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  • Report:  #1120713

Complaint Review: Southern Oregon Veterinary Specialty Center

Southern Oregon Veterinary Specialty Center Adam Reiss, DVM It is all about the money. Medford Oregon

  • Reported By:
    Pwwcollege — Medford Oregon
  • Submitted:
    Tue, February 04, 2014
  • Updated:
    Sun, July 02, 2017

I would like to let people with pets know about the money hungry co-owner of SOVSC,DR. ADAM REISS. 

I had a dog named "Mitzi" she was an older dog in goog health. One day Mitzi got sick. I brought her to a vet close to where I live. The vet thought she had a torn ACL because she was lame in the rear quarters. This is a very long story so I will cut to the part that concerns SOVSC and Dr. ADAM REISS.

I brought my dog Mitzi to SOVSC because she was very sick and needed a blood transfusion. I talked to the Dr. and they needed $2000 up front. I paid. My dog Mitzi did not responed so she got two more transfussions at $2000 each! I paid SOVSC over $6000! in three days!

During this I never had a Doctor. The Doctor that saw my dog first was on vacation and everytime that I went to see my dog she had a different Doctor. 

This is where the CO-OWNER DR. ADAM REISS. comes in. Mitzi was getting better! after 3 blood transfusions! and a lot of money.

The lady that works the front desk, the one that looks like a witch told me that I owe $900 plus dollar and had to pay that before I leave with my dog. I just got done paying them over $6000! I told her that I would need to make payments on the balance. She informed me that they do not take payments and that I will HAVE TO APPLY FOR A LOAN TO PAY! I told her that I do not HAVE TO apply for a loan and left the office. I recieved a call from the vet's office and it was someone that I had never spoke to before. It was DR. ADAM REISS. I thought it was just another Dr because I never had a Dr. He was calling about the bill the I still owed ($900). I could not believe that the owner of the company was calling to collect on a bill. I got angry and told the selffish DR. ADAM REISS that I am coming to get my dog and I will make payments. 

I arrived at the hospital and I could feel the tension in the air from the witch looking lady at the front desk. She put me in a room to wait for my dog. In comes another Dr. that I never met. WOW! DR. ADAM RIESS! He started giving me after care intructions, during the conversation I was telling him how stressful this has been for me. I also said that a lot of thoughts go though my head and I thought about even asking the Drs. that where working on my dog " what their GPA was in college. He looked at me straight in the eye and said "THAT WAS A STUPID QUESTION"!!! he told me I was stupid by wondering how the Dr's did in college! there are good and bad VETS! I was not happt at that time and things got to where he asked me to leave because I was scaring his staff. I think he was embarrassed that his staff heard me call him a "Spoiled Punk" and he did not like them hearing that.

I bought my dog home with me and she did great for about 3 months.

One November 5th 2013, about 8:00 p.m Mitzi started having a seizure. I called a vet that I was using and they were closed so I called SOVSC and could not get though...I realized that SOVSC blocked my phone! I was deperate and called 911 to help. I told 911 that I was blocked and they put the call though for me. I told SOVSC who I was and my dog was sick. She remembered me and put me on hold. She had to see if I could bring my dog in. She came back online and said NO. They refused seeing my dog. Mitzi Died. I could not get help for my dog. 

Shortly after in brought Mitzi home from SOVSC I started getting billed. I paid on the bills everytime I recieved one. I paid a small payment every month. 

FOR NO REASON SOVSC took me to collections! I have been working to better my credit for two years and have spent over 1k doing so and DR. ADAM REISS AND SOVSC are now ruining my credit! I was making payments and have the proof! I never even recieved a late payment notice or anything! 

Bottom line-- In my opinion of  DR. ADAM REISS  is he is in this for the money. ALL ABOUT THE PROFIT FOR SOVSC AND DR. RIESS!!! 

I hope you never have to go though what I had to go through with a pet and I Pray you never have to deal with SOVSC AND DR. ADAM REISS.

What was your GPA in college?  

5 Updates & Rebuttals



You were not there- I WAS!

#6Author of original report

Tue, May 13, 2014

All That I have to say to you, who ever you are. You were not there. You must be bored to rebutte this if you were not there and you do not know me or this GREEDY DR. REESE. all that you write here are your personal opionions. I would like a rebuttal from the Dr. not someone else with AN OPINION. Thank you for an opinion that has nothing to do with this. This Dr Adam Reese reported me to a collection agency when I was making payments. It has lowered my credit rating and THAT is my major complaint. Don't get off the subject. I hope you can find something else to do besides getting into things you know nothing about. How can you rebute something that you know nothing about. If the DR. gets a call from you telling him about this maybe HE can rebute me. Thanks for your unwarrented opionion. P.Walsh



Wrong AGAIN!!!!

