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  • Report:  #1028879

Complaint Review: Kasamba Spiritual Readings Iris The Messenger Metafizzical Spirit Sister Janice

Spiritual Readings, Iris The Messenger, Metafizzical, JaniceSpiritual Readings, Iris The Messenger, Metafizzical, Spirit Sister, Janice Kasamba, Spiritual Readings, Iris The Messenger, Metafizzical, Spirit Sister, Janice FRAUD RUDE NASTY VINDICTIVE UNETHICAL Ripoff Beaverton Oregon

  • Reported By:
    heaven Other
  • Submitted:
    Sat, August 18, 2007
  • Updated:
    Wed, February 13, 2008
  • Kasamba, Spiritual Readings, Iris The Messenger, Metafizzical, Spirit Sister, Janice
    Beverton Oregon
    Beaverton, Oregon
  • Phone:
  • Category:
*UPDATE Employee: Outrageous *UPDATE Employee: Outrageous *UPDATE Employee: Outrageous *UPDATE Employee: Outrageous *Author of original report: Spiritual Readings, Janice, Iris the Messenger, Metafizzical posting IRS Nonsense and Tooting Her Own Horn *Consumer Comment: got me or whatever.. *Author of original report: Janice IRS Tax Info NOT on Wahm Board *Author of original report: Why Janice is NOT inviting Cleints Complaining about Spiritual Readings, Iris the Messenger, Metafizzical, Spirit Sister to her "Victims" Forum??? *Consumer Comment: ROFL *Consumer Comment: the answer is simple *Consumer Comment: Who said I am an employee? *Consumer Comment: Who said I am an employee? *Consumer Comment: Who said I am an employee? *Consumer Comment: oh Freya, Freya, Freya........ *Consumer Suggestion: Janice you still did not answer my ? on the Wahm IRS post that doesnt exist or Complaints on Kasamba reader Spiritual Readings??? *Consumer Comment: I just realised that you are REALLY wrong *Consumer Comment: Why don't you just ask them...or are you scared to be proven wrong *UPDATE Employee: Enough is enough *Consumer Comment: Got me *Consumer Suggestion: Sighs *Consumer Comment: Karen *Consumer Comment: unbelievable *Author of original report: Yea Karen even Hurricanes burn OUT when there is NO energy to feed off of *Author of original report: Yea Karen even Hurricanes burn OUT when there is NO energy to feed off of *Author of original report: Yea Karen even Hurricanes burn OUT when there is NO energy to feed off of *Consumer Comment: your wrong..whatever your name is... *Consumer Comment: Got me *Consumer Comment: Nothing to hide *Consumer Suggestion: Janice Assumes Again! *Consumer Comment: Goodbye Karen ...again *Consumer Comment: To anyone who cares to read this *Consumer Comment: That is it in a nutshell *Consumer Suggestion: Silly Woman Running Your Mouth Again!! *Consumer Suggestion: Silly Woman Running Your Mouth Again!! *Consumer Suggestion: Silly Woman Running Your Mouth Again!! *Consumer Suggestion: Silly Woman Running Your Mouth Again!! *Author of original report: Janice you NEVER quit, you never stop, your goodbyes mean NOTHING *Consumer Suggestion: GOT ME *Consumer Comment: Nooooooo *Consumer Comment: This is so laughable *Author of original report: Spiritual Readings, Janice, Iris the messenger, Metafizzical, Spirit Sister *Consumer Comment: iris the messenger on kasamba and keen is a fraud *REBUTTAL Individual responds: One should be careful when opening Pandora's Box *Consumer Comment: DId my own research and what I found out *Consumer Comment: Wow i just came across this thread. *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Here's the truth *Consumer Comment: Wow how very unprofessional of you. *Consumer Comment: Jasper *Consumer Comment: This change is specifically for you Iris:) although the previous ones werent you helped me along my journey> *Author of original report: GREAT *Consumer Comment: *UPDATE Employee: well

Spiritual Readings AKA Iris The Messenger AKA Metafizzical AKA Spirit Sister is a fraud, unethical, mean, rude and very abusive person (who calls herself a psychic). I trusted her to guide me in a very difficult time of my life. The more I spoke to her the more negative she become and ultimately very abusive. When I left her the reviews she deserved she actually bashed me & my situation on her profile. Of course I reported her to Kasamba and she was forced to remove it. When I emailed her to let her know she was totally wrong, I married the man she said was cheating on me, did not love me and that the relationship would NEVER work, she totally ignored me.

She changes her reader name and photo often. BEWARE

Got me

52 Updates & Rebuttals




#53UPDATE Employee

Wed, February 13, 2008

did they fire her. i know that they remove psychics all the time. and some people are real con artists. do you know that the people from kasamba read this report. so good for you. telling who lied and who took your money for no reason. good for you.
please remember psychic abilities are a gift. and should be used right. so love and let love rule



#53Consumer Comment

Wed, January 16, 2008

You seem so two faced. You claim to be a light worker and to help people, yet you yourself hurt those your envious of. I've been reading your previous post on the other threads. You revert to name calling, and are vicious in your attacks of others. I guess even at $7.77 a minute the client buys themself no confidentiality, which i thought the great kasamba guarentees. You violated that client cintress confidentiality all over the internet, openly then decided it wasnt even cintress posting. If i was her id be ticked off. Im sure she paid for your services and confidentiality, and you just slammed her. Wouldnt a true psychic have known to give confidentiality or a real psychic known that it wasnt her posting? You threw her to the dogs and never even said you were sorry!

