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  • Report:  #55244

Complaint Review: Sprint PCS

Sprint PCS ripoff and deceptive trade practice We are just now starting a class action lawsuit against Sprint PCS. Nationwide

  • Reported By:
    Houston Texas
  • Submitted:
    Thu, May 01, 2003
  • Updated:
    Mon, May 16, 2011
*Consumer Comment: GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR RUMP ROAST! *Consumer Comment: Sprint is awful and needs to stop their games *Consumer Comment: Melissa is right.. ..the WORST I've experienced *Consumer Comment: Cozylee... Spring employee? *Consumer Comment: Cozylee... Spring employee? *Consumer Comment: Cozylee... Spring employee? *Consumer Comment: Cozylee... Spring employee? *UPDATE EX-employee responds: customers, customers, please *Consumer Comment: I work for another cell phone company *Consumer Comment: Read your contract! Look at your bills! Look at your monthly invoices! *Consumer Comment: SPRINT SIGNED ME UP, TOO, CORY!! *Consumer Comment: No one has to "Deal with it" another dissatisfied Sprint customer *Consumer Suggestion: K.Dog, dont waste you time or money going to court and hiring a lawyer *Consumer Comment: Sprint needs to wake up *Consumer Comment: Sprint ripped me off, too. *Consumer Comment: Try reading, had my share of problems *Consumer Suggestion: Educate yourself and you won't get past Sales to need to read the contract! *Consumer Comment: "Sprint Is the worst cellular phone company, in my eyes!" *Consumer Comment: You People Are Pathetic *Consumer Comment: Sprint Sucks *Consumer Comment: Sprint is shady...that's a fact. They got me too. *Consumer Comment: You can get help *Consumer Comment: Having Sprint Trouble and NEED HELP!!!! *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Sprint is a ripoff *Consumer Comment: They need to do an expose' on Sprint PCS. *Consumer Suggestion: Stephanie and Cory are right! Paying customers shouldn't be treated this way! *UPDATE Employee: READ THE FINE PRINT AND LISTEN *Consumer Suggestion: Sprint Employees are a bunch of LOSERS, even the nice ones are STUPID! *Consumer Suggestion: Here are address & phone #'s for Sprint *UPDATE EX-employee responds: Sprint is Shady!!! *Consumer Suggestion: Employees at sprint continue to prove customers right! *Consumer Suggestion: Sprint is a's why *Consumer Comment: hey bob *Consumer Comment: hey bob *Consumer Comment: hey bob *Consumer Comment: hey bob *Consumer Comment: I didn't get my phone free! I paid $400.00 for the non-working piece of crap, so why should I have to pay an early termination fee? *Consumer Suggestion: Not all the phones are free. *Consumer Suggestion: Don't worry Sonya, There is no point for early termination fees. *REBUTTAL Individual responds: Let me know if I'm off here. *Consumer Comment: Sprint people are idiots *UPDATE Employee: All sprint customer listen up *UPDATE Employee: All sprint customer listen up *UPDATE Employee: All sprint customer listen up *Consumer Comment: To Blerina quit trying to act like everyone is complaining for nothing. *Author of original report: when they sent me the denial form there was also the implied threat about the early termination fee *Consumer Comment: Final Disposition *Consumer Comment: I was a victim of Sprint Pcs as well. *Consumer Comment: Sick and tired!!! *Consumer Comment: Sick and tired!!! *Consumer Comment: Sick and tired!!! *Consumer Comment: Sick and tired!!! *Consumer Comment: Sprint has ripped me off big time. *Consumer Suggestion: don't let them get away with it *Consumer Suggestion: Laura....Must be talking about T-Mobile! *Consumer Comment: Just ignore the ignorant sprint employees! warranty fraud! *Consumer Comment: Very Happy W/Sprint *UPDATE Employee: CSR Multiple Cellular Companies *UPDATE Employee: CSR Multiple Cellular Companies *UPDATE Employee: Sprint Employees are NOT "idiots" *Consumer Comment: Sprint PCS *Consumer Comment: A few corrections 4 the then & now employees of sprint from some1 who read all the fine print pays her bills & still has 2 by a jar of vaseline... *Consumer Comment: Final Disposition II *Consumer Comment: Comment by John P *Consumer Comment: Responding to Michelle, July 2006 *UPDATE Employee: To "Tweety" *Consumer Comment: Spint PCS/Never a Problem *Consumer Suggestion: You Wrong! Cozylee - New York, Nebraska *Consumer Comment: Class Action Lawsuit *Consumer Comment: Very deceptive practivces *Consumer Comment: Very deceptive practivces *Consumer Comment: Very deceptive practivces *Consumer Comment: Yet another Sprint Victim *UPDATE Employee: response to all sprint customers and employees *Consumer Comment: I have had my problems with sprint...and they were fixed... *Consumer Comment: To most of the employee rebuttals *Consumer Comment: I thought I was alone till this thread *Consumer Comment: Sprint PCS is a Corrupt Company. *Consumer Comment: T-Mobile is just as bad as Sprint PCS *Consumer Comment: If your cell phones are so much aggravation *Consumer Comment: i don't have any solutions....i need help also but my case is very similar.... *Consumer Comment: YOu have posted an incorrect phone number in your listing

They knowingly have an automated system that loops you around and around keeping you on telephone longer while eating your minutes. They are also the only phone company that puts people in a contract without anything in writing.

Then when you go to cancel they charge you a cancellation fee. Even if you just simply change your plan, they put you in a new contract without you knowing.

We are just now starting a class action lawsuit against Sprint PCS so please email me your info if you would like to be involved. The more people there are the more money they will have to give back honest hard working people like you and me.

Houston, Texas

82 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

YOu have posted an incorrect phone number in your listing

#83Consumer Comment

Mon, May 16, 2011

The phone number, 8165016827, that you have listed as a phone number to call and complain to Sprint about Sprint happens to be a personal cell phone through Verizon. This number has been a number through Verizon for over a year. Please stop calling and wasting my minutes!



i don't have any solutions....i need help also but my case is very similar....

#83Consumer Comment

Tue, June 26, 2007

can you please let me know if you have contacted a lawyer? i being with sprint for five years and never make any changes because i did not wanted to be under contract after my two years......know they are saying that i owe them 500.00 dollars for early termination......i'm desperate, this is affecting my health. can you give some advice?


South Carolina,

If your cell phones are so much aggravation

#83Consumer Comment

Sun, March 04, 2007

why don't you simply get rid of them? Landline telephones were sufficient for many years and they were a hugh advance over smoke signals.

I carry a cell phone but most of the time it is "off", and I only use it when it is truely needed and a landline in not available. I do not use my cell phone to "visit" with anyone.


Saint George,

T-Mobile is just as bad as Sprint PCS

#83Consumer Comment

Sun, March 04, 2007

Folks, Sprint PCS is at the bottom of the barrel and it is a corrupt ripoff of a company.

However, even it has trouble measuring up to the absolute idiocy and criminality of t-Mobile sometimes.

This company T-Mobile is a disgrace even when measured against Sprint PCS absolutely poor service standards. And that is saying something!

Even after explaining to them point by point, and giving them the name, date and time of the person I talked to....they still proceeded to charge the account and keep the international roaming which I did not want active at all to be turned on.

After everything else and confirming it was just another Nigerian scam, T-Mobile expects this ridiculous bill to be paid, that I never even stated I would do!!! In fact I drilled it into their department, that I refuse any contract, and demand the roaming be turned off if I turned it on. Long story short I did turn it on, the scam took effect instantly, and after indicating this was terminated and ordering them to block the phone they still went and charged over a thousand dollars.

I am so tired of these corrupt companies, but interestingly this seems to be the only competition. That is why it is high time new cell phone companies enter the market, and start cutting these frauds off once and for all.

---- with its poor service is a hundred times better than T-Mobile, or Sprint, so don't let the toilet paper fool you. Contracts my black eye, they are required by law to show you the contracts and the proof. T-Mobile couldn't even do this, several lawyers indicated. And if they didn't do it at the beginning when I ordered, chances are they would not do it any other time. This is their burden.

Jeremy, Saint George Utah


Saint George,

Sprint PCS is a Corrupt Company.

#83Consumer Comment

Sun, March 04, 2007

I think a company like this deserves to possibly just simply go under.

I have heard nothing but bad things about Sprint for so long it is crazy, these people actually do not spell out the terms and conditions in writing before you even dive in.

They technically are required by law to do so, according to several lawyers I spoke to.

So what they are doing is just plain ripoff business in order to keep on the cutting edge.

And they are a real sad bunch of losers in my opinion, but T-Mobile is not much better.

Folks if you think T-Mobile is any better get a reality check, this company is crooked to the core. Even after documenting every single letter and crossing every T, they STILL did not keep the records I asked them for!!!!!

And they still ended up charging my account over 4 times the cycle amount even after it was known the whole thing was a Nigerian scam and a fraud.

No other company I know, maybe not even Sprint, would be that rude or dispicable.

T-Mobile is terrible. Bottom of the rip-off reports, take it from me. And if such a thing is possible T-Mobile can even be worse than Sprint, but its almost the only other option.

Which is why I am demanding new competition enter the phone market and quickly. Its time for a real spring cleaning, and a nailing shut on these frauds.



I thought I was alone till this thread

#83Consumer Comment

Sun, March 04, 2007

as you read always the same story from complete strangers from one another an disinterested corporation doing damage to regular folks...amazing isnt? Then these harsh rebuts? Its you the consumer and the not the Sprint Copr?
Get real , wake up, smell the stench of the PCS corruption!


Sioux Fals,
South Dakota,

To most of the employee rebuttals

#83Consumer Comment

Sun, March 04, 2007

To most of the employees who submitted reubuttals why are they all repeated by saying we don't read our contracts and don't pay on time, which is not true, and to the employee who stated or bragged that he has worked for almost every cell phone provider and he knows the "ins and outs" of the contracts let me ask you this WHY would you jump from one company to the other I could probably check back here in a month and you would have submitted a rebuttal under EX-employee and have the same complaints everyone else has, and to the employee who states that we are bottom feeders with crappy jobs please you work for a cell phone company- you are a measly customer service rep come on yeah I would work for a cell phone company if I owned it.

All the employee rebuttals are the same, you know the company you work for is a piece of *&*& but it pays 10.50$ an hour. Get a REAL job, go to college and own your own cell company. And to make another correction, calling c/s or checking your minutes(*4) does deduct from your minutes. Hope you guys someday find a real, honest, and good paying job and get a life.


Oak Harbor,

I have had my problems with sprint...and they were fixed...

#83Consumer Comment

Thu, January 25, 2007

I started using Sprint about 2 and a half years was good until I moved to Guam under Military orders...they charged me roaming and it was included in my plan, and I was told I would have service in Guam...I didn't!

Needless to say, I ate a $250 deposit and went about my life. I came back stateside and decided to try Verizon...they promised the same thing...and I have yet to have a breakthrough with them! I went back to Guam and tada...a $300 phone bill full of roaming!

So I cancelled it and now I have a $1370 strike against me on my credit and the reps won't even call me back so I can dispute charges and pay the remaining balance...what kinda service is that? I'm trying to pay my balance!!! When I got back stateside for good, I went back to Sprint...after all, I had great service with them while I was in the states.

My plan consists of 1000 minutes, nights at 7 and those and weekends are free. My plan is 59.99. Plus I have the vision, text, sprint to sprint and all the extras...including insurance! So my bill comes out to about 95 bucks a month...I can handle it...not a big deal.

The problem I had was they put me on a spending plan because of my previous "bad experiance" and now if I don't pay my bill in cash at a sprint store, I get turned off. I reported them to the Better Business Bureau and I got it all taken care of. I am still with them, and I love it. Try going throught the can solve your problems!



response to all sprint customers and employees

#83UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 22, 2006

1.) sprint reps are not allowed to give anyones names like a previous rep or anyother person that works at the company they are also not suppost to give names of cities that they are in only the state all due to security purposes in the past there has been instance were customers have found the center and the rep they talked to and harrassed them and in some instances has harmed or even killed them... and for someone to say i would never do that on here the reps don't know you and don't know what you are capable of they are just a small sentence in your life they don't know you and if you were in there shoes and you had someone yelling at you or cussing at you would you give your location or even a name of a previous rep and if something happened to them you would have to live with that... i don't know about you but if something did happen to someone and i knew i was partly responsable for that i don't think that i could live with that kind of guilt...

2.) Yes it is very unprofessional for a rep to get rude with a customer but unfortunatly reps are on there gaurd...unfortunatly there are more customers that try and get something for free than some that pay there bills on time...and not to try and stick up for them but it is very hard to go into a call that is ligit after your first 20 calls have been from people that have a $600 dollar phone bill and pays $50 dollars a month or just enough to kept there services on and then tries to get a temp credit every month to keep services on...i mean i had seen people that wouldn't pay there bill for 6 months and just lived on temp credit and wanted to know why there bill was so high...and then there are ligit customers that call in with a setup error and they just get temp credit to get services restored and don't fix it and customers get angry due to they have to call in serveral times until they get a good rep that fixes the situation...

3.) you can call any cellular phone company and they will tell you if you are over there grace period which is usually around 3 months and you change a plan you will automatically renew your contract and if the rep tells you no then they are lying if its not in the contract then it will be in the liturature that you read or you can go to there web site and you will find that if you change your plan you will automaticly renew.

4.) a lot of people don't get detailed bills they only get a summery if you would have asked for a detailed they will send it to you and then whenever you decide to dispute you will know it the charges are ligit or not...

