei eum sequi, quem sequentur incommoda. It is natural that he who bears the charge of a thing, should receive the profits. Dig. 50, 17, 10.

 Faemina ab omnibus officiis civilibus vel publicis remotae sunt.

Women are excluded from all civil and public charges or offices. Dig.

50, 17, 2.


 Nemo plus juris ad alienum transfere potest, quam ispe habent. One cannot transfer to another a right which he has not. Dig. 50, 17, 54; 10

Pet. 161, 175.

 "Non dat qui non habet---He gives nothing who has nothing.

"Bouvier's Law Dictionary (1914),"Maxim,"p.2149, [No legislative body


or man can convey any authority or jurisdiction he does not possess over common Rights vested by God in another. Because legislative powers

are limited, all powers derived from legislative acts are limited.]

 Nul ne doit s'enrichir aux depens des autres. No one ought to enrich himself at the expense of others.

 Qui ex damnato coitu nascuntur, inter liberos non computantur. He who is born of an illicit union, is not counted among the children. Co. Litt. 8. See 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 289.


 Qui accusat integrae famae sit et non criminosus. Let him who accuses be of a clear fame, and not criminal. 3 Co. Inst. 26.

 He who does not have clean hands, cannot benefit from the law.



 Jus ex injuria non oritur. "A right cannot arise from a wrong." 4 Bin


 Qui primum peccat ille facit rixam. He who first offends, causes the strife.

 He who has committed iniquity, shall not have equity. Francis' Max., Max. 2.

 Qui male agit, odit lucem. "He who acts badly, hates the light. 7 Co. 66.

 Nemo ex suo delecto melioroem suam conditionem facere potest. "No one can improve his condition by a crime." Dig. 50, 17, 137.

 Nemo punitur pro alieno delecto. "No one is to be punished for the crime or wrong of another. Bouviers Law Dictionary, pg 38.

 Nul ne doit s’enrichir aux depens des autres. "no one ought to enrich himself at the expense of others."


 Nul prendra advantage de son tort demesne. "No one shall take advantage of his own wrong."

 Que sentit commodum, sentiere debet et onus. "He who derives a

benefit from a thing, ought to feel the disadvantages attending it." 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 1433.



 Omne actum ab intentione agentis est judicandum. "Every act is to be estimated by the intention of the doer." Bouvier’s Dictionary, 1856, pg.


 Nul prendra advantage de son tort demesne. No one shall take advantage of his own wrong.

 Nullus commodum capere potest de injuri su propri . No one shall take advantage of his own wrong. Co. Litt. 148.


Idem est scire aut scire debet aut potuisse. To be able to know is the same as to know. This maxim is applied to the duty of every one to know the law.

Id possumus quod de jure possumus. We may do what is allowed by law. Lane, 116.


Ignorantia excusatur, non juris sed facti. Ignorance of fact may excuse, but not ignorance of law. See Ignorance.

Ignorantia legis neminem excusat. Ignorance of fact may excuse, but not ignorance of law. 4 Bouv. Inst. n. 3828.

Impotentia excusat legem. Impossibility excuses the law. Co. Litt. 29.


In criminalibus, probationes bedent esse luce clariores. In criminal cases, the proofs ought to be clearer than the light. 3 Co. inst. 210.


Non in legendo sed in intelligendo leges consistunt. The laws consist not in being read, but in being understood. 8 co. 167.

 In judiciis minori aetati sucuritur. In judicial proceedings, infancy is aided or favored.

 Non nasci, et natum mori, pari sunt. Not to be born, and to be dead born, is the same.

 Mortuus exitus non est exitus. To be dead born is not to be born. Co.

Litt. 29. See 2 Paige, 35; Domat, liv. pr l. t. 2, s. 1, n. 4, 6; 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 1721 and 1935.





 Judicium a non suo judice datum nullius est momenti. "A judgement given by an improper judge is of no moment. 11 Co. 76.


 Judici oficium suum excedenti non paretur. "To a judge who exceeds his office or jurisdiction no obedience is due. Jenk. Cent. 139.


 Judex non potest inuriam sibi datum punier. "A judge cannot punish a wrong done to himself." 12 Co. 113.

 Judex non potest esse testis in propri caus. A judge cannot be a witness in

his own cause. 4 Co. Inst. 279.

 No one may be judge in his own cause.

 Testis nemo in su caus esse potest. No one can be a witness in his own cause. [Bouvier’s 1856]

 Judex est lex loquens. The judge is the speaking law. 7 co. 4.


 Ubi non est condendi auctorias ibi non est parendi necessitas. "Where there is no authority to enforce, there is no authority to obey." Dav. 69.

 Officia magistratus non debent esse venalia. The offices of magistrates ought not to be sold. Co. Litt. 234.

 Factum judice quod ad ujus officium non spectat, non ratum est. An act of a judge which does not relate to his office, is of no force. 10 Co.



 Pirata est hostis humani generis. A pirate is an enemy of the human race. 3 Co. Inst. 113.


 Praxis judicim est interpres legum. The practice of the judges is the interpreter of the laws. Hob. 96.

 Officium nemini debet esse damnosum. An office ought to be injurious to no one.


 Si meliores sunt quos ducit amor, plures sunt quos corrigit timer. If many are better led by love, more are corrected by fear. Co. Litt. 392.


Optimam esse legem, quae minimum relinquit arbitrio judicis; id quod certitudo ejus praestat. That law is the best which leaves the least discretion to the judge; and this is an advantage which results from certainty. Bacon, De Aug. Sc. Aph. 8.