Unprofessional yes! you are very. YOu cannot control your anger adn rage. YOu are vindictive, mean, and you have no LOYALTY. Yet you feel justified in charging a arm and a leg. You give psychics a bad name. Go ahead attack me we all know you cant control your rage and you will jump on this oppurutnity as you go into attack mode, so easily you have no loyalty.

Then to make matters worse you drew other experts into this. INNOCENT experts cintress went to see. YOU SHOWED YOU STALKED her out by giving out her new client names on kasamba and listing every reading shes had since then. And then you yourself say it wasnt her posting. YOU have no discernment no loyalty you drag innocent experts into your raging nonscence.

Dont worry this is the only post ill make on this subject to all your previous vindicitve post. I wont reply to your new attack of rage which i assume will be on me this time. Its just a shame that even when you spend $7.77 a minute on someone that you cant even buy there confidentiality and they will insult you and bash you wrongly nad never even apologise for the mistake they shouldnt have made in the first place. That they should have known better than, if they truly were a real psychic as they claim to be. When looking at fakes glance in a mirror iris. Go ahead attack me claim im so and so as per your vindictive nature.

Got Me



#53Author of original report

Sun, January 06, 2008

Perfect Ms Jasper, its nice to see something positive come out of any of these posts



This change is specifically for you Iris:) although the previous ones werent you helped me along my journey>

#53Consumer Comment

Sun, December 30, 2007

It has been brought to my attention again this post, how my name is being slandered. If you notice I have never in any of my post tossed names out. I view it as unprofessional. Never have I cursed at a client, its not in my nature that's something only a dark person would do. As you can tell from iris's and all her fake names on ror previous post name calling is something she does do. I havent called names nor do I feel I need to sink to that level. Which brings me to my next point. I have been searching for a more personal name than just jasper thus the name change after 5 years. Which thanks to this dark person, Iris under many assaulting names here I have finally found!

SO you will hear it from me instead of the grapevine. Bummer I stole Iris's thunder lol. Here's how I found my name. This is simply a case of the darkness attacking the light. Iris is the darkness im the light. One tiny ray of the light can and will pierce even a dark night. Light always wins in the end Iris. So to symbolize this victory over this dark, stalking person, I will now become Jaspers light. Quite a fitting name. I will not respond any further than this one last time no matter if my clients or associates contact me about this. I WILL not give into your dark demented plan.

For those clients out there, im always under 2 a minute. I treat my clients with respect and dedication. I offer a card free in all live sessions. Try for yourself and see the light I can shed on your path or destiny. What can it hurt when its free to try and see. You will see the truth of what im saying. Thank you G-d bless u.




#53Consumer Comment

Fri, December 28, 2007

Ah yes now I have had reads by Jasper and I actually enjoyed them. She was pretty right on with them and I learned fast that she knows (although I now wonder just how she knew) when you've had a reading in the past 72 hours prior to contacting her. Once she was cool about it and said she could not and doens't recommend reading so close to another. The last time I tried to contact her she was rude and short with me about this, shut me off and I have never been able to contact her again.

*Shrugs* Maybe it's a blessing and a sign I shouldn't be spending on this stuff but, I still think it was kinda rude



Wow how very unprofessional of you.

#53Consumer Comment

Mon, December 24, 2007

Oh my God how very unprofessional to accuse me a client of yours as being this person you obviously have a vindetta against. I had thought better of you. Im shocked. Oh my do you give out everyones information when you get upset? I ammuse this is someone you have somehting personal against but my goodness! Very very unprofessional Iris. You can be assured ill not be going back to you. Gosh i feel sorry for the expert you have such pleasure bashing at every oppurtunity. If shes anything like me she doesnt deserve the way your treating her. Do you always turn on your clients like this? Very very unprofessional. I would have htought better of you Iris. IM so dissapointed....


Beverly Hills,

Here's the truth

#53REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 24, 2007

Wow Kenneth. I'd love to believe you, except I've never had a KennethJohnson as a client, and I do NOT take $20 a minute from clients. All my REAL clients know that. (You must not know that because your name isn't kennethjohnson, and is really Jasperlynn aka True Insights.)

On the rare occasion that a client contacts me at the $20 price, I lower it for them. I, and many others, put our price up to $20 ONLY when we don't want to be contacted. I know that sounds strange, but when you log off, you lose your ranking/positioning. By keeping the price high, you stay logged on and odds are no one is going to contact you.

After all, what person in their right mind would pay $20 per minute for a psychic reading? You'd have to be bonkers.

I have NEVER been $1.85. That is simply a number I would never choose. My prices all have a meaning to them, and a purpose. I am $2.99, $4.11, or $7.77. Right now I'm down at $2.99 for the holidays, because I know clients are having money issues with gift-giving.

I have given MANY FREE READINGS in the last few weeks, and my clients know what I'm all about. It's getting really old having to run here and defend these bogus accusations all made by one psychotic psychic.

I have noticed that Jasper/True Insights charges $1.85. Maybe that's where you came up with that make-believe figure?

"KennethJohnson," if you truly exist, you are welcome to come back to me FOR FREE. I would love to know the date of the session where you claim you paid me $20 per minute, and I'd also love to know your client ID.

I'm sure those informations won't be forthcoming since you don't exist.

Happy Holidays Jasper. Oh and enjoy NOT being on WAHM as Mitsy, now that they kicked you off.



Wow i just came across this thread.

#53Consumer Comment

Sun, December 23, 2007

And I had actually posted asking why she would go from 20 a minute to 1.85 a minute? I havent seen any other psychic doing this. I originally paid twenty a minute. Then was going to go back and ask why my prediction hadnt come to pass what i had done for it to not happen. I saw her go from 20 a minute down to 1.85. Why such a huge price difference? Is this normal ethical?



