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  • Report:  #835757

Complaint Review: Sony Online Entertainment

Sony Online Entertainment GM, & Customer Service Took all my money over the hears to invest on my accounts then banned me falsely, took away my investment, took all my money, will not respond to me and ignore me, Horrible San Diego, California

  • Reported By:
    SOEVICTIM — new york New York United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Wed, February 08, 2012
  • Updated:
    Wed, February 08, 2012
  • Sony Online Entertainment
    San Diego, CA
    San Diego, California
    United States of America
  • Phone:
  • Category:

Hi I have a huge SOE, Sony Online

Entertainment story to tell you what they had done to me and possible many

others, I have a series of videos that I am making everyday telling how SOE

victimized me and will continue, This is my story, I fell that SOE is hurting,

Destroying the DC Comics name and Warner Brothers name by what there doing

here. I am BigFazeek known from Playstation The Tester Season 2. SOE has victimized

me in many ways affecting me in every way. I will do interviews, Live

interviews, Stories of everything that happened and more. I am going public

with this and I will not rest until justice is done, I have spent 12+ hours day

investing in my characters everyday since before the game even came out on the

beta, I havent missed a day unless it was a day they took from me. I feel that

this will be the biggest video game story ever that a company did severe

wrongful activities against a person. I will explain several things here and

there will be so much more, I dont want to make this to long for you to read

so if and when we discuss I will tell you everything, I will not give personal

names at SOE but I will describe the departments and it will be good enough, I

have names but I will not say names, Maybe in the futures upcoming week or

longer I may be able to. I am also looking for counsel, lawyers if anyone wants

to take these cases, I am also searching as well, I want justice and I want

these wrongful things they did against me reported and I would like justice

from this. I consider these to be crimes and unlawful activities in my opinion

and I took advice and asked at least 400+ friends and players as of today that

I game with and everyone agrees with me. I have been harassed, threatened,

called names, bullied, all by SOE. You have my permission to post and share

this information that has happened to me so the truth gets out and hopefully I

get help. Some gamers may say, its only a game, But its not only a game, its a

community with thousands of players all over the world that get together and

have fun, Its a lifestyle on DC Universe Online, I have invested my life to

these characters I made and I spent all this time so SOE can just take it all

away from me. I will start off with the most recent, recently the past few

months in the game there have been many crooks in the game that discovered and

created glitches on how to dup money and much more, I never knew how to do it

and I never wanted to know how to do it, This affected the economy in the

entire game, For example a doomsday back used to sell for $60k in the auction

which was high back then and this is normal, With the thieves and glitchers the

item in now $999,999,999 100Bill or sometimes players would sell on the black

market for higher, the game is out of control, Everyone has hundreds of

billions of dollars and most of the players are honest and legit, Everyone has

this money because players have this money to buy everything from this glitch,

Even though its all honest and truthful, These players destroyed the game by

doing this, there is much more about this to explain, SOE had taken away

everyones money and left everyone with a certain low amount and everyone was

treated the same, Even the players like myself who farmed rare items 12+ hours

a day and a player who had farmed 1 hour a week or month, We all got punished.

SOE had banned many accounts that they found out who was doing this glitch on

01/13/2012, An unlucky Friday The 13th for many players have been

banned permanently, I will list all the type of rare items that I have looted

and found and I did some missions over 30 times to get these rare items so I

can sell them legit in the auction and I didnt even have these styles unlocked

for feats or styles at all, I figured I will sell them while there very high so

I can buy all my collections for all my characters, And these collections where

just as high because of the economy, So everything balances out, If the economy

was normal then all the prices would be normal, this is SOE fault for letting

this go this far, If a item that I looted used to sell for and normal price is

$60k and now its 999bill and I wanted say a superboy plaque rubbing collection

that used to go for 100k and now is 4.5bill, you see how it is working here and

everyone in the game had this kind of money and it was all legit, it got this

far because SOE let it go on this long. These are some of the rare items I

would loot and find daily, weekly: Ace-Brand Chem-Proof

Leggings, Chemical Warding Belt, fierce warding belt, Future Shinobi Spaulders,

Shinobi Tech Shoulderguards, Warden's Covert Chestguard, War Helm of the

Somelari Legion, Heavy Nanomachined Boots, Insulated Plexiderm Boots, + ALL

OTHER TECH NINJA GEAR. (6) pieces average Snake Lord's Belt looted on jokers

h*o, About (15) Shimmering Sunstone Legguards, Chlorophyll Chestguard,

Thorntwisted Cloak, Serpentine


STYLES. About 12-15 Royal Helmet of Shiruta, about 15+ Precision Nanotube Helm,

Laminated Evosynth Shoulderguards + MANY MORE. (4) CAPTAIN COLD HEAD, (4)