5.) also a lot of people don't know that there is a lot of fraud out there and if you feel that you aren't using all of those minutes or downloads and you get a detailed bill and there is numbers that you don't know you should call immediatly your esn (electronic serial number which is a number that is assigned to each phone and is a unique number only your phone has) can be copied and used by someone else the system doesn't show that the esn number was what they call doppleganged it just picks up usage the fraud department in all cell phone companies have to manual review those accounts and many people don't know that there phone is doppleganged.

to all the customers out there that think that any cell phone company is a scam then you haven't read either you terms and conditions or all literature or have to read them they are out there for you and if you try to sue they will bring this literature up in court and tell you it was there for you at any store all you had to do was ask and when you signed up for the services you would have recieved not only your contract but as well as all literature...

and when you ask for something make sure that you are specific due to they can remove a package form an account but you must say suspend or expire that service and if you want it to be noted what has been done or said by that rep that you should say before we end this call i will wait for you to note my account so you know that a note was put into the account due to you can hear them typing...

remember it isn't sprint, cingular, verison, tmobile ect. it is your account you are responsible for it and all charges so if you feel that something is wrong like anything that i have mentioned then it is your responsibility to look over your bill and its entirerty and make sure everything is right and if you say that you haven't recieved your bill technology has gotten better and with most companies they will put your bill online so you can view that at anytime...

you should have your bill in front of you so you know exactly what you dispute and review so if it is something that is your fault you can see it with your own eyes instead of getting angery and fustrated with a rep that is looking right at your bill when your not...

just remember some of you have ligetimate complaint but if you look at and have reviewed 100% of everything from reviewing your bill, including all calls made, adding it up for yourself before calling if you actually did this then you would know that not always are you right but it is your responsibility to make sure that your bill is correct...

they do have to use computers and as i'm sure you know as well as i do computers aren't always correct...i mean if you want any company to do it manually for you then they have to do it with all other customers and then your cell phones would be a luxery not a nessesity due to you would have to be a millionare to afford one due to the cost of labor so remember before you make a complaint make sure that you read everything not just your contract but all literature and your bill.



Yet another Sprint Victim

#83Consumer Comment

Mon, November 13, 2006

Posted my own report minutes ago and found this. I find it interesting that those people who "complain" about sprint are treated as whiney people who don't pay their bills or pay only a portion monthly. I always paid MORE rounding up - and paid monthly.

I became so dissallusioned w/Sprint after nearly 4yrs as a loyal customer that I cancelled last week - after renewing the month before. I DO KNOW that every time you make a change on your plan they renew for 2 yrs from THAT date - didn't agree w/it but accepted it.

I also know that the CSR's in third world countries were the least helpful. I can attest to the fact that they only wanted to know when you would pay your bill even if it wasn't yet due - guess that is what they were taught in their ESOL class.

I know all large companies are really interested in their bottom line but w/o the customer (satisfied customer) there will be NO bottom line.

I happily will pay the cancellation fee next month as soon as they credit the 89.99 for the extra month they billed for when I changed the plan I had last month. Anything to make these idiots go away.

ANYTHING has to be better than Sprint



Very deceptive practivces

#83Consumer Comment

Wed, October 18, 2006

I aquired my account online. They had nothing right.... I never even received a contract from them. I had nothing but problems but everytime I called to get something corrected they started a new contract date. Now they say I owe almost 700.00 for early termination when I had the plan for 2 years. I changed carriers and am interested in this class action. And by the way I always paid my bills on time through my bank account. Sprint was horible.

Lynn - Philadelphia, Pa.



Very deceptive practivces

#83Consumer Comment

Wed, October 18, 2006

I aquired my account online. They had nothing right.... I never even received a contract from them. I had nothing but problems but everytime I called to get something corrected they started a new contract date. Now they say I owe almost 700.00 for early termination when I had the plan for 2 years. I changed carriers and am interested in this class action. And by the way I always paid my bills on time through my bank account. Sprint was horible.

Lynn - Philadelphia, Pa.



Very deceptive practivces

#83Consumer Comment

Wed, October 18, 2006

I aquired my account online. They had nothing right.... I never even received a contract from them. I had nothing but problems but everytime I called to get something corrected they started a new contract date. Now they say I owe almost 700.00 for early termination when I had the plan for 2 years. I changed carriers and am interested in this class action. And by the way I always paid my bills on time through my bank account. Sprint was horible.

Lynn - Philadelphia, Pa.



Class Action Lawsuit

#83Consumer Comment

Tue, October 17, 2006

I have had them charge me $5 or more extra a month for a crappy Rand McNalley Phone Map service that doesn't even work. I cancelled it after trying it for an hour. I had been paying my bill by phone, and finally looked a ta bill and I saw they never stopped the charges for the Map.

So I recently tried to lower my bill and told the rep I wanted only 20 minutes a month, Kill the Rand McNAlley, and give me a refund on it.

My bill is virtually the same charge. I see a small deduction on there but not much money at all.

When do we go after these idiots. I'm ready for ALL of my money back!



You Wrong! Cozylee - New York, Nebraska

#83Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 17, 2006

Cozylee - New York, Nebraska,

Sorry to tell you bt you wrong. I have 3 lines with Sprint. Two were added in the past year. And guess what? The only thing that I received in the mail was the phones. No Contract, No Nothing!

So its not the matter of if I want to read it (and I do read everything top to bottom before signing) or not, there is nothing to read!


Spring Valley,

Spint PCS/Never a Problem

#83Consumer Comment

Thu, October 12, 2006

We have had 5 lines w/Sprint PCS for 6 years and I think the customer service is outstanding. They are ALWAYS polite and helpful. If a billing mistake is made it is always promptly taken care of. My 16 year old son was supposed to be blocked from Internet service when we renewed our contract, but was able to anyway, He racked up over $200.00 in fees.

When I called the representative looked over the account and saw that his line was supposed to be blocked and credited the account immediately, with apologies. She then activated an old phone that I had that does;t have Internet capability, so no more chance of extra fees. another time We had no service, I called and they sent a tech to the cell site in our area, and the tech called me from the site to make sure we had service!! They are great as far as we are concerned. I am always polite and present when I call, I know mistakes are not the fault of the customer service rep.


Winter Springs,

To "Tweety"

#83UPDATE Employee

Thu, October 12, 2006

Regardless, first of all, I didn't read your whole post because I am not stooping to your level. People like you always try to bring others down, but hey, I just chuckled over it, and after this, I will not respond, because you simply don't deserve my attention. Please, throw all the insults you like my way...I'm not stuck in the 7th grade like you apparently are, and you won't get the best of me. I'm not too worried about my "attitude", because I was just telling it like it is, not being snotty or rude. And hmm...perfect Customer Satisfaction scores...gee, I really have an attitude, huh? Sprint has been a great company to me, and they have helped me further my education. Even if I don't stay there forever, I will be successful in my life. Seeing as to how I actually have a LIFE and don't spend my days trolling the Internet, attempting to start fruitless lawsuits. I don't need to prove myself to YOU, but it's the ones like you who think you are better than Sprint specialists, and you are obviously not. I pity you, because your life is so apparently pathetic that you just try to cause a ruckus on a website, and that must be the highlight of your day. I suggest therapy, hun. As for the rest of the issues, Sprint sells phones and provides the service for the phones, but we do not manufacture the phones!! If the phone is rendered defective, then you will have to do a warranty exchange through the manufacturer, who gives you 1 year to be covered under the manufacturer's warranty. Dropped calls occur with every carrier at one point or another, as that is the nature of the wireless industry. No, if you threaten to cancel, we will not waive your Early Termination Fee just because you've been on the phone with Customer Care for a couple of hours-that is your choice, noone's holding a gun to your head, forcing you to speak with us. No, we will not waive your Early Termination Fee due to no coverage in the area, you were aware of this when you activated service, and had 30 days to cancel without a fee being assessed. We provide you with the service, and with the plan you selected, and, in some cases, a phone at a discounted rate, and that is why you have an Advantage Agreement for 1 or 2 years. And, for the record, if you threaten to cancel, that does not mean that we are going to give you a free phone. If we *do* offer a rebate off of a phone, then expect to renew the Advantage Agreement, because you are receiving a phone at a discounted price. If you don't like that concept, then feel free to purchase the phone at full price without having to renew the Advantage Agreement. We give you 30 days from the time of activating/upgrading a new phone on your line to decide if you would like to enroll in the Total Equipment Protection program for a $6 monthly recurring charge, and a $50 deductible to replace a damaged/lost/stolen phone. If you do not have this option, if you are not elgible for a rebate, then you will have to pay for the phone full-price. Any time that you are outside of the first 90 days of accepting your Advantage Agreement or AA Renewal, then to change your service plan we will need to renew the agreement. I'm not "complaining", like others have accused us Sprint employees of doing, I am simply educating you for future reference, as the other Sprint employees had done as well. Understandibly, we do get frustrated from time to time when people just throw temper tantrums because they want what they want and we cannot appease them, nor will we kiss their foot when they insult us personally. So yes, you probably could hear a bit of frustration from all of us, especially when you immaturely call us all "idiots". Think about it, you're insulting an entire demographic of people, and you don't expect a backlash? I had simply expressed my opinion that this "lawsuit" will not get very far. And as for the guy that says that someone needs to get SLAUGHTERED for charging Early Termination Fees? That is an industry standard, and it is LEGAL, it is in the Terms and Conditions that are accepted upon activating the service, so it's not something that is being done out of spite. Well, I rebuttaled and I got my point across, so I bid you all adieu.


New York,
New York,

Responding to Michelle, July 2006

#83Consumer Comment

Wed, October 11, 2006

Michelle who purchased her phone July 2006 after cancelling Verizon, I'm very happy to you are "NOW" happy with the Sprint Service. However, the issues raised here are very serious. I have had Sprint for over a year and have had no problems with my service, i.e., my ability to make calls, text and the like. However, my issues with Sprint have always been about the fees/charges each month that should not be billed. After speaking with their Customer Care reps (who by the way seem to be all products of outsourcing with English as a second language and unable to comprehend the situation at hand)the problems are always fixed and my bills corrected.

After stating all that I am forced to interject a sour note. On September 9, 2006 I took out a second line on my account. This phone, the LG, came free with my new plan. This phone was activated in the store and I was told I need not charge it it's ready for use. (This must be a new feature). When I got home and turned on the phone it kept powering off so I thought maybe I have to charge it after all. I plugged it in, but it wouldn't charge. I contacted the store who told me to come in. I did. They said they didn't have that model in stock but feel free to drop in at another time to have it replaced since the battery was "shot".

After 4 trips to the store, and being told each time that model wasn't in stock but I could purchase an upgrade, I decided to call Sprint. After being rudely spoken to, and the rep refusing to tell me her name or transfer me to a supervisor, I had no choice but to hang up and call back.

After 4 attempts I finally got a very pleasant English speaking rep. Who transferred me to her supervisor. He was very pleasant and amiable despite my heightened irate state. He offered to send me an exact replacement via UPS which I agreed to at once. He said he would send me a mailer for me to send the defective phone back. After a week, no phone and I was getting dangerously close to the end of my 30-day warranty. So I called again to be rudely spoken to again and told that the supervisor processed my request wrong and for them to send me the replacement I would have to pay $179.00. I asked how is it that I have to pay for a phone that is still underwarranty? This person got very rude and said if you don't want it there's nothing else he can do and hung up. YES! he hung up. I called back to cancel the service since I did not want to enter my contract with no backdoor.

I went to their site to do a feedback and was told that I refused the option of having a phone mailed to me by UPS and since I refused there is nothing they could do. This person never addressed the issue of $179 for the replacement.

Sprint needs to treat its customers as who they truly are, their employers. They provide a service for which they are handsomely paid. I will not be renewing my contact with Sprint when it expires in the Sprint.

NB: Sprint has gone before a number of commissions because of its fraudulent practices, this I learned after the fact. Take a look at this site.

There are others as well

John P.


Comment by John P

#83Consumer Comment

Mon, September 18, 2006


Both Sprint PCS and Cingular are right up there when it comes to poor quality lousy service, false and deceptive advertising, and non-existent customer service. Nothing has changed!

(I have a friend who every time that they call me on a Cingular Cell Phone, it takes six calls to finish the conversation because he is being dropped all of the time and Cingular is number one in the nation with the most dropped calls!)

When with Sprint PCS, what a nightmare that was and I know from personal experience that everything that people wrote about Sprint PCS is true.

Cory can you name ten successful lawsuits against Sprint PCS?

I don't think so and the answer is very simple. Please read your contract, you gave up the right to a lawsuit through the courts and agreed to third-party arbitration!

Now of course that third-party arbitration is chosen by Sprint PCS!

So I don't think a class action lawsuit would go anywhere. (I think in the last class action lawsuit Sprint PCS agreed to provide more accurate maps of their coverage in Oregon.)

You can thank your friendly Republican Party and President Bush for this. President Bush and the Republican Christian Right are very pro-business which is why so many anti-consumer pro-business laws are being passed. (Did you know that if your Internet Service Provider is AT&T, they own all of your search information? Read your User Agreement with AT&T.)

Did you know that the service was so bad that the Kansas City area BBB had so many complaints that they stopped taking new complaints?

Did you know that depending on the BBB that you go to, Sprint has a great rating?

Ask yourself, with thousands and thousands of complaints, why is nothing being done by State Attorney Generals?

I will close with the following joke settlement which Sprint and Cingular ignored.

On July 23, 2004, Texas Attorney General filed an agreement with 31 other states settling a deceptive practices investigation against three telecommunications companies over misleading advertising and service charges.

Under the terms of the agreement, Cingular Wireless, Sprint PCS and Verizon Wireless must provide customers with coverage-area maps that are as accurate as current technology allows; give consumers at least two weeks to terminate service contracts without incurring penalties; and change the way they advertise and sell services and coverage.