DId my own research and what I found out

#53Consumer Comment

Sat, December 22, 2007

Check out True Insight on Kasamba who recently changed her name from Jasper- now go to Keen and look at JasperLynn. It is the same person. They both use the same page content and the same clip art pictures.

If you look at the two photos on Kasamba and Keen, they are completely different faces. That is proof of who is fake and who is real.

Read the comments on Keen and see a few who say she is rude, hangs up on them and blocks them.

Now check out Iris the Messenger. Her profile and photos are identical on both sites. Her clients do not accuse her of being rude or hanging up on them.

I have been to both readers. The facts speak for themselves.


Beverly Hills,

One should be careful when opening Pandora's Box

#53REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, December 22, 2007

Gosh Junebug, a client just ran to me and told me about your post. Here is why it is so clearly b.s.

First, if the clock was truly ticking away and I was supposedly wrong with my reading for you, WHERE is your negative review? It's nowhere to be found in my ratings. Gosh, it must mean that you are LYING.

LOL... My reviews are mostly 5-star. If you truly paid for a reading and were so dissatisfied, where is the negative rating? And what is your client name, because it certainly isn't Junebug.

All my clients know I NEVER have the clock going while I prepare. In fact, I do quite the opposite. REAL clients know that. However, FAKES (or rival experts like you), don't know that because you've never been to me.

You are clearly a psychic stalking me. How else would you know about my own personal website, or the fact that I'm also on Keen?

I do not take existing clients off Kasamba or Keen. (That would violate the TOS!) But if someone new finds me through a search engine, they have the option of hiring me directly through my own business (which is entirely legal), or contacting me at Kasamba or Keen. In fact, I have links to BOTH Kasamba and Keen on my site. That is evidence that I am NOT taking business away from them.

Many psychics on Kasamba and Keen also have their own businesses. It is totally allowed. If it weren't, why would Kasamba TELL US to put links on our own sites to bring traffic and new customers to them? Gosh, any buffoon can read between the lines with who you are.

Turn me in? For what? I have done nothing wrong.

And just so we're clear, my picture is REAL....

Now let's get to who YOU really are, shall we? Since your writing style reveals it all too clearly, thanks to your lack of grammar and proper spelling.

Junebug, you are MITSY (on WAHM) who is also TRUE INSIGHT (on Kasamba). Funny that you accuse me of changing my name and picture, when you've just changed yours in the last week!

A week ago you were Jasper, with a fake blonde photo. Now you're True Insight with a fake redhead photo. LMAO. You are then stupid enough to brag AS MITSY ON WAHM that you have just used ROR to advertise your services! Just because I don't post there doesn't mean I'm not watching.

The only ROR thread in the last day with someone advertising a free tarot card (as you just bragged on WAHM) is the one about Jasper/True Insight. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see through all of this.

Was this all a ploy for you to look like a victim, and then "advertise?" I'd say it's backfiring sweetie.

Now why don't you focus on baking cookies for the residents of the trailer park where you live, and leave the real spiritual work to those of us who care more about people than money.

Oh, and Merry Christmas. LOL



iris the messenger on kasamba and keen is a fraud

#53Consumer Comment

Thu, December 20, 2007

i went to this woman and she didnt get a single thing right she took forever to "focus while my clock of money was running this reader keeps changing her pictures and her name she is a fraud out to get your money she also has a site metafizzicalcom where she is purposely taking clients off kasamba and keen ( which is illegal and i am turning her in for this this expert is a fraud dont trust her as her names and pictures and personality changes she took advantage of me lied to me gave me false hope then when i told her aout it she blocked me and changed her name and picture. shes a fraud not to be trusted not under any name or picture. aka iris the messenger aka spirit sister aka spiritual reading aka metafizzical

Got Me


Spiritual Readings, Janice, Iris the messenger, Metafizzical, Spirit Sister

#53Author of original report

Sun, September 16, 2007

Read the thread from the top down, it is all well explained and documented



This is so laughable

#53Consumer Comment

Tue, September 04, 2007

Karen and Got Me

If Janice was a psychic on Kasamba, why would she try to discredit the site? You two must have been reading the wrong posts.


United Kingdom


#53Consumer Comment

Mon, September 03, 2007

Janice is NOT a psychic!!!
I dont know what planet you are on to be honest.
But it will be interesting to hear your answer to Karen's question anyway!!


North Carolina,


#53Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 03, 2007

Got Me, what is Janice's kasamba name? I want to read her profile.


Got Me


Janice you NEVER quit, you never stop, your goodbyes mean NOTHING

#53Author of original report

Mon, September 03, 2007

Janice how many times have we all read your not going to respond, your not going to answer, etc etc etc then you ALWAYS respond not just once but 3 or 4 times to ONE post. You need to get some new material.. its always the same, never changes and is quite boring really. Do what you need to do. You have your "Victims" forum with all 2 members... go for it. This is killing your kasmaba business, your getting bad reviews, very few clients and dropping your price lower and lower. What will it take for you to wake up????



That is it in a nutshell

#53Consumer Comment

Thu, August 30, 2007

It is NOT about going after one person or about refusing to take responsbility for my actions. Lucy survived, I survived as difficult as it was we got through the depression. Others may not be so lucky. What about the kids? What about the people who may not survive? What about the MORALITY of making money from fraudulent practices.


North Carolina,

Silly Woman Running Your Mouth Again!!

#53Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 30, 2007

Janice DO NOT assume I do not know what ABUSE is you SILLY woman?!! Right about now you have become DOWNRIGHT SICKENING!! Sighs.


North Carolina,

Silly Woman Running Your Mouth Again!!