Optimus judex, qui minimum sibi. He is the best judge who relies as little as possible on his own discretion. Bac. De Aug. Sci. Aph. 46.

 BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY, 6th Ed. (13th Reprint 1998), p.

756 reads:

Impossibilium nulla obligatio est. There is no obligation to do impossible things.


1.) "Nemo debet esse judex in propria causa.----No one should be judge in his own cause."

2.) "Nemo debet esse judex in propria sua causa----No man can be judge in his own cause."

3.) "In propria causa nemo judex----No one can be judge in his own cause."


 Officia magistrates non debent esse venalia. "The offices of magistrates ought not to be sold." Col.Litt. 234.

 Quaelibet jurisdictio cancellos suos habet. Every jurisdiction has its bounds.

 Paen ad paucos, metus ad omnes perveniat. A punishment inflicted on a few, causes a dread to all. 22 Vin. Ab. 550.

 Optima est lex, quae minimum relinquit arbitrio judicis. That is the

best system of law which confides as little as possible to the discretion of the judge. Bac. De Aug. Sci. Aph. 46.

 Nemo praesumitur donare. No one is presumed to give.

 Nemo praesumitur malus. No one is presumed to be bad.




 Nemo punitur pro alieno delicto. No one is to be punished for the crime or wrong of another.

 Mora reprobatur in lege. Delay is disapproved of in law.




 Lex semper dabit remedium. "The law always gives a remedy." 3

Bouv. Inst. n. 2411.

 Lex semper dabit remedium. The law always gives a remedy. 3 Bouv. Inst. n. 2411.

 Lex nemini facit injuriam. "The Law does wrong to no one."


 Lex nemini operatur inquum, nemini facit injuriam. "The law never works an injury, or does him a wrong. Jenk. Cent. 22.


 Melius est recurrere quam malo currere. "It is better to recede than to proceed in evil." 4 Inst. 176.





 Nemo admittendus est inhabilitare seipsum. "No one is allowed to incapacitate himself." Jenk. Cent. 40

 Nemo tenetur sssseipsum accusare. "No man is bound to accuse himself." Bouviers Law Dictionary, 1856, pg 40.

 Nemo prohibetur pluribus defensionibus uti. No one is restrained from using several defences. Co. Litt. 304.

 "The pig does not skin himself."


 Nemo Cogitur rem suam vendere, etiam justo pretio. "No one is bound to sell his property, even for a just price." Sed vide Eminent Domain. 2 Inst. 66.


 Majus est delictum seipsum occidare quam alium. it is a greater crime to kill one's self than another.

 Nemo tenetur armare adversarum contra se. No one is bound to arm his adversary.

 No man is presumed to do anything against nature. 22 Vin. Ab. 154.

 One may not do an act to himself.




 A l'impossible nul n'est tenu. No one is bound to do what is impossible.

1 Bouv. Inst. n. 601.

 Nemo tenetur ad impossibile. No one is bound to an impossibility.

 BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY, 7th Ed. (1999), Appendix A, pp.

1615-1701 lists legal maxims, among which I found, at p. 1653:

Lex non cogit ad impossibilia. The law does not compel to impossible ends.


Lex non intendi aliquid impossibile. The law does not intend anything impossible.

 Lex neminem cogit ad vana seu inutilia peragenda. The law forces no one to do vain or useless things.

 Nihil quod inconveniens est licitum est. Nothing inconvenient is lawful.




Minima paena corporalis est major qualibet pecuniari . The smallest bodily punishment is greater than any pecuniary one. 2 Inst. 220.

Nulli enim res sua servit jure servitutis. "No one can have a servitude over his own property." Dig 8, 2, 26; 17 Mass. 443; 2 Bov. Inst. n. 1600.





 Nihil possumus contra veritatem. We can do nothing against truth.

Doct. & Stu. Dial. 2, c. 6.

 Lex est norma recti. Law is a rule of right.

 Malum non praesumitur. Evil is not presumed. 4 Co. 72.

 Malus usus est abolendus. An evil custom is to be abolished. Co. Litt.




 Praetextu liciti non debet admitti illicitum. Under pretext of legality, what is illegal ought not to be admitted. 10 Co. 88.


 Ipsae legis cupiunt ut jure regantur. The laws themselves require that they should be governed by right. Co. Litt. 174.

 Qnicquid est contra normam recti est injuria. Whatever is against the rule of right, is a wrong. 3 Buls. 313.


 Malum quo communius eo pejus. The more common the evil, the worse.

 Quod per recordum probatum, non debet esse negatum. "What is proved by the record, ought not to be denied." Bouviers Law Dictionary, 1856, pg. 62.

 Facta sunt potentiora verbis. Facts are more powerful than words.

 Lex punit mendacium. "The law punishes falsehood."


 A verbis legis non est recedendum. From the words of the law there must be no departure. Broom's Max. 268; 5 Rep. 119; Wing. Max. 25.

 Factum negantis nulla probatio. Negative facts are not proof.


 Rei turpis nullum mandatum est. A mandate of an illegal thing is void.

Dig. 17, 1, 6, 3.


 Ratio potest allegari deficiente lege, sed vera et legalis et non apparens. Reason may be alleged when the law is defective, but it must be true and legal reason, and not merely apparent. 6 Co. Litt. 191.


