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  • Report:  #636629

Complaint Review: Sorge's Restaurant


  • Reported By:
    Myron — Corning New York United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Thu, September 02, 2010
  • Updated:
    Tue, December 25, 2012

On Sept 1, 2010 I went to Sorge's Restaurant to enjoy their food. Our service from the waitress, Jenn, was very poor. She did NOT ask us if we needed anything. She asked for our drink orders and before she could even set them down she was already walking away. We had to call her back in order for her to take our appetizer order. After returning with our appetizers we had to call her back AGAIN in order to place our order for food.

She asked what we would like and I asked for a pasta dinner but instead of the house tossed salad if I could get a Caesar salad. She said that it would cost extra and I said that was fine. About twenty minutes later she returned with our salads. Except mine was not a Caesar salad. It was a tossed greens salad with Caesar dressing. I asked her what this was and she said that it was a Caesar salad. I told her that it wasn't but that it was a tossed greens salad and that I did not want it. Mind you this interaction went back and forth for about 2 minutes. With her insisting that it was a Caesar salad. She took the salad with her and left.

Moments later we hear her loudly complaining about our interaction to the other wait staff. She wasn't even in the kitchen, just behind the waitress counter which was in the dining room. Very frustrated at this point my girlfriend and I decided to leave without finishing our meal.

My girlfriend called over the manager and we asked for our bill and that we would like to leave. He said fine and started to walk away. He was no more than three steps away we he comes back and tries to explain that she was helping us out by giving us a tossed greens salad and that I was indeed right that it was not a Caesar salad. He was very agitated and upset that I dare question him when I said well that is not what I ordered. I wanted a Caesar salad. He then told me that he would get my bill and he also told me that he would "help me out the door". I explained that I would love help and my bill.

After the bill was brought to the table I handed the waitress my credit card. She quickly brought it back. We got up to leave when the hostess came over and said "Do you have a problem?" I said yes. Mind you I thought that she was offering to help in this situation. I was wrong. She was pushing me out the door to get rid of me by motioning with her hands to get out.

I have never been so offended in my life by the owner of an establishment. As a business owner myself I would never treat a customer this way, even if they weren't happy with my services. I intend to do a chargeback for the $20.11 charged to my credit card as well as tell everyone and anyone of my horrible experience at this local diner.

12 Updates & Rebuttals


Any city,
North Carolina,

Per the Menu...

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, December 25, 2012

I checked out the menu on the website and the salad that was served to the customer was exactly what was described there. Still, the waitress should have explained that is how their restaurant makes their Cesaers and offered a replacement item.
As far as the customer "always being right", that is a load of crap. I waited tables throughout college and people would eat an entire $40.00 steak entree and then complain it wasn't good and wanted a refund. Often, they asked for a refund for the entire table!  People like that are whats called "toxic customers" and there is a lot of information online about how many businesses have to "let these customers go" in order to avoid losing money.
Another claim: that a server should always know if the food is correct before serving it.  Well, that is not always possible.  Case in point: a customer ordered a chicken wrap that specified it came with tomatoes. She said no tomatoes, I'm allergic. I entered her order into the computer (no tomatoes) AND walked back into the kitchen to MAKE DARN SURE there were no tomatoes on her wrap. The cooks screamed at me they knew how to read orders and there wouldn't be any tomatoes. Customer order comes up (it was an enclosed wrap, I would have had to have taken a bite to see if there were tomatoes or not) and I served it. When I came back 2 minutes later to see if everything was ok, the woman was upset. YES! Tomatoes! I apologized. I showed her where the order was entered correctly on the ticket. I apologized again. I promised her an immediate replacement. Now, at this point, I could have taken that $10 wrap home for my dinner. But instead, I asked the husband if he could eat a chicken wrap with tomatoes. He said Yes. I said OK, great, now you have lunch for tomorrow. I boxed the "offending wrap" for the husband, the woman had her correct food in about 3 minutes and I even gave them dessert on the house. So, they got (2) wraps for the price of one and (2) free desserts AND (2) apologies.   Flash forward a week later: my general manager receives a FIVE page letter of complaint from this twit complaining about ME and my service and how poorly everything was handled.

The customer that was upset about the salad: I don't think he did anything wrong. The restaurant failed to explain anything or even make it right. The woman and her f*&%^%^ tomato wrap, and those scammers who eat EVERYTHING on their plate and then want full refunds, THEY are toxic customers and not people I would want at my business.  A customer, IMHO, ceases being a customer when they COST a company money due to greediness and scams.  P.S. The tomato wrap lady was rewarded a $25 giftcard for her efforts in writing her 5 page complaint. I was not in trouble, thankfully, because it was MY SECOND DAY ON THE JOB and I think I handled things pretty well...




#13General Comment

Sat, December 22, 2012

wow this woman loves poking around this web site to be all negative..i read her comments all over this site holy crap, shes like the bully of i see your comments in every report i go to read..your bored and very negative...get a facebook. leave peoples ripoffreports alone, your not nice..i can see if there were a topic you felt strongly about but it seems like you hit up everyones topic just to be negative and argumentative...some of us people people on here feel we have been violated, let us vent, and tell the world how we were wronged, and if you dont like it, walk on by..dont piss us off even i see your just a funny attention seeker..poor girl


United States of America

very outdated

#13General Comment

Fri, September 03, 2010

The "customer is always right" saying is so out dated that anyone saying it shows their ignorance. Not only is it stupid, but downright dangerous.

This saying gives customers the feeling that they can lie, treat the employee like crap, and take their life frustrations out on employees, and nothing will be done about it because they are "right".

