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  • Report:  #676489

Complaint Review: Sonia's Divine Readings

Sonia's Divine Readings Divine Timing 777 at Liveperson aka Sonia's Divine reading at Keen aka Sonia Belesis aka Syrmelina or Simeleta Belesis TOTAL FRAUD! New York, New York

  • Reported By:
    sem09 — United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Wed, December 29, 2010
  • Updated:
    Fri, April 26, 2013

who Sonia, Divine Timing 777 at a/k/a Sonias divine reading at you're claiming that you never met me? really? u've met me a lot actually, U know me. (I ran into this thread while searching keyword "divine time" for a totally different reason.)I thinku are alow-caliber phoney.U've given me your phone, address but don't worry I won't post them. Oh and wish Angelo a happy birthday in 3 weeks. Ur scared that u'll be exposed? If u are 42 then I am Princess Di. U are an old woman, ur pic is OLD as the hills. U've admitted to me many times that u were hard up for money so u had to pull this supernatural psychic gig. Now u are a life coach too? what kind of a joke is that LOL Noone will pay any money to be coached by you for anything. Your post here is ridden with grammatical errors and you sound insane,overly defensiveand incoherent You need some sanity coaching urself. Did you say someone died in your family? must be the bad karma...My God...u shouldbe fearful of karma biting u in the behind after the bad stuff you are pulling. YOU ARE A TOTAL FRAKE! This women should be thrown off keen and LivePerson. The IRS is currently looking for her. It seems like you have ticked off quite a few people here with your claims of being a "certified psychic" whatever that means and your holier than thou attitude. You fail to realize that nobody is out to get you. Nobody cares. I loved Dennis and Billy. Sonia you are a FRAUD!

9 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,


#10Consumer Comment

Fri, April 26, 2013

It's been over a year and I haven't been contacted by the FBI for my outburst!  Go figure!  LMFAO!  Oh where oh where has Sonia gone?  I would have thought the FBI would have been on me by now.  Heck, their regional office in Buffalo is only 10 minutes away!  LOL!



Psychic Psychotic Sonia Belesis AKA Divine Timing 777 and all the numerous alias you use

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, December 23, 2012

Wow wow wow wow WOW  Ms Sonia belesis you call yourself a life coach but after reading all the reports that have been submitted to this site on you , it is  clear that you  come across with your responses to all complaints brought forward to this site as a cyber bully freak your tone of language is aggressive and clearly depicts a mentally disorderd Human are you psychotic bipolar split personality how many dyfunctional human behaviours one wonders you may have after reading every report on the internet about you  . Now all you creditations are these fake online degrees one can purchase for a minimal fee ? or are they again delusions of your unstable mind ? You speak write in a manner that clearly Shows your guilt extremely aggressive and only one that has some darkness would speak respond this way no God person would even bother replying would turn the other way and keep on their fine way . Keep taking poor vulnerable souls hard earned money giving them false hopes as you do . Go find God . You are a fraud . Cyber Bully with no life other than using humans for their money on psychic lines . All this background you have placed on your sites blogs is an illusion to pull in vulnerable souls . Shame on you ! You need to be institutionalised . No one fears your baloney talk of attorneys it is all fear energy shame on you. Where is your conscience ? do you actually have one ? We all know you are a lying pathological psycho playing on innocent souls vulnerabilities sugar coating leading them on for their hard earned money. If you were such a great psychic have you hit the lottery numbers yet in your current lifetime ? We need to do a documentary on yourself make you famous as the USA's Number 1 psychic scam wonder woman who believes in her dis orientated half brain that she is some spiritually enlightened holistic healer life coach. You are pulling a good number but as numbers dont last they are exposed eventually your number wont last much longer . You have placed your own self under the radar . 



Count me in!

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, January 26, 2011

I will be in the front row of the court room! Better than anything showing at AMC!



Go for it

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, January 26, 2011

It should be fun to watch you prove you actually have psychic ability or can cast spells in court.


New York,

Are you daft?

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, January 25, 2011

After the Precincts recommendation to LET RIP OFF REPORT know and to be at liberty to post one final rebutal letting people know the truth any further slander be it by you or anyone will be investigated by the FBI along with the Second Precint 2nd Guard Detective Unit.

I don't know how to burst your psychic bubble but the FBI does not investigate slander (libel.) It is a CIVIL matter. If you think someone has committed slander, libel, defamation against you, then take them to court!

Further, state and municipal police don't investigate slander either. I guess those "degrees" you claim to have aren't working very well for you.

Any further outbursts from these frauds known simply as Billy Ash aka Psychic Master 777 aka sem09 aka Lisa Lee aka James aka Robert aka Ramjet aka informed aka nattynat and any future alias you try to portray yourself as will be added to this investigation.

Yeah right! Well, I suppose you will consider this another "outburst" from me. LMAO! Please be sure to spell my name correctly when you call the FBI.

I asked you before and I'll ask again... "who certifies you charlatans..ooops... I mean psychics?" What government agency certifies and regulates you charlatans.

Take your time, we'll wait.