#6General Comment

Tue, May 13, 2014

 Yes your stupidity IS evident as all you do is ASSUME!!! I dont know this Vet. Im not even in the same state as you, that is unless your a*s deep in sand out in Death Valley. No, I commented SOLELY on what YOU reported. There is ALWAYS 3 sides to ANY story. Your side, their side and what REALLY happend. Which side of the story do YOU think you are telling.

You can TRY and play the victim all you like but it wont work. You d**n yourself in your own words. You CANNOT act the way you did in the vets office and expect them to bend over and take it. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!!!! Until YOU learn that the world really doesnt revolve around you, you will continue to face situations such as this.

Now while it IS understandable to be upset that your dog is going to die, its NOT a pass for bad behaviour. You DID steal their services by NOT paying immediatly AS REQUESTED BY THE SERVICE PROVIDER!!! Now you and I both know they took PITY on you. They could have had you arrested, but you wish so hard to play the victim, no amount of logic will EVER get through to you so you will never accept the truth or reality of the situation.

You should consider yourself INCREDIBLY lucky that they have not found THIS report yet. Because the web IS a media outlet. This means that YOU are under the same laws as EVERY PRINTED PUBLICATION!!! This means that YOU are PERSONALLY accountable for what you post online. Because YOU have inserted YOUR OPINION AS FACT, you have given them a nice fat lawsuit against YOU. This is WHY I told you that THIS is the wrong forum and to take it to your blog. But YOU are so dumb and ignorant that you ASSUME its meant "shut up". No it was meant to protect YOU from YOU!!

Since YOU feel its perfectly ok to act as you do and you feel its perfectly ok to SLANDER and use DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER online, I AM going to do everything in MY POWER to ensure that they see THIS POST. You are slandering someone who can get $2000 for a blood transfusion, they wont think twice about taking YOU to court. I wish I did know these people personally!!!!!They sound like good caring people who do everything they can for your pets. We NEED more vets out there like that.

While I feel pity for you, I have NOTHING but contempt for the way you have acted and for what YOU have done online. You SHOULD be ashamed of your actions but people like yourself with HEAVY sociopathic tendencies can and will justify thier behaviour no matter if they are wrong or not. Its hardwired into people like you.

Good Luck in your future legal battle, you WILL need it. Im betting that you cant afford as good of a lawyer as that vet can. YOU are not anonymous online. EVERYTHING you do is recorded somewhere in someway. Im going to suggest to this vet when I contact them by email that they dig through thier records for your name and then match it up against the record that this site has. Which cna be obtained by presenting this site with a court order. You have the right to complain, you DO NOT have the right to slander and defame. THAT is where YOU screwed up. Had you kept the report to the FACTS of this case and had NOT interjected YOUR OPINIONS as FACT I would be 100% on your side IF this vet had actually done as you have accused. But you did and will NOW have to pay for those very words that you maliciously sat down and typed out.



Wrong place to vent?

#6Author of original report

Sat, April 05, 2014

First off again I am not venting, I am informing people and letting them know what I experienced and what they might expect if they deal with this Dr. What better place to tell everyone about my experience. Keep it in my blog? what blog. Like do you mean, "keep it hush, hush?" Blog? You should go back to collecting bills.



Typical for DR. ADAM RIESS

#6Author of original report

Sat, April 05, 2014

First off are you speaking for the GREEDY DR. RIESS? Why can't the college grad with the high GPA speak for himself? You call my story a BS story? You say that I could have been arrested? I wish you would have tryed to arrest me. The Dr. called me on my phone like a bill collector within minutes of me refusing to apply for your credit that I was TOLD that I HAVE to apply for to pay my $900 balance. How did I treat the vet that you mentioned so much in your bias rebutal? I was thrown off by the DR. calling me stupid. He said I asked a stupid question and he looked me in the eye like he was some kind of Drill Sgt. STUPID ---from a Doctor, how nice. This is his general attitude towards whatever pleases him. Selfserving person. Why would a professional say something like that to a person that is going though what I was going though at the time. I don't care about $900! it is the GREED! Did I blame the vet that I spent the money? NO! you said that I blamed the vet. If you read your rebuttal anyone can see that you are making up whatever you want. Yes a vet can refuse service to anyone. You had no reason to block my phone where I had to call 911 to get through to you. 