 Qui non libere veritatem pronunciat, proditor est verilatis. He who does not willingly speak the truth, is a betrayer of the truth.

 Perspicua vera non sunt probanda. Plain truths need not be proved.

Co. Litt. 16.


 Non faciat malum, ut inde veniat bonum. You are not to do evil that good may come of it. 11 Co. 74.


 Nemo punitur sine injuria facto, seu defalto. "No one is punished unless for some wrong act or default." 2 Co. Inst. 287.

 Non videtur consensum retinuisse si quis ex praescripto minantis aliquid immutavit. "He does not appear to have retained his consent, if he have changed anything through the means of a party threatening." Bacon’s Max. Reg. 33.


 BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY, 6th Ed. (13th Reprint 1998), p. 756 reads:


Impossibilium nulla obligatio est [pronunciation omitted]. There is no obligation to do impossible things.

1.) "Nemo debet esse judex in propria causa----No one should be judge in his own case."


2.) "Nemo debet esse judex in propria sua causa----No man can be judge in his own cause."

3.) "In propria causa nemo judex----No one can be judge in his own cause."





Ratio est legis anima, mutata legis ratione mutatur et lex. Reason is the soul of the law; the reason of the law being changed, the law is also changed.

Ratio est radius divini luminis. Reason is a ray of divine light. Co. Litt. 232.


Ratio et auctoritas duo clarisima mundi limina. Reason and authority are the two brightest lights in the world. 4 Co. Inst. 320.

Ratio in jure aequitas integra. Reason in law is perfect equity.

Ratio legis est anima legis. The reason of the law is the soul of the law.

Ratio non clauditur loco. Reason is not confined to any place.


Nihil quod est contra rationem est licitum. Nothing against reason is lawful. Co. Litt. 97.




Lex semper dabit remedium. The law always gives a remedy. 3 Bouv. Inst. n. 2411.


Liberum corpus aestimationem non recipit. The body of a freeman does not admit of valuation.

Lex semper intendit quod convenit ratione. The law always intends what is agreeable to reason. Co. Litt. 78.

Lex plus laudatur quando ratione probatur. The law is the more praised when it is consonant to reason.

Lex non deficit in justitia exibenda. The law does not fail in showing justice.

Lex non intendit aliquid impossibile. The law intends not anything impossible. 12

Co. 89.

Lex non praecipit inutilia, quia inutilis labor stultus. The law commands not useles things, because useless labor is foolish. Co. Litt. 197.


Lex non cogit ad impossibilia. The forces not to impossibilities. Hob. 96. Lex nemini facit injuriam. The law does wrong to no one.

Saepe viatorim nova non vetus orbita fallit. Often it is the new road, not the old one, which deceives the traveller. 4 Co. Inst. 34.


Lex est ratio summa, quae jubet quae sunt utilia et necessaria, et contraria prohibet. Law is the perfection of reason, which commands what is useful and necessary and forbids the contrary. Co. Litt. 319.

Lex est dictamen rationis. Law is the dictate of reason. Jenk. Cent. 117.

Solemnitas juris sunt observandae. "The solemnities of law are to be observed." Jenk.Cent. 13.


 Legibus sumptis disinentibus, lege naturae utendum est. When laws imposed by the state fail, we must act by the law of nature. 2 Roll. R.


 A Privilegium est quasi privata lex. A privilege is, as it were, a private law. 2 Buls. 8.

Regula pro lege, si deficit lex. "In default of the law, the maxim rules." Bouviers

Law Dictionary, 1856, pg. 65.



Leges humanae nascuntur, vivunt et moriuntur. Human laws are born, live and die.

7 co. 25.

Le contrat fait la loi. The contract makes the law.

Fiat justitia ruat caelum. Let justice be done, though the heavens should fall.





 Potestas stricte interpretatur. "Power ought to be strictly interpreted." Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856, pg. 52.

 A verbis legis non est recedendum. From the words of the law there must be no departure. Broom's Max. 268; 5 Rep. 119; Wing. Max. 25.


 Paena ad paucos, metus ad omnes perveniat. "A punishment inflicted on a few, causes a dread to all." 22 Vin. Ab. 550.

 Mandata licita recipiunt strictam interpretationem, sed illicita latam et extensam. Lawful commands receive a strict interpretation, but unlawful, a wide or broad construction. Bacon's Max. Reg. 16.


 When the common law and statute law concur, the common law is to be preferred. 4 Co. 71.

 Statuta pro publico commodo late interpretantur. Statutes made for the public good ought to be liberally construed. Jenk. Cent. 21.


 Sequi debet potentia justitiam, non praecedere. Power should follow justice, not precede it. 2 Co. Inst. 454.

 Non alio modo puniatur aliquis, quam secundum quod se habet condemnatio. A person may not be punished differently than according to what the sentence enjoins. 3 Co. Inst. 217.


 Potestas strict interpretatur. Power should be strictly interpreted.


 Si a jure discedas vagus eris, et erunt omnia omnibus incerta. If you depart from the law, you will wander without a guide, and everything will be in a state of uncertainty to every one. Co. Litt. 227.


 Non faciat malum, ut inde veniat bonum. You are not to do evil that good may come of it. 11 Co. 74.


 Paenae potius molliendae quam exasperendae sunt. Punishments should rather be softened than aggravated. 3 Co. Inst. 220.

 Paci sunt maxime contraria, vis et injuria. Force and wrong are greatly contrary to peace. Co. Litt. 161.