SECTOR 13 SHOULDERS, (7) Robot Batman Cowl both versions, (9) robot joker

helmet, (5) braniac back cannons + MUCH MORE, (7) abra kadabra chest, batwoman

cape, Flash speed threads boots, doomsday back, Raz el ghul back, Poison Ivy's

Cultivated Belt, Scarecrow's Tattered Helm, Scarecrow's Sinister Cleaver, (12+)

Cyborg cannon handblasters, clownsanity boots, (7) abra kadabra chest, batwoman

cape, Wayfarer's Cloak, (15+)Opalstone Gauntlets, gloves of the maker,

shoulders of the devine, tank remora shoulders that I sold 2 of them I forgot

the name, and much more. The day they took away everyones money I had

requested fro all my items back that I sold in the auction which was

01/17/2012, I feel that if there going to take away 12+ hours of my life

farming that I just recently sold, I need all my stuff back, Why and how is it

fair that I get treated the same as someone who farms 1 hour a week meanwhile I

farmed 12+ hours day, 80+ hours a week, Why take away time from my family and

job for no reason, I am an adult here, treat me like an adult, Right away the

decline me and say no like they always do for everything, I am always missing

items out of my inventory, I had bought a gear mod in the auction this day as

well and the email comes with the paperclip attachment and nothing, it was

empty and nothing went into my inventory, stuff always disappears and its so

buggy, The most buggy game I have ever players, Sometimes all my items area

plain color and I cant see what is what and I reboot and it is still glitched.

After I reported this item not coming to me in mail and not going into my

inventory and stuff I had missing, I had froze 2 minutes after, Like if they

control the freezing it seemed like, And this has happened multiple times, Kind

of makes me feel like they have control of all the freezing but I dont see how

that is possible, I relogged and it said there is a problem with my account

cont support. In the ticket it said the developers has discovered that I duped

money??? I have never and they cant prove it because it never happened, Could

this be a personal attack and a lie? I worked so hard getting all these items

and why would I farm 12+ hours a day if I was going to dup money, Why do

players who play and are friends with customer service have more game money

then me and they farm 1 hour a week and I do 12+ hours day, I earn everything

honestly and I have never done anything wrong and they dont have anything on

me at all because nothing ever happened and they have no proof or evidence and

they cant provide nothing because its all a lie and customer service says this

so the developers may not even know about this meanwhile they say the

developers discovered this. I have contacted them all day everyday since, they

have not responded to me yet, I have appealed 1 dozen times, Emails to legal,

emails to the producers and developers, Everyone ignores me, Now they banned me

from the forums so I cant contact anyone for help like the developer and

producers, I have been cut of completely, legal doesnt reply or nobody, This

is just horrible. Prior to this I always take pictures and recording of things

that I think may go wrong so I can put in a ticket, I have been suspended fro

false reasons and allegations before, When the servers merged there was an

error where multiple players all ha dthe same name and this was some time ago,

My main character had over 160+ emails all filled with 5 items on each email

where I had to save everything that I farmed, Hundreds of items lost and taken,

they said on forums that some players had to have name changes and there emails

will be lost and customer service will replace everything, this was said by an

executive producer, And this was days after the server merging, When the server

merge happened , before you were even able to get on all the name changes were

already done, for example if your name was batman and there were a batman on

each server, they would change your name to batman, batman2, batman with your

server initials and so on and nobodies emails got messed up, This happened

after all this, Another SOE mistake, They made me wait 45+ days for my stuff

back, I am messaging everyday waiting by the mailboxes in the game while

customer service is playing PVP with there buddies and I see this, I see SOE

employees in the game and I say please help me and they say make a ticket and I

say I have been for 45 days and then I just get ignored, Customer service had

suspended me 7 days on my birthday for saying that I said I had certain items

that I didnt, meanwhile I had everything, After this event I started taking

pictures incase I feel that I will be a SOE victim again, I have hundreds of

pictures and videos I took of myself looting items that they said I never got

and they wont replace them and according to there records I never looted them.

I have so many pictures now that show I looted the items and they say I didnt,

there were many times when I was in raids for hours due to freezing and items

werent going into my inventory but there is the loot box and chat box on lower

right hand bottom that tells you and records everything and it tells you that

you looted it and SOE customer service lied and they act so arrogant, Its like

they feel like there gods and above everyone else, you cant even talk to them.

