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  • Report:  #417520

Complaint Review: Sovereign Bank

Sovereign Bank SLOVENLY BANK BROKE THE LAW! Fred Pratt, George Chablis, Cathy Dreyer, Andrea Reider Massachusetts

  • Reported By:
    Boston Massachusetts
  • Submitted:
    Thu, January 29, 2009
  • Updated:
    Thu, March 10, 2022
  • Sovereign Bank
    2 Morrissey Bv, Dorchester, Massachusetts 02125
    Fred Pratt, George Chablish, Cathy Dreyer, Andrea In Loss Pr, Massachusetts
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I worked for these losers from 2001-2004. They let me go me in Aug 2004 and blamed me for a coworker's illegal actions. These f-tards banned me doing business with the bank "based upon my actions as a former employee." They also shut down my checking account as well "based upon my actions as a former employee." They also told me that my mortgage with the bank could be called in also "based upon my actions as a former employee." I found all this out in Aug 2004 when I went to use my debit card and it would not work. I called the bank to find out what was going on and I was transferred to the loss prevention dept where I spoke to a one Andrea Reider, who informed me of this. Not only was she incredibly rude but she was incredibly ignorant too because no bank can call in any mortgage unless it is in default of its loan documents. What spouted from her mouth about my mortgage was false and is reportable to the banking commission. The bank can face huge fines and penalties because of her stupidity. I got news for ya Missy, I've allowed myself to be contacted by agencies and I hope they contact me so I can get you FIRED and the bank in a BIG FAT LAWSUIT!

So this all happened between May and Aug 04:

I got fired because of a one Mrs Cathy Dreyer's actions(an uneducated dimwit and former employee of the bank -- she was a so called supervisor of the business banking dept with no clue about business). What she did was illegally debit money from a customer's business checking account with a different name and tax id to pay off a loan he had under another business name and different tax id. This illegal. She claimed she had permission from the customer and did not. So what happened? I got involved and then took the blame for her actions. Did I fail to mention she holds only a HS diploma and believes higher ed is for the birds? She is also a backstabbing, manipulative bimbo with a big mouth who can talk the talk but not walk the walk. Did I also fail to mention that she was appointed (in May 04) an interim supervisor of the business banking dept by her big NY boss George Chablis (still works for sov bk in NY and is the GM of the business banking dept) because he was testing her out to see how well she did? Well, after her 30 day trial, she became a "supervisor." Did I also fail to mention that Senor Chablis is like his name sake in that he puts on a good show but when you get a real taste of him, you want to spit him out because he is so shallow and putrid?

Did I also mention that a one Mr Fred Pratt (works for sov bk now as manager of business banking and reports to Chablis) was one of Mrs clothes Dreyer's bosses in the business banking dept and recommended her for the position of supervisor because she gave good 'conversational head' by way of her big mouth? Yeah, he hadn't gotten hawt smex in a loooooong time. Did I fail to mention he was the one who got fired because he made me the scapegoat for Mrs clothes-dreyer's actions? He also reported me to the HR dept where I was treated like a criminal by some anorexic chick named Donette. (Thanks for turning the tables on me, ya paper pusher.) I also did not mention Fwed has puffy nuts and needs to sit on a dog pillow becuz he has a p***s and balls problem. He is also Marty Feldman's long lost twin brother. Did I also fail to mention that Fwed is a miserable b*****d and its amazing his wife, sophia, is still with him.

So anyway, fwed told me to go to HR and that's where I got the 3rd degree from Miss Donette aa Krispy Kreme (parody on donut). After she treated me like crap she took my swipey card and escorted me out of the bldg. 3 days later, her and Sr Cheap Wine told me to go f-off because I was found to be "insubordinate." Whatever. I still got to file unemployment.

And, I still contact the bank to this day. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

You dips just made me alot stronger and alot bolder. Thanks. A middle finger to you all.

Boston, Massachusetts

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4 Updates & Rebuttals

Cathy Dreyer

United States

The real STORY spelled correctly

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 09, 2022

miss dreyer had an affair with mr fusco when they were at sovereign bank. both were married to other people at the time and both had a young child at the time. this makes them both cheaters and morally questionable and morally bankrupt. mr fusco followed miss dreyer from job to job just to be with her. talk about pathetic....

miss dreyer ran the collection dept into the ground while a so called manager. it is reported she came and went as she pleased, which lead to complaints being made about her conduct. as a result, her boss, george chablis, fired her and the employees at the end of 2007. it was apparent to most of us that she was being used as a Tool but didn't seem to realize it. she only cared that she was "the supervisor".... 

miss dreyer is where she belongs - in positions of non management.

miss dreyer, your former boyfriend, mr fusco let a few of us know in early 2004 that you were a lousy supervisor when you were both at mitsubishi bank. guess he said you knew alot of nothing about nothing.

And its true you were crying your head off a month after you started the job in Oct 2003 cuz you couldn't figure out a simple AS400 mainframe system. You also opened an Excel document in Word and wondered why the dang thing was opening properly. It seems you're the one with the problem, not anyone else. you are where you belong and may you stay there for all eternity. 

Have a nice day.


United States of America

The Absolute Truth...

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 28, 2013

First off, Hello...  I am a former employee and have worked with all of the above. None of what is written above by "PsychoSybil" has any truth to it. 

Let's look at the first individual who started this post. "PsychoSybil"

Denise Ubaldino called herself "PsychoSybil" because of her believing she has multiple personalities. 
First off, one who believes that about one-self needs to seek professional counseling.