THREE (3) ELEMENTS OF EVERY CRIME: "Every" crime must have all three of these following elements in which to be a crime under law. Not two of the three. Not one of the three—but all three. (Failure to provide 99.9% of the time does not meet this requirement (Father is either forced or driven out of child’s life, Father is usually poor and financially debilitated, or Father does not owe as either a crime or great dishonor has been committed against him).


1.) Mens Rea -- "An element of criminal responsibility: a guilty mind; a guilty or wrongful purpose; a criminal intent. Guilty knowledge and wilfulness. United

States v. Greenbaum, C.C.A.N.J., 138 F2d 437, 438. See Model Penal Code Section

2.02. See also Criminal (Criminal Intent). [Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th Ed. p. 985]


2.) Actus reus -- "The guilty act." A wrongful deed which renders the actor criminally liable if combined with mens rea. The actus reus is the physical aspect of a crime, whereas the mens rea (guilty mind) involves the intent factor. [Blacks Law, 6th Ed. p. 36]


3.) Corpus Delecti -- "The body of a crime. The body (material substance) upon which a crime has been committed, e.g., the corpse of a murdered man, the charred remains of a house burned down. In a derivative sense, the objective proof or substantial fact that a crime has been committed. The "corpus delecti" of a crime is the body, foundation or substance of the crime, which ordinarily includes two elements, the act and the criminal agency of the act. State v. Edwards, 49 Ohio St.2d 31, 358 N.E.2d 1051, 1055. [Blacks Law Dictionary,

6th Ed. 344]

Act malum in se (See malum in se) [REAL CRIME] "A wrong in itself; an act or case involving illegality from the very nature of the transaction, upon principals of natural, moral, and public law. Grindstaff v. State, 214 Tenn. 58, 377 S.W.2d 921,

926; State v. Shedoudy, 45 N.M. 516, 118 P.2d 280, 287. An act is said to be

malum in se when it is inherently and essentially7 evil, that is, immoral in its nature and injurious in its consequences, without any regard to the fact of its being noticed or punished by the law of the state. Such are most or all of the offenses cognizable


at common law (without the denouncement of a statute; as murder, larceny, etc.

Compare Malum Prohibitum. [Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th Ed., p. 959]


Act malum prohibitum (See Malum prohibitum). [A CRIME JUST BECAUSE GOVERNMENT MAKES IT A CRIME] "A wrong prohibited; a thing which is wrong because [it is] prohibited; an act which is not inherently immoral, but becomes so because its commission is expressly forbidden by positive law; an act involving an illegality resulting from positive law. [Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th Ed., pg. 960]




 Quae praeter consuetudinem et morem majorum fiunt, neque placent, necque recta videntur. "What is done contrary to the custom of our ancestors, neither pleases nor appears right." 4 Co. 78.


 Quae contra ratioonem juris introducta sunt, non debent trahi in consequentiam. "Things introducted contrary to the reason of the law, ought not to be drawn into precedents." 12 Co. 75.


 "When the common law and the stature law concur, the common law is to be preferred." 4 Co. 71.

 Quod initio vitiosum est, non potest tractu temporis convalescere. "Time cannot render valid an act void in its origin." Dig. 50, 17, 29.


 Periculosum est res novas et inusitatas inducere. "It is dangerous to introduce new and dangerous things." Co.Litt. 379.




 Qui tacet consentire videtur. He who is silent appears to consent. Jenk.

Cent. 32.

 Quod per me non possum, nec per alium. What I cannot do in person, I

cannot do by proxy. 4 Co. 24.


 Qui non propulsat injuriam quando potest, infert. He who does not repel a wrong when he can, induces it. Jenk. Cent. 271.


 Melius est recurrere quam malo currere. It is better to recede than to proceed in evil. 4 Inst. 176.

 Melius est omnia mala pati quam malo concentire. It is better to suffer every wrong or ill, than to consent to it. 3 Co. Inst. 23.



 Nihil simul inventum est et perfectum. Nothing is invented and perfected at the same moment. Co. Litt. 230.

 Statutum generaliter est intelligendum quaudo verva statuti sunt specialia, ratio autem generalis. When the words of a statute are special, but the reason of it general, it is to be understood generally. 10 Co. 101.




Origo rei inspici debet. The origin of a thing ought to be inquired into. 1 Co. 99.

Sensus verborum est anima legis. The meaning of words is the spirit of the law. 5

Co. 2.


Semper necessitas probandi incumbit qui agit. The claimant is always bound to prove: the burden of proof lies on him.

Finis rei attendendus est. The end of a thing is to be attended to. 3 Co. Inst. 51.

Finis finem litibus imponit. The end puts an end to litigation. 3 Inst. 78.


Firmior et potentior est operatio legis quam dispositio hominis. The disposition of law is firmer and more powerful than the will of man. Co. Litt. 102.

Forma legalis forma essentialis. Legal form is essential form. 10 Co. 100.

Forma non observata, inferiur adnullatio actus. When form is not observed a nullity of the act is inferred. 12 Co. 7.


 Sublato fundamento cadit opus. "Remove the foundation, the structure or work fall." Bouviers Law Dictionary, 1856, pg. 72.

 Sublato principali tollitur adjunctum. "If the principal be taken away, the adjunct is also taken away." Co.Litt. 389.





