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  • Report:  #627793

Complaint Review: Hard sell and harrasment tactics are what this company is all about. Internet

  • Reported By:
    ScamWarden — Denver Colorado United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Fri, July 30, 2010
  • Updated:
    Mon, August 02, 2010

I received a speeding ticket and was worried because it was a 4 pointer and would cause my insurance to skyrocket.  While looking for ideas on what to do I came across on the Internet.  I was very skeptical because the site itself had the unprofessional look and feel of the standard scam site.  However, I felt I wasn't out anything if I simply sent an Email to see what they could do.

Come to find out when I went to the courthouse because of my clean driving record they plea bargained down to an "obstructed windshield" charge with 0 points and no DMV record.  The fine was cheaper than speedticketbeaters as well.

I then sent the following Email to in response to the emails they had been sending me non stop:

"Please do not send me any more messages or calls.  I have settled my ticket and do not need your services.

PLEASE - Don't prove you guys are obnoxious scammers by continuing to harass and annoy me.  I may need your services in the future. "

I quickly received the following harassing Email:



The unfortunate course of action you have chosen, is going to guarantee that you lose your speeding case in court.  The judge, prosecutor, and police officers, are all prepared professionals, who know exactly how to trip you up in court, and force you to lose your case. Your ONLY chance of winning, was by coming in with our information working for you.  Now you can plan on losing in court, paying for your ticket, paying for traffic school if eligible, if not eligible having more points on your license, possibly having your license revoked, definitely having your insurance get MUCH more expensiveIt is simply NOT smart to do what you are now planning on doing!


1) SOLUTION: Plead guilty (aka no contest or nolo contendre)  and lose tons of money
REASON ITS A BAD IDEA: Youre still paying a fine, still having some kind of guilty on your record.

2) SOLUTION: Plea bargain to a lesser charge Pay a small fine now, and have a double fine and double insurance increase on your next ticket.
REASON ITS A BAD IDEA: Youre still paying a fine, still having some kind of guilty on your record. Youre also paying a double fine, and double insurance increase on your next ticket, with no plea option.

3) SOLUTION: Defend yourself some other way, and lose in court, and then immediately lose tons of money.
REASON ITS A BAD IDEA: The ONLY defenses that actually work in speeding trials are ones fully based in law, spoken in legal terms, and backed up with legal statutes. You have NO idea how to do ANY of that, and WONT win on your own. UNLESS, we teach you! For the rest of why this is a terrible plan, re-read sentence above!   

4) SOLUTION: Use the services of another speeding ticket website.
REASON ITS A BAD IDEA: Other sites do not give you simple legal defenses that an average person can use in court. Instead they make you download info from their sites on how to beat a ticket that is usually 50-100 pages of reading. And it is reading that the average person would need a lawyers help to understand! From us you get a simple, easy to follow script, customized to your ticket.

5) SOLUTION: Go to Traffic school
REASON ITS A BAD IDEA: When you take traffic school, you have admitted to the court that you are guilty. Your penalty is traffic school. You then dont get out of paying your ticket fine, and they DO tell your insurance you plead guilty. The insurance company waives the points and insurance increase 1 time. Then on your next offense (or anyone elses on the same insurance plan), they DOUBLE your insurance increase.

6) SOLUTION: Hire a Lawyer
REASON ITS A BAD IDEA:  A) Read our testimonials page, the testimonials written BY lawyers! They admit that they do not know how to beat speeding tickets, and no lawyer learns how in law school!  B)  All they do is plea bargain. That is not beating a ticket. The results are terrible. Read more about that in # 2 above. C) They will charge you a fortune. Normally well over $150 an hour, for a minimum of 8 hours!  D) A SIGNIFICANT portion of OUR business is training lawyers on how to beat speeding tickets! They have NO idea how to do it!  