The settlement allows consumers a 14-day period to try out services. Customers will not be charged an early termination fee if they cancel during this period, and if customers cancel within three days after activating service, they will not have to pay an activation fee.

In addition, the companies agree to provide comprehensive, concise information in their advertisements about the costs and limits of wireless services, a measure that remedies the past practice of misleading advertisements and confusing disclosures relating to service agreement terms and coverage areas.

The carriers must clearly disclose any recurring monthly charges; the number of peak and off-peak minutes and the hours these apply; charges for excess minutes above the allowance; charges for long-distance and roaming minutes; the minimum contract term; early termination fees, and information about any additional fees tacked onto monthly bills.


San Antonio,

Final Disposition II

#83Consumer Comment

Mon, September 18, 2006

Now this is pretty devious from sprint's point of view. Posted TWO years ago about how it took FOUR MONTHS to get my $149 rebate. Threatened them with the Texas Deceptive Trade Practice Act. The manager finally gave me a $149 credit on our bill. Now comes the good part. My wife and I are under ONE contract, where you get TWO phones for one price, $79 per month, and 4000 shared minutes, 1000 daytime and 3000 nights and weekends, 7PM to 7AM. sprint has tried to get us out of that program for years. Our TWO years is up in Oct.

The Son's of *&*& added TWO months onto MY contract, WHAT CONTRACT?, to recoup the $149. Went into a sprint store to find out when OUR contract was up. They tell us "You wife's is up in Oct., Your's is up in Dec". I ask how can that be? We're on ONE contract for TWO phones for TWO years. He says he doesn't know and can't answer the question. You'll have to call customer service. What a line of crap.



A few corrections 4 the then & now employees of sprint from some1 who read all the fine print pays her bills & still has 2 by a jar of vaseline...

#83Consumer Comment

Mon, September 18, 2006

First of all corey, where there's a will there's a way. Keep at it Corey you will be heard. If you get that class act going make sure 2 update, I'm sure there are a lot of interested consumers. Katey-Katey Katey, how do you sleep at night? But it's not just you, now is it Beth, Blerina, oh yeah and the person hiding behind the name SPRINT. Are you all brainwashed or what? Your company sucks and your bonuses comes from your boss and his boss RIPPING US OFF!

Katey-winter springs, Florida. I can't really vouch 4 everyone out here but the most of us are not bottom feeders. It's really not our fault that this is the best j-o-b that you never had. I say never because with that attitude sweetie, you want be there very long. So you keep playing spokesperson 4 da boss you'll get that promotion.

Sprint in Houston, Texas. I am a very happy go lucky polite person and I just may be caller #1023481. But that doesn't give not a one of you so called employees the right to talk 2 me or anyone else, like we stole something. When in reality, you know the real world not the Sprint world, y'll are robbing your customers blind! So tell sprint, when you read all the fine print and follow all the directions and still get ganked, then what???

Beth hi sweetie, how are you? I really don't understand how you're thinking. You have 1 thing twisted, you do have 2 help or find another profession. Come on in all fairness, all you mainly do is say: please hold while I transfer you. But if we p*ss you off, you know as well as I, y'll just politely transfer us to The Dial Tone! Ha ha ha, I crack myself up!

Anyway 9x out of 10 you can't help us and that's why we go over your head. Oh and we don't want something 4 nothing, that's our money! Not to mention all you sprint employees are complaining about us paying our bills, since you put us all in the same boat. Should you or I tell them?

See it goes like this,sprint charges you for two months. Your cycle ends in 30 days but you're in turn paying for 60. Sprint doesn't reward you enough for being a long time customer, instead they find another way to rip you off. Like when they turn your phone off. Say your cycle ends at the end of the month on the 26th, but you don't get paid until the 1rst. Today is the 27th of January, you just paid your bill January 1rst. Oops sprint just turned you off for non-payment.

But look it's not February yet, so you didn't use anytime in feb. and you just paid. So basically you just got turned off for not paying your february bill and it's still january. Hmmph, imagine that?!?

Sonya you go girl, tell it like it T I is! I feel your pain girl, you should check my story and I got it bad for detail, so I could only put in a couple of my run-ins with sprint but they are quite amusing. Speaking of being amused, is it funny enough for you Common in Get real, Pa.

Blerina, Blerina in Oklahoma city, Ok. Ha ha ha, you thought you had escaped me hunh? Ha ha naw naw of course not dear. By the way how do you pronounce that, lol still cracking myself up. You got it wrong pumpkin, we don't ALWAYS go over our minutes. Sprint ALWAYS put us over our minutes, betta' get it right.

You know sometimes I think, there is someone working late (burning the midnight oil), some1 really high up in the company. Vice Prez.. or something, keeping busy sitting there picking names sanging to himself...I'm gonna over charge you,you and yooooouuuuu. Ha ha ha LMAO ha ha ha.

But see Blerina girlfriend, it's not a 2-way st. girl get some professionalism 'bout yourself girl, you get paid 2 listen not 2 how did you put it (yapp). Regardless of what or how the customer/consumer says it, if you can't your boss, that's who we called to talk to in the first place. I know this was very long but I had a lot to rebuttal about, and if you skip past it 'cause it's too darn long. It was yet another loss.

By the way, I invite all interested parties to look in on some of what sprint has done to me. It would be under sprint mafia and employees of sprint named or not. Since we are such whiners, tell us hmm..what would you do if the shoe was on the other foot? Instead of working for sprint you were a paying customer and you had a problem with your phone and some1 spoke to you the way you all speak to us?

Poor poor Katey in Florida, you really love your job, but girl let me tell you. Besides losing our money you represenatives are the main focus of our pain & sufferings, a majority anyway. If y'll talked like y'll had a happy pill once in a while, people wouldn't call with a prepared attitude. But that's quite funny, you know why?

To be honest sprint been working on a way, 2 get rid of all of you (CSR). If you don't know maybe YOU should Read the fine print hahaha haha. Because virtual repeat it again please Claire, she is coming for your jobs. And guess what? She works for FREE, no benefits or nothing, she just don't need it! It's so funny, you think!...

Don't get mad people (csr) we the consumer/customers are the ones
receiving a royal sprint bend over
and hand us your pocketbook with

But with Sprint and Nextel coming together, it won't be long before all you have is SPRINT and those of you, whom our on the cheerleading squad because you work there hahaha just wait...
You can get you some vaseline at the $1.00 store,
if you can't find it take your nose out of the air for 2 seconds. Look on the bottom shelf it says petroleum jelly, or stock up now,'cause you know I'm right. Ha ha ha hahahahaha lmao...
Catch you later, waiting to see what you all say next. By the way Corey I hope you saved your receipt, 'cause that's where your first contract was. The rest are verbal agreements, later y'all.



Sprint PCS

#83Consumer Comment

Sat, September 16, 2006

Well, I had a contract with Sprint for 1-yr. This was for a family, fair and flexible. Since my husband worked out of town alot, we also ordered the $10 a month charge for 100 of our minutes to be used for roaming. So, we had 800 total minutes to share minus the 100 for roaming all supposed to be $80 plus applicable taxes.

Ok, first month, our bill which should have been around $100, give or take. Suprise, our bill was $257.00! They of course charged us for roaming, and also told us that since we started our contract in the middle of the month, that we were being "prorated" until the first of the next month. The taxes on this, we were being charged taxes for 3 different states, and so it was outragous. We lived in TX, and when I called about that, they said, well, when you went to AR, it automatically charged their taxes too. I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO AR! So, she tells me, well, you must have called there, I can't do anything about those charges.

After arguing with her for about 25 minutes, I demand to talk to a supervisor. OF course, they are all out to lunch! She assures me one will call me back. No call back, ever. I call back a few days later, no record of my last call of course! Anyway, we had the phone for 8 months, and EVERY single month there was a MAJOR billing problem!

I spend countless hours, NO JOKE on the phone trying to remedy this! 8 months after we started service, we were STILL billed for 3 different state taxes every single month! We decided to cancel the phones and pay the cancellation fee, it was WELL WORTH IT! They are terrible, and I would never recommend them to ANYONE! BEWARE!


Winter Springs,

Sprint Employees are NOT "idiots"

#83UPDATE Employee

Sun, August 06, 2006

Sonya and the rest of you who call 1023480 times a day and will not get off our lines: THE CHARGES ON YOUR BILLS ARE VALID!! Sure, there are mistakes made every once in awhile, that is a given, but Sprint PCS is a perfectly legit company, and just because you know that you have no leg to stand on, doesn't mean that it is OUR fault. *Psh*...good luck with the "lawsuit" all are just jealous because you are stuck working in craptastic jobs, while Sprint representatives make money and have benefits. It's true that A LOT of you are negligent when it comes to paying your bills, and you wonder WHY your service is hotlined?! Well, it gives me a good laugh, if nothing else. Have fun, bottom-feeders! *mwah*



CSR Multiple Cellular Companies

#83UPDATE Employee

Fri, July 07, 2006

Howdy everyone. First of all let me say I'm sorry if you've had any bad experiances. I'm a current SprintNextel CSR and I work with these contracts every day. I've worked for just about every cellular company under the sun :).

I have worked for Verizon Wireless, Cingular, Qwest, Sprint, and Nextel. So I have a very good understanding and solid background in this industry. I know my technologies inside and out, and I make it a point to understand my job. I have read your complaints, some I can understand, most appear unfounded.

The majority of complaints is that the CSR (Customer Service Representative) argues with you about your billing, or plan or what not. You seem to think this is personal for us. We get paid one way or the other. If its a mistake on behalf of SprintNextel we fix it, issue adjustments and get you on your way. Believe it or not, its in our best interest to get you off the phone happy.

Sometimes, however, that is not possible. It has been my experiance that there are soem customers who simply do not understand what they have agreed to, or come onto the phone knowing what they want, even though in their guts they must know its not likely to happen. You are all encouraged, in my point of view, by the fact you don't see any praise on this site.

This site, however, is not one for praise only complaint. While other companies have lower complaint rates, it does not mean they do not have complaints. Most companies have lower complaints due to throwing money, not solutions at problems. I know this because that is exactly what I was told to do when working for those other companies.

It is very important, for you the customer, to read and understand the contract, and terms and conditions of service. Failure to properly understand them means that you will have problems down the road. Its a simple matter to ask a question and have it explained to you. When a CSR explaines something, they are trained on it, they know what it is.

Of all the complaints I've seen here, there was only one, that I, as a CSR would be truely conserned with. One, out of all of your complaints thus far. Why, because it was a valid concern. It appears everyone else had a failur to read and fully understand the terms of service.

As for consumer reports, you can go find out for yourself that NO cellular company is above par, not even VerizonWireless. The industry standard is that people have a negative impression of cellular service. People think a Cell phone is the same as a Land line, and its not. These are highly technical pieces of equipment, and making them work for you, even moderatly, is no small task.

You think of them as nessesities, and that may be true for you, but the fact of the matter is every cell phone company will have dropped calls, areas with no servie or poor service. That is because cellular service is not a wired line, atmospheric destribances (Weather) Haze, construction, more people in the area than normal, and so forth can all effect service. I can tell you that of the people I work with on the phone, I can generally explain why something is the way it is without a problem.

When I make a mistake or see a mistake I take ownership of it as do the representatives around me. We are monitored to make sure we are not only professional, but adhere to policey, and guidlines. That means that we will not issue you credits and adjustments everytime you Failed to understand something. We do try to work with you, but in no way will we let you push us around just because you have the mind set of "The Customer is always right".

The fact of the mater is, most of you, as already stated, appear to be wrong, with the exception of one person. The fact of the matter is you people need to grow up, learn that a contract is binding and important to read, and understand befor signing or making a verbal agreement.

I am sorry you had bad experiances, but you will have them no matter where you go if you act the way you do. Oh, one last thing. I know this will come up. Almost always, a customer will tell me another company didn't do that, and so on and so forth. When your going to say, or think that. Honoestly ask yourself where you looking for it, and did you learn how to avoid it. I can pretty much bet you, that you did look for it, and you did learn how to avoid it. Its called learning the hard way. Try the easy way next time and read your contract, and terms of service.



CSR Multiple Cellular Companies

#83UPDATE Employee

Fri, July 07, 2006

Howdy everyone. First of all let me say I'm sorry if you've had any bad experiances. I'm a current SprintNextel CSR and I work with these contracts every day. I've worked for just about every cellular company under the sun :).

I have worked for Verizon Wireless, Cingular, Qwest, Sprint, and Nextel. So I have a very good understanding and solid background in this industry. I know my technologies inside and out, and I make it a point to understand my job. I have read your complaints, some I can understand, most appear unfounded.

The majority of complaints is that the CSR (Customer Service Representative) argues with you about your billing, or plan or what not. You seem to think this is personal for us. We get paid one way or the other. If its a mistake on behalf of SprintNextel we fix it, issue adjustments and get you on your way. Believe it or not, its in our best interest to get you off the phone happy.

Sometimes, however, that is not possible. It has been my experiance that there are soem customers who simply do not understand what they have agreed to, or come onto the phone knowing what they want, even though in their guts they must know its not likely to happen. You are all encouraged, in my point of view, by the fact you don't see any praise on this site.

This site, however, is not one for praise only complaint. While other companies have lower complaint rates, it does not mean they do not have complaints. Most companies have lower complaints due to throwing money, not solutions at problems. I know this because that is exactly what I was told to do when working for those other companies.

It is very important, for you the customer, to read and understand the contract, and terms and conditions of service. Failure to properly understand them means that you will have problems down the road. Its a simple matter to ask a question and have it explained to you. When a CSR explaines something, they are trained on it, they know what it is.