Actio tutelae -- Action founded on the duties or obligations arising on the relation analogous to that of guardian and ward. [Blacks Law, 6th Ed. p. 32]

Actio stricti juris -- An action of strict right. The class of civil law personal actions which were adjudged only by the strict law, and in which the judge was limited to

the precise language of the formula, and had no discretionary power to regard and bona fides of the transaction. [Blacks Law, 6th Ed. p. 32]

Actus Dei nemini facit injuriam -- The act of God does injury to no one. 1

Bl.Comm. 122. A thing which is inevitable by the act of God, which no industry

can avoid, nor policy prevent, will not be construed to the prejudice of any person in whom there was no laches.

Actore non probante reus absolvitur -- When the plaintiff does not prove his case the defendant is acquitted (or absolved).


Nihil tam naturale est, qu m eo genere quidque dissolvere, quo colligatum est. It is very natural that an obligation should not be dissolved but by the same principles which were observed in contracting it. Dig. 50, 17, 35. See 1 Co. 100; 2 Co. Inst.


Cujusque rei potissima pars principium est-- The principal part of everything is in the beginning.


Potior est conditio defendentis. Better is the condition of the defendant, than that of the plaintiff.


Non observata forma, infertur adnullatio actus. When the form is not observed, it is inferred that the act is annulled. 12 Co. 7.

Omne testamentum morte consummatum est. Every will is consummated by death. 3

Co. 29.

Praetextu liciti non debet admitti illicitum. Under pretext of legality, what is illegal ought not to be admitted. [Blacks Law 6th Ed., pg. 1175]





Qui potest et debet vetare, jubet. He who can and ought to forbid, and does not, commands.


Qui non prohibit quod prohibere potest assentire videtur. He who does not forbid what he can forbid, seems to assent. 2 Inst. 305.





Prohibetur ne quis faciat in suo quod nocere possit alieno. It is prohibited to do on one's own property that which may injure another's. 9 co. 59.

Potior est conditio possidentis. Better is the condition of the possessor.


Privatorum conventio juri publico non derogat. Private agreements cannot derogate from public law. Dig. 50, 17, 45, 1.


Potest quis renunciare pro se, et suis, juri quod pro se introductum est. A man may relinquish, for himself and his heirs, a right which was introduced for his own benefit. See 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 83.

Possession is a good title, where no better title appears. 20 Vin. Ab. 278.


Parte quacumque integranta sublata, tollitur totum. An integral part being taken away, the whole is taken away. 3 Co. 41.

Pacta privata juri publico derogare non possunt. Private contracts cannot derogate from the public law. 7 Co. 23.


Affidavit of Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right

I, Peter- Jason: ofthe Helfrich family, hereinafter known as Peter - Jason Helfrich, a flesh and blood human being in possession of a sovereign and individual spirit, a living soul, do hereby make Oath and state the following is My Truth and My Law:

[010] Whereas it is my understanding that in terms of earthly existence there is no species more supreme than a living, breathing, imaginative human being blessed with a living soul, and

[020] Whereas it is my understanding that it is impossible to distinguish one soul from any other, and therefore all souls must at all times and in all situations be considered equal in all respects in any fair, just and reasonable context, and

[030] Whereas it is my understanding that anything and everything must in practice derive from the aforesaid axioms, and

[040] Whereas it is my understanding that any numerical grouping of such souls can be referred to as 'people', and

[050] Whereas it is my understanding that a society is, in essence, nothing more than a grouping of like-minded souls since it is defined as a number of people joined by mutual consent to deliberate, determine and act for a common goal, and

[060] Whereas it is my understanding a statute is defined as a legislated rule of a society, and

[070] Whereas it is my understanding a legislated rule of a society can be given the force of law to act upon, or lawfully bind, all members of that society, and

[080] Whereas it is my understan ing if a living soul chooses by free will not to be a member of any society then statutes created by said society do not bind that soul to said statute law, and

[090] Whereas it is my understanding a living soul who chooses by free will not to be a member of any society can be referred to as a Freeman-on-the-land, and

[100] Whereas it is my understanding a Freeman-on-the-land remains entirely and solely under Common Law jurisdiction, and

[110] Whereas I, Peter- Jason: Helfrich am a Freeman-on-the-land, and

[120] Whereas it is my understanding that all authority possessed by elected representatives must inherently derive from those who elect said representation, and

[130] Whereas it is my understanding that ifl have the right to empower representation by casting a vote then I am empowered to represent myself, and

[140] Whereas it is my understanding that the right of empowerment does not derive from

any government otherwise it would be possible for a government to revoke it, and

[150] Whereas it is my understanding that if the right to empower representation were revoked then no representation would thereafter be possible, and

[160] Whereas it is my understanding the only form of government recognized as lawful in the united states of America is a representative one, and,

[170] Whereas it is my understanding representation requires mutual consent, and

[180] Whereas it is my understanding that in the absence of mutual consent neither representation nor governance can exist, and

[190] Whereas it is my understanding the united states of America is a Common Law jurisdiction enjoying the protection of Common Law, and

[200] Whereas it is my understanding equality before the law is paramount and mandatory, and

[210] Whereas it is my understanding that for something to exist legally it must have a name, and

[220] Whereas it is my understanding that the UNITED STATES is in reality a corporation in Chapter 11 bankruptcy and thus still allowed to trade, and

[230] Whereas it is my understanding that by virtue of my birth within the boundaries of my Country, the United States of America I am a single share owner in said UNITED STATES CORPORATION, and

[240] Whereas it is my understanding all Acts are statutes restricted in scope and applicability by the Constitution of the united states of America and Common Law, and