I have been called dozens of different names and threatened by customer service

all in tickets, I have been called fraud, Liar, deceiver, They dont trust me,

I can go on and on, I have been put in fear of playing the game knowing that

they will take me off the game, Every time I turned on the game since the day

it came out I have been threatened to be taken off and I get worried if it is

going to say contact support. I have also had my personal information released

in the game by SOE to other players while SOE thinks there friends with them

and they are recording on there pvrs and taping it, SOE is not supposed to

release information or any resolution to any investigation being done about a

player ever and certain SOE employees did so to there friends and these players

arent friends if there recording all this and showing it, Customer service had

told other that I was kicked off and what I did and do which is all false and

untrue meanwhile they say they cannot and will never release information

meanwhile within minutes after I am taken off players are doing shouts about

it, Players personal information is not safe at all. There was another time

toward the beginning of the game when I wasnt liked and cared about to much

from being on The Tester show, A few players hated me so bad and we didnt even

know each other, makes you wonder life is so short and why hate so much,

Especially someone you never spoke to and dont know, Well an individual had an

ip address changer and would put in multiple tickets to try to get me off

saying I work for SOE or other things and its known that I worked on a Sony

product and someone wants to twist it around, I did work on a Sony product and

they suspended me for that and again the customer service rep did a horrible

investigation and went and asked they several players that we have no idea who

I am or who they are, I never even spoke to the person, They all happened to be

the same person or persons and the SOE employee would say I completed an

investigation and I was told by a few players from totally different areas,

DUH!! Are you kidding me, Everyone on this game is from everywhere, How can

someone say something so stupid, I meet players from across the world everyday

on the game, Saying that you spoke to 2-3 different players is not good enough,

Thats the response I get, They planed it, or same league, how about the same

person, same household, use that IP address changer they did, But this should

never of happened because they didnt realize I did work on a Sony program and

that all that was ever said, they put me back on the next day and they never

said sorry or apologize or nothing, This was the 1st bad thing they

have done to me. 1 time they went into my account and changed my fire powers to

green light powers the day that came out, I never did and I paid the price for

that. The most recent banning I have filed certified letters, emails, personal

contacts, I feel that the developers didnt ban me and I feel that it was

customer service because I was taken off immediately after I put in the ticket

for missing item from broker I bought. This all could be a lie and the

developers may not know anything about this and this may be a lie from customer

service because everything has to go through customer service first as a ticket

before it goes to any department and customer service can just ignore it like

they have been so I dont get anywhere, this is why I need help and the developers

need to know what is going on here. I earned everything I looted and all the

money I made was all honest, Everything was, If I ever duped anything I would

feel so embarrassed and I would be running away from this not fighting this 24

hours a day everyday, I was trying to help the community and I gave ideas on

how to fix the economy but nothing ever leaves customer service, Let them play

PVP all day with others instead of there jobs. These employees are making the

DC name look really bad and these employees should not be employed for the

things they do, violating and victimizing human beings. I have so much more to

say, This goes on and on, Please spread this story, I am fully available to

tell everything, I want the world to know what they did to me and what can

happen by playing this game. I have spent over $10,000.00 IN REAL MONEY in this

game, You should see all the PSN cards that I have, I have bought many players

memberships because they say they cant afford it, I have bought every item in

the DC store as styles and accessories, I have bought them for others, I have

helped many layers pay for the game, I have created the biggest league in the

game that I have over 1200+ league members that I was the founder of, I had

just disbanded the league, I am no longer paying legendary for all these dozens

of players I have helped, But they play free now anyway because they will

always be premium, It seems all you have to do it buy something in the Dc game

store and you become premium and you are higher then free to play and have all

the legendary options. Thats what I dont understand why players pay for

premium and legendary anymore because you get all the same stuff, It seems you

only have to buy 1 item and you stay free to play but premium status so why pay

for legendary because the only difference is that you can carry unlimited money

but they take our money away so the game is free now, Just buy something when

your free to play and you stay premium forever and never pay and this is what

most of the game is, I always been legendary because I was a farmer so I always

made game money so I bought lots of gear and collections but the DC store uses

real cash and to pay for premium and legendary is real cash I used for all this

and everything in the store as in upgrades, styles, and much more. Please watch

my series of videos that I made on youtube and that I will continue to make

everyday. I would like my videos to be shown buy you and everyone, I want to

truth about this known to the world. My series is called SOE Victimized Player

Part: 1 8, 9, 10, they keep being made. Here are links to a few.



2 Updates & Rebuttals



Here's a tip:

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, February 08, 2012

Reread your ToS and EULA. None of the items on your characters belong to you. Your characters do not belong to you. They stay property of SoE. No matter how much farming you do, those items never actually belong to you and the developers can do as they see fit with them. Welcome to the world of MMOs. Is this your first MMO? Nothing you detail here is out of the ordinary in this industry. If they wish to ban you, they can, for any reason they want. Its their game, they can restrict access to whomever they wish.




#3Consumer Comment

Wed, February 08, 2012

So Here is some simple advise for you..GET A LIFE. 

If you are spending 12+hours a day everyday on a GAME you need to get back to reality.

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