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  • Report:  #211398

Complaint Review: Spirit Horse Stables - Judy Schwartz

Spirit Horse Stables - Judy Schwartz Fraud, Animal neglect, animal cruelty, con-artist ripoff Spring Hill Tennessee

  • Reported By:
    Columbia Tennessee
  • Submitted:
    Sun, September 17, 2006
  • Updated:
    Fri, October 06, 2006
  • Spirit Horse Stables - Judy Schwartz
    2130 Joe Brown Rd,
    Spring Hill, Tennessee
  • Phone:
  • Category:

I run a horse farm next door to Judy Schwartz. I have witnessed everything from starved horses to pregnant mare getting fed fescue hay for the term of the pregnant and then hearing of them giving birth to dead foals. She bred a blind horse then when it cam time for foaling there was not one human on "foal watch" to supervise the birth...the foal died.

But my complaint today is this. I have a dog, that was actually sired by Judy's Rhodesian Ridge back. My dog wanders over to her farm on occasion as do her dogs.

Well, this past spring my dog vanished. When we found him two weeks later he was in Judy's house bleeding and sick with infection. He had been shot with and air rifle gun two time once in his s*****m; once in his ribs.

This is the story I have heard form several people that were at her farm. Children that ride at her training facility witnessed this horrible act of animal abuse.

Judy found that my dog (Corgie/ Ridge back mix) had been shot. She kept him at her farm and in her house for two weeks hoping he would die. She even went out of her way to call us and ask if we had seen him, just to be sure that we didn't. From what the kids say Bum, my dog, was bleeding and Judy told them to leave him alone. They say Judy hated Bum so much she was keeping him there so he would die.

My best friend Betty heard he was at her farm so she went to the house knocked on the door, two teeanagers that were making out on the couch called her in, Betty went right to Judy's bedroom where Bum lay in pain, whining and bleeding, and she brought him home.

The next day he went to the vet, he had a serious infection and was in a great deal of pain. Bum is fine now, but how can a woman this evil be allowed anywhere near children, let alone the animals she has on her property.

Columbia, Tennessee

19 Updates & Rebuttals



Can we end this, please?

#20Consumer Comment

Fri, October 06, 2006

My name is Betty and I am the owner of the Shifty Hips Ranch, the farm next door to Spirit Horse Stables. I have stayed out of this situation so far, but after receiving several phone calls today, I thought I should speak up.

I do not believe there is ever a place for personal attacks. I certainly do not believe that any children should have been dragged in to this. To the children mentioned and their families, I am truly, truly sorry.

Liz and I met Judy when Liz's daughter, Taryn, took riding lessons from her. Taryn, like all of Judy's students, adored and looked up to Judy. During that time Liz and I both grew to love and respect Judy. Liz went to every lesson and helped the children and Judy every chance she got. Taryn rode with Judy for about three months and then moved on to other trainers.

I bought the property next door to Judy's a few months later. We are not competitors in any way, shape or form. We are neighbors.

Liz and I started the Shifty Hips Ranch for one reasonour love for animals. We wanted a place where neglected and abused animals could have a real home and be free to find their lost spirits. That is exactly what they have. In just a little over a year, Liz and I have acquired many dogs, cats and horses. I am so proud of our facility and our horses. I have never seen anyone that has such a connection with animals. Liz works seven days a week and each horse receives special one-on-one attention each and every day. Each horse has it own nutrition, grooming and medical schedule. If Liz isn't with the horses, she is reading a book or on the internet researching horses. We would be lost without her.

From reading this, it would appear that the original point of this entry was to discuss the treatment of one of our dogs, Bum. Liz and Judy both have their own versions, but I would like to set the record straight. Liz's account of what happened with Bum is accurate from our point of view. However, what she failed to explain was that Joyce, Joyce's granddaughter, Cierra, and one of Judy's students all told us the story Liz mentioned above, that Judy hated Bum and was trying to kill him.

Liz, Judy and I may not have always seen eye to eye, but one thing we always had in common was our love for animals. Judy is someone that Liz and I both respected and admired at one time. Imagine our surprise and disappointment we were told such a horrible story about Bum by three different people at three different times. These weren't just any people, they were Judy's close, personal friends. We were also told by these same three people that Judy has been saying some very horrible things about Liz's daughter.

