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  • Report:  #133761

Complaint Review: Spellmaker - The Voodoo Boutique

Spellmaker - The Voodoo Boutique ripoff, prey on desperate people, deceptive, sounds convincing, not legit Albuquerque New Mexico

  • Reported By:
    Wichita Kansas
  • Submitted:
    Fri, March 04, 2005
  • Updated:
    Sun, July 18, 2010
  • Spellmaker - The Voodoo Boutique
    529 Adams St NE
    Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I am quite ashamed to say that I ran across this website and fell for this. The sad and painful truth is, you can't magically make someone love you back, or magically bring your "true love" into your life. And as anyone with a broken heart knows, sometimes you can be so desperate that you move to drastic measures.

I bought two Dual Spellcasting kits, one spellcsating kit, a white candle figure and some charms from this site more than a year ago. The information given is very detailed and convincing. The spell kits consist of candles, oils, herbs and other charms, and the instructions are very detailed and time consuming (each spell takes ten days, I believe). However, I am not an unbeleiver in the paranormal/supernatural realm, and these rituals seemed to be quite powerful.

They had also requested samples from me (hair, etc) and the person in question. An email contact was given for "technical difficulties". In the case of the dual-casting kits, I was told that the Rev. Samantha Kaye would also be casting the spells in Albuquerque on the same days I was doing so. I set up an appointment and everything. Very Convincing Stuff, just check out the website for yourself.

Bottom line? I spent about $400.00 in all, and yep, you guessed it-never heard from the ex again. I heard that he and his new girlfriend are currently engaged. Six months after completion of the spell work and no results, I wrote to them. They suggested that I try a new spell. Luckily, it finally clicked that I was being scammed.

Broken hearts are not fun. In an ideal world, the person that you love will love you back. But you can't make someone have feelings for you. Anyone who is desperate, depressed and vunerable is a target of "services" like these. Time is really the only cure for heartache.

It's humiliating for me to share this, but I feel that if I can prevent someone from making the same mistake as I did, something good will come out of this.

Topeka, Kansas

20 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

Bibles are not a ripoff and love spells don't put people in trances.

#21General Comment

Sun, July 18, 2010

   First of all I'd like to start by saying that it is only ministers who choose to do counseling for others at times, who make appointments to come by their office during the week, who don't charge for advice and services. You can choose to have a thriving business on any subject wether it's voo doo, crystal healing, psychiatry, etc., etc. Who's to say that a Spiritualist Isn't scrupulous because they charge? Furthermore, a Bible is a book with white pages and black words like any other book and has it's rightful place in the market as such.

    I am not writing for the purpose of supporting magical internet services, but I'd like to take a moment to try and dispel this myth, going on, that a love spell is an attempt to make someone love you against their will. These individuals do not go around in a trance like state for the rest of their lives not knowing they are being controlled like puppets. The way a spell works is with proper attitude and energy like positive thinking and "The Secret" so many have talked about. The only difference is that you are using hands on tools to enhance the process. A type of spell that works for one person may not work for another.

   For those who are interested in trying a spell I would suggest getting reading material that explains the nature of spells and how they work and create your own spell according to your own individual need. Remember: It all boils down to your will, intent, and the ability to let go and let your life go on without obsessing after the ritual is complete. If one cannot do this then he or she may need counseling before trying any spells. In any case I wish you all well.


United States of America

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, November 12, 2009

spellmaler is not a scam site. The only thing that is a scam is the duo / so called dual castings. I dont believe anyone actually casts a spell for you on the other side. I do believe the products are authentic because I ordered a kit and its very authentic as I am aware of the beliefs and what are the necessites of the craft. If you want results you have to be positive and remove doubts. Just cause a spell didnt work for you doesnt mean the kits are fake.