#10Consumer Comment

Tue, January 25, 2011

Sonia is genuine all right, a genuine fraud who has sucked you in hook line and sinker. Be prepared to lose a lot of money because she will talk you into sending everything you have if you keep it up. However, she is no worse than any of these disgusting frauds, they are all scam artists. 'she is an angel and god is on her side' (or something like that). What an unbelievable sucker you are.

It's amazing that we can't put them all in jail, they are the lowest of the low!

Good luck, you sure need it!


United States of America

Sonia is Genuine

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, January 25, 2011

i have recently delt with Sonia.I dont trust people easy but she is genuine and she is an angel. There are two sides to a story and the truth.

Sonia has a heart of Gold. Your negativity comments will not affect Sonia. the IRS will not do aything to Sonia. The IRSis fiction. GOD is precting Sonia.

THE IRS is Fiction. Fear will not work or defit an Angel. You have actualy done a favour to Sonia. All you have done is bad karma for you.

Sonia has helped me in the physical sense and on the spritual sense. Sonia is a beatiful soul and human Angel.

More power to you Sonia. GOD bLess.

Who ever wrote this could have attemptd to resolve this in person. SONaA is real and Genuine. She has touched my heart. I will also be her secret angel.

Remeber when someone has GODs white light protecting them al eveil comes back to you.

Sonia Love and ligh your secret angel



Here's the deal

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, December 30, 2010

The actual truth is that you are both ridiculous mental cases and should be locked away somewhere.

The whole psychic thing is a disgusting rip off and if you're involved in any way, you are a complete and utter fraud and should be in jail.

Sonias Divine Readings

New York,

Psychic Master 777 alias Billy Ash aka Lisa Lee aka Sem09 aka James aka anynat aka Robert and everything else you claim you are NOT ! You are a Fraud

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, December 30, 2010

You have not been given my number you can Google me and and I am everywhere on the internet and by the way no US client has ever met me. Once again falsely accused I have a legitimate business, I am hold my degrees and a whole lot more than you claim to be. I run a global practice so whether you are dreaming or fixated on something and live in your fantasy you have never met me. It truly shows your unstable and a well covered liar.

Anyone can easily get my details off the associations I belong to and why are you stalking me? Did something really happen here Billy? Is this how you harased clients off keen that returned to keen that felt threatened by you?

By the way get your facts right.

You could not handle competition, you could not handle the fact of someone bringing you to Justice as I am a Life Coach and fully Accredited and yes with the International Coaching Federation and Yes it costs a huge amount to study with them and yes a Business Executive along with the right way to place such scamers off a site.

You have slandered me, harassed me enough times this is final.


After the Precincts recommendation to LET RIP OFF REPORT know and to be at liberty to post one final rebutal letting people know the truth any further slander be it by you or anyone will be investigated by the FBI along with the Second Precint 2nd Guard Detective Unit.

The below this man alias "women" has accused me of doing and have not done, the statements made against my family and life as well as public information to make it wide open, the fact that you want to bring me down and the fact you made a personal threat on LivePerson who is investigating and tracing your IP address and has deactivated your account will give you make you sit tight for a while.

Any further outbursts from these frauds known simply as Billy Ash aka Psychic Master 777 aka sem09 aka Lisa Lee aka James aka Robert aka Ramjet aka informed aka nattynat and any future alias you try to portray yourself as will be added to this investigation.

I have been made a victim of Aggravated Harassment on the Rip Off Report Site. I since have reported this to the Second Precinct, 2nd Squad Detectives, located at 7700 Jericho Tpke, Woodbury New York.

Police Officer Diedre advised the Detectives to place the final statement on this Platform any further retaliation against me will be investigated thoroughly.

This person who is alias Billy Ash claiming to be Lisa Lee aka etc and this Sem09 being the same person Billy Ash Psychic Master 777 has been a well known felon and offender.

On one note sem09 is a client on Keen and rang me earlier this morning my REAL sem09 how could you stoop so low and portray yourself as someone you are not and there is full proof on my current profile on Keen. Your mind games and diversions do not hurt me. It just proves the character you have and the behaviour that you portray is of the felon that you were called out to be in both the cases mentioned on another thread.

The below outlined reports/threads created by this felon are outlined below any further additions to these reports will be investigated.

All reports diverted to reflect away from the Truth of the matter and thrown into this whole disgusting threads are all made by the one named Billy Ash aka Psychic Master 777 he has harassed me since prior to Christmas eve and continues to do so to defame an honorable business and honest person by publishing untruths and has stalked me.

As I mentioned, I am on two sites, Keen and Live person. This is what this person published on Keen.

* Report: #675090 # Report: #664044 #

* Report: #676489 #

* Report: #675090 #Report: #676489
This is what this person published on Live Person
* Report: #675090 # Report: #664044 #

* Report: #676489 #

* Report: #675090 #Report: #676489

This is what this person published about me using a false identity

* Report: #675090 # Report: #664044 #

* Report: #676489 #

* Report: #675090 #Report: #676489

Effectively this libelous situation should be closed and dealt with by further investigation by the FBI working along side with the Second Precinct, 2nd Guard Detectives.

To all my clients, thank you for your support and I wish you a safe prosperous start to the New Year without such drama!


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