[250] Whereas it is my understanding a statute being defined as a legislated rule of a society is, within the united states of America, in fact a rule of said UNITED STATES CORPORATION, and

[260] Whereas it is my understanding rules of a corporation are limited in applicability to those who are agents of said corporation, and

[270] Whereas it is my understanding those who have a National Insurance Number &/or Social Security Number are in fact employees of the government and thus are bound by the statutes created by the said government, and

[280] Whereas it is my understanding that it is lawful to abandon one's National Insurance Number &/or Social Security Number while at the same time not affecting the right to any pension claim based on Social Security Insurance Contributions previously paid, and

[290] Whereas it is my understanding people in the united states of America have a rightto revoke or deny consent to be represented and thus governed, and

[300] Whereas it is my understanding if anyone does revoke or deny consent they exist free of government control and statutory restraints, and

[310] Whereas it is my understanding that a claim of right establishes a lawful excuse, and

[320] Whereas it is my understanding that if one has lawful excuse one may choose to not obey a court, tribunal, statute, Act or order, and

[330] Whereas a Freeman-on-the-Land has lawfully revoked consent and does exist free of statutory restrictions, obligations, and limitations, and

[340] Whereas it is my understanding that I, Peter- Jason: Helfrich as a Freeman-on-the Land, acting peacefully within community standards, would not in that capacity breach the peace, and

[350] Whereas it is my understanding that all existing courts and governments are de facto only and not de jure, and

[360] Whereas it is my understanding that the terms of the Treaty of Rome are counter in many respects to the "respective laws and customs" of those nations of which said woman is Queen including England which is my not Country of birth, and

[370] Whereas it is my understanding that anyone who participates in allowing or by culpable neglect enabling my Country to be governed in any way by any foreign power (i.e.: The Royal Crown, The United Nations, The Vatican, etc.) is an act of treason as defined by the Constitution for the united states of America, and

[380] Whereas it is my understanding that as a Freeman-on-the-Land in this common law jurisdiction that I have the duty to stand in defence of the united states of America and its people against foreign armed troops who attempt to invade, govern or police me or my Country, and

[390] Whereas it is my understanding that this duty is not affected by agreements made by treasonous and de facto government agents, and

[400] Whereas it is my understanding that agreements made on behalf of the United States &/ or the United Kingdom &/or the State of Nevada, etc., et. al., by traitors to the united states of America do not bind the people of united states of America, and

[410] Whereas I do firmly and truly believe the aforementioned agreement is an overt act of treason, and

[420] Whereas I honourably refuse to be bound by agreements made by traitors such as the Bush Crime Syndicate, Bill Clinton, Barry Sorento, a.ka. Barack Obama, Brian Sandoval, Catherine Marie Cortez Masto, Adam Paul Laxalt, Stephen F. Sisolak, etc.,, in collusion with the then Prime Minister Edward Heath, and/or Theresa Mary May, etc.,,

[430] Whereas it is my understanding that any peace officer who co-operates with foreign armed troops to govern or regulate the population is also committing treason, and

[440] Whereas it is my understanding that historically the purpose of a national armed force was to ensure that foreign powers never invaded and governed under a gun, and

[450] Whereas it is my understanding that the existence of armed foreign troops patrolling and policing our streets would be evidence of a war fought unsuccessfully, and

[460] Whereas it is my understanding that agreeing or conspiring to agree to allow armed foreign troops to patrol and police our streets is an act of treason, and

[470] Whereas it is my understanding that any action for which one can apply for and receive a licence must itself be a fundamentally lawful action, and

[480] Whereas as I not a child and I am a Freeman-on-the-Land who operates with full responsibility and I do not see the need to ask permission to engage in lawful and peaceful activities, especially from those who claim limited liability, and

[490] Whereas it is my understanding that I have a right to use my property without having to pay for the use or enjoyment of it, and

[500] Whereas it is my understanding that all 'public transportation' is in fact and actuality public property to which I have the right of use and access without having to pay, and

[510] Whereas it is my understanding peace officers have a duty to distinguish between statutes and law and those who attempt to enforce statutes against a Freeman-on-the-Land are in fact breaking the law, and

[520] Whereas it is my understanding that I have the power to refuse intercourse orbinteraction with peace officers who have not observed me breach the peace, and

[530] Whereas it is my understanding that permanent estoppel by acquiescence barring any peace officer or prosecutor from bringing charges against a Freeman-on-the-Land under any Act is created if this claim is not responded to in the stated fashion and time, and

[540] Whereas it is my understanding that the Common Law right to travel on the highways without license provided one is not engaging in commerce thereupon is lawful and still exists although it does appear to have been deceptively hidden, and

[550] Whereas the Road Traffic Acts of the United States of America do make it possible for peace officers in the role of policy enforcement officers to stop an automobile in order to provide services and demand something of value, and

[560] Whereas it is my understanding that if they are not providing a service they have no reason to stop any one and if proof of registration, insurance and licence is not valuable they have no need to ask for it, and

[570] Whereas it is my understanding that I have the right to refuse to interact or co operate with criminals, de facto government agents or grossly negligent peace officers, and

[580] Whereas it is my understanding that ifl have the power to elect a representative and empower them to appoint peace officers then I also have the power to appoint directly, and

[590] Whereas it is my understanding that ifl have the power to appoint directly or by proxy I must have the power to fulfil those duties my self, and