United States of America

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, November 11, 2009

Obviously youre the idiot that fell for their dual casting crap. They dont do real dual castings as promised or send out reports. If you order the kit and read the booklet provided in the kit , the instructions are lengthly and requires alot of extra materials for the spell that you have to purchase at your local store. What makes you think for every customer out there , that these so called spell casters from even have the time of day to go through all the trouble when they have a store to run? Its total B/S. Youre better off buying the kit and doing it yourself , them doing it aint gonna make your spell powerful enough. Its a store , its suppose to sell us supplies nit make promises and guarantees. If your spell doesnt work it was either something on your end , like not doing the work right. Magic is real , unfortunatley alot of sites online just gives the religion itself a bad name.



Don't worry, "Sam" will get hers and is getting hers!

#21Consumer Comment

Sat, August 11, 2007

Right now she has some sort of "eye infection" she's always whining about. She also has frequent health problems that come up, especially when people catch on to her fraud. Funny, such a strong "mambo" can't seem to help herself! "Physician, heal thy self!". The way karma seems to be catching up to her, her eyes might just pop right out of her skull! Then we can all say "SO WHAT? BIG DEAL! GET OVER IT!" to her, like she has to her clients, and tell her to cast a spell on herself! We'll see how brave she is then! ;-)

The point is, the best thing to do is just stand back and wait for her to get her comeuppance! Remember, this is a woman who supposedly loved her dead husband so much, but was dating and married before he was cold in the ground! If that doesn't tell you that she is a heartless, unfeeling, shrew who is only after money, nothing will!

Go read her latest comment for laughs (I chose not to, she just doesn't have any power over us any more, remember that), I'm sure her TRUE nature was revealed like it is whenever her back is against the wall (just like a rabies-carrying rat that's been backed into a corner!) I don't know if I believe in the Devil or the Anti-Christ anymore, but I do know there is evil in the world, and Samantha (Debra) is living proof of that. If there IS a Satan, then Sam and her psychic Mary are definitely competing for his job! :-)



Don't worry, "Sam" will get hers and is getting hers!

#21Consumer Comment

Sat, August 11, 2007

Right now she has some sort of "eye infection" she's always whining about. She also has frequent health problems that come up, especially when people catch on to her fraud. Funny, such a strong "mambo" can't seem to help herself! "Physician, heal thy self!". The way karma seems to be catching up to her, her eyes might just pop right out of her skull! Then we can all say "SO WHAT? BIG DEAL! GET OVER IT!" to her, like she has to her clients, and tell her to cast a spell on herself! We'll see how brave she is then! ;-)

The point is, the best thing to do is just stand back and wait for her to get her comeuppance! Remember, this is a woman who supposedly loved her dead husband so much, but was dating and married before he was cold in the ground! If that doesn't tell you that she is a heartless, unfeeling, shrew who is only after money, nothing will!

Go read her latest comment for laughs (I chose not to, she just doesn't have any power over us any more, remember that), I'm sure her TRUE nature was revealed like it is whenever her back is against the wall (just like a rabies-carrying rat that's been backed into a corner!) I don't know if I believe in the Devil or the Anti-Christ anymore, but I do know there is evil in the world, and Samantha (Debra) is living proof of that. If there IS a Satan, then Sam and her psychic Mary are definitely competing for his job! :-)


Kuala Lumpur,

Same here

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, April 19, 2007

Well, this girl of mine dumped me for
another guy some years ago. So I ordered
a double spell service to be performed by
her - one to get rid of the guy, and the
other to make her want me again. Cost $100
for each spell, so total was $200.

I followed her instructions to the letter
regarding the items required - hair samples,
his fingerprints on a cloth or paper, etc. and
sent everything over.

Nothing happened after a few months, so I
emailed her asking about the status. She replied
that she would send me a "report" ..... which
never came. Neither did my girl to this day.

What can I say, except to voice my disappointment ?



Spellmaker- Mambo Sam

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, September 10, 2006

I must respond in defense of Mambo Sam. I know, half will say I either work for her or am Sam herself. Well I am neither. I am a client that used her services a few years ago and again a few months ago.

I had two different outcomes. I ask for solo castings for both. The first time it was successful. I am still having issues with the person today. Non believers you probably say,"it would have happened anyway". Very much so, but the fact is it happened after my spell casting from Mambo Sam.