Liz and I have experienced several tragic losses this year. From Babs and Sadie, to our puppies lost to Parvo, to Zeus, our 14 month old colt that stepped in a bed of snakes, to our precious, precious Tea Cup that died from a birth defect, and even the loss of our friendship. All of these were tragic losses that could not be helped. Then to hear that someone that used to be your close personal friend and someone that you used to think so highly of is attacking your only daughter and attempting to murder your dog. You just cannot imagine how horrified we were.

While I do not condone anything said by any of the parties above, I can say with all certainty that everything that Liz mentioned above was told directly to me or Liz by Judy or one of Judy's closest friends. I can also say that true or not, Liz trusted these people to be her friends and believes with all her heart that she is protecting her daughter and our animals by making this statement. Liz has spent her life being a champion for children and animals. Right or wrong Liz's love and passion for her daughter and her animals has led us to this place.

After the events of the last few weeks, I believe that lies have been told to Liz and me to purposely to cause these problems. I know for a fact that one person involved in this has lied to Liz about me. I will never understand why people want to cause other people pain.

To Judy and Jay, we really and truly were told by three different people that you were purposely trying to kill our dog. We were hurt, shocked and mortified. If we were lied to and it is not true, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. You have to believe how badly it hurt us to think that you could even consider hurting an animal, let alone one of ours. No matter what our differences, we have always protected each others property and animals. I hope that will never change.

Judy, although we may not always agree on business practices, the one thing you and I have always agreed on, was our mutual love for Taryn. To hear people say that you were making fun of her and belittling her was just so painful. I was just crushed. Taryn and Liz were too. If this isn't true, I hope and pray that you let Taryn know that you still love her. I am sure it would mean the world to her.

Liz, you and I were best friends for a long time. Thank you for sharing your life, your children and your family with me. I will never be the same.

Liz and Judy, I believe that we are all victims
here. We have all lost something from this event. I hope that we can walk away from this and go our separate ways quietly. I wish you both all the best.



The End...Leaving Judgement to God.

#20Author of original report

Thu, October 05, 2006

I'd say it is Even / Steven at this point. And as far as competition goes...

There is no competition.

As far as the Spell Check goes...sometimes it turns "an" to "and".

As far a legalities... I dare her to start as we have put a few things on the back burner already. She has committed "defamation" as well and on numerous occasions.

Everything I have said or anything anyone else has said here about Judy, drugs and what have you..was information that Judy her self disposed voluntarily. Anything about her husband she volunteered and is a matter of public record. Anything about court proceeding concerning evictions...again public record.

As far as the dog goes...He was never starving, he had already been wormed, and he was almost dead when we finally recovered him. Ciera and Hallie took his collar with his ID off when he got caught in a tree; they still have not returned it. Ciera says it's in the barn.
She knows he wasn't starving...her dogs used to make visits to our barn to eat the dog food that is kept out for the dogs...her horses used to come and eat our feed as well until we asked her to please keep both the dogs and horses off our property. To date her dogs stay away and the horses no longer have access.

Done...The End



Get a Life!

#20Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 05, 2006

Liz and betty. Some advice. Learn to spell or at lease use spell check when writing your "letters". You may want to stop and think about the legal ramifications of your letters prior to "publishing" them. Maybe you have heard of "defamation of character" You sound like two old jealous biddies who have nothing better to do with your time than to attempt to trash the reputation of someone you see as competition.
You also sound like a couple of "nuts"! Get a life!



Where are the checks and balances ?

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, October 04, 2006

To Whom it may Concern,

I am not sure if your service provides some people with recourse when they have a bad experience with a business. However the entries regarding Spirit Horse Stables are full of slander and fraudulent accusations. Please be aware that I have advised my sister (the owner of Spirit Horse Stables) to contact an attorney regarding this internet service and the ladies who have so callously abused this service.

It seems to me that you are not providing a beneficial public service, when the reputation of a business and its practices can be so blatantly falsified.