#53Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 30, 2007

Janice DO NOT assume I do not know what ABUSE is you SILLY woman?!! Right about now you have become DOWNRIGHT SICKENING!! Sighs.


North Carolina,

Silly Woman Running Your Mouth Again!!

#53Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 30, 2007

Janice DO NOT assume I do not know what ABUSE is you SILLY woman?!! Right about now you have become DOWNRIGHT SICKENING!! Sighs.


North Carolina,

Silly Woman Running Your Mouth Again!!

#53Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 30, 2007

Janice DO NOT assume I do not know what ABUSE is you SILLY woman?!! Right about now you have become DOWNRIGHT SICKENING!! Sighs.



To anyone who cares to read this

#53Consumer Comment

Thu, August 30, 2007

People need to be warned about the dangers of relying on psychics, especially when they're not good enough to relay the truth, because the consequences can be devastating when you're given false hopes that never eventuate.

If I hadn't found Kasamba at a vulnerable time, I would have been able to move on from a bad relationship, but, LIKE JANICE, I was continually given hope about this person which never eventuated. And I do take responsibility for my own actions.

My situation didn't go on for as long as Janice's but I certainly understand where she is coming from because I also became seriously depressed for some time because of it. I am out of it now, but obviously the experience had a lasting effect on me otherwise I wouldn't be bothered writing this now.

I applaud Janice for what she is trying to do, because it is a dangerous practice and people should be made aware of it's implications. Kasamba couldn't care less who gets hurt in the process, but it's people like Janice, who are not going to let it go, who can make a difference even if it's only for a small number of people. Kasamba WILL go on, but the less people who get hurt by it, the better.

And I hope anyone reading these posts will become so weary of relying on psychics, they will think twice before spending a fortune on them like some do. Just look through the ratings, there are client names which appear repeatedly, going from reader to reader, on a daily basis. I hate to think of the money they are spending - it's a dangerous addiction to have and I believe some, but certainly not all, of the readers make the most of it - $$$$$.



Goodbye Karen ...again

#53Consumer Comment

Wed, August 29, 2007

Like I said, I have nothing to hide. I came to this site to post a report. I did not intend to try and do something about it until I read about all the other similiar experiences. Kasamba has structures and practices that are geared to ripping people off. You and others decided to abuse me which, as I said is fine. Yes, I spend a lot of time onthe computer but that is how one does research. That is my job which I love.

I verify my identity to those who contact me. I am NOT some burnt out woman like it pleases you to assume. I, like a lot of people, was a victim of Kasamba. You, like others seem to have nothing better to do than abuse people. If that is what 'amuses' you then I am afraid you are the one without a life.

Anyone who wants to verify that I am actually who I say I am is welcome to contact me through the yahoo group. The emails go to me at my yahoo email. The first thing I do is verify my identity by sending an email from my work but not on weekends because I do actually have a life and never work weekends.

Alternatively they can view my page on the Dogster site - just put in Jake as the dog's name and Adelaide in the city in the 'find by Dogster' search or by id:239681.

I actually don't need to reply to abusive reports anymore. I will do what I intend. I have enough information now. Maybe you should look at your life. Do you NOT understand that abuse is wrong? At least I admitted I had a bad experience and sought some help for my 'issues'. You do NOT even realise that abuse is an indication of someone who wants to feel powerful because they feel insignificant.


North Carolina,

Janice Assumes Again!

#53Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 29, 2007

Umm Janice!! I AM NOT A PSYCHIC!! I told you who I was in a previous thread. I told you what I do in a previous thread. You will go away one day Janice. I check these threads just to amuse myself with your posts. Most are laughable. Especially the name calling Janice! Considering that you don't have much of a life I can understand how this board and site can become such a huge part of your life. To change Kasamba policy in regard to fraudulent experts who knowingly decieve clients would be a refreshing change for the site. Hopefully it would instill more ethics in those who have none or dont even know the meaning of the word. Do yourself a favor Janice, check this site to see if anyone has a complaint and respond to "THEM"! Anything else should be of no concern to you. Rise above the drama Janice and learn not to respond with name calling to those who disagree with you. If you are nothing like we say you are why would you even bother responding OVER and OVER and OVER again? Go about your business Janice and keep your focus on changing Kasamba policy instead of responding to negative posts about you with name calling. Aren't you tired of that by now Janice? Probably not, you probably can't wait to get to the computer to type a response to someone and tell them how WRONG they ALL are. Sighs. Like I said, one day you will go away and this thread will be free of Janice from adelaide australia. But I have a feeling this wont be for a few more months to come because right now this site and Kasamba are your LIFE! I am now BORED with you and your cohorts Janice. So I will give YOU the LAST word. I am sure it will make you feel much better about yourself!!



Nothing to hide

#53Consumer Comment

Wed, August 29, 2007

lol...S, EVEN when these people are told the truth they don't want to hear it. I have nothing to hide as you know.

Freya just pointed me in the direction of another inconsistency in Kasamba's operational structure.

I keep answering idiot accusations because the authors are so intent on doing..what..I am not really sure...but they unwittingly assist me.

Their assumptions and abuse make THEM look like idiots. I am not sure a middle age frump would delight in taking a dog to a seaside boot camp (Iworked out-he rolled in the sand).

I admitted I became depressed. However. thanks to a bit of therapy and some optimism and people who care about me in my life I got over my depression rather quickly.

However, this is NOT about revenge, nor is it about specific psychics. The problem is that Kasamba's structures are geared to exploitation.

As Freya pointed out (trying to get at there is an age limit for registering on Kasamba but, when I looked earlier tonight they had lots of experts advertising to tutor 'homework' and high school students.