The most recent one however has not produced any results at all, things are actually worse. But whose to say why? I believe all things are possible. That's my point on the matter. It's my choice to spend my money and believe what I want. If I get duped then it's my loss. But sometimes believing and having hope is enough to make things happen.
Much Peace


Chicagoland Area,

Salvation for 3 easy payments of 59.95

#21Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 20, 2006

True spiritualism doesn not come at a cost. If you pay for any kind of spiritual counceling or advice or help, then you are being ripped off. Even when you buy a bible, your being ripped off. True voodoo priest and priestess do not charge for their services, as well as servants of the christian God. As for love casting spells.... I'd like to call you all ignorant, but even I have caught myself doing foolish things in the name of love. Even if it could happen, would you want yourself to be put in a trance to love someone unwillingly?


Chicagoland Area,

Salvation for 3 easy payments of 59.95

#21Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 20, 2006

True spiritualism doesn not come at a cost. If you pay for any kind of spiritual counceling or advice or help, then you are being ripped off. Even when you buy a bible, your being ripped off. True voodoo priest and priestess do not charge for their services, as well as servants of the christian God. As for love casting spells.... I'd like to call you all ignorant, but even I have caught myself doing foolish things in the name of love. Even if it could happen, would you want yourself to be put in a trance to love someone unwillingly?


San Francisco,

Anyone can get burned by internet spellcasters. You could be its next victim.

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, July 23, 2006

Theres no quick fix/ spells to rectify the relationship; once a relationship ends you move on is Internet scammers, money suckers who care nothing but their own packet.I hope the Karma train runs them over, backs up and runs them over again. Unsavoury people run this site.

Hi all I just wanted to warn everyone to be very careful with spell sites like Not all surprises are good ones. Breaking up unexpectedly with my boyfriend was a bad surprise. I remember being told by the person I was seriously dating didnt want to see me anymore. I felt rejected. started questioning my worth. When a break up happens, it is important to step back and breathe, then move on with life & new relationship..I remember the pain. It hurt so bad, I was sick to my stomach. I didnt want to get out of bed; I just wanted to cry and cry. My family said, "In time, your feelings will change." I didn't want to hear that; I turned to Spellmakers in a desperate bid to salvage my broken relationship.. I paid them $1,900 and of course nothing happened and they doesn't answer e-mails anymore unless I PAY more money. I was left heart brokern as were the kids and out of pocket.I just hope Karma catches up with them soon. I still cannot justify to myself charging anyone thousands of dollars for spellwork that does not work. People go to them in need, hurting...and seeking answers. The first thing they should have done without charging money is look into the situation, (meditation, cowrie shell readings, then establish a connection and look in with tarot and candle divination to see the potential clients chances of success). then talk over with the potential client of what they see, how change can be effected, and what can help with. Should they choose to proceed, then they design their ritual, (no spellwork is EVER cookie cutter, ), and advise them of the cost is as calculate it out, (expenses and time invested.) The other thing I would like to say is that Spellmakers promises 87% results ( their success rate is only around .5% realistically). They doesn't care about the details of the cleints situation - they're not realistic as well as fair given what Divinity may have in store for people - is leading everyone on. Spellmakers is an unethical online business. Knowing most people who go to these sites are in need. To take advantage of someone when they are at there lowest. Spellmakers post all the GREAT things about their own site. They will post their own website as being the best and hope people are not smart enough but to believe a fake forum. You are fooled by fake testimonials and fake comments about other sites. ......They get you to purchase a dozen spells, dolls, candles etc and leave you high and dry. You wont get any support and no one to answer you back. Rev. Samantha Kaye Corfield is a fake and will just rip you have been warned and .... just STAY CLEAR !