In the steps to file a report or rebuttal you clearly state:

Rip-off Report is also not accepting comments like those found on many sites that have "threads" with meaningless comments, most cases using foul and insulting language against others, similar to those assaults on victims who have come to the Rip-off Report for justice.

The two women making the unfounded and false accusations clearly violate your stated "rules" and damage the reputation of a woman and the business she has spent years building into a well respected and much loved part of her community.




Where are the checks and balances ?

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, October 04, 2006

To Whom it may Concern,

I am not sure if your service provides some people with recourse when they have a bad experience with a business. However the entries regarding Spirit Horse Stables are full of slander and fraudulent accusations. Please be aware that I have advised my sister (the owner of Spirit Horse Stables) to contact an attorney regarding this internet service and the ladies who have so callously abused this service.

It seems to me that you are not providing a beneficial public service, when the reputation of a business and its practices can be so blatantly falsified.

In the steps to file a report or rebuttal you clearly state:

Rip-off Report is also not accepting comments like those found on many sites that have "threads" with meaningless comments, most cases using foul and insulting language against others, similar to those assaults on victims who have come to the Rip-off Report for justice.

The two women making the unfounded and false accusations clearly violate your stated "rules" and damage the reputation of a woman and the business she has spent years building into a well respected and much loved part of her community.




Where are the checks and balances ?

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, October 04, 2006

To Whom it may Concern,

I am not sure if your service provides some people with recourse when they have a bad experience with a business. However the entries regarding Spirit Horse Stables are full of slander and fraudulent accusations. Please be aware that I have advised my sister (the owner of Spirit Horse Stables) to contact an attorney regarding this internet service and the ladies who have so callously abused this service.

It seems to me that you are not providing a beneficial public service, when the reputation of a business and its practices can be so blatantly falsified.

In the steps to file a report or rebuttal you clearly state:

Rip-off Report is also not accepting comments like those found on many sites that have "threads" with meaningless comments, most cases using foul and insulting language against others, similar to those assaults on victims who have come to the Rip-off Report for justice.

The two women making the unfounded and false accusations clearly violate your stated "rules" and damage the reputation of a woman and the business she has spent years building into a well respected and much loved part of her community.




Where are the checks and balances ?

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, October 04, 2006

To Whom it may Concern,

I am not sure if your service provides some people with recourse when they have a bad experience with a business. However the entries regarding Spirit Horse Stables are full of slander and fraudulent accusations. Please be aware that I have advised my sister (the owner of Spirit Horse Stables) to contact an attorney regarding this internet service and the ladies who have so callously abused this service.

It seems to me that you are not providing a beneficial public service, when the reputation of a business and its practices can be so blatantly falsified.

In the steps to file a report or rebuttal you clearly state:

Rip-off Report is also not accepting comments like those found on many sites that have "threads" with meaningless comments, most cases using foul and insulting language against others, similar to those assaults on victims who have come to the Rip-off Report for justice.

The two women making the unfounded and false accusations clearly violate your stated "rules" and damage the reputation of a woman and the business she has spent years building into a well respected and much loved part of her community.



Spring Hill,


#20UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 04, 2006

I am over at the stable by choice, Judy never asked me to do anything she hasn't paid me for. Right now we have a Mustang mare who won't let anyone near her, the people who brought her over wanted to take her but you can't catch her. They gave her to me and I have made it my priority to earn her trust and you do that with feed to start with, it is a long slow process.

We can't save every horse that needs it but this is just one and Judy is allowing her to stay on her property free of charge for however long it takes to tame her the gentle way. This is not a person who abuses or neglects animals. I have never seen Judy drink anything other than water while she is working with the kids or horses, she is allowed a private life in her own home and it does not carry over into her work life that I have ever seen. She doesn't claim to be perfect, do you? You people need to get a life, this is the last response you will see from me as you are like little children who don't know when to quit!



Blind horse..

#20Author of original report

Wed, October 04, 2006

The horse was blind last summer when you weren't around...Judy just bosses and yells all the time.

No one has ever harassed any clients there...they once asked some people if they had seen the puppy that had been stolen...

You are just a will learn eventually.

Kisses has been blind since last summer..while she was at Betty's farm. Hello, Judy begged us to let her breed her to our pony stud..did she fail to tell you that too?