Of all the complaints I've seen here, there was only one, that I, as a CSR would be truely conserned with. One, out of all of your complaints thus far. Why, because it was a valid concern. It appears everyone else had a failur to read and fully understand the terms of service.

As for consumer reports, you can go find out for yourself that NO cellular company is above par, not even VerizonWireless. The industry standard is that people have a negative impression of cellular service. People think a Cell phone is the same as a Land line, and its not. These are highly technical pieces of equipment, and making them work for you, even moderatly, is no small task.

You think of them as nessesities, and that may be true for you, but the fact of the matter is every cell phone company will have dropped calls, areas with no servie or poor service. That is because cellular service is not a wired line, atmospheric destribances (Weather) Haze, construction, more people in the area than normal, and so forth can all effect service. I can tell you that of the people I work with on the phone, I can generally explain why something is the way it is without a problem.

When I make a mistake or see a mistake I take ownership of it as do the representatives around me. We are monitored to make sure we are not only professional, but adhere to policey, and guidlines. That means that we will not issue you credits and adjustments everytime you Failed to understand something. We do try to work with you, but in no way will we let you push us around just because you have the mind set of "The Customer is always right".

The fact of the matter is, most of you, as already stated, appear to be wrong, with the exception of one person. The fact of the matter is you people need to grow up, learn that a contract is binding and important to read, and understand befor signing or making a verbal agreement.

I am sorry you had bad experiences, but you will have them no matter where you go if you act the way you do. Oh, one last thing. I know this will come up. Almost always, a customer will tell me another company didn't do that, and so on and so forth. When your going to say, or think that. Honoestly ask yourself where you looking for it, and did you learn how to avoid it. I can pretty much bet you, that you did look for it, and you did learn how to avoid it. Its called learning the hard way. Try the easy way next time and read your contract, and terms of service.


North Carolina,

Very Happy W/Sprint

#83Consumer Comment

Wed, July 05, 2006

I too have Sprint service and it is the best cell phone service I have ever experienced to date. I have had Cingular (before the merger with AT&T) and Verizon and when it came to customer service they both were horrid. Verizon by far the worst, let me give an example. I bought a Verizon phone and signed up for a contract in Jan. 02, had my service for several months, when my grandmother wanted a phone, so we went to Verizon, got her a phone and changed my service to a family plan, so she was on it with me. For two years I paid bills, made changes (address, added mins, added/subtracted features) etc. Then when it came time to trade my phone in for a new one, suddenly I was no longer the owner on the account, my grandmother was (it was my service, she was added later and why was I able to do maintance), so I was unable to get my new phone without her.

Needless to say, I left that day, went across the street and signed up with Sprint, I got a phone and two year contract. I have never had a moment's trouble, I picked the service I wanted and got my phone at a discounted rate. I read all my terms and conditions and when I needed more mins, I called and switched plans (NO, I was not singed up for an additional plan, nor charged any fees, my service is still up October this year). I too think that the people who have the complaints are the people who do not read what they sign. Do you honestly think Sprint is signing you up for services you have not signed for?!? They would be out of business in a flash and they have been around a while. As consumers you have to realize that business's are out to make money and they are going to cover themselves 100%, it is up to us as consumers to cover ourselves as well, read what you are agreeing too, do not sign something unless you know what it is. Without a doubt I am sure no-one, let me repeat no-one has been signed up for a contract without a signature or phone recorded conversation on file.


Phenix City,

Just ignore the ignorant sprint employees! warranty fraud!

#83Consumer Comment

Wed, July 05, 2006

Just, ignore the ignorant sprint employees!, If they keep acting like this & blaming the custormers for everything they will lose all business!. Its, like sprint to blame all their custormers besides the true demontor themselves!, if they comment warranty fraud! you can break the contract & not pay them anything that is what I did!. I, will never purchase any cell phone from sprint again! the hell with sprint & their lying ways!, just ignore the ignorant sprint employees & people who support sprint!.



Laura....Must be talking about T-Mobile!

#83Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 04, 2006


I have been with Sprint for a while now and have never seen a $50/mo plan with 1000 minutes and 7pm free nights and weekends.

Although T-Mobile had a $49.99/1000 min plan. With 'free' minutes after 9pm.

The Sprint 7pm 'free' nights and weekends has been an extra $5 for a long time. The normal start time included in the plan rate is 9pm.

Sprint has the best overall rate plans available for what you actually get in coverage.



don't let them get away with it

#83Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 04, 2006

I have had similar bad luck with Sprint, specifically three incindece which convinced me that the company is not on the level. There has been some talk about contracts, implied or otherwise. You don't have continue a contract with a company when there is Fraud involved. Fraud violates the contract, if they fail to provide a service the contract is void because of THEIR fault not YOURS.

There are three criteria for FRAUD: 1) There was a deception 2) the party knew they were decieving you and 3) there was monetary dammage because of this deception.

I had to terminate all business with SPRIT because of three instances of FRAUD.
1)They refused to provide service for my first cellphone. They waisted two hours of my time to "have a tech look at my phone" when no one looked at anything. The problem was a falty phone jack,( a problem which I fixed myself with some tuner cleaner.)

What really made me angry was wasting my time and trying to get me to buy a new phone. They attempted to tell me that the phoine had been immersed, to which I showed them the indicator which (normal). There response to this was to prevent a circular argument that if the jack is bad then the phone has been immersed (and visa-versa)... oh well so I fixed my self (I have been manufacturing electronics for 15 years).

At that time I decided to discontinue service as soon as the contract ended. I even paid full price for a Palm 650 phone a few months later rather than extend my contract.

2) they charged me for a 200 minate call which started one minate before my plan started. When I complained about this they cheerfully gave me a credit and a free internet service for one month. I declined the service. I just want my bill strait. A few months later I notced my bill had been $5 more each month. When I called and complained they gave me a credit.

3) a month later I had changed jobs and needed more cell time so I had them add minates to my plan, which they were happy to do over the phone but did not say a word about any change in contract, which at this point had expired by two months. When I got my bill it indicated that I had a contract with spint for two more years... that is when the s**t hit the fan. I called and canceled the day I got my bill.

After expaining to the person what constitutes FRAUD and the company definatly satisfied all conditions, I told her I wanted it canceled today and that any bill for cancelation would be forwarded to the attorney general, the FTC, and my local investative reporter.I got my last bill (under $5 after credits) and hope this is the end of the chapter.

The other decption that sprint has is their reported calling area which show the I-80 corridor through Nevada, this must be a projection. The phone only works in Reno, Wendover (town limits)and another little town along the way.

SPRINT SUCKS the only reason I got the phone was that they offered Raytheon Employees a 20 % discount, but I had to fight for that too!!


Los Angeles,

Sprint has ripped me off big time.

#83Consumer Comment

Thu, June 29, 2006

I had Sprint. They got me by charging me every time I checked my own messages. I paid 5 dollars a month to have a the sprint to sprint calls for free. The free family circle or whatever they call it. I am a sprint user yet I was charged every time I checked my own messages.

YES!! they charge you everytime you call your messages. I called and talked to a rep who laughted at me. They said you are paying to check your messages because it's a service. So don't say they don't loop you and charge you because they do. NOt only that, there must have been hundreds of times I got cut off while checking my messasges and had to call back to hear the long recording instructing me on how to check my messages.

I had the 1000 minutes for $50.00 a month plan. The free after 7 plan and the srint to sprint free plan. I paid over $2000.00 in one year on all my bills put together. Sprint renew my contract without telling me. Then, my cell phone blew up when I bought a car charger and plugged it into my phone. They replaced it because it was their fault.

I was without a phone for two weeks and it's my business line. When I got the new phone, it wasn't the same phone. I was downgraded and they gave me a refab phone not even in a box. Sign me up for any and all law suits. Oh, one more biggy. My phone just stopped working one day. When I took it in, thy told me there was a pink dot inside which meant my phone got wet. I told them I just needed a new charger that the charger went bad. They would not sell me one.

So looking around I asked him about a phone, the salesman said, "oh, that one is three hundred and fifty dollars" meaning, you don't want that one, it's too over your budget. Angrey that he would insult me, I pulled out $350.00 cash and I bought it. It was the charger all along. There was nothing wrong with the phone to begin with. I lost out on $350.00 when it was a twenty dollar problem.

Now I'm with a new service and they have not charged me more then my monthly agreement. A more honerable service. Sprint is the worst.



Sick and tired!!!

#83Consumer Comment

Fri, June 09, 2006

First of all, I am adequately literate to understand a simple service contract. I run a construction business and have for many years, and if I treated my customers the same as Sprint I would have been out of business years ago. Most of my clients are repeat customers due to how they are treated and the quality of work performed.

I have been/was a Sprint PCS customer for 4 years. Finally, I had enough when they again cut off my service due to yet another ineptitude of staff. I have had my service cut off because the purchase of a new phone on my VISA was erroneously billed to my account thereby placing my account into an over limit state. (This was after about a year of service.) I have been billed for 4 phones; I've never had more than 2, which again resulted in service interruption. When the first service interruption occurred, the limit was supposed to be lifted. (I was told by the financial dept. this could be done.)

Now I have a $204.66 bad credit mark, on my otherwise good credit, partly because of the ineptitude, and partially due to I am just plain fed up with the way they handle accounting, customer service, etc., etc. and refuse to pay until they admit their mistakes. I am tired of paying for everyone else's ineptitudes and inadequacies.

In conclusion: As many have related, when I attempted to resolve an issue, I was treated like an idiot and/or a bum. Many occasions have resulted in no resolution at all or at minimum total frustration with the seemingly uncaring attitudes of the CSR. They need to learn: "Customers make the business."



Sick and tired!!!

#83Consumer Comment

Fri, June 09, 2006

First of all, I am adequately literate to understand a simple service contract. I run a construction business and have for many years, and if I treated my customers the same as Sprint I would have been out of business years ago. Most of my clients are repeat customers due to how they are treated and the quality of work performed.

I have been/was a Sprint PCS customer for 4 years. Finally, I had enough when they again cut off my service due to yet another ineptitude of staff. I have had my service cut off because the purchase of a new phone on my VISA was erroneously billed to my account thereby placing my account into an over limit state. (This was after about a year of service.) I have been billed for 4 phones; I've never had more than 2, which again resulted in service interruption. When the first service interruption occurred, the limit was supposed to be lifted. (I was told by the financial dept. this could be done.)

Now I have a $204.66 bad credit mark, on my otherwise good credit, partly because of the ineptitude, and partially due to I am just plain fed up with the way they handle accounting, customer service, etc., etc. and refuse to pay until they admit their mistakes. I am tired of paying for everyone else's ineptitudes and inadequacies.

In conclusion: As many have related, when I attempted to resolve an issue, I was treated like an idiot and/or a bum. Many occasions have resulted in no resolution at all or at minimum total frustration with the seemingly uncaring attitudes of the CSR. They need to learn: "Customers make the business."



Sick and tired!!!

#83Consumer Comment

Fri, June 09, 2006

First of all, I am adequately literate to understand a simple service contract. I run a construction business and have for many years, and if I treated my customers the same as Sprint I would have been out of business years ago. Most of my clients are repeat customers due to how they are treated and the quality of work performed.

I have been/was a Sprint PCS customer for 4 years. Finally, I had enough when they again cut off my service due to yet another ineptitude of staff. I have had my service cut off because the purchase of a new phone on my VISA was erroneously billed to my account thereby placing my account into an over limit state. (This was after about a year of service.) I have been billed for 4 phones; I've never had more than 2, which again resulted in service interruption. When the first service interruption occurred, the limit was supposed to be lifted. (I was told by the financial dept. this could be done.)

Now I have a $204.66 bad credit mark, on my otherwise good credit, partly because of the ineptitude, and partially due to I am just plain fed up with the way they handle accounting, customer service, etc., etc. and refuse to pay until they admit their mistakes. I am tired of paying for everyone else's ineptitudes and inadequacies.

In conclusion: As many have related, when I attempted to resolve an issue, I was treated like an idiot and/or a bum. Many occasions have resulted in no resolution at all or at minimum total frustration with the seemingly uncaring attitudes of the CSR. They need to learn: "Customers make the business."



Sick and tired!!!

#83Consumer Comment

Fri, June 09, 2006

First of all, I am adequately literate to understand a simple service contract. I run a construction business and have for many years, and if I treated my customers the same as Sprint I would have been out of business years ago. Most of my clients are repeat customers due to how they are treated and the quality of work performed.

I have been/was a Sprint PCS customer for 4 years. Finally, I had enough when they again cut off my service due to yet another ineptitude of staff. I have had my service cut off because the purchase of a new phone on my VISA was erroneously billed to my account thereby placing my account into an over limit state. (This was after about a year of service.) I have been billed for 4 phones; I've never had more than 2, which again resulted in service interruption. When the first service interruption occurred, the limit was supposed to be lifted. (I was told by the financial dept. this could be done.)

Now I have a $204.66 bad credit mark, on my otherwise good credit, partly because of the ineptitude, and partially due to I am just plain fed up with the way they handle accounting, customer service, etc., etc. and refuse to pay until they admit their mistakes. I am tired of paying for everyone else's ineptitudes and inadequacies.

In conclusion: As many have related, when I attempted to resolve an issue, I was treated like an idiot and/or a bum. Many occasions have resulted in no resolution at all or at minimum total frustration with the seemingly uncaring attitudes of the CSR. They need to learn: "Customers make the business."



I was a victim of Sprint Pcs as well.

