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  • Report:  #156547



  • Reported By:
    CHICAGO Illinois
  • Submitted:
    Fri, September 09, 2005
  • Updated:
    Sat, November 19, 2005
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I also suffered at the hands of this loan company. I called a man named Jerry Vincent to inform him I ran into a problem with my finances and asked to be rescheduled for the next pay period to get their money. I was assured that would happen. Since I had this promise from him, the little money that was left in my account, I wrote the rest of my smaller bills. I always write my checks the morning of my payday.

On payday, Sonic tried to get the payment anyway and all my checks bounced. There were 4 of them that totaled abour 400.00. I called back to Sonic to find out why they did not keep their promise after I called them two days in advance about the money problem. I spoke with a guy named Richard. He was so nasty telling me it was my obligation to pay the money because I signed the contract. I asked to speak with a Supervisor. Her name was April. This woman was so nasty and started threatening me I just hung up on her.

Just before the next pay period, I called to ask if I could make payment arrangements for the loan that was outstanding. I was told I could not, that they wanted all the money at one time. I told them I did not have it because they tried to get their money the past pay period and all my checks bounced and their were fees for each check and I could not even pay stop payment fees. Each check went through three times at 33.00 per check. That was a total of 366.00. My account was in the negative.

When I received my next paycheck, the bank took their fees and Sonic tried to take four payments at one time. I called back to Sonic and asked why they were trying to take more than I actually made? I spoke with a chick named Heather. She was really a B$$$$. I could not talk to any of these people.

My account stayed in the negative for a month and the Bank closed my account. Since then, I have called Sonic twice to try to make payment arrangements because my bank account was closed.

I was told first by Richard I could make arrangements. Next thing I know, I was called and this same guy said he was in error to tell me I could make payments and that I was too late to make payments now. He said a Wage Assignement was going to be sent to my job. It was sent. Since they were doing that, I did not contact them anymore.

Two days ago, I received a call from someone who claimed to be a representative in a law firm representing Sonic. Suddenly, it was fine to make payments, but I had to do it through Western Union. I told the lady there was a Wage Assigment pending on my job. Why was she calling me now? She said since they had not heard from the job yet to start sending payments. I asked for an address to send a money order. I was told the only way the money would be accepted was through Western Union and it had to be a Quick Collect. One thing I was not going to accept was being dictated to on how I pay a bill. I would have to spend additional money to send the money due them through Western Union.

I called Western Union to see if I could get an address by giving them the Code City (Sonic) and Code State (Texas). Western Union said they sent payments to them but could not give me an address.

I need to know who is to receive the money, a valid address and be able to send the money the cheapest way I can because I don't
have that extra 15.00 - 20.00 to give to Western Union for their services.

Actually, Sonic owes me almost the same amount as I borrowed from them if not more because of all the bounced check fees and other fees I had to pay to the bank.

CHICAGO, Illinois

7 Updates & Rebuttals



Address to Send Money

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, November 19, 2005

This is for Linah,

I also have dealings with Sonic, and I will not by doing business with them again.

I do know that they will accept MoneyGrams.

The receiver code is: 4476
Company Name is: Coastline Credit

Be sure to include your Loan # on the form, so they can be sure to credit your account correctly. If you have the phone #, I would make sure to call them with the Ref # of the moneygram.




#8Consumer Comment

Mon, October 03, 2005

I also went through all the mailing mumbo jumbo with Sonic. They did not give straight answers and as I said in one of my comments in a report above, they seemed very afraid when I told them to do what they had to do to get their money since they sent (what I now know is no good) a Wage Assignment to my place of employment. I did not hear from them until Friday, Septemebr 30th since we las spoke on I believe the 19th of September. The way I heard from then was yet another e-mail telling me it was my final warning to get the payment to them. I have received 4 Final Warning e-mails from them. They are not right and they also seem to want to stay away from going to court to get their money from me. I wonder why? Do you think a judge will accept their practices having money sent only by Western Union to who knows how many code cities and code states? I am willing to make payments to them, but I will not pay additional money to western union to send payments all over the universe. They need to give me an address and a person to submit a money order to them. I'm willing to spend 59 cents for a money order. I do understand what you have been going through.