I wonder how many lies you have fell for already...did she tell you about Rehab...her crack addiction, she a freakin' drunk for god sake.



You poor thing

#20Author of original report

Wed, October 04, 2006

You go over there 7 days a weeks to feed the horses...if you don't feed she sure as hell won't...and her hired help can't tell a paint gelding apart from a black and white yearling filly. That is another story all together (Finale RIP)

You are just being used by Judy as I was in the beginning. I just got wise to her BS.

I feel real sorry for you...I am glad that you are there to care for the horses...too bad Judy isn't as involved with the horses as she is her bottle of beer or her Internet game.

Vet records are available upon request. Why would Ciera and her grandmother tell Liz, Betty, and Taryn the same story at two separate times...I guess Joyce just had to lie to save face as she does not pay for lessons or shows.
Judy refused to answer anyone as to why she neglected to tell Betty and Liz of his injury. She never did and you are a fool for believing it.

The infection that Bum had was so extensive he had to take antibiotics for ten days before the pellets could be removed. I have the pellets. Ciera herself put Bum in the green house and gave him the water and food...she said Judy told her to leave him alone.

Oh sad believe what you will. You too are just a victim.

You are good at doing and saying exactly what your told aren't you....



Don't rent to horse people!

#20Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 04, 2006

I'm not one to prejudge someone on color, nationality, etc. but one there is one telltale sign I will look for. I have noticed from reading this site is that anyone who owns a HORSE or a PEDIGREED DOG OR CAT is almost certain to be completely off their rocker. Beyond "eccentric," they're just plain looney. Best to leave them to themselves and hope they never move in near you because there goes the neighborhood.


Spring Hill,

Crock of crap! Enough is Enough! Grow Up!

#20UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 03, 2006

My name is Nancy Haines. I am the primary contact person listed on the web site I started taking lessons from Judy Schwartz a year and a half ago. She very graciously gave me permission to come over and visit any time I wished, so I did. I have to tell you I have never seen anyone who cared more for their animals than she does, horses, dogs and cats. I have personally witnessed her capturing insects (wasps ect.) that get into her house and setting them outside because she can't kill them, it goes against her nature. Does this sound like a person who would mistreat, abuse or neglect animals?

I was there during the situation with Bum, she started feeding him because he wouldn't go home to eat and she wouldn't let him starve, she really figured she had another dog which she didn't need as she already had four of them, but he was hard not to love as he was very sweet. It's to bad his owners didn't love him enough to take care of him, they knew where he was as they had been contacted several times to let them know.

He did get shot by someone and Judy took care of him after repeated calls to let them know so they could come and get him. He did not appear to be in much pain just wanted to be left alone.
I go over to the stable seven days a week and I now work for Judy; I help out in the arena and take out guided trail rides. I am there a lot and have never seen anything happen due to neglect or ignorance.

Every effort is made to insure the safety of Judy's clients as well as her horses. Judy has been known to have a very loud voice in the arena, its very large and she has to yell in order to be heard. Judy did not breed a blind horse, the mare lost her sight after she was already pregnant and yes the foal was stillborn, it was very tragic and Judy took it very hard.
What I do see are kids who love Judy and would do anything she asks of them in the arena. She has fat very friendly horses, dogs and cats. You won't find a better trainer and she is very knowledgeable about her horses as she has been in the business a long time.

Please go check out the web site and our pictures speak for themselves also they were all taken this year since June, or feel free to come out and visit and see how we do things. Spirit horse stables is a great place to come for a trail ride, lessons or summer camp.

It's to bad these neighbors feel like to they have to try to trash Judy Schwartz, They need to take care of their own business. I also noticed they didn't even have the courage to include contact information about themselves. They have tried everything they can including coming over to the fence line and have actually harassed Judy's clients. What kind of morons are these people?



Right...Sure...Tell them what you have done behind my are a low down lady.

#20UPDATE Employee

Tue, October 03, 2006

Betty and Liz are not Trainers they have never claimed to be. We save horses from neglect..why do you call and ask Betty if you can buy from us.

There are things in the past that you have done to evoke anger from Liz. You are a liar, a drunk, and a back stabber.