#83Consumer Comment

Mon, February 14, 2005

After losing my phone, I bought a new phone and called to activate it. I told the customer service rep that I only wanted to switch the plan to a new phone. He said they where offering a promotional new feature called voice command for my new phone and asked if I wanted to try it for 30 days. He said if I didn't like it, I could call back and cancel within the 30 days. I did and everything was fine until I moved a year and a half later. I did not get any service and after talking with Sprint they agreed that I was not in a very good service area. I told the customer svc rep that I wanted to cancel my contract. Mind you I had been with Spring for well over 7 years and was never told that my plan had changed. I recieved a bill about a month later for an early termination fee. I had six months left of my "plan". Had the lady told me that there would of been a fee, I would of waited it out. I was shocked to find out that the 30 day trial promotion actually changed my plan according to them. I refused to pay. The worst was when I spoke with a supervisor, his remark was, "You know d**n well that there was nothing in writing and it is your word against mine". Now I have a collection company after me, for something I did not agree too. The voice commance never worked on my "new" phone anyways. So in my opinion, lets sue the a*s off of Sprint. They need to be taught they can not use unethical business practices. I even contacted them and asked them to send me any contract I had, or any recordings of me agreeing to this. I have yet to recieve anything.


San Antonio,

Final Disposition

#83Consumer Comment

Sat, February 05, 2005

This is my final post. Kimberly at DeZavala and IH 10 told me she had spoken with the manager at the sprint store, Richard. She further told me she had spoken with Carlos at the rebate place and they would be sending out my rebate within a day or two and I should have it no later than the 20th of January. By the 31st of January, no rebate and I'm pissed. I go back to the store on DaZavala and IH 10 and asked to speak to the manager, again, whoever that maybe this time. After about 45 minutes, who shows up, none other than----RICHARD. I explain the situation to him. He tells me he has never heard of me or my situation or seen any of my paperwork. Remember, kimberly cleared it through him. Anyway, I tell him, if I don't see a check for my $149.99 rebate at my office by 10:30 AM, my next call will be to my attorney, under the Texas Deceptive Business Act for triple damages plus fees. After 4 f.....g months, he types in a $150 credit on the computer, prints it and hands me a copy. The $150 to be applied to my next bill.


San Antonio,

when they sent me the denial form there was also the implied threat about the early termination fee

#83Author of original report

Tue, January 04, 2005

Went in on Sunday 1/2/5 and spoke with Kimberly, who was very nice, the acting manager at DeZavala & IH 10. She made copies of all my paperwork and was going to have the store manager call me back on Tues. 1/4/5, today. If I don't hear from him I'll take it to the next step. Here in Texas there is the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act which can pay triple damages.

As I understand it, It's not a class action thing but up to the individual to act upon. Since they sold me the phone with the promise of a $149.99 rebate, contingent upon a 2 year contract, then refused to honor the rebate.

They supplied the rebate forms for me to submit. Have never had any problems with any payments or billings, though this new phone bites. Interestingly, when they sent me the denial form there was also the implied threat about the early termination fee. We'll see. Don't stand for it.



To Blerina quit trying to act like everyone is complaining for nothing.

#83Consumer Comment

Mon, January 03, 2005

You are wrong about you cant be rude cause they record your calls. The most rude ones I delt with had to be the supervisors, and I thought that could help me when sprint was screwing me over once again, and I was told by sprint " We don't record all calls, we dont't save them, they are used for training purposes only. Even employees at Sprint stores have admitted how rude the customer service can be, and for all your other remarks, I only yelled at a supervisor once, after he continuously called me a lier and told me I wasn't good at my job. So quit trying to act like everyone is complaining for nothing.


Oklahoma City,

All sprint customer listen up

#83UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 30, 2004

Ok I have to write this to all the sprint customers, this is how most sprint employees feel about most sprint customers too bad we get recorded so we can't tell you how we really feel.
First of all to the person that says I read the contract backwards and forwards I don't see where it says i have to sign a new contract please read the following:
Certain service, promotional or product offers may require that you agree to or extend a Term Service Plan. (you can find this under Term commitments)

To all the people that complain about how sprint employees are rude to them, well guess what it doesn't help when we're trying to help you and trying to stay as calm as possible and you're screaming in our ear about how it's impossible you could have gone over your minutes. It is a freaking two way street people if you're yelling at us and making condenscending remarks, you're definitely not getting any credits. Oh and speaking of credits they are only to be given for setup errors if we (sprint) did something wrong when we set up your plan, not because you think a $400 bill is too high and you can't afford it because you're living on unemployment checks. This is a business if you can't afford a $400 bill than shut your yapper and stop running up your daytime minutes.

To the "smart" guy that says what company charges .40cents per min for overage, check your facts first that is the average rate all cell phone companies bill we're not the first ones.

Of course to the person that wants to start a class action suit against sprint first of all calling customer service is free so don't worry we're not eating your precious minutes. And second of all "READ YOUR CONTRACT." We supply you with a copy and just in case you lose it, you can also go on the website and reprint another copy.

I can sum up all your issues all at once and everyone can be happy, you did go over the min, don't blame sprint, just pay your bill and stop whining. And please quit your yelling over the phone, as much as you might not believe this we are here to help, but the more you yell the less we are willing to help.



Oklahoma City,

All sprint customer listen up

#83UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 30, 2004

Ok I have to write this to all the sprint customers, this is how most sprint employees feel about most sprint customers too bad we get recorded so we can't tell you how we really feel.
First of all to the person that says I read the contract backwards and forwards I don't see where it says i have to sign a new contract please read the following:
Certain service, promotional or product offers may require that you agree to or extend a Term Service Plan. (you can find this under Term commitments)

To all the people that complain about how sprint employees are rude to them, well guess what it doesn't help when we're trying to help you and trying to stay as calm as possible and you're screaming in our ear about how it's impossible you could have gone over your minutes. It is a freaking two way street people if you're yelling at us and making condenscending remarks, you're definitely not getting any credits. Oh and speaking of credits they are only to be given for setup errors if we (sprint) did something wrong when we set up your plan, not because you think a $400 bill is too high and you can't afford it because you're living on unemployment checks. This is a business if you can't afford a $400 bill than shut your yapper and stop running up your daytime minutes.

To the "smart" guy that says what company charges .40cents per min for overage, check your facts first that is the average rate all cell phone companies bill we're not the first ones.

Of course to the person that wants to start a class action suit against sprint first of all calling customer service is free so don't worry we're not eating your precious minutes. And second of all "READ YOUR CONTRACT." We supply you with a copy and just in case you lose it, you can also go on the website and reprint another copy.

I can sum up all your issues all at once and everyone can be happy, you did go over the min, don't blame sprint, just pay your bill and stop whining. And please quit your yelling over the phone, as much as you might not believe this we are here to help, but the more you yell the less we are willing to help.



Oklahoma City,

All sprint customer listen up

#83UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 30, 2004

Ok I have to write this to all the sprint customers, this is how most sprint employees feel about most sprint customers too bad we get recorded so we can't tell you how we really feel.
First of all to the person that says I read the contract backwards and forwards I don't see where it says i have to sign a new contract please read the following:
Certain service, promotional or product offers may require that you agree to or extend a Term Service Plan. (you can find this under Term commitments)

To all the people that complain about how sprint employees are rude to them, well guess what it doesn't help when we're trying to help you and trying to stay as calm as possible and you're screaming in our ear about how it's impossible you could have gone over your minutes. It is a freaking two way street people if you're yelling at us and making condenscending remarks, you're definitely not getting any credits. Oh and speaking of credits they are only to be given for setup errors if we (sprint) did something wrong when we set up your plan, not because you think a $400 bill is too high and you can't afford it because you're living on unemployment checks. This is a business if you can't afford a $400 bill than shut your yapper and stop running up your daytime minutes.

To the "smart" guy that says what company charges .40cents per min for overage, check your facts first that is the average rate all cell phone companies bill we're not the first ones.

Of course to the person that wants to start a class action suit against sprint first of all calling customer service is free so don't worry we're not eating your precious minutes. And second of all "READ YOUR CONTRACT." We supply you with a copy and just in case you lose it, you can also go on the website and reprint another copy.

I can sum up all your issues all at once and everyone can be happy, you did go over the min, don't blame sprint, just pay your bill and stop whining. And please quit your yelling over the phone, as much as you might not believe this we are here to help, but the more you yell the less we are willing to help.


X Man


Sprint people are idiots

#83Consumer Comment

Tue, November 23, 2004

I could care what anyone on this site says about sticking up for Sprint. They are the worst cell phone company that there is to deal with. They are incompetent,rude and downright a$$holes. I really think that they don't know what they are doing at all. I would rather sit through a 8 hour recording session with MENUDO than have to listen to those fools double talk each other. I feel sorry for you if you work for Sprint because you are just part of the a$$hole


San Francisco,

Let me know if I'm off here.

#83REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, November 23, 2004

I signed up over a year ago for an "unlimited Sprint PCS Vision" family plan which included one additional phone for free to share the minutes and $20 for each additional phone.

One of the phones that was not a vision enabled phone at that time recently broke and was replaced with a vision enabled phone. Unfortunately, I am now getting an additional charge of $15/mo "Vision Premium Services" for the replaced phone.

The best I can get from the customer service reps is that the code to setup the replacement phone as a free unlimited vision phone is no longer in the computer and so I have no choice.

If they can't fix it, what am I supposed to do, sue Sprint for $15/mo until I change providers or my contract? My one year contract is already up but does that mean the old contract continues to extend or can they make changes to my original plan now?



Don't worry Sonya, There is no point for early termination fees.

#83Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 22, 2004

I agree with Bob from PA. There is no point for early termination fees. Most people I know have to buy the cell phones. Plus to make em in China or Japan is extremely cheap, so yes the company is only making money. I hope Al Qaida gets Sprint, or the credit bureaus and collection agencies. I think Osama Bin Laden can gain a thread of decency by having the same thing happen to Trans Union, Equifax, and Experian. As well as the collection agencies (the main ones). I shed tears on 9/11 when it happened, but if Osama Bin Laden did this to the above companies, I would throw a party and I would be jovial about it. Fresh credit for everyone! A fresh start, as well as retribution for harassment we receive from the collection agencies (some of it illegal by the way), and incroaching in our privacy by maintaining files on us which we never gave permission for them to obtain. Heck, maybe we can get another Timothy McVeigh to blow up Sprints main offices in City of Industry California and Kansas City. I am not using my real name or location.



Not all the phones are free.

#83Consumer Suggestion

Mon, November 22, 2004


















Los Angeles,

I didn't get my phone free! I paid $400.00 for the non-working piece of crap, so why should I have to pay an early termination fee?

#83Consumer Comment

Sun, November 21, 2004

Some one said the early termination fee was to recover the cost of free phones that Sprint gives out! Well I didn't get a free phone! I want to get out of this awful contract, because nothing works! My phone doesn't work right, my services don't work right, I can't ever get any help from them on anything! And like someone else pointed out, THEY LIE! I have had that happen all the time where they say they are putting it in my notes and then it is NOT there. Bunch of lieing crooks! They should be stopped.


South Carolina,

hey bob

#83Consumer Comment

Fri, November 19, 2004

Food for thought sir. I worked for att wireless and internet service and local and long distance for several years..not anymore. I had a customer call in and wanted to know why he could not use Att towers. Well, I asked him if he had ever used att for anything in the past and he said yes. I did a name search and found that he was in collections for a very small amount, however, because he was in collections, he was not able to use their towers and he was with at that time with sprint.

So while it may drop off your credit report it will come back to haunt you. They can deny you access to their towers if you are in their coverage area and they are the only ones. And if you try to use any services provided by the above company you will be denied access or be able to use them. All this is perfectly legal for the very simple fact is that you did not pay for service in the past.

And for the gal who wishes nothing but hurtful things on the chairman or anyone with a bullet. Well, Listen up. The etf of 175.00 is to recoup the loss of the phone that they graciously gave you free or at a disc. Do you think those phones are free or low cost to make? Go on the internet and check and see what a unlocked phone really costs and maybe you will hopefully understand.


South Carolina,

hey bob

#83Consumer Comment

Fri, November 19, 2004

Food for thought sir. I worked for att wireless and internet service and local and long distance for several years..not anymore. I had a customer call in and wanted to know why he could not use Att towers. Well, I asked him if he had ever used att for anything in the past and he said yes. I did a name search and found that he was in collections for a very small amount, however, because he was in collections, he was not able to use their towers and he was with at that time with sprint.

So while it may drop off your credit report it will come back to haunt you. They can deny you access to their towers if you are in their coverage area and they are the only ones. And if you try to use any services provided by the above company you will be denied access or be able to use them. All this is perfectly legal for the very simple fact is that you did not pay for service in the past.

And for the gal who wishes nothing but hurtful things on the chairman or anyone with a bullet. Well, Listen up. The etf of 175.00 is to recoup the loss of the phone that they graciously gave you free or at a disc. Do you think those phones are free or low cost to make? Go on the internet and check and see what a unlocked phone really costs and maybe you will hopefully understand.


South Carolina,

hey bob

#83Consumer Comment

Fri, November 19, 2004

Food for thought sir. I worked for att wireless and internet service and local and long distance for several years..not anymore. I had a customer call in and wanted to know why he could not use Att towers. Well, I asked him if he had ever used att for anything in the past and he said yes. I did a name search and found that he was in collections for a very small amount, however, because he was in collections, he was not able to use their towers and he was with at that time with sprint.

So while it may drop off your credit report it will come back to haunt you. They can deny you access to their towers if you are in their coverage area and they are the only ones. And if you try to use any services provided by the above company you will be denied access or be able to use them. All this is perfectly legal for the very simple fact is that you did not pay for service in the past.

And for the gal who wishes nothing but hurtful things on the chairman or anyone with a bullet. Well, Listen up. The etf of 175.00 is to recoup the loss of the phone that they graciously gave you free or at a disc. Do you think those phones are free or low cost to make? Go on the internet and check and see what a unlocked phone really costs and maybe you will hopefully understand.