So what happens when their is a problems. They hire the experts, allow them to advertise as homework and school tutors then hide behind age limit terms and conditions. I don't think so!! Anyone with any intelligence or morals would be appalled by a company that facilitates pedophilia under ANY TERMS.

Not this lot. They are too intent on trying to abuse me. I mean do they have the ability to understand the issue. It doesn't seem like it to me.

I will spell it out: Kasamba's structures not only facilitate fraud, they provide the structures in which PEDOPHILES can operate. All of the tutors are obviously not like that (just as all of the psychics are not into defrauding customers).

But how many pedophiles does it take to do something really bad to a child? Is the answer 1?

I told Freya that I am NOT going to answer any more of her posts or questions or whatever. That goes for Karen. They can post away with their assumptions really are sooooo wrong but in their bitterness they have provided me with so


United Kingdom

Got me

#53Consumer Comment

Wed, August 29, 2007

I thought you were supposed to be a client who had been ripped off?

I think your last post shows that you have forgotton that doesnt it?

I think your in the gang of "fake psychics who are out to discredit other fake psychics".

There are other threads on here for you and your little gang to go and rip each other apart.
This one is not the one for it.
Go away.


United Kingdom


#53Consumer Comment

Wed, August 29, 2007


The only abusive posts on here are from fake psychics like yourself!!!

My own posts have just stated facts about client sharing and predictions not coming true..I HAVE NOTED that they do not get any direct responses, this does not suprise me in the least. Just gives clarification to the complaints.

Your attempts to divert the focus AWAY from this instead of answering them head on are very transparent.

Why don't you post text here that does not surmount to waffle? ie, "get a life and Janice and her crew" etc etc...

As Lucy has already pointed out..this goes beyound the fake psychics business, its Kasamba business persona, full stop, end of.

The world has a million issues of corruption, imoral practices and such like and there are people that focus on one of them and tackle them head on. Its called democracy and makes the world go round.

Of course when you do this, it lends to the corrupt and immoral shouting from the rooftops.
This is exactly what you are doing here.
If you dont like it and find it difficult to stomach DONT READ IT! DONT COME HERE! THIS IS RIP OFF which is the forum for this!!!
The only people who are making themselves look stupid are YOU and the other fake psychics.
WE can live with the abuse...its water off a ducks back to be honest, AND evidence, so "waffle" all you like.

Got Me


Yea Karen even Hurricanes burn OUT when there is NO energy to feed off of

#53Author of original report

Wed, August 29, 2007

Kasamba is a huge Millions of dollars corportaion and if you read their contracts etc, which of course are drawn up by a staff of attorneys, the are doing EVERYTHING with in the legal limits. They DO require Drs, Lawyers, Counselors etc to FAX them their Degrees and proof they are QUALIFIED to provide whatever expert service in whatever catagory they are being "approved" for.

Janice has chosen the ROR plateform becuase they NEVER delete inappropriate posts like most other sites do, she has been kicked out, banned from many sites and groups let me assure you. People can accuse anybody of anything on ROR, does that make it true, does that make them right?

LP is currently in the process of acquiring Kasmaba, another multi million dollar company. Why would anyone think that 2 multi million dollar companies with large staffs of attorneys, accountants in the US would do ANYTHING outside the law?

Kasamba has full page disclaimers for both client and experts to read and acknowledge..........but maybe Janice is smarter, knows more than both these huge corporations, kasamba and LP? It's very easy to hide behind a computer, say anything and everything and have multiple identies on any given site, hence Janice and her "victims" group of 2

This is very typical manic behavior. Obviously she is off her meds.

I really hope you find your peace, your quiet place, where ever that might be........God go with you

Got Me


Yea Karen even Hurricanes burn OUT when there is NO energy to feed off of

#53Author of original report

Wed, August 29, 2007

Kasamba is a huge Millions of dollars corportaion and if you read their contracts etc, which of course are drawn up by a staff of attorneys, the are doing EVERYTHING with in the legal limits. They DO require Drs, Lawyers, Counselors etc to FAX them their Degrees and proof they are QUALIFIED to provide whatever expert service in whatever catagory they are being "approved" for.

Janice has chosen the ROR plateform becuase they NEVER delete inappropriate posts like most other sites do, she has been kicked out, banned from many sites and groups let me assure you. People can accuse anybody of anything on ROR, does that make it true, does that make them right?

LP is currently in the process of acquiring Kasmaba, another multi million dollar company. Why would anyone think that 2 multi million dollar companies with large staffs of attorneys, accountants in the US would do ANYTHING outside the law?

Kasamba has full page disclaimers for both client and experts to read and acknowledge..........but maybe Janice is smarter, knows more than both these huge corporations, kasamba and LP? It's very easy to hide behind a computer, say anything and everything and have multiple identies on any given site, hence Janice and her "victims" group of 2

This is very typical manic behavior. Obviously she is off her meds.

I really hope you find your peace, your quiet place, where ever that might be........God go with you

Got Me


Yea Karen even Hurricanes burn OUT when there is NO energy to feed off of

#53Author of original report

Wed, August 29, 2007

Kasamba is a huge Millions of dollars corportaion and if you read their contracts etc, which of course are drawn up by a staff of attorneys, the are doing EVERYTHING with in the legal limits. They DO require Drs, Lawyers, Counselors etc to FAX them their Degrees and proof they are QUALIFIED to provide whatever expert service in whatever catagory they are being "approved" for.

Janice has chosen the ROR plateform becuase they NEVER delete inappropriate posts like most other sites do, she has been kicked out, banned from many sites and groups let me assure you. People can accuse anybody of anything on ROR, does that make it true, does that make them right?