Betty does all the deals...Liz has no control of the business. Just becasue I am "big" and smart people pick me out to be the bad guy...I do get defensive when someone is picking.

Liz is not Betty's girlfriend. She has her own home and lives alone with her daughter. Before March of 2006 Liz was Betty's personal assistant as Betty travels often. You know that too Judy. You tried hard enough to get Betty to move Liz out so you could partner up with her once she got the propertt you so badly wanted but couldn't afford.

Jealous...we know who calls and begs Betty to sell her a horse.

We rehabilitate horses that have been neglected and starved.

We breed Thoroughbreds, Sport horses, and Sport ponies.

We bought the property because we loved the beginning...Betty and Liz asked for Judy's blessing before the property was purchased.

There is a big surprise coming to all regarding the will piss you all off and shock some of you...but it will help Judy's business out...all she can do is become that trainer she thinks she already is. There is a long list of...OMGs...

I only know what I know of Judy from what I have seen and what the children tell me.
I have not been a friend of hers by choice.

I have friends, most of which are authentic horse people and don't know Judy by name because Judy is a nobody...

Davidson County Court Records will show the eviction...

Nashville was where your husband was arrested for hiring a prostitute (December 2004/January 2005). Were you drunk when you confided in Betty on that issue.

Remember that show at the Ag Center (March 2005)when "Dreamer" was equipped with a "Wonder Gag" and not and English had no idea why she wasn't asked me to drive 29 miles back to the farm to get an English bit for Dreamer so Ciera would place...gee whiz.

I might have a potty mouth but you are just plain stupid.

Betty's facility is not a training facility...she pays qualified trainers to ride and show our ready horses. With great success we have done well this year. As a matter of fact; a pony that Judy said we couldn't do anything with sold for $15,000 in Ocala over the summer...we only paid $300 for what ever.

Poor Dreamer is said to have EPM...I think it's just ABF (ain't been fed). told Liz yourself you don't know a thing about horses...
Many horse folk read books and know magazines with information...books are a good thing. I gave you reading material...guess you didn't read it yet.

I have been around horses since I was a VERY YOUNG child. I had to take a break to raise my family.

Now I know so much...


Spring Hill,

This has gone far enough

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 03, 2006

As I titled this, this has gone far enough. Ms.Couch has had a chip on her shoulder for us for over a year because we asked her to leave our premises and that we no longer wanted her business after repeated instances of unacceptable behavior on her part. As you can see from her previous entries, she is vindictive and has no qualms with slinging as much mud as she can get her hands on, even if the information she imparts is nothing but heresay and innuendo.

We have tried not to engage her, as things quickly escalate out of control because of her unstable nature. We could also site numerous instances of her violence and vengefulness. We do not want to stoop to her level. She has repeatedly renigged on dealings with us and most everyone we know that has had dealings with her.

I'm sure there are things in her past that would look sensational in print that we could dig up if we took the time. The truth is that she's not worth the time and/or trouble.

This really just boils down to sour grapes. She started as a client of ours, and was asked to leave and not come back. To our chagrin, she and her live in girlfriend bought the adjoining acrerage to our own and they have tried, without any kind of experience whatsoever, to engage in the exact same line of business we are in. Coincidence that she has been trying ever since to defame and discredit us? I think not. Jealousy is an ugly thing, and she is showing it's worst face.

We have only engaged in this blog to try to add some balance to the unmittigated falsehood she has perpetrated against us. This has gone far enough.

Liz stop this now before it ends up where noone wants to go.

Jay R Schwartz
Spirit Horse Stables
Spring Hill, Tenn.



Joyce or Grandma...

#20Author of original report

Tue, October 03, 2006

You changed your story up right can't spell, your letters aren't capitalized.

Bum was check over by at vet the day after Betty took him from Judy's home where he lay bleeding. He had a serious infection from the air pellet wounds.

You must be calling your granddaughter a liar because it was she who told us that Judy wanted him to backed up her story. Just a lying sack of s**t the both of you.