South Carolina,

hey bob

#83Consumer Comment

Fri, November 19, 2004

Food for thought sir. I worked for att wireless and internet service and local and long distance for several years..not anymore. I had a customer call in and wanted to know why he could not use Att towers. Well, I asked him if he had ever used att for anything in the past and he said yes. I did a name search and found that he was in collections for a very small amount, however, because he was in collections, he was not able to use their towers and he was with at that time with sprint.

So while it may drop off your credit report it will come back to haunt you. They can deny you access to their towers if you are in their coverage area and they are the only ones. And if you try to use any services provided by the above company you will be denied access or be able to use them. All this is perfectly legal for the very simple fact is that you did not pay for service in the past.

And for the gal who wishes nothing but hurtful things on the chairman or anyone with a bullet. Well, Listen up. The etf of 175.00 is to recoup the loss of the phone that they graciously gave you free or at a disc. Do you think those phones are free or low cost to make? Go on the internet and check and see what a unlocked phone really costs and maybe you will hopefully understand.



Sprint is a's why

#83Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 17, 2004

Sprint charges customers a 175 dollar early termination fee. What is the point of this fee? Oh, I know, it helps Sprint reduce their debt by 4.6 billion dollars a year. I don't know what is so d**n hard about deleting an active customer from the computer system. Is that what costs 175 dollars? Can anyone tell me WHY they charge this fee? If we the customer aren't happy with Sprint, we should be given the freedom to change companies without penalty. The same goes for AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, Cricket, and Nextel ECT. These exhorbitant fees are nothing but a ploy to make more money off of us. And the real B-S kicker is, they send you to a collection agency to retrieve that termination fee. How is this making Sprint loose money? Last time I checked, a company lost money when customers didn't pay bills. Not early termination fees. I thoroughly refuse to pay an early termination fee, and you know what pops up on all three Credit Bureaus with my info: Allied Interstate (collection/attorney) amount owed $175. I will not pay the early termination fee, they can kiss my @$$. As far as i'm concerned, I hope some hacker messes up Sprints database. I hope someone does something to the chairmen of the company who came up with the rule of this early termination fee. A bullet in the ol' head would be a very nice remedy. I am disputing this entry with all three credit bureaus. I am sending out disputes every 3 weeks. In this case, they will slip up. They will not respond within 30 days, and by law they have to remove the listing from my credit. I am also using other resources to trip Allied Interstate up. For everytime they mess up, they are fined for violating the law. So if they want to try and F with my credit, I will F with them. I will snare them in a trap, and get them for violating the FCRA. I'm gonna call them up and laugh when they get fined. I will rub their noses in it. I will wait the required 7 years for this to fall off my reports. Only since, I have 2 years left. Then I will not have to pay the debt anymore. They can't do anything at all, because the Statue of Limitations on the debt has already passed, so they can't touch me. Great thing about living in Texas, overzealous creditors can't garnish wages or seize property. I'd like to see the stupid A-Holes try. So, yea, I share the same sentiment most of you do. Sprint is a dirtbag s**t hole of a company. Like I said, I challange someone to tell me what the purpose of a early termination fee is. I am sure there is no purpose other than to make money. They won't make that money off of me. Oh yea, over a year ago they were calling me and harassing me quite a bit (read other ripoff reports about Allied Interstate in Ohio). I turned the tide over on them though. I called them during the day using an online netphone (yahoo service) so they couldn't trace me automatically. And I breathed heavily, and hurled threats at the supervisors I got ahold of and the customer representatives. I even called in a bomb threat if they continued to harass consumers like they were doing. The rep then responded by saying "well you do that you idiot, we have a right to get our money and if intimidating a$$holes like you is the only way to do it 10 times a day we will do that" I then said "F U b***h and I told her never to use foul language with me or any consumer." I told her that I know about them cussing people out and I told her not to call me out on my bomb threat. I placed the microphone next to my huge subwoofer for my home theater and it made an extremely high pitched noise. I heard her reply "ow!" and take the head phones off. I laughed and hung up the net2phone. LMAO. We can turn the tide on them by calling them during the day, or if we can get employee information, calling them at night and breathing heavily. The war is being waged on Allied Interstate and other collection agencies. Oh, I am not using my real name or address. It is made up.



Employees at sprint continue to prove customers right!

#83Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 17, 2004

I have previously wrote a report on sprint, and just read the rebuttals. The most ridiculous ones are from the sprint employees. The way you are speaking on this site just shows how terrible sprints customer service is. I agree some customers can be wrong, but how do you explain the common problems a lot of us share? I am a very polite person, unless I am being spoken to like a piece of trash, then I get pissed off. I had worked with unruley customers before, and when I felt I could not deal with them anymore, and I was gonna blow my lid, I got my supervisor. Thats whta your supposed to do. Not choose who you want to be nice to, and who you don't. Some people are just off the wall, and if you can't deal with them, then don't, get your supervisor. Thats the right way to do your job. Their biggest problems seems to be not doing their jobs. I have had a ton of problems with supervisors telling me "I am not getting off the phone with you till I have this note in your account mam, so this never happens again. Ok, it's all there I am finished typing it in, you will never experience this trouble again." Well next bill came, and the same problem, I called to see why this was happening again, I said there was a note on my account by the supervisor, and that he put it in while he was on the phone with me. Guess what, it wasn't there. They told me I was lying. That happened 3 times. How is that possible. I just started to think they were lying to me, and they figured I would forget about it and they wouldn't have to deal with me.


Buena Park,

Sprint is Shady!!!

#83UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, November 04, 2004

I use to work for Sprint's Retail Division as a Sales Rep. They would have us put on features such as Vision and Voice Command and Roadside rescue even though the customer did not request them. They wanted to boost up their Monthly Recurring Charge (MRC). The management's reason for this was that those features are free for the first two months. As usual, they are just hoping that the customer will forget to cancel and then keep on charging them. I am not sure if this is a corporate thing or a management thing.

In addition, for phones that are defective and usuable, they will order you a refurb that takes 3-5 days to receive. I think this is such bull because your paying for a phone that you can't use. This is if your lucky, not all phones are available to be ordered.

One more thing, Sprint's FREE 50 MINUTES OF LONG DISTANCE per month is manipulative. They will tell you that you will receive 50 free minutes of LD per month by switching long distance carriers. What they don't tell you is that it also switches all your regular call zones. You knwo that around your home calling area, you have different zones. Calls that may have been covered under your local calling area, may not be covered anymore. Example, you may call to someone across the block, usually covered under your local calling are from you local phone service provider. Under Sprint's coverage zone, you may not be, you won't know this till you get your bill. I have had customers come into the store with phone bill up to $1000. It was just ridiculous what crap this is.

Overall, I like the Sprint Coverage and Phones. But their practices was what pissed me off. I worked for Sprint for 4 months. I have never encounted so much BULLSH*T in a company. This was a very shady company. And the amount of unsatisfied customer was ridiculous. Everyone who came into the store had problems that seemed easy to solve, but Sprint's policies makes it a nightmare. I have seem customers throw their phones, try to pick a physical fight with us, etc. I lefted Sprint because I had MORALS. I could not work for a company that was so d**n shady!!!



Here are address & phone #'s for Sprint

#83Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 04, 2004

I don't know if any of you have tried these numbers or addresses, but I found them listed on their website. I do not have Sprint as a cell provider, so I don't have any personal experience with them. Just thought I would give these to you in case it would help someone.

Sprint World Headquarters
6200 Sprint Parkway
Overland Park, KS 66251
(800) 829-0965


Sprint Pcs
6160 Sprint Parkway
Overland Park, KS 66251
(800) 829-0965
(816) 501-6827

I am lucky and have never had to deal with the problems that have been listed on this website. I did have a friend that had Sprint PCS and when he had to keep calling me back (4 times) because we kept getting disconnected, I decided right then that I would never use their service. Remember that word of mouth hurts them where it counts their bank accounts! When possible, switch to another carrier and spread the word. Good Luck!


Los Angeles,

Sprint Employees are a bunch of LOSERS, even the nice ones are STUPID!

#83Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 03, 2004

To the last STUPID Sprint employee who left a note, first of all Sprint is NOT open 24hours! See what a bunch of IDIOTS work for this company, you don't know anything about the company, just like everyone else who works there! For your information, I AM nice when I call, for about the first hundred times, and the CSR and techs who actually TRY to help me, are never qualified! And you say to write a letter, Sprint won't even give out an address other than to the lame customer service people, who we are trying to get past.

I worked for a very large company, and if a customer was really upset or unsatisfied, they were able to write a letter to the CEO, and it would be addressed, because some companies realize that it is the CUSTOMERS that keep them in business!!! Wow what a concept! What a bunch of LOSERS, I cannot wait until you guys get sued and you are out of a job! And any company who does give a d**n about customer service would never hire anyone like you or 90% of the other Sprint employees!




#83UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 03, 2004

I work for sprint and find it hilarious when consumers complain. The funniest part about all of the comments and complaints every one has made is the fact that you guys let it reach the boiling point. Sprint is open 24-7. Sprint stores are open every day not to mention the phones lines. Yes I know, the customer service sucks over the phone. Why not call in and say Hi my name is.....I have some questions about my services and I would like to see if you can help me?

If you say it nice enough, you actually might get serviced. And you can't tell me that where you work, you pick who you will be nice too and who you won't based on how you feel that day. I worked for McDonalds and would give attitude to anyone that gave it to me first. Consumers wait until it's too late to get the issues resolved. Quit complaining and do something about it. Write to sprint, go to a sprint store. All of the employees at the sprint stores have business cards with their email addresses on them. I answer every single email I get at work honestly and truthfully and i am sad to say that i am one of few that take the time to care.

Quit your complaining. Do your job as the consumer and read the fine print and listen to everything your sales rep says.


Los Angeles,

Stephanie and Cory are right! Paying customers shouldn't be treated this way!

#83Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 30, 2004

I would like to get Cory's info for the class action law suit. How can Sprint continue to get away with these things? I will be submitting a seperate report which gives some details about the awful experiences and actual criminal violations I have been having with Sprint, but agreeing with all the other dissatisfied customers in this report, Sprint is absolutely the worst cell phone company, and the Sprint employees who have been writting rebuttals look like real idiots trying to defend it!

Does it make any sense that if Sprint removes vision pak from your plan, without it being requested, that they would then charge you a new service fee to put it back on?

Isn't it funny how sprint will call you to ask for a payment, but will never call you regarding any other reason, including tech difficulties, even when they promise to.

And why is it that a customer who is paying for services and equipment (that works) can not get directly connected to tech support when those things are not working? Why do they have to be put through the stupid, slow, rude torture of dealing with a CSR? And probably get disconnected after being on the phone for an hour and a half and then have to start all over again and go through the same crap with a differnt CSR.
And why can you only go one level up above them?
I have worked for a huge nationwide company before, and if a customer is really unhappy, the President would we able to hear about it and actually resolve it, because that company actually believes in such a thing as customer service. I couldn't even get an address from Sprint as to where I could send a letter to.
Alot of you Sprint employees kept saying "read" in your rebuttals. Well my suggestion to you is that you "read" all the reports that have Sprint at the bottom of the list. There is a reason for that!


New Jersey,

They need to do an expose' on Sprint PCS.

#83Consumer Comment

Thu, October 28, 2004

I have been a sprint pcs customer since 2001. I had the usual problems, dropped calls, late voicemail etc...but these were relatively minor. I have used the same old model 3500 phone which does not have all the great features that the new phones have. So, my billing was fairly simple. That is, until I changed my plan in January to an add a phone family type plan.
My husband and I both had sprint, so we just combined to one account and added our son with a new phone. This is when our troubles began. (We were not informed that there was anything special about this phone and that it had features on it that we would be charged extra for if accessed.) We signed up for a basic add a phone plan but when the bill arrived we were finding charges for internet service. When we called customer service to inquire they informed us that we had been surfing the net on the new phone. After many denials and arguing with three CSR who insisted it took at least 3 steps to get to the web, we finally took our phone into the sprint office and showed them that this phone has a button that is set up for direct access to the web everytime it is pushed. This button was located in the middle of the up/down/left/right scroll arrows and that there was no way of avoiding this button.

They finally admitted that this phone type had this "flaw" and was supposed to credit our account back and disable the vision/web access. Three months later we still didn't see the credit and we are on the phone each and every month with sprint to rectify these erroneous charges...

And to add insult to injury they claim that in July, we requested to have our vision access restored!!! We never asked for this! Now our new problem as of September, is text messaging. Everytime a text message is received (which we have no control over) we get charged 10 cents.

We have had this phone since January so why is this now a problem? Nowhere in this contract does it tell you what features and options are included with this seems to just creep up on you and the answer you get is "well go to your office and have them disable it..."
And it didn't work.

So now instead of a $90 calling plan we are averaging $140 per month which includes all those "new" surcharges.

There needs to be an expose done on Sprint PCS.
This is insane...



Sprint is a ripoff

#83UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 25, 2004

First off let me start by saying that who ever said yoiu get contract when you sign up over the phone is incorrect, and when you call to change you plan they automatically put you on a new contract effective from the day you change the plan, you can however request not to be placed on a new contract, but there is an addtional fee of 10.00 per month.


Virginia Beach,

Having Sprint Trouble and NEED HELP!!!!

#83Consumer Comment

Mon, August 23, 2004

I'm having trouble with these folks as well. I live in Virginia, by the way. I pay my bill in full every month!!!!! I've had no trouble. I'm a musician and I travel. I asked about roaming charges and the salesman informed me that if less than half of my minutes were roaming, there would be no charge. I haven't roamed in almost a year. I did a bit this month. I made about 2 to 3 hours worth of roaming calls due to some family troubles while on the road. I woke up yesterday, Aug 22nd to find my phone turned off. I went into the office and they said I owed them $867.00 in roaming and long distance fees. Of which, I payed $100.00 at the automated machine before I know what the problem was.