New York,

DON'T USE SPELLMAKE.COM scmmers unethical thiefs liars cruel people

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, July 23, 2006

My conclusion is they're not that good after all. They DON'T CARE about customers. They are out to SCAM MONEY.Spellmakers is ruthless, evil, homewreckers, unethical people out to make a quick buck here & there...ripping off the broken hearted/divorced/lonely people. I have totally lost all faith in Spellmakers...whatever little I had left after what happened with me, is just GONE now. Ok so they couldn't tell me that my ex-boyfriend had a fiance, and kids, BUT TWICE IN ONE MONTH!!! They lied to this other woman, The poor thing got her hopes up....and they let her down badly. I'm really disappointed. How many people in the Spellmakers/The Vodoo Boutique clients/yahoo groups REALLY have any kind of success...honestly now if you think about it. A lot of them who say they have had success get other men or women. That's not a success in my book. AND Spellmakers/Reverend Samantha Kaye tell people that there is another reason why they didn't get who they wanted or the Lois had other plans for them..Its a SCAM!!!. Then why do I need spellcasters to help me get ANOTHER person. I can do that on my own if I want.

I should have been more suspicious of Mary Lee's reading she told me a bunch of good stuff and then gave me a list of stuff to buy from Spellmakers. And ok fine HDs (Heart Desire's) get married and sometimes don't stay, but why should we as Spellmaker clients be breaking up marriages??????? The guys/girls don't need the spells to realise what a jerk they with him/her is going to do that on its own. THAT'S why he/she realises the wife isn't right for them..because she/he shows her true colours!

Yahoo group members ask questions And then Mambo Samantha Kaye comes back with this weird long answer about FAITH And blah blah bah...I'm sorry I just don't buy it anymore. Yes, ok Clients is strong and whatever but that doesn't mean NOTHING if they didn't get their woman/ man back when Spellmakers/The Voodoo Boutique said he/she would. Spellmakers/The Vodoo Boutique, whatever else they call themselves is a SCAM. I'm so mad and fed-up of this nonsense. If I had found ANOTHER HONEST PRACTITIONER before all this mess and time that i wasted, I might have had my man back by now. I probably could have done something earlier. I could have had what I wanted. I'm so MAD that I spent all this money not only on products but shipping and TAXES!

Spell Skeptic (use to be Spell Faithful), NYC, USA


New York,

DON'T USE SPELLMAKE.COM scmmers unethical thiefs liars cruel people

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, July 23, 2006

My conclusion is they're not that good after all. They DON'T CARE about customers. They are out to SCAM MONEY.Spellmakers is ruthless, evil, homewreckers, unethical people out to make a quick buck here & there...ripping off the broken hearted/divorced/lonely people. I have totally lost all faith in Spellmakers...whatever little I had left after what happened with me, is just GONE now. Ok so they couldn't tell me that my ex-boyfriend had a fiance, and kids, BUT TWICE IN ONE MONTH!!! They lied to this other woman, The poor thing got her hopes up....and they let her down badly. I'm really disappointed. How many people in the Spellmakers/The Vodoo Boutique clients/yahoo groups REALLY have any kind of success...honestly now if you think about it. A lot of them who say they have had success get other men or women. That's not a success in my book. AND Spellmakers/Reverend Samantha Kaye tell people that there is another reason why they didn't get who they wanted or the Lois had other plans for them..Its a SCAM!!!. Then why do I need spellcasters to help me get ANOTHER person. I can do that on my own if I want.

I should have been more suspicious of Mary Lee's reading she told me a bunch of good stuff and then gave me a list of stuff to buy from Spellmakers. And ok fine HDs (Heart Desire's) get married and sometimes don't stay, but why should we as Spellmaker clients be breaking up marriages??????? The guys/girls don't need the spells to realise what a jerk they with him/her is going to do that on its own. THAT'S why he/she realises the wife isn't right for them..because she/he shows her true colours!