As far as the Parvo goes. I had ten pups last year, I found home for all but 4, a couple of months later I found one of the pups I gave away at the Maury County Shelter. I went right to the shelter as claimed him. One week later the 4 remaining pups caught the virus and died. We tried to treat one of the pups that seemed to have a chance, but 3 days and $800 later she passed...the vets at the Eastside Animal Hospital were so hopeful. Then our adult male caught the virus, even with week and $1800 later we got to bring Sammy home...the vets said it was the most aggressive strand of parvo they have seen and it had to have some genetic connections. The pups were cremated.

Judy is the only one who calls Animal Control on the dogs at Betty's barn...Judy won't get her male neutered so he stops procreating but she can have our dogs picked up on a lie and sent to doom in the Maury County Shelter which is riddled with horrible diseases. She even gave one of our puppies away...trying to make it look as thou the pound took him. She is a sad lady with no children of her own, and she thinks she is qualified to care for others children when she is a bad influence, a smoker and a drunk...

She just wished she was as good as her sister...she never will be as she was and always will be the black sheep of the family and of the horse community.

I can't tell you how many horse shows she been at where the onlookers wonder how her horses manage to do anything with low weight and being so unfit. She aces her horses at shows to calm them down, they have very little experience in the show ring. Most of the time is the competition looks tough she won't even let her horses save herself from embarrassment.
Ciere was only in one show this year...Judy is so lazy...

Last year she took one of her students to and A show...she told Betty the only reason she agreed to take Ashley is because with the onset of Katrina there was a low amount of entries for the show and the competition was not as great, giving Ashley a better chance to win.

Look at the pictures on her web site..the pictures of her horses are old pictures...

Hey Judy, I heard that their is public record of and eviction from the last farm you resided at...for neglect of the property. It was over run. The barn was so bad, full of so much manure from having not been clean at all. the land lord has been heard on more then one occasion that he will never rent to horse people again because of the way Mrs. Schwartz cared for the property. Scum!!


New Mexico,


#20Consumer Comment

Tue, October 03, 2006

I basically just read this and have a comment. If you saw all the abuse did you report it? I would think if YOU were a descent person you would have reported the abuse. And by the way your talking something clearly would have been done. Just wondering about this . THANKS



Well Then Joyce lied to us....

#20Author of original report

Tue, October 03, 2006

Ciera and her grandmother told Betty, Liz and Taryn directly that Judy did not like Bum and that he was left outside to bleed to death. Ciera herself told Liz that she tried to help Bum but Judy told her and the other kids to leave him alone.

Judy the X Crack Head / Wanna Be Horse Trainer has been heard on more then one occasion that she purposely does not feed some of her young horses in attempt to make them pony size...

She will blame anyone or anything under the son before she will take responsibility for her neglect.

Judy is a alcoholic, he husband is a pot head. That's right if you look up public record on arrests for the Winter of 2004 Jay Schwartz was arrested for paying a prostitute to have sex with him..Judy herself told more Betty and Liz that information.

Joyce is just mad right now because Betty hired her to paint her house, and it looks like a 10 year old painted it with their water color paint brushes...Joyce and Judy are as dumb as a bucket of rocks.

Oh, and Judy will let her students have sex on her property and in the view of very young children..... Ashley and Brandon were seen on several occasions having oral sex by the small children....

Crack head, pot head, dumb a**...and they lie like dogs....

If you love Bum so much Judy why did you hang up on Liz when she asked why you didn't get him medical attention for his bleeding wounds....he was bleeding from his rib area and his testicles as he had been shot with and sir riffle gun...
she hated Bum and wanted him to die.

She is a liar, and a fraud.

Betty and Liz had the human society called on one was at Betty's home on Sowell Mill Pike when the neighbor saw it's condition...we explained to the Animal Control that we had acquired the yearling from Judy's barn and that it had not been fed proper from the day it was born...they understood and said they had heard stories about Spirit Horse...the Vets hate going to her barn due to the high number of accidents that occur their...

Judy sits in her room, smokes cigs, drinks beer and plays computer games daily. She likes to charge for lessons that she does not attend, calling them practice lessons.