What is all the "burning BS? I did not burn anything. I have nothing to loose. you do. You are more than likely an employee that is well payed by that a*s. I appriciate your weak attempt the swing anyones view of my amazing experience that I had with DR. ADAM RIESS. Only he and I know what was said in his office and on the phone and if people could hear that they would tend to agree with me. Or for some un-fortunate reason their pet has to recieve services from DR ADAM RIESS they will see the vulture, tag team type tactics when it comes to collecting the bill. 

I sure would like to hear the Doctor's rebuttal and not someone elses lame attempt to cover for him because he won't.  I am sure that he has had his hire help him out in the past. No one deserves to be treated by professionals in a situation that I was going though. You also know that you are the only service of this type in over 400 miles so who else does someone go to beside you? NO ONE ,you are the monopoly! therefore you control the market in Southern Oregon and no one can complain! and if they do it really will not affect your business

So to the hire that made the attempt to save the GEEDY DR.. good try but you failed. I am not done. I will spread the truth for all the people that love their pets like I do. Like my own blood or better. I love all animals and you are not helping a lot of people because of the tactics that you practice. I have heard through good resorces that you refuse medicine to vets that they need, that you in fact have in stock! EVIL!  Of course these are my points of view but I believe that the owner of SOVSC, DR AMAM REISS,is not out just to be a nice guy. He likes his money and it shows. I wish everyone well with thier best friend and hope that you make your own decision who is being honest here. Patrick Wash




#6General Comment

Thu, February 13, 2014

 Sorry about your dog but this IS a situation brought on by YOUR actions. I can understand being upset. I can understand being mad about paying 6 grand to save your baby. But it was YOUR attitude and combativness that caused this situation. They have a right to refuse service to ANYONE. Reguardless of the situation. You have proven to them that you refused to work within the system and when you dont get your way, you feel its perfectly alright to act like a child and throw a tantrum. How can you blame THEM when YOU act this way??

You know you cant. Your whole post reads "pity me they were mean" when the reality is that YOU are the mean one. No one gets paid enough to put up with abuse. Especially when their job is to help. You basically spit in their face after they saved YOUR dog by throwing a tantrum. They COULD have had you arrested for theft of services. Its called skipping out on your bill. Yes you made payments. Good for you. Money doesnt make what you did to them BETTER.

I would suggest to you that YOU need to examine YOUR behaviour. You burned your own bridges because of the way YOU acted. You cannot place the blame for your dogs death on them because YOU are the one who lit the match and burned that bridge. I notice all those nice descriptive nouns you use against them. Im betting the descriptive noun for yourself is something like "angel". You KNOW you screwed up which is WHY you have come to this site. You think that the web going public is some idjit that is going to buy your BS story at face value. Sorry but neither we the web going public OR the vets office is dumb enough to buy that.

At the end of the day, this IS all on you. I have MANY pets. I have lost more then I care to count. I have NEVER treated any of my vets the way you treated them. Because of this, I can call my vet up AT HOME at 3AM and he will RUN over to help me. Even when I had to drop roughly 10 grand to save my dads cat, did I act as you have. I couldnt afford ten grand, but I didnt blast THEM because of it. I did my part, the vet did his part, unfortunatly the cat didnt make it due to complications from the cancer. Did I blame the vet because I had dropped TEN GRAND?? NOPE!!!! Because I know that they did all they could. SOmetimes things die despite every effort you can possibly afford.

I would suggest to you that this is the wrong place to vent. Keep that for your blog. As a pet owner I would like to think that you would learn from this issue, but Im not going to hold my breath. Yes your baby was dying, we get that. But its no reason to treat them as you have and continue to treat them. Your dog died, go cry somewhere then dry those tears and move forward. YOUR dog wouldnt have wanted you upset. Your lashing out and youre attacking whomever you feel is the culprit. Since you CANNOT attack DEATH, you look elsewhere to place blame.

Did you ever think this MIGHT be an opportunity to do something to ACTUALLY help other dog owners?? Maybe get with your vet and see what it would take to start a cheaper dog/cat blood bank. Given the connectivity of the web, you could help THOUSANDS of pet owners and you could name it after your baby.

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