Yahoo group members ask questions And then Mambo Samantha Kaye comes back with this weird long answer about FAITH And blah blah bah...I'm sorry I just don't buy it anymore. Yes, ok Clients is strong and whatever but that doesn't mean NOTHING if they didn't get their woman/ man back when Spellmakers/The Voodoo Boutique said he/she would. Spellmakers/The Vodoo Boutique, whatever else they call themselves is a SCAM. I'm so mad and fed-up of this nonsense. If I had found ANOTHER HONEST PRACTITIONER before all this mess and time that i wasted, I might have had my man back by now. I probably could have done something earlier. I could have had what I wanted. I'm so MAD that I spent all this money not only on products but shipping and TAXES!

Spell Skeptic (use to be Spell Faithful), NYC, USA


New York,

DON'T USE SPELLMAKE.COM scmmers unethical thiefs liars cruel people

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, July 23, 2006

My conclusion is they're not that good after all. They DON'T CARE about customers. They are out to SCAM MONEY.Spellmakers is ruthless, evil, homewreckers, unethical people out to make a quick buck here & there...ripping off the broken hearted/divorced/lonely people. I have totally lost all faith in Spellmakers...whatever little I had left after what happened with me, is just GONE now. Ok so they couldn't tell me that my ex-boyfriend had a fiance, and kids, BUT TWICE IN ONE MONTH!!! They lied to this other woman, The poor thing got her hopes up....and they let her down badly. I'm really disappointed. How many people in the Spellmakers/The Vodoo Boutique clients/yahoo groups REALLY have any kind of success...honestly now if you think about it. A lot of them who say they have had success get other men or women. That's not a success in my book. AND Spellmakers/Reverend Samantha Kaye tell people that there is another reason why they didn't get who they wanted or the Lois had other plans for them..Its a SCAM!!!. Then why do I need spellcasters to help me get ANOTHER person. I can do that on my own if I want.

I should have been more suspicious of Mary Lee's reading she told me a bunch of good stuff and then gave me a list of stuff to buy from Spellmakers. And ok fine HDs (Heart Desire's) get married and sometimes don't stay, but why should we as Spellmaker clients be breaking up marriages??????? The guys/girls don't need the spells to realise what a jerk they with him/her is going to do that on its own. THAT'S why he/she realises the wife isn't right for them..because she/he shows her true colours!

Yahoo group members ask questions And then Mambo Samantha Kaye comes back with this weird long answer about FAITH And blah blah bah...I'm sorry I just don't buy it anymore. Yes, ok Clients is strong and whatever but that doesn't mean NOTHING if they didn't get their woman/ man back when Spellmakers/The Voodoo Boutique said he/she would. Spellmakers/The Vodoo Boutique, whatever else they call themselves is a SCAM. I'm so mad and fed-up of this nonsense. If I had found ANOTHER HONEST PRACTITIONER before all this mess and time that i wasted, I might have had my man back by now. I probably could have done something earlier. I could have had what I wanted. I'm so MAD that I spent all this money not only on products but shipping and TAXES!

Spell Skeptic (use to be Spell Faithful), NYC, USA


New York,

DON'T USE SPELLMAKE.COM scmmers unethical thiefs liars cruel people

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, July 23, 2006

My conclusion is they're not that good after all. They DON'T CARE about customers. They are out to SCAM MONEY.Spellmakers is ruthless, evil, homewreckers, unethical people out to make a quick buck here & there...ripping off the broken hearted/divorced/lonely people. I have totally lost all faith in Spellmakers...whatever little I had left after what happened with me, is just GONE now. Ok so they couldn't tell me that my ex-boyfriend had a fiance, and kids, BUT TWICE IN ONE MONTH!!! They lied to this other woman, The poor thing got her hopes up....and they let her down badly. I'm really disappointed. How many people in the Spellmakers/The Vodoo Boutique clients/yahoo groups REALLY have any kind of success...honestly now if you think about it. A lot of them who say they have had success get other men or women. That's not a success in my book. AND Spellmakers/Reverend Samantha Kaye tell people that there is another reason why they didn't get who they wanted or the Lois had other plans for them..Its a SCAM!!!. Then why do I need spellcasters to help me get ANOTHER person. I can do that on my own if I want.