I looked up their charges for roaming and long distance roaming. $.50 a minute roaming and an additional $.25 a minute for long distance. for the 3 hours, this is only $157.50. I don't mind paying for what I used if there was a mis-communication, but I don't see where the inflated charge came from and as of yet, they can't give me an detailed statement showing me where the charges come from.

I haven't had any problems up until now. I have been a good customer and they have been cool. If they stick with these charges when I KNOW I didn't call that much, is there anything I can do, or am I pretty much screwed???



You can get help

#83Consumer Comment

Fri, August 20, 2004

I have had my fair share of insolent CSR via Sprint PCS services. I feel your pains, I won't even comment on those who tell us to read the fine print because some of us actually do. I called the Executive Offices and got my service restored before I even got off the phone with the rep.

There are several .com's that you can turn to but my favorites are:

sprintpcsinfo and sprintusers; they are the ones that gave me good information on what to say to get what I needed from Sprint.



Sprint is shady...that's a fact. They got me too.

#83Consumer Comment

Mon, August 09, 2004

Firstly, I can agree that any cellular company is gonna have its share of unhappy customers...but with Sprint it's more than just a "given". It's an overwhelming and glaringly apparent issue. I'm not in limited circles, either...the majority rule when cellular companies become the topic in conversation is clear: AVOID SPRINT.

Let's get a few things straight; I have thoroughly read my contract with Sprint (yes, I was also taken in), and I don't see anything that even remotely alludes to "every phone call you make to us will result in your contract being renewed." And that's about how it works.

I call to ask questions, they look into my account, that's a renewal of contract. I call to take off a useless inferior premium, it's a contract renewal. They call me to offer me a "premium customer extra" and that's a renewal.
Heck, they offered to make it up to me when I complained to them, by moving my "free minutes" to start at 8 p.m. instead of 9 p.m.---you guessed it---New Contract.

I had been looking forward to the time that contract ended, so I did nothing more to alter or change my service. Unfortunately, our "personal economy", as it were, went South, and since I was a student at the time, the budget couldn't allow for a phone, so now they've got me for breaking the contract. A contract wouldn't be an issue, if I had known of Sprint's underhandedness. I'd have never gotten a cellular phone.

So to whomever it was that replied that a Cellular Phone isn't a necessity it's a luxury, he or she is correct...but as far as that person posting that others here are pathetic or losers, well, that too is a matter of opinion. People get taken, it's sad and true. But for someone to come on here and further victimize these others, who already feel angry about the dealings they've had, well...what does that make that antagonist?

As for me, I'll just consider the source.
I, for one, am "UnCommon".

Caveat Emptor!


Get Real,

You People Are Pathetic

#83Consumer Comment

Thu, August 05, 2004

Reading all these stupid remarks from all you loser customers makes me laugh hysterically. You think because you dont think its correct, that its not? These companies have gone through every angle to make sure everything they do is totally legit. You, Loree, by far are the funniest. What company DOESNT round up your minutes? Its a given. You people think that having a cell phone is a necessity, while in reality, its a luxury. If you dont like it, CANCEL IT AND LEAVE THE POOR COMPANY ALONE. I work for another cellular company in PA, and its very enjoyable to come on here and read how stupid people are. Sprint is not the only company that has complaints. Look at Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Cricket, etc... You people all cry when you dont get your way. But keep up the good work, I get a good laugh when I come to this website.



Sprint Sucks

#83Consumer Comment

Wed, August 04, 2004

I agree with the fact that sprint "customer service" SUCKS! I too had a sprint phone and a $49.95 per month plan. However, my bill was always well over $100. I never went over my minutes and never downloaded anything. I called sprint and was told if I paid the entire balance, which I had done serveral times, that the next month the bill would be the $49.95 plus taxes and other standard charges. The next month the bill came and it was $183.00. Again I did not go over my minutes or anything. I called and was given all kinds of STUPID excuses until i found one person who told the truth. They said I do not know why it is that much, I see no reason why you would be carged that let me speak to a supervisor. The supervisor came on the line and also said she didnt see a reason but would not refund any amount. I decided since they couldnt explain the charges I wouldnt pay them. Yes I know it was reported to my credit report. I received a notice from them not too long ago wanting $700 something odd dollars. WHAT A JOKE!!!

My wife had a sprint phone when we got married. I already knew I hated Sprint. She had no problems with them at all until her phone broke. She had a flip phone and it somehow broke. Sprint said they could not fix it. So we were going to get another one, but, we were due to have a baby in a few days. We decided to wait until the baby was born. We called the "customer care center", I use that term loosly, and explained the situation to them. The rep stated he would put a hold on the account until we replaced the phone but that it would push back the contract as long as the account was on hold. Well we had the baby and a month later we went to buy a phone. We were told at the store that we owed over $400 before we could get a phone and then we would have to pay the full retail price for the phone. We asked how the bill was $400 because we placed the account on hold. We were told that sprint cancelled the service and we were being charged a cancelation fee. We explained that we did not want to cancel we just wanted a new phone. We were told no one in the store could help that we had to call the customer care center by picking up the red phone provided. We did and explained the situation to the rep. We told her that we did not want to cancel we just wanted a new phone could they reverse the cancelation fee. She said no. So I asked to speak to a supervisor. She asked why. I explained that I thought it was stupid not to reverse the fee because we wanted to continue the service. She answered fine but a supervisor will only tell you the same thing. After being on hold a very long time a "supervisor" came on the line and said they would not reverse the fee. I explained our situation to her. and hwe response was oh well. I explained that the account was only to be put on hold, she answered they dont do holds. I said well the rep I spoke to said they do. She then said I see we arre getting no where and hung up.
I went back out into the store and asked to speak to a store manager. He said he had no authority that I should just call back and that I did. I got the same results. NOTHING!! I went back into the store and was told they do do holds on accounts so call back and when someone answered to ask for a supervisor. That I did and the rep refused to give me one. I went into the store yet again and was told just keep calling and hang up until I get a supervisor. That I did. Then I found out I was getting the same rep. That was why I was not getting through to a sup. She yelled at me because I kept calling. Iexplainded I was in a store and that is what I was advised to do. She asked to speak to the rep. and she did and then hung up. The instore rep then said we cant help you and asked me to leave. Isnt that GREAT customer service????

As far as an emplyee's comment i read before which stated we deal with rude irate people all day long what kind of service do you expect. The anxswer is OUTSTANDING service is what I demand!!!! I too work in a call center but for a credit card company. We too deal with very irate customers all day long everyday. Lets face it most people dont call their credit card company to chat they have a problem. But that is no excuse for bad service. If you cant handle people being upset find a new job. Wait you cant because everywhere you go someone at sometime is going to be upset and their is never an excuse, unless your life is in danger, to give bad service!!! NO EXCUSE!!!!!!!! People need to realize that the customer is really their employer becuase without the customer there is no need for the employee. So treat your customers with respect and you will have job security.



"Sprint Is the worst cellular phone company, in my eyes!"

#83Consumer Comment

Wed, August 04, 2004

I have been a Sprint customer for almost a year, and I have had nothing but problems with them since day one. My bills have constantly had false charges, I have been on my phone many times when it would just hang up "signal failed", or I couldn't dial out for hours . I was told ,by a very rude manager, that it was a problem with the tower in that area. She said they would have that fixed, that was at least 6 months ago, nothing has changed.

I also did not know that whenever you changed your plan they extended your contract, until my uncle, also a sprint customer, was complaing about it. As for the so called intelligent sprint workers who have posted defenses, your the idiots. I do read all the print on all contracts, and no where does it say anything about extending the contract if you change your plan, nor do they bother to tell you that on the phone.

I have never delt with such rude, and disrespectful people before in my life. It was mostly the managers that were so rude. One specificly "Trevor" called me a liar amongst other things. I have worked in customer service, and I have never spoken to a customer like I was spoken to by these people, not even an unruley customer. I told him "If I start to get angry with a customer I get my boss, not yell at them." When I told him that he told me " Well obviously you have no customer service skills, and you should find another line of work."

I also understand what you mean by them not giving you the name of the person you spoke to. I mean I can understand not giving out the last name, but they wouldn't even give out the first name to keep their butts covered. I learned to get the name and employee number before we talked, so that didn't happen anymore. They also refused me the number to the corporate office. I had so much trouble with them lying to me, saying they put information in my file, and to find upon calling back for them to tell me the information didn't exist. They couldn't even find the record of me calling at times.

At the begining of the call, it tells you the call is recorded to protect you and them, when I would tell them to check the call, they would tell me they don't keep them. Well whats the point of recording them. Thank you Cory for starting this suit, I wasn't sure how to deal with this company.

I have about 4 family members and a few friends that have the same problems, and are just as ticked off at Sprint. I'm sure they have friends that carry Sprint also. I have not yet met one person who has Sprint and likes their service. I have been at Best buy when someone was buying their phone and service, and I talked them out of Sprint.



Educate yourself and you won't get past Sales to need to read the contract!

#83Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 01, 2004

I was contacted by Sprint Sales Telemarketer, my home phone provider, offering DSL for $27.99 per month. Nevermind my bill also "offered" service in conjunction with my home service for $24.99.

First the little girl tried to explain one receives a $50 rebate to cover the $49.99 "activation fee", fine, except bill comes in 4 weeks, rebate, 10 weeks.

Second, my FREE modem would only cost $9.99 S&H. How is that FREE?? The idiot tried to tell me I get to keep this $100+ modem...which would be worthless if I didn't keep using DSL, correct??

Thirdly, after asking specifically about not wanting to commit to a 12 mo. contract, the first litte girl assured me I would be able to stop services. IF ITS SOMETHING SPRINT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR, not if I am generally disatisfied with DSL and want to return to cable, as the little girl told me, right before she began "recording the call" so no misinformation would be stated by her.

It was as this time, the $9.99 S&H, the $49 activation fee, 0 week rebate check, and the $99 canc fee, if I don't care for DSL and want my Cable hookup back.

The final straw was when the little girl told me I would have a DEDICATED connection between 256K & 5.0 how is DEDICATED become VARIABLE?? ALBERT, the "supervisor/technician/whatever the rep needs to close the deal guy" slipped up and told me its 256 upload and ONLY 128 download.

And the kicker? Because I work for a large computer manuafacturer and know to read all print, big small fine, whatever, and I am versed on computer networks, I was able to weed through the BS, quickly, and stumped them all!

After being on hold AGAIN, because I asked another "technical" question, one of the questions which reveiled the above mentioned shady sales tactics, Justin was stupid enough to tell me 3.0 was an "upgrade" I had available. So the little girl lied? She gave me the impression my $27.99 paid for 256K to 3,0G, depending on, as Albert the variables, page one visits, graphics, etc.

I know Sprint doesn't care about the customer, only the shareholders who were happy to lear Sprint reduced their debt, by 4.7 BILLON DOLLARS, last year.

At $9.99 for a FREE modem, I bet they sure did!

What scares me is these crooks and uneducated telemarketers and their slimy supervisors would have had almost anyone else fall for it, and I'm sure many have.

I would be happy to participate in any legal action and provide assistance any way I can. They can't keep up these sales tactivs, its just appauling!!

Please contact me at Dnn't bother spamming me, I ge enough and my filter system works great!




Try reading, had my share of problems

#83Consumer Comment

Sun, June 13, 2004

I have been a PCS customer in Florida for many years. I have had my share of problems with the service, but when it comes to my bill, and contract they are very simple. When I changed my service plan I was told it was for a year, then I had to sign the signature capture device next to the cash register for the contract. I was offered a print out. I would suggest that everyone READ before they sign anything! You will be amazed with how many people sign things and do not read ALL the terms. And, yes I fall into that category as well. But complaining about your ability to read is not grounds for complaining about the company.

Treat every contract as a scam and look for the holes in it.



Sprint ripped me off, too.

#83Consumer Comment

Sat, May 08, 2004

Sprint changed my plan as advice from a CSR. I was told to cancell my # to get the phone that I had activated to my wife's #. When doing so, I did not realize 3 months later, my plan went from 2000 anytime, nights and weekends, PCS to PCS calling to 200 anytime min.

My bill is now at $874.29, including lawyer fees. One CSR really helped me (Regina), but because the credit amount she was giving me ($453.00), she had to get a team lead to approve the amount.

When talking to the Asst. Team Lead, he told me there would be no credit given on the account, and it was my responsibility to make sure my account was correct.

I was also charged a cancellation fee, eventhough my account was a month to month contract. GO FIGURE!!! My overall experience with Sprint is horrible.

The only bright side I saw with the customer service was Regina. I have tried numerous times to locate her, but have yet to be able to.



Sprint needs to wake up

#83Consumer Comment

Fri, March 26, 2004

To all the Sprint employees who have posted:
While I can perfectly appreciate the number of idiots who dont pay their bills, who constantly harrangue you all over seemingly miniscule details on their bills, etc., I must say in all fairness your company is horrible. Moreover, I am rather appalled at the attitudes that some of you display which give the impression that EVERY customer is a deadbeat, non-paying jackass who has nothing better to do that complain.

Consumer Reports comparison study on metropolitan areas across the country and their comparative cell phone services consistently ranked Sprint last among all carriers. There is a reason for this: Sprint sucks. Period.

