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  • Report:  #738169

Complaint Review: Southern University Law Center

Southern University Law Center SULC Discriminates Against Non-Politically Connected and Non-Ethnic Students - Baton Rouge, Louisiana

  • Reported By:
    Dismayed — New Orleans Louisiana United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Wed, June 08, 2011
  • Updated:
    Sat, April 01, 2017

You appear to have to be politically connected or a favored ethnic student to succeed in this law school.  This would mean that if you were perhaps a white male, you CAN pass and do well, you just have to be associated with a judge or a legislator.  What happens is that both ethnic and non-ethnic students are failed in order to insure the politically connected pass. There is a curve in the classes, and what happens is that non-connected students are allowed in so that there are enough people to fail each semester.  At the end, the ones that are graduating are the ones that are related to judges or work for a legislator.  I have seen students that could not speak or actually write sentences actually get A's while other students that are clearly more informed, educated, and know the law better receive a C or worse.  Imagine when you have people that talk like they are from "Good Times" that cannot actually form sentences being given As and Bs while you are lucky to make a C.  Each semester, when you receive your F (again, I am talking about those that are not politically connected), you are expected to cry to the teacher and if you beg enough, they will change your grade on the computer system (this is against school policy and against the law but they do it anyway).  Not too long ago, the university tied to the law school had a fraud in place where the registrars sold grades for a price.  After that was discovered, they had to revoke some graduates' degrees.  With respect to the law school, the faculty will a lot of times sit down together and discuss the students and decide who will pass and who will not, regardless of how well you do on the exams.  Exam questions are leaked out to a few selective study groups, and those students do not stress because they have in essence the examination questions.  In order to dispute the grade, let's put it this way, before you apply to this school ask to see the grade appeal policy, and then you will not attend.  That is the official policy, but if you go in front of the chancellor and cry, boo h*o, and holler, they will allow you to beg and change your grade, which is against policy.  This is basically academic fraud.  If you were to pull the exams and compare them to each other, you would find that they do not grade on anything objective but they DO grade based on subjective qualifications.  The faculty is a joke.  I would say never to attend and hold out for LSU, Tulane, or Loyola.  Do not stain yourself with this institution.  No one respects it and they will fail you out just to be able to say it is a hard school when you see other students smirking because they know the exam content weeks and weeks before the actual exam.  This is why there are several smug faces on a lot of the connected people's faces.  You would be smug too if you had a virtual copy of the examination.  "They get the hook up."  It is basically a cheating scandal.  The bar passage rate on this school is horrible, as the faculty has not figured out how to obtain a copy of the bar exam YET.  So what you have are a lot graduates that cannot pass the bar exam because they are used to being spoon fed the examination.  In addition, because there is no real competition (remember, if you are not connected, no matter what ethnic race you are or not, you are not going to make it), when these kids graduate and work for a real law firm they are almost fired immediately.   This is because they had no competition within their academic settings  - the faculty took care of that.  This is a horrible school and I would tell anyone that is thinking of giving up a job or commuting to just avoid this school.  If you cannot get into LSU, Tulane, or Loyola, try another school in another state.  If this school was your ONLY choice and you would not be going to law school unless you attended SULC, I would tell you to find another profession - and you would thank me for it!  This school will ruin you academically - the faculty and the chancellor have it all rigged.  If you attend this school, you will be truly miserable (unless of course, you are related to a judge or a legislator).  Listening to supposed law professors that cannot speak properly and sound like carnival barkers tap dancing on Bourbon and asking you to bet that they can tell you where you bought your shoes is a truly demoralizing endeavor when you determine how much money this cardboard roach infested soup kitchen of a school received from your Sallie Mae account.  Last but not least, I feel bad for a friend of mine, who was a single black female mother, who was failed out her first semester, and she was obviously not connected, she came from out of state to attend this law school, and she was not "hooked up" like "Re-Run" was, and therefore was failed out, and I KNOW her paper was better than "Re-Run's," but remember "Re-Run" had the "Hook-up" so he was allowed to chug on forward  and passed his classes, regardless of the fact that he could not speak full sentences, could not write, and could not spell (Really!!!!).  She came to this school and gave a true good faith effort and she had no idea (like me) that she was simply a number designated to fall in order to allow the other connected students to progress forward.  If only she had known, she could have saved her money.  Just one of many examples of pure insanity where I saw very capable students being failed out to make room for relatives and friends of the family of judges and legislators.  If you are not connected up to a judge, don't bother attending, because you will be sacrificed so that they can move forward.  In the meantime, these kids not only are given grades with an unfair advantage, they are doing so on Federal money.  I don't care if you made a near 4.0 GPA like I had as an undergrad, you have to understand that these people are not playing fair, they are stacking the deck and making decisions about your future before you even attend your first class.  It is all rigged.  If you really want to attend, find out when the examination grades come out and then visit student lounges.  You will see those with very smug smiles (connected) and those that are pissed (those not connected that studied very hard).  You will see embattled students that feel as though they received a RAW DEAL.  And they would be right to feel that way.  Think about it this way - if you are connected up - everything is on auto-pilot, you just cruise and you can take it easy because you get fed the exams and you are good to go.  If you are not connected up - you will be studying in vain because the other students know what material to razor in on and therefore will know that specific material better than you ever will because they know the content of the exam.  This is why their graduates cannot pass the Bar, they cannot get a copy of the Bar Exam far enough in advance to memorize the answers like they do in regular law school classes.  Avoid this school - it is a scam - it is not fair - they are not grading on ability but on whether you have political connections.  It does not matter how much you study - you have to remember that promises were made and these people were promised their sons and daughters would have no problems, so someone has to choke on the A's, and it has to be you.  I know it sucks but that is the way business is done in this school.  You cannot fix it and you will not succeed; therefore, avoid it so that you have a chance somewhere  else to succeed.  Remember, the attrition rate after the first years is over 50%.  The connected students have all been promised slots, so the other students have to be sacrificed to get stuck with the Cs, Ds, and Fs.  If you attend, and you have been warned, you will never forgive yourself.  I have tried to warn all students that would consider attending in order to allow them to avoid the mistake I made in going to this school.  $8,000 of law school debt, with F s, and the memory of fellow students who cannot even spell but apparently receive A s and B s because their legal skills superces their ability to form sentences and write paragraphs.

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Ben Hahn

North Carolina,

Southern is fair to all

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, April 01, 2017

 The complainant makes many assumptions that are neither fair nor accurate. I am a white male who graduated from SULC. I am not politically connected. I take issue with the negative report of Southern Law. I was treated completely fairly, in a time when racial tensions were high (2012-2015). I found that my grades reflected the amount of effort I put into each class, and I was able to get professors and administrators to mentor me through law school at every step. My white race never hindered me. Additionally, although I was a staunch conservative in a liberal setting, I found it unnecessary to voice political views in law school. Basically, I knew where I was, and I understood the attitudes and opinions surrounding me. I did not feel the need to wear my political views on my sleeve, especially since law school is about understanding that there are always two sides to every argument. I found Southern to be extremely fair and welcoming to all people of all colors and creeds, especially if you had interesting things to say and showed a genuine passion for the subjects taught.

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