LP is currently in the process of acquiring Kasmaba, another multi million dollar company. Why would anyone think that 2 multi million dollar companies with large staffs of attorneys, accountants in the US would do ANYTHING outside the law?

Kasamba has full page disclaimers for both client and experts to read and acknowledge..........but maybe Janice is smarter, knows more than both these huge corporations, kasamba and LP? It's very easy to hide behind a computer, say anything and everything and have multiple identies on any given site, hence Janice and her "victims" group of 2

This is very typical manic behavior. Obviously she is off her meds.

I really hope you find your peace, your quiet place, where ever that might be........God go with you




#53Consumer Comment

Tue, August 28, 2007

I am not in Janice's group, and dont intend to join it. And I agree that Janice is taking this very much to heart, most people would let it go, but she is not. But I do understand where she is coming from because people do need to understand that depending on psychics for advice can lead to dependancy, unable to make a decision for yourself because you lack confidence in yourself. And especially when it comes to matters of the heart, when you are constantly given hope by readers it's very difficult to move on and let it go.

I also think Janice is not only focusing on psychics, but the way Kasamba conducts its business. No checks on anyone who signs up as an expert, in whatever category they choose, not just psychics. And those that prey on minors, its a breeding ground for paedophiles who tutor children.

Let her get on with it, I think her heart is in the right place even if she doesn't express herself in the most appropriate way. Something I would find difficult too if everyone was harrassing me the way she is being harrassed.

And if you look through these posts, you will see I declined an invitation to join Janice's group.


North Carolina,


#53Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 28, 2007

I see that Janice has the couple of members from her group on this website coming to her defense regardless of how ridiculous they ALL sound. Rest assured this Janice garbage will all die down and go away when people get bored with reading her rants and raves. BRUTALBEN was correct in regard to his assessment of her on her original thread.

All this Janice and her crew posting on here is really getting OLD, STALE, and BORING. They will keep this crap up for months to come. Typical of people who have no REAL life. Its time we give this psychological damaged woman the LAST word and no longer respond to her. I bet that will stick in her craw. PLEASE JANICE AND FEW GROUP MEMBERS, GET A LIFE! Now call me names, try insulting me I don't care but IT IS WHAT IT IS!



Got me

#53Consumer Comment

Tue, August 28, 2007

Janice, I have to agree with you on that, she is a waste of time.

Spiritual Readings

New Jersey,

Enough is enough

#53UPDATE Employee

Tue, August 28, 2007

Word has gotten back to me about this nonsense going on here, so I am here to hopefully put an end to this. However based on the

There seems to be one abusive coward on here who goes by "Got Me" with an unusual location of "Oz, California, Denmark." Clearly this person is geographically as confused as in other ways.

For the record. I am Spiritual Readings on Kasamba. And yes, my photo used to be different. It was a much younger photo of me which I decided to finally update, as so many other psychics do as well. So if you're going to pick on me for that, then you might as well attack pretty much all of the psychics for changing their photos to "freshen" their page every now and then.

Regarding my alleged multiple nom de plumes - again for the record - When I first started on Kasamba (at least 4 years ago), I used Spirit Sister, that is true. When someone else popped up with a similar name, I changed it to avoid confusion, to Metafizzical. But Kasamba claimed I was advertising my own website that way and forced me to change it. I then changed it to Iris, and AGAIN, two other psychics popped up with the name Iris, which AGAIN made it confusing. I've now been using Spiritual Readings.

These names are NOT to fool, deceive or mislead, but to stand out from the crowd and not be similar to other names. Why this "Got Me" person is stalking me and is so fascinated by the genesis of my screen names says something about how unstable, bored and lonely this person must be.

I am also being accused of many other names which are NOT me. Elfaba, Janice and Lucy? Haven't a clue. Janice appears to be from Australia posting actively on Ripoffreport. Anyone who can read will see differing writing styles, etc. Again, why this obsession?

Well that might be answered based on the "Got Me" in Denmark person's identity, as I had an obsessed client based in Denmark, and these rants sound similar to her. If so, I hope she has found happiness and a psychic who is available for her 24/7 needs.

There is also some mention of Wahm and the IRS. Again, not sure what that's about. All I can do is address these allegations about the changing of my Kasamba name a few times over a four year period. Many of the psychics change their screen name and/or photo occasionally to sort of revamp their image.

Big companies do it all the time. They redesign logos, websites, etc. in an effort to refine the branding efforts. Go to the supermarket and see how many products have changed their packaging over the years to attract consumers. The Ford Mustang has changed over the years, as have other cars.

So why this fascination with me specifically? Don't know. Don't care. But if you're going to accuse me of something, (a) get your facts straight, and (b) contact me directly with your grievance. Airing it out on this website is tacky, immature, spiteful, vengeful, and cowardly.

Now I'm going to go back to earning my living helping empower people to love themselves more, and I suggest that "Got Me" worries about what's in her own backyard.



I just realised that you are REALLY wrong

#53Consumer Comment

Mon, August 27, 2007

Have another look at the post on Kasamba violating labour laws. It was NOT filed my me. ROFLMAO. You GOT IT so wrong (lol..bad pun I I posted a list of sites to report psychic fraud that was taken from the WHAM board. I did not post the information on Kasamba's potential violation of labour laws. That was posted by someone in NYC. I don't know anything about spiritual readings I am NOT going to engage in a debate with someone like you about a psychic I know nothing about!!!



Why don't you just ask them...or are you scared to be proven wrong

#53Consumer Comment

Mon, August 27, 2007

This is the last time I will reply to you because you are trying to engage me in some sort of ongoing argument, and frankly, you are a waste of time.