As a Sprint customer for numerous years, I finally got fed up with them in December and asked to have my number changed to T-Mobile. Not only did Sprint drag its feet and not do what it was suppossed to do, ie, transfer the service, they charged me a transfer fee for something they didnt even do. To top it off, after numerous telephone calls AND letters, they have yet to shut the phone off and continue to bill me.
I am an attorney and I will tell you that the plethora of poor service reports and atrocious billing practices that Sprint has compiled should and hopefully will result in a Class Action Lawsuit. Let me further state that since switching to T-Mobile I have had great service, fair bills, and customer service that has been stellar.

Sprint's lassiez-faire attitude towards its customers and absolutely atrocious service are not being addressed, and instead, as we see on the posts in response to the complaints filed here, the attitude of Sprint is that every complaint is from a whiny deadbeat customer who has nothing better to do than complain.

My response, and hopefully everyone's response, should be if you value my business, and the job that you have as a result of that business, lose the attitude or we will take that business elsewhere, despite these heavy handed thug tactics they are employing.


North Carolina,

K.Dog, dont waste you time or money going to court and hiring a lawyer

#83Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 25, 2004

I would suggest to anyone starting business with any company to take the time out and READ and UNDERSTAND the terms and conditions before signing or agreeing to a contract. Please dont waste you time or money going to court and hiring a lawyer only to find out the information was provided to you but you fail to read it. This is so very important and so many people fail to do so. Did you know that according to Sprint PCS terms and condition, that when you active and use you phone you are agreeing to the terms and conditions, wheter you read them or not. Also did you know that, most companies provide you term and condition with you product or you will get them shortly after sign up with the service. It is not the responsiblity of the compnay or the customer service rep to tell you to read you T&C nor is it there responsibility to tell you your terms and cond. Stop blaming the compaines (phone, cable, banks, etc....) and just READ !!!!



No one has to "Deal with it" another dissatisfied Sprint customer

#83Consumer Comment

Fri, March 19, 2004

As yet another dissatisfied Sprint customer who is still in the process of disputing billing charges I'd like to add my two cents worth by adding that "NO ONE HAS TO TAKE THIS" from Sprint or any other company! Yes I do expect to get the service I pay for. Yes,I do expect that if a billing error is made that I can call in and have it resolved and No,it should not be an on-going battle and Yes,if I am speaking with a CSR that he/she should be empowered to assist me and if they can not they should transfer me to someone whom is empowered to make those decisions. I do not expect to be treated like a 2nd class person and talked down to when I call in and have a problem. I expect to be treated with respect.
My experiance is that every time I have called Sprint that has not happened. The first thing that every CSR has stated, and I quote " It is your bill and If you'd pay your bill you would not have this problem and then proceed to say I can help you with making that payment", and this is being said in a condesending tomne like "why are you bothering me" So before you lecture anyone on how poorly you are treated, maybe you should think about how we are being treated and not all people are deadbeats trying to get out of paying a bill, many of us have true billing errors and are finding it difficult to find anyone who is willing to really help us!
I know that you work for a large company who is only concerned about the bottom dollar and collecting money but I have found it very difficult to find anyone willing to or maybe able to assist me in a positive manner. I am still being charged interest on an account that is being disputed, which in your company's contract which I have read and it clearly states that no interest / charges will be added during this time. And as far as the comment about "Just deal with it" - NO, You Deal with it! You work for a company who does not appear to be very ethical, who does not care about my problem and obviously others problems or we would not be on this site and if you are continually being treated by people who are acting like children and are upset and cussing than maybe it is becasue they are at the end of their rope and wits end from dealing with a company that clearly has not given them any satisfaction. I can honestly tell you from experiance that I am continually being talked down to and no one has assisted me, I was so distraught that I said enough and cancelled my contract! I had wonerful service and loved my phone, I just refuded to be treated like I was, there was no discussing anything. The only thing my CSR was concerned about (and all of them I have spoken to ) is how I was going to pay my bill, not that their was an error or would they address the error or my concern. You may be a very ethical person and may be the one employee who really does take pride in her job and help people- however I have not been lucky enough to deal with the one employee that is out there who is willing to even listen and I have had to resort to filing a complaint/dispute. You have two choices: deal with it and try to make it a better place by helping these people and please remember to do so without treating us badly, who knows what we have dealt with up to now or find a different job for a company where you are not subjected to this behavior. Good Luck ot anyone dealing with Sprint!


Little Elm,


#83Consumer Comment

Tue, August 19, 2003

Cory, I need your contact info ASAP!! Sprint PCS signed me up for a 2 year contract when I bought new phones for my existing service!!!! It IS true and anyone who says differently is lying out their @ss.

I want to SUE Sprint PCS. They told me I needed to buy new phones in order to get decent service. The new phones didn't work and I called to cancel, only to find out that buy buying the phones, Sprint CLAIMED that I had agreed to another 2 years!!

Sprint PCS is the clear alternative to customer service. I've never dealt with as many inbred, white trash untrained RUDE people in my entire freaking life.



Read your contract! Look at your bills! Look at your monthly invoices!

#83Consumer Comment

Fri, July 18, 2003

I contracted for 2,500 minutes of service. My contract reads 2,500 minutes of service with free nights, weekends and internet access. Sprint failed to mention either verbally or on their contract that ALL portions of minutes were rounded up. For example, I have a call that lasts 6 minutes, 10 seconds. I am charged for 7 minutes. Do the math. The amount of time that is stolen from me every month is astronomical! And, I am charged 40 cents per minute for every call over 2,500 minutes. Another little jewel they failed to address when I contracted with them. The result? My bills are outrageous.

If there is a class action suit filed, I will be happy to sign on. If not and an attorney is looking to start a class action suit, I would be willing to be the named petitioner.


South Carolina,

I work for another cell phone company

#83Consumer Comment

Tue, July 15, 2003

And I can complete with the previous post about the way the customer will call in and complain about the high bill. Frankly it makes me laugh when they say they do not believe they actually talked that long on their cell phones! Well, drive down the road and you will see people yakking away and yakking away and if you go into a mall you will see the same thing.

These are the same people who make the minimum payment just to keep their cell phones to avoid losing their service. And these are the ones who has the small plans with the large load of minutes to use every month and are the real complainers. I would you prefer your type of customers to go somewhere else and stop bothering me really. I personally give the high end users much more respect and perks than you anyday.

And yes, they are going to be mistakes in the billing which we always treat if we caused the problem however, going over your minutes is your fault and you need to accept part of the blame also, the customer is not ALWAYS right and never will be.


West Virginia,

customers, customers, please

#83UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 15, 2003

I worked in PCS collections for over a year-let me tell you what I have learned of you, the customer:

A huge majority of you do not pay your bills. Or, you do, but you only pay a portion of them. An example would be that you get a bill for $250 and the charges are there in black and white, but you only pay $50 because the plan you have is $50 a month.

You pay enough to get that oh so precious hunk of technology on (to get below your spending limit) and then when your bill cycles and your phone is off again next month, you blame Sprint.
It is not Sprint's fault that you did not pay all of your bill for one month. It's your own doing and it's very fair that your service is off because you didn't fulfill your end of the contract which was to pay your bill in full every month.

Whether or not you think so, you are under contract when you sign up. By not signing anything, you entered a verbal contract and that is just as binding as a written one.
There are a lot of complaints on this site about rude representatives.

In working for this company, I heard a lot of complaints about rudeness.

I always tried to be nice to my customers, no matter what.

But when they called in acting ugly and yelling and cussing at me like I was a dog, then I wouldn't take it from them.

A lot of you customers call in acting like children and there is no sense in the way you behave.

Going over a representatives head when he or she is just as capable as his or her supervisor, and for no reason other than you all want something for nothing. (Your interupted service on)

By that I mean the whole 'promise to pay' deal.
I realize that this is something that needs to be dealt with via those who own Sprint, but I want to say that customers who know about this take advantage of it.
Swearing and yelling at the rep that you're talking to, as if they're stupid when they are there to help YOU. They don't have to help you, but they do.
Getting personal and rude with a rep-attacking ethnic backgrounds and such.
When YOU, the customer is treating a rep like that, what can you expect?
When we, the rep, have to put up with that day in and day out and get no kind of compensation for the anger and hurt feelings you cause, what can you expect?

It's hard not to sit there and cop an attitude with you, who is being the rude one, or even if you're being nice but the person before you was a jerk.

So, that is something that you the customer need to consider before you go being rude to someone who is trying to help you.
People have also said that not one hand knows what the other is doing.

Please keep in mind that Sprint is basically global and has thousands upon thousands of employees.
Why everyone is not on the same page, I don't know.

All I can say is that in my experience, customer service call centers will just tell you what you want to hear rather than the truth, the reps who work in the stores just want the comission from the phone and will do the same thing.

Where I worked, we HAD to tell you the truth, we were being monitored as you are told, and if we were caught doing otherwise, major action was taken.

I don't expect anything to be taken into with that, I'm just saying is all.
So, before I close, I want to advise you of what you may or may not know reguarding your $125, $200 and $600 spending limits.
You cannot exceed your limit or your phone will be turned off and it can happen before your bill even comes out.

If you don't pay all of last months bill and you get a new bill, then you go past due and that will turn off your service as well.
Billing errors happen. Deal with that.
It isn't just Sprint. It's any company that you deal with whether it be water, electric or car insurance, whatever.

If you change your plan in mid cycle, yes, you will be charged a $150 cancellation fee and your current minutes will be prorated.

You're expected to know this and when you call customer care to change your plan, you are supposed to ask to have the $150 credited.
Just a heads up so from now on you know.


Oklahoma City,

Cozylee... Spring employee?

#83Consumer Comment

Mon, July 07, 2003

Cozylee- I happen to work for a cell phone company (definitely not Sprint) and always make sure that I read everything that is on a contract. I've even been on the website to read the terms and conditions in its entirety. So, I am well aware of "fine print".

I read my mom's contract when she first started with Sprint, and no where did it say that she would be entered into a contract by simply changing her rate plan, with out her consent.


Oklahoma City,

Cozylee... Spring employee?

#83Consumer Comment

Mon, July 07, 2003

Cozylee- I happen to work for a cell phone company (definitely not Sprint) and always make sure that I read everything that is on a contract. I've even been on the website to read the terms and conditions in its entirety. So, I am well aware of "fine print".

I read my mom's contract when she first started with Sprint, and no where did it say that she would be entered into a contract by simply changing her rate plan, with out her consent.


Oklahoma City,

Cozylee... Spring employee?

#83Consumer Comment

Mon, July 07, 2003

Cozylee- I happen to work for a cell phone company (definitely not Sprint) and always make sure that I read everything that is on a contract. I've even been on the website to read the terms and conditions in its entirety. So, I am well aware of "fine print".

I read my mom's contract when she first started with Sprint, and no where did it say that she would be entered into a contract by simply changing her rate plan, with out her consent.


Oklahoma City,

Cozylee... Spring employee?

#83Consumer Comment

Mon, July 07, 2003

Cozylee- I happen to work for a cell phone company (definitely not Sprint) and always make sure that I read everything that is on a contract. I've even been on the website to read the terms and conditions in its entirety. So, I am well aware of "fine print".

I read my mom's contract when she first started with Sprint, and no where did it say that she would be entered into a contract by simply changing her rate plan, with out her consent.


****CITY OF ANGELS*****,

Melissa is right.. ..the WORST I've experienced

#83Consumer Comment

Mon, June 30, 2003

Sprint pcs is in fact the WORST I've experienced. The worst part is the customer service. I have spoken to or should I say argued with more than 6 reps who each & every single one denied to give me their employee number. The last rep I spoke to I asked to speak to a supervisor. She said that she would be able to help me. I said thank you very much but I need a supervisor. The supervisor was cool. He handled the problem. Very simple. He also said that the reps are required to give their employee numbers when asked. So c'mon Sprint. Lets get some real customer service here.........I'm stuck with you guys for one more year.........


New Jersey,

Sprint is awful and needs to stop their games

#83Consumer Comment

Sun, June 08, 2003

Yeah, its time that these people get what they deserve. Who hires people to work there ? Out of 25 call centers , you cant find one decent person to talk to. They all get paid to sit there and argue.......we are your paying customer,your pay check comes from our business. The thanks we get ? ummmm, we are going to give you sh@t service, rip you off, then pull an attitude. I have tried to call corporate but was refused the info. I was also refused info on names of the people i spoke with.Illigal !!!!!!!I will track you peopel down and see you in court. Why is it that you have soooo many complaints ? Why do i see a pattern on this site ? Sprint is awful and needs to stop their games !!!!!!!!


New York,


#83Consumer Comment

Thu, May 01, 2003

You obviously do not have your facts straight. First of all, you say: "They knowingly have an automated system that loops you around and around keeping you on telephone longer while eating your minutes." Any and ALL calls to the Sprint PCS automated customer service line are free of charge and do not count against your cell phone minutes. This is clearly stated in their literature and in the information presented on their website.

You also say: "They are also the only phone company that puts people in a contract without anything in writing." This is also not true. Either you received an electronic contract if you activated your phone online, or an information booklet with a copy of the contract was mailed to you if you activated via telephone. Now, whether or not you chose to READ the contract is another story. My guess is that you didn't because you are so extremely clueless!

Then you say: "Then when you go to cancel they charge you a cancellation fee. Even if you just simply change your plan, they put you in a new contract without you knowing." Ummm, yes, there is a cancellation fee if you cancel prior to the end of your contract. This is also CLEARLY stated both in your contract and online. And yes, if you change your plan this also begins a new contract, and low-and-behold, this is ALSO stated in the contract!

My suggestion to you is to READ YOUR CONTRACT!!! And next time do not sign anything before understanding the terms and conditions. If you do not feel like reading the terms and sign anyway, well then take responsibility for your ambivalent attitude and cut the crap about your frivolous "class action lawsuit." You will only make more of a fool of yourself in court!

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