This said person was let go because she repeatedly was disrespecting her superior and constantly did not follow directions and was purposely insubordinate. I know. I was there. She even recorded her infractions onto the computer system of said file she was working on at the time.

What do you do with someone who doesn't work out? You let them go. Simple as that. 
Denise was let go. Nine years later she is still moaning about it. Ok, insert psychoanalyst here!
Time to get over it and move on...  

Denise also shown her dislike with people by hanging dolls on the company walls with knives going through them....And this is someone who wants everyone to pity her and believe her...  

She even went to the extreme of advising me, a new employee at the time, of how "aroused" she felt on one given day..   As to my amazement of the situation. I turned around and continued with my work. 
Denise was famous for blurting out one line statements to whoever was near her at the time.
Not to mention a derogatory nickname for everyone in the place.

For someone to take the time to write a blog on fan-fiction about someone she barely knows and titles it "w***e" - proves that professional help is what she is screaming for. Since she believes she does this so well she even goes to the length of registering on this site as "HCostello" to pretend someone else has the same beliefs and understanding as Denise, aka "PsychoSybil."  

Everyone at the business was fair and very nice. Once you get someone who is disgruntled and doesn't get their way, then they have to tarnish everyone else's image.  

Denise, never had what it takes to progress and succeed in the company. She was content dialing for dollars when she was in fact working, and also reading up on her fan fiction while at her desk... Another reason why if I were her superior I'd show her the door.

Denise, Grow up sometime.... We all pay too much to the government already, we're not ready to take on another body living off the fat of the land right now.

And as for the person you claim above having no education, she has more knowledge, class, and professionalism than you will ever have in your lifetime...

Enjoy the minimal salary you are currently earning Denise...


New York,
New York,
United States of America

Another True STORY

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, December 05, 2012

I am a former employee of Sovereign Bank. I worked in the same area with Cathy Dreyer. She was not as competent as she claims to be as she was sobbing on her 3rd day of work stating she could not work the computer program because it was too difficult. She did master the computer and the programs after some time. She was also rather competent at running her mouth and making her opinions known. I would say this is the reason she got the title of manager after some time too. I think she failed to realize she was just being used by the upper management in NY because they did not want to be burdened with managing off site employees in MA. The dept at the time was going through some transitions and the management seemed to have found a willing pawn to fulfill their needs. 

Cathy did manage to get some of her friends hired from her former company, which I thought odd. One of her friends was Gerald. He told me she was useless as a supervisor at their former company. He said not to say anything, but I have. I wonder if they will still be friends after this?


United States of America

The True Stroy

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, June 11, 2010


 Sadly I came across this article with my name mentioned and I honestly cannot believe 5 years after she was fired, Denise Ulbaldino would write such a pathetic lie, that would disgrace her former employees and management. I started with Sovereign Bank in 2003 and within a year was promoted to a supervisor and then to a Manager. Unfortunatly Denise became very violent and verbel with how she felt about my promotion. She felt as though she was there longer and had a degree, thus she deserved the promotion instead. There was never any illegal actions on my part at the Bank, they promoted me based on the fact that I was a good employee, I was a hard worker and I was reliable. When I first became her supervisor she would sit on the phone and talk bad about me so I could hear her which was fine if it made her feel better, she is very unstable and therefore given the name PsychoSybil. I am not here to bad mouth anyone, I loved working for Sovereign Bank,  but Denise failed to mention why she was fired and escorted out of the company, she starting sending poems via email about me, she never mentioned that. She likes to go on and voice her anger and frustration, well other employees showed me these emails and I think I will share this. Well I went to my immediate supervisor and being the professional person Fred Pratt is, this was quickly escalated to HR. That day she was removed from the premises and I was sent home, they advised me for my own protection . I never have seen or heard from her again, but its actually quite sad that she would make up lies about everyone around her, that actually cared and tried to help her. I worked there 4 years and it was one of the best organizaions I ever had the pleasure to be a part of. This was the poem she e-mailed to the other employees that got her terminated, this was the only reason. Having a degree is great, but if you don't have common sense, dignity and respect, its basically a piece of paper.



w***e. That is what you are. To you I shall write and speak these words sourful! Utterly nothing less and never more. Ignorance permeates your ever being. You think yourself and your reasons utmost powerful! You so must be dreaming. w***e. Nauseating sloth of a being you are. Giving no thought to others' feelings for you is undeniable! You claim you care. You are a Liar. Polished and pure bread will never be your pedigree. Shackled to self-falsities to deny & disguise what is truthful! Self denial your downfall will be. w***e. That is what you seemingly are. Pissed off to no end; My anger you find quite favorable! Everything you touch becomes marred. A concoction of irk and disgrace. You offend my very eyes; So insanely pitiful and painful! You are scum and a total waste. w***e. This is what all knows you are. You think your existence to claim the Prize to be fateful! I have hindered your quest thus far. Consuming all living things you see. You think you are right in every way and never wrongful! Giving death to all with efficacy. w***e. Such as you ever will be and are. You claim no right to learning. your desires are illogical! You seek only destruction and power. If be, I will drag you to 7 Hells with me. Die! You think you will live and rule, that is very doubtful! Peace will return to the Sengoku Jidai. w***e. A fact that I know you ARE. These words shall ever be etched into your cursed soul! Utterly nothing less and never more.

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