Wham store files that they don't want the general public to see in a locked folder. That is how they archive them. They remove files all the time. You can view those files IF you are a member or IF you have the url (must be a quirk in the system as I can access several of their locked files). Why don't you ask them. Or could you NOT stand to be proven wrong. You are really strange but I thank you for it because EVERY time you, or someone like Freya (who put herself down as an employee and who is now saying she lied) writes something wrong or abusive it brings people to me.

'Got me', you say you are pregnant yet you ignore the fact that Kasamba appears to ignore complaints of child abuse. I feel so, so so sorry for you. I really do. You can write what you want and it does NOT bother me but judging by your post on the other thread, you are clearly hysterical and I am telling you that is SO bad for the health of a baby.

Freya, I have copied the abusive posts you wrote as an employee. Are you saying you lied and are NOT an employee? As far as I am concerned you are an abusive Kasamba employee and your posts shall be used in that manner. You wrote them in that capacity so take responsibility for your actions. Is that not what you were telling me.

Got Me


Janice you still did not answer my ? on the Wahm IRS post that doesnt exist or Complaints on Kasamba reader Spiritual Readings???

#53Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 27, 2007


Your post makes no sense, AGAIN, you stated you got the IRS info off Wahm. Its not on Wahm and hasent been since 12/06 when Elfaba, Janice, Lucy, Spiritual Readings, Iris the Messenger, Metafizzical, Spirit Sister posted it.
Why have you not approached any of the people that filed VALID complaints again Spiritual Readings aka aka aka, sorry to many alias to keep typing


United Kingdom

oh Freya, Freya, Freya........

#53Consumer Comment

Mon, August 27, 2007

Why dont you just give it up....everytime you post you make yourself look stupid!!!

You don't respond to any challenging posts directly dealing with scammers.

Only the ones where people have chose to show their vulnerabilities to explain their story. It really isnt on.

Janice is obviously well educated (you can tell by her written posts and how she deals with the abuse) well, I am educated myself so maybe that's why I notice these things.

Before you or any of the other scammers reply with "I have PHD's and degrees blah blah blah, the response is yeah right! next you will be telling me your a PSYCHIC!! LOL LOL LOL!



Who said I am an employee?

#53Consumer Comment

Mon, August 27, 2007

Who said I was a Kasamba employee? I simply put a green dot in a box on the rip off report. Doesn't mean I work for Kasamba :) Do you have an official list of Kasamba employees now do you? That would be PROOF, BUT You seem to be deriving all of your 'so called proof' from unreliable sources and websites that can be accessed by anyone around the world.

Your 'evidence' wont hold. It's hilarious to be honest with you.

Next I might put the green dot in 'I am the owner of the company reported.'

You gonna file some 'evidence' saying the Chairman of Kasamba abused you?

This is an absolute joke.



Who said I am an employee?

#53Consumer Comment

Mon, August 27, 2007

Who said I was a Kasamba employee? I simply put a green dot in a box on the rip off report. Doesn't mean I work for Kasamba :) Do you have an official list of Kasamba employees now do you? That would be PROOF, BUT You seem to be deriving all of your 'so called proof' from unreliable sources and websites that can be accessed by anyone around the world.

Your 'evidence' wont hold. It's hilarious to be honest with you.

Next I might put the green dot in 'I am the owner of the company reported.'

You gonna file some 'evidence' saying the Chairman of Kasamba abused you?

This is an absolute joke.



Who said I am an employee?

#53Consumer Comment

Mon, August 27, 2007

Who said I was a Kasamba employee? I simply put a green dot in a box on the rip off report. Doesn't mean I work for Kasamba :) Do you have an official list of Kasamba employees now do you? That would be PROOF, BUT You seem to be deriving all of your 'so called proof' from unreliable sources and websites that can be accessed by anyone around the world.

Your 'evidence' wont hold. It's hilarious to be honest with you.

Next I might put the green dot in 'I am the owner of the company reported.'

You gonna file some 'evidence' saying the Chairman of Kasamba abused you?

This is an absolute joke.



your wrong..whatever your name is...

#53Consumer Comment

Mon, August 27, 2007

It is easy to get into locked posts if someone send you the URL. Here is it:)..

Posted: 30/September/2005 at 9:40am
yes in the US you will be asked to fill out a W9 that will be sent to the IRS on your behalf (?) lol
and then at the end of the year you will get a 1099 listing your income for the year on kasamba, you must put this info on your schedule C and SE
but i am not a tax professional just have exp being an IC, so you may want to contact a tax accountant who will also be able to tell you what expenses you can write off , etc...
Good luck!

First of all, there is nothing mystical about magick. We are all magickal beings, very capable of performing our own spells through prayer, affirmations and visualization. For some people, mind magick is all they require, the I will think it into being magick. And others need a ritual to put the energy into motion. You can create your own spells, in any fashion you wish - there are no mystical /spiritual laws in magick and spell work.

You can select to use a candle or not, and it will not effect the out come, as it is your mind and higher self that does the work. The candle is but a prop to provide you with the atmosphere if you will, to focus and get into that mind set, just as putting on an apron before you start to cook, but if you neglected to put on the apron it will not prevent you from cooking - right. Please please be advise that any energy you put out there will be return to you at the minimum three fold.

Create magick with a moral responsibility, do not force your will onto some one else, you will bring upon yourself grave karma. Do not be fooled by those psychic scammers that are rolling in money bills, and seem care free, they too are playing with fire and they will be burn in this life and in the next, no one, not even God (as he bestowed on us FREE WILL) has a right to interfere with some one else's life - - free will for personal gratification, money, power or to get even. If you want some one to suffer be prepare to suffer too.