I even had a client tell me he would pay a store back the $330 worth of bad checks he wrote to them when "he wanted to" because "the customer is always right" and they can't tell him he has to pay them back now.

Yes, businesses want to keep customers, but that ridiculous saying is simply not true.




#13Consumer Comment

Fri, September 03, 2010

It's obvious you have never been in business or you would never make the silly statement that the customer is always right.  That's an ignorant statement.

You just have chip on your shoulder for some reason and choose to be an obnoxious person.

Oh well, on the next humorous Ripoff Report



Response to Stacey-Dallas, wrong again!

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, September 03, 2010


I have worked in extremely high volume restaurants, and I have eaten in many as well. It is you that have no idea of what you are talking about. Because you are now, or have been one of those lousy servers with "excuses" for you poor service.

FYI...I eat out almost every meal, and have done this for years. Last year alone I spent more than $15,000 eating out. I know restaurants, and I know good servers from bad, and I know all of the "excuses".

The fact of the matter is, there is NO EXCUSE for serving a customer the wrong food. None. Then, when the customer says something, he gets an attitude from the server? Then basically gets thrown out by the manager/owner?

I need to travel to this place just to see for myself. I hope the OP will be kind enough to post all names of people involved here.

However, we are not talking about a "good" restaurant here anyway since the total bill for 2 people was only $20.11! That speaks for itself. Places like that only hire retards to work for them as the good servers follow the money. I doubt this place was "high volume".

Therefore your post to me is pointless. FYI..The very first restaurant I worked in at the age of 14 in NY was a 4 star establishment with linen tablecloths and the works. I was a busboy at that age and we did more for the customers than most servers do today. That was 1977 and I was making over $200 a week. Yeah...I know service.

And, to any fool who cannot comprehend the fact that the customer is always right even when they are dead wrong, will be out of business in short order, or will never see actual success.

That is a fact.



Sorry Steve

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, September 03, 2010

Wrong - unless you have worked in a very busy restaurant you know not of what you speak - don't but the "customer is always right" speech

Not everyone can be satisfied - learned that the hard way - I worked in this industry so I could pursue my second college degree and I have seen things that would take the hair off a sweater!



The customer is always right?

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, September 03, 2010

Actually the customer is definitely not always right.  If every business actually tried to operate with this ridiculous philosophy, they'd be out of business in a hurry.

Actually, every restaurant I've ever been to gets drink orders, brings them and then leaves you alone for awhile to study the menu.  They then ask for appetizer orders and after that they get your food order.  Maybe you don't go out much, I know know they may do it different at McDonalds so that may fit your style better.

It's pretty obvious based on your immature report and responses that you are a jerk and have a chip on your shoulder. 

Again, I am certain they will miss you.



Suggestion for Stacey - Dallas TX regarding the kitchen

#13Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 02, 2010


That is exactly the mentality that is the problem with restaurant service nowadays.

You wrote in your post that "maybe the kitchen have it to her that way". This is exactly the problem with many servers. Excuses. Pass the buck.

It is the SERVER'S RESPONSIBILITY to ensure the customer's order is correct BEFORE taking it to the table.

The server in the OP scenario DID NOT do her job. Then to make it worse, she ARGUED with the customer! 2 strikes!

Then to make it worse, the manager/owner, AND the "hostess" BOTH gave a take it or leave it attitude and ushered the customers out instead of just "making it right".

If I was the manager, and people were walking out pissed off, I would swallow my pride and satisfy that customer. This means a bill discount, or a free round of drinks or desserts, etc.

The bottom line is that the customer is ALWAYS right [even when dead wrong], and you NEVER let a customer leave without resolving the matter completely.



The "customer" here may have been a jerk, HOWEVER

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, September 02, 2010

The customer is always right. Period.

Perception is reality where service is concerned. If the customer felt he recieved poor service, he did.

I eat out alot, and I can tell you all that I have seen this firsthand. A server should ALWAYS ask if you need anything else with every single visit to the table or while passing by if emptyhanded, and/or if you are ready to order.

And, nowadays, especially with this most recent generation, servers seem to expect a tip regardless of quality of service, rather that to earn it through excellence.

I am a good tipper, but if I ever have to look around for my server, especially if the place is not busy, the ONLY "tip" I leave is the advice to find another line of work.

FYI...I grew up in the service industry, so I have firsthand knowledge of restaurant service.


United States of America

Poinless, stupid commentators

#13General Comment

Thu, September 02, 2010


Making stupid comments that have no relevance to the report are pointless. If you have something intelligent to say...... no? thought not.

He got what he thought was poor service at an establishment where service is the hallmark by which they are judged. pretty simple. Is it a matter of perspective? Of course it is. His perception was poor service. Their perception was unreasonable customer. Unfortunately for them the customer and their perceptions are where the income is. Long story short.. the customer is king if you don't like that get the "F" out of the service industry.

Does that clear things up for you or am I a jerky poo poo head too? dumba*s



Gotta love people

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, September 02, 2010

Who have never waited tables - maybe the kitchen gave her the salad that way. Ever think of that?? What did the menu say?? As a former waitstaff person I always left the drinks and allowed the patrons to read the menu and decide before I returned.  Was she psychic?? Did she know you wanted to order then and there??

You are a jerk - good for the restaurant to rid themselves of a leech like you.




#13Consumer Comment

Thu, September 02, 2010

Sorry, but you sir, are a jerk. 

I'd be happy to help you out also, I'm sure they'll be happy if you never return.

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