[600] Whereas it is my understanding that the United States Police Force although having an illustrious history has had members recently acting in a grossly criminal manner which does tarnish the previous history and record, and

[610] Whereas it is my understanding that the Law provides remedy at all times, even against rogue or negligent peace officers and de facto governments apparently hijacked by soulless corporate interests, and

[620] Whereas it is my understanding that in order to be a peace maker and deal with rogue and possibly armed police officers who fail to act with respect to the code of Common Law I will need use of and access to firearms of equal or greater power then those people who act criminally have access to, and

[630] Whereas it is my understanding that the act of registering the birth of a baby creates a legal entity called a person that exists in association with that baby and that the manner in which offspring are registered transfers superior guardianship rights over that offspring to the government, and I am the blood I birth Father of Shelldekai: Helfrich; Born 8/6/2013. For the Record, this Affiant's name is NOT on the Fraudulent Birth Certificate of SHELLDEKAI HELFRICH. Peter - Jason: Helfrich refused / refuses to register his offspring.

[640] I, Peter- Jason: Helfrich Claim the Right of Power of Attorney In Fact In Behalf Of

Shelldekai: Helfrich till her 18th Birthday I Anneversary of Birth.

[650] Whereas it is my understanding that this creation of a person and transfer of authority is not fully disclosed to the parents and if it was all good parents would refuse to register their offspring; and it is my understanding that Shelldekai: Helfrich's birth mother [Silvia Castillo] is mentally incompetent and suffers from various well documented mental illnesses, and taking into account the stresses of childbirth coupled with her then

incarceration; Silvia Castillo was not mentally competent at the time (8/6/2013) State Agent(s) hoodwinked and coerced Silvia Castillo into registering Shelldekai: Helfrich, because coercion, fraud, imprisonment, etc., create a hostile environment of duress which vitiates [voids] any and all contracts, etc.

[660] Whereas it is my understanding that the person and the human being to which it is associated are two very separate and different things and that the people playing roles in government only have the right to act upon the person, and

[670] Whereas it is my understanding that ifl do not exist in association with a person I cannot be lawfully governed by the people playing roles in government, and

[680] Whereas it is my understanding a by-law is defined as a rule of a corporation, and

[700] Whereas it is my understanding corporations are legal fictions and require contracts in order to claim authority or control over other parties, and

[710J Whereas it is my understanding that a summons is merely an invitation to attend and those issued by the Ministry of Justice I a.k.a. so - called "Courts" or its franchises which are de facto corporations create no obligation or dishonour if ignored, and

[720] Whereas it is my understanding legal fictions lack a soul and cannot exert any control over those who are thus blessed and operate with respect to that knowledge as only a fool would allow soulless fictions to dictate one's actions, and

[730] Whereas it is my understanding that the people in the governnent are merely playing roles, and

[740] Whereas I AM NOT PLAYING, and

[750] Whereas it is my understanding that I am not obliged to obey the orders of any one claiming to be a Pope or Queen or King or Esquire or any Title of Nobility or those acting on behalf of such an insane entity, as no one who does make preposterous claims that abandon and erode the concept of equality has any authority over me, and

[760] Whereas it is my understanding that I can use a Notary Public to perform duties found under any Act including thus they have the power to hold court and hear evidence and issue binding lawful judgments, and if I cannot afford a Notary Public's services I may elect to place my Right Thumbprint "Seal" near my blue ink signature so as to prove my true identity. My fingerprints are on file with N.C.I.C. should anyone wish to argue I contest my signatue and seal.

[770] Whereas it is my understanding that a Notary Public can also be used to bring criminal charges to bear against traitors, even if they hold the highest office, and

[780] Whereas it is my understanding that there may be more of this to follow; and that I

reserve my right to amend this Affidavit at any time, as needed, and

[790] Therefore be it now known to any and all interested, concerned or affected parties, that I, Peter- Jason: Helfrich am a Freeman-on-the-Land and do hereby serve notice and state clearly specifically and unequivocally my intent to peacefully and lawfully exist free of all statutory obligations, restrictions and that I maintain all rights at law to trade, exchange or barter and exist without deceptive governance and to do so without limitations, restrictions or regulations created by others and without my consent.

[800] Be it also now known to any and all interested, concerned or affected parties, that I, Peter- Jason: Helfrich as a Freeman-on-the-Land and do hereby serve notice and state clearly specifically and unequivocally that I would never conspire nor would I in any way entreat others to disobey the Common Law of the Land which ensures peaceful co existence.

[810] Furthermore, I claim that these actions are not outside my communities' standards and will in fact support said community in our desire for truth and maximum freedom.

[820] Furthermore, I claim the right to engage in these actions and further claim that all property held by me is held under a claim of right, including but not limited to my offspring [Shelldekai: Helfrich].

[830] Furthermore, I claim that anyone who interferes with my lawful activities after having been served notice of this claim and who fails to properly dispute or make lawful counterclaim is breaking the law, cannot claim good faith or colour of right and that such transgressions will be dealt with in a properly convened court de jure. My Fee Schedule upon list of Violations is a matter of Public Record.

[840] Furthermore, I claim it is my right and solemn duty not only to keep the peace My Self but also to intervene wherever may be necessary to ensure that the peace is kept in a situation where peace officers are not present or are unwilling for whatever reason to uphold their sworn and solemn duty so to do.