Joyce did you tell her that you told Liz Judy was trying to talk you and your crack head pregnant daughter to sue Liz over the Pit bull Liz rescued from your neglect?...I doubt it. Judy told me she would tell you it had died, that she did not consider you to be good dog owners and you should not ever get the puppy back. Did you tell her that is why you didn't want to give her her other dogs backs as well?

Both of you are just white trash...lost.

Oh and do check out Judy website...she has so many misspellings it ridiculous...can't even spell thoroughbred correctly.



plain silly

#20Consumer Comment

Tue, October 03, 2006

In response to the artical that was on judy schwartz on spirit horse stable, my granddaughter has been a client with Judy since she was 6 and is now 9 years old,she has won champion and grand champion in horse shows with Judy the first was when she was 7 years old .Judy is a suitable trainer for her students and is concerned of her horse's and dog's,she worked with vet's for several years so she knows what she is doing. As far as the dog bum Judy called Liz an Betty several times about the dog being there and they never would come and get it so the dog was allowed to come in her house to eat and sleep the dog dissappered for a few days but then found under Judy's trailer where he had been shot Judy called Liz again and informed her of the situation and still no response ,the dog was well taken cared of by the schartz if not for them the dog would have died.Judy is a very caring person when it comes to children and animals ,take my pomeranianfor instance ,i had her at Judy's and she went into labor Judy and her husband took angle to the vet for complications she was having and paid the bill out of her own pocket i am very picky of whom my child is with but i trust Judy to the max with mine. this confrontation comes from when Liz's daughter trained with judy and at a horse show Liz was freaking out ,yelling and screaming and cursing anyone in her way ,Judy repremending Liz on her behavier so Liz turned on Judy ,Judy then asked that they leave her farm, that is when Liz and Betty bought the farm next door to her (shifting Hips Ranch)is what they named it ,they tried ruining Judy's bussiness, tring to get her clients over to them but no one wants to trust there child with some one tring to conduct a business from reading a book , certainly not me. and then they wonder why they have no friends . You try to be a friend or help them and they stab you in the back.


Spring Hill,

You should know better

#20REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 03, 2006

Dear Reader,
Sigh. Yet another attempt from Liz Couch to defame Spirit Horse Stables, and namely me, the owner of Spirit Horse Stables, Judy Schwartz. In response to Ms. Couch's allegations;

1) The foal in question was sent to the Ellington Agricultural Center here in Nashville TN, where Dr.Vincent, DVM, MS performed a necropsy and found the cause of death to be Idiopathic stillbirth. NOT a fescue related condition. Dr. Vincent assured me that sometimes this condition just happens and there was NOTHING I or anyone could have done to change the outcome. The phone number for Ellington Agricultural Center is 615-837-5125 for anyone that wishes to verify.

2) The allegation of starving and abused horses. Please check out my website at and the condition of the horses should be apparent. Equine Medical Center and their fine staff of Veterinarians have been called and helped me with treatment if one of my horses does get sick and/or loses weight. I use natural horsemanship training methods and NONE of my horses have EVER been abused here. Indeed you will find some of the friendliest, happiest horses here that you have ever seen. This has been frequently noted by many, many clients.

3) In regards to Bum, Liz and Betty's dog, the allegations are patently absurd. Bum lived here for about a month and a half with me feeding him worming him and caring for him, indeed in that time growing to love him even though I did NOT need another dog as we had 4 of them at that time.

I MADE REPEATED PHONE CALLS to Betty and Liz, asking them to come and get their dog with the response from her being he's not my dog he's just a stray . When Bum got shot I separated him from my 4 other dogs so that he could have some peace, and gave him food and water in my greenhouse. He disappeared within an hour or so and we could not find him. I then called Liz and Betty again and asked them if he had been around there as he probably needed veterinary care since he had been shot. Two days later he showed back up and one of the children here called Betty to come and get him. Which miraculously, they did.

Now I have to defend myself from my neighbors who have had numerous dogs in their care die of Parvo, and have repeatedly had the humane society called about them and their horses. Indeed, Liz and Betty have tried to trash my name in my community numerous times with wild accusations about me. I say the buck stops here. Anyone who would like is invited to my farm to check out the situation for themselves. You will find fat and healthy horses and a well run riding program.

Judy Schwartz
Spirit Horse Stables

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