I should have been more suspicious of Mary Lee's reading she told me a bunch of good stuff and then gave me a list of stuff to buy from Spellmakers. And ok fine HDs (Heart Desire's) get married and sometimes don't stay, but why should we as Spellmaker clients be breaking up marriages??????? The guys/girls don't need the spells to realise what a jerk they with him/her is going to do that on its own. THAT'S why he/she realises the wife isn't right for them..because she/he shows her true colours!

Yahoo group members ask questions And then Mambo Samantha Kaye comes back with this weird long answer about FAITH And blah blah bah...I'm sorry I just don't buy it anymore. Yes, ok Clients is strong and whatever but that doesn't mean NOTHING if they didn't get their woman/ man back when Spellmakers/The Voodoo Boutique said he/she would. Spellmakers/The Vodoo Boutique, whatever else they call themselves is a SCAM. I'm so mad and fed-up of this nonsense. If I had found ANOTHER HONEST PRACTITIONER before all this mess and time that i wasted, I might have had my man back by now. I probably could have done something earlier. I could have had what I wanted. I'm so MAD that I spent all this money not only on products but shipping and TAXES!

Spell Skeptic (use to be Spell Faithful), NYC, USA



Spellmaker's response to scams - Do not try to act innocent!

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, July 02, 2006

I am responding to Samantha Kaye's response to an earlier report about the two client's report. She replied saying that the clients never asked for help for spoke to her about it. I don't know about them but I am sure they sent many many emails asking for help and tried talking to Sam herself before getting frustrated and giving up.

I myself tried many many times asking for help, I sent emails to the caseworkers (who does nothing but asks you to buy more products), I sent emails to Reverand Kaye herself several times asking for help and explanation on what is going on, asking for advice and not response from her. I then posted several messages on the forum and she again twisted my words and made it seem as if I did not contact her to let her know about my situation and if she knew she would have helped.

Do you see how this woman manipulates client's words to make it seem like she is all innocent and helpful? well she isn't. She's just a businessperson like anyone else, out to make a quick buck here and there.

First of all, her so called dual castings where she says she will cast the spells together on the same day for 9 days is totally NOT TRUE, if you visit her shop (boutique) you'll see that your petitions are grouped together with other people's petitions and placed in a basket or whatever item to hold them together on an altar. The biological samples are not visible and probably discarded, they are asked to be sent in just to make it look authentic or more real.

She doesn't spend time on individual clients, in fact she has been quite verbal about it to visiting clients during the ceremonies she holds at her shop, she gossips about other clients and even has said that she doesn't have the time to concentrate on individual clients. So WHY do you offer dual casting and imply that you work WITH the client together? that's just such a lie.
Secondly, her products are are not handmade by herself, her candles are bought wholesale from China, her herbs and other products are bought wholesale from someone else. She just has staff to repack and customize them. She implies her items are all spiritually concencrated by herself, also not true.

Finally, she says that she will help her clients if they contact her, NOT TRUE. Samantha Kaye does NOT TALK to clients unless they PAY to talk to her, she calls it her 'consultation fee' a 15 min slot cost around $50.

During her 'consultation' she doesn't give any concrete answers but keeps preaching that only the best will come out of her products, to have patience etc. She will give you false hopes. If a client can afford to get a consultation from her, a client needs to wait up to 2 months at times. It is easier to talk to a rockstar than it is to Samantha Kaye, in fact she acts and is idolized by her blind and desperate clients as a rockstar or worst a god-like figure. She does NOT care about her clients.

Now she charges up to $100 for an email consultation to anyone who needs answers desperately.

I despise the her nerve to reply saying that clients did not go to her for help when things were bad or when spellwork wasn't working out. It is HER who does NOT respond!!

She even has a staff psychic who feeds off information from the forum and regurgitates it out again to the client, clients are convinced she is accurate when she give readings about feelings and emotions from a loved ones who we can't verify because we have not spoken or contacted with for months. She gives you generic and often vague readings that leaves you with more questions and if you ask for clarification, she asks you to reschedule and end up having to pay extra! the Psychic Mary Lee often asks clients to buy more products then denies it when clients complains about it.