Psychic scam artists are professionals, the majority of them have been exposed to that type of scam work since they were infants, so it is very natural for them to ask for money to remove a curse or for a love spell with out the slightest twitch of the eye to give them away. When they warn you Do not tell any one I am doing this work/spell for you or it will be canceled or not happen. Lie!! They want to prevent you from talking about it so that no one will open your eyes to being scammed. A priest/minister will not say to you do not speak about praying or God will not receive your prayers, a doctor will not tell you do not tell any one about the medicine I prescribed to you or it wont heal you.

If you were scammed by a so called fortune teller or psychic please call the authorities. Do not worry about them putting a hex or curse on you for doing so the devil does not even pay them no mind - he is more interesting in converting the good to do evil. And if their so call curses and hexs are that potent lol, I would have been silenced a long time ago - trust me.

I would also like to sayjust like not all Irish are Irish Travelers, and just like not all white men are serial killers - not all gypsies are scam artists.
In addition to calling the authorities, below are a couple of other things you can do, if you live in
Good info. Witchcraft and fortune telling in the Canadian Criminal Code
OFT has set up a team to investigate consumer complaints about scams - including psychic and miracle health scams

The IRS wants to know!! Report to IRS your hard earned tax money that the scammer robbed from you. Scammers do not report their earnings, and it will be a quick way to get them behind bars lol, think Al Capone! It does not matter where the victim lives, if the scammer resides in the US - report them to the IRS!




the answer is simple

#53Consumer Comment

Mon, August 27, 2007

It is closed topic! That means Freya that only CURRENT group members can view closed topics. If you look at the page you will see a little lock. That means topics still exist but are closed. You wouldn't believe what people have sent me. You should check my post elsewhere for more examples of information from closed topics. You are still an idiot!!! And don't forget Freya I have copied all the abuse you posted as an employee. It is another great example of how badly Kasamba treats people.




#53Consumer Comment

Mon, August 27, 2007

Ohh Janice.
They've got you there. ;)
Pot, Kettle, Black?

Got Me


Janice IRS Tax Info NOT on Wahm Board

#53Author of original report

Sun, August 26, 2007

Xray eyes or? The IRS post was on the Wahm board Dec of 2006......It is NO longer there and hasent been for months but yet you JUST FOUND WAHM and got the IRS info?? Wahm only goes back 25 pages and the latest thread on there is dated June 5, 2007. Wahm does NOT archive back that far. I went thru every page still available on WAHM and there is NO post on IRS. Elfaba, who was outed on Wahm as being Spiritual Reader AKA Iris the Messenger etc started the same exact thread Janice has posted here about NO Janice, you didnt get it off Wahm, it hasnt been on Wahm for months. AGain all this leads right back to the Kasamba Reader Spiritual Readings, Aka Iris the Messenger as she is the one that Originally posted this exact same IRS info on Wahm in Dec.

Got Me


Why Janice is NOT inviting Cleints Complaining about Spiritual Readings, Iris the Messenger, Metafizzical, Spirit Sister to her "Victims" Forum???

#53Author of original report

Sun, August 26, 2007

Janice has not invited ANYONE that has posted a complaint against Kasamba reader Spiritual Readings AKA Iris the Messenger, AKA Metafizzical AKA Spirit Sister to join her "victims" forum. Strange isnt it??? Janice is the kasamba reader Spiritual Readings with a zillion and one aka's and photo changes. If you go back and review Janice's post she has responded to compliants/ posts from months ago making a point to invite them to her "victims" forum........but she is not touching/responding to the complaints about the Kasmaba Reader Spiritual Readings, with a 10 ft pole, silence..........imagine that



got me or whatever..

#53Consumer Comment

Sun, August 26, 2007

lol. if you take the time to read the thread properly you will see that I SAID I got it off the wham board. I didn't know that board existed until someone accused me of being someone who was kicked off. It decided to check it out and said, in a later post, that is where I got the IRS information.

Unlike you I don't hide my identity and go around slamming people and making flase assumptions.

Got Me


Spiritual Readings, Janice, Iris the Messenger, Metafizzical posting IRS Nonsense and Tooting Her Own Horn

#53Author of original report

Tue, August 21, 2007

Pretty obvious that your tooting your own horn here rebutting the original post on ripping me off, being abusive and unethical. Janice, Iris, or whatever your calling yourself today, your post on kasamba about violating US tax and labor laws is almost identical word for word that you posted on the wahm board when K originally asked for the W9's LAST December 2006. How stupid do you actually think we are. We hve watched you spread your vile venom for months, years now. You need to get some new material :)

How is your "victims" forum working out for you Janice........with all 2 of your members?




#53UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 18, 2007

You make incorrect allegations against one of the most ethical and honest readers on Kasamba. You have lumped together a lot of names as if they are all the same person. They are not. For example, Spiritual Insight is not Janice. They are completely different people. Your "report" is slanderous, libelous and defamatory.




#53UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 18, 2007

You make incorrect allegations against one of the most ethical and honest readers on Kasamba. You have lumped together a lot of names as if they are all the same person. They are not. For example, Spiritual Insight is not Janice. They are completely different people. Your "report" is slanderous, libelous and defamatory.




#53UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 18, 2007

You make incorrect allegations against one of the most ethical and honest readers on Kasamba. You have lumped together a lot of names as if they are all the same person. They are not. For example, Spiritual Insight is not Janice. They are completely different people. Your "report" is slanderous, libelous and defamatory.




#53UPDATE Employee

Sat, August 18, 2007

You make incorrect allegations against one of the most ethical and honest readers on Kasamba. You have lumped together a lot of names as if they are all the same person. They are not. For example, Spiritual Insight is not Janice. They are completely different people. Your "report" is slanderous, libelous and defamatory.

Respond to this Report!