7) SOLUTION: Argue that they have the facts wrong
REASON ITS A BAD IDEA: NO JUDGE on this planet cares what you think they have right and wrong. If the cop says XYZ happened. XYZ happened! You will never (we repeat - NEVER) beat a ticket by arguing that they have something (or even numerous things) wrong! Yes, they can single you out even if somebody nearby was faster, yes, they can make mistakes in what is written on the ticket, yes, they can write down the wrong limit, yes, they can hide in any location they want, yes, they can write you a full on speeding ticket for going 1 MPH over, etc, etc , etc!    



This is NOT a reputable business.  STAY FAR FAR AWAY FROM THESE GUYS!

2 Updates & Rebuttals


los angeles,
United States of America

Once again, Speedticketbeaters is not a scam, I repeat not a scam!

#3General Comment

Sun, August 01, 2010

I have posted online before in defense of Speedticketbeaters when I see false statements like the ones this guy wrote thrown about. are geniuses, pure and simple, and are absolutely not in any way a scam! They have saved me and friends of mine thousands of dollars. Below I re-posted a copy of the testimonial I had written for them, and pasted it here for you to read. Many more, from many others re viewable at their site and blog.

Also notice on their blog an interesting section where they describe the "definition of a customer". In it they say:

"When a person tells you that they do not like the guys at Speedticketbeaters, because we were harsh with them (when explaining to them how dumb their statements were in a phone call or email with us), here are some things to remember: A customer by definition is a person who purchases goods or services from another (the source of the definition was The key word is purchases. Why is that word critical to the defintion of customer? Because one who purchases goods or services, can at least speak (or write) first hand, as to their experience USING the goods or service. If they did not purchase and USE the goods or service, HOW can they be taken as a reputable source when they say a product is inferior or write that a company is a scam/rip off? The answer is they CANNOT be taken seriously, because they do not actually know anything about the goods or service that they are making a negative comment about. Unless, the person you are getting your information from has USED the goods or service they are informing you about, they must be ignored. You cannot learn ANYTHING from someone who hasnt used the goods or service!"

I fully agree with every totally correct and logical word stated above.

Now here's my story/testimonial. Unlike the nutty comments in this post, I actually used the service and know the truth!

great company Being a skeptic has advantages. First, you begin your inquiries with doubt and then search for the truth. The result will be one of two things: 1. your suspicions are confirmed and the company / product is a fraud or 2. your suspicions are dissolved and the truth is revealed. My name is Todd S. I was a skeptic about whether would actually work. I took a step of faith and signed up. I was impressed beyond what Ill be able to articulate in this endorsement. I received a ticket for 75mph in a 55mph zone in Salinas, CA on a two lane highway. provided me with a detailed defense, case law, and a very detailed script to follow in regard to communicating with the court through the written and spoken word. Very impressive, very thoroughly, and very professional. I did exactly what they told me. responded to my inquiries via email and phone in a very expeditious manner. I obtained the traffic engineering reports and prepared my case as instructed. I had about 10 friends that were going to attend my court date and they were all wagering that I would not be able to beat this ticket. I was confident I would, could, and should prevail based on the thorough preparation provided. To make a long story short, the case was dismissed. I was elated. My friends were amazed and my faith, belief, trust, and confidence in laboring under correct knowledge was further affirmed. is the real deal. You need to do EXACTLY what they tell you. If so, you will prevail. If not, the onus is on you for failing to trust their proven system of defenses. I am a real person, responding in a real way, to a really valuable service. I guesstimate this ticket has saved me hundreds if not thousands of dollars by simply heeding their counsel. I like skeptics. I was one. Skeptics become the best converts. My interaction was has been first rate. I now trust their system, their format, and their detailed process for fighting tickets. It works. Their staff is responsive, confident, and direct in how to beat your ticket. I am elated that the truth with this company has been revealed in spades. It is fun being a believer. The truth really does set you free. An elated customer

Check out their website and wordpress blog to learn a lot more than you can learn from this Denver guy, and his false accusations!







United States of America

Harassers, bullys and worse.

#3Author of original report

Fri, July 30, 2010

These people use harassment, bully tactics, threats and whatever else they can to get people to buy.  If you tell them you are going to report their practices, they bomb you with legal bs and threaten you with legal actions.

Stay FAR away from these people.  They are not nice people and they definitely do not want to help you in any way.

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