Samantha Kaye, if you want to respond to this please do so but do not twist and manipulate things to say that you care and you would have gone out of your way to help if only I asked for help or contacted you personally, I DID, many many times and NO RESPONSE from you. I was told repeatedly I cannot talk to you unless I schedule a PAID appointment.


North Carolina,


#21Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 16, 2006

Love will make you do funny've got a lot of guts, and because of that, you will not only survive, but thrive.

Just write this off as a learning experience, and a service to those considering this alternative approach.

Best wishes!


New Mexico,

Sorry to Ravenclaw and Elly! But....

#21REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, May 15, 2006

Hello everyone,
I am so sorry to see these so-called "rip off" reports here. I cannot help but feel that you did not contact us to try to resolve your situation.

We do not claim that we can make everyone's dreams come true. We do not guarantee that you will get what you want. However, we do promise to do our best for all that come to us. Our products are authentic, my services are as good and true as I know how to make them.

I realize that no one is going to make everyone happy. But I am just sad that you two felt that you had to resort to this. We are NOT ripping off thousands of people! After being on the Internet for 11 years, some of my best friends are my clients.

Anyone is welcome to walk in our door and see our offices and operations. We have never felt that we had anything to hide. Clients have been with me every step of the way in my life for 11 years, through everything I have personally been through: Cancer, MS, death of my husband from lung cancer, births of grandchildren, marriage to Matthew, etc. I have always felt that by making my life an open book, and being available would help people know that I am sincere in my efforts.

I truly feel that I have failed you two miserably and for that I am extremely sorry. Certainly I wouldn't want it to be that way. And if there is anything I can do, please let me know. I do not expect you to rescind your reports or anything like that; you are unhappy with me and I respect that. But I am happy to talk to you at any time if you wish to email me at

To Ravenclaw: My rituals ARE real, they are powerful. Why would I even bother with all of that??? I could just do as some sites do and take money and not bother with spell kits or products. Frankly, there is MORE money in that!!! Why bother with all this trouble if I just wanted to rip people off?? I wanted to give my clients as much information for ritual as possible without breaking any of my initiatory boundaries. I am sorry that it didn't work for you, but the truth is it doesn't always work. I always thought that was clear on the website, but maybe I should revisit that. I am so sorry that you feel the way you do.

To others who might read this: I have never and will never proclaim to be perfect or that I will give everyone what they want. However, I do not rip off clients, I do not make empty promises, and I stand by my work and my moral standards. Everything else is up to you to judge.

Best regards,
Rev. Samantha Corfield



To Pete,RE:Spellmaker scam

#21Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 12, 2006

Hey Pete ,this place is not for your insults,and there are thousands of people getting scammed by that spellmaker/voodoo boutique,so if your not well lucky you.Mind your own business.


Valley View,


#21Consumer Comment

Tue, January 10, 2006

Take an old white sock, stuff it with cotton, paint a face on it--voila!--you have your own voodoo doll. Now get some straight pins and stick them in strategic areas (use your imagination). You're not out any money. But I think the best advice would be: Get A Life!

BTW, I have some swamp water I can send you for only $60 a cup. I'll even pay shipping and handing. :)



#21Consumer Comment

Tue, January 10, 2006

I too have been scammed by this online company,I lost over $500.00 and no I did not get my love either,in fact after the spells were finished ,everything got worse.They have a "pshycic" on there and suggests to do more stuff,eg:candles,love dolls,oils etc..,its all to get you to buy more stuff and they have a forum where you talk to others but they have staff on there to monitor what is said and have they're own "clients" to encourage you, if you complain ,they say its you that did not do the stuff correct and you need to do everything over again and if you say you are not happy you are threatened to have bad things happen to you by them and called names.Stay away from this place.They also have differant names ,The voodoo boutique,New Orleans witchcraft Co,Divine voodoo.

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