[850] Furthermore, I claim that the identity of My Self is forever possible to establish correctly by my Presence as a living, breathing, Human Being with a soul together as may be necessary sworn attestations from friends, family, and other associates. Furthermore I claim that this supersedes any necessity to obtain or carry any form of external token such as an Identity Card for any lawful purpose of establishing my true identity for the simple reason that no such token can ever represent the sovereign soul with which I am blessed.

[860] Furthermore, I claim that the courts in The United States are de-facto and bound by the Law and Equity Acts and are in fact in the profitable business of conducting, witnessing and facilitating the transactions of security interests and I further claim they require the consent of both parties prior to providing any such services.

[870] Furthermore, I claim all transactions of security interests require the consent of both parties and I do hereby deny consent to any transaction of a security interest issuing under any Act for as herein stated as a Freeman-on-the-Land I am not subject to any Act. My Denial of Consent to the SHELLDEKAI HELFRICH Birth Certificate does not waive my Unalienable / Inalienable Rights to Father I Parent I Power of Attorney In Fact In Behalf of Shelldekai: Helfrich.

[880] Furthermore I claim ownership of my single share in the corporation known as the UNITED STATES and demand a copy of said share such that I will become the shareholder and thereby be in the position of exercising my own voting rights.


Furthermore I claim to receive the corresponding dividends for as long as said UNITED STATES operates under the illusion that 'money has some value' (notwithstanding the fact that 'money has no value' has been a matter of fact since the early to mid 1930's to the best of my knowledge. Evidence of this admission can be supplied, and is anyway publicly available).

[890] Furthermore I claim that my inalienable Natural Right to Trial By Jury for any apparent transgressions on my part, including an inalienable Natural Right of Habeas Corpus, and these shall not under any circumstances be infringed.

[900] Furthermore I claim the right to be entirely free to determine my own and my offspring's medication needs at all times and never under any circumstances be forced to ingest or otherwise receive into my I my offspring's body by way of vaccination, electro magnetic energy, audio or visual energy or any other method any substance or alien energies I do not consent to accept.

[910) Furthermore, I claim the right to convene a proper court de jure in order to address any potentially criminal actions of any peace officers, government principals or agents or justice system participants, etc., who having been served notice of this claim fail to dispute or discuss or make lawful counterclaim and then interfere by act or omission with the lawful exercise of properly claimed and established rights and freedoms.

[920] Furthermore, I claim the right to fulfil my duty to shoot any foreign troops in the united states of America who are armed and attempting to police or govern me or my fellow countrymen without consent and to view them as an invading force which must be lawfully attacked. And I further claim to right to nominate as many deputies as may be necessary who by their own free will and consent are prepared to assist me in fulfilment of this duty to my Country.

[930] Furthermore, I claim the law of agent and principal applies and that service upon one is service upon both.

[940) Furthermore, I claim the Universal Maxim of Law that the Partner (Government) of my Partner (PETER HELFRICH(c)082494 is NOT my (Peter - Jason: Helfrich) Partner applies herein and is in FULL FORCE AND EFFECT.

[950) Furthermore, I claim the right to deal with any counterclaims or disputes publicly and in an open forum using discussion and negotiation and to capture on video tape said discussion and negotiation for whatever lawful purpose as I see fit.

[960] Furthermore, I claim my SCHEDULE for any transgressions by peace officers, government principals or agents or justice system participants or agents of the medical profession or any other parties who trespass upon and thus unlawfully hinder My Peaceful Self, Peter- Jason: of the Helfrich family, as defined in my Fee Schedule; see also

attached Schedule A.

[970] Furthermore I claim the right to use a Notary Public to conduct due process of the aforementioned SCHEDULE against any transgressors who by their actions or omissions harm me or my interests, directly or by proxy in any way. See See also the attached

"Invoice", included in said Commercial Affidavit.

Affected parties wishing to dispute the claims made herein or make their own counterclain1s must respond appropriately within THIRTY (30) days of service of notice of this action. Responses must be under Oath or Attestation, upon full commercial liability and penalty of perjury and registered at the Place of Claim of Right provided no later than thirty days from the date of original service as attested to by way of certificate of service.Schedule B is available for the resolution of any objections.

Failure to register a dispute against the claims made herein and then successfully defeating these claims in a proper court of law will result in an automatic default judgment securing forevermore all rights herei n claimed and establishing permanent and irrevocable estoppel by acquiescence barring the bringing of charges under any statute or Act or regulation against My Self-Freeman-on-the-Land Peter - Jason: Helfrich for exercising these lawful and properly established rights, freedoms and duties.


28 U.S.C. 1746 (1); "Executed without the UNITED STATES",


Place of Claim of Right: Nevada Republic; united states of America

Dated: 3/27/2019

Claimant: Peter - Jason: of the Helfrich family



















Additional Claims. See Attached Commercial Affidavit

Schedule A

Penalty term of imprisonment to apply to each and every individual reasonably involved in the transgression, including all senior officers or line managers as accomplices in law.

Transgression Penalty term of





My Self I my offspring being questioned, interrogated or in any way detained, harassed or otherwise regulated

1 year

My Self I my offspring handcuffed, transported, incarcerated or subjected to any adjudication process that is outside Common Law jurisdiction

2 years

My Self I my offspring forced to suffer the effects of what has come to be known as a non-lethal or less-than-lethal weapon such as a Taser

5 years

My Self I my offspring forced to undergo any ingestion of energies or substances forced onto or into my body, whether under to guise of medication or not, without my expressly notarised consent

10 years



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