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  • Report:  #533958

Complaint Review: Sports Marketing Inc.

Sports Marketing, Inc. Sports Marketing International Smooth talking, rehersed, non-informative scam artists Lombard, Illinois

  • Reported By:
    NotAsThinkAsYouDumbIAm — Illinois United States of America
  • Submitted:
    Fri, December 04, 2009
  • Updated:
    Fri, December 04, 2009

This report is done in an attempt to warn possible victims of this company. These people are paying very high rent in an "uptown" region almost next door to McDonald's worldwide headquarters. If you are seriously considering working for these people let me advise you that you can do far better by starting your own legitimate business from home and earn a lot more money.


December 2nd, 2009 - I "applied" for a position (notice I did not use the word "job") with Sports Marketing, Inc. via a well known job search website. I applied out of curiosity rather than actual enthusiasm about their advertised position.

December 2nd, 2009 - I received an e-mail response to my application within hours from their office.

Afternoon of December 3rd, 2009 - I received a phone call from their office (Lauren) to schedule an appointment for an interview. I agreed to meet with them the next day. They told me that I would receive an e-mail confirmation for the appointment.

E-mail confirmation received.....a poorly edited auto-response form letter with multiple fonts, no spacing between words, etc. This was the first "flag". The second flag was that the confirmed appointment date and time was a date and time BEFORE we had even spoken on the phone. This was the second "flag". So I called them back to kind of say, "What is the matter with you?" The error was "corrected" in their system so that my interview appointment was what we originally agreed to.

Evening of December 3rd, 2009 - In an attempt to learn more about the company, even though I already had my doubts, I began searching the web. It was almost impossible to find out anything about them.....not a good omen to say the least when we live in the information age and you can't even look up the company on the web.

Then, imagine my amazement to find that their website is very vague about their business. It gives a grammer school level presence on the web.....on purpose.....they don't want you to know what they do. They do NOT include their physical address on their website - only a phone number and e-mail address. What I did find out about the company is that it has the habit of either operating under multiple business names or changing business names on a very regular basis.....I can only surmise as to why. I also discovered that from reports on the web that other people who have been harmed by this "business" that this company operates on a very shady level.

December 4th, 2009 - I show up about 10 minutes before the "interview". They hand me a clip-board with a single sheet "application" with which they ask you to provide a copy of your resume. The catch about this "application" is the section that you would not expect to be exploited.....that of personal references. Any names that get put in that section will suddenly become this company's targets for marketing. Clever, huh?

I was advised when I turned in my clipboard that Kelley would come get me shortly and he would conduct the interview and explain the financial side of the position.

So, I wait a few minutes for my interview. Then the smooth talking "car salesman" (Kelley) comes out of his office.....nice big smile and courtesies included. Of course just before he came out I watch the previous "candidate" come out of the office.....probably one of about 50 for the day.

We go into his office for the interview. It was a decent office that they try to make look like something is going on there. The funny thing was the guy didn't even have  a computer.....another "flag". His whole "presentation" was done with fast pen work. He makes it look like he considers your resume but you can clearly tell he is on a sales pitch rather than an interview. Let me explain the difference.....

A normal interview will evaluate YOU. An interviewer would normally want to know about your education, your licensures, your previous work history, your interests, and what you have to bring to the table for the company. That is exactly opposite of what this place does.

When I sat down for the interview, Kelley began telling me about and pointing to strategically located pictures or plaques around the room  which supposedly represented their "clients". Nothing could be further from the truth. From my assessment (subject to correction) this company is receiving "incentive coupon books" from their supplier, possibly Smart Circle.....a company with a Better Business Bureau rating of "F" as of December 3rd, 2009. But be careful here.....Sports Marketing will inform you that they have a BBB rating of "A" which is true but they have only been a member for about nine months.....give it time.

The interview continues by telling me about the "positions" they are filling and then asks me which position I would be best suited for.....another "flag". If a legitimate employer was truly interviewing someone for possibly filling different classifications of positions within a company the interviewer would confirm your eligibility for a specific position based upon your education, skils, etc. as discussed before. They would not ask you to pick a card from the deck unless you were terribly overqualified for exactly what they had.....which would be a freak accident.

Now, make note of this.....I purposely conducted a poor interview. I lost my faith in this interview the night before based on my research. I did not show much interest and really acted like I didn't want to be there. This will be important later.....

After less than ten minutes the interview was over. The ending of the interview was almost like a time share spiel. I was told that if I "made the cut" for the three or four positions they had to fill I would receive a call around 4 or 5 pm that day.....

Remember I said that Kelley was to inform me about the financial points of the position.....that did not happen. In fact, he never even asked how much I was looking to earn.....another HUGE "flag". Let's be honest.....everyone is in business for themselves in this world.....when you realize this your whole life will change. If you allow someone else to determine your worth you will die poor. You have to determine what you are willing to trade your time for. If that issue isn't even addressed then there is no further discussion to be had.

Another piece of advice.....EVERYONE in this world is in "sales". Most people will say that they are not interested in "sales". The simple fact is that you are selling yourself at all times. If your "sales" method involves being late, unkempt, covered in tatoos (piercings), dangling a cigarette out of your mouth, etc. then you can expect to be poor. If on the other hand you are always on time, neatly dressed, clean shaven, and poisitive then your world will be rewarding.....not necessarily easy, but rewarding.

It is 3:59pm.....standby for further posts.....I'm waiting for their phone call to tell me I won.....this is where that important part comes in because if they call me to schedule a second interview I know the scam is all sensible evaluation they should not want me in their organization based on my interview.

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