Heres the scoop on sonic payday

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, October 03, 2005

They are liars from A to Z and when you start asking them questions, they get real nasty and avoid answering at all. I have an issue with Sonic and Erin Kennedy was caught in several lies and we have them tape recorded. First of all she stated she was from sonic payday and we needed to clear up the matter of the loan. Then a few minutes later she stated she was from National Capitol Collections. I asked how can you be from Sonic and National Capitol Collections? Erin said she never said she was from Sonic, once again tape record conversations with these people because it will come in very handy! I stated okay lets set up payment arrangements. Erin stated that would be fine and when I asked for a physical address to send the payments by certified mail and she gave me the address in Delaware. I told her I had talked to Delaware Financial Institution and they stated they are not listed as having a loan license. Erin stated what difference does that make. I told her alot considering most of their addresses are bogus. I asked if she was calling from Sonic or National Captiol Colletions in Delaware, why did the caller id show up from British Columbia? Her response was what difference does that make. Alot I told her, because if you want mail sent to Delaware and your in British Columbia, how do I know you will receive the money? Erin said that the Delaware address was a their mailing address then it was fordwarded to British Columbia. Sound strange? Yes it does. They will not accept money orders because they can get lost in the mail and sending it certified wouldn't be proof they received it and no one would be there to sign. Wow, thats strange. When I got done racking Erin over the coals, she said she had to discuss this with her supervisor and hung up. Haven't heard anything back since 9-28-2005. They don't like it at all when you fight back. Their scripts don't advise them of how to handle situations when customers fight back.



Nasty, confused people? No kidding!

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 29, 2005

Here's the the several years I worked for this company policies changed an average of at LEAST once a week. Sometimes only some people were informed, other times everyone but only if they were working that day. YES! We were all constantly confused as to what we were permitted and not permitted to say. Also, those excuses as to why the withdrawls bounced that you thought about for 10-15 mins before calling or chatting in to us....we've heard them ALL a million times. We are conditioned from first day not to care about those excuses. Especially in the call center. We are trained to ignore them and push the collections/Payment Services phone numbers. Despite what ANYONE tells you....a lowly CSR in that place CANNOT under ANY circumstances make your overdue loan go away, and for that matter, neither can a supervisor, department lead OR a manager. Management refuses to so much as LOOK at a lowly CSR they they you really think they care if they can help you? NO, and they won't under any circumstances talk to you personally even if you ask for them by name, so don't bother. You will get a "supervisor" if you ask enough times, but it ends there, they will simply pass you between them and tell you the same things (basically) that the last "supervisor" did. Asking for another to try and hear what you want to hear will get you nowhere fast. Seriously. You will be made to wait on hold while they confer as to what you were and weren't told and repeat it all back to you as many times as you can stomach. This is policy, it's the one policy that never changes. Company first, then customer, then employees. "Supervisor's" are really just a department of other CSR's that take calls from "irate" customers like you.
Complaints emailed or made over the phone or on think these are even looked at?? They're not, they are filed in a folder that is cleared at the end of each week. No one, not even the lowly CSR will read it any further than to know it is a complaint. No supervisor's and no managers and definately not the owners EVER will see it. They know they're there, but don't read them, why bother? they're all the same. "You ripped me off, I'm a whiner who bit off more than they could chew" The fees are listed up front. READ THE CONTRACTS, they may not be as legal as they're made out to be but they do tell you everything about fees, timelines, interest, how it works and what will happen if you go decide not to repay the loan. Read them, never ever sign anything you didn't bother to read. I know you want that money in your account ASAP, but they're not issued til late in the evening anyway and still take until the next day at least to hit your account. So take 5 minutes from your busy schedule and read the things, so you don't have to call us all surprised that we debited your account on the specified date. IT IS NOT FREE MONEY by any means. Interest IS $25 on each $100 you borrowed, this is also listed in the contracts.
No, I don't know anything about "collections", maybe they are rude and use colorful phrases, but calling us in customer service isn't going to get you off the hook, no matter what the collections guy called your mother. You still have to deal with them. Once a loan is delinquent we are not allowed to enter any information, change anything or do anything at all to it, under any circumstances, and no, neither is a supervisor or manager. Collections owns that account when you don't return the loan with the fees.
We'd love to make all your loans go away and help you start fresh, but the policies will not allow this, no matter how many times or different ways you ask and no matter what sob story you tell us. We can't make it go away, you must deal with payment services.
Above and beyond, is not in the training and is not acceptable. Customer is always right? Not here, the company is right in all cases and you must conform. The management and actual supervisors treat everyone else under them like they are nothing. If we cannot adopt the belief that we are nothing, we are fired. The company works on a revolving door policy. Chances are, whomever you're talking to is new or has been there less than 3 months. That is another reason why the people you talk to have no idea what they're talking about. Higher ups abuse all staff below them until we are too broken to provide you with the customer service you should be getting.
The harder we try, the harder our bosses make life for us. If we bend the rules for, it just causes a new one to be made so that can't happen anymore. TRUST ME! You don't want to start into this cycle of loans before payday. It is in your best interests not to get a payday loan. If you must get one, keep it as small as possible, don't loan $1500 if you only need $200, just because you're told you can. Total interest accrued on a $1500 loan is $375, who has that kind of money to just give away?? Your total loan repayment on a $1500 loan is $1875. Really people....If you can afford to pay that much in interest on that size of a really shouldn't even need one...take a class on money management. I apologize if I have been at all insulting to anyone personally, it's called tough love =)
I will try to help in understanding on policies if you need further clarification. However, now that I am not the rep on the other side of the line, I do not have to take abuse.
That is all.




#8Author of original report

Thu, September 15, 2005

Thank you for your comments. I was not given this information prior to reading your comment. I appreciate the information you forwarded to me.


Ann Arbor,

know yoru rights

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, September 15, 2005

Wage assignments were done away with in 1985. These are totally volunatary now. They will claim you signed one, but the ssn# on the wage assignment DOES NOT COUNT. These ahve to be signed in person. Even then...these can be taken away at your option.

keep informed. know your rights. FIGHT BACK.

write letters to david ash (president)
13696 104th avenue
surrey, BC b3r-1v9

and stay away from the reps in winnipeg, manitoba




#8Author of original report

Wed, September 14, 2005

I received another letter from Sonic threatening to ruin my credit and not allowing me to use them again. The letter instructed me to call Paul Wilson at 877-377-3517 about my account. I did call and had to go through their directory to get his extension (6273) to speak with him.

When he answered, he asked me why I was calling him. I told him the letter told me to call him. He stated I was in the wrong department. I asked what department was I currently in? He would not answer that question, but his response was he would transfer me to the correct department and immediately placed me on hold.

After about 2-3 minutes, Steven Cook was on the line. He also wanted to know what I was calling for. I told him I received a letter with a few threats if I did not pay a bill. He asked if I had an account number. I gave it to him and he pulled the account and after mispronouncing my name told me I owed HIM money. I corrected him that I did not own him any money. Then he said I owed Sonic.

I reminded Mr. Cook that we spoke the first week in September and the deal was I would start making payments of the Wage Assignment was not sent to my job. I informed him it had arrived and there was no reason for me to pay money since the Wage Assignment had been sent.

Mr. Cook got really excited and said I could still pay because they had not received anything from my job. I told him I did not work in that department so I didn't have a timeframe to give him on when my money would be sent to Sonic,

His next question was, "Do you want a Wage Assignment?" I held the telephone for a minute to really think if I just heard this man correctly. My only response was, "I already have it Mr. Cook. Your company sent it to my company."

He started talking about how I could still make payments and stop the Wage Assignment. I told him I spoke to at least seven people trying to make payment arrangements and each time I was told no. Why the urgency and willingness for me to make payments now after sending a Wage Assignment.

He became confused and I believe a little angry. His voice rose at lest an octave and a half and he started talking about I could have made at least a third payment if I had wanted to. I reminded him again that the payment plan was not an option I had although I requested it.

I think the man broke into tears he was so angry. He was really shouting and telling me to stop telling him I was told I could not make payments. I could start making payments now. I again told him the Wage Assignment had been issued and we did not need to have anymore discussion about payments.

He started ranting and raving. This reaction only leads me to believe this guy was in trouble with someone in the company because he could not convince me to make payments.

I requested a payment address, he came up with Western Union.
I rejected that and this dude snapped. I could not help myself. I had to know. I asked him if his a$$ was grass and Sonic the mower because he had not convinced me to make payments
with this Wage Assignment looming.

Mr. Cook had the nerve to be offended. As he began spouting off
little uglies, I hung up.

I'm curious. Has anyone else had that type of experience with one of the people from Sonic? Did anyone sense fear in the
voice(s) of